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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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12 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

The Internet is a marvelous thing. I wondered what the Jeff Dumbledore thing was so I googled "BB Jeff Dumbledore" and got a complete explanation. Now  I can dislike Jeff as much as everybody else.

I googled it as well.  I had no idea he had said these things.  Now I understand why he's so hated.  He's awful.  Why does BB keep him around?

Interesting that Angela threw the Veto comp once she believed that Tyler threw it. She interpreted him throwing the comp as him not wanting to have to choose between her and Kaycee, so she threw it so that she wouldn’t look like the fool choosing him over Kaycee when he wouldn’t do the same for her.

On BBAD on their last night together in the house, he told her that he was a superfan and she was shocked. She couldn’t believe that he lied to her, she said at least twice that she never lied to him and told him everything, and she said he was a good liar. She probably feels that she has no idea who Tyler really is; he'll have to work to prove to her that he's trustworthy once the game is over which I think he'll do. (She'll probably find it easier to forgive him if he has 500K in his pocket. lol)

He also told her that he had other secrets that he was going to tell her in his GBM. That was a mistake in my opinion because it could come across to Angela that he didn’t trust her with that info until she was out of the game and that the only reason he was telling her in the GBM was so that she could go tell the jury and campaign for him. That had to hurt because I think that she completely trusted him.

Angela’s concerned that she looked like Tyler’s love sick fool this whole time on the show, I think she’ll be fine with everything once she realizes that most viewers see her as cold and bitchy but genuinely in love with Tyler and him with her.

I don’t see their relationship lasting, but I thought the same about Cody and Jess and Mark and Elena…so I’m probably wrong again and they’ll end up married.

Edited by Summerday
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Gemma Violet said:

I googled it as well.  I had no idea he had said these things.  Now I understand why he's so hated.  He's awful.  Why does BB keep him around?

He's a conventionally attractive male jock who was in the most popular BB showmance of all time (...probably) and a lot of people don't know about his grosser side (or they agree with him). Oh, and Grodner* has always had a massive Probstian boner for him.

*I've never been a fan of La Grod, I don't know if that comes across clearly, I sometimes worry it doesn't. LOL

Edited by PhoneCop
Typo. Some professional proofreader I am!
  • Love 6

While waiting for what the HGs think will be "Days" JC was wandering around by himself counting on his fingers.  Meanwhile Kaycee got a bit more creative using M&M's to form to spell out the various "days" then asked Tyler to help fill in some details she couldn't remember.  Tyler happily obliged.  For her "Days" study click to enlarge the top left pic from this link from Jokers:


Tyler has taken over cleaning up stuff and cooking so the two can study today.

Edited by green
23 minutes ago, Summerday said:

Interesting that Angela threw the Veto comp once she believed that Tyler threw it. She interpreted him throwing the comp as him not wanting to have to choose between her and Kaycee, so she threw it so that she wouldn’t look like the fool choosing him over Kaycee when he wouldn’t do the same for her.


If she threw the veto then she has only herself to blame. And if Tyler threw it, he’s lucky Kaycee chose to evict Angela instead of him.  There was a chance she would have chosen Tyler instead, unlikely, but a chance. (Kaycee’s fatal mistake may have been not taken Angela to F3.  She would have won handily over Angela.)

I still think if he won that veto, he would have pick Angela.   He’s not that stupid.  

  • Love 2

In theory, HOH part 3 is supposed to test how well the HGs know the other players, but it is a crapshoot because the jury can make up stupid, uncharacteristic answers just to mess them up.  Instead, I think HOH part 3 should be similar to the What the Bleep comp.  That comp bleeps out parts of things that all the HGs were present to see.  HOH part 3 should be clips of the jury from in the BB house that neither of the 2 in the comp were present for, but that are characteristic of things the jury member said a lot.  That way it will be a true test of whether or not they know the other players and it can't be tainted and turned into a crapshoot.

And while I am talking about ways to improve the show:

Each summer there should be two seasons with 16 players each.  The number of shows can be the same as past summers, but each individual season will be condensed so that the play is fast enough to never be boring.  There will have to be more double evictions which will improve ratings and the late season ratings slide may not occur. 

