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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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1 minute ago, DakotaLavender said:

I don't get why Tyler would even bring Kaycee to a f2. Ok, loyalty to his deal but he had several f2 deals running. He could lose to Kaycee. Bringing JC guarantees Tyler wins even IF he is viewed as a traitor. 

Tyler will be making a $500,000 mistake to take Kaycee because the votes will be too close and there could be a surprise vote.  

Actually both Tyler and Kaycee should shlep JC to f2 to guarantee winning. 

JC's not an automatic win for Kaycee or Tyler, though. JC's kind of been there and yeah, he's annoying, but he HAS been playing the game. He hasn't won much except now one comp, but if he wins part 2, then he's got a little something going for him. Tyler, at least, has pissed off several people in the house. So has JC, but not to the extent that Tyler has. 

Tyler can lose to Kaycee, yes. Tyler can also lose to JC. It's not a guarantee either way for him. I think it's stupid for Tyler to bring Kaycee, but he even said that he wants to sit next to someone who isn't just an easy win (which, again, is dumb, but we know Tyler's made mistakes in this game). Also, Tyler thinks that his big secrets can help secure him a win. 

I think it's risky to bring Kaycee, but it wouldn't be a cakewalk to a win if he took JC either. The Hive may vote for JC to win just out of spite. Tyler can't know if the Hive will vote logically, since the Hive make up the majority of the jury. He can't trust them either way but at least with him next to Kaycee, a Level 6 member wins.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

JC's not an automatic win for Kaycee or Tyler, though. JC's kind of been there and yeah, he's annoying, but he HAS been playing the game. He hasn't won much except now one comp, but if he wins part 2, then he's got a little something going for him. Tyler, at least, has pissed off several people in the house. So has JC, but not to the extent that Tyler has. 

Tyler can lose to Kaycee, yes. Tyler can also lose to JC. It's not a guarantee either way for him. I think it's stupid for Tyler to bring Kaycee, but he even said that he wants to sit next to someone who isn't just an easy win (which, again, is dumb, but we know Tyler's made mistakes in this game). Also, Tyler thinks that his big secrets can help secure him a win. 

I think it's risky to bring Kaycee, but it wouldn't be a cakewalk to a win if he took JC either. The Hive may vote for JC to win just out of spite. Tyler can't know if the Hive will vote logically, since the Hive make up the majority of the jury. He can't trust them either way but at least with him next to Kaycee, a Level 6 member wins.

I agree. I think if JC is there, Brett might flip to vote for him. It gives Brett a good option of not having to vote for someone who blindsided him and he'd be able to self justify that JC always had his back and "played a good social game". And I'm pretty sure Bayleigh, RS, Fessy & Sam would all vote for JC over Tyler. Not sure about Scottie & Hayleigh.

The only true lockups I'd think Tyler had against JC is Angela & Kaycee.

  • Love 1

By the way, I've seen a few comments about how the jury segments are always edited/misleading, but I dunno, I haven't gotten that impression myself - last year the jury segment sure made it seem like Paul might have some trouble from Josh, right? BB17 made it clear that Steve was going to win if he was up against Liz (and that Vanessa would win otherwise), BB16 made it clear that Derrick was going to win and BB15 made it clear that Andy was going to win. BB18 was the only one I don't think really foretold the ultimate result. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

Also why does CBS have to keep shoving Jeff down our throats- I don't know what he's going into the house to do today- but couldn't they have called ANYONE else to do it. If they are going to fly him in from Colorado to go into the house to do something with the HG's- they couldn't have flown out Dan or Vanessa or someone else that isn't annoying. Lol. 

Maybe Tyler is waiting for Kaycee to win Part 2 of the HOH- cuz then they both know they are taking each other and JC is basically a sitting duck. Then he'll snap at him? LOL. 

Isn’t Jeff really popular with the casual viewers(who never saw his homophobia?) He won AFP both times that he played.

  • Love 3

I think there are a few things in Tyler's mind in regards to JC- I think he would rather lose to Kaycee then lose to JC. Also, JC has been pontificating for the past week and A LOT last night about all these moves HE did and how Tyler was his muscle. We all know that isn't the case, Tyler knows that isn't the case, but Tyler also knows how convincing JC can be. Tyler can't effectively claim all these moves he's ACTUALLY made when he has JC sitting next to him probably trying to interrupt his answers during the Jury questioning. 

