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Naked and Afraid XL - General Discussion

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On 6/11/2018 at 10:52 PM, Emkat said:

Lacey has a personality disorder.  I feel for her kids cause growing up with a person like that is exhausting and toxic. 

Do you think she has Borderline Personality Disorder?  Is she showing symptoms of that?  Not really familiar.....


On 6/19/2018 at 9:48 AM, nitrot150 said:

I'm sure they would have rather shared than had his butt juice all over camp!

Butt juice!!  Best phrase ever!!


I would wish that a leopard would eat Gary, but I love animals too much.  Boy, does he need constant validation or what?

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Jesus God. This whole "unappreciated stay-at-home housewives revolt" narrative is just embarrassing. You need the hunters and the gatherers, people. That's how it works. At least they've stopped talking incessantly about how dangerous it is and how they could all get eaten by a leopard at any moment.   

I'm a stay-at-home mom, and even I found it embarrassing.  The hunters are expending a lot of energy out there.  I don't think it's unreasonable for the non-hunters to keep the fire going and the water boiled.  

I did think Matt could have been more appreciative for the food the homesteaders provided, but that may have been editing.  I suspect he did say "thank you" and the editors conveniently left it out.

44 minutes ago, slasherboy said:


I would wish that a leopard would eat Gary, but I love animals too much.  Boy, does he need constant validation or what?

I don't understand what he expects them all to do when he brings back fruit.  Bow down to him?  They all said "thank you."  

Overall, that was a pretty boring episode.  

  • Love 5

I don't understand the whole "thank you!!" mentality  anyway.   In a football team everyone celebrates the touchdown and I can't imagine anyone waiting for a special thank you--or any team member saying one.  

Gary has never hunted and from day one has  blabbed incessantly about his superior survival philosophy to cover his insecurity about it.  I don't doubt that he stirs the homesteading pot and Shane's victim mentality soaks it up.   They admit they are not hunters--but gatherers.  I don't know where the superior hunter attitude is coming from , but Matt walking around adorned in animal hides doesn't help.

I can't help but think if Jake the horse trainer was there instead of Matt the dynamic would be different.     Don't get me wrong--Gary and Shane are whiners-- But I think the communication would be different and I think he would make a bigger effort to quell the passive-aggressive undercurrent.  Matt is very much a lone wolf.  Not really a criticism but just not a big "team" guy and communicater and that would help.

  • Love 3

I can see both sides of the hunters vs. homemakers issue. 

On the one hand - yes, hunting isn't a guarantee. It's not a walk in the park either. They feel just as bad coming home with no kills as you do, worse even. So you don't need to sit around being all bitter and constantly reminding people what you do. 

But I do think SOME people could show more gratitude. There are those who always show appreciation. But for Matt (who I normally like) to come back and bemoan how hard it is to keep going on "no food", when people at home ARE getting food, and preparing it for you to have when you get back - that's just insulting. 

I have been a SAHM for 10 years and one thing I learned was not to keep score. Nothing in life will ever be perfectly 50-50. Don't waste your time, don't devote your energy, to tallying up who does what. Just do YOUR part fully and with a generous heart, and don't pick apart what the other person (people) do. 

That could apply to both sides. 

I also do have to wonder if they need THAT many people going out. I know they're trying to cover more ground, but....maybe go in shifts? Someone like Sarah, who's nothing but skin and bones at this point, could probably use a break from some of the camp life. 

  • Love 6

The problem, I think, is that none of these survivalists has ever had to exist as a tribe where all roles are important. In the real world, one or more of these people teach survival skills, or work as guides, or have some kind of role in which they are the "smartest person in the room," so to speak. As such, they each believe they have *the* most important job. They want acknowledgment of their awesomeness. Yes, bringing home big game brings everyone meat. Yes, figs are important. Yes, the fish and the turtle were huge. Yes, the wild spinach was also huge. In addition, you keep camp going. These are important things. These are not the important things, and they have not gone unappreciated. These things are the reason a tribe works and survives when hunters are not successful. People did thank you. They just didn't thank you in the way you wanted them to.

I'm not a hunter. I'd totally be back at the boma cutting wood, boiling water, and foraging. Would I expect to be treated like a queen for it? No, because I'm doing my job for the tribe just as the hunters are. They're expending energy to walk to wherever they're trying to hunt. They're expending energy to build blinds. They are risking expending so much energy with only a slight promise of a high reward. I wouldn't treat them as if they've done nothing. I wouldn't say, "While you were out on your fun hunting trip, I got food for us. Thank goodness for me, or else we'd be dead."

