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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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Because of the game, Tyler really is kind of stuck.  He wants the money, and he doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize winning.  He needs JC's vote, and he needs to not disrupt the house.  You know...exactly like someone getting sexually harassed/assaulted at work who is won't talk about it or report it to HR because they're afraid of losing their job and their source of income.


And JC knows exactly what he's doing when he's fondling Tyler.  When he double kissed Tyler's armpit, he quickly skedaddled to the other side of the bed in case Tyler woke up.


And just like I posted before about Fessie and Haleigh--you can't lie in your sleep.  In some of those clips, Tyler was rolled over and clinging to the very edge of the bed, as far from JC as he could get.  I think he became aware of what was happening in his sleep, so he did what he could without offending the little troll and causing a scene.

  • Love 23
40 minutes ago, gunderda said:

They chowed down on whatever she made last night.  Looked like some sort of sweet chex mix mixture. 

Oh some definitely do eat Sam's food.  Some don't and I think her comment was directed at those who pass on her cooking.  

3 minutes ago, mooses said:

Guess they aren't too happy about the publicity after all. 

I am sure they are not.  The 'me too' climate has changed what is overlooked now. 

  • Love 1

It is good for Tyler that JC did the bathroom door stunt with Hay.  They will talk to him about stopping everything going on without it looking like Tyler spoke to the DR.   It is a moot point anyway since Angela will be sleeping with him now.  

Now he has to talk to Sam and reassure her she is still in it with him.  

Edited by Wings
  • Love 3
21 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

Also, Sam recently commented about not cooking as much anymore because she didn't know she was cooking the wrong things for everybody ... what's that about?

Early in the season Sam really got into cooking dinners for everybody in the House, to the point it became one of her “things”; she really liked to surprise the other HGs nightly with what was on the menu for the evening meal.  After a while, though, Sam started getting upset - some of the HGs (I recall Angela in particular) weren’t eating what Sam had prepared for everybody and fixing separate meals for themselves instead, and Sam took it as them casting aspersions on her cooking.  It also didn’t help that Sam was putting in extravagant amounts of time and prep on these meals, to the point Sam was monopolizing the kitchen - and the HGs who were preparing their own meals had to maneuver around Sam’s cooking schedule and kitchen use to get their own cooking needs done.  Conflicts inevitably arose.

Eventually, though, someone (don’t remember who) pulled Sam off to the side and explained the issue to her; Sam’s cooking was very good by everybody’s estimation, but it also leaned heavily in the direction of carb-heavy comfort foods.  It wasn’t an issue of HGs not liking her cooking - they did - but they couldn’t eat that much of it if they wanted to keep their weight under control.

Sam took the criticism surprisingly well - actually I think a light bulb went on for Sam somewhere, as this was also right around the time Sam herself was complaining about none of her own clothes fitting any more.  Sam apologized for monopolizing the kitchen, and she’s been a good bit better about it since.  Sam still cooks pretty regularly - but not as often, and what she does fix generally appears to be more health-conscious than before.

(Actually, I think Sam was more than a little mortified at own insensitivity for not taking the other HGs’ diets into account - but that’s just MHO - YMMV)


7 minutes ago, gunderda said:

next year there will probably be some rule about someone using the bathroom or a lock on the door.  I get why they don't want it to lock but it's always given me the heebie jeebies that it doesn't. 

IIRC several years back a HG passed out while they were in the WC, fell forward against the door, and they initially had a bit of an issue getting to them.  I suspect Production’s always been scared of a repeat - but all the same, there should be a more balanced approach between safety and personal privacy.

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, Nashville said:

IIRC several years back a HG passed out while they were in the WC, fell forward against the door, and they initially had a bit of an issue getting to them.  I suspect Production’s always been scared of a repeat - but all the same, there should be a more balanced approach between safety and personal privacy.

In this case the "balanced approach" would be a few spare keys to the WC door held by PAs.  Again, production- not creative thinkers.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 I thought I saw a clip a day or so ago where Tyler stated quite emphatically to one of the women that JC would NOT be sleeping with him again.  Did I dream it?

No you didn't. He said it to Kaycee yesterday in the Kitchen. And then on their way to bed he said to her something a long the lines of "I swear if JC's in my bed- I'm sleeping on the floor". 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 1
Just now, lilabennet said:

In this case the "balanced approach" would be a few spare keys to the WC door held by PAs.  Again, production- not creative thinkers.

