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Oh no, I hope someone saves this show from the Cancellation Bear! The ratings are NBC's own fault - they did nothing to promote it, like with Timeless.

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3 hours ago, lefawn said:

I love it when Carol Anne Keane loses her shit and starts swearing and attacking people in Court.  

Yes me too!! Her courtroom tantrums are one of my favorite recurring jokes! 

What was the other name for rum hole—Hooch lube? 

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A+ for Kristin's falling skills + the foley/sound effects person.

"If I were wearing my slapping gloves, you'd be tasting fresh peacock skin by now." So many questions. Slapping gloves? Peacock? Fresh???

One positive of having Lavinia for a client is that this whole case definitely has more of an old-school murder mystery vibe. Like Clue. Big mansion, butler, hidden doors... I'm not quite sure where it could go.

Dwayne really should NOT have a gun. 

Amanda obviously didn't commit suicide.

This felt like a weaker episode. Not as many laughs for me.

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6 minutes ago, aradia22 said:

One positive of having Lavinia for a client is that this whole case definitely has more of an old-school murder mystery vibe. Like Clue. Big mansion, butler, hidden doors... I'm not quite sure where it could go.

I love this description. Yes. That's spot on. 


Amanda obviously didn't commit suicide.

When they first came across her on the couch, I thought for sure that she was just unconscious, or would startle them by waking up abruptly or something. When it became clear she was actually dead, that was a real "...oh, damn..." moment for me.

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How did Rutger get elected Mayor while in a coma? Is that like when people elect cats?

Lol, 8.

Jayma's delivery in the scene when Josh was trying to get her to prosecute Lavinia for Amanda's murder was dynamite. When this show is good, it's great.

I'm never 100% with this show. But if Lavinia really is guilty, then I now fully understand why they cast Kristen and why she's been playing the character this way.

I was happy to trade Jayma out for Jaleel White for an episode. It's nice to shake things up a little. Though I really thought it would be the guy who got run over and not her brother whose murder they were going to be investigating. I don't know why.

Oh my God, yes. Andrew Daly is back. This show knows how to do a callback.

"We've changed it seven times; we can change it again."

This episode was a little better. More laughs.

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49 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I love this description. Yes. That's spot on. 

When they first came across her on the couch, I thought for sure that she was just unconscious, or would startle them by waking up abruptly or something. When it became clear she was actually dead, that was a real "...oh, damn..." moment for me.

And the music.  

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I figured Lavinia was going to be a serial killer once she started listing all of her relatives who had died but I thought they wouldn't reveal that until the last episode of the season (I assumed Josh would eventually figure it out, confront her and she would attempt to murder him but get caught in the act).  Re-opening the old murder case isn't something I saw coming but I think it's an interesting route to take.  

And I'm glad that Jaleel White's working.  Just another reason I don't want this show to get cancelled!

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On the Hookup Board they listed that Josh bought antacids, condoms, and TP at the Bite Aid. The receipt said the store name was Burns Bites & Beyond. 

The theater marquee was showing Doc Hollywood in the center. On the left marquee it said, “Popcorn buckets can’t be used for soda refills.” The right marquee said, “The last half hour of every movie is free.”

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7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

It's got to be a red herring though . . . right? I mean, they wouldn't actually reveal her guilt or innocence halfway through the season. It's kind of like how we went back and forth on Larry until the bitter end. I never really knew whether he was guilty or not until they unlocked that cell phone.

Right.  Just because Josh is sure doesn't mean it's true.  As for Larry, there's still doubt with him for those who listened to the first episode of M-Towne.  There are hints that he's an owl trainer. 

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I like that they're re-opening the old murder case, and that Lavinia pretty clearly has murdered at least two people. It shakes things up from last year. Of course, its this show, so who knows what could happen? Maybe none of the dead people even died, and they've all just run off?

I hope we see more of Jaleel White! I've had a soft spot for him since his small but hilarious role in Big Fat Liar, a movie I was a teeny bit obsessed with as a kid. 

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The Bronze Pecker!  lol!

I was finally able to watch the last two episodes today.  Interesting twist.  I had just been thinking that Josh can't win them all and wondered where they were going to go with it since there were more episodes to come. 

I'm still finding this season a bit forced and not quite as funny, but damn, I love the cast.  They all play their parts so well.  Normally, I don't care for really stupid characters, but I just love Dwayne.  I give Steven Boyer a lot of credit for that. 

So, the other day, I was in this tiny, somewhat confusing parking lot with my son. At one point he says, "Mom..you're going the wrong way."  I responded "Oh! Don't worry, I'll be around the corner, quick".  Unfortunately, I turned the wrong way again (I swear, I'm normally not that clueless--I was just in a hurry and concentrating on looking for open spots) .  The kid says "Mom...wrong way again".  Me:  "What?  S**t!"  Then the little smart alec starts singing "Lady driver! Lady driver!"  lol! 