With all that said, the "It's a baby catfish!" remark came off as condescending, and I would have been irked by that. Also? Clean and process the damn fish while it's still good. While I think Matt tries to stay calm when it's obvious someone wants to start an unnecessary confrontation, I can't say he's great at it. His tone and choice of words could be better, but he does try to keep things from escalating. And, as someone pointed out above, he's not had no food. He equates protein with food, which is not correct. You are a tribe trying to survive in a harsh environment. Nutrients, in whatever form, fuel your body. Some days it's going to be meat. Most days it's going to be stew and vegetation. Your body needs what you can give it. Period. I noticed that, when he left for the hunt, he had some wild spinach in his quiver.

With next week being the finale, I'm sure the usual magical protein source will arrive to fuel them for extraction day. I wonder how the homesteaders will react. Will it be gratitude or still resentment?

  • Love 2

Yeah - I agree that the homemakers were unecessarily whiny, but two comments from the 'hunters' really rankled: 

  1. "You caught a baby catfish" - that's awful.  Shane got food.  Sure not a lot of food, but he did get food.  Dont be an asshole about it. 
  2. "I'll clean it after I warm up a little more - I think Im going to take a nap"- that's just disrespectful.  Clean the damn fish, or tell Shane that you won't. 

Matt's comment about the "human footprint" is the most honest thing about the struggles of hunting on this show I have ever seen.  I absolutely believe that when there is human scent everywhere and electronics its a lot harder to trap and a lot hard to hunt.  Im glad it was said.  And Im glad he realized he needed to travel further to find food.  No doubt the jeeps full of camera men and the people with camera and boom mikes make hunting a lot harder.  

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, fib said:

Matt's comment about the "human footprint" is the most honest thing about the struggles of hunting on this show I have ever seen.  I absolutely believe that when there is human scent everywhere and electronics its a lot harder to trap and a lot hard to hunt.  Im glad it was said.  And Im glad he realized he needed to travel further to find food.  No doubt the jeeps full of camera men and the people with camera and boom mikes make hunting a lot harder.  

Yup. I actually had just remarked on this to my husband right before Matt said it, albeit not using those exact words. Animals ain't stupid. They KNOW there are humans everywhere. They're being more evasive and responding quicker. That's why Matt was able to kill much more when he was on his own. 

They are nearing the end, but they might consider something like that - a solo hunter who goes out for about 3 days. No camera crew, just a camcorder. It might help. 

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, fib said:

Matt's comment about the "human footprint" is the most honest thing about the struggles of hunting on this show I have ever seen.  I absolutely believe that when there is human scent everywhere and electronics its a lot harder to trap and a lot hard to hunt.  Im glad it was said.  And Im glad he realized he needed to travel further to find food.  No doubt the jeeps full of camera men and the people with camera and boom mikes make hunting a lot harder.  

Yes, yes, yes to this.  That's why the team of all women couldn't catch any fish after a few days.  The fish sensed that there were PEOPLE there, lots of them, and fled. 

I think the reason there is a division in the group is because most if not none of these people are in relationships where one person works at home while another person works outside the home.  Or maybe they ARE in relationships like that, but it's different when you're life partners with that other person. 

Another problem is they're starving and when you're hungry you tend to snap at others. 

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Captain Asshat said:

With all that said, the "It's a baby catfish!" remark came off as condescending, and I would have been irked by that. Also? Clean and process the damn fish while it's still good

I agree totally.  However you can see what's going on there with what Ghoulina said about the scorekeeping.   Shane's mentality is "I caught the fish so someone else needs to clean it".  He's standing right there... take 5 minutes to clean the fish.   Should someone have showed some honor and appreciation by cleaning it? sure.  But Shane insisting and demanding that it's someone else's turn to pitch in now since he made the 'big kill' is annoying.  It's gone down the rabbit hole with these people.  

  • Love 3

"You caught a baby catfish" - that's awful.  Shane got food.  Sure not a lot of food, but he did get food.  Dont be an asshole about it. 

She should have just said, “How cute!”

I’m always struck by how bad these people are at communicating. There were many better ways to have the conversation between the hunters and gatherers without causing resentment, but it requires a little thought, so.....

