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S07.E04: Pressure or Paradise

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1 hour ago, 2727 said:

My understanding is that Louisiana declined to extradite her on their warrant (it costs them money). Tarrant County released her but the charges are still in place and she could be arrested if she goes back to Louisiana.

Mia is just not good marriage material for anyone.  She’s a crazy woman and Tristen should get the hell away from her now.  Either the show paid extra to have him stay or something else .. I can’t figure it out.  Why can’t he just leave like the other girl in a previous season .. the one who didn’t like the guy who smoked weed.  Thes “ experts crack me up.  They look in their refrigerators and undies drawer, but they don’t do a thorough background check.  Unbelievable.  What a sham of a show.   Now, they make light of the situation.  Are these three clowns for real or what?  I just can’t stomach them anymore.  Professionals my ass.

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55 minutes ago, red12 said:

How I cackled envisioning Mia's dad watching this on tv. The editors and producers were also giving Real Housewives production level shade by being sure to show and replay the father's attempt to threaten Tristan regarding Mia's "virtue". 

I understand your point about Dave. But, I don't think anyone would be that excited to find out after sleeping with someone that they slept with a creepy acquaintance of yours and withheld the information until after sleeping with you. Regardless of gender, that is a crappy thing to do. If the situation were reversed and Dave withheld this info from Amber until after he had sex with her, he would not be able to live it down with viewers.

Every criticism of Amber's hair is correct. Her real hair is absolutely in bad shape and she will have a hard time even if she darkens it because the length is not complementary to her square jaw line. She needs something that comes below her jaw and unfortunately, the amount of healthy hair on her head at this time can't do that based on the shorter layers I see laying above her extensions.

You make a very good point about Dave. I would not like it if a guy I was dating slept with one of my friends or dated them beforehand. However, that is if I choose the person. On this stupid show, I am being matched with a stranger and if our worlds collide that way I am just going to have to suck it up. Dave also seems to have a ton of guy friends so there is a chance that many women in Dallas have dated or slept with someone in his circle.


42 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Why do I watch this show?...because I love...love!

Dave wishes he had a get out of jail free card like Tristan has...never has anything been so aptly named....

Tristan is so bamboozled by Ameea's bull shit that he appears dazed and confused from lack of sleep and lack of information and bad acting....

Too bad he didn't exchange phone numbers with his Father in law, Indar and sister in law, Diedre...

I would have loved to see Tristan yelling in the phone...WTF? You let your lying sack of shit daughter/sister embarrass your family and me on TV?

 Instead of writhing around in dramatic agony, Tristan should have been on LegalZoom burning up the keyboard with questions and clarifications about his wife's warrant.

Then go to his online banking and credit accounts to see if he has suspicious activity on his personal and tutoring business accounts....just saying.

Amber's bloom is off the rose... did Dave really think he was going to be matched with a virgin?

Jana Duggar is available but she is on another basic cable show and you cannot cross networks...

Amber's dating past unfortunately collided with Dave's buddy circle...The worse of Venn diagrams.

Amber can get a reprieve by being magical between the sheets.

Show Dave all day, everyday that he is the ONE....convince him that she had to kiss frogs, even frogs they both know in her journey to be his wife...

Dave and Amber have been around the block and both know talent when they see it so if they are compatible under the covers, there may be some hope...

Dave seems the type who can forgive Amber if the quality of sack time is plentiful and exceptional...and he can boast to his bros that she is all access in bed...and can't get enough of him, no holds barred...nothing off the table...

His circle of friends who are long timed married with kids, who have sex once a month if the kids aren't in mommy and daddy's bed with be wistful and envious of the unfettered sexy time...and Amber rises from the ashes....

Bobby is like one of those Lifetime Channel leading men...

Perfect on paper, but a tightly wound bundle of insecurities, roiling anger just under the placid surface, pictures of ex girlfriends with their eyes scratched out, and an Oedipal complex sprinkled in... makes Mr. Dodd a dry bundle of tinder ,ready to burn hot and fast with any spark...

Bobby reminds me of a combination of American Psycho and Jon Boy Walton.  Good sex might also be why she told him about the friend after they got intimate.

