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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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35 minutes ago, twilightzone said:

The person who goes out in 3rd place always gets an interview with Julie.

No, not always, only in the past two seasons (BB18 and BB19)*. In all the other seasons the poor third place runner up walked directly to a chair onstage with the other jurors and didn’t get an interview with Julie.  I think next week’s Finale Night will be so jam packed this could happen again-unless the third place runner up is Tyler, of course.


* Confirmed by going to the videotape of past Finale Nights on CBS All Access

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2 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

Obviously he's not going to tell Kaycee he isn't going to keep her if he wins Veto- but I really think he's going to keep her. LOL. 

He would have a better shot with Angela who has pissed off most of the jury.

22 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

What irony that JC beat Tyler by getting an Angela bleep correct when Tyler did not.

I agree with the quote below.

14 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Not irony, that's where Tyler threw it.

I agree with you.  Now he doesn't have to put up either girl.

  • Love 4

Kaycee would be a nice but boring winner. Tyler was great most of the season but became soooooooo dull the last few weeks. I don’t know how he can compete with Kaycee and her social game. Tyler was too busy with Angela to really socialize with everyone else. It’s not like he didn’t talk to everyone but it was on a minimal level. I think the jury will award Kaycee the win on the Vetos alone. 

  • Love 8

I'd say there's a 90% chance Angela goes, but there's this niggling thought I've had that maybe Kaycee and Angela made a F2 pact, but production decided to keep that in their back pocket (especially considering Sam's shaming of Kaitlyn and Haleigh weeks back) for a shocking ending, where the girls turn on the boys completely.

  • Love 3

Kaycee voting Angela out would boost her resume even more - the "big" move the Jury has been dying for.

Tyler's going to have a tough time beating Kaycee or JC. JC did a lot of work, but I'd be disappointed because I'm not a fan and he has had no idea what's actually been going on the whole game. Even if he wins, he's not the puppet master of the season, like he would claim, but he was a really great rat. I'd like his game more if he was aware of that. 

Kaycee is the competition beast who laid low and didn't make many enemies because she wasn't in control - and she didn't have to be, which helped her social game. 

I'd love to see Kaycee or Tyler win. Which means JC is going to win this whole gosh darn game, of course. L3 definitely overestimated Sam's likability factor in voting her out.

Also, was the Veto the days competition? Because it's a total shocker that Kaycee could win that - she couldn't even remember her own made up song lyrics after repeating them for an hour!

Edited by mooses
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11 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

I'm confused- JC is automatically in F3 right now- so Angela would have to choose either Kaycee or Tyler to go with them. If you are talking about who she would take to F2- if she won Part 3 there is absolutely no way she takes JC- she'll take whomever is left between Kaycee or Tyler. 

The only way JC makes it to F2- is if he wins out. The two left in L6 will take each other. 

Reason JC wants Angela out- is he perceives her as the lynchpin- and if removes her that means that Kaycee & Tyler would take JC to F2 over each other- because he doesn't know that they are actually a duo. 

He's basically backed himself into a corner he doesn't know he's in- and he has to win out. 

Suddenly all of it has become so ...


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2 hours ago, Thalia said:

Some of the folks in the CBS audience couldn't help groaning when they realized JC won on that last question. 

I wish they were groaning.  I heard surprise and even some pleasure in the surprise unfortunately.


2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Not irony, that's where Tyler threw it.

No way did Tyler throw it.  This was for F3.  You don't throw them ever!


46 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Kaycee won veto.


I can see Kaycee having second thoughts and evicting Tyler because I never believe anything is a slam dunk.  I mean I hope she votes out Angela but she might start thinking about Angela being disliked by the jury and suddenly flip at the last minute.  And Angela would take her to F2 as well.  Being in the House all these days makes everybody over think ever single move like a hundred times over.  Please, Kaycee, don't think.  Just vote out Angela.

Edited by green
  • Love 3

Life often gives us two chances to avoid being stupid. Tangela was stupid twice in a row. First for Brett. Second for Sam.

They could have survived either mistake. But not both. Too bad. But they deserve all this pain cuz they did it to themselves. Two real stupid moves.