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More goodies after rewatch: East Peck had just gotten DNA testing the summer of Jesse Ray's trial, and "about a dozen people had to switch babies." Josh bragging about playing the clarinet in high school. The confused look on judge Kamiltow's face when Atticus says "if there's no sperm there's no herm."

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On 8/10/2018 at 1:23 PM, OtterMommy said:

I actually wonder if this show might far better on a streaming platform.  It already has the "right" short-run format and is definitely binge-able.  I also think that this show sometimes runs up against the standards on broadcast TV and being free of that might allow the show to go further with some of its jokes.

I hope it does find a home on a streaming service. I gave AP Bio a shot because I figured if NBC renewed it maybe I should try it. I couldn't make it past 3 episodes. Give me Trial and Error every time instead. 

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On 8/10/2018 at 12:22 PM, Annber03 said:

I got a kick out of that because Shepherd played a cop on "Everybody Loves Raymond" :D. Made it that much more fitting. 

And it's awesome to see Jaleel White on here, too. I'll be interested to see what else they do with his character going forward. 

Holy shit that's why he looked so familiar!

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I really want to know what Angela Lansbury did to get on Lavinia’s shit list.  Or, rather, what Lavinia thinks she did. 

I’m a paralegal and, earlier this week, I was meeting with one of my attorneys about a hearing she had to go to that morning. Attorney Lady is early 50s, pretty serious, and the only TV shows I’ve ever heard her talk about are Downton Abbey and Mad Men. I know she never saw Parks & Rec, B99, or The Office.  We were talking about a “confrontation” she’d had in Court with adverse attorney who is a real jerk. He basically acused her of lying without out and out saying that. (And we have proof he’s actually lying!) Anyway...

She said to me “I just wanted to go Carol Anne Keane on his ass!”

Some folks are watching!

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On 8/15/2018 at 12:11 PM, iMonrey said:

More goodies after rewatch: East Peck had just gotten DNA testing the summer of Jesse Ray's trial, and "about a dozen people had to switch babies." Josh bragging about playing the clarinet in high school. The confused look on judge Kamiltow's face when Atticus says "if there's no sperm there's no herm."

It makes me wonder if this will come into play about Lavinia’s baby.

Highlights from tonight’s two episodes:

copy of Gazette with Lavinia is innocent article was 1.25 while the edition about Jesse Ray being a garbage person was 1.00

The Gazette articles were funny. The end of Lavinia’s article just started stringing random words together  

The Gazette with the Jesse Ray story had a blurb about Todd the Llama running for county clerk as well as a local possum cook off


David vs Glenn

Dimitrious Nuts

Dr Rock N’ Law - 9 joint drive depending on the drive

Guilty as Charged  album. Music review headline: 1/2 star unless he was serious then zero stars

No turn unstoned



But I digest

That mystery baby was mine truly

Dwayne’s family tree

Rise from the ashes like a mythical penis

Maybe Mommy 

SNL crisis of 2011

A higher calendar of people 

Brunch = bread dipped in punch

That must be generic

Forge Clooney

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Good lord, the jokes were flying fast and furious tonight, as were the twists!

So we've got an actual podcast to listen to alongside this season of the show. Please, somebody tell me Dr. Rock N' Law's album will be available to listen to somewhere, too :p? I loved everyone rocking out to "Family Law", and the lady who followed him on a tour. 

And the names people have in this town. I can't even. Boom, Echo, Dem Nutz... 

1 minute ago, Angeleyes said:

copy of Gazette with Lavinia is innocent article was 1.25 while the edition about Jesse Ray being a garbage person was 1.00

The Gazette articles were funny. The end of Lavinia’s article just started stringing random words together  

The Gazette with the Jesse Ray story had a blurb about Todd the Llama running for county clerk as well as a local possum cook off

I tried to catch as much of the articles as I could-something to take my time reading through on rewatch, then :D. 


David vs Glenn

Ah, yes, Glenn, he who apparently impregnates people's sisters. 


Guilty as Charged  album. Music review headline: 1/2 star unless he was serious then zero stars

Loved that headline :D. 


Brunch = bread dipped in punch

And then we see Dwayne actually dipping bread in punch :p. Everything with him was so good tonight-his attempts to try and be a Peck and bond with Lavinia, trying to use the right words to describe certain situations... And I love his interactions with Anne. Their getting stoned together was hilarious. 