No more jury battle back.

Feeds should be up as soon as they walk into the house.

No more scripted DRs.

Have Nots should be a punishment for repeat rule breakers.

  • Love 7
35 minutes ago, green said:

While waiting for what the HGs think will be "Days" JC was wandering around by himself counting on his fingers.  Meanwhile Kaycee got a bit more creative using M&M's to form to spell out the various "days" then asked Tyler to help fill in some details she couldn't remember.  Tyler happily obliged.  For her "Days" study click to enlarge the top left pic from this link from Jokers:


Tyler has taken over cleaning up stuff and cooking so the two can study today.

Somewhere, Vanessa is crying and mumbling "Back in my day, we had to bathe in blood" because she wasn't allowed to spell out numbers with candy, she had to make a color-coordinated Skittle vote count for us to puzzle over like it was one of the "solve this math problem, win a million dollars" things. Kids these days have it so much easier.

  • Love 9
23 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

If she threw the veto then she has only herself to blame. And if Tyler threw it, he’s lucky Kaycee chose to evict Angela instead of him.  There was a chance she would have chosen Tyler instead, unlikely, but a chance. (Kaycee’s fatal mistake may have been not taken Angela to F3.  She would have won handily over Angela.)

I still think if he won that veto, he would have pick Angela.   He’s not that stupid.  

Well, she said she threw it in the interview someone linked because she thought that Tyler threw it once he went out right after JC.

I agree with you that he would have picked Angela and that Kaycee should have picked Angela.

ETA quote:

Now knowing Tyler had an early final two deal with Kaycee, what do you think he would have done if he had won the veto and had to vote one of you out?
Honestly, I knew he threw the veto when he was second out. That was a red flag for me. He is better than that. I don’t think he knew what he would have done, and that is why I threw it. I like to think he would have chosen me, but I don’t know. We’ll see.


2 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

Every time I see Bailley, I am reminded of the terrible joke that goes like this:

What is a 4 letter word for "snatch"?  

  Reveal hidden contents

The answer is "grab". 


I don't know why I LOL every time I think of Bailley and that joke.


I totally don’t get the joke or what it has to do with Bayleigh. You’re saying that every time you see her you think about her cooch? You’re laughing at yourself for finding her physically attractive? She was like Miss Ohio or something and competed for Miss USA so you’re not alone in thinking she’s attractive…don’t see what’s funny about that. Most people here don’t like her personality, but it’s pretty hard to deny that she’s physically attractive, most people who compete for Miss USA are.

Edited by Summerday
  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I don’t know what’s crazier. Christopher C selling T-shirt’s or people actually shelling out money to buy one. People! The guy was on a reality show for a week and some change. Wake up!!!



To be fair, that's probably how the majority of former Big Brother contestants make their money and remain "famous" after their season: by selling tee shirts and hawking shit on Instagram. A large majority of them have tee shirts with quotes that were funny a month or two ago after awhile. 

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I don’t know what’s crazier. Christopher C selling T-shirt’s or people actually shelling out money to buy one. People! The guy was on a reality show for a week and some change. Wake up!!!



This one is worse.   


I would give anything for Bay to dump his sorry ass.  I’m sure she will just not soon enough to make him look more like a fool.

He reminds me of the Brigade.  They all thought they would be famous.  I remember laughing at Enzo when he’d talk about all the personal appearances he was going to get and make $$$.   They were such tools.  

I’m sure a few will buy.   Wonder who gave him the front money?

  • Love 4
37 minutes ago, Summerday said:

Well, she said she threw it in the interview someone linked because she thought that Tyler threw it once he went out right after JC.

I agree with you that he would have picked Angela and that Kaycee should have picked Angela.

ETA quote:

Now knowing Tyler had an early final two deal with Kaycee, what do you think he would have done if he had won the veto and had to vote one of you out?
Honestly, I knew he threw the veto when he was second out. That was a red flag for me. He is better than that. I don’t think he knew what he would have done, and that is why I threw it. I like to think he would have chosen me, but I don’t know. We’ll see.


