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Finals, Training Camp and Social Media

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So is the order they are shown on that cameo board by group, w/ 1st GL on the left, then 2nd GL, then seniority by year and when the same number of years its alphabetical by first name?  That seems to be the pattern...

Edited by MyFavShows
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2 hours ago, JohnGalt said:

As far as why she tried out, people go for things they’re not qualified or prepared for all the time. She was hopeful that she could get her act together to achieve her dream.

Very true. But I think she's made it worse for herself. It will be much harder for them to take her into training camp next year (assuming she auditions) unless she's got someone to vouch for her having put in a lot of time this next year to overcome her problem. In  Kelli's shoes, I'd probably be hard pressed to even take her to finals.

1 hour ago, JohnGalt said:

Exactly. I think the only difference is Kelli would have taken Malena this year if she could have had her way, but the poor girl would have struggled and Judy would have been pulling her hair out. TPTB put their foot down on a larger squad though so she had to go.

I don't think anyone forced Kelli to cut Malena. Charlotte isn't looking over her shoulder, micromanaging Kelli's choices, and Charlotte would have no idea how much of a struggler Malena is and have a reason to want to veto her. Judy couldn't have forced it. I think Kelli did it because she knew she had to....Then again you have a lot more info than I do!

52 minutes ago, JohnGalt said:

I’m not really an authority on that, but the impression I get is that it’s a combination of the budget and formations. I think the budget stuff has just gotten more strict the last several years, and it’s also a pain in the butt to alter the formations for any number other than 36.

36 is "tradition" and you know how they are about tradition. Yeah sure, some years have varied, but that's a pretty rare exception. And like you said, 36 is what works for all their formations and groups.

Edited by sleepyjean
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3 hours ago, Taralightner said:

I’ve been watching deleted scenes on CMT app. Have you all ever watched the deleted scenes of Melissa’s mentoring sessions. Gosh, I like her substance so much more now that I actually SEE it. She hits it right on the nose and has actual notes that she gives them. I know many here are annoyed by her, but this was fun for me to watch. 

Yep, there is one with her and Megan where they both give great direction.  Even in the scenes that have been aired, I think she has a good way of explaining stuff.  That should have been how they brought her in - yes, a former DCC but one who knows how to teach and can explain "bacon."

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9 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Maybe an answer is to have 36 on the squad, but 4 more to cover for injuries or other emergencies.    Then if someone is hurting, they wouldn't try to push through so they don't let the team down.  

They pretty much have just that... all stars

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One thing we haven't seen in recent years is the TCCs getting quizzed during rehearsals about current events, players, etc. I'll never forget Zoe getting booted for saying Tom Landry was still alive. She came back the next year at auditions as a blonde (not a good look for her, imho) but didn't make it. I wonder if they still question them on the spot like that.

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21 hours ago, Trixi said:

Kelli please don’t insult our intelligence. VK free-styled in quarters like a new-born giraffe, Scott nailed his critique and u and Charlotte shut him down. VK did a lyrical dance, which many beautiful dancers do in finals, and y’all cried! Really? I’ve never seen that and I’m pretty sure other dancers have performed more beautiful dances. 


I’m wondering, if VK’s solo was so beautiful that it made two judges CRY, why haven’t we seen more of it? If it’s that good, it would put paid to the rumors of nepotism.... 

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27 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

36 is "tradition" and you know how they are about tradition. Yeah sure, some years have varied, but that's a pretty rare exception. And like you said, 36 is what works for all their formations and groups.

I think that Kelli needs Charlotte’s approval to go above a squad of 36. Whether or not she asked for approval this year is something we don’t or won’t know (unless someone has recording devices on the phones at the Star ?). 

I DO remember that with Amy A, she really wanted to say yes to her, but slept on it and decided that the kick quality couldn’t be sacrificed. 

12 minutes ago, ATLGirl said:

One thing we haven't seen in recent years is the TCCs getting quizzed during rehearsals about current events, players, etc. I'll never forget Zoe getting booted for saying Tom Landry was still alive. She came back the next year at auditions as a blonde (not a good look for her, imho) but didn't make it. I wonder if they still question them on the spot like that.

Well, we know Jenn K was doing it in her prep classes. 

Edited by Taralightner
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Based on nothing, maybe Dayton is just someone who doesn't want her privacy invaded to this extent. Even though DCC are public figures, the show allows access to so much more, and it is watched and critiqued to a wide audience.You can be confident enough to be a DCC, but not welcome that level of scrutiny and judgement. Plus it also opens up her mother to criticism, (probably unfair, but welcome to the internet) and I would think that is another level of personal intrusion she could do without. I find Dayton very relatable. IF she is getting a harsh edit, it is just making me like and respect her more.,

I have always really liked Judy and I am enjoying her this season. It was so sweet when she was reassuring Malena. 

