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S08.E27: Thirsty


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12 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Javi is on a show with some of the most unlikeable people in Reality TV, yet he is worries about his image? 

Javi might as well just have said "I only put on a show for the cameras". His comments about his image totally confirmed it.

I hate saying this though...he was right about Brianna going on camera with Dr Miami and not thinking long term. But then again, Brianna isn't the brightest bulb. Her reality show career will be short lived and she will end up on a trailer park at some point very soon. 

Edited by usernameG
  • Love 13

Not even halfway through the ep yet, but that Javi/Kail aside and Kail's retelling of it just makes me wonder why you'd want to hook up with her again from Javi's perspective. Clearly he told her about the breakup ahead of time to kiss her ass/ego and grease the skids (ew) for a hookup. He's a smug, shit-eating asshole with control issues (so is Kail), but why would you want to hook up with your ex who has done nothing but bitterly dig her heels in to spite your new relationship and whose only reaction to its demise is to gloat "I'M ALWAYS RIGHT! NOW SAYYY IT. SAY ITTT!" (I'm guessing while furiously masturbating)? I swear, Javi has some sort of humiliation kink which is the only reason why they continue to be sexually attracted to each other lol.

Chelsea made me laugh with her concern about hiding her pregnancy from the employees of Party City. What are they going to do, call the tabloids?

2 hours ago, Booger666 said:


Urban Dictionary definition:

Dependapotamus: Traditionally a service-members dependent who is a “stay at home mom” that doesn’t do a damn thing all day besides sitting on the couch looking remarkably similar to jabba the hut leaching off of military benefits and eating anything that gets too close.

That pretty much describes Kail, except that she also gets a shitload of money from MTV & never had to live in military family housing.

  • Love 18

When Javi was running up the stairs at Kail's house, like a little bitch, eager to spill all the details of his split from Brianna, he really revealed just how immature he is.  He chose to confide in KAIL...the woman who cheated him, the one who constantly badmouths him, who treats him like a piece of dirt whenever he's in her house...what the hell is wrong with him?  He had to know she'd be doing a victory dance and salivating over all the juicy details.  When, in next week's sneak peek, she tells Leah that she and Javi hooked up, I wondered if it was during that 15 minute conversation.  Did she get so hot from knowing that she was victorious over Brianna that she jumped all over him?  I have no love for Brianna, but she dodged a bullet with that break-up.

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, Jackintheknox said:

Sigh.... does anyone else remember when Pre-David when Jenelle got in her car and actually RAN from Nathan trying to return Kaiser to her? Or when he dropped Kaiser off and she told him to “just leave him by the door” or something?! Ughhhhhh... that poor kid never stood a chance. I hope his daycare providers love on him.

Until they get used to it, most kids cry when their parents leave them at daycare because they'll miss them. Kaiser probably cries his eyes out when his "parents" come to pick him up....

  • Love 20
4 hours ago, SuzyLee said:

HA, I have hereby named your son an honorary PTVer.

That party was so lame.  Did anyone see “Bone” in attendance?  Ugh.  Isaac will clue in to exactly how trashy his mom is in just a few more years.

I have an irrational dislike of Miss Bone. Idk, if it's her name her face her face her friendship with kail but ugh can't stand the girl.

Eta, I accidentally typed her face twice lol. I was thinking of fixing but nah.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
  • Love 23
1 hour ago, A-Lo said:

When Javi was running up the stairs at Kail's house, like a little bitch, eager to spill all the details of his split from Brianna, he really revealed just how immature he is.  He chose to confide in KAIL...the woman who cheated him, the one who constantly badmouths him, who treats him like a piece of dirt whenever he's in her house...what the hell is wrong with him?  He had to know she'd be doing a victory dance and salivating over all the juicy details.  When, in next week's sneak peek, she tells Leah that she and Javi hooked up, I wondered if it was during that 15 minute conversation.  Did she get so hot from knowing that she was victorious over Brianna that she jumped all over him?  I have no love for Brianna, but she dodged a bullet with that break-up.

Javi seeks constant validation from women. Since he wasn't getting it from Bri any more, he knew he could get it from Kail BECAUSE he broke up with Bri. 

  • Love 23
41 minutes ago, druzy said:

Just in case you missed it. Here's the scene with Jenelle telling Barb she didn't give Jace his meds.