I think Tyler also knows that Kaycee is very much a team player- and it's possible that her answers actually might HELP Tyler- Tyler & I did this, Tyler & I did that, Level 6 did this- Level 6 did that. Tyler can explain what HE did to get HIMSELF to the end- making several F2s- always having himself protected on all angles, etc. 

He has more meat he can sell the Jury then what Kaycee does. At least that's what I think. He just has to sell it well enough. 

6 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

By the way, I've seen a few comments about how the jury segments are always edited/misleading, but I dunno, I haven't gotten that impression myself - last year the jury segment sure made it seem like Paul might have some trouble from Josh, right? BB17 made it clear that Steve was going to win if he was up against Liz (and that Vanessa would win otherwise), BB16 made it clear that Derrick was going to win and BB15 made it clear that Andy was going to win. BB18 was the only one I don't think really foretold the ultimate result. 

Agreed- so to me the Jury segment really showed that it could go either way. At least that's how I viewed it. My bestie who is a casual thought the same thing- she's like I think it's split 50/50 after that segment on who the Jury would vote for. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 8

At first I thought Bayleigh and Chris had little in common, from what I could tell, except that they were attracted to each other in the house.  Nothing to sustain them afterwards.  But Bayleigh in the JH seems to be even more entitled and nasty then she was during her horrid HOH reign

Now I see that they are both megalomaniacs with delusions of grandeur building themselves up into so much more than they really are.  Question is, how can two megalamaniacs make it work?  You can’t both be number one (* baby changes everything)

I didn't mInd chris/swaggy in the House, he was there such a short time that his shtick was still somewhat amusing.  But man I can’t stand him now, I don’t even read his twitter but I’ve seen enough of it on this forum to make me nauseous.  He was less than nothing in this game and if he didn’t hook up with Bayleigh we would hear about him as much as we hear about Steve.  Zero.  

  • Love 18

I still stick by JC being able to win against Tyler. He's not a Victoria. Tyler knows that JC isn't as hated as he is, and he can be seen as being the underdog by a lot of the Jury. He was also closer to FOUETTE the whole game, and they could appreciate he included them in their gameplay (even if he ultimately helped with their demise, he's not seen as being responsible for it). He's gotten away with all the flip votes and was never seen as a target by anybody, despite being in the middle of a lot of what made FOUETTE so confused. And, JC takes credit for everything that's gone on in that House - who knows if the Jury will believe him? Tyler knows that Kaycee won't try to pull that to that extent - she's all about The Team. 

With Tyler versus Kaycee, I can see it being close, but I see a clearer path for Tyler to explain his Game. Kaycee isn't going to take credit for the flip votes or controlling the House - I think she'll go with, "I had to do this for my Team. We formed Coast to Coast on Day 1, and my ultimate goal was getting where we are today. Loyalty was my biggest strategy, and I'm sorry it came at the expense of all of you, but it was necessary."

You know what he's getting with Kaycee, so it's easier to form a way to counteract it. JC is a different matter. 

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, green said:
5 hours ago, DannyRugg said:

 As for the finale, if Saggy does try to steal the limelight with a proposal, everyone should immediately follow suit. JC can propose to Tyler, Fessy and Snottie can duel over Hayleigh, and Brent can get down on one knee and beg Blockstar to be his baby mama. Good times!

I would so love to see that.  Kaycee could stand there and root them on with "Let's Go" while Winston dies a death in slo mo because "Brent" chose Blockstar over him.  Then Kaitlyn can perform some new age wedding vows complete with her animal spirit guides as witnesses and thus would conclude the best BB in ages.

ANYTHING to take the limelight away from Scraggy works for me.

Edited by mikewho
  • Love 6
20 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

but I dunno, I haven't gotten that impression myself - last year the jury segment sure made it seem like Paul might have some trouble from Josh, right?

I didn't get that impression. Whistlenut (forget his name, Jason?), Elena, Mark all trashed Josh as a joke and laughingstock. There was a lot of anti-Paul sentiment but I was definitely surprised that Josh pulled off the win.

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, Neveragain said:

Now I see that they are both megalomaniacs with delusions of grandeur building themselves up into so much more than they really are.  Question is, how can two megalamaniacs make it work?  You can’t both be number one (* baby changes everything)

Scuzzy. (*baby changes nothing with those two).

