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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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I thought it was interesting that they all seemed to be rooting for JC when he was most directly responsible for manipulating them and putting the knife into their back since he pretended to be super close with them (which they acknowledge), but still were really upset about Tyler.

Definitely would have won in Final 2.

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I was so disappointed in the finale because I was hoping for less of the 3 competitions and more of the pre jurors and jurors and even a look around the audience for former BB contestants. Christopher and his red suit should have been shut down right away. We all knew he was going to try to make it all about him & he should not have been rewarded for it.

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, Figster said:

Fucking KC won! Holy shit. I hope to God Tyler did throw the last comp & he's kicking himself LOL. 

I don't really think that last competition made a difference. All seemed to have their minds made up except Haleigh, who said she waited for the questions - which made me think she knew most didn't, since she made a point to say that. Maybe there was a voting block (the first 4 Jurors voted together) and she didn't want to be a part of it, and wanted to make a fully informed decision.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, mooses said:

Yeah, I was surprised most by Scottie, who was a big fan of the game (although I'm still skeptical), and whose favorite HG was Evel Dick. Definitely shocked that "respect and loyalty" were his number one criteria.

Going back to his Swaggy vote (I'm not anyone's goon), and not voting for Tyler in the end, I think Scottie sees himself as an underground Alpha male.  He didn't like being challenged or relegated to a support position.  In retrospect, if Tyler had sensed this and played up that they were an equal "team" the outcome may have been different.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

When I turned on the tv tonight and she walked out in her Steve McQueens, I knew it. 2 Years ago Nicole walked out in her hot country girl two piece and heels and I was all like, she's getting the vote. Kaycee tonight was perfection in her outfit. The confidence is uncanny, and people like to follow confidence.

But maybe my theory is all bull shit too ;)

  • Love 3

I knew as soon as I saw Swaggy sitting in the first row instead of Kaitlyn that he was going to propose.  Kaitlyn & Winston were not feeling it.  What we really want to know is Bay pregnant or not and what does she think of him freeloading off her parents?

I really didn't think Haleigh and Fessy would continue.  I'm just not feeling it.

We saw the most emotion with Angela and Tyler. 

Out of the 3 I think Tangela will last the longest.

  • Love 11

I'm trying to come up with reasons for all the KC votes.

Bay - Tyler burned that vote too bad. She was going to hold a grudge.

Scottie - I think Scottie thought their friendship was real. Tyler's smarmy goodbye message hurt Scottie's feelings.

Sam - again, Sam had romantic/intense feelings for Tyler, and she found out they were not returned in the slightest.

RS - KC probably treated RS the best out of all of Level 6. When she was doing the punishments KC was kind and supportive. I think RS associates Tyler too much with Brett and Angela.

Fessy - ??? This one is the head-scratcher. He's the one who really "flipped" IMO. 

  • Love 7

I was annoyed that they cut to commercial just as Tyler was finishing hugging whoever it was (maybe Brett?) and seemed to be turning toward Angela. I wanted to see their reunion!

JC was so dejected, sitting in the jury. I almost felt bad for him. Almost, but not quite.

I can't believe Haleigh and Fessy are a thing. Ugh.

Swayleigh deserve each other. Though at this point Swaggy is probably closer to Bayleigh's dad than to Bayleigh herself.

I thought I was okay with either Kaycee or Tyler winning, but I'm honestly a little sad it wasn't Tyler. He was the man behind the curtain for the entire game. But I'm glad he's walking away with $75k, and the girl. If he was going to lose, at least he lost to a decent person.

  • Love 13
13 minutes ago, missyb said:

KC said one important thing that sealed her win with RS, Bay and Sam. She made sure people were "ok" when things were rough. 

 100% Scottie flipped his vote after Tyler said that to Bay that he was acted like Scottie was his best friend.


Tyler's entire answer to Bay's question was horrible. He made it seem like he intentionally tried to make Bay his enemy AND basically said he was just pretending to be Scottie's friend all along.

 I don't think he had any chance of winning over Bay's vote, but telling Scottie that he was just using him minutes before he's about to vote ... Sheesh.

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