We can go ahead and file this under "Not the Biggest Problem in Jace's Life by a Long Shot," but nice job having him in the front seat of your truck at the age of eight, Jenelle.  I wouldn't ask this woman to feed my cat if I went away on vacation, much less trust her to care for another human being.  The bitch can't even give him his meds.  I hate Jenelle more than is reasonable for someone I don't know.

Edited by SuzyLee
I just noticed that Babs did it, too. COME ON, PEOPLE.
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, A-Lo said:

When Javi was running up the stairs at Kail's house, like a little bitch, eager to spill all the details of his split from Brianna, he really revealed just how immature he is.  He chose to confide in KAIL...the woman who cheated him, the one who constantly badmouths him, who treats him like a piece of dirt whenever he's in her house...what the hell is wrong with him?  He had to know she'd be doing a victory dance and salivating over all the juicy details.  When, in next week's sneak peek, she tells Leah that she and Javi hooked up, I wondered if it was during that 15 minute conversation.  Did she get so hot from knowing that she was victorious over Brianna that she jumped all over him?  I have no love for Brianna, but she dodged a bullet with that break-up.

Hell yeah. Rewarding your ex with a quickie to celebrate the end of his first serious relationship that you badgered him relentlessly into ending is Kail 101. I'm sure she ripped off his/her pants the second he (allegedly) said she was right. Nothing turns Kail on more or faster than affirmation of her own superiority, especially from an ex she wants to dominate. I wouldn't be surprised if she made him repeat "Kail is always right!" so she could climax.

From Javi's POV, I doubt there's that much depth or perspective lol. He's just a shit-eating ninth grade boy when it comes to Kail. He gets off on irritating her and then flirting and teasing her back into the sack - which, in his mind, he can do whenever he wants, depending on the mood of the day. It's the "you say you hate me but I know I could have you if I wanted" mentality that creates an endless loop of high school-style sexual tension and petty fighting between Kail/Javi, and, to a much lesser extent, Kail/Jo, since that's faded over the years thanks to Vee and Vivi.

And this might be a stretch, but her weirdly horrified overreaction to Bone's teasing that they sing Isaac Happy Birthday in Spanish continues her track record of discomfort with Latin/Hispanic culture. Why is a woman with two Hispanic exes and half Hispanic/Latino children so repulsed by their culture? I don't get it.

14 hours ago, druzy said:

Jenelle's passive aggressive attitude towards Jace's medication should be reported to the court. Another case of negligence. And I highly doubt that North Carolina would allow a ten year old to make a decision as to which parent he wants to live with...again, Jenelle and her revisionist interpretation of the law. She is the most wretched human being and one of the worst mothers in the entire Teen Mom franchise.

  • Love 24
17 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Hell yeah. Rewarding your ex with a quickie to celebrate the end of his first serious relationship that you badgered him relentlessly into ending is Kail 101. I'm sure she ripped off his/her pants the second he (allegedly) said she was right. Nothing turns Kail on more or faster than affirmation of her own superiority, especially from an ex she wants to dominate. I wouldn't be surprised if she made him repeat "Kail is always right!" so she could climax.

From Javi's POV, I doubt there's that much depth or perspective lol. He's just a shit-eating ninth grade boy when it comes to Kail. He gets off on irritating her and then flirting and teasing her back into the sack - which, in his mind, he can do whenever he wants, depending on the mood of the day. It's the "you say you hate me but I know I could have you if I wanted" mentality that creates an endless loop of high school-style sexual tension and petty fighting between Kail/Javi, and, to a much lesser extent, Kail/Jo, since that's faded over the years thanks to Vee and Vivi.

And this might be a stretch, but her weirdly horrified overreaction to Bone's teasing that they sing Isaac Happy Birthday in Spanish continues her track record of discomfort with Latin/Hispanic culture. Why is a woman with two Hispanic exes and half Hispanic/Latino children so repulsed by their culture? I don't get it.

Well said...I would add that Kail's declaration that she is "always right" was obnoxious and delusional. She has certainly developed into a full blown diva with a narcissistic personality disorder to boot. Asking Javi to be on her stupid podcast was just a way to humiliate and emasculate him on air while hundreds of people hear it live. What a great gal she is...then apparently she has sex with him? Does their mutual dislike for each other make them feel sexually attracted to each other? She did the same thing with Jo a few years ago...cheated on Jordan with Jo. Sorry, this girl is just using sex to manipulate men. She disgusts me.

