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S06.E18 James (K) & Cynthia 2018.06.20

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9 hours ago, CringeWatcher said:

Can you imagine if these were your parents? (((shudder)))


10 hours ago, DrNowsWeightScale said:

Are we sure that he did not eat the mattress?

I'm not sure about that, but in the Steve Assanti episodes, didn't he get fast food on his way to see Dr Now? Or he got his medical ride to pull over, and his dad went got the food and gave it to Steve?

That's right! The Assanti Caravan to Houston was directed by Steven's appetites and whims.

  • Love 5
On 6/21/2018 at 4:02 PM, libgirl2 said:

I agree, but I could understand Dr. Now's frustration. He knows Lisa is killing James, he saw her smirking and believes it is intentional. He was only hoping he could save James but won't happen. 

I had similar thoughts. Dr. Now approaches it from a position of science and insight... not to mention compassion. To see Lisa sitting there smirking must have looked nothing short of diabolical to him when he's already signed so many death certificates. I mean, we know she's slightly south of stupid, but it doesn't make her actions any less criminal. I'm wondering if in her brain she simply doesn't think ahead from one week to the next. She's just thinking about the TLC paycheck, and getting James his next meal. Beyond that, it's just dots and fizzies.

And whoever it was here who attributed James' serious and introspective expression to gas... I'm still laughing about that!

  • LOL 1
  • Love 19
10 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Hi Miss Ruth. I did several searches on him and all I could find were old articles. Could you please post either the links to the articles or the sources? Thanks.

Here's the most recent article I could find:


  • Love 3
1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I had similar thoughts. Dr. Now approaches it from a position of science and insight... not to mention compassion. To see Lisa sitting there smirking must have looked nothing short of diabolical to him when he's already signed so many death certificates. I mean, we know she's slightly south of stupid, but it doesn't make her actions any less criminal. I'm wondering if in her brain she simply doesn't think ahead from one week to the next. She's just thinking about the TLC paycheck, and getting James his next meal. Beyond that, it's just dots and fizzies.

And whoever it was here who attributed James' serious and introspective expression to gas... I'm still laughing about that!

OMG CoachWristletJen, that line just made me laugh so hard! So true.

I wonder if every morning when James bellows "Leeesaaa, ahm hongry, what's for breakfast?" does she think "Damn, he's still alive!"

Edited by DC Gal in VA
  • LOL 1
  • Love 10
On 6/20/2018 at 10:26 PM, Aw my lahgs said:

So he’s still in the exact same situation he was in the last time?

This update only confirmed the true nature of these two idiots. Again. And again. And again.

He’s still not dead? How’s that’s even possible?!?!

At one point, he came into the hospital with some serious condition.  I forget what.  But it was serious enough that he seemed to be less than a day away from death.

On 6/21/2018 at 8:25 AM, Giant Misfit said:

Ya know what would have gone a long way into solving the "mystery" of why James was gaining weight at the speed of sound? Having a camera crew positioned in his house and filming what Lisa fed him every day. It's a shame that no one thought of that—when there was a camera crew in his house filming him. 

That's a good point.  If the producers decided the minutiae of what was happening in their home didn't make good television, that's a creative decision and that's fine.  But they would still have the raw footage and I would think Dr. Now knows that and would want to use it as proof that James is overeating.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Susanlynn9 said:

Good. I hope there is a proper investigation and someone is held accountable for their actions. AND, a proper Guardian is appointed. 

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Good. I hope there is a proper investigation and someone is held accountable for their actions. AND, a proper Guardian is appointed. 

I just had a thought about this issue I haven’t brought up previously.  In addition to his non-cooperation there might also be an issue with jurisdictional authority~ if they are merely “passing through” Houston as medical tourists, and their state of residence is still Kentucky, his situation might have to be investigated and adjudicated by the authority in his legal jurisdiction of residence, instead of Houston’s APS.