Hell, a simple bedroom doorknob with a lock would be sufficient - yaknow, the kind you can unlock with a small screwdriver when your kids (accidentally or not) lock you out?  ;)

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Hell, a simple bedroom doorknob with a lock would be sufficient - yaknow, the kind you can unlock with a small screwdriver when your kids (accidentally or not) lock you out?  ;)

You would think that the high-tech version of BB would be familiar with technology that's been around for decades.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

what an incredible contrast that is compared to the "he's such a lovable imp" edit JC is getting on the broadcast shows.

 Maybe the edit will change  now that they're getting so much negative publicity about  his actions. Gotta wonder, where is TMZ in all of this?  They're usually the 1st ones to run a story like this.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Nashville said:

I already changed it back - can’t have folks going verklempt all over the place.  ;)

I generally look on my phone and the profile pictures are so small that I have apparently been operating under the erroneous belief it was Dustyn from Stranger Things, so if you need to change it up, I apparently wont notice.

  • Love 4
44 minutes ago, mooses said:

Guess they aren't too happy about the publicity after all. 

I didn't miss that last line.

Haleigh: "Allison came and talked to me. I don't want him to get in trouble."

Um... yes, you do, Haleigh. JC is a fully grown adult and should have to own up to his actions. That wasn't a joke or kidding around or being funny. That was disrespectful as hell and gross and it should not be allowed. But JC has been infantilized by the edit and he's the comic relief. And unless Production suddenly does a 180 on his edit, he will be the AFP winner - provided Tyler isn't F2 and/or nothing amazeballs happens from here on in. 

I am livid in the same way that I was when Fuck you, Fessy didn't help clean up the house after Hide and Go Veto, aside from his weak-ass mopping for two seconds. 

Fuck you, JC. 

  • Love 23
5 hours ago, LGGirl said:

Am I the only one who thought the Veto comp shown las night favored Fessy?   I think it was great that Kaycee pulled out the win but it was obvious Production wanted Fessy to win. 

Kaycee is a professional wide receiver so she definitely had just as much of an advantage as Faysal.

So, based of the ticker on the feeds, I guess we'll get to see the Battle Back comp on the ep tonight and then the feeds will come on so we can see the aftermath of the returnee, well, returning lol. And then sometime later we'll get to watch the endurance HOH on the feeds. I just hope the HOH comp doesn't start at like midnight, but I feel pretty sure it will.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kaycee is a professional wide receiver so she definitely had just as much of an advantage as Faysal.

When he watched the episode last night, the husband had no idea that Fuck you, Fessy had played college football and immediately called the competition in Kaycee's favour when he saw what was involved. TBH, I had forgotten about Fessy playing football as well and even though I knew Kaycee had won, I thought she would have that one in the bag.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Nashville said:

Personally, I think Production should introduce JC to the glam - the glitter - the all-out FUN which is Disco Dan’s 24-Hour Solitary Dance Party....  ;>

I didn't watch that season at all, but if Dan was subjected to that noise for 24 hours, no wonder he had his own funeral (I have no idea the sequence of events).

  • Love 2

Another black cat owner here, name of Loki. 

Topic: The molesting of sleeping houseguests this season is insane! To pull that shit in real life is heinous enough, but how fucking stupid do you have to be to do this in the BB house? It never ceases to blow my mind how every year they do and say the most inappropriate shit with no regard for the cameras. I can understand when words fly out of your mouth before you can think it through, we all have our slip ups. What I can't comprehend are these perverts who literally can not stop themselves from copping a feel whilst someone else is asleep. The lack of self control is astounding to me, but then again, I'm not a sexual predator. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, gunderda said:

but Tyler was probably like "what the hell is this dude doing... while sleeping...." and probably just thought it was JC being weird while sleeping.

I think Tyler's too smart to think that. I think any dude would be too smart to think that. Except maybe Fessy, who would misinterpret it as being an alliance offering.

  • Love 7
36 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I didn't miss that last line.

Haleigh: "Allison came and talked to me. I don't want him to get in trouble."

Um... yes, you do, Haleigh. JC is a fully grown adult and should have to own up to his actions. That wasn't a joke or kidding around or being funny. That was disrespectful as hell and gross and it should not be allowed. But JC has been infantilized by the edit and he's the comic relief. And unless Production suddenly does a 180 on his edit, he will be the AFP winner - provided Tyler isn't F2 and/or nothing amazeballs happens from here on in. 

I am livid in the same way that I was when Fuck you, Fessy didn't help clean up the house after Hide and Go Veto, aside from his weak-ass mopping for two seconds. 

Fuck you, JC. 