And you are right about her hate/love thing with Latinos...all three of her kids have Latino blood coursing through their veins and she has zero respect for their paternal culture. If possible, I think I dislike her as much as I dislike Farrah and Jenelle.

  • Love 21

I don't agree with Chelsea's OTT celebration of a pregnancy THAT early but each to their own, lucky for all involved that she seems to have had a healthy pregnancy. 

I am all for Leah and Jeremy reuniting but again, hasn't this fizzled out again months ago in real time? Pity the show airs so far after the event.

Kailyn is what you might call over-confident, it is so unpleasant to watch her. I hope Isaac had a birthday party with his own friends and not just Kail's pick n mix. Javi has no self respect hooking up with Kail after the multitude of ways she disrespected him. 

Jenelle not giving Jace his medication as prescribed is awful. I am no more of a doctor than Randy Houska but his tweets are correct and Jenelle should have educated herself as soon as Jace got that diagnosis. Kaiser being "out of the way" in daycare is heartbreaking, imagine how left out he must feel when the other kids fill him in after, poor boy. 

I wish the Jenelle/David shitshow would unravel already, let's hear the truth about what's going on in the Swamp !

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I remember that. They were fighting over who HAD to take Kaiser - it included a high speed chase on the interstate, with poor Kaiser bumping along in Nathan's truck. That's why I want Doris to take him, not Nathan. Nathan is only SLIGHTLY better than Janelle, but I think he often uses his son as a way to get to her.

That’s why I hope Brandon and Teresa will take him. 

  • Love 13

Omg, Jace swinging that golf club with all those kids running around was giving me fits. No, he doesn't need that medication. Not at all...

Javi is like a middle school girl who can't wait to share the latest piece of juicy gossip. I feel like I'm watching scenes from a Young Adult fiction novel every time he's on screen.

I think Isaac's birthday was a re-enactment, similar to Aubree's last year. As the kids get older it might be harder to find parents willing to sign releases for their children to be filmed. 

If I were Chelsea I probably would've waited until further in the pregnancy to be so over the top about celebrating. 

Is Brittney ever not eating? 

  • Love 14

In regards to Chelsea. I’ve had one very high risk pregnancy and when I became pregnant again they treated me the same...I was told by my OB, the doctor at Maternal Fetal Medicine, and my geneticist that once you have an early ultra sound and blood test that comes back negative, the risks of a miscarriage are lower (I want to say 2-3%?)  and two weeks later are almost at 1%. Maybe she was told the same? This was my experience so maybe an actual doctor is on here to weigh in?

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, BARISTA said:

Jenelle not giving Jace his medication as prescribed is awful. I am no more of a doctor than Randy Houska but his tweets are correct and Jenelle should have educated herself as soon as Jace got that diagnosis.

Plus, isn't Jenelle allegedly a trained medical professional capable of "saving lives"? I would imagine that someone with that professional background would do advanced research into her child's medical condition and, obviously, be super vigilant about attending all doctor's appointments, asking lots of relevant questions, etc. So I was SHOCKED! when Jenelle didn't have some scientifically sophisticated, well thought out response to Barb about why she made the (well informed medical professional capable of saving lives) decision not to give Jace his meds. I wouldn't even be surprised if UBT/Jenelle decided not to give Jace his meds so they can stick it to Barb by having him act out when he goes home. They are the most vile, disgusting people on this show (and that's saying something).

9 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Javi is like a middle school girl who can't wait to share the latest piece of juicy gossip. I feel like I'm watching scenes from a Young Adult fiction novel every time he's on screen.

Yeah, I would think that the immaturity, impulsiveness, poor judgment, etc., etc., etc. that Javi has displayed on TV and SM for years would be far more concerning to potential employers than the knowledge that his partner had plastic surgery (which was already public knowledge about his ex-/would be-wife Kail as well as Brianna).

4 minutes ago, Farmfam said:

In regards to Chelsea. I’ve had one very high risk pregnancy and when I became pregnant again they treated me the same...I was told by my OB, the doctor at Maternal Fetal Medicine, and my geneticist that once you have an early ultra sound and blood test that comes back negative, the risks of a miscarriage are lower (I want to say 2-3%?)  and two weeks later are almost at 1%. Maybe she was told the same? This was my experience so maybe an actual doctor is on here to weigh in?