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, seasick said:

I agree totally.  However you can see what's going on there with what Ghoulina said about the scorekeeping.   Shane's mentality is "I caught the fish so someone else needs to clean it".  He's standing right there... take 5 minutes to clean the fish.   Should someone have showed some honor and appreciation by cleaning it? sure.  But Shane insisting and demanding that it's someone else's turn to pitch in now since he made the 'big kill' is annoying.  It's gone down the rabbit hole with these people.  

Without a doubt. No one is handling their role well. Personally, if I was tired and spent, I might have asked someone else to clean the fish. If they didn't, I would have cleaned it myself. As you pointed out, it doesn't take that long. Shane and Gary both feel they are owed a ton for whatever they do, despite the fact that this whole thing is a cooperative effort. There shouldn't be any "what have you done for me lately" crap from anyone.

  • Love 7
On 6/24/2018 at 9:49 PM, TVbitch said:

Jesus God. This whole "unappreciated stay-at-home housewives revolt" narrative is just embarrassing. You need the hunters and the gatherers, people. That's how it works. At least they've stopped talking incessantly about how dangerous it is and how they could all get eaten by a leopard at any moment.   

Yeah, I can understand the "homesteaders" wanting to be appreciated and also being a little frustrated with the hunters failing to bring home any meat.  But, constantly going on about it, and basically saying that the hunters are just out having fun is sickening.  The hunters are going on long hikes in the heat and putting themselves at greater risk from predators, and waiting for hours for a chance to make a kill.  

If the "homesteaders" think the hunting is a picnic, why don't they pick up a bow and go hunting themselves?   

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, coolwaves said:

It seemed a little too convenient for Sara to suddenly stumble across a large field of "wild spinach."  I assume production either pointed out the location or even drove her to the field.

I was about to post the same thing.  Her reaction seemed so fake to me.  I have no doubt the producers led her there.

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I'm not sure they drove her there, but someone definitely told her where and what it was.

I always suspect that when they find various plants on these shows and are all, "Oh! This is ____! It's really good for ____." 

Yes, I'm sure some survivalists would really bone up on the local flora, but way too many people are suddenly plant experts. 

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I'm not sure they drove her there, but someone definitely told her where and what it was.

Yes, and what annoyed me greatly about her was that she acted like she had planted and tended it until grown and that everyone should bow down to her for providing it.  The entitlement of the homesteaders is amazing.

  • Love 5
On 6/26/2018 at 12:37 PM, ghoulina said:

I always suspect that when they find various plants on these shows and are all, "Oh! This is ____! It's really good for ____." 

Yes, I'm sure some survivalists would really bone up on the local flora, but way too many people are suddenly plant experts. 

Part of me was hoping it would turn out to be poison ivy. :)

  • Love 5

I work full time now but was a stay at home mom for a brief time when my children were little. I realized that keeping up the home and raising two babies was exhausting and because I was home everything basically fell to me. However, there was no keeping score and I did not expect my family to bow down to me for everything that I did. My husband was out working and I stayed at home and that was the deal. I just think Gary has been jealous of Matt from the get-go and since the hunters are pretty tired from their treks so it seems like they are just lying about being lazy at the camp. However, the hunters do not need to belittle the efforts of the homesteaders, but not cleaning a fish, particularly since they know Gary is an instigator and Shane loves to play the victim. These guys need a lot of validation and humoring them keeps the peace.  When I was a stay at home mom, people were often nasty to ignorant about my role in the family. They thought I was a freeloader that was being like Peggy Bundy and eating Bon Bons on the couch all day, while my husband worked hard. It used to bother me at first, but I realized that I could not let the ignorance of other people affect me. Ironically, now that I work full time, these same assholes give me a ton of shit for not spending enough time with my children and being "selfish" in wanting a career.   I think the whole crew should give up on the hunting and just be scavengers and gatherers for the remaining term. I think our ancient ancestors survived for years like that.

  • Love 2

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Oh, except for this: I ended up kinda liking Shane.  Felt really bad for Trent having to walk out of there with malaria!  Gary sure ended up being less of a blowhard in this episode, but it looks like he speaks his piece next week in the reunion episode in relation to Matt.  Matt  doesn't take his shit.  I just can't, in my wild dreams, imagine eating warthog!  Otherwise.....


