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Jax Taylor: New Nose? Now Even Nosier

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Oh, and Jax has another woman's name tattooed on his other arm. Carmen. Is that his current chick, or another ex?



Looks like his current (at least at the time of filming) flame. I wonder what the Vegas girl thinks about him having two girls' names in permanent ink on his body?


Honestly? At this point he should just get ALL the names tattooed on himself. That way no one feels left out. 

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Wait a minute -- is this the extent of Jax's sweater line?  Really??  Um, I'm reminded of Gretchie poo & her plastic handbags.




This is Jax's new nose?  I don't get why he even bothered.  At least he doesn't look worse.  His surgeon could have really screwed up his face.  Just didn't seem to improve it any to me.



$300 for a "pullover"?  Are these people high? 


Jax' sweater modeling pics make his head look massive.  Well, more massive than normal.  And did someone photoshop the pics so he has absolutely no hips? 


From the description: 


•3 gauge chunky style with 1,900 count.•



Yes!  Chunky Sweater lives!

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The undercut look is a really unflattering look for guys with large heads. Believe me, I have a large head and I tried it and it doesn't work.

Jax is this big burley guy, and he's got this high, reedy voice. Kinda funny to me.

Agreed that Jax's head is huge, but Jax does not strike me as burly.

Actually, although these guys have muscle definition from the gym, they all seem like short skinny pipsqueeks to me. But I'm from the Midwest.

Ha ha. But you can say you saw him shower once. I know you'd like to forget as would the rest of us. But if I have to be traumatized by the image of that greasy ass shaking it in the shower, I want everyone to be traumatized.

I'll say that Jax is a mixture of the Sitch and Robert Downey, Jr.'s character in Less than Zero. Oh and also a Klingon.

Somehow, even after seeing the episode twice I managed to miss Jax's shower incident. My eyeballs and I are glad for that. Hopefully I will miss it again on the rerun, cos I managed to fall asleep during the second half of both airings, and DirecTV sucks with getting current eps into their On Demand system. They're consistently a week behind on Bravo shows. :(

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I would take The Stuation over Jax any day of the week and twice on Sundays. At least I know he bathed regularly; I can't say the same for Jax with any certainty.


       The Situation probably smelled really good. I sure as hell wouldn't guess the same for Jax.


       When I saw the shower scene, I just thought, "Wow, roid gut to the max."

The Situation probably smelled really good. I sure as hell wouldn't guess the same for Jax.

When I saw the shower scene, I just thought, "Wow, roid gut to the max."

Ehh, I think the Situation smells like Axe Body Spray. Which is still an improvement over smelling like tequila and Kristen sex. Edited by FozzyBear

Okay, posters, feast your eyes on this little find:










As soon as I'm done chortling I may have to vomit.  Such a strange mix of emotions "Jax Taylor Fitness" evokes.  


ETA:  Oh holy hell, the giggles just keep on coming....From the above linked Jax Taylor Fitness page:



Announcement! ‪#‎jaxtaylorfitness‬ just made 100% free!! Download at http://t.co/5FUwtr5LQ2 to gain access to all of the featured workouts

Edited by Persnickety1
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Jason/Jax. I KNEW Jax had to be a fake name LOL.

Check out Jax and John when he was Jason.

I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I think Jax looks way better now---he just looks like a big-nosed, fugly version of Johnathon Schaech in that old pic. As gross as he is in all his douchetacular glory, I think the sculpted shorter hair and facial hair actually suits him and his big shovel-sized head. And obviously the nose job was somewhat necessary.

Now as for the personality, there's just no prettying that mess up.

Season 1 is on now. Just saw the scene with Lisa confronting Jax and Laura-Leigh for having sex in the SUR bathroom. And now I can see how I used to think Jax was handsome. He looks like a completely different person between season 1 and now. I think all of those "supplements" he's taken have just made him completely bloated and have totally changed his face shape. Although he looks totally different (worse) in his younger modeling photos, too. Somehow he gets a new face/head every year or two? Season 1 may have been his best year--maybe the only good year.

