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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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It is so infuriating. I don't know why they think viewers want to see Anna always pimping Patrick's latest woman and Emma's latest mother while Robin is perpetually kidnapped. Anna will be saying Patrick and Sam, you guys deserve happiness while she doesn't give a damn about her own daughter's happiness. In the last conversation they had, Robin told her she was BROKEN and underserving of her daughter, but she is only concerned with Patrick's happiness

THIS. As a previous poster said, Sam not only gets her husband, daughter and home, she also get her freaking mother.

Lord, give me strength because I now want this shit to continue to tank and be cancelled, too.

You want to restore GH and you are going to make it all about the Cothinii and Jeromes? Not the Q's, Webber /Hardy's or Scorpios. You know Franco, Nina, Keeks, Plywood, Greenlee and Sabreeeena aren't leaving either. Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all.

They need to stop saying GH is kicking ass. GH is about to get its ass kicked in the ratings and have its ass kicked by Days. I don't see how any of the above shit brings back lapsed viewers or stops others from jumping ship and heading to the barge.

I was in a good mood. Via social media, I saw that FH had gone back to start filming today and that KMc got a new dog anD spent the day at the beach. TPTB of this shit show ruin everything.

  • Love 3

Sam has her own son, mother, husband (that she can't get any meaningful scenes with), sisters, even her own home. Sam doesn't even get onscreen scenes with Emma where she acts motherly. Emma knows who her mother is and even questioned Patrick moving Sam and Danny into the house. I see daily the comments saying Samtrick get nothing onscreen but one mention of them being a "family unit" in a mag is upsetting? 


THIS. As a previous poster said, Sam not only gets her husband, daughter and home, she also get her freaking mother.


How is Sam getting Robin's mother? I must have missed all the bonding scenes they've had over the last 10 months. I must have missed all those long convos where they tee hee over Robin's suffering and Anna annointing Sam as the greatest Patrick has ever had. 

Edited by SpaceCases
  • Love 8

Honestly, since KMc is away from the show by choice, I can't work up a lot of outrage about Robin. Mainly because I can take or leave the character. But I look at it like this: I don't think they want to try and recast her, because they probably know a recast likely wouldn't be accepted. So how exactly can they wrap up  a story, if the actress won't come back and they can't recast? Kill the character off, offscreen? Haven't they done that already?

Anna is involved with Patrick and anyone Patrick is "with", because of Emma. It would be weird if Anna completely ignored whoever Patrick was with.

If I were an Anna fan, I'd rather she be with Patrick and Emma and consequently whatever woman involved with Patrick, than not onscreen at all. Of course, I don't think "family" should define a character-it's important, and families should be strengthened on this show IMO. But, not the be all and end all.

However, that's just me. YMMV.


Re: SID:


I'm not surprised pretty much every "family" unit and/or couple has someone who is currently or formerly mobular. I think I'm more sad than anything, because I'm pretty good at reading between the lines, I think, and what the stuff in SID says to me, is that these new writers have no idea what to do with these characters.  I get that some of those couples and characters are fairly popular, but....IDK.  I have a feeling that if they go all mob,  all the time, and don't even TRY to use other characters or rebuild other families-DOOL will KILL them in the ratings this fall/winter. And if they do, I hear a distant death knell tolling.........

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 3

Honestly, since KMc is away from the show by choice, I can't work up a lot of outrage about Robin. Mainly because I can take or leave the character. But I look at it like this: I don't think they want to try and recast her, because they probably know a recast likely wouldn't be accepted. So how exactly can they wrap up  a story, if the actress won't come back and they can't recast? Kill the character off, offscreen? Haven't they done that already?

I can and I do so I think her base of fans deserve a proper ending. She has been on this show, off and on since 1985 and her last stint started in 2005 and ended in 2012- 7 years. She gave them more than enough time to come up with an exit for her or recast her character if so needed. She even requested to kill her off. Not her fault they immediately showed Robin being imprisoned somewhere, instead letting the audience think she was dead as well (which is what happened with Jason), as it was one of the reason the audience never took to Patrick/Sabrina.  If they weren't going to not commit to Scrubs during her temporary return, have them mutually break up and have her actual go off the Africa or some U.S. city to further her career. She is a long time character played by a longtime employee who ended things professionally, she deserved more respect. On top of that, it has been a complete crap story, the gravest sin of all.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 11

KMcC has said she'd return, so I don't know why they don't set the schedule with her and wrap up Robin's story. It doesn't need to be anything extensive—just have her come back to PC a free woman, inform everyone she has a great job wherever and will Skype with them all often, and let the town who Jakeson is. It can all happen in a day.