I totally don’t get the joke or what it has to do with Bayleigh. You’re saying that every time you see her you think about her cooch? You’re laughing at yourself for finding her physically attractive? She was like Miss Ohio or something and competed for Miss USA so you’re not alone in thinking she’s attractive…don’t see what’s funny about that. Most people here don’t like her personality, but it’s pretty hard to deny that she’s physically attractive, most people who compete for Miss USA are.


I will send you a private message because the meaning of the joke may be offensive to some people here.

Edited by MissBluxom
11 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

I can't read the "Bay leaves" and figure who is going to win between Tyler or KC. 

Each is a deserving winner for different reasons.  As long as JC goes down.....

I hate to say this but I'd almost rather JC makes F2 rather than Tyler. I know, right? What the hell. But I want Kaycee to win. And I think she has a better chance of beating JC than she does Tyler in the final vote. I want another woman to beat a man at F2 and like I said a few days ago, I hate that Nicooooole-uh is the first one to do it. Plus I like Kaycee more than Tyler. 

...ew. I just said I was JC to be F2. Someone wanna check me for a fever?

  • Love 6

I think Angela lost her mind if she actually thought Tyler threw that veto competition that close to the end.  So I don't even know what to say she lost if she then threw the veto at that point.  That is crazy beyond belief.

I still hope Tyler will win.  I've wanted him to win from the first week and never saw anything to change my mind.

Edited by green
  • Love 15

@Callaphera, love ya, but STOP. THAT. Do not put JC being in the final two into the atmosphere, because then it might happen, and I will be enraged, and it will ruin my first ever happy finale, and would you want that for me??

23 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

I will send you a private message because the meaning of the joke may be offensive to some people here.

Then why post it at all?

  • Love 23

I proudly stand among you all and say that I'd rather JC win over LG (I  refuse to say what LG stands for, as it has been fucking said ad nauseam all season!)

Never liked her and found her as phony as a three dollar bill. Now with her winning the vetos after sitting on her ass all season, she's been so smug.

Edited by Vixenstud
  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

@Callaphera, love ya, but STOP. THAT. Do not put JC being in the final two into the atmosphere, because then it might happen, and I will be enraged, and it will ruin my first ever happy finale, and would you want that for me??

I'm sorry! I'll go stand in the naughty corner. Where I spend most of the season because of thoughts like that. 

I just don't see Kaycee beating Tyler because he's too... Tyler. Attractive and male and not a douchenozzle and decent at the game. Prove me wrong, HGs. 

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I'm sorry! I'll go stand in the naughty corner. Where I spend most of the season because of thoughts like that. 

I just don't see Kaycee beating Tyler because he's too... Tyler. Attractive and male and not a douchenozzle and decent at the game. Prove me wrong, HGs. 

She can still pull off the win, but I'm impressed that she's even going to make it CLOSE, ya know? BB History would typically suggest that Tyler would win in a cakewalk, but she's giving him everything she's got. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

100%- He wins the F3 HOH- that ties them with Comp Wins. So basically it's then okay what is the Jury going to look at now to determine the winner. 

It's going to come down who has the "less blood on their hands".  And Tyler will be put more on the defensive in that regards.  I remember the convo between Brett and Tyler that whoever evicts Angela could score with the jury - because she is someone they do not like.

I was just reading Jokers and an approximately 40 minute recap of life in the BB house.  JC sang more than five times and was called down.  (More because one of the comments says he sang "repeatedly.")  What a self-involved twerp.  

Speaking of which, I will give him he benefit of the doubt that he was kidding, but he just asked if Tyler told the DR told them that JC was the love of his life.  

JC now in DR and Tyler/Kaycee alone.  So, of course, they go to fish. 

ETA feeds back on.  

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Tea, unfortunately. 

Who gets bronchitis from a concert? Oh that's right, me. At least the Foos were worth it. 

I've seen the Foos in concert three times (and counting) and every single time is a complete blast. If there's any reason good enough to give yourself bronchitis, it's one of their shows.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I've seen the Foos in concert three times (and counting) and every single time is a complete blast. If there's any reason good enough to give yourself bronchitis, it's one of their shows.

