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4 minutes ago, booptroop said:

Agreed! I tried to talk to my husband about the VK stuff for example, he looked at me like I was nuts.

Hahaha every year my husband sees me watching it and says "oh Lordy are you trying to be a cheerleader again?"

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4 hours ago, nittanyvolleyball said:

Can we respect those who don't want to answer who exactly got cut? We'll find out eventually, but I like respecting people's wishes. If they want to say "Two people got cut, but I don't feel comfortable stating who" just let it be

With all due respect  this is a spoilers forum? xx

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Just now, Anita said:

With all due respect  this is a spoilers forum? xx

My point is not that it's a spoilers thread, more so that they have information that they don't wish to share because they want to respect their sources and people are begging them to come out with it, which they are uncomfortable with doing.

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3 minutes ago, Anita said:

With all due respect  this is a spoilers forum? xx

Someone saying "two people got cut" IS a spoiler, names don't need to be named, it just needs to not have happened on the show yet.

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Congrats to Briana. So proud that her intense off-season hard work in Dallas with Jennifer paid off. I know she impressed Kelli, Kitty & Jennifer. Judy was probably a harder sell. If you're reading this, just continue growing , smile always while performing to ensure you will not be a one-year wonder. My fingers are crossed she will assist & encourage beautiful Malena to work hard and try it again next year because she can do it too!!  ?? Don't give up, Malena!!  

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3 minutes ago, Isolabella said:

She was striking! Had a unique look about her.

i'm horrible, i didn't think she was pretty during TC - the make up just looked clownish to me - but post DCC TC i think she is just stunning.  and what a beautiful dancer, wow. 

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9 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Someone saying "two people got cut" IS a spoiler, names don't need to be named, it just needs to not have happened on the show yet.

I disagree but I see but I do respect your opinion xx

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2 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

i'm horrible, i didn't think she was pretty during TC - the make up just looked clownish to me - but post DCC TC i think she is just stunning.  and what a beautiful dancer, wow. 

Yeah I agree with you. At first her makeup was off-putting to me, but when I saw how naturally beautiful she was, then I could see past the bad makeup lol.

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2 minutes ago, Isolabella said:

Yeah I agree with you. At first her makeup was off-putting to me, but when I saw how naturally beautiful she was, then I could see past the bad makeup lol.


Just now, JohnGalt said:

I agree she didn’t look great the year she was in training camp. I actually met her in person before she was ever on the show (when she was dancing in New York) and she is seriously beautiful. She just really didn’t know how to do makeup.

She sure does now! 

 (sorry Mods, back on topic now, promise!!!) 

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6 hours ago, Txmomof2 said:

I have seen - and it was only up for 5 min so I am in NO way taking it as 100% truth and can't prove it was there. This is JUST what I saw posted and it was erased with in 5 min. But on Facebook in one of the fan groups someone posted Lily and Malena were the last 2 cut. They were friends or family of Rachel.  

NOOOO. Please dont let the Malena cut be true. She was perfect!

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

I see what you are saying, but Kelli, Charlotte and CMT did get together and decided Victoria was going to make the team before auditions already started. 

Refresh me on how we know this/who confirmed it? I’m Not questioning you, just refresh me, please. 

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Setting aside speculation that Tara's cut had some connection to the Victoria situation, we may get some insight during the next episode, when we see the judges' deliberations.  There's always some interesting discussion when vets are on the bubble, and are either don't make it back to TCC (Kat comes to mind) or make it and are cut during TCC (Hannah).   There's even some revealing info on girls who stay, like Ann Lux -- remember she was "disinterested."  Chelsea was also on the bubble and later cut in TCC.  So maybe we'll find out what might have happened with Tara, if Kelli thinks she looks heavy or she doesn't do well in her interview or whatever.  

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So happy for the ladies who made it.  I was rooting for Brennan and hope she does well and is a star for the organization.  I like the Miss American lady too.

I am sad for Tara.  Not sure I would agree saying something negative about the amount of attention being given to VK is cut worthy but I guess we'll find out.  She seems so sweet.