Edited by qtpye
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2 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

Mia is a liar, and I feel bad for Tristan because this shit show should've intervened and found an attorney for him to consult. Why weren't any of the experts there in person? You have a potential criminal and exposed this man to someone unstable, and all you can do is FaceTime? No, get your ass on a plane and go there in person to ask tough questions because she had two days to craft responses and create a favourable story. She was answering questions before he finished asking. He should've been talking to his family. Not sequestered in a hotel room for two days. 

Sweetie, someone stole your car with identifying information inside subsequently stole your identity and proceeded to stalk your ex as YOU? Where's that police report? What kind of identity thief doesn't max out credit cards and open new accounts or get loans? Why would this person want to stalk a mutual friend/ex of yours? Total rubbish And said criminal proceeded to psychotically text, show up to the ex's job, home, and had more than one police report filed against them. I'm pretty sure the ex had receipts like the countless text messages, security footage from the job, and the incidents where she was told to leave him alone. Exes can be vindictive, but she changed her name on social media, drove four hours--more than once, and ordered stuff with his credit card. Where was that iPHONE X shipped again? I'm pretty sure phone records can prove that she was texting him, too. 

I hope Tristan discovers the truth and bolts in time to get an annulment. I recall a scene from the first episode--of what to expect this season--where he says to her, "You've been lying to me." She was sitting on the floor or in the closet crying with no tears again.

OMG .. you are so right.

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13 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

Excuse me, how much vetting do they actually do?  Besides the elephant in the room of an f-in ARREST warrant for more than one charge that just happened one day after the vetting process ( very convenient) but how about the obvious not asking Danielle the basic question “do you want to be a stay at home Mom?” I’m sure even dating sites like E Harmony ask that basic question and they don’t have the “experts” that these three purport to be. And Amber and Dave were at the same gym and no one thought to ask about possible mutual “ friends” - your first Match dot com date would have figured that out. I’m calling bull shit on this whole show! 

Exactly!! Danielle was paired with the guy who wants to be "the man of the house" and is eager to have kids right away.  Amber was paired with Dave, who is not just a good gym buddy with her 'ex',   --Dave also specified to the "experts" that he does not want a woman older than him who is eager for kids right away!!

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7 hours ago, 2727 said:

Poor Mia, having her identity stolen like that! Odd that the thief didn't do any of the usual things like scam money off Mia's credit cards. Instead, the thief moved from Dallas to -- such a coincidence -- Mia's home town in Louisiana and started dating someone Mia "knows of," then stalked him after the relationship ended and fraudulently used his credit card to buy him a phone.

Life imitating art, Single White Female style!

My assumption is that MAFS subcontracts out their background checks and it's not impossible for me to believe they were concluded before Mia's warrant was issued. Even easier to believe is that MAFS got a hold of  the ex boyfriend and paid for his silence while the show is airing. Otherwise, somebody in Louisiana surely would be blabbing on social media, either to confirm or deny Mia's story.

Absolutely. And, going by the fact that neither Mia nor the "experts" mentioned anything about Mia having ever reported her car stolen, it's clear that they just let her go because they didn't have enough proof to hold her for more than 48 hours (at which point she would've had to be actually charged with all those crimes) --I've got to think Mia never told the cops anything at all.

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5 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Yep!  My guess is the stories the guy told about her were less than flattering, such as she cheated on him with multiple guys, or he found out she slept with pretty much every guy at the gym before he dated her.  Or that she was the "desperate one" that threw herself at every guy that walked through the door of the gym, rumors of sex in cars in the parking lot,  etc.  As soon as Amber found out Dave went to the same gym as her, her face fell like she knew she had a bad reputation there and that word might already or might later have gotten to him about it. 

Just because the 'ex' said ugly things about her, that doesn't make it true. Daytime trash TV is full of lie detector/DNA test shows where one or the other 'ex' is telling outrageous lies about the other person to "get back at them".

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No one does through background checks, why?  Because it costs too much.  Places outsource it to the lowest bidder, and it's easy for things to fall through the cracks.  

I think Tristan was told by the producers that he'd look like a complete douchebag if he said he wanted a divorce this early.  They might not make the whole season though.  Remember Heather who wanted a divorce early?  That season was a snoozefest with only two couples.  