Like I said before, if his father is paying the freight, has no complaints about Lisa’s care of him (and neither does James) and everyone just shuts their mouths or lies like they do to Dr. Now, there is precious little the state can do to intervene successfully.

Most folks getting the financial backing of the state to change their situation (to legally and forcibly remove someone like Lisa from being involved in a caretaker capacity) have a complaint filed against the negligent caregiver by them (James) or their family (his father and or children).  In James case, the mandatory reporter called in the situation.  Going AMA isn’t necessarily an actionable cause if the patient, his financial backer and the rest of the family disagree with the report.

Getting a guardian appointed for James would almost certainly require James himself or a family member to be accusatory towards Lisa, which doesn’t appear to be the case, in which case, Houston APS’s hands are tied.

  • Love 6

For those above saying James and Lisa aren't delusional but are scam artists or know what they're doing. You may be right, I don't know, but based on what I've seen of these two in the two episodes, it looks to me as though Lisa may know what she's doing but not James.

Neither James nor Lisa are very intelligent people. Both are, well, pretty dumb, but I think Lisa is slightly more intelligent than James (not that she is a genius, but not as dumb in comparison to James). 

Every time I see James on this show, especially after Dr Now confronts him, his facial expression often suggests he is truly, genuinely, mystified as to why he can't seem to lose weight.

The guy doesn't appear to be faking or acting to me.

I once dated a guy years ago who was as dumb as a box of rocks. I used to have a difficult time accepting, believing that anyone could be so very, very dumb (short of brain damage), but my ex was that stupid, so I suppose there are other very stupid people out there (and James is another one of them).

Maybe y'all are right and both James and Lisa are in on the scam, but so far, my reaction after having watched them is that Lisa may know (she seems to have a tiny bit more going on upstairs than James) but James is so very naive and stupid (those "stumped" facial expressions he gets at times on this show!), leads me to believe he's not in on any scam. But, I could be wrong. I'm just saying that's my impression so far. 

I think James wants to, on the one hand, lose the weight, but a part of him is happy with the status quo and enjoys being sedentary, so in the back of his mind, he doesn't really want to change.

Also, while part of him may want to change and get thin, he's either not willing to put in the work and self discipline to make it happen, or he's so very dumb he cannot comprehend that to drop the weight, he can no longer eat any old way he wants (eg., five burgers in one sitting, etc).

Edited by DrNowsWeightScale
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, kicotan said:

I just had a thought about this issue I haven’t brought up previously.  In addition to his non-cooperation there might also be an issue with jurisdictional authority~ if they are merely “passing through” Houston as medical tourists, and their state of residence is still Kentucky, his situation might have to be investigated and adjudicated by the authority in his legal jurisdiction of residence, instead of Houston’s APS.

Like I said before, if his father is paying the freight, has no complaints about Lisa’s care of him (and neither does James) and everyone just shuts their mouths or lies like they do to Dr. Now, there is precious little the state can do to intervene successfully.

Most folks getting the financial backing of the state to change their situation (to legally and forcibly remove someone like Lisa from being involved in a caretaker capacity) have a complaint filed against the negligent caregiver by them (James) or their family (his father and or children).  In James case, the mandatory reporter called in the situation.  Going AMA isn’t necessarily an actionable cause if the patient, his financial backer and the rest of the family disagree with the report.

Getting a guardian appointed for James would almost certainly require James himself or a family member to be accusatory towards Lisa, which doesn’t appear to be the case, in which case, Houston APS’s hands are tied.

The state where the person is located has jurisdiction, imo, and, the victim or disabled person, is not always able to make an accusation towards their caretaker, such as with babies or adults who are nonverbal.  A doctor's recommendation goes a long way and the person/victim/disabled/vulnerable adult can be appointed an emergency guardian, normally, the county or state agency.  

  • Love 4
42 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

such as with babies or adults who are nonverbal.  A doctor's recommendation goes a long way and the person/victim/disabled/vulnerable adult can be appointed an emergency guardian, normally, the county or state agency.  