I read somewhere a bit ago- which I now cannot find- she was explaining in detail what happened to Fessy. Basically she was in the bathroom, JC walked in and knocked on the door she didn't say anything- and she was covered at the time. He then opened the door and was shocked and she threw toilet paper at him as a joke. Then he walked away- he then came back and reopened the door and tried to tie it up but at that moment she wasn't covered up. She told him to stop, he didn't- and that's when she called for Production. 

12 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Has JC said anything about out loud? Has he denied it?

Has said anything about which situation? The Hayleigh situation he rambled on and on about last night mostly he was pissed off at Sam because she went off on him about it, and how he can never do pranks. Etc. I feel like if Hay had to speak to Allison then they were taking it pretty seriously. 

In regards to the Tyler thing- from what I gathered from Vegas it sounds like Tyler was told about the incident- but hasn't mentioned it to any other HG's and didn't file a "formal complaint". But has made it pretty clear in the house that he doesn't want to share a bed with JC again. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, missyb said:


This does not look like spinning disks ??

Also, I had to go to Reddit to see this theory being thrown out, but people are thinking the Battleback comp is not part of the HOH comp, after all, and that it could be that lemon drop comp that Josh won in the second DE last year (the one where they had to search through a ballpit to find balls, run up the ramp and then drop them into a tube). Since it was used in the DE, they expect it to be a quick comp.

I could see that happening, but boo because the spinning disk HOH comp was 100% good for Scottie to win and now he has a 1/4 lucky chance to get back, and we could be stuck with Bayleigh or Fessy. 

  • Love 2

Sounds like there are two separate comps. One, Battle Back which will be seen on the live show. Followed by the HOH competition after live show and sown on live feeds. So, whoever comes back in, most likely goes  into the HOH competition.

BBcommunity groups have been asked by CBS to promote the episode and live feed HOH.

Edited by missyb
  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, missyb said:

Sounds like there are two separate comps. One, Battle Back which will be seen on the live show. Followed by the HOH competition after live show and sown on live feeds. So, whoever comes back in, most likely goes  into the HOH competition.

BBcommunity groups have been asked by CBS to promote the episode and live feed HOH.

Sounds like the battle back comp will be in the small room where Kaitlin met her fate with everyone being able to watch on the TV.  The drama we are supposed to see could be between the one who comes back having an issue with one of the HGs. 

I went and made a new gmail account so I could sign up for the free trial of the live feed so I can watch the post show stuff.  (I've used up my 5 real email addresses.  LOL)  Here in Austin, the show is being preempted by stupid football, so I won't be able to see the show until after midnight, if they show it at all.  In the past, the local station has just completely skipped the broadcast.  BBAD will be on before the broadcast show.  Y'all post lots about what's going on.  I'm gonna have to depend on you to find out what's happening.

Edited by llongori
  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, llongori said:

I went and made a new gmail account so I could sign up for the free trial of the live feed so I can watch the post show stuff.  (I've used up my 5 real email addresses.  LOL)  Here in Austin, the show is being preempted by stupid football, so I won't be able to see the show until after midnight, if they show it at all.  In the past, the local station has just completely skipped the broadcast.  Y'all post lots about what's going on.  I'm gonna have to depend on you to find out what's happening.

http://www.videobrother.net/live-stream streams the live shows as the east coast gets them.  I live in MT so always tune in to this because I don't want to wait to post.    If you click it now it will tell you that it will be on in 1 hour 10 seconds.  

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, I had to go to Reddit to see this theory being thrown out, but people are thinking the Battleback comp is not part of the HOH comp, after all, and that it could be that lemon drop comp that Josh won in the second DE last year (the one where they had to search through a ballpit to find balls, run up the ramp and then drop them into a tube). Since it was used in the DE, they expect it to be a quick comp.

I could see that happening, but boo because the spinning disk HOH comp was 100% good for Scottie to win and now he has a 1/4 lucky chance to get back, and we could be stuck with Bayleigh or Fessy. 

If Bayleigh or Fessy win the BB, they have no shot at winning HOH. So if it makes you feel better, whoever wins will only be here for a week. Now, if Scottie wins, he is a legit contender for HOH. And then shit gets real for L6. 

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

If Bayleigh or Fessy win the BB, they have no shot at winning HOH. So if it makes you feel better, whoever wins will only be here for a week. Now, if Scottie wins, he is a legit contender for HOH. And then shit gets real for L6. 