I also love how some of the running gags throughout the season are coming back to tie into the case, like the flag boys (I'd been wondering if that would be connected to everything with Lavinia somehow at some point) and the "extra Friday" setup. And Josh's continued insistence on helping Beaumont is good, too. I admire his continued idealism and pursuit of proper justice, even after all he's been through with Lavinia.

The stuff with Carol Anne on the bed was fun, too, and I liked Nina getting to join in on the "Murder board!" chant (and even Lavinia put her own spin on it at one point!). 

I can't believe we only have two episodes left in this season (and, potentially, the show as a whole :() already! I can't wait to see how all of this craziness gets resolved. 

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"My judgement is always correct" *close up of Joshes earring to go with his mesh shirt* I was actually dying laughing, oh my word. 

So much is coming together! We have the changing Saturdays coming into play, and the Lady Driver running gag coming back into the story. Thats whats so great about this show, its filled with silly jokes, but they can also come back to be actual plot points. Now I wonder if squirrels will play into solving this murder?

Doctor Rock in Law!

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The Gazette with the Jesse Ray story had a blurb about Todd the Llama running for county clerk as well as a local possum cook off


Bonus for the freeze-framers: Anne's "stories" were produced by Warner Brother-Cousins ;)

There is no way to catch all of these gags in just one viewing. I have to watch every episode twice. I did notice something about Warner Bros. on the TV but didn't catch it in time. You really have to freeze-frame a lot of this show.

My favorite bits were Dwayne asking "is that where the song "great big box" comes from?" and Anne mentioning Josh's great big nose, him thinking it's because of her syndrome, then the camera zooms in on her going "sure."

It occurred to me we hadn't seen any new syndromes for Anne since the hand-raising thing, and last season she had a different one in every single episode.

One thing that confused me though was Mr. Boom or whatever his name was, saying he'd tell Josh everything about Chet, then he goes off to do his stunt and it looks as though the ensuing explosion would have definitely killed him. I certainly assumed he was dead until the next scene where the same thing happens all over again.

I love all of Dwaynes malapropisms. 


Thats whats so great about this show, its filled with silly jokes, but they can also come back to be actual plot points.

OMG yes - last season it was established that Dwayne wears velco shoes and they even brought that up again.

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1 hour ago, Angeleyes said:

We kept thinking that after all the comments about Glenn impregnating various sisters that the show would reveal he’s Lavinia’s baby daddy. 

I hope because I really don’t want it to be Josh, there romantic relationship is the only thing I don’t like about the show.

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28 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I hope because I really don’t want it to be Josh, there romantic relationship is the only thing I don’t like about the show.

The character you are referring to is Carol Anne (the D.A.). That would be funny if Glenn is the father. Carol Anne has told Josh that he has a 1/6 chance of being the father, but it’s not clear if that’s true or not. We the audience have obviously not seen her with 6 different suitors.

Lavinia is Josh’s now former client played by Chenowith. They revealed this episode that she was pregnant when she was a teenager and that Dwayne might be the baby. (Although, Lavinia told Dwayne that he was not her child, but it was hard to be sure if she was telling the truth or lying). The show did not officially reveal if Dwayne’s father was her baby daddy or if someone else such as Glenn was the real father. 

Edited by Angeleyes
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Another Dwayne-ism:  “they always told me that my mother died two months before I was born”

Oh, how I love this show.  Truly makes me laugh like no other has in a long, long time.

Please, someone pick up this TV gem and keep this cast together.  Love ‘em all.

Edited by MerBearHou
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1 hour ago, MerBearHou said:

Another Dwayne-ism:  “they always told me that my mother died two months before I was born”

Oh, how I love this show.  Truly makes me laugh like no other has in a long, long time.

Please, someone pick up this TV gem and keep this cast together.  Love ‘em all.

They actually elaborated on this subject in the 8th episode of the M-Towne Podcasts if you haven't already been listening to them. These podcasts are done by the cast (in character) to provide an expanded perspective of what is happening in the town and the events that happen on the show. You can find out more information about them here:


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I found these last two episodes underwhelming in terms of the comedy and moving the mystery/crime solving forward. But I did love the tie clip being a recording device at the end. At least someone has their eye on the ball.

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i love sherry shephard. i hope she gets the lead in her own comedy series one day. as for this show, i agree some of the one liners are fabulous but i just can't get all that into it. and they show 2 episodes back to make and i have to watch them both for some reason. i think an hour is just too much.

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Another Dwayne-ism:  “they always told me that my mother died two months before I was born”

Dwayne: I was always told my mother died two months before I was born.

Anne: Do the math.

Dwayne: No.


I found these last two episodes underwhelming in terms of the comedy and moving the mystery/crime solving forward. 

