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15 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

The climax will be Kirk dressed as the stork, flying in with plastic doll baby Gilmore.

Can't. Stop. Laughing.

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17 hours ago, FictionLover said:

Emilydoesthething on Tumblr (who I think posts on these boards under a different username that I've forgotten) made some really good points about the difficulties ASP might have in getting more episodes made:



My gut feeling is that chances are slim–or it’s years off if they manage it. Also, remember that Lauren’s comments were made during the press tour about the 90 minute format, I doubt she was really serious about the idea of it meaning they’d come back. 

But just looking at the main 4–Lauren, Alexis, Kelly, and Scott–Lauren has a pilot, Alexis is in a Hulu series that may or may not get more seasons (and she lives in NY and has a new baby), and Kelly has a sick husband on the East Coast she might not want to take time away from again (not to mention it didn’t seem like she had too much fun on set without Ed and she’s retired from acting, pretty much). So that’s 3 out of the main 4 with scheduling issues/conflicts/difficulties. 

Add in that Milo’s new show is the hottest thing on tv so he’s busy with that + the numerous offers he’s bound to get for work during his hiatus, Matt’s been cast in a pilot, Jared will presumably be working on the 47th season of Supernatural, Amy and Dan have an Amazon pilot…scheduling will be a bigger nightmare than it was before. 

Plus…I got the feeling that not everyone was thrilled with their storylines in the revival and may not want to do more, and Lauren and Alexis got paid a shit ton for the revival. Netflix would have to back up a Brinks truck.


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Is it bad that I picture Lorelai taking care of the baby with Luke while Rory is off, gallivanting in London, trying to win Logan back while fumbling with finding a new job away from Stars Hollow? I highly doubt ASP can write a story around a baby.

I feel the same. Which is too bad, because in the hands of a capable writer Rory going through the trials and tribulations of first time parenthood could go a long way towards character growth and making her sympathetic again. I could see Rory struggling to begin with and having a bit of the baby blues on the road to becoming a good mom, but as I said I really don't trust ASP to handle that with the kind of nuance and sensitivity it deserves. So I will stick with my fanfiction and imagination on that.

Emilydoesthething makes some excellent points, but to play devil's advocate:

-As far as I know Lauren on has a pilot but not a full series order and they fall through all the time. Alexis is a supporting player in an ensemble cast of what is at this point a miniseries. Kelly is a bigger obstacle so they would either have to keep Emily as an off-screen presence or having her in very limited cameos if she doesn't come back for a full role. I believe they did something like that in Bunheads for Kelly.

-Milo/Jared/Matt- At this point Matt is really the MVP of the trio, since he is pretty much tied to Rory's story. Again, his pilot could fall through and if he actually needed the work he might consider coming back. I think though he could be feasibly kept off camera as well, considering he was going to marry another women. Jared, as much as I have a soft spot for Dean and would kind of love to see him with his tv family, is unnecessary at this point. Milo is a hard one to pin down. Literati is the most popular ship after Luke and Lorelai and I expect many fans would be turned off if he didn't come back for Rory. I don't really have a good answer for that, except to write all of Rory's exes out and focus on her baby/career/ and maybe a new romantic interest.

-If they need to fill in for some of the actors that can't appear, give Lane and other seconds stringers more material. I'd love a Lane and band subplot.

-ASP&DP are easy, let someone else take over! LOL okay that is my wish but they don't need full control. Actually if they didn't have full control, I would be a little more excited for a 2nd season.

I guess it will come down to actor availability and how much each given actor needs a job/paycheck. As well as how much Netflix will pay and accommodate them.

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The people at Netflix can't fail to be aware of the level of criticisms that AYITL garnered. So if they do a second series of some kind they may (hopefully) insist on more editorial control. Imo, it's pretty obvious that ASP wants to do another series. Too many of the stories ended in a way that allowed for GG to continue. Characters played by actors that have become more successful (or may want to retire) were written to have lives that would explain their absence in future episodes, ie, Emily's relocation, Doyle's move to LA, Sookie's return being just for the wedding, etc. Those plots weren't necessary for AYITL but they were for another series. So it seems to me that ASP really, really has her eye on as many new episodes as she can get from Netflix. So maybe she'd submit to more input from Netflix in terms of writing because she really has become too much of a victim of her own success and needs to be seriously reined in. 

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21 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Netflix would have to back up a Brinks truck.