2 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

Angela has no say in what happens. I don't think. Her game was over when KC won the veto. She was done at that time. Over easy and out!

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27 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

Life often gives us two chances to avoid being stupid. Tangela was stupid twice in a row. First for Brett. Second for Sam.

They could have survived either mistake. But not both. Too bad. But they deserve all this pain cuz they did it to themselves. Two real stupid moves.

Brett was a good move - especially for Angela/Kaycee. They had to get rid of JC or Brett in DE if they had the chance, and if they got rid of JC, Brett would still feel blindsided and was theoretically harder to beat in competitions. A bitter JC is a dangerous mouth to send to the Jury - FOUETTE believe everything he ever says to them, no questions asked. And, Tyler didn't want to risk Brett getting to F2 with his charisma, charm and persuasiveness (he convinced Rockstar to make an alliance with him!). Now that JC won this HOH, that can be second guessed, but that was totally a fine move at the time.

Sam was a worse move, but they thought JC was worse in competitions - and he was, until this week. That, and they totally overestimated how liked she was by the Jury. Personally, I don't think there's any way they would let her win, but Tyler was worried she'd be pull a Jordan-like win out. And, who knows, maybe Sam would have won the same competition JC won, and they'd be in the exact same position now. 

You just can't control every single thing in this game - you could make all the right moves, and lose on one question. Some of it's luck, and I think their luck just ran out.

ETA: And, Sam has been better than JC in endurance, and Final HOH is an endurance. JC can still win that, but it's an educated guess for them.

Edited by mooses
  • Love 9

Can you imagine if Kaycee played in more Vetos this season- she would probably have broken the record for most Veto wins. She didn't play in a Veto until Week 6!

Kaycee will vote out Angela for sure. 

I think it can go anyway with Kaycee or Tyler on Finale night- Tyler was the strategic mind in their duo- and Kaycee clearly the comp beast. It all I think will come down to speeches- I know I know people say that the Jury usually has their mind already made up, but I think if Tyler prepares well for the questions and has a great closing speech- you never know. But I think Angela can explain Tyler's game to the Jury- and hopefully he's been leaving awesome GBM's. 

I'm cool with a Tyler or Kaycee win. JC nope. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Can you imagine if Kaycee played in more Vetos this season- she would probably have broken the record for most Veto wins. She didn't play in a Veto until Week 6!

Kaycee will vote out Angela for sure. 

I think it can go anyway with Kaycee or Tyler on Finale night- Tyler was the strategic mind in their duo- and Kaycee clearly the comp beast. It all I think will come down to speeches- I know I know people say that the Jury usually has their mind already made up, but I think if Tyler prepares well for the questions and has a great closing speech- you never know. But I think Angela can explain Tyler's game to the Jury- and hopefully he's been leaving awesome GBM's. 

I'm cool with a Tyler or Kaycee win. JC nope. 

But if Angela pushes too hard for Tyler it might turn the jury off. 

  • Love 2

I’m happy with this result. I want Angela to not be in the final two, and Tyler and Kaycee have been my favorite players for the season as a whole (of course there have been spots when I wanted to smack both of them, but honestly? If there’s not a point where you want to smack all of these people, then you just aren’t watching close enough. Or are a better person than me. Either/or). So yeah, I want Kaycee and Tyler to battle it out to the end. After booting the asshole JC. I don’t care what CBS is trying to sell me with JC, I ain’t buying. 

  • Love 22

Oh, I'm torn. On the one hand, the girl who couldn't win anything is now winning everything! Suck it, Fessy.

On the other hand, I think she'll beat Tyler, so I'm happy for her but totally sad for him. They have both played the hell out of this game. Hopefully he can swing AFP, maybe. 

It's easier when there is a certified bad guy in the F2 rather than two likeable competitors.

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, mooses said:

JC now says that, after his DR session, he is 50/50 on who should stay. I'm guessing the DR strongly suggested that Angela could be susceptible to a bitter Jury.

I know they need to get the point of view for each one but they don't even air that anymore. DR's use to have HG really explaining the pros and cons of evicting a player. This is just BS .

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