I don't know if Kelly's intent was to tell Dayton that she has to show more than other rookies because of her "lifetime exposure" but that was how it sounded. If that's the case, it feels unfair because it presumes a lot about Dayton's experiences, at least for the viewer. If Kelly has a reason to know better, a little more insight would have made it seem less....mean.

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43 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Maybe an answer is to have 36 on the squad, but 4 more to cover for injuries or other emergencies.    Then if someone is hurting, they wouldn't try to push through so they don't let the team down.  

That doesn’t sound fair to the alternates who will have to spend a whole day in the locker room. All stars work much better imo.

5 minutes ago, JohnGalt said:

Technically we saw about as much of her solo on the show as we did of anyone else’s. Some of the solos don’t get shown on MTT at all. A snippet of Victoria’s solo was posted to the DCC Instagram story on the day of finals along with Dayton’s and many other vets and hopefuls, but since stories expire, it’s not available for viewing now. It’s too bad that hers wasn’t one of the ones shared on Twitter instead since those are still up. As far as the crying goes, I don’t doubt that Kelli and Brenda were genuine in their tears, but as some have suggested their judgment was probably somewhat clouded by having known Victoria for years. I’m sure they were proud of her.

I was much more impressed with Dayton than Victoria based on what was posted on Instagram, but it is always hard to tell the quality of a solo based on such a short clip. As others have mentioned though, Victoria doesn’t have great feet and is heavy in her movements. Not qualities you normally see in a lyrical routine that brings tears to the viewers’ eyes. Dayton, on the other hand, was light and graceful, and she has much better feet.

Well if it was THAT good, they would have posted it on twitter...

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3 hours ago, JohnGalt said:

Exactly. I think the only difference is Kelli would have taken Malena this year if she could have had her way, but the poor girl would have struggled and Judy would have been pulling her hair out. TPTB put their foot down on a larger squad though so she had to go.

Is this possibly why training camp lasted longer than expected and more girls were kept until the end - Kelli was pushing for a larger squad but in the end, TPTB kept it at 36?  That seems very possible knowing how things played out. 

Also @JohnGalt I don’t know what we did before you came along - you provide such insight and insider information that REALLY helps inform why decisions were made. I get excited when I see you have posted!!!

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in regards to the team being 36, on twitter, Judy said that it's the perfect number for the formations that they do. 

Edited by viccib
figured out how to share
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On 8/23/2018 at 9:36 PM, lfedncr said:

Oh wait I’m taking a dump 


This has to be one of THE MOST UNFLATTERING PHOTOS of all time!  Looks like she's about to remove her bikini bottom, and the expression on her face?  UGH!!  Poor Savannah!

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14 minutes ago, cardsfan720 said:

This has to be one of THE MOST UNFLATTERING PHOTOS of all time!  Looks like she's about to remove her bikini bottom, and the expression on her face?  UGH!!  Poor Savannah!

It’s sooooo bad. Savannah is gorgeous.... I don’t understand why her photos aren’t better, and whoever posted this pic must hate her!

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2 hours ago, Stee said:

Is this possibly why training camp lasted longer than expected and more girls were kept until the end - Kelli was pushing for a larger squad but in the end, TPTB kept it at 36?  That seems very possible knowing how things played out. 

Training camp used to be really long. 12 weeks or so. It is now 8 weeks.

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On 8/23/2018 at 12:58 PM, Opine said:

 I just still can't believe they cut Lindsey (I think, the Kash twin?).  Truly gorgeous.  I am sure we will see that she has no memory or awful kicks, but......

Dear Lindsey, Whatever was wrong, fix it dear.  Come back next year!!!  With Kash gone, you may make it and then make it all the way to point quickly! Love, your fan, Opine

Was Lindsay even shown in the most recent episode?  I watched twice and didn’t see her. I know there was a picture of her at the first meeting posted on here but I haven’t seen anything of her actually in camp on the show. I was looking forward to seeing her dance especially since she was cut early and I am curious about why. I hope she hasn’t been completely edited out of the show. 

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35 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

It’s sooooo bad. Savannah is gorgeous.... I don’t understand why her photos aren’t better, and whoever posted this pic must hate her!

Remember Veronica's picture in Season 7 - the bottoms looked like they were about to fall off, but she had a gorgeous photo

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1 hour ago, cardsfan720 said:

This has to be one of THE MOST UNFLATTERING PHOTOS of all time!  Looks like she's about to remove her bikini bottom, and the expression on her face?  UGH!!  Poor Savannah!

