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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

HOH to start at 1:30am est

What?  First I can’t watch the episode because of football and now I can’t watch the live HOH because I’m old and I’ve had wine and there is no way I will be up at one unless it’s because I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom which is usually at 3:30 anyway. 

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

The high of Scottie winning to the low of him saying he wants to align with Tyler was just honestly so perfect for this season and for the Foutte alliance in general. One step forward, 5000 steps back lol.

That and saying he didn't know about Failey.  And giving away jury management info to his competitors.  Scottie is the dumbest dumb to ever dumb.  I'm happy he's back for Team GoodFeeds, but he does not deserve to win this game.

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1 minute ago, Pixiebomb said:

... there is no way I will be up at one unless it’s because I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom which is usually at 3:30 anyway. 

Hey, that's the same time I wake up to pee! Twins!

Scottie guessed exactly what the HOH is going to be lol.

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2 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

What?  First I can’t watch the episode because of football and now I can’t watch the live HOH because I’m old and I’ve had wine and there is no way I will be up at one unless it’s because I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom which is usually at 3:30 anyway. 

Sister from another mother. 

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Watching everyone act like they're so happy Scottie is back is simultaneously hilarious and annoying.

We know some reactions are genuine. I think Sam, Haleigh, and Brett are the most genuine in seeing him. 

9 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

HOH to start at 1:30am est

I am now thrilled that I have tomorrow to work from home. I can actually watch! I'll live blog the entire thing (granted it's all on feeds).

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10:30 PM BBT? It makes sense that they would wait for the west coast to be able to see the episode before starting HoH but I'm used to spending my early evenings watching the feeds. Now I have to shift around my whole schedule of do nothing and do nothing while watching the feeds and I feel so overwhelmed.


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Ok, the live feeds are the one time entertainment-wise that I'm glad to be a west coaster, lol. 130 am? That's nuts. Why so late? Allowing for the Scottie meet and greet?

Oh, please let this comp actually last longer than than it takes me to say FUF. Who wants to win tonight? (Obviously Scottie is 100% winning this.) I don't see Sam doing great on this, but everyone else could be a contender.

Edited by CrazyDog
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I just really don't wanna wake up to a JC win. I'll take literally anyone else. and if scottie is able to win HOH and send JC home, I might actually start rooting for him full stop.

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Watching everyone act like they're so happy Scottie is back is simultaneously hilarious and annoying.

And boring and fake and tiring.  I am ready for bed now.

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26 minutes ago, leocadia said:

I was actually worried that he'd go all the way over and fall on his head.  Of course, maybe that would help...

Was that a BB first?  The entire house seemed pretty happy to see him.  That was nice for a change.

I was actually expecting the railing to break when FUF was leaning on it... 

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3 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Ok, the live feeds are the one time entertainment-wise that I'm glad to be a west coaster, lol. 130 am? That's nuts. Why so late? Allowing for the Scottie meet and greet?

10:30 for me in MT but that is way past my bedtime!

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58 minutes ago, Skyfall said:

Fessy to Angela: “You’re not all that.”

As a bi guy, she’s more attractive than you.

I think they're both hot af, but this made me literally lol. 

35 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I saw a little tummy bulge when Bayleigh was wearing the pink dress with little denim jacket.

Same. Bun Watch is a go! 

33 minutes ago, zorak said:

The big question is was that actually booze in Bayleigh’s glass when they were toasting in the jury house?

I don't like Bayleigh, and cannot. stand. the theoretical father. But still: a couple of sips of wine is not going to cause FAS. I've (thankfully!!) never been knocked up, but the level eleventy behavior policing of those who are, annoys the shit out of me. That's not you specifically, Zorak, it's a gen pop problem imo. 

31 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

They are shocked that they keep following each other. They are like, “I don’t understand”. When Fessy came out it was funny when he said he was sorry. 

I give Fess a lot of credit for going immediately to Scottie with that (very much deserved) apology. 

I love the cast this year. Everyone managed at least a seemingly sincere, happy welcome back for Scottie. No shunning, no "revolving door" (at least to his face), just a genuine welcome back to the game. Every man for himself moving forward, as it should be, but no unnecessary personal shithead behavior. Refreshing af. 

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

And it’s really dumb that B.B. told them to dress in athletic gear. They could have dressed up nice and changed since they have THREE FREAKING HOURS to wait. 

Well, but, Brett's version of dressing up nice is an unbuttoned denim shirt and a porn-stache, so I think this is pretty much a viewer win here.

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Just now, Thalia said:

Somehow the folks in the jury house figured out the Steve is a cop.  Something about the evicted hamsters giving "gifts" to reporters, and Steve's was a badge. 

Gifts were probably to Ross and  Marissa for "off the block". They all bring something.