However, James is most definitely not non-verbal.  My perspective on this has been that absent James being a minor or over 65, the law considers him as a disabled adult.  An MD’s reccommendation would add to and bolster a case brought by the adult disabled individual or family members, but as a stand alone accusation with no supporting testimony from the individual or family member(s), it has little chance of making it past the initial investigation.

ETA:  minors have their own separate investigative authority.  Elderly(over 65) typically, but not always, have a governmental involvement (Social Security, Medicare, etc) which has a vested interest in prosecution and therefore will cooperate or even instigate prosecution if it is determined or reported that a caregiver is abusive/neglectful/committing fraud.  Non-complainant, financially independent, cognizant/verbal disabled adults (James status) is the lowest on the totem pole of actionable remedy.

Edited by kicotan
remembered something
  • Love 2

I think the fact that James feeds himself and isn’t being forced fed is a primary reason APS can’t do much here. We don’t know everything that goes on in the house but we don’t have any evidence that James has asked Lisa to bring him only the food on the diet or that she’s brought him 10 burgers and he’s told her he only wants 1 and she bullies him into eating them all. The system, correctly imho, errs on the side of adult autonomy. He has a right to eat himself to death. He’s dumb as a box of rocks but I don’t believe he oblivious that he’s not following the diet. He tells Dr Now he’s eating salad and veggies. He’s not so dumb that he doesn’t realize he’s eating pizza and Chinese food. If he truly didn’t understand he wouldn’t feel the need to lie. 

Lisa may be the more calculating of the two, but James has the ability to control what he eats and knows he isn’t doing anything that he’s supposed to be. He likes it that way. The only way I think he will lose weight is if he gets a cycle of 24/7 caretakers who are willing to be abused. Dr Now likes to say it doesn’t matter if they scream at you but when it’s a family member, it matters. Dr Now can walk away and go home. 

  • Love 7
22 minutes ago, CatherineM said:

We take in teens and young adults with fetal alcohol that aren’t ready to live independently yet. If I remember, James’ Mom was a drinker. He might be FASD. They can’t understand consequences and can’t delay gratification. Their average life expectancy is 34. They also are inclined to have addiction issues. 

That makes sense. It's frightening, but it makes sense.

I really think that James truly does not have a sense as to the fact that he could die from all of this and die from it soon. He thinks he still has time to do this "someday." And, I think he has borderline intellectual functioning. He may not have mental retardation, but his IQ is not very high, quite possibly from damage done in the womb.

The scamming is especially frustrating. No doubt they're both getting monthly checks just for being them. And, they feel entitled, and, they feel they're always not getting enough. This is how they justify lying, cheating, and scamming even more. I think that Lisa had a bit of "redneck pride" in what she was doing, hence the smirk. Of course, she's also good and fed up with cooking James' eggs.

  • Love 8

His nasty-ass legs are the most revolting thing I have ever looked at.  Therefore, I am entitled to this walk down memory lane:

"I don't want none of that shit...order me some CHA NEEEESE."



"You gonna give me only one little ole' (r)egg roll?"

"Mmmmm...this stuff is GUHHHHHHD!"

"Gots to save room for ma dessert (grunt)"

Yes, James and Lisa.  That's water weight.

  • Love 15

I watched the “sneak peek” of next week’s episode with Doug, and although it looks to be kind of a snooze fest, it’s just him for the entire thing.  I know TLC wants to put on a good shit show as much as I want to see one (yes, I admit, I like to watch the trainwrecks). So I’m just thoroughly perplexed why someone like (yawn) Doug, or TLC’s equivalent of Tylenol PM-Melissa (who has already had, what, two or three previous episodes devoted to her) gets  a whole show, while our buddy James only gets a partial.  What makes it even more confusing to me, is that you know there was lots of good stuff they did not show, like footage from Dr. Now’s sting operation (hehe) and the conversation he said he had with James about taking time away from Lisa before that final showdown in the ER. Also, we KNOW jamesey boy wasn’t working out and then just refueling with chicken and broccoli all day. What in the holy hell could this guy have been eating to gain 60 pounds in one week? Inquiring minds want to know!!! It just doesn’t make sense that none of this stuff was aired,  especially when TLC turns around and devotes full episodes to less, um, dramatic (to put it nicely) personalities. 