Bayleigh in Jury House was surprisingly ridiculous. She still blames everyone else for her demise? That's why, when you get a self-aware HG like Haleigh or Kaitlyn, it's so refreshing. I'd give her a lot more credit if she could laugh at how ridiculous FOUETTE was, and admit that she was a part of it. After the Battle Back, I thought she had a little more self awareness (pointing out that the whole Hive was there), but I was wrong.

Also, did Scottie really not get that Tyler never had his back until Brett/Sam revealed their F2 deals with him? He is hopeless.

  • Love 15
27 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I didn't get that impression. Whistlenut (forget his name, Jason?), Elena, Mark all trashed Josh as a joke and laughingstock. There was a lot of anti-Paul sentiment but I was definitely surprised that Josh pulled off the win.

I agree that it didn't make me go into the finale thinking that Josh was going to win, I'm saying that there was so much anti-Paul sentiment that I knew that Josh had a chance. The jury segment was correct in that it showed that they were split, but leaning Paul. Then Paul lost the victory when he wouldn't own up to anything and that led to Jason and Alex turning on him. So the jury segment was accurate (they all hated Paul, but were still leaning towards him). 

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, mooses said:

That's why, when you get a self-aware HG like Haleigh or Kaitlyn, it's so refreshing. I'd give her a lot more credit if she could laugh at how ridiculous FOUETTE was, and admit that she was a part of it. After the Battle Back, I thought she had a little more self awareness (pointing out that the whole Hive was there), but I was wrong.

I don't think Bayleigh ever wanted to be in that alliance. Apparently she was best friends with Angela the first week before the feeds came on, but then started showmancing Swaggy and got roped into that ridiculous alliance by default. She wasn't even part of the initial FOUTTE alliance. It was Swaggy, Kaitlyn, Fasyal, RS, Haleigh.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

I think the last few years they've done it on Saturday. 

The last couple seasons at least, Part 3 is always played live at the top of the Live Finale, right?  And Part 1 was played last night/this morning, and apparently wore out the HGs.  So I’m guessing Part 2 will play sometime around mid-Saturday; that’ll give Kaycee and JC some recovery time, while still allowing enough edit time for Production to get Part 2 into the Sunday episode.


4 hours ago, Cutty said:

Brett wasn't much better. I thought maybe getting blindsided out in epic fashion would tone down the douchebag persona but nope.

Not around THIS bunch of self-delusional numbskulls.


4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Um....because JC is lord and master of everything Tyler?!  Wow....if Tyler doesn't snap at this point, I will stop being impressed at his restraint and start to get pissed.  It's way past time to put this troll in his rightful place.  Just - wow.

As @SiobhanJW said earlier, probably not until after Part 2 at the earliest (assuming a JC Part 2 loss).


3 hours ago, gunderda said:

I actually thought Hayleigh sounded more intelligent in her DR sessions and even during this Jury segment. Like who is this girl and why did we not see her in the house?  She always sounds very mature and level headed when she's describing something. 

Hay has frequently been the only Hive member to start out with correctly assessing the current game status; before long, though, Hay’s train of thought invariably switches to the tracks for FOUTTEsville Station - and derails shortly thereafter.


2 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Luckily for Tyler, Kaycee wasn't very close to Fessy or Scottie, so I think that will help Tyler there, as well. 

IIRC Scottie said as much on his solo TH after revelation of Tyler’s multiple F2s; Scottie hates being played&betrayed by Tyler, but Scottie does respect the strategy behind it.


1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

She seems to be relying on "I won a lot of comps and I let Tyler plan all of your evictions." Which is not a terrible strategy, I'm just wondering how she will frame it. 

IMHO this will be one of those seasons where the F2 speech order will be critical.  If Kaycee goes first, Tyler will likely be able to adjust his speech to address/refute any of Kaycee’s points - of which I expect there to be few, other than “I won comps when I needed to, I never betrayed my alliance, and I always stayed loyal to my initial F2 deal” - every one of which Tyler can reply the same, but with extra strategic layers piled on for good effect.  If Kaycee speechifies first, she’s liable to get pwned.