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14 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

That and saying he didn't know about Failey.  And giving away jury management info to his competitors.  Scottie is the dumbest dumb to ever dumb.  I'm happy he's back for Team GoodFeeds, but he does not deserve to win this game.

I think I’m dumb. What jury management info did he give away?

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REALvegas4sure #bb20‏ @realvegas4sure 3m3 minutes ago


HOH has to be set up. Goal scheduled for 10p HG briefing & 10:30p start but wouldn't be shocked if later. Plus safety check for comp. Will try & update if setup slower. 10:30pm BBT/ 1:30am ET is likely a good goal marker but delays happen so just keep feeds on.

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1 minute ago, ANALLICE said:

So Scottie would probably target JC and Angela, right?

Brett screwing him over on that Rockstar vote could put him high on his list too

I’d be okay with JC and Angela noms. Would strongly prefer that JC go home.

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3 minutes ago, Michichick said:

I think I’m dumb. What jury management info did he give away?

Telling them about the GBMs and jury house is a mistake IMO.  Someone like Tyler or Brett is smart enough to craft future GBMs or their final speech to use any info Scottie gives them.  He has an advantage over everyone else, since he's the only one who's talked to jury members.

Edited by MrHufflepuff
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26 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

The high of Scottie winning to the low of him saying he wants to align with Tyler was just honestly so perfect for this season and for the Foutte alliance in general. One step forward, 5000 steps back lol.

Boo at the HOH not starting until 1:30. I don't care enough to stay up that late.

Taran Armstrong from Rob Has A Podcast mentioned something interesting about Battleback winners, and how they come back and change nothing and then get evicted early. Which is actually mostly true, in that Battleback winners often try to play the same game as when they left. So, if Scottie cozies up to Tyler, it probably won't work but at least he's trying something non-FOUTTE/Hive related! And he'll target Angela/JC, which works for me (and he won't target Haleigh or maybe even Brett). 

2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I would actually roll if Scottie targeted Brett.

I wouldn't be able to deal with this stupidity. I think, on Scottie's shortlist of potential allies, Brett is a good one to NOT nominate at any point. It was interesting that Scottie thought Brett would be evicted next, so maybe, if Fessy didn't give him good info, he might keep Brett off his list.

But I have a feeling none of this will matter when someone like Kaycee wins HOH, which....*groan*.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I feel like it's like that most of the time tbh. They always get super fake lol.

Maybe it was just my wishful thinking, lol.  It seemed mostly genuine to me, but in retrospect, a lot of that can be chalked up to relief that it was Scottie instead of Bayleigh or FUF, who both had bigger chips on their shoulders.  Angela pretty much said that after his speech, she would have let FUF have it if he came back.  Of course, not sure what she would do, other than hide in the HOH and shit talk him.  

Edited by leocadia
Clarification - Bay and Fes don't share a shoulder
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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

But I have a feeling none of this will matter when someone like Kaycee wins HOH, which....*groan*.

This is actually what will happen. No doubt it'll just end up being another boring, predictable week and Scottie will just go right back out.

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I'm bummed (sorry, still want a Tyler win!) because I thought he gave an interview where he said he'd target Tyler. Who knows though.

I'll love anyone who gets JC out though. I so want to see him on the block even though he'd be terrorizing the house.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I'm not gonna be mad if JC ends up the target this week of course, but I just really wanna see Tyler/Angela/Kaycee have to legit sweat it out for once dammit!

Well, Angela will be on the block for sure and JC going up screws Tyler's F3, so it COULD work out.

However, I'm not really expecting it to work out for me with a Scottie HOH. I want a Scottie, Haleigh, or Sam HOH. As a Brett fan, those three likely wouldn't put him up, as they have bigger fish to fry. 

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Taran Armstrong from Rob Has A Podcast mentioned something interesting about Battleback winners, and how they come back and change nothing and then get evicted early. Which is actually mostly true, in that Battleback winners often try to play the same game as when they left. So, if Scottie cozies up to Tyler, it probably won't work but at least he's trying something non-FOUTTE/Hive related! And he'll target Angela/JC, which works for me (and he won't target Haleigh or maybe even Brett). 

Johnny Mac changed his game up and got top 4.

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Ok, so I'm tempted to take a two hour nap now and wake up in time for the comp. But I also want to see what's happening on the feeds until then.

Decisions, decisions. At least it's Scottie in the house instead of the other three! 

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Just now, CrazyDog said:

I'm bummed (sorry, still want a Tyler win!) because I thought he gave an interview where he said he'd target Tyler. Who knows though.

I don't think there's a chance in hell he'll actually target Tyler. Even if he did target Tyler, Tyler wouldn't get evicted against anyone anyway. And honestly Scottie likely won't even win HOH and will just get evicted this week.

Angela being so aghast at Fessy being personal in his speech is fucking hilarious. GIRL!

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