  • Love 12
22 hours ago, Susanlynn9 said:

He didn't gain more weight, it was just the mattress. Can a mattress make you look sickly as well as fat?

On a more serious note, I've been thinking about that little psychotic smile Lisa got on her face as she told Dr Now about sneaking food to James. I think it was actually a control thing. She showed how she could make James follow her instead of him. I wonder what she's going to do with herself when he dies...

What else can she do, other than to latch on to some other sucker getting disability?  I noticed that now she's a "wife?" and so does that mean she's going to inherit whatever James has, when the seemingly inevitable happens?  

I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her, and Dr. Now is done with their lying, grifting, bullshitting selves, I would hope.

Those bulging eyes (James) and smirk (Lisa) were seriously disturbed and creepy.  Fuck them for all the resources they wasted and probably continue to waste. 

  • Love 9
51 minutes ago, auntjess said:

So since the one with bonus scenes didn't appear, I'm guessing there was some legal threat, or action, after the original airing.
Has anyone heard anything about this?
It's still on my DVR.  Is it a collectible one?

TLC does not give a single fuck about legal threats. If a show makes them money, they’ll air it.

  • Love 7
On 6/21/2018 at 11:53 AM, AZChristian said:

James yelled at Dr. Now because he wasn't provided with a trapeze so he could pull himself up.  I wonder how much a trapeze costs.  And how much it costs for enough food for someone to gain 60 pounds in one week.  Entitled much, James and Lisa?

Not that I want that idiot to have anything, but is there some reason why he doesn't have a trapeze? You'd think it would not only help James move around, but help hospital staff who have to deal with him; he could at least move himself around a little.  On the other hand, 800 lbs may be over the weight limit.

On 6/21/2018 at 2:15 PM, DrNowsWeightScale said:

I tried a no-carb or low carb diet for a week or two over a year ago, but I could not stick to it.

I don't know how other people manage to stick to the no- or low- carb diets, unless they don't experience what I do with that sort of thing (constant hunger)

It's been completely different for me. I rarely snack anymore, whereas I used to snack all day at work and a lot after dinner. I am coming from being high carb/low fat veg*n for years, in the hopes that it would help my diabetes, as it did for others. But, special person that I am, the only thing that really seems to work for me is lower carb. I've gone from 3-400 gms of carb to 40-60 a day. I'd go lower, but I'm doing vegetarian keto and I think I would be starving if I went to the typical keto of 20 gms. Fortunately, Halo Top doesn't seem to be messing with my blood sugars. : ) A girl has to have some kind of vice. I have decreased my meds, lost some weight, and keep improving each month. Everyone is different.

  • Love 4
44 minutes ago, aliya said:

Not that I want that idiot to have anything, but is there some reason why he doesn't have a trapeze? You'd think it would not only help James move around, but help hospital staff who have to deal with him; he could at least move himself around a little.  On the other hand, 800 lbs may be over the weight limit.

I thought somewhere, in a shot of James when the physical rehab guy was helping him, there's a photo of him with a trapeze.
What I've wondered, not for James, but for lighter non-walkers, is why not rig a sling to support them, until they get the nerve, or leg strength, to stand on their own.
I know they used a hoist on someone on one of these shows, so I assume it's doable.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, auntjess said:

I thought somewhere, in a shot of James when the physical rehab guy was helping him, there's a photo of him with a trapeze.
What I've wondered, not for James, but for lighter non-walkers, is why not rig a sling to support them, until they get the nerve, or leg strength, to stand on their own.
I know they used a hoist on someone on one of these shows, so I assume it's doable.