The other thing is that when folks are in a situation like that, they want to believe that the person is telling the truth, because it's easier than to believe they married a liar.  Remember, no one wants to upset the applecart.  

I also don't get why people slam the experts.  They give everybody what they ask for, but if you don't now what you really want, then no one can help you.  For instance, Tristan wanted a light skinned woman, VOILA, the experts gave him one, because when light skin is what you want, that's exactly what you get.  Another woman said she wanted a man with "Southern" values, well that's exactly what she got too.  I don't blame the experts any more than I blame the participants who really should watch old episodes of this show before agreeing to be on it.

Edited by Neurochick
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3 hours ago, ShowFan said:

I’m not sure what’s more disturbing ...having to watch so many times a repeat of a 40 year old woman puke from partying  ..or JamieO’s speech diarrhea. I really want to watch the Unfiltered but i jus can’t handle it!

AND...WTF is Jamie wearing?  Whatever it is, she looks like she's bare naked from the waist down.   NOT a good look for anyone.   She should paste those fubar earrings to her thighs.  They would hide a good bit of the panorama, for sure.  

Edited by Claire Voyant
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Despite what the show says about divorce being the only way out, I believe that Tristan has an excellent case to get his marriage annulled. Doesn’t matter if they eventually have sex. This is almost a textbook case of fraud in the inducement, by both Mia AND the production.

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I worked for a large company about 5 yrs ago and had visibility to background checks.  There is no master database that has access to city, county, state and federal records.  My company did a background check that went back 10 yrs.  If someone lived at the same address for 10yrs it would take about 2 wks to do the background check because of the multiple sites they would check.  If someone moved around a lot it could take over a month.  Even then, you are relying on the person to honestly disclose every city/county/state they had lived in.  And, sometimes the government records were incomplete or had errors.  It is possible that the show did not know about the arrest based on timing of the warrant being filed, the fact that Mia may not have lived in the same county as the ex and didn’t provide that address info, or the show was lazy and only checked Dallas / TX records.

Edited by Booger666
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2 hours ago, red12 said:

Mia is also very manipulative. Mr. red12 and I noticed the first thing she did when he opened the door was fall into his arms and play sad damsel in distress. That is not normal to do to a stranger you wouldn't even kiss. Tristan went right into Captain Save 'em mode and any logical thought he had a chance of having went out of the window.

Further notice that she STILL wouldn't kiss him.  She did the tight chest hug so her face was away from his.

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2 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

Just because the 'ex' said ugly things about her, that doesn't make it true. Daytime trash TV is full of lie detector/DNA test shows where one or the other 'ex' is telling outrageous lies about the other person to "get back at them".

Normally I would give someone in that situation the benefit of the doubt, but the way Amber acted when she found out that Dave went to her gym had a very strong air of guilt to it, like she knew she was caught red handed.  If she didn't feel guilty why didn't she hit the issue dead on with him instead of sheepishly pussy-footing around it and asking if it wasn't "going to be a problem"?  Like say, "I hope you don't believe the rumors my nasty ex spread about me because they aren't true".  That kind of thing.  Also, I've been quite kind to her online so far, but Amber gives me slightly trashy vibes.  Like she's far more of a party/casual hook-up girl than anyone's pegged her for so far.

2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I also don't get why people slam the experts.  They give everybody what they ask for, but if you don't now what you really want, then no one can help you.  For instance, Tristan wanted a light skinned woman, VOILA, the experts gave him one, because when light skin is what you want, that's exactly what you get.  Another woman said she wanted a man with "Southern" values, well that's exactly what she got too.  I don't blame the experts any more than I blame the participants who really should watch old episodes of this show before agreeing to be on it.

It's a case where the old adage "be careful what you wish for......you just may get it" applies!

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I need to create an Excel spreadsheet to keep up with all of Mia’s lies. I am waiting for her to claim it was all just a mass hallucination on our part.