That’s the look I got when I tried saying prune.  She should stick with say cheese. And take a hit out on whomever posted this photo.

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20 minutes ago, bunny said:

I absolutely LOVE this shot of Yuko in the red bikini! (You have to scroll through the slideshow) She looks amazing.

It's true! I really like the picture of Lexie in this album as well; love her suit. And everyone's said it already, but shame on the photographers and Kelli for the poor choice of Savannah shots. She was so cute in the photos they took back at the Star when they were trying on suits.

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13 hours ago, ATLGirl said:

One thing we haven't seen in recent years is the TCCs getting quizzed during rehearsals about current events, players, etc. I'll never forget Zoe getting booted for saying Tom Landry was still alive. She came back the next year at auditions as a blonde (not a good look for her, imho) but didn't make it. I wonder if they still question them on the spot like that.

ahh thanks for this! i always wondered if she came back and didnt realize she did.  it's sad she blew it so bad because she was adorable and a good dancer. 

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13 hours ago, MelissaMinion said:

I’m wondering, if VK’s solo was so beautiful that it made two judges CRY, why haven’t we seen more of it? If it’s that good, it would put paid to the rumors of nepotism.... 

I’m guessing it was Lacey’s solo that made them cry.  She’s made Kelly cry in years past.

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I’ve been looking at all the calendar shots and just wow. This is not a criticism of the girls at all- they are all beautiful, but many of the photos are terrible. There are definitely some good ones, like that shot of Jessika and Heather, but geez. The quest for someone to try and fill Wade Livingston’s shoes continues. I cannot deal with the pic of Kashara on all fours like a dog. Just gross. I’m convinced the person in charge of posting these photos is an overweight woman who must be jealous. ??‍♀️?

Edited by PrincessLeia
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I just listened to the Melissa Rycroft podcast on Afterbuzz TV and she mentions health being an issue in the show. Specifically she says one girl gains 15 pounds in the first week of training camp!  Could this be Victoria or Tara?!

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On 8/24/2018 at 5:07 PM, DancingBaptist said:

I’m not sure how to embed tweets, much less more than one of them. I thought this would interest the folks who aren’t active on the Twitter Machine.



I saw that and replied by saying that I doubt it because we know Kelli won’t do that.

Edited by Disneydiva628
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I wonder what happened with Jasmin...she looked good in the first episode!!

36 minutes ago, Stee said:

Specifically she says one girl gains 15 pounds in the first week of training camp!  Could this be Victoria or Tara?!

15 pounds!!!!! In one week!!! That's extreme.. 

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1 hour ago, Stee said:

I just listened to the Melissa Rycroft podcast on Afterbuzz TV and she mentions health being an issue in the show. Specifically she says one girl gains 15 pounds in the first week of training camp!  Could this be Victoria or Tara?!

If they mention it the next episode, I hope the focus will be on the TCCs overall health (ie rule out an underlying medical issue) and mental state (stress, homesick, financial concerns, etc)  and not just a plug for that prepared-meal-vendor they showcased a couple of years ago. Yes, focus on a healthy food intake/exercise balance but Jay's army PFT  standards sometimes comes off a little scary, if there are other issues going on with a person.

Here's a chart on the standards ( link ) - Jay tends to harp on the 2 mile run, which is towards the end.

Edited by sATL
added standards chart
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31 minutes ago, adukesantana said:

I wonder what happened with Jasmin...she looked good in the first episode!!

15 pounds!!!!! In one week!!! That's extreme.. 

A long weekend in New Orleans has done that for me... the real struggles of salt and booze bloat ??

In real life though, maybe a boomerang after a juice fast? 

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1 hour ago, adukesantana said:

I wonder what happened with Jasmin...she looked good in the first episode!!

15 pounds!!!!! In one week!!! That's extreme.. 

I don’t see how that is possible.  My guess is that someone gained that much between audition weight and TC weight,  which would be about a month or so of time.  Still, that is a lot.

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So watched the episode again and regarding Tara, you certainly can see the weight gain. Her body still is amazingly tone, but she did look thicker compared to last year. If I was ignorant to the spoilers and boards about possible weight gain and her getting cut for weight.....I would have for a moment watching the Bimmi segment say to myself, did she gain weight or bulk up? I love Tara, and wish her the best, she's so beautiful. 

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30 minutes, an entire half of an epi dedicated to swimsuit calendar shoot was a bit too much. I know most have been begging for it, but to me 30 min of it was just too long. A qtr/15 min. Would have been just right.  Just not obsessed with who wore what, who posed how, etc. Happy the'll be getting back to the nitty gritty of who can & can't dance, practices, new/guest choreography. Come on next epi. 