I've known several women who have had one or more healthy/uneventful pregnancies who don't think much of telling everyone they're pregnant more or less right away. I know that some people are wary of doing so, but I don't think it's super unusual to assume that the pregnancy will turn out fine. People are generally not super cautious, even with activities with far more potentially disastrous results than announcing a pregnancy, then miscarrying.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Omg, Jace swinging that golf club with all those kids running around was giving me fits. No, he doesn't need that medication. Not at all...

Javi is like a middle school girl who can't wait to share the latest piece of juicy gossip. I feel like I'm watching scenes from a Young Adult fiction novel every time he's on screen.

I think Isaac's birthday was a re-enactment, similar to Aubree's last year. As the kids get older it might be harder to find parents willing to sign releases for their children to be filmed. 

If I were Chelsea I probably would've waited until further in the pregnancy to be so over the top about celebrating. 

Is Brittney ever not eating? 

I dunno.  I saw him put aside the card that announced they were going to Jamaica.  She posted a picture of that card (or video) on social media on Isaacs Birthday.  He slides it to the side when she gives him Javi’s gift. 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, smores said:

I'm honestly surprised that Barb gives Jenelle the full prescription bottle when she has Jace.  There's no way in hell I'd do that.  She'd get a pill case with the exact number of doses for the length of his visit and no more.  I wouldn't be relying on her to return the meds back to me after a visit.

I think that’s what she did.  That’s how she knew he didn’t take them so quickly.  I’d guess she sent 7 and 7 were still in there.  

  • Love 21

Did Jace ever say why they didn't take Kaiser on the boat? I was trying to watch and talk to someone on the phone at the same time and missed most of the dialogue. 

49 minutes ago, Mkay said:

I dunno.  I saw him put aside the card that announced they were going to Jamaica.  She posted a picture of that card (or video) on social media on Isaacs Birthday.  He slides it to the side when she gives him Javi’s gift. 

I didn't catch that. Wow, if that was his real party, then how sad. Not because they kept it small and simple, but because the crowd was entirely Kail and her sycophants. 

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, ghoulina said:

My 8-year-old just recently started riding up front. But he meets the height requirement. He's huge for his size! He's bigger than his 10-year-old brother. 

Jace, OTOH, has always been on the smaller side, as far as I can tell. I would be shocked if he was actually tall enough for the front seat. My kids hated it, but I made them stay in back IN THEIR BOOSTERS until they hit 4'9. 

Yup. It's second nature. He doesn't even have to think. Aubree IS his daughter. I'm happy for them. 


It's all about the class of drug it is. Schedule II- V have to be monitored, with schedule II being in a class of their own. Those are the ones we keep locked up and only the pharmacist can count them. Many ADD/ADHD drugs are Schedule II. (Schedule I = street drugs, like cocaine.)

There are a few that aren't even controlled substances - like Strattera. (Or, at least it wasn't when I was a tech.) That wouldn't require monitoring at all. So it's not about what the medication is for, but it's DEA Schedule. I'm guessing Jace is on a controlled RX, though, possible a schedule II. It can be really hard to deal with those regulations when you have Barb's house, school, Jenelle's house, etc. Jenelle shouldn't be fucking around with his meds like that. (I wouldn't be surprised if she and David were taking them.)

You’re totally right re: the schedules of certain drugs. Concerta or Strattera aren’t in the same tightly controlled class as Adderall. 

I should have clarified that in my experience, the majority of adults & students that I know who take meds for ADD/HD take something  in the Schedule II family (they aren’t shy about sharing the info). In Calif, Schedule II RXs are treated the same as Schedule I RXs. Those who need early refills because they “knocked their bottle into the sink and the pills went down the garbage disposal” are given major side eye. Legitimate reasons, like going on vacation and needing an early refill or having meds stolen require documentation from the appropriate people/person/police station. 

It would not surprise me at all if Jenelle didn’t give Jace his meds during the last few days of his spring break because she had some tiny bit of knowledge that it would cause a disruption to his routine (yet clearly not enough knowledge to know how much it really can hurt the patient...or maybe she did?) and she indirectly wanted to take the piss out of Babs. Or, UBT told her not to do it and she listened to him. And she wonders why no one will “give her son back to her.”

Just read the other posts and saw that @TheRealT beat me to this theory! 