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Edited by slasherboy
  • Love 4

Gary with his teeth?  Wrong.  Calcium doesn't just get sucked out of the teeth like that from malnutrition and cause your teeth to fall out.  Either he had some decay already quietly brewing and severely compromising his teeth, or he bit on something hard like nuts or fruit pits and cracked the teeth.  (Dental hygienist and dentist speaking here.)

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Fouts said:

Gary with his teeth?  Wrong.  Calcium doesn't just get sucked out of the teeth like that from malnutrition and cause your teeth to fall out.  Either he had some decay already quietly brewing and severely compromising his teeth, or he bit on something hard like nuts or fruit pits and cracked the teeth.  (Dental hygienist and dentist speaking here.)


To me it looked like he had a big filling in that molar and the tooth around it just fell apart. In any event, Trent (I think it wasn’t Gary) will be needing a crown....$$$$$$. (I’ve had my share of dental work.)

  • Love 2

I just finished last night and I was not surprised Trent had malaria. I knew it was something more serious than dehydration and hunger. I was actually really pissed that his tribe-mates let him go along on that trek to get the impala. Dude is experiencing blurry vision, aversion to light, tightness in his chest - and Gary offers him a hat. I screamed, "He needs a hospital, not a fucking hat!!!!" I was worried he was about to have a heart attack or something. 

I was so convinced the impala would be gone when they got back. If I were Matt, I would have at least carved off a leg to take back. Just in case. 

But N&A crew probably guarded that thing until they got back. I also noticed neither kill was actually captured on camera. just saying.....

Overall, I liked this final bunch. They had their quirks and sometimes pissed me off, but I think they ended up being a pretty tight group and I really loved seeing them help each other through extraction. 

  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, nitrot150 said:

I thought it was a good episode, of COURSE they got something right before extraction, of course. But odd were that they'd finally get something, took them quite a while really. The after the show episode will be interesting.

I'm really not at all interested in Lacey being on the after show, I know she's part of the show and they'll get to hash out their differences.....AGAIN, but I just can't stand her.

  • Love 3

I actually found myself getting a little emotional when Matt got the impala, and when the team got to the extraction.  Despite the stupid homesteaders vs. hunters drama, I ended up liking this group and I felt happy for them all to make it.  Especially Trent- Dude is a certified bad-ass.  A great teammate who never complained and kept going even when he had reason to stop.  

With that said, I don't really believe that Kaila shot that warthog.  Her hair was braided during the confessionals, down when she shot it, and up when they were carrying it back.  We also never actually saw the shot.  I call producer shenanigans, unfortunately. 

  • Love 5

Maybe there is something wrong with me, but I didn't get why all these women were afraid of Shane.  He's okay to me.  He just looked strange when he shaved off all his hair but other than that, I think he's a pretty sensitive guy.  I don't get what Lacey was talking about...I bet if he were a few years younger, blonde and buff she'd probably think he was hot.

  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Maybe there is something wrong with me, but I didn't get why all these women were afraid of Shane.  He's okay to me.  He just looked strange when he shaved off all his hair but other than that, I think he's a pretty sensitive guy.  I don't get what Lacey was talking about...I bet if he were a few years younger, blonde and buff she'd probably think he was hot.

I wondered if she was alluding to something that happened and didn't make to air? Because, otherwise, I'm with you. Shane can be kind of petulant and whiny, but nothing he's done has ever raised any red flags for me. 

  • Love 2

I had to fast forward. I liked the group, but it was kind of snoozy. Maybe if someone actually got attacked by a leopard that would have breathed some life into things. ...just kidding.

Um, yeah, the warthog. They shoot it and immediately find it only a few yeard from where it was shot, yet it looked super dead. Already stiff and not even a twitch. The arrow was more up under the skin of the front leg and not right through the heart/lungs or anything. Yet the artistic drizzle of blood looked wet. Okay, whatever, I'm lettin' it go. :)

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Same with the impala. He walked up on it and it was dead as can be. I can't help it, I get skeptical when I watch these shows. 

Right! I’m no hunter but I totally expect Matt to round the corner with a arrow ready to shoot the impala again just Incase it wasn’t dead. I’m skeptical too.

  • Love 2

I believe I would have done ok working with Shane.  I'm weird and sensitive too.  Just have to know how to deal with that person and for me, it takes one to know one.  But keep the hair, Shane.

I, too, was glad to see how everyone helped each other during the extraction hike.  Damn, they don't make it easy, do they?  And then to get into that freezing water?  With gators?  Not for me!