I saw a shot this past week on FB where the PT was announcing that James and Lisa were going back to Kentucky . . . so I'm assuming it was taken very recently.  There was a trapeze in that shot.

It's been my experience that doctors prescribe (and insurance usually covers) the medical equipment that is needed at whatever level a patient needs and can use it.  We saw James using a little arm bicycle and lift weights to gain "upper strength" for when he was ready to stand up.  I personally think that his "exercising" was all for show . . . also said he does 100 "leg lefts" up and down and side to side several times a day.  But they sure didn't show those on camera . . . they showed him angling his foot ONE TIME; I think he called that a leg lift.  No way he could lift those legs.

The PT paid for the special mattress (the one that made James look fat).  He probably donated the trapeze as well.  If I were the PT, I'd offer to rent a U-Haul and personally drive James back to Kentucky just to be rid of him.  Any additional money/equipment he provides to James is just more waste.

  • Love 14

Whelp, just finished watching.  Cynthia was such an afterthought, but she's doing better for the sake of her kids who love her very much.  

Now to James and Lisa and where to begin that hasn't already be said?  I'll say one thing ... I don't think Lisa wants to kill him, but to have an income.  If he actually lost all the weight, he wouldn't be disabled.  Dr. Now said it too but more nuanced.  

Probably the most dysfunctional couple I've ever seen anywhere.  And in the first episode, I really felt for her and defended her thinking she suffers from battered women's syndrome.  Now I'm not sure.  She's a liar. She's devious.  She's almost evil.  I've kind of done a 180 on the relationship.  

A cliffhanger!  

  • Love 9

Imagine if James was addicted to something else other than food.  Like heroin.  If Lisa was the one obtaining it for him, bringing it in through the front door, making it so that if it wasn’t for her he’d not have access to it, I think people might feel differently about their dysfunctional relationship.  That’s the sad take-away for folks like James who are as addicted to feeding as a heroin addict is to shooting up.

If we didn’t blame the dealer and left it up to the individual to manage their intake and be responsible for themselves, we wouldn’t have laws against heroin.  Food, on the other hand, isn’t illegal, so when a food addict gets to 800 pounds and might die from their eating habit a lot of us have zero sympathy for the substance (in this case food) abuser and feel that he’s justified in eating himself to death.

Does the legality of the substance change the fact that an addict is an addict and might die from their choices? That just because it is legal, they deserved that overdose that killed them because it was their informed choice to do it to themselves?

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, kicotan said:

Imagine if James was addicted to something else other than food.  Like heroin.  If Lisa was the one obtaining it for him, bringing it in through the front door, making it so that if it wasn’t for her he’d not have access to it, I think people might feel differently about their dysfunctional relationship.  That’s the sad take-away for folks like James who are as addicted to feeding as a heroin addict is to shooting up.

If we didn’t blame the dealer and left it up to the individual to manage their intake and be responsible for themselves, we wouldn’t have laws against heroin.  Food, on the other hand, isn’t illegal, so when a food addict gets to 800 pounds and might die from their eating habit a lot of us have zero sympathy for the substance (in this case food) abuser and feel that he’s justified in eating himself to death.

Does the legality of the substance change the fact that an addict is an addict and might die from their choices? That just because it is legal, they deserved that overdose that killed them because it was their informed choice to do it to themselves?

Alcohol is a legal substance. People die every day from excessive alcohol consumption, either long term (liver failure, wet brain, alcoholic gastritis) or short term (acute alcohol poisoning.) If a family member brought alcohol to a chronic alcoholic, but didn't force them to drink it, who is at fault?

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

Alcohol is a legal substance. People die every day from excessive alcohol consumption, either long term (liver failure, wet brain, alcoholic gastritis) or short term (acute alcohol poisoning.) If a family member brought alcohol to a chronic alcoholic, but didn't force them to drink it, who is at fault?