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So far we have:

- Mia was arrested due to an outstanding warrant for stalking an ex-boyfriend and was released after paying bail / on her own recognizance because the Parish chose not to extradite her from Dallas to face the charges  (supported by documents posted online and public records)

- Mia had her identity stolen and the thief stalked someone that she (Mia) just happened to know in her hometown.  They held her for two days  and then just released her (story she told Tristan upon returning to the hotel)

- Mia is actually the one who was stalked by an ex-boyfriend who filed charges to get back at her (?) but she didn't want to say that because she's protecting him (online friend #1, via Twitter)

- The Producers made it all up (online friend #2, via Instagram)

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The craziest one is if the producers wanted to add drama what sort of idiot goes ok I will go along with a storyline that makes me out to be a stalker especially since they must have been psychic and know they were going to cast her since the first police report is from June 2017 before they even started casting Dallas.  I have to give kudos to the producer's  for adding all the legal paperwork to back up the drummed up storyline.

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I can well imagine that if the roles were reversed, not only would Mia throw in the towel, but her father would sue everyone connected to the show.   

Given that family preferences is part of their "detailed" interview process, I don't understand why Danielle and Bobby are so confused about whether she should be a stay at home mom.

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16 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I hate to bring race into it, but I believe if Mia was an African-American woman, Tristan would have bailed. 

Her mom is Jamaican, no that’s not African-American, but it’s still the same race. Or do you mean that African-Americans act differently than other black people? 

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Poor Bobby Dodd...

Got a literal and figurative 'old lady" for his wife instead of a spring chicken like he ordered.

He also didn't want someone  who is in a rush to have babies...

Talking about her eggs drying up  is not going to woo her into sexy time...

Definitely producer induced and he was stupid enough to say it to his wife before they had sex...

Wanted a SAHM like Momma and Granny were...but if you listen to Danielle's voice over...she wants nice things...so unless Bobby is pulling in beaucoup bucks, Danielle doesn't mind working to fill the coffers....Bobby should kiss her feet that he isn't responsible as the sole bread winner...

Most men like the team effort towards family financial stability...SAHM is a luxury they may not be able to afford.

Wait until he sees how much she spends keeping those eyebrows groomed and from taking over her face...

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15 hours ago, kira28 said:

She just changed her Story within seconds and Tristan, is stupid enough to believe her? Why is he so hung up on a woman he's never even kissed? 

Tristan will stay with Mia because he's afraid she's the closest he'll ever get to the light skinned IG model he thinks he deserves. Charges or not, colorism clearly trumps common sense here,

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The saddest thing about Mia's story is that she had two days to come up with it and that's the best she could do. She should have said that she dated the guy and they had a nasty break up. Or that he made up the stalking because he's obsessed with her. Saying she didn't know him was a big mistake.

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3 hours ago, Amy Beth said:

Despite what the show says about divorce being the only way out, I believe that Tristan has an excellent case to get his marriage annulled. Doesn’t matter if they eventually have sex. This is almost a textbook case of fraud in the inducement, by both Mia AND the production.

Annulments are difficult to get though. And if he reconciles with her on camera it becomes even more difficult because he would be shown as forgiving the fraud, although her continued lies may help his case. He  might be able to sue the show but reality shows are known for getting people to practically sign their life away in the contracts. So not only would he need an excellent lawyer, he would need to have the money to fight this thing. He might have it depending on how successful his business is but it would come down to whether it is worth it. 

Edited by aphroditewitch
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17 hours ago, Neurochick said:

What does that mean?  All black people don’t look the same.

But, I don’t think Tristan would have been so forgiving if Mia had been darker.  Didn’t he say he’s more attracted to a light skinned woman.

I thought that Mia was biracial (half black and half Indian descent) although it looks like physically she took more of the Indian side 

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18 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

Amber is a lot prettier without all that makeup.  Her hair, though, is still tragic.  I'll bet she'd be gorgeous if she let her hair grow out and had a more natural makeup style.

I want to like Bobby, but I'm getting a bit of a Ryan Buckley vibe from him -- saying all the right things but the real person doesn't reflect that.

She definitely got lucky in the looks department.  At the wedding you could tell her dad is such white trash. Missing teeth on the sides, kinda looks like a low level slimy mobster, and the comment before he was going to walk her down the aisle, something to the effect of "I don't care who's here or what's going on, if you don't want to do this , I'll beat everyone up,".