1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said:

I don't get why Tyler would even bring Kaycee to a f2. Ok, loyalty to his deal but he had several f2 deals running. He could lose to Kaycee. Bringing JC guarantees Tyler wins even IF he is viewed as a traitor. 

I’d disagree, for reasons I’ve stated earlier:

  1. There’s quite likely too much anybody-but-L6 bitterness in the majority of this Jury for either Tyler OR Kaycee to be guaranteed a win against JC.
  2. For Tyler - his only plausible defense against betraying his multiple F2 deals is to claim loyalty to his earliest F2 deal (with Kaycee) over and above all others.


52 minutes ago, Neveragain said:

At first I thought Bayleigh and Chris had little in common, from what I could tell, except that they were attracted to each other in the house.  Nothing to sustain them afterwards.  But Bayleigh in the JH seems to be even more entitled and nasty then she was during her horrid HOH reign

I expect when the terms “Jury House” and “Hive House” were interchangeable, Bae found it quite easy to slide back into her “Queen Bee of the Hive” persona.  Indications were given Bae was already encountering resistance from Fessy at the very least, though, so I doubt her Queen Bee persona will stand up well with each non-Hive Juror’s entry into the JH.

  • Love 4

I have seen many occasions when one of the HGs asked another if they could talk privately to someone. That meant they wanted them to leave the room so they could talk privately. Whenever they did that, the person always left.

Why doesn't Tyler just tell the rat that he wants to talk privately with KC? Or that he has a headache? Or that JC is really bothering him. Or any one of a hundred other reasons why he wants JC to go away and leave him alone? He could do it in a polite way. I think I would tell him that he's giving me a headache and just ask him to leave. Why doesn't Tyler do that?

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I don't think Bayleigh ever wanted to be in that alliance. Apparently she was best friends with Angela the first week before the feeds came on, but then started showmancing Swaggy and got roped into that ridiculous alliance by default. She wasn't even part of the initial FOUTTE alliance. It was Swaggy, Kaitlyn, Fasyal, RS, Haleigh.

Absolutely correct.  Bae’s entry into the alliance was what prompted the change from FOUTTE to <gag> Sacred Six - which was the FOUTTE five + Bae.

Pretty sure Angela doesn't even go to the jury house. They're all in a hotel now and they get them back together to film the jury roundtable (which isn't even at the actual jury house).

2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Absolutely correct.  Bae’s entry into the alliance was what prompted the change from FOUTTE to <gag> Sacred Six - which was the FOUTTE five + Bae.

Basically my point is Bayleigh never liked any of those people and was/is still bitter she wasn't aligned with "cool" people more like her - Angela in particular but she also meshed well with Kaycee. 

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, MissBluxom said:

I have seen many occasions when one of the HGs asked another if they could talk privately to someone. That meant they wanted them to leave the room so they could talk privately. Whenever they did that, the person always left.

Why doesn't Tyler just tell the rat that he wants to talk privately with KC? Or that he has a headache? Or that JC is really bothering him. Or any one of a hundred other reasons why he wants JC to go away and leave him alone? He could do it in a polite way. I think I would tell him that he's giving me a headache and just ask him to leave. Why doesn't Tyler do that?

Because JC is a narcissistic plumped-up-with-self-importance egocentric little troll who thinks nobody’s considerations but his matter - so he won’t go, no matter how politely you ask.  Or how rudely you ask, for that matter.  :P

  • Love 8
Just now, Cutty said:

Basically my point is Bayleigh never liked any of those and was/is still bitter she wasn't aligned with "cool" people more like her - Angela in particular. 

Oh yeah, totally. That's why she told Rachel about her Power App - she was dying to get in with the other side. Even though she re-named the alliance The Hive after Kaitlyn left, she's trying to distance herself from it and put down her allies (who lasted longer!) to make herself look better. She's doing the classic FOUETTE move of pointing fingers where they don't belong. 

The JH had a kind of weird vibe. Faysal/Bayleigh obviously had some tension between them, but it didn't seem like FOUETTE were all that happy to be hanging out with each other in general. Haleigh did end up kind of being the glue between all of them, so maybe her presence has kind of mellowed the atmosphere.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Because JC is a narcissistic plumped-up-with-self-importance egocentric little troll who thinks nobody’s considerations but his matter - so he won’t go, no matter how politely you ask.  Or how rudely you ask, for that matter.  :P

JFC!!! What if you cut off his MFn' head? Think he might go then? SOB. Dirty little Rat.