Due to the mental health histories that run in Jenelle’s family, and the side effects that other ADD/HD meds can cause, I bet Jace takes Adderall XR. It’s kept in a labeled bottle, which is a hint (to me), and it would also explain why he is on the thin side. He still belongs in the appropriate seat in the car, regardless of his age!

The older he gets, especially as a teenage boy, the “lack of appetite” side effect that usually accompanies Adderall will go away. Looking at his swamp thing egg donor, Jace might also have a fast metabolism. 

The XR is an amazing breakthrough in that it lasts all day and allows the patient to stay focused all day long, whether it’s at Boy Scouts, or gives them enough energy/focus to finish homework in the early evening or go to the gym. 

I know it’s none of our business, but I wonder what the second RX is that Jace takes. I’m ONLY curious because I have no doubt in my mind that it is among the rest of the bottles on their kitchen counter, so it must be something “good” for those swamp things.

Edited by Bridget
Grammar always counts!
  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Did Jace ever say why they didn't take Kaiser on the boat? I was trying to watch and talk to someone on the phone at the same time and missed most of the dialogue. 

I didn't catch that. Wow, if that was his real party, then how sad. Not because they kept it small and simple, but because the crowd was entirely Kail and her sycophants. 

Yeah, and they sang "Happy Birthday" more monotone than Maci. I completely thought it was a reenactment as well. Oh well, they at least had a lot of board games. That's fun!

  • Love 7
48 minutes ago, smores said:

I'm honestly surprised that Barb gives Jenelle the full prescription bottle when she has Jace.  There's no way in hell I'd do that.  She'd get a pill case with the exact number of doses for the length of his visit and no more.  I wouldn't be relying on her to return the meds back to me after a visit.

Problem is, if it's a controlled substance, it HAS to be labeled. From the pharmacy. They might already do an extra labeled bottle for school. I've never seen anyone ask for three. But you're right, I definitely wouldn't trust Jenelle to give back the correct amount. 

  • Love 7

I actually think that not filming David (and by extension all their fun family activities) has advantages for Jenelle. She can say on camera that they went exploring, found a unicorn that farts rainbows before lighting a safe bonfire and singing camp songs together. And we now don't see that Kaiser was called a little fag, Jace ran around hitting everything cause he was off his meds and Ensley sat in the corner too stoned to interact with anyone. Put a couple of "Family fun!" pictures on social media and you've got yourself a totally safe weekend with the non-violent David and attentive Jenelle. 

Now she gets to control the narrative without the pesky cameras to show any child abuse that happened on the Laaaaand. The only one who could say otherwise is Jace and we all know that Jenelle doesn't care/ignores how he feels. 

  • Love 21
2 minutes ago, Bridget said:

You’re totally right re: the schedules of certain drugs. Concerta or Strattera aren’t in the same tightly controlled class as Adderall. 

I should have clarified that in my experience, the majority of adults & students that I know who take meds for ADD/HD take something  in the Schedule II family (they aren’t shy about sharing the info). In Calif, Schedule II RXs are treated the same as Schedule I RXs. Those who need early refills because they “knocked their bottle into the sink and the pills went down the garbage disposal” are given major side eye. Legitimate reasons, like going on vacation and needing an early refill or having meds stolen require documentation from the appropriate people/person/police station. 

It would not surprise me at all if Jenelle didn’t give Jace his meds during the last few days of his spring break because she had some tiny bit of knowledge that it would cause a disruption to his routine (yet clearly not enough knowledge to know how much it really can hurt the patient...or maybe she did?) and she indirectly wanted to take the piss out of Babs. Or, UBT told her not to do it and she listened to him. And she wonders why no one will “give her son back to her.” 

Due to the mental health histories that run in Jenelle’s family, and the side effects that other ADD/HD meds can cause, I bet Jace takes Adderall XR. It’s kept in a labeled bottle, which is a hint (to me), and it would also explain why he is on the thin side. The older he gets, especially as a teenage boy, the “lack of appetite” side effect that usually accompanies Adderall will/should go away. Looking at his swamp thing egg donor, Jace might also have a fast metabolism. 

The XR is an amazing breakthrough in that it lasts all day and allows the patient to stay focused all day long, whether it’s at Boy Scouts, having enough energy to finish homework or going to the gym. 