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1 hour ago, Stagecoach said:

Yes, Ika was a wild child but I will say, she just might have been the prettiest TCC ever.

I loved Ika!  So pretty and a great dancer.   She seemed really sweet too.  I hated how they cut her.

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1 hour ago, BonnieBlue said:

Apparently she was overheard being critical of the favoritism Victoria was getting, and it got back to Kelli.

This bothers me because while I understand that they can't be "toxic", it seems like they also can't have an opinion of anything that doesn't conform to what Kelli likes or dislikes.  Just because she was critical of a situation that she may have thought was unfair doesn't IMHO justify cutting her from the team.  Just my two cents' worth as a lawyer..... 

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Fortunately, we haven't seen as clueless as Ika and Karissa in a while.  At least, until Victoria and Victoria's actions seem more of a stupid teenager testing limits (and not having experienced consequences for her actions, at least until she was cut) then someone going out, partying and posting about it TOO much.  Most of the girls have gotten the hint about what they post on social media.  Some would say that Vivian IS that clueless, but she hadn't posted drinking or partying pictures on her accounts while in Training Camp, even after being warned about it (Ika).  It certainly seems that Ika grew up after that.  Maybe being shown as someone who is more interested in going out and drinking instead of a serious dancer excited at this chance was enough to get Ika really thinking about things.  It's a matter of image and reputation almost more than anything else, for Ika and the DCC.   I also think that Ika's attitude when confronted with the pictures didn't help.  She tried to talk her way out of them without taking responsibility for her part in them.  Then, when more appeared, she was cut.

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1 hour ago, BonnieBlue said:

Apparently she was overheard being critical of the favoritism Victoria was getting, and it got back to Kelli.

I have to admit this is much more interesting than alleged weight gain. We do know they have use the ole weight gain as an excuse to cut someone when in fact it was one of the reasons why a girl was cut.

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4 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I have to admit this is much more interesting than alleged weight gain. We do know they have use the ole weight gain as an excuse to cut someone when in fact it was one of the reasons why a girl was cut.

I like Tara but I still think it is so odd how Kitty was like nope she has to go!  Kitty "said" she didn't think Tara was attractive but that's far from true. Maybe its nothing but that scene always bothered me.

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50 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:


She sure does now! 

 (sorry Mods, back on topic now, promise!!!) 

If there is a need for a big laugh, someone dig up the Poo-pouri commercial starring Ika and former DCC Lauren and post it, in the appropriate thread of course.

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1 hour ago, BonnieBlue said:

Was posted yesterday on here.

I appreciate that but some may have missed it. Don’t see the harm in playing it on again considering how many times others things are repeated on here xx

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52 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

They both definitely have smaller, deep set eyes and the vocal fry.

OMG, the vocal fry is a thing and I am *so* tired of it. I wish Kelli would correct the cheerleaders from doing this. Not saying they all do. It is a very bad, but trendy linguistic habit.?

27 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I have to admit this is much more interesting than alleged weight gain. We do know they have use the ole weight gain as an excuse to cut someone when in fact it was one of the reasons why a girl was cut.

If I got cut for calling out an unfair situation, I'd be holding my head high. I sure hope Tara is. Good for her!!?

Edited by tinabee1967
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1 hour ago, MamaV said:

Can I just say how glad I am that this board exists. No one in my household cares about DCC or even watches NFL. It’s all NHL around here. Hockey is great and all, but just sayin...

My daughter and I are obsessed with MTT, AND hockey!!!  ???

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3 hours ago, UnicornKicks said:




More HD friendly than GINA.

Maybe but gina may be one of their best if not the best dancers on the squad... and her body is killer this season. I don’t even know who lily is so I can’t do a fair comparison.

Edited by PrincessLeia
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3 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I am not saying they pick the girls, but I do think they have a lot more say so in the matter along with Kelli and Charlotte. I think Judy has less say so than CMT has.