Also, I enjoyed seeing the post-extraction when they all wore white robes and were given a feast, of sorts.  On "Survivor" when they finally get a lot to eat, it usually makes them sick.

I'll share this because I believe I'm amongst friends.  Almost every time I take a shower and I'm undressing, I pretend I'm taking my clothes off just before marching into the jungle.  Seriously, I look down at my shorts and underwear and kind of toss it aside like they do.  Then I step in the shower and am happy I'm NOT marching into the jungle!  Also, invariably I have to get a big glass of ice water to drink when I'm watching and am extremely grateful there's no elephant poo in it.  That last part kind of goes without saying.....

Anybody know when XL-5 will be shown?  Can't wait!

  • Love 9
On 7/2/2018 at 5:50 PM, eclectcmoi said:

I was kind of surprised that Trent was diagnosed with malaria.  I would think they'd all have to have vaccines for whatever area where they'll be competing.  Maybe the vaccine doesn't work all the time? 

There is no vaccine for malaria.  You can take anti-malarial meds, but they arent a guarantee. Its not unheard of for folks in the oil patch go work for mega $$$ in africa, but come back and die of malaria because they think they have the flu and dont go to the doctor in time, or dont tell the doc they were in malaria country. There was a big push to educate people: 1) take the meds 2) go to the doc if you get sick.  Many people fail at #1, because the meds suck: they make you have crazy dreams, they interact poorly with other meds and medical history, or they mess with you GI bugs.  Short version: Im not surprised Trent got Malaria. 

On 7/3/2018 at 3:32 PM, Neurochick said:

Maybe there is something wrong with me, but I didn't get why all these women were afraid of Shane.  He's okay to me.  He just looked strange when he shaved off all his hair but other than that, I think he's a pretty sensitive guy.  I don't get what Lacey was talking about...I bet if he were a few years younger, blonde and buff she'd probably think he was hot.

This likely has more to do with many womens’ general fear of men, especially thise who are volatile or socially challenged.  I cant speak for anyone else, but there was a time in my life that I was the person who was nice to these folks. Suffice it to say, Im not anymore.  Ive had one too many scary interactions and so my guard is just up high.  Lacey may be similar. 

  • Love 1

Reunion thoughts:

Lacey is still the worst.

I’m glad the other women didn’t agree with Lacey about Shane.

I wish Duck, Mel, and Jeremy had stayed longer. They are very likable.

The casual misogyny is just gross. The whole discussion about how housewives like making omelettes/don’t work that hard was nauseating, but not surprising.

Gary is an absolute nut.

Matt really likes himself.

Really could have done without the ‘dad’ talk.

Glad the all female team made it through, and bonded so well.

Because it cannot be said enough, Lacey is awful.

  • Love 11

Things I noticed in the reunion:

  1. Lacy is still awful. I loved when she asked how many of the other women would be comfortable alone with Shane, and they all raised their hands. "Well, you weren't in that position." I think Shane's shown that, when you treat him like a human being, he doesn't suck. More on him below.
  2. Gary is kind of creeper, and he has an inflated sense of importance. He's the kind of guy who would bring you a pile of crap on a platter and get pissed off that you don't want it. When they showed the clip of Matt's arrival to the camp with an offering of food, I loved Gary's "Well, actually, I'm about to put some steaks on..." Could the rest of the tribe have been a bit more kind to him than, "Yeah, we're not eating that." Sure. But I think they'd already told him, more than once, how they felt about his bounty of rancid meat that he brought into the boma. You could see he was intimidated by Matt's arrival, and actually seemed pissed that the man had the gall to offer food.
  3. Shane...SHANE diffused the tension between Gary and Matt. And he did it fairly well and calmly. I've said it before: Shane is not exactly my favorite person. However, he is self aware, and he tries to improve himself, his attitude, and his comments. But when someone pushes his buttons, he can go off the deep end. Lacy pushed his buttons to the nth degree, and he became defensive and just verbally mean to her and about her.  
  4.  Matt is a cocky SOB, but he can back it up. He never took crap from Gary, who is just full of bluster, but Matt didn't escalate anything. Seriously, he remained calm while letting Gary know he wasn't going to take his crap. Gary was the one escalating. Matt doesn't start shit, but he will deal with it like a grownup. Do not come at Matt directly. Of course, Gary is the kind of guy who wouldn't come at you directly anyway. He'd send you (scavenged) anthrax in the mail. Then he'd get offended that you didn't have the decency to reply to the letter.
  5. I could watch a show with just Jeremy and Mel. They're awesome. Sprinkle in some visits from Duck and Sara.
Edited by Captain Asshat
  • Love 13

I enjoyed the reunion show, but hated seeing Lacey get so much screen time.