It doesn't seem to have any trouble ponying up the dough. I think scheduling issues will be the main reason another season won't happen. There were problems the first time around; they'll only get worse, as enumerated above.

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Leaving Jess with his longing look at Rory would be a major plot to be addressed. But with Milo's huge hit, I doubt he would return. Even before the confirmed success of "This is Us", when asked about returning for more, his comment was something like how much do you want, you already got a second piece of pie. Sounds like he might be done.

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7 minutes ago, FictionLover said:

Leaving Jess with his longing look at Rory would be a major plot to be addressed. But with Milo's huge hit, I doubt he would return. Even before the confirmed success of "This is Us", when asked about returning for more, his comment was something like how much do you want, you already got a second piece of pie. Sounds like he might be done.

Emilydoesthething at Tumblr comes through again with a transcript of some recent (March 3rd, 2017) comments of Milo's on this very issue:


I don’t know…I had dinner with Dan and Amy this week and funny, we didn’t actually talk about Gilmore at all. We were like talking about Japan and books and music and things like that. […] But also, I kind of feel like…it’s a good ending, but also…if you really think about it, I was 24 when I signed on to the show, so that’s like 16 years ago. As an actor, you constantly want to evolve. I don’t know if you guys noticed, but every job I play, I change my appearance. I change my appearance every decade in this show [This Is Us]. But i’m constantly trying to evolve and grow and I think when you have a show that is so far in the past, like over a decade in the past, to visit it once, hey, it’s a blast, you see some old friends, you jump into the shoes, into the leather jacket of an old character but then…you’re like “Alright, cool, we gave you that last slice of pie, i’m going to go back to this other show I have called “This Is Us” and the other gigs that i’m working on. So I think, as much as I would love for audiences to have more, it’s also…“Guys…just accept what you got.” and that you got a little bit more, which is awesome. Not everybody gets that. Unless you’re, you know, Arrested Development or…any other show that comes back.

Yes, it sounds like Milo is out.

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I don't know how additional episodes could provide enough drama to be watchable without the writing getting really sloppy and manufactured, and the AYITL rightly got enough of that criticism. Lorelai's gone through a bit of growth, but she is what she is, and grandma!Lorelai won't be too different from MomLorelai. Would her storyline be "Lorelai and Luke have communication problems, Part the Infinite?"  Emily's arc also ended in a good place for her, dramatically speaking.  Not that good TV characters have to be under a certain age....it's just that Emily's and Lorelai/Luke's storylines seem finished, and Lorelai dealing with, say, her mother's slow decline after her father's sudden death would be awfully heavy for a show like GG.  Which leaves Rory, the baby, and Logan/maybe Jess for the focal point in another years-long Lorelai/Christopher timing dance. Personally, straightening out Rory's life wouldn't be enough for another series for me.  Rory is best as an ensemble character, imo.

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Yeah, definitely sounds like Milo is done. Although irony is, it's not the fans pushing for more. In fact, I think the general consensus (that I've come across at least) is a resounding no. 

Most of us seem to be of the mind that a) there's not a lot of story left to tell b) those of us who were happy with certain aspects - LL getting married - know that ASP would come in with her sledgehammer and screw it up worse than she already has.

So, yeah, this would be a big thumbs down for me. In a way, the open ending leaves it for fans to do what they want with it. Hey, there's always fanfic. But I honestly don't need another batch of episodes. 

Last year at this time, there was excitement and anticipation, and I totally get why. The show never ended the way the Palladinos intended it to end and for whatever reason, most of the actors really admire and respect Amy and Dan, and that's why so many of them were for it. Now though, what is left to tell? It gives off the vibe of just continuing it because you can, and that's not a good enough reason to keep doing it. 

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Yeah, that definitely sounds like Milo is done. It's understandable, though. He's been an avid fan of GG and has always expressed interest in returning. But now that he feels like his story is done, and also finally getting a role in a highly successful TV show, he doesn't need to do GG anymore. He feels like Jess' story is done, and I truly think that it is. There's no need for more. I would miss Jess in the second season of the revival, but I totally respect Milo's decision for not coming back. That would just give me another reason not to watch. Plus, no chance of ruining Jess' growth because they'd probably try to make him still pine after Rory. At least this way, I can picture him moving on from Rory and her drama, finding a nice woman in Philadelphia, and settling down. 

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So, Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel have spoken out about the possibility of season 2.