Edited by JenE4
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Season 1 is on now. Just saw the scene with Lisa confronting Jax and Laura-Leigh for having sex in the SUR bathroom. And now I can see how I used to think Jax was handsome. He looks like a completely different person between season 1 and now. I think all of those "supplements" he's taken have just made him completely bloated and have totally changed his face shape. Although he looks totally different (worse) in his younger modeling photos, too. Somehow he gets a new face/head every year or two? Season 1 may have been his best year--maybe the only good year.

Heh. Jax Man-E-Faces.
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From tmz.com


'Vanderpump Rules' Jax Taylor - Arrested for Felony Theft ... Over Hawaiian Sunglasses

7/18/2015 8:30 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


['Vanderpump Rules' Jax Taylor got] busted for allegedly stealing a very expensive pair of shades.

Law enforcement sources tell us, Jax is still in the slammer with no immediate prospect of getting out. We're told he allegedly went to a sunglasses shop and stole a pair. He was arrested at his hotel a block away.

The glasses had to be worth more than $300 ... the minimum in Hawaii for charging someone with felony theft.


Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2015/07/18/jax-taylor-arrested-jail-stealing-sunglasses-hawaii-vanderpump-rules/#ixzz3gGs66RB4

Edited by quinn
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Yeah, Daily Mail is all over this story-




Man, that nose job didn't do much for him, did it?  He still looks greasy & swollen.  Loser.


I was wondering if this show was coming back.  


Here's a surveillance pic from the woman (twitter handle is @bianca_thedoll) who was working while Jax stole a pair of $350 Tiffany sunglasses. The, er, embellishments are hers. Apparently, Jax generously stole them for his new girlfriend, who Instagrammed herself wearing them and later took it down after Jax's arrest. I don't know what's up with Jax and sunglasses -- he also stole Carmen's Alexander McQueen sunglasses when she left them at his place and gave them to Katie as a birthday gift.


Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I'm not sure he'll be able to escape unscathed. For a first offense I'm sure he could plea the felony down to a misdemeanor since he was only $50 over the cusp. But he has (or had) outstanding bench warrants, a history of missed court dates, and multiple DUIs. He has not been a good boy. He needs to lawyer up.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Boy, you are so right.  With a crap lawyer & a stern judge, he could get some jail time.  Oh, not much, but he could get a few months, believe it or not, given his history.  He would get zero sympathy from most judges.  This is a man, not some young kid.  An extremely irresponsible one, but an adult male of 36 years old.  He's not a boy, despite dressing & acting like a teen.  Btw, is he dressed like a total douche, when he's stealing the sunglasses or what?  My 15 year old nephew dresses like that.  On him, I guess it's OK.  On Jason/Jax?  Not so much.

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Jax's girlfriend has a cotton ball on her arm like she just had a blood test--I'm presuming she didn't just donate blood. She also looked like she could be pregnant, but I've never seen her before so maybe she just has a rounded belly. If so, can we preemptively call DYFS on behalf of a fetus?

On all of the previews for S4 - we're seeing women who are falling over themselves to be with Jax. From the previews for Episode 2, apparently there's some girl he met on social media (?) who flew out (??) or he flew out (???) to L.A.


It just blows my mind that any female who has watched one episode... no, scratch that, who has watched THREE MINUTES of him on "Vanderpump Rules" (I can't speak for spending any time in Jax's presence) would still be interested in him romantically, seeing how he's treated women, how he's dated them on the show, how he interacts with them professionally, etc.


Even if I were nuts enough to work with him, I'd have to slather myself in Purel just to be near him. Dating him? I'd have to be out of my mind. So I can't possibly understand why any woman would think it would be in her best interest to date that loser. (The recent shoplifting arrest notwithstanding.)

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