I know it’s none of our business, but I wonder what the second RX is that Jace takes. I’m ONLY curious because I have no doubt in my mind that it is among the rest of the bottles on their kitchen counter, so it must be something “good” for those swamp things.

Same in Texas. Only the pharmacist can count and dispense Adderrall and any other schedule ll drug.  The kids who go need their dose at school (or a second parents house) gets an extra labeled bottle. Same on the filling requirements. Sounds like our laws are pretty similar.  

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

Problem is, if it's a controlled substance, it HAS to be labeled. From the pharmacy. They might already do an extra labeled bottle for school. I've never seen anyone ask for three. But you're right, I definitely wouldn't trust Jenelle to give back the correct amount. 

Would it even with family?  I mean, I understand that Jenelle and Barb are a weird case, and in Barb's shoes, I'd probably keep an old bottle or something like that, but, if it were Chelsea and she was dropping Aubree off to visit grandma for the weekend, would it be a huge thing to toss the pills for the weekend into a pillcase?  (I mean Chelsea's mother, so, of course, she'd give her the meds, and she'd give the meds back, so it's a moot point)  I'm just curious because I'm one of those people who tend to run around with some random pills in a pill case in my purse.  I'm not quite Lisa Rinna (RHOBH), but, they're all my prescriptions, I just can't be bothered to carry the bottles if I might need one dose while out and about. 

  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, smores said:

Would it even with family?  I mean, I understand that Jenelle and Barb are a weird case, and in Barb's shoes, I'd probably keep an old bottle or something like that, but, if it were Chelsea and she was dropping Aubree off to visit grandma for the weekend, would it be a huge thing to toss the pills for the weekend into a pillcase?  (I mean Chelsea's mother, so, of course, she'd give her the meds, and she'd give the meds back, so it's a moot point)  I'm just curious because I'm one of those people who tend to run around with some random pills in a pill case in my purse.  I'm not quite Lisa Rinna (RHOBH), but, they're all my prescriptions, I just can't be bothered to carry the bottles if I might need one dose while out and about. 

If it's a controlled substance it needs to be labeled. I'm not saying they'd haul Barb off to jail,but you really can't just toss those meds around in an unmarked container. 

  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, smores said:

Would it even with family?  I mean, I understand that Jenelle and Barb are a weird case, and in Barb's shoes, I'd probably keep an old bottle or something like that, but, if it were Chelsea and she was dropping Aubree off to visit grandma for the weekend, would it be a huge thing to toss the pills for the weekend into a pillcase?  (I mean Chelsea's mother, so, of course, she'd give her the meds, and she'd give the meds back, so it's a moot point)  I'm just curious because I'm one of those people who tend to run around with some random pills in a pill case in my purse.  I'm not quite Lisa Rinna (RHOBH), but, they're all my prescriptions, I just can't be bothered to carry the bottles if I might need one dose while out and about. 

In Texas since it’s highly controlled it needs to be in a labeled bottle.  To keep from transporting it back and forth from school to home (and maybe accidentally forgotten on the weekends and it gets left at school) some parents prefer the two bottles so that they can send only the required amount to school. I hope I’m explaining it right.  I can see it in my head but usually end up typing it all wrong. 

  • Love 8

I bet Babs only gives the exact quantity of medication that Jace will need while he’s with Jenelle. Per DEA protocol, she hands them over to Jenelle in the actual labeled bottle. Babs probably keeps the remainder of his meds in an older labeled bottle (from the month before) when Jace isn’t home. No way would she give a full bottle to Jenelle. 

Edited by Bridget
  • Love 14

That makes sense.  I'm an adult and I'm the only person handling my own meds.  I'm talking about knowing I'm going to be out when I need to take a dose of something, so I throw one in a pillcase, so I never really pay much attention to it.  It's in my purse, I take it at the appropriate time and move on.  On any given day, you'll find advil and excedrin jumbled together in what was probably once a tylenol bottle, but, that's about the extent of my mislabeling.  LOL!

I would definitely keep a second bottle for kids and school, though, that makes total sense.  