Bayleigh is an unknown as far as comps go, no?  I don't remember her doing any comp so there is that.  :) 

48 minutes ago, Wings said:

http://www.videobrother.net/live-stream streams the live shows as the east coast gets them.  I live in MT so always tune in to this because I don't want to wait to post.    If you click it now it will tell you that it will be on in 1 hour 10 seconds.  

Thank you.  I'll try it.  Oh, and I just checked the TV guide and realized (pardon my yelling) THEY'RE SHOWING THE SAME BLOODY GAME ON BOTH ABC AND CBS!!!!  And it's the Cowboys who couldn't win a game even if the other team didn't show up! (Sorry Cowboy fans)  Sheesh...

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, llongori said:

Thank you.  I'll try it.  Oh, and I just checked the TV guide and realized (pardon my yelling) THEY'RE SHOWING THE SAME BLOODY GAME ON BOTH ABC AND CBS!!!!  And it's the Cowboys who couldn't win a game even if the other team didn't show up! (Sorry Cowboy fans)  Sheesh...

I was about to ask you about it when I read your first comment.  They’re only showing the game on ABC here in Houston area. That is odd that it is showing on two networks.


15 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

My profile pic is now what I will be drinking while watching this HOH tonight.

I decided to finally do a profile piic.  Rather than the usual rubber ducky that I do for most forums, I figured I would use an L.L. Bean duck boot since it’s hurricane season.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Haleigh: "Allison came and talked to me. I don't want him to get in trouble."

Um... yes, you do, Haleigh. JC is a fully grown adult and should have to own up to his actions. That wasn't a joke or kidding around or being funny. That was disrespectful as hell and gross and it should not be allowed.

Yes.  THIS


Haleigh's response is typical of a young woman who doesn't want to rock the boat and will rationalize and make excuses for being harassed and taken advantage of.  Sadly, it is very common.  I'm guilty of it myself when I was groped in passing by a co-worker from an associated group when I was much younger.  I rationalized it away with the excuse that I was standing in the hallway with a group of people so he only brushed up against me--and stroked my ass--in passing because we were partially blocking the way.  Yet, somewhere in the back of my head was the niggling thought that it felt like a deliberate act: when brushing past someone, one does not usually cup and stroke the other's butt.  Flash forward to many years later when a group of other female employees and I were comparing notes and we all had very similar experiences.  He never did it very often, there was always some sort of excuse he could use for the touching, and apparently he rotated his victims.  We were shocked.  Now that I'm older and have a lot more self-confidence, if something like that were to happen again, I'd call whomever it was out in front of everybody immediately after it happened and lodge a clear complaint with HR.

I don't mean to start a big #metoo run in this thread, but I wanted to express why I'm first and foremost very angry at JC for doing it, but I'm also kind of angry with Hayleigh for tolerating it and making excuses for it.  This may sound like a double standard, because I'm not angry at Tyler for not raising a ruckus about being groped, but I"m not 100% sure Tyler was fully conscious that it was happening (it sounds like he was informed by production) and he's trying to play the game to win the big money.  He's also taking steps to make sure it doesn't happen again.  Haleigh was certainly aware it happened, and she's making excuses for the little turd and trying to downplay the whole situation.  "It was a joke."  "Boys will be boys."  "What can you do, he's so cute." "I don't want him to get in trouble."  That's how this crap keeps happening, and the creeps keep getting away with it.   I'm angry with Haleigh because I'm angry with my younger self. 


Thus endith today's therapy session.  I think we made good progress today.

  • Love 19

Congrats Pixiebomb! 

I'm a little nervous about the returnee...I think Scottie will be the most driven to come back, and I don't want him to return, but he has a great shot at a variety of comps. Fessy will only be motivated to keep Scottie out. Ugh.

Not looking forward to Fessy's wannabe bad ass speech tonight trying to trash Angela.

RS coming back might be funny in regards to Brett after his GB message.

I think we should add FUJC (FUJ?) to FUF. 

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

@Pixiebomb Glad everything’s okay!

in re: JC/Haleigh, I don’t blame her for her reaction at all. She’s 21 years old. I don’t think she really knows yet how to use her voice, as an adult woman. Particularly in a situation like BB, where one wrong social misstep could cost you $500k. 

Yeah. Haleigh and Tyler both reacted like I thought they would. This game environment is tough when it comes to situations like these, because you don't want to screw your game by reacting appropriately. Haleigh and Tyler are both very young, so they may not fully get it. Honestly, I'm 24 years old and I'm certain I'd keep quiet too, just because it's also in my nature to not confront someone directly. 

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