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At first I thought Dave seemed like the perfect bachelor - tall, conventionally attractive, ready to be a father. However the more we see the less I like him, he just seems like such a cold and distant person, doesnt seem like he has any sense of humor either and should have been matched with someone more serious like himself. I dont see Amber's personality meshing with his because she seems very gregarious and the type who doesnt take herself super seriously. 

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Poor Bobby Dodd...

Got a literal and figurative 'old lady" for his wife instead of a spring chicken like he ordered.

He also didn't want someone  who is in a rush to have babies...

Talking about her eggs drying up  is not going to woo her into sexy time...

Definitely producer induced and he was stupid enough to say it to his wife before they had sex...

Wanted a SAHM like Momma and Granny were...but if you listen to Danielle's voice over...she wants nice things...so unless Bobby is pulling in beaucoup bucks, Danielle doesn't mind working to fill the coffers....Bobby should kiss her feet that he isn't responsible as the sole bread winner...

Most men like the team effort towards family financial stability...SAHM is a luxury they may not be able to afford.

Wait until he sees how much she spends keeping those eyebrows groomed and from taking over her face...

Not sure what what he does, if daddy got him his job or not, but he obviously comes from money.  His mom is a hot older cougar, must have been a real looker when she was young.  It is a strange pairing though, Dallas old money wanting a stay at home mom/wife and a Seattle free spirit that wants a career.

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2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Normally I would give someone in that situation the benefit of the doubt, but the way Amber acted when she found out that Dave went to her gym had a very strong air of guilt to it, like she knew she was caught red handed.  If she didn't feel guilty why didn't she hit the issue dead on with him instead of sheepishly pussy-footing around it and asking if it wasn't "going to be a problem"?  Like say, "I hope you don't believe the rumors my nasty ex spread about me because they aren't true".  That kind of thing.  Also, I've been quite kind to her online so far, but Amber gives me slightly trashy vibes.  Like she's far more of a party/casual hook-up girl than anyone's pegged her for so far.

It's a case where the old adage "be careful what you wish for......you just may get it" applies!

I totally get that vibe too, like she's slept with half the male gym members.  Also, at the wedding you could tell her dad is such white trash. Missing teeth on the sides, kinda looks like a low level slimy mobster, and the comment before he was going to walk her down the aisle, something to the effect of "I don't care who's here or what's going on, if you don't want to do this , I'll beat everyone up,".

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This season is making it difficult to have fun snarking...

That said, poor Tristan; he missed the free trip thanks to Mia/Ameea.

My eye rolling was painful this episode, mostly while show people tried expressing care & concern for Tristan. Obviously all the laughter, glass clinking, & production guy skipping down the hallway was edited out.

I guess Dave thinks it's okay for him to have a past but it's a no-no for his not so blushing bride. If he's been eliminating anyone his mega group of buds have been with it's no wonder he wasn't married yet. His comments were all focused on Amber's body & quality of sex. Bleach damage notwithstanding, Amber seemed more interested in a connection than superficial Dave, even if only to judge his implanting abilities.

I keep waiting for Bobby to get a sponge or scraper to help Danielle get rid of those critters over her eyes.

They could save paper & stop giving JamieO those convo cards for her 'interviews', since all she wants to do is talk about herself. Even the participants were having trouble appearing interested.

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6 hours ago, qtpye said:

Dave is acting like a man who is distinctly turned off by his friend’s sloppy seconds. If true, then this is a pretty sexist attitude. Amber has the right to have a sex life before him. If it is something much worse then he needs to spill the tea.  Amber’s extensions are looking rough. With the bleaching I bet her real hair is in bad shape.

There's a world of difference between having a sex life and being the most used piece of equipment at the gym.

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Amber needs to distract Dave from the what ridicule awaits him back home with so much sex he sweats through his shirt a hour after doing it... letting him know that he's more man than the Dallas Douche guy ever was...

Convince Dave that the gym guy's locker talk about her were lies, he was a cad, liar, a cheat that went out of his way to defame her reputation.

Tell Dave she will do the things she has never done with anyone else in the sack...so he is the first....That will appeal to Dave's ego

 Amber may not know how to keep a guy to hang around long enough to be a baby daddy but she shouldn't give up without using what does attract Dave...her sexuality and banging body...

No one is harmed...just a lot of meaningless sex.....