I've been blaming Dave Grohl. He had to cancel the two shows before ours because he blew his voice and was sick or something. I don't know how his germs made it all the way to the cheap seats where I was rocking out but I'll just blame him. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Summerday said:

Well, she said she threw it in the interview someone linked because she thought that Tyler threw it once he went out right after JC.

I agree with you that he would have picked Angela and that Kaycee should have picked Angela.

ETA quote:

Now knowing Tyler had an early final two deal with Kaycee, what do you think he would have done if he had won the veto and had to vote one of you out?
Honestly, I knew he threw the veto when he was second out. That was a red flag for me. He is better than that. I don’t think he knew what he would have done, and that is why I threw it. I like to think he would have chosen me, but I don’t know. We’ll see.

I feel like this was an error by the person who did the article or whomever wrote the answers for Angela. I think it’s supposed to read “that is why HE threw it” 

  • Love 8
55 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

@Callaphera, love ya, but STOP. THAT. Do not put JC being in the final two into the atmosphere, because then it might happen, and I will be enraged, and it will ruin my first ever happy finale, and would you want that for me??

Then why post it at all?

I think the answer to that should be obvious. But I will tell you anyway. There is nothing in the joke that is offensive. However, the explanation could be considered offensive. I would hope most people would find that joke to be funny. It made me LOL. So, I wanted to share it with you all. I apologize if it caused any problems. and  ...

I'm sorry. But that is the last I have to say about this. I'm not going to post anything further about it.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Summerday said:

Well, she said she threw it in the interview someone linked because she thought that Tyler threw it once he went out right after JC.

I agree with you that he would have picked Angela and that Kaycee should have picked Angela.

ETA quote:

Now knowing Tyler had an early final two deal with Kaycee, what do you think he would have done if he had won the veto and had to vote one of you out?
Honestly, I knew he threw the veto when he was second out. That was a red flag for me. He is better than that. I don’t think he knew what he would have done, and that is why I threw it. I like to think he would have chosen me, but I don’t know. We’ll see.


I totally don’t get the joke or what it has to do with Bayleigh. You’re saying that every time you see her you think about her cooch? You’re laughing at yourself for finding her physically attractive? She was like Miss Ohio or something and competed for Miss USA so you’re not alone in thinking she’s attractive…don’t see what’s funny about that. Most people here don’t like her personality, but it’s pretty hard to deny that she’s physically attractive, most people who compete for Miss USA are.


I don't know what the Bayleigh connection is either but the joke is kind of funny-ish.  The four letter word that comes to mind when looking for another word for snatch is cunt so the answer grab is the funny-ish part.  

Edited by Wings
  • Love 1
49 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I was just reading Jokers and an approximately 40 minute recap of life in the BB house.  JC sang more than five times and was called down.  (More because one of the comments says he sang "repeatedly.")  What a self-involved twerp.  

Speaking of which, I will give him he benefit of the doubt that he was kidding, but he just asked if Tyler told the DR told them that JC was the love of his life.  

JC now in DR and Tyler/Kaycee alone.  So, of course, they go to fish. 

ETA feeds back on.  

I want you to know that the more you post, the more I grow to like reading your posts. I think it's a shame that some people appreciate   others but never tell them. I want you to know how I feel.

54 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

She can still pull off the win, but I'm impressed that she's even going to make it CLOSE, ya know? BB History would typically suggest that Tyler would win in a cakewalk, but she's giving him everything she's got. 

The longer this thing goes on, the more respect I have for KC. This lady has a heart the size of all outdoors. What a champ! I hope that great things come into her life and she winds up being highly successful in her work and highly happy with her love interest.

  • Love 4

In theory, HOH part 3 is supposed to test how well the HGs know the other players, but it is a crapshoot because the jury can make up stupid, uncharacteristic answers just to mess them up.