But if the bartender sold him that last drink before he left the bar and got into a fatal DUI, is the bartender responsible?

“...A vendor can be held liable criminally, however. California Business and Professions Code Section 25602 governs the criminal and civil liability of a third-party for serving alcohol to others. Section 25602(a) makes it a misdemeanor for a third-party to sell or give liquor to a “habitual or common drunkard” or to an “obviously intoxicated person.”...”


Edited by kicotan
Formatting Nazi on board
  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, kicotan said:

But if the bartender sold him that last drink before he left the bar and got into a fatal DUI, is the bartender responsible?

I think this is a different situation. When you drink and drive you can hurt or kill someone else. You can’t hurt or kill anyone else by eating too much. It’s illegal to drink and drive. So if a bartender knowing helps someone do that they could be held liable. Although I know the burden of proof in that situation is heavy and usually is only in civil court, rarely criminal. It isn’t illegal to lay in bed and eat Chinese food until you explode  

If James is asking for the food, which all signs say he is, and is feeding himself the food,  then it will be very difficult to hold Lisa responsible in any kind of legal way for his weight.  I think Dr Now knew that when he called APS but wanted it on record. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, kicotan said:

But if the bartender sold him that last drink before he left the bar and got into a fatal DUI, is the bartender responsible?

“...A vendor can be held liable criminally, however. California Business and Professions Code Section 25602 governs the criminal and civil liability of a third-party for serving alcohol to others. Section 25602(a) makes it a misdemeanor for a third-party to sell or give liquor to a “habitual or common drunkard” or to an “obviously intoxicated person.”...”


That's dumb.  The bartender did not force the patron to drive.  

Lisa and James...I don't know.  That's a tricky one.  I would say "she's not forcing him to eat," but he is not really able to obtain other food for himself so...tough call. 

  • Love 2

James and Lisa yelling, and cursing at Dr. Now was horrible. Ungrateful twits.  Dr Now can hold his own, but I still get protective when people are being verbally abusive to him. He went above and beyond to help James. A great deal of time and resources spent to help someone who clearly doesn’t want help. It took a lot of people to transport his rotten carcass around, and even more to care, and clean that stinking flesh blob. 

By the end, I was completely convinced that Lisa is pure evil. Her self satisfied smirk was enough to make me want to reach though the teevee, and yank her by her frizzy piss yellow ponytail. I haven’t been this mad, and disgusted since the Assanti Brothers. ?


As for Cynthia, she gave up at the end. She lost weight, but it freaked her out too much , and decide after the first skin surgery that she was done. Her excuse: her kids. Bull. And by not including  her family in on proper diet and nutrition, she is setting them up to fail. So maybe  they don’t have a weight problem now, but it’s not good for young bodies to be fed a constant diet of fast food, and food devoid of nutrients. 


Overall this was a very frustrating show to watch. 

Edited by Barbara Please
  • Love 15

Re: The culpability discussion...

To me, the comparison is with a heroin addict who is paralyzed, so he can't get his own heroin.  And his care giver has a treatment plan from a medical professional to get him off heroin.  And rather than following that treatment plan, the care giver instead keeps giving heroin to the addict.  

Is the addict responsible for taking the heroin?  Hmmm.... I would say the addict is responsible for choosing to use heroin in the first place.  But, now that he's addicted?  I think addicts can and should be held legally responsible for their actions, but I don't think an addict is always morally responsible for his actions -- because he's addicted.  In my hypothetical, I think the care giver is the one who is acting immorally, not the heroin addict.

On the other hand, a food addiction doesn't impair judgment the same way that heroin does, so I think we can assign some moral blame here to James.  But Lisa also gets a bunch of moral blame as well (in my view), because he's immobile and she's purposely thwarting the treatment plan.

In conclusion... they're both assholes.