  • Love 6
47 minutes ago, smores said:

Would it even with family?  I mean, I understand that Jenelle and Barb are a weird case, and in Barb's shoes, I'd probably keep an old bottle or something like that, but, if it were Chelsea and she was dropping Aubree off to visit grandma for the weekend, would it be a huge thing to toss the pills for the weekend into a pillcase?  (I mean Chelsea's mother, so, of course, she'd give her the meds, and she'd give the meds back, so it's a moot point)  I'm just curious because I'm one of those people who tend to run around with some random pills in a pill case in my purse.  I'm not quite Lisa Rinna (RHOBH), but, they're all my prescriptions, I just can't be bothered to carry the bottles if I might need one dose while out and about. 

Hahaha! You’re hilarious!!

I am the same exact way, but having a pharmacist in the family & dealing with intractable pain has taught me that I can’t pull a Rinna. 

My carry on luggage always has a spot for my actual labeled bottles because that’s where all meds go, it’s the law and I don’t want to be stopped at TSA/customs because I wanted more room for a sweater or socks! I am not suggesting that you do that, but I’ve seen some pretty crazy stuff. 

For every day life, I keep a labeled bottle from my “strongest RX” (always use the current month) in my purse with only two pills in that bottle.  Let’s call that RX #1.

@ghoulina, please stop reading the rest of this post. ?

I do keep one or two extra pills from each additional RX that I legally have to manage chronic pain (and might need to take if I’m not at home) in with RX #1. I have three herniated discs in my back & sciatic nerve pain. Long story short: I’m super observant about the rules of controlled substances and have been treated for the pain for a very long time. I actually ran this all past my doctor and he said it makes perfect sense. It’s not like I’m walking around with tons of pills that could be mistaken for intent to distribute.

I also always keep a small assortment of Excedrin, non-drowsy Sudafed, cold/sinus relief, Ibuprofen & Tylenol in my make-up bag. I work with (and have seen) a lot of people with OTC stuff mixed together in a purse/bag to be prepared and to save room in their belongings. It’s the worst thing ever when you’re at work or traveling, and you start to feel yucky and cannot run out to a drugstore for 8 hours. 

Edited by Bridget
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I just wanted to share my experience of carrying meds in non-prescription containers...

so I'm a nurse, I work in a psych partial hospitalization program, it’s basically long term out patient treatment for people with 2 or more psychiatric illnesses (ie schizophrenia and substance abuse) our patients are not (for seemingly obvious reasons) on any controlled substances, but because it’s partial hospitalization we control their medications, but they go to a group sober living home at night, so to get their night meds home we have to put them in labeled baggies, every medication must have a picture of the medication and a printout of the original label in the bottle, and it has to be stapled (that part might just be our regulation). This is how we transport all of their night or early morning meds, everything from sleep aids, bp meds, pain meds (the strongest we give is tramadol so nothing hard). I’m not saying any of this applies to the situation, just to the degree that meds should be transported, I live in Texas, so idk the regulations their, but any prescription *should* be in some sort of labeled container.

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21 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

My middle school son was in the room during Isaac’s party and said “Oh, gee, a party with all your mom’s friends. That sounds like fun.”

And Jace is too young/small to ride in the fromt seat. Isn’t he just 8? Both Jenelle and Barb had him in the front.

In SC the age for the front seat is eight and 80lbs.

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1 hour ago, leighroda said:

I just wanted to share my experience of carrying meds in non-prescription containers...

so I'm a nurse, I work in a psych partial hospitalization program, it’s basically long term out patient treatment for people with 2 or more psychiatric illnesses (ie schizophrenia and substance abuse) our patients are not (for seemingly obvious reasons) on any controlled substances, but because it’s partial hospitalization we control their medications, but they go to a group sober living home at night, so to get their night meds home we have to put them in labeled baggies, every medication must have a picture of the medication and a printout of the original label in the bottle, and it has to be stapled (that part might just be our regulation). This is how we transport all of their night or early morning meds, everything from sleep aids, bp meds, pain meds (the strongest we give is tramadol so nothing hard). I’m not saying any of this applies to the situation, just to the degree that meds should be transported, I live in Texas, so idk the regulations their, but any prescription *should* be in some sort of labeled container.

Since my accident I've been on pain medication and will be long into the future.  If I'm going someplace for a day, I'm not going to carry two bottles of 100+ narcotic pain pills with me.  I just put what I'll need for the day in a smaller container but I always make sure I have my paperwork with me. I don't know if that's legal or not but I'm not going to take a chance on losing them or having them stolen.  Of course the time they were all stolen it was a supposed "friend" and they were taken out of my nightstand drawer.  

Edited by Maharincess
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