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15 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Dave will be the laughingstock of the gym once word gets around he is married to CrazyAmber... guess he will be going to a different Lifetime branch...

His college friends/bros also know Amber's ex, the Dallas Douche since they all go to the same Lifetime location...Dave will be telling them that Amber dated the gym dude they all had beers with and heard stories about his crazy ex...named Amber.

Dave is already starting his slow walk backwards towards the door.

Feel bad for Amber.

Her past colliding with her present...she's in her mid thirties and Dallas does not have that deep of a dating pool....so the possibility was there

I find it hard to believe a city with a metro population of 7.2 million has a shallow dating pool.  I live in a city with about a 700,000 metro population, which you can say that about.

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3 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

She better have proof or she just opened herself up for a lawsuit.

You can't get sued for this-defamation is more complicated. Think how many lawsuits there'd be. 

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11 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I know the Dallas dating pool is supposedly not that big, but I still have a hard time believing that the show somehow didn't get wind of the fact that both of them went to the same gym and put them together knowing that they might either already know each other or know of each other.  I mean, what are the odds of all that just happening on its own?  Dr. Pepper looks in the women's underwear drawer, don't tell me she doesn't also visit them at the gym or ask them questions about what they do and where they go in their daily lives.  The show must have known that these two traveled in the same circle and it just made for even better drama, IMO.

I have a hard time believing the Dallas dating pool is shallow, it has a metro population of 7.2 million people.  It's the 4th largest city in the US combing city and metro area.

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35 minutes ago, Jack Sampson said:

There's a world of difference between having a sex life and being the most used piece of equipment at the gym.

Do you know her? Live in Dallas? What basis of information do you have to call her slutty? What are you trying to say?

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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Talking about her eggs drying up  is not going to woo her into sexy time...

I'm pretty sure that Danielle was the first one to use the "drying up eggs" phrase during that bike ride conversation and he repeated it, laughingly.

It was nice to see someone overcome their fear (Danielle- heights) rather than making it into a huge non-drama to fill TV time.  I don't really get why Danielle finds Bobby so cute and irresistible; I find him babyish and naive.  He practically jumps up and down talking about how "pretty!!!" she is.  There's more to it than that, Buddy.

Dave is really unattractive, IMO.  And I was surprised that he said that knowing ahead that Amber had "dated" a gym buddy would have been a dealbreaker, had he known.  There must be some shady stuff going on at that gym.  Maybe its members all swing.

Everything I've thought about Mia has been said here.  When she said "my car had been stolen," I immediately thought, huh??! Her explanation didn't even make nonsense.  How does someone steal a car then use a third party's credit card (who Mia doesn't- oh wait- kinda knows/has heard of/ya know, small town) to buy that third party a gift?  

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3 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Normally I would give someone in that situation the benefit of the doubt, but the way Amber acted when she found out that Dave went to her gym had a very strong air of guilt to it, like she knew she was caught red handed.  If she didn't feel guilty why didn't she hit the issue dead on with him instead of sheepishly pussy-footing around it and asking if it wasn't "going to be a problem"?  Like say, "I hope you don't believe the rumors my nasty ex spread about me because they aren't true".  That kind of thing.  Also, I've been quite kind to her online so far, but Amber gives me slightly trashy vibes.  Like she's far more of a party/casual hook-up girl than anyone's pegged her for so far.

It's a case where the old adage "be careful what you wish for......you just may get it" applies!

But guilty about what? Caught at what? If all she did was date the guy, even if the relationship was casual/only sexual, so what? She's grown. If the guy was saying gross things about her, that's on the guy, not Amber. And Dave should speak to Amber about whatever the guy said. Amber has said that the guy they know in common was "one of the worst guys [she] dated." That's not for her to be ashamed of.

I do get kind of a trashy vibe from Amber (I said as much after the first episode), but that's more about the drinking until she throws up, which she is well over a decade too old to be doing. She should know her limits by now. I also get a vibe that she may not be entirely comfortable in her own skin, and she may have some bad treatment from guys in her past. She said something like "Since we're married, it feels like if I do something wrong he can't just stop talking to me," which sounds like she has some ghosting in her past. I wonder if at some point she played along with "let's keep it casual" when what she wanted was a monogamous relationship (and, as she has said a trillion times, babies). I've seen a lot of straight women, myself included, make that mistake. 