  • Love 10
On 6/23/2018 at 7:49 PM, CringeWatcher said:

I watched the “sneak peek” of next week’s episode with Doug, and although it looks to be kind of a snooze fest, it’s just him for the entire thing.  I know TLC wants to put on a good shit show as much as I want to see one (yes, I admit, I like to watch the trainwrecks). So I’m just thoroughly perplexed why someone like (yawn) Doug, or TLC’s equivalent of Tylenol PM-Melissa (who has already had, what, two or three previous episodes devoted to her) gets  a whole show, while our buddy James only gets a partial. 

You're incorrectly assuming that everyone watches this show for the same reasons.  I don't really like these sorts of high drama train wreck shows and prefer episodes with patients who succeed.  TLC probably realizes that it needs to alternate the two types of shows to keep both types of viewers happy.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Ray Adverb said:

You're incorrectly assuming that everyone watches this show for the same reasons.  I don't really like these sorts of high drama train wreck shows and prefer episodes with patients who succeed.  TLC probably realizes that it needs to alternate the two types of shows to keep both types of viewers happy.

You're right about different kinds of viewers, but this is TLC we are talking about.They haven't met a high-drama train wreck yet that they wouldn't exploit.

  • Love 6
On 6/21/2018 at 1:00 PM, libgirl2 said:

Anyone ever see the movie Heavenly Creatures?  Folie a deux has been mentioned with these two girls. And when you consider both went on to not commit further crimes (one is a famous author, Anne Perry), it does make you wonder. 

A true folie a deux involves two people who have a shared psychosis but only when they are together.  I don't know about the girls in Heavenly Creatures- I think they were just immature teenagers who became kind of obsessed with each other.  And I definitely don't think Lisa and James have it.  They are just really toxic and co-dependent.  

For a true foile a deux, check out the case of the Erickkson Twins from Sweden.  They had a true shared psychosis, and there is even video footage of what happened when they were together.  It's one of the craziest stories you'll ever hear.

  • Love 3

The follow-up "boring" shows are not as good as the train wrecks but they should still be aired. This show emphasizes why there is only a 5% success rate with weight loss procedures. Doug changes his high protein diet prescribed by Dr. Now to become a vegetarian/carbitarian because he thinks that it is healthier! It somehow makes sense to him and he seemed a bit smug about it. All those years of free education on the Internet, and now Doug is telling Dr. Now how it all works. They all are a bit rebellious and don't feel a sense of urgency or obligation to themselves or their loved ones to work every day on their health. I get that they have an addiction and they are depressed and all that. 

Dr. Now has his reputation to protect. These follow-up shows give us some insight on how difficult it is to get his patients to change their lifestyle. I am waiting for his spin off: The Enablers.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Ray Adverb said:

You're incorrectly assuming that everyone watches this show for the same reasons.  I don't really like these sorts of high drama train wreck shows and prefer episodes with patients who succeed.  TLC probably realizes that it needs to alternate the two types of shows to keep both types of viewers happy.

I did not assume anything about anyone else’s reasons for watching; I said specifically that *I* like to watch the train wrecks. I suppose you could consider Cynthia a success, but she’s probably not the absolute best example to counter James, in my opinion. 

Regardless, another reason that I’m surprised we didn’t get more of James’ story is that TLC had to know, after their last episode, how James and Lisa would whine and complain about Dr. Now’s treatment. You’d think the producers would want everything shown and out in the open, so that just seems fishy to me.  And more of what was going on at James’ home could have helped explain the biggest mystery of all: how does one human being gain 60 lbs in a week??? How???

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, CringeWatcher said:

And more of what was going on at James’ home could have helped explain the biggest mystery of all: how does one human being gain 60 lbs in a week??? How???

Just a thought. Eating dozens of say.. Krispy Kreme doughnuts, cake, cheesecake on top of all the other crap he's eating. Maybe. 

And with regard to APS, their thing is since she's not force feeding him, then he's doing it to himself. He could refuse to eat everything that's been brought. We know he's not going to do this, but that's their thing. Stupid, but true. 