So, I didn't know that Lauren wasn't even approached about the first revival before it hit the news, so that sucks. But I'm glad that Lauren kept neutral but basically said that there was no need for another season. As for Alexis, she seems to be interested in telling a good story. Unfortunately, I don't know if she was even pleased with her character's direction, so I'm not sure what kind of story would hook her in.

Yeah, no thanks on season 2. I doubt it will be able to climb out of the deep hole it put itself in from the first revival season. 

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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel have spoken out about the possibility of season 2.

So, I didn't know that Lauren wasn't even approached about the first revival before it hit the news, so that sucks. But I'm glad that Lauren kept neutral but basically said that there was no need for another season. As for Alexis, she seems to be interested in telling a good story. Unfortunately, I don't know if she was even pleased with her character's direction, so I'm not sure what kind of story would hook her in.

Yeah, no thanks on season 2. I doubt it will be able to climb out of the deep hole it put itself in from the first revival season. 

I agree. They give tribute to the revival for the millions of new subscribers at the end of November, but how many would come back for another season knowing what we got the first time?

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5 minutes ago, FictionLover said:

They give tribute to the revival for the millions of new subscribers at the end of November, but how many would come back for another season knowing what we got the first time?

I know I would not if ASP did the writing.  

Maybe the mods can do a poll.  I tried but wasn't successful.  It would be interesting to see how may yays/nays we'd see.

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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

I know I would not if ASP did the writing.  

Maybe the mods can do a poll.  I tried but wasn't successful.  It would be interesting to see how may yays/nays we'd see.

1 hour ago, FictionLover said:

I agree. They give tribute to the revival for the millions of new subscribers at the end of November, but how many would come back for another season knowing what we got the first time?

Exactly, I've no doubt the revival was a success for Netflix financially but that was based on the hype of the original series, not the revival itself. Feedback for AYITL has been mixed to horribly negative. So while more optimistic fans might still watch the first few episodes, it's going to be way less than the numbers for the revival, and if the quality/characterization/writing is as crap as last year then there's going to be a big drop off.  

I'd be way more hopeful if someone else other than ASP was writing it. Hell, at this point I'd be more excited about the writers from s7 coming back, they had a lot of missteps but at least they don't actively enjoy pissing off their audience and telling them they're interpreting the show "wrong." Even if ASP does come back, Netflix needs to be a lot more hands on with/executive meddling to counterbalance her and Dan's....lesser impulses. (Like y'know, maybe suggesting that a 20 minute musical isn't the best of ideas).  

On 3/8/2017 at 2:41 PM, moonb said:

I don't know how additional episodes could provide enough drama to be watchable without the writing getting really sloppy and manufactured, and the AYITL rightly got enough of that criticism. Lorelai's gone through a bit of growth, but she is what she is, and grandma!Lorelai won't be too different from MomLorelai. Would her storyline be "Lorelai and Luke have communication problems, Part the Infinite?"  Emily's arc also ended in a good place for her, dramatically speaking.  Not that good TV characters have to be under a certain age....it's just that Emily's and Lorelai/Luke's storylines seem finished, and Lorelai dealing with, say, her mother's slow decline after her father's sudden death would be awfully heavy for a show like GG.  Which leaves Rory, the baby, and Logan/maybe Jess for the focal point in another years-long Lorelai/Christopher timing dance. Personally, straightening out Rory's life wouldn't be enough for another series for me.  Rory is best as an ensemble character, imo.

That basically sums up all of my worries about what s2 would look like. Two of the biggest ongoing arcs of the show - the Luke/Lorelai Will They Or Won't They and the Emily/Lorelai struggle - are concluded, and I have zero interest in them ruining that to add more drama. (I don't want to see L/L split up yet again so Luke can pine for a while and pull some undeserved romantic gesture to get her back. Or Emily and Lorelai having another screaming match about Lorelai running away at age 16 Just Let. It. Go). 

And yep, while Rory's story has been left totally wide open she's so unlikable now I can't get behind her being the main focus of the show. (And her character always played second fiddle to much stronger personalities anyway). And hardly anyone's excited about the pregnancy plot. Plus as discussed above, it doesn't look like Milo will be coming back so that eliminates possibilities of a Jess/Rory romance. Given Jess is still pretty popular and one of the few characters not ruined by the revival, losing him isn't going to help with getting viewers. And good luck trying to hype people up about Logan now.  

I mean maybe if they gave more stories to secondary characters? But Bonnie and Melissa won't be coming back as regulars, so no Paris or Sookie. Lane, Michel and Kirk are about the only hopefuls, but that's not enough for a whole show.