Why do you keep insisting this is so, when it’s been refuted by a couple of posters who know????? Besides that, it just makes zero sense... there is NO WAY Charlotte is going to allow cmt, an outside presence, to have any say in the makeup of the squad. Nope. No way, no how. 


I do not mean to be rude, I just see this repeatedly and the line of thought makes no sense to me, but maybe that’s because I’ve lived in Dallas, have known people within the organization, and I know what this organization means to the Jones family. 


But, obviously, we are all free to post as we see fit!

Edited by PrincessLeia
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11 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

That makes the sign of solidarity at IHOP at 3 am after Tara was cut even more juicy!!!   


8 minutes ago, BonnieBlue said:

Yep ...

THIS!! I definitely can;t wait until more about this gets leaked.

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2 hours ago, BonnieBlue said:

Apparently she was overheard being critical of the favoritism Victoria was getting, and it got back to Kelli.

I'll get my pitchfork ready if this comes out as true---seriously, Victoria is the reason we lost Tara I genuinely hope she never graces the DCC audition doorsteps again. 

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2 hours ago, hypeman said:

I may be the most critical of the team's diversity, and I also don't see anything racial with Malena's cut. If she couldn't get the dances, she needed to come back next year. Besides, she has EXACTLY the look TPTB prefer for AA girls.

While not pleased with the lack of diversity, I always feel like dance performance should be the main deciding factor.

Race/racism is such a touchy issue. Very few experience it, but everyone is quick to deny or acknowledge it. I personally don't feel this forum structure will accommodate a fruitful discussion about this matter.

100% agree with this. With that said, Malena has the “black girl look” that Kelli likes, so I doubt that her cut was related to that. If anything, I think Kelli probably badly wanted to keep her - hence, the cut on the last night. I do wonder if they regret cutting Keyra now that they have the least diverse squad in years. Short legs and non- yes mam girl notwithstanding, she had the skills. 

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1 hour ago, GreyCheerGirl said:

This bothers me because while I understand that they can't be "toxic", it seems like they also can't have an opinion of anything that doesn't conform to what Kelli likes or dislikes.  Just because she was critical of a situation that she may have thought was unfair doesn't IMHO justify cutting her from the team.  Just my two cents' worth as a lawyer..... 

Yep. I know I would never last as a DCC. I would probably get bounced for not being a yes mam girl. K&J would do well to listen to some criticism and take it to heart rather than cutting people for it. It might help them be better at their jobs. I do employment law on the defense side, and they, Kelli in particular, strikes me as the type of client who would cause me to have headaches and long nights of pacing because she takes actions and makes decisions that can easily be spun negatively. These last few years have really negatively impacted my opinion of her. Hopefully, the Tara stuff isn’t true, but I find it believable. 

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1 hour ago, GreyCheerGirl said:

This bothers me because while I understand that they can't be "toxic", it seems like they also can't have an opinion of anything that doesn't conform to what Kelli likes or dislikes.  Just because she was critical of a situation that she may have thought was unfair doesn't IMHO justify cutting her from the team.  Just my two cents' worth as a lawyer..... 

Just more shut up and look pretty...

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1 hour ago, Jennv said:

Random post of the day: Gina looks like a Paris Hilton

I think I may have said that last season, if I didn't, I definitely thought it. She isn't one who screams HD face, but she is an amazing dancer and I think that saved her. Her face on an average/good-ish dancer and I doubt she'd make TC. 

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2 hours ago, hypeman said:

I may be the most critical of the team's diversity, and I also don't see anything racial with Malena's cut. If she couldn't get the dances, she needed to come back next year. Besides, she has EXACTLY the look TPTB prefer for AA girls.

While not pleased with the lack of diversity, I always feel like dance performance should be the main deciding factor.

Race/racism is such a touchy issue. Very few experience it, but everyone is quick to deny or acknowledge it. I personally don't feel this forum structure will accommodate a fruitful discussion about this matter.