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2 minutes ago, DKay said:

30 minutes, an entire half of an epi dedicated to swimsuit calendar shoot was a bit too much. I know most have been begging for it, but to me 30 min of it was just too long. A qtr/15 min. Would have been just right.  Just not obsessed with who wore what, who posed how, etc. Happy the'll be getting back to the nitty gritty of who can & can't dance, practices, new/guest choreography. Come on next epi. 

I forgot to comment on this, but I agree.  When they went to commercial and came back with more swimsuit stuff, I was like "you've got to be kidding me!"  Yep, 15 min (IMO) would have been just right, considering there's about 40 minutes of show without commercials.

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18 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I forgot to comment on this, but I agree.  When they went to commercial and came back with more swimsuit stuff, I was like "you've got to be kidding me!"  Yep, 15 min (IMO) would have been just right, considering there's about 40 minutes of show without commercials.

In season 7, they did a full episode, but that included fittings (and a playful Jackie Bob), the shoot (including interesting stories about vets- Whitney’s last shoot, McKenzie’s and Britney’s first shoots), a DCC performance and the suit fashion show including Kitty smoking them out. They’ve lost some of this “fun” over the last few years, IMO. 

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7 minutes ago, Taralightner said:

In season 7, they did a full episode, but that included fittings (and a playful Jackie Bob), the shoot (including interesting stories about vets- Whitney’s last shoot, McKenzie’s and Britney’s first shoots), a DCC performance and the suit fashion show including Kitty smoking them out. They’ve lost some of this “fun” over the last few years, IMO. 

Who could forget the tacky swimsuit runway show with the girls wearing skimpy bikinis and high heel boots aka the DCC Version of Julia Roberts in Pretty Women.

Someone posted this in our discussion about the show and girls in a PM. She would have posted it herself, but she is worried someone will turn on her. I agree with her 100%!


Or from Sam.  I follow Sam  and she really seems to have the best personality.  Thank God she does not have  the DCC look or she would be trying out for DCC.  She seems to have tons of male and female friends and is having the time of her life in college.  Living away from home.  Now that  to me is living the dream....not being a DCC.  She is doing what a 20 year old should be doing, getting an education and living like a 20 year old.  She is having fun.  

18 is just too young to be a DCC.  Victoria needs to live away from home and make some friends.  She has no friends other than the DCC world.  Get a life Victoria.  She has not lived and when you become a DCC you are robbed of your real life.  If she makes the team next year her life will become complete hell.  Look at the hate for Cassie still after all these years.  

Maggie and Simone seems to be completely different people now that they are off the team.  I never really cared for either one of them when they were on the team but now I see their real personality and I really like both of them.  They are both truly enjoying life and living.  Being a DCC is not living, you are a puppet.

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10 minutes ago, Taralightner said:

In season 7, they did ... a DCC performance and the suit fashion show including Kitty smoking them out. They’ve lost some of this “fun” over the last few years, IMO. 

I know the S7 fashion show is not a fav among some but I still LMAO every time I watch it.   Kitty's added atmosphere smoke and Kelli having to peek under the curtain just to see what was going on cracked me up.

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22 minutes ago, go4luca said:

I know the S7 fashion show is not a fav among some but I still LMAO every time I watch it.   Kitty's added atmosphere smoke and Kelli having to peek under the curtain just to see what was going on cracked me up.

Me, too! 

29 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Who could forget the tacky swimsuit runway show with the girls wearing skimpy bikinis and high heel boots aka the DCC Version of Julia Roberts in Pretty Women.

The point of my post was the storytelling that was demonstrated in previous seasons, but seems to be falling flat recently. Not trying to start up a hatefest on 1 piece of the point.

Also, I didn’t understand the rest of your post about a discussion in IM. No idea what you were trying to say there. 

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9 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

Probably so !! They seem to be such a cute couple 

They broke up once and it seemed like it really broke her heart.  I hope he is good to her since she seems to sweet and so kind.  

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Just now, 5678Pixie said:

They broke up once and it seemed like it really broke her heart.  I hope he is good to her since she seems to sweet and so kind.  

Is he the one that a poster mentioned them breaking up and Kelli deleting his pictures from her IG?

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5 minutes ago, 5678Pixie said:

They broke up once and it seemed like it really broke her heart.  I hope he is good to her since she seems to sweet and so kind.  

I hope so to !! 

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1 hour ago, Christineelgene said:

I don’t see how that is possible.  My guess is that someone gained that much between audition weight and TC weight,  which would be about a month or so of time.  Still, that is a lot.

Melissa said the weight gain was in about a week and a half, which concerned everyone - too much, too soon - not good for anyone's health

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