The revival was designed to be a one-time thing - it was amazing they got so many returning cast members as it was - ASP had the chance to conclude everything well and she blew it. (For the fans anyway). They needed to tie up the loose ends and fix the screw ups from the original series, not open up a whole new mess of problems. Unless ASP drastically changes her outlook - unlikely given she had 10 years to look back on the original show and doubled down on the least popular aspects - a s2 is only going to make things worse imo.

Edited by TimetravellingBW
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There are many people who would be happy with a Rory/Logan endgame and even with them on good terms co-parenting. And there is potential to hype them. Of course, no one trusts Amy so Logan coming back or not will cause people to be weary of what story will be told.

I personally am weary for Rory and the full circle. As well as what will happen with Rory's Book. Rory needs to have real career success on her own. Rory was a little bit cold in the revival so seeing her be a mother and act the way she does with Paris's kids doesn't seem all that entertaining to me.

And I have huge fear of what will happen with Lorelai and Luke. And What's to come with Emily? The heart of GG was the both the good mother/daughter friendship but also the daughter/mother conflict and that makes me weary. Emily is finally in a good place with Lorelai even if she had to move away to achieve it.

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2 hours ago, TimetravellingBW said:

Lane, Michel and Kirk are about the only hopefuls, but that's not enough for a whole show.

Yeah, and honestly, they've utilized Lane quite poorly in terms of her friendship with Rory since late season 4, I don't actually like Michel and thought his story in the revival was fine but more than enough for me, and I highly doubt they'll give Kirk a serious storyline that'll be strong enough for him to take on a more active secondary role, plus having me care about it at all. 

Honestly, if there is a season 2, all I can picture is Rory in the starring role and I have zero interest in watching her flounder as a single mother, so I'd rather not see them attempt it.

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Personally, I would like to see Rory and Logan (as their relationship is the only one I am remotely interested in, other than Gilmore family dynamics) in the new phase of being parents but I don't trust Amy and Co to treat it respectfully. And I sure as hell don't need a repeat of Jess as a Luke stand-in. 

There doesn't seem to be a reason to bring it back storywise, except for the people who were upset at the ending and want more closure. The shippers got their wedding and frankly, I don't know how much of Lorelai's story there is to tell. Her plotline in the revival seemed secondary. Meh, I'm a Lorelai fan and was less than enthused with it. She's happy, I don't see what more they could say/do other than have her and Luke have yet other communication problem and cause drama. We got to see Rory as an adult, problems and all. And Amy got to put her ending on her show. Let it be. 

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ASP's story is done. I prefer my own continuation:

The thought of Emily bringing all "Giving no fucks attitude" to Mitchum and Shira regarding the impending baby Gilmore/Huntzberger is a dream. If there is ever a time for Lorelai and Emily to join forces, this would be it. While that plays out, Logan and Rory can decide in the background how they'll move forward.

Paris is fabulous in her work environment and having revenge/makeup sex with Jamie. I'll always ship them

I have zero interest in the townsfolk of Stars Hollow. Lane's storyline is tied with Zach whom I despise so that's a no go. The thought of Lorelai being around Luke 's extended family given her own moving away is depressing. Mitchell is good in small doses. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' pilot is excellent -- funny, inventive, original, stylish -- and would I think answer those who doubt AS-P's abilities as a writer and director.

And for those who assume that the revival was widely disliked : I for one thought it was just fine. It's flaws -- wobbly tone, self-indulgent digressions, implausible turns of plot, etc. -- are the flaws that the show has always had. It wouldn't have been 'Gilmore Girls' without them.

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6 hours ago, clack said:

And for those who assume that the revival was widely disliked : I for one thought it was just fine. It's flaws -- wobbly tone, self-indulgent digressions, implausible turns of plot, etc. -- are the flaws that the show has always had. It wouldn't have been 'Gilmore Girls' without them.

Well, yes, the Revival is widely disliked amongst hard-core Gilmore fans who are invested enough to post about the show online. The professional critics were generally positive. I know casual fans IRL who enjoyed it. I think it was particularly annoying to hard-core fans who'd sit and point out all of the logical errors and digressions and hard-core fans who particularly invested in maintaining certain impressions of the characters and their relationships (primarily Rory). I think more casual fans cared less about the Girls being "likable" because they were less invested in the personalties. 

At least, that's my theory. I don't have any data to back this up. 