1 minute ago, KateHearts said:

I'm pretty sure that Danielle was the first one to use the "drying up eggs" phrase during that bike ride conversation and he repeated it, laughingly.

It was nice to see someone overcome their fear (Danielle- heights) rather than making it into a huge non-drama to fill TV time.  I don't really get why Danielle finds Bobby so cute and irresistible; I find him babyish and naive.  He practically jumps up and down talking about how "pretty!!!" she is.  There's more to it than that, Buddy.

Dave is really unattractive, IMO.  And I was surprised that he said that knowing ahead that Amber had "dated" a gym buddy would have been a dealbreaker, had he known.  There must be some shady stuff going on at that gym.  Maybe its members all swing.

Everything I've thought about Mia has been said here.  When she said "my car had been stolen," I immediately thought, huh??! Her explanation didn't even make nonsense.  How does someone steal a car then use a third party's credit card (who Mia doesn't- oh wait- kinda knows/has heard of/ya know, small town) to buy that third party a gift?  

Me too. He's too young for me, both in chronological age and in comportment, and he's very good ol' boy preppy, which isn't my type at all. He seems very sheltered. I don't think any of the guys are good-looking this season.

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Okay, wait.  Did Mia say that she left all her identity in her car, which was then stolen and then said car thief took her ID, tracked down this guy that she kinda-sorta knows because Dallas is a small town, committed credit card fraud with the kinda-sorta guy's credit card and stalked him and did all this using Mia's ID?  

Yeah, I'm going to have call bullshit on that.  First, who leaves ALL THEIR IDENTIFICATION in their vehicle?  And secondly, if said thief/stalker got busted, did said thief/buster look EXACTLY like Mia and was able to use her ID?  When her car was stolen with ALL HER IDENTIFICATION in it, didn't she report that to the police?   And who considers Dallas a small town? I'm just thoroughly confused as to how car theft leads to stalking.

I felt sorry for Tristan.  He really seemed shaken up - - even before he saw the warrant.  I'd have bailed if I were him.  Between the multiple counts of stalking, the fraudulent use of a credit card AND the fact that Mia was "detained" for two days.  Yeah, no.  God didn't bring her to you, Tristan.  The shitty judgment of the "experts" did. 

Amber again with all the baby talk.  Dave, you're in danger.  So Dave and Amber were comparing notes about mutual friends -- off-camera -- and it turns out that one of his gym buddies is someone that Amber banged.    Given that Dave finds the entire situation uncomfortable, as well as future conversations he is likely to have with Gym Guy, he must have heard some really bad shit about Amber.  She kind of seems like she would be a Stage 5 Clinger, given that she's totally obsessed about having a baby.  A husband, not so much.

Right now, Bobby and Danielle seem the couple most likely to make it so there must be some major blowout coming.  Unless it's for drama, the screening process and questions for MAFS suck because gender roles should be one of the questions they ask.  Traditional or no?  Children or no?  Work or stay home?  I don't fault Bobby and Danielle did say she wanted a true southern gentleman but this is something that definitely should be a non-negotiable.  

So are Tristan and Mia going to try the airport thing again?  Or are they going to sit in that hotel room that looks the size of a kitchenette all week?  

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I think the producers had quite a discussion with Tristan-far more than we saw.  Also, it's rich of the one "expert" to use the two-sides of every story approach with Tristan.  There are usually many, many sides to every story, but only one truth to the story.  However, Tristan lost me when he said that he was trusting God through this as I believe that God exposed Mia and her lies to Tristan before they consummated the marriage and went on the honeymoon.  This seemed more like 'I'm going to stop you now before you get into trouble' and Tristan just didn't realize it.  

The producers also seem to have gotten another "Molly" type.  Going to the lagoon Danielle stated that she was adventurous but afraid of heights.  Maybe the producers need to define what "adventurous" actually means for next season's participants.  She had also stated that she wanted a Southern man with conservative values, but then when she gets one (i.e. the stay at home discussion), she balks at it.  Again, I think the words she uses don't mean what she thinks they mean... However, having said that, I have lived in the South for 9 years now and know very few stay at home moms as most couples seem to have both spouses working.