While I want to agree... Ashley pro, Breelan, Morgan, Christina, Savannah (who was even shown in insta stories making mistakes) and I’m sure I’m forgetting more. They seem to be making excuses for generic white girls with memory mistakes and honestly, I’d rather have a woc making mistakes on the team rather than a red head who “looks like a disney princess”. I’m not saying she’s outwright racist, but they’ve been allowing and behavior and mediocre dancing from white girls, but woc have to be on their best behavior, have unrealistic bodytypes (for a woc that is) and be absolutely amazing dancers. They don’t have to have diverse squads or pick their dancers fairly, but this is definitely a pattern.

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15 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

I'll get my pitchfork ready if this comes out as true---seriously, Victoria is the reason we lost Tara I genuinely hope she never graces the DCC audition doorsteps again. 

IF they would seriously cut a girl for calling out nepotism/favoritism, even if the subject of that nepotism/favoritism gets cut within 24 hours, then Kelli and Judy have lost a LOT of my respect.  If Tara didn't say it to their faces, she was just expressing her opinion and if she DID say it to their faces, she was expressing her concern as is her right, especially as how this could affect squad morale.  At best, Kelli and Judy could have called her into their office and talked to her about their concerns with it, but to cut her without warning for something like that is just. . . rude, weird, off-putting, etc.  That is, if it happened.

The best managers I have worked under have been ones who have not only given critique, but have taken it and applied it.  As long as it had merit and wasn't just an expression of frustration, a clash of personalities, etc.  If Kelli and Judy can't take critique, have their judgement questioned, or anything of the sort from people other than Charlotte or even LISTEN to honest frustrations/concerns/issues from the girls, then Kelli and Judy (and Charlotte) are the issue and THAT needs to be addressed.

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 I put the updated breakdown in the list thread for posterity. Can someone check my accuracy?

I don't know if this will head off the zillions of questions from newbies who will come in this week, asking who made the team, but hopefully it will help at least a little.

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3 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

IF they would seriously cut a girl for calling out nepotism/favoritism, even if the subject of that nepotism/favoritism gets cut within 24 hours, then Kelli and Judy have lost a LOT of my respect.  If Tara didn't say it to their faces, she was just expressing her opinion and if she DID say it to their faces, she was expressing her concern as is her right, especially as how this could affect squad morale.  At best, Kelli and Judy could have called her into their office and talked to her about their concerns with it, but to cut her without warning for something like that is just. . . rude, weird, off-putting, etc.  That is, if it happened.

The best managers I have worked under have been ones who have not only given critique, but have taken it and applied it.  As long as it had merit and wasn't just an expression of frustration, a clash of personalities, etc.  If Kelli and Judy can't take critique, have their judgement questioned, or anything of the sort from people other than Charlotte or even LISTEN to honest frustrations/concerns/issues from the girls, then Kelli and Judy (and Charlotte) are the issue and THAT needs to be addressed.

Kelli has always impressed me as being the type that does not like being contradicted. The year Jenna made it Kelli was enamored with her and Charlotte was not. Charlotte said she looked like a little girl standing next to women. I could tell Kelli was pissed. 

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12 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

While I want to agree... Ashley pro, Breelan, Morgan, Christina, Savannah (who was even shown in insta stories making mistakes) and I’m sure I’m forgetting more. They seem to be making excuses for generic white girls with memory mistakes and honestly, I’d rather have a woc making mistakes on the team rather than a red head who “looks like a disney princess”. I’m not saying she’s outwright racist, but they’ve been allowing and behavior and mediocre dancing from white girls, but woc have to be on their best behavior, have unrealistic bodytypes (for a woc that is) and be absolutely amazing dancers. They don’t have to have diverse squads or pick their dancers fairly, but this is definitely a pattern.

I often think that they make cuts to show the worst of some of these ladies.  If someone like Breelan was consistently bad as we saw, I doubt she would have made the team.  From 8 weeks of TC, we probably saw 10 minutes of any of these ladies messing up.  For all we know, that could have been the only times they screwed up.

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