It's not difficult. If KMcC can't return, have her write all this in a letter to Anna, who reads it aloud at Carly and Sonny's wedding.


Boom. Done. Story resolved.

  • Love 5

Its not like Sam/Emma get scenes daily with her being a mother to her. I cant even remember the last time they were in the same scene. The less Emma we see the better. I hate anything to do with kids on soaps. 



Petty and shallow: the voice on that little actress is like nails on a chalkboard to me. It's not just the sound of it, it's her manner of speech, it comes across as whining, even when she isn't.


As far as more tidbits from SID-didn't FH say Anna would come back with a new mission? And I think she meant mission as in some kind of case/assignment, but she said she couldn't say what it was. At least, I think that was in SID.

For those who want FH and Richard Burgi chem tested, I still think my speculation that Paul and Anna's paths are entertwined could come true. That is, if they show him again before Christmas.

Edited by IWantCandy71

Fucking gross, looks like Michael does in fact go to Sonny and Carly's wedding.





So, still no reason to bother watching the 67 episodes I have stacked up on the DVR? Good to know. When I first heard about the writer change, I thought that I might need to catch up or something. 

  • Love 2

Given his absence in the photos, the rumors of Sonny getting shot and going into a coma while all his loved ones beg and plead with him to live sound plausible.  Vile.


No hope of that now, but I wish Michael could channel his former MyKill and try to smother Sonny as he did (retconned to attempted) to AJ.

  • Love 1

Meh, I don't hope for cancellation. But then, I've never been a "show as a whole" fan, either. I've always been a "buffet" pick what you like and leave the rest, fan. Decades ago I was FFwarding through Felicia Jones, for example. I've always just watched the ones I wanted to watch and hit mute or FFwd or did something else during other people's scenes. So while I think it IS vomit worthy that Sonny has the largest family on the show, I can ignore him and what he does for the moment, because it isn't touching/affecting any characters I really love, so I don't *have* to watch the scenes. And I kind of figure, if I do watch the scenes, and I have a rage moment or whatever, it's kind of my own fault for going there when I'd be happier just NOT doing that. I am sad about Michael-but I will stand on what I said months ago-I don't think he'll ever go back to being Michael Corinthos.

I am okay with him being sad about Sonny almost dying. The man is horrid-but he DID "raise" him. I've seen victims of child molestation-over fathers who couldn't admit what they did-weep when their fathers died, so I can't fault Michael. Unforgiveness only poisons the person carrying it, and the only way for Michael to truly get on with his life, is to forgive Sonny.

That doesn't mean I think Michael needs to be living in their house or socializing with Sonny on a regular basis. I think there are such things as relationships that are toxic, and I think that applies for both Sonny and Carly in reference to Michael. It's a "show up on some holidays out of respect, but don't seek them out for guidance or comfort" kind of relationship, or at least, it should be.

I also think until we see what the new writers will do with the Qs, if anything at all, it's too early to tell. If Michael does change his name back, or doesn't speak of the Qs anymore and doesn't live there anymore, THEN we can stick a fork in him. Then, I'll be done.

  • Love 3


And you just know this is fucking Sabrina's doing.  Ugh, the (hating that) bitch is back.


I must have missed the scene where Michael had a lobotomy and/or Sabrina put a gun to his head. Michael is a grown man capable of making his own decisions. If he decides to go to the wedding, that's on him.




Meh, I don't hope for cancellation. But then, I've never been a "show as a whole" fan, either. I've always been a "buffet" pick what you like and leave the rest, fan. Decades ago I was FFwarding through Felicia Jones, for example. I've always just watched the ones I wanted to watch and hit mute or FFwd or did something else during other people's scenes. So while I think it IS vomit worthy that Sonny has the largest family on the show, I can ignore him and what he does for the moment, because it isn't touching/affecting any characters I really love, so I don't *have* to watch the scenes. And I kind of figure, if I do watch the scenes, and I have a rage moment or whatever, it's kind of my own fault for going there when I'd be happier just NOT doing that. I am sad about Michael-but I will stand on what I said months ago-I don't think he'll ever go back to being Michael Corinthos.

I am okay with him being sad about Sonny almost dying. The man is horrid-but he DID "raise" him. I've seen victims of child molestation-over fathers who couldn't admit what they did-weep when their fathers died, so I can't fault Michael. Unforgiveness only poisons the person carrying it, and the only way for Michael to truly get on with his life, is to forgive Sonny.