I know that Dave is catching a lot of heat for having said that if he had known who Amber was before the wedding he would have dropped out.  But, we don't really know what his friend said about her.  She may have stalked him or done something else that set up red flags.  I'm enjoying her (but, like others, wish she would lose the extensions) so far and have hope that they will make it.  Dave really should tell us what it is he heard about her.

This could become one of the juiciest seasons yet.  

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Also want to add that Mia saying she knew nothing about the warrant doesn't sit right with me.  As soon as she was charged, she should have been served with something.  She should have had a court date.  Warrants are issued when the defendant fails to show up in court.   Even though this was in Louisiana, a process server should have served her in Dallas.  Even if somebody stole her identity (cough cough) surely her address is in the DMV database., so she could have been served.  If she wasn't served properly, the charges would have been tossed.

So yeah, I guess I'm saying I'd like to see WHO got served if it wasn't Mia.   And I don't buy what she's selling.

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20 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

If I was Tristan I’d cut my losses and run! I call bullshit that they didn’t find that arrest record until the day AFTER they did their background check. They let this happen for the drama it would bring. 

And there is no way in HELL that I believe Mia's story about why she got arrested! Something is very fishy here. 

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Ameea wanted to see what Tristan knew by the paperwork he was given by the producer.

She lied by saying she hadn't seen the warrant....the woman is a smooth liar...

 My favorite version of Ameea's arrest is the guy from Ouachita Parish, LA , the "guy she knows of" is setting her up...

He charged an iphone and 2 protection plans on his credit card but made it look like Ameea did it...

He is falsely making stalking complaints against her.

Once this guy got a woman to portray Mia and show up when the police was taking yet another stalking report from this guy...

So this bad dude is making Ameea's life hell...

There are a couple more versions of Mia's story floating around the internet....

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6 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Ameea wanted to see what Tristan knew by the paperwork he was given by the producer.

She lied by saying she hadn't seen the warrant....the woman is a smooth liar...

 My favorite version of Ameea's arrest is the guy from Ouachita Parish, LA , the "guy she knows of" is setting her up...

He charged an iphone and 2 protection plans on his credit card but made it look like Ameea did it...

He is falsely making stalking complaints against her.

Once this guy got a woman to portray Mia and show up when the police was taking yet another stalking report from this guy...

So this bad dude is making Ameea's life hell...

There are a couple more versions of Mia's story floating around the internet....

Don't forget the one where this is all "made up" for the show (rolls eyes).

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Hahahaha. I can’t believe the pile of crap Mia tried to sell. Did the producers help her dream up her excuse? Because I seriously think my teenager could come up with something better. Identity theft, no money missing identity theft at that, somehow meant you had a warrant for multiple counts of stalking and credit card theft? Pinocchio, are we supposed to buy that? The girl is a crazy liar. No, actually she is crazy and a bad liar. I’d say poor Tristan, however he is a grown ass man and he should have run away hard and fast once this went down. How desperate are you for a wife, or publicity for your business, or to be on tv that you accept this? The producers must have begged and pleaded and made promises of such tempting reality famewhoredom he couldn’t say no. Two days in jail to sort out someone stealing her identity and stalking an acquaintance? Hahahaha. Yeah, no. 

Dave and Amber. Oh my. I want to deep condition my hair and cut off a few inches whenever I see her on my screen. I can’t decide if Dave is being a butt because a casual friend he knows dated her or if the things this casual friend said are enough to make Dave have second, third, and fourth thoughts. I’m leaning toward the latter because she was so freaked out just knowing he might know the guy. Either way I think things will start falling apart soon. 

Bobby and Danielle bore me. I don’t have a problem if he prefers a SAHM. If he has the financial ability then he should try to meet someone who would prefer that too. Oh wait, he married a stranger. Whoopsie. They are both shockingly bland. “Oh dear, I’m scared of heights. What shall I do? I’ll be strong for you although heights scare me too. Thank you for being strong for me, it has helped me want to swim because you are being strong. That’s wonderful. We will swim together. Both of us together, being strong together, overcoming fear together.” Wow! Look at that hot, amazing chemistry. 

My kids make fun of me for watching this show. It is such trash. I, however, can’t look away. 

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