Edited by Melancholy
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Alexis Bledel got a rave article in Vulture just admiring her work in The Handmaiden's Tale. However, the rave is set on a IMO faulty premise that her work was poor before and this performance is some transcendent improvement on bad acting or in the case of Beth Dawes, acting in a prestige project that the critic was unable to specifically fault but just labeled "emptied out Donna Reed" to trash her career before The Handmaiden's Tale. I just saw AB in GG and Mad Men but I loved her performance in both and snootily sniffing at her work carries no weight with me. 

I'd love to see The Handmaiden's Tale but not enough to pay for Hulu. At least not now. 

Edited by Melancholy
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On 4/26/2017 at 4:19 PM, Melancholy said:

Alexis Bledel got a rave article in Vulture just admiring her work in The Handmaiden's Tale. However, the rave is set on a IMO faulty premise that her work was poor before and this performance is some transcendent improvement on bad acting or in the case of Beth Dawes, acting in a prestige project that the critic was unable to specifically fault but just labeled "emptied out Donna Reed" to trash her career before The Handmaiden's Tale. I just saw AB in GG and Mad Men but I loved her performance in both and snootily sniffing at her work carries no weight with me. 

I'd love to see The Handmaiden's Tale but not enough to pay for Hulu. At least not now. 

If you have Bravo it's showing on there

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On 4/28/2017 at 8:03 AM, kieyra said:

(I liked the revival a lot (and am liking it more the second time through). I think those of us who did just got shouted down enough to stop posting.)

I liked the revival, too, for the most part. I want to watch it again. 

I'm here, because of Melissa McCarthy, and her next appearance on SNL. I haven't watched for years, but I'm recording it this week.

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On 5/27/2017 at 10:33 PM, tarotx said:

Lauren Graham reflects on the 'bittersweet' feeling of the 'Gilmore Girls' revival now being behind her



So there was a fake revival ending (last 10 minutes)?

I liked how she acknowledged that Lorelai never grew up.


yes on the fake ending, but it was apparently not filmed, just scripted.

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On 5/27/2017 at 4:33 PM, tarotx said:

Lauren Graham reflects on the 'bittersweet' feeling of the 'Gilmore Girls' revival now being behind her



So there was a fake revival ending (last 10 minutes)?

I read the article but didn't see any mention of a fake ending. ?? I think what she said of the revival being more grown up is true. Maybe that's my quarrel with it. I liked the CW type stories. 

It's too bad her pilot didn't get picked up. I heard her mention it on the gilmore guys podcast. 

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Thanks for posting that! It's almost 40 minutes long, though, and most of it appears to be about his character on This Is Us. Can anyone tell me approximately how far into the interview Milo talks about Jess and/or sum up what he said? Thank you! 

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Even as someone who generally defends Lorelai and has very ambivalent feelings about Emily, I found the above an interesting read. 

And the below article is also an amusing look at Lorelai's flaws. 


I need to stop reading these before they force me to rethink my love for Lorelai! Time to search for articles that explore why Rory is even worse :-)

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I just finished Lauren Graham's memoir.  It certainly had some fun tidbits about GG and the revival, but she seems to be as exhausting as Lorelei.  I found myself thinking that she is not nearly as adorable as she thinks she is.

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I just finished Lauren Graham's memoir.  It certainly had some fun tidbits about GG and the revival, but she seems to be as exhausting as Lorelei.  I found myself thinking that she is not nearly as adorable as she thinks she is.

I always felt that way even based on her talk show appearances! And I agree that she does seem to suffer from that same trying too hard to be adorable and quirky but coming off like a ditzy, self-centered, manic annoyance syndrome that afflicted Lorelai. 

This article, or more like gifs with snarky commentary, really cracked me up.   It was written before the revival. The writer savagely eviscerates all of Rory's boyfriends, so if you hate reading criticism about Dean, Jess or Logan, don't click the below link! Even as someone who loves Jess, I found it hilarious. I should mention that it includes a lot of cursing in case that bothers anyone. 


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I agree with large parts of that, but disagree about much of the Logan section. I think he was the best of the three by far. (Original series only) More importantly, I would argue that Rory was a brat who didn't deserve a better boyfriend much of the time. You can't treat people terribly and be treated like a queen.

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Any article that doesn't mention the events in Keg Max and then heavily relies on things from one episode Let me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out can't be taken seriously. 

And that article was clearly written by a Lit fan trying to be witty. 

Edited by tarotx
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