8 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

Well, I think Kaycee is going to win BB20. I sense it. I think she will take JC in a f2 and she will win. Nobody really hates her that much and she won so many comps she could win in a landslide. 

Well, if she takes JC, then yes, she probably wins. I don't think that that will happen, but yes, if she does, she will win. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Angela is a much different person around Tyler.  He definitely loosens up her personality.  I'm quite sure she was very skeptical of people before she entered the Big Brother house. Tyler showed her love and Kaycee showed her true friendship. 

Oh I can see she is a different person around them and assume that is how she is around friends outside the house. She definitely seems more relaxed. Still doesn't make me think she has much of a personality.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

I still find it so laughable that Foutte seemed to think they were the only alliance in the house, despite having just about every vote go against them.  They are such idiots to not consider that just maybe there was another alliance voting against them.

Oh, Footy knew there was an alliance against them - they just never had a real fucking clue of its true size, or who was actually in it.  They thought their opposition was solely the foursome of Angela/Brett/Rachel/Winston, so they evicted Winston - and Rachel - and grew increasingly confused at how they kept being successfully blindsided when “half” the opposing alliance was already gone.  :D

  • Love 7
47 minutes ago, Nashville said:

probably not until after Part 2 at the earliest (assuming a JC Part 2 loss).


Then they can lock him in a cabinet in the storeroom until Weds.  With plenty of food and water, of course :)

49 minutes ago, Nashville said:

 so I doubt her Queen Bee persona will stand up well with each non-Hive Juror’s entry into the JH.

Angela won't be taking any crap from any of them.

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Then they can lock him in a cabinet in the storeroom until Weds.  With plenty of food and water, of course :)

Angela won't be taking any crap from any of them.

And neither will Brett - I fully expect a major part of Brett’s maintaining his DoucheBro persona is simply because he heartily dislikes at least half the people occupying the JH when he arrived - specifically, Bae and Pinky.

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

Agreed- so to me the Jury segment really showed that it could go either way. At least that's how I viewed it. My bestie who is a casual thought the same thing- she's like I think it's split 50/50 after that segment on who the Jury would vote for. 

I saw that Tyler probably has the edge (against Kaycee)  60/40.

3 hours ago, mooses said:

Bayleigh in Jury House was surprisingly  still ridiculous.

  Fixed that for you.  ;> 

3 hours ago, mooses said:

I still stick by JC being able to win against Tyler.

I would be shocked if this happened.  Most of the house found him annoying and sexually inappropriate/aggressive many times.  Hayleigh will share the bathroom door incident for those who missed it.  Everyone witnessed the ice cream scoop nonsense.  I just don't see it. 

Edited by Wings
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

The last couple seasons at least, Part 3 is always played live at the top of the Live Finale, right?  And Part 1 was played last night/this morning, and apparently wore out the HGs.  So I’m guessing Part 2 will play sometime around mid-Saturday; that’ll give Kaycee and JC some recovery time, while still allowing enough edit time for Production to get Part 2 into the Sunday episode.

Yup Part 3 is always played Live at the Finale but like halfway through- it's annoying cuz they cram so much into the 90 minutes that we don't get to actually see more of a "reunion". 

They will show the beginning of the Part 1 off the HOH Comp on Sunday- then we will see them finish it on Wednesday at the top of the hour- then we will see Part 2. Then Part 3 Live. 

1 hour ago, Cutty said:

Pretty sure Angela doesn't even go to the jury house. They're all in a hotel now and they get them back together to film the jury roundtable (which isn't even at the actual jury house).

Yeah she just goes to the Jury Roundtable which is actually shot literally right around the "street" from the Big Brother House on the CBS Lot- when I went to a taping during BB18 (Victor's first eviction) they walk you over to the studio and someone pointed out that's the area they have been using for the Jury Roundtable for the last few years. So literally a 2 minute walk around the corner. 

And then yeah Angela just goes straight into sequester- which I'm sure she's happy she doesn't have to go live with all of them. Haha. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Wings said:

I would be shocked if this happened.  Most of the house found [JC] annoying and sexually inappropriate/aggressive many times.  Hayleigh will share the bathroom door incident for those who missed it.  Everyone witnessed the ice cream scoop nonsense.  I just don't see it. 