Yep, that's why I've never liked that comp. The HGs can basically lie in their answers. The truth is the truth but a fake answer could be anything. IMO it's not, well, fair. Too bad BB doesn't care about fairness in the final comp even though $500K is on the line.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I hate to say this but I'd almost rather JC makes F2 rather than Tyler. I know, right? What the hell. But I want Kaycee to win. And I think she has a better chance of beating JC than she does Tyler in the final vote. I want another woman to beat a man at F2 and like I said a few days ago, I hate that Nicooooole-uh is the first one to do it. Plus I like Kaycee more than Tyler. 

...ew. I just said I was JC to be F2. Someone wanna check me for a fever?

But...but...JC could win. I don't think he's super likely to make it happen, but with enough anti-L6 mindset, he could win over Kaycee. Without Tyler there to counteract his super strategist spiel, he could tout himself pretty well.

I know many were bored with this season, but with a mostly decent cast, it would not be fair to have JC walk away as the winner. ACK. I'm scared now.

And I'd much rather Kaycee or Tyler get the 2nd place 50K. They both played well and are cool people.

I'm trying to counteract your JC in the final 2 energy :)

  • Love 9

I am voting for Steve for AFP. It sends a strong message that the oldest male is always voted out first and they are never given a chance. Wasn't Glen first to go last year? I think Steve winning AFP would be hilarious. 

Kaycee did not sit on her ass for most of the game, she stayed under the radar with a low profile which is the best way to make it past the half way mark. Then she came out full throttle like a comp beast. She played a smart game. I think she should win. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 7

Speaking of Tyler's ability to lie well, how dumb was Brett making fun of how obvious Tyler is when he lies while telling the story of how tyler fooled him during double eviction? 

If he's such an obvious liar, why didn't you get that he was lying?!?

Edited by Brian Cronin
Autocorrect turned fooled into fouled
  • Love 12
13 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Speaking of Tyler's ability to lie well, how dumb was Brett making fun of how obvious Tyler is when he lies while telling the story of how tyler fooled him during double eviction? 

If he's such an obvious liar, why didn't you get that he was lying?!?


Yes Indeed! Not only that. But it's valuable information and that is usually best kept to oneself. If Brett wanted the other people to know, he could have told them he knew that Tyler was lying. But he did not have to tell them exactly how he knew. He could have said nothing about that or he could have told them he knew for any one of many other reasons. There was no need for Brett to divulge exactly how he knows when Tyler is lying. That information could help some of the other people but it could also do harm to Brett. So it would have been so much better for Brett if he had kept the reason to himself.

However, I want to say that you make an excellent point with that observation.

Edited by MissBluxom
35 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

But...but...JC could win. I don't think he's super likely to make it happen, but with enough anti-L6 mindset, he could win over Kaycee. Without Tyler there to counteract his super strategist spiel, he could tout himself pretty well.

I know many were bored with this season, but with a mostly decent cast, it would not be fair to have JC walk away as the winner. ACK. I'm scared now.

And I'd much rather Kaycee or Tyler get the 2nd place 50K. They both played well and are cool people.

I'm trying to counteract your JC in the final 2 energy :)

Personally I wouldn't give JC the sweat of my balls let alone 500K or 50K. His real only big move was to convince Fessy to put up Scottie. Everything else was controlled by level 6.  I don't know how a 110lb package can carry a ton of bull shit. To quote Top Gun, "Your ego is writing checks your body can't cash."  

Also, to paraphrase Ricky Riccardo, Tyler, you've got some splainin to do.  I guess Angela went back to her sceptical mode. Either that or she was just using Tyler herself.  I think that is why Tangela didn't "make it official".  

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I hate to say this but I'd almost rather JC makes F2 rather than Tyler. I know, right? What the hell. But I want Kaycee to win. And I think she has a better chance of beating JC than she does Tyler in the final vote. I want another woman to beat a man at F2 and like I said a few days ago, I hate that Nicooooole-uh is the first one to do it. Plus I like Kaycee more than Tyler. 

...ew. I just said I was JC to be F2. Someone wanna check me for a fever?

But then those imbeciles might actually vote for JC to win, and that would be awful.

  • Love 6
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