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Hi everyone! Long-time listener, first-time caller. I think the first time I found your amazing forum was when James K's first installment aired, but I didn't create an account till I saw what happened to Roni's finger. Sigh.

What really gave me pause during this episode wasn't Lisa's smile (because somehow I was looking away at the time), but the two times that James really seemed anxious or confused (or both?): when he was talking to Dr. Paradise and Lisa was out of the room and when he was arguing with Dr. Now who wanted to keep him in care without Lisa's interventions. He really can't stand to have her out of his sight.

Both times I found his responses to be out of sync somehow. And his response to Dr. Now, "I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO DO!" What? Save your life? That's what he's trying to do. I was incredulous, but granted, I'm watching from home, following a narrative that TLC has set, and certainly I'm not as emotionally invested as they are.

Having said that, I almost cried at the end of the episode. I was shocked, angry, but overwhelmed with sadness, too.

(Why you won't appreciate me: I love Dr. Lee! (Dr. Pimple Popper -- I watch her on YouTube), and I like Lola, although initially I wasn't sure, I have become more and more fond of her over time.)

  • Love 6

There are many holes in the narrative because this show is not like Big Brother.  There aren't cameras in the house 24/7.  The crew comes in to film.  So whatever happened to create the 60 lb. weight gain wasn't filmed.  This is also why we get so many scenes of people sitting like lumps that never do anything or having awkwardly recreated conversations.  It would be fascinating to see what goes on in James K and Lisa's home.  It would also be depressing and frustrating.  They are two very messed up people.  

  • Love 11
18 hours ago, 88Keys said:

You're right about different kinds of viewers, but this is TLC we are talking about.They haven't met a high-drama train wreck yet that they wouldn't exploit.

True, which is why they have people like James K and Steven Assanti.  But I think they definitely want to tell a success narrative as well.  I think they know there are 2 different types of viewers and they want to appeal to both of them.

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, 88Keys said:

A true folie a deux involves two people who have a shared psychosis but only when they are together.  I don't know about the girls in Heavenly Creatures- I think they were just immature teenagers who became kind of obsessed with each other.  And I definitely don't think Lisa and James have it.  They are just really toxic and co-dependent.  

For a true foile a deux, check out the case of the Erickkson Twins from Sweden.  They had a true shared psychosis, and there is even video footage of what happened when they were together.  It's one of the craziest stories you'll ever hear.

I read about that one. It is a crazy story. 

5 hours ago, Ray Adverb said:

True, which is why they have people like James K and Steven Assanti.  But I think they definitely want to tell a success narrative as well.  I think they know there are 2 different types of viewers and they want to appeal to both of them.

Isn't Dr. Now's son the executive producer of the series? I can't imagine that Dr. Now would want only the epic failures featured on the series, which I hope would temper the TLC "we like a total trainwreck" mentality.

This series is certainly not a showcase of feel-good warm and fuzzy success stories, so I assume the producers and the network have hammered out some consensus on what cases get aired, or even followed by a camera crew for the length of time it takes to make that possible. Come to think of it, I suppose when they commit a crew to film a patient over a period of time, nobody really knows what will happen. 

  • Love 3

I just had a different thought - cause/effect and how we learn to do/not do certain things....

Put your hand on a hot burner? OUCH!  You don't do that again.

But think of Lisa.  Since she James' sole caretaker, she has to dispose of his poop and wipe him clean.  THINK OF THE VOLUME!  I mean, even a little bit would be gross. 

But imagine the stunning volume of poop that James generates when he's eating 30,000 calories a day?

More food in, more poop out, right?

A normal person would enjoy the benefit of him eating a very tiny amount. Less poop. Is it possible that she gets some sick pleasure from poop?

OMG, what does she even do with it?  Seems like too much to flush.  Imagine their trash cans! Toxic waste!!!!!!

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