Speaking of which: did Tyler ever fill in anybody besides Kaycee about JC’s midnight kisses?  Or did Kaycee ever pass that knowledge on to anybody else?

9 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

And then yeah Angela just goes straight into sequester- which I'm sure she's happy she doesn't have to go live with all of them. Haha. 

Good for Angela - but that also means a lot of Angela’s knowledge doesn’t get passed on to the other Jurors, except what comes out at the roundtable.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

Also why does CBS have to keep shoving Jeff down our throats- I don't know what he's going into the house to do today- but couldn't they have called ANYONE else to do it. If they are going to fly him in from Colorado to go into the house to do something with the HG's- they couldn't have flown out Dan or Vanessa or someone else that isn't annoying. Lol. 


Actually, dodging tomatoes ?, I really like Jeff. Dan as well. But I have never ever liked Vanessa.

To each his own I guess.?

  • Love 14

Looks like Kaycee's arms/shoulders still hurt from Part 1 yesterday.  From Jokers:


12:43 PM Kaycee/Tyler returning dishes to SR (me: SR=storage room) from their brunch. Kaycee: Oh gosh this was a bad idea with my left arm. (Ed.: Carrying tray) Oh my gosh. I'm about ready to drop this sh*t. Oh! Gosh! It's like my left arm is just so weak! Oh! God!       NT                         09/21/18 12:50 PM

Edited by green
16 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Yup Part 3 is always played Live at the Finale but like halfway through- it's annoying cuz they cram so much into the 90 minutes that we don't get to actually see more of a "reunion". 

Well... not always.  :)  From BB2 on up through BB10, the eviction of the third remaining HG didn’t occur on Finale night, but anywhere from 4-7 days earlier.  I had to go back and look it up because I knew I remembered seasons where the last few days on the feeds/BBAD consisted of only the F2 HGs, rattling around inside the largely empty House and working on their speeches for the Jury.  The F3-to-F2 live eviction didn’t start until BB11, but has been a regular thing ever since.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Braggy D fails to realise that he wasn't evicted for being the best BB player of all time - he was simply the loudest mouth trying to get "the other side" evicted so they took out the big voice. If he was a great BB player, he would have worked to get them evicted without making himself a big braggy target.

6 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

I've never liked Bay and was never really a Fessy fan either- but Bay calling him dumb constantly- she was saying it when he came out during the Battleback is just mean- we get it he made a boneheaded move- but so did you- he's right you telling the OTHER SIDE about your Power App was also a boneheaded move and that's why you are in Jury so don't act like you are the best player in the game- because you aren't you are in Jury.

Fessy's idiot move didn't impact Bayleigh's game, not sure why she is so continually salty about it. Hayleigh and Scottie were the ones that suffered because of Fessy's idiocy.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, OldWiseOne said:

Braggy D fails to realise that he wasn't evicted for being the best BB player of all time - he was simply the loudest mouth trying to get "the other side" evicted so they took out the big voice. If he was a great BB player, he would have worked to get them evicted without making himself a big braggy target.

Thunderous applause ensues.  Too bad Saggy has his head too far up his own ass to hear it.


1 minute ago, OldWiseOne said:

Fessy's idiot move didn't impact Bayleigh's game, not sure why she is so continually salty about it. Hayleigh and Scottie were the ones that suffered because of Fessy's idiocy.

Simple - it deflects from Bae’s own stupidity.  Good on Fessy* for calling Bae out on it.




6 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

Also why does CBS have to keep shoving Jeff down our throats

Maybe Jordan’s throat is sore...?  ;>



  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

BB18 was the only one I don't think really foretold the ultimate result. 

I swear, every time BB18 is brought up or I just think about it, I can never remember who won. Like it takes me forever to figure out who did. I usually can't even remember who was in it at all at first. So weird because that was actually an enjoyable season.

2 hours ago, mooses said:

Bayleigh in Jury House was surprisingly ridiculous. She still blames everyone else for her demise?

I think all of FOUTTE seems to have self-awareness over what happened with them, but Bayleigh and Scottie have none.

1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said:

Well, I think Kaycee is going to win BB20. I sense it. I think she will take JC in a f2 and she will win. Nobody really hates her that much and she won so many comps she could win in a landslide. 