You know what? I kind of felt the same way when I watched them live but when I went back and watched them again they were much better. There's just so much to catch, you almost have to watch them at least twice. Just so many little things, like the looks Josh gives to the camera whenever something frustrating happens, or the way Lavinia always has a monumental feast spread out in front of her on the table which you know she never touches. There was like an entire chicken or turkey and she's the only one there. Or the way everyone kept referring to the town historian as the Giant Box. Or the Peck family tree, where apparently Lavinia's father was the tallest of 12 siblings at 4'10". 

I could go on and on, obviously. 

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I love how S-Town this episode got. The Jesse Ray Beaumont stuff pinged so many sensors for me (I JUST finally binged S-Town, so this is all fresh). I listen to a lot fo true crime podcasts and seeing it get parodied was a great relief from the relentless ugliness of it all. Please, please, please let the precious alchemy of this ridiculous show go on! We all need some dumb (and smart) laughs in our lives, now more than ever, etc.

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5 minutes ago, interesting said:

This show is the gift that keeps on giving, like herpes.  Just so damn funny!!!  Please TV God, save East Peck from disappearing from our TV.

Yes! I need more peckers in my life!

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7 hours ago, interesting said:

This show is the gift that keeps on giving, like herpes.  Just so damn funny!!!  Please TV God, save East Peck from disappearing from our TV.

Amen. I've been spending the evening rewatching this season in preparation for tomorrow night. These characters are complete and total dorks, and I mean that in the best way possible :D. I'm not ready to say bye to them or this bizarre little town yet!

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1 hour ago, cleo said:

Okay I just got Mickey Moose. Lol. Did they say his name before?

Yeah, they made mention of it before :). I love the name, LOL. Did not expect him to be killed off tonight-oh, my god, that funeral for him. The little boy coming out and saluting JFK, Jr. style. I wonder what this means for the town in terms of extra Fridays going forward. 

Man. What a crazy finale. M-Towne really living up to its name! I loved Josh's stunt in the courtroom that got Lavinia to ultimately confess, though, and I especially loved his "What did you think I did, Murderer?" speech to her when he went to see her in jail. After all the stress he's been dealing with trying to keep things moving and making sure the truth came out and whatnot, that was a great moment for him. I'm sure he won't be even remotely surprised to learn she's escaped to Barcelona, though. 

I also liked the sweet ending with him and Carol Anne. His reaction to the news he wasn't the father of her baby-aw. So it was nice to see them having some friendly banter and him being all supportive and excited for her winning the D.A. race (yay!) and all that good stuff. I also liked him holding the baby early on as well :). 

Also, LMAO at Carol Anne desperately trying to keep from going into labor in the courtroom. I especially loved the whole "please rise/sit" thing. 

Dwayne testing the auto-erotic asphyxiation thing was....wow :p. I loved that we got to meet his brother-cousin, too :D. And LOL at Anne walking around with painted eyes. 

And the East Peck Three. Nice. I want another season just so I can see that case, and hear more about these witch trials! If this is the official end,, though, I will miss this show so much. It's been a very fun ride. 

Edited by Annber03
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Hopefully, Lavinia finds her son, because if she doesn't she'll end up killing even more people in Barthelona. Plus, her story is kind of sad. 

Larry was great and I'm glad Lavinia was just as good. Both took their time to win me over, but by the end I enjoyed both. Let's hope Netflix or Hulu picks this up so we can meet our next 'L' named defendant.

I'm surprised Anne didn't laugh when Mickey Moose died, but I guess there are certain moments when you just can't help but cry.

Someone pick up this show. I need to know about the witch trials. If it went to TBS I'd be happy. Then we'd get a double header or this and Wrecked. (If you guys like silly humour with a decent plot, then check it out. It's currently on its third season and it's been fantastic this far)

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We need another season. We didn’t get to find out who fathered Lavinia’s child. Plus, all the witchcraft stuff would be great. 


The newspaper said that the people of Eastpeck had been enjoying the Mtown podcasts, but the majority of them couldn’t figure out how to download them. The local library was going to start offering classes. 

Also, the newspaper claimed Atticus was a lock for D.A. because he finished a giant burger. 

The movie marquee said that the screen finally broke. 

At the state funeral for Mickey Moose, there was a sign in the window that stated there would be a 3 day moratorium on moose meat. 

After the announcement of the D.A. election results, the newscaster said that women also won the right to be flag boys. 

Edited by Angeleyes
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Truly a historic day in East Peck...women can now be flag boys!

We need a season three, we have to see the release of the East Peck Three! Those two boys need help! 

That being said, this is a pretty good ending to the show if it does end here. Lavinia is convicted but escaped, the legal team is back in the towns good graces, and Josh and Carol Anne seem to be heading towards a relationship. I dont want this to be the end, but there are worse endings we could get. 

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