I agree with the rlc that Gary is a nut and Matt really likes himself.  But as Captain Asshat said, Matt can back it up and does it like a grown-up.  I wouldn't want to be out there (or anywhere) with Gary for anything.  That said, I could tolerate Shane if we got off on the right foot.  Feet. 

So, tell me about Jeremy and Mel.  I know they have an extremely strong bond, and love each other, but is it platonic love or is there something between them?  Are they married to other people?

Everything else I noticed was covered by the other 2 posters.  Anybody know when XL-5 will begin?  Thanks for a good season, everyone!

  • Love 4

I, too, was glad that the other women shot down Lacey's insinuations about Shane. I think Shane can be a prickly pear sometimes, but if you just get to know him and how he ticks, he's much easier to get along with than Lacey. 

I wish someone would have called her out on the hypocrisy of how she was whining about people having no use for her once she was hurt....when that was EXACTLY how she treated Mel. 

  • Love 10
On 7/4/2018 at 1:55 PM, willgracefan said:

Right! I’m no hunter but I totally expect Matt to round the corner with a arrow ready to shoot the impala again just Incase it wasn’t dead. I’m skeptical too.

Well, only think I can think of with the impala and the warthog is that they reenacted the filming of the hunt a little bit so that the camera crews weren't there right during the hunt (possibly scaring off the game)..... So, that is why stuff was D.E.A.D. right?



I agree with everyone on the reunion show...Lacy sucked.... and really want to know what is going on with Jeremy and mel! 

  • Love 2

Yeah, Lacey was a pisser wasnt she.  One thing she was good for, gauging time by her hair growing in lol.  Just watched the reunion today.  Hope they give Clarence another try NOT in Africa lol.  Maybe with Lacey.  The Redeemers Redemption Tour hah love it.  I love Mel and Jeremy.  She is so dam funny.  Theyre both married arent they?  Wish they could have finished together.

  • Love 1
On 7/3/2018 at 8:56 PM, TVbitch said:

Um, yeah, the warthog. They shoot it and immediately find it only a few yeard from where it was shot, yet it looked super dead. Already stiff and not even a twitch. The arrow was more up under the skin of the front leg and not right through the heart/lungs or anything. Yet the artistic drizzle of blood looked wet. Okay, whatever, I'm lettin' it go. :)

I remember a disclaimer in some episode of N&A or XL about how the animals are killed humanely, so I'm guessing that there's some kind of "if you shoot it, we finish it off for you" arrangement going on.

On 7/11/2018 at 7:10 PM, Emkat said:

Hahaha Lacey really showed her ass on the after show. God she is insufferable. You can tell all the participants also hate her lol.

I assume they were paired up because there would be conflict, but I did a complete 180 on Shane and Lacey between the thing with her taking the firestarter to when she finally tapped out. Shane reminds me of most of the recovering alcoholics/addicts in my life. Very aware of the ways that his psychology/personality doesn't fit with the world, but not always in complete control of the impulses that make it that way. Lacey just seems to be, in her own words after Clarence was pulled, an asshole.


Love Jeremy and Mel. I was doing some Facebook sleuthing. Some interesting comments. I think something might have gone down so to speak.

It seems pretty unlikely after all these episodes of both original recipe Naked and Afraid and XL that everyone has been completely celibate. They seem like they would make a great couple, but I'll admit that "shorter-than-average, stocky, hairy, tattooed, redheaded outdoorsman with a Louisiana accent" pretty much pushes all my buttons so I kind of selfishly want him for myself.

On 7/3/2018 at 5:32 PM, Neurochick said:

Maybe there is something wrong with me, but I didn't get why all these women were afraid of Shane.  He's okay to me.  He just looked strange when he shaved off all his hair but other than that, I think he's a pretty sensitive guy.  I don't get what Lacey was talking about...I bet if he were a few years younger, blonde and buff she'd probably think he was hot.

I’ve been watching Shane since his first challenge. He use to have bad impulse control, overly sensitive and bad anger control. He seemed much calmer this challenge. He either did a lot of self work or is on the right meds. He does seem to get along better with men. I like him and would not be afraid of him

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