If Kaycee wins the final HOH and takes JC I will lol for days and suddenly like her.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, HartofDixie said:

Has it been confirmed that Jeff is hosting the jury round table? What other reason would be appear on Sundays episode?

It could be to help with the clip show by coming in and asking questions to the final 3 to prompt the clips. Jury roundtable won't be until the finale, anyway, since they're only filming the jury roundtable this weekend. 

I mean, I know I hate the clip show episode with how forced it is to have the final 3 spout off likely rehearsed lines to prompt certain clips, but inserting a special guest like Jeff is just as bad. 

3 hours ago, mooses said:

Bayleigh in Jury House was surprisingly ridiculous. She still blames everyone else for her demise? That's why, when you get a self-aware HG like Haleigh or Kaitlyn, it's so refreshing. I'd give her a lot more credit if she could laugh at how ridiculous FOUETTE was, and admit that she was a part of it. After the Battle Back, I thought she had a little more self awareness (pointing out that the whole Hive was there), but I was wrong.


She’s unrelentingly awful. On Finale Night I’d love her to once more demand an apology from Tyler re: his denying he pitched Angela as a nom. And, voila, the broadcast video of the conversation will make it clear he didn’t actually pitch Angela at all. That would shut her up good. Until Swaggy proposes to her, of course.

Edited by TimWil
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47 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

Per Instagram, because nothing is happening on Twitter:

Rachel is at Octoberfest in New York

BB19's Alex has been having airport troubles

Kaitlyn is pushing some sort of body scrub


Actually, I take that back

O being O aside -- I don't think these celebs understand that doing CBB isn't as much like regular BB as they think.

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I read some of Angela’s exit interviews and she’s not entirely thrilled with Tyler. She said she understood the Final 2 that he & Kaycee had on a game level but wish he told her beforehand. If it’s Tyler & Kaycee in the Finals I think she might give her cote to Tyler. Of course, it all could change by the round table and finale night but I’m nervous. 

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1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

I read some of Angela’s exit interviews and she’s not entirely thrilled with Tyler. She said she understood the Final 2 that he & Kaycee had on a game level but wish he told her beforehand. If it’s Tyler & Kaycee in the Finals I think she might give her cote to Tyler. Of course, it all could change by the round table and finale night but I’m nervous. 

This is why blindsides aren't good for the houseguests themselves. This is why we get disappointed in other seasons when there are no blindsides but why it's way better for the people in the house to be honest beforehand. Blindsiding someone doesn't allow the person to get the answers they want. Sure, Kaycee and Tyler told Angela in their goodbye messages, but it's a one sided thing, where Angela doesn't get to ask them about it. Yes, Angela may say that she understands, but with the person she fell in love with and who spent every night with her, and her best friend in the house after Rachel left who bonded with her, it's something that would hurt any person. I think Angela will be fine and vote for the person who played the best game, but it doesn't mean that she can't also be hurt by the move. 

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Kaycee doesn't look like she feels well.  Either that or like she's upset/distracted.  I wonder if she's upset that Tyler won the first comp?   Maybe not only because of the "deal," but because she's gotten used to being the Queen of the Physical Competitions.  

ETA:  she's sick.  I just heard her say she was going to fix some "honey and tea," and the say, "I'm struggling." And then she put an ice pack on her shoulder.   

Oh, and the kitchen is also visibly messier than when Sam was there.  Maybe she hid the dishwashing liquid and didn't tell anyone where it was when she left. 

Edited by Thalia
I'm not a doctor, I just play one on this board.
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21 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I'm sure she'll realize after the fact that it makes no sense for Tyler to tell her. Does she really think that that would have gone over had he done it?

Yeah, I think she's mostly hurt because the guy she fell in love with didn't tell her about his final two deal with their best friend, but once she gets some distance from it and finds out he had final twos with Brett and Sam as well, she'll be fine. Plus, even though he didn't outright tell her in the house, he told her that he was gonna tell her a secret in her GBM, so he gave her a heads up.

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6 hours ago, DannyRugg said:

I have a horrible feeling that if Dr. Will doesn't do the jury segment, Grodner will bring in loathsome bearded, tatted-up attention addict Paul the Troll.


5 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I also think he can tolerate a loss to Kaycee a lot more than he would a loss to JC.

Him and me both!  JC can't win.

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