That doesn't mean I think Michael needs to be living in their house or socializing with Sonny on a regular basis. I think there are such things as relationships that are toxic, and I think that applies for both Sonny and Carly in reference to Michael. It's a "show up on some holidays out of respect, but don't seek them out for guidance or comfort" kind of relationship, or at least, it should be.

I also think until we see what the new writers will do with the Qs, if anything at all, it's too early to tell. If Michael does change his name back, or doesn't speak of the Qs anymore and doesn't live there anymore, THEN we can stick a fork in him. Then, I'll be done.


Agreed with most of this. I honestly don't get wishing cancellation for something when you can just stop watching altogether if the show pisses you off that much. There are others who are still enjoying it or want to enjoy it in the future.


As much as I hate Michael going to the wedding, I never really expected him to sever the tie with Carly or Sonny completely. As long as he still remains Michael Quartermaine and doesn't get buddy buddy with Sonny, I'm alright with it.

  • Love 6

Yeah, me too. As long as we don't have Michael forgetting AJ and changing his name back, I can live with Michael talking to Sonny. I still think Sonny is a played out character and I don't ever want to hear Michael singing his praises again. Ever. As long as they don't go that far, I may be okay with them interacting.

Sonny should spend the rest of his life making it up to Michael, though. Not because Michael wants or asks him to-but because Sonny didn't have any long term consequences, and always feeling like Michael is one step away from walking away forever, is something Sonny should ALWAYS feel. They should never have a completely comfortable relationship EVER again.

  • Love 7

Given his absence in the photos, the rumors of Sonny getting shot and going into a coma while all his loved ones beg and plead with him to live sound plausible.  Vile.

I will never watch that, My stomach couldn't take it. barf city. Lets see what day he is shot and all beg him to live Hope the ratings will be in the toilet .

  • Love 1

I must have missed the scene where Michael had a lobotomy and/or Sabrina put a gun to his head. Michael is a grown man capable of making his own decisions. If he decides to go to the wedding, that's on him.



Agreed with most of this. I honestly don't get wishing cancellation for something when you can just stop watching altogether if the show pisses you off that much. There are others who are still enjoying it or want to enjoy it in the future.


As much as I hate Michael going to the wedding, I never really expected him to sever the tie with Carly or Sonny completely. As long as he still remains Michael Quartermaine and doesn't get buddy buddy with Sonny, I'm alright with it.


I get wishing for cancellation. People want the characters they like to get satisfying resolutions, instead of just going on until it whimpers on to crappiness, a la Luke. Yes, it's selfish for wishing for cancellation because people lose their jobs but it is what it is. I don't think people should tweet that to the actors, but I get wanting it.


I agree with you about Michael.

Given his absence in the photos, the rumors of Sonny getting shot and going into a coma while all his loved ones beg and plead with him to live sound plausible.  Vile.


I'm pretty sure it's happening, since Trixie from soaptown said so and she's usually 98% with her spoilers. bleeergh. Although I was under the impression there's an ambush happens at Sonny's house, but maybe not.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

I feel like, I've held on this long-decades, now-through truly awful stuff, to get bits and pieces of characters, actors and yes, even some storylines, that I loved. I'll continue to keep up with the soap for as long as there's someone on I love. I won't watch live probably ever again-haven't done that in years.  And when I watch, I'll always have someone I'm skipping through. But as long as there's someone I adore, I'll hold on until the show chokes out it's last breath.

  • Love 2

I can understand Michael forming a civil bond with Sonny, and I thought the tone struck in the scenes where he gave back Avery was mostly right (though he should've held on to her for a year, to be honest). I think attending the wedding and having nice little chats about stuff with Sonny and Carly is way too soon. It hasn't even been a year since he learned what they did.

  • Love 7

I can understand Michael forming a civil bond with Sonny, and I thought the tone struck in the scenes where he gave back Avery was mostly right (though he should've held on to her for a year, to be honest). I think attending the wedding and having nice little chats about stuff with Sonny and Carly is way too soon. It hasn't even been a year since he learned what they did.


I wanted Michael to keep AJ/Avery away from Sonny for the same amount of time that Sonny kept Michael away from AJ (not that the show has nearly that much life left in it, of course).  That would have been true poetic justice.


Michael turning his back on Sonny and Carly was one of the few things Ron actually got right, so although it's inevitable, it sucks that it's disintegrating so quickly.

  • Love 10

I wanted Michael to keep AJ/Avery away from Sonny for the same amount of time that Sonny kept Michael away from AJ (not that the show has nearly that much life left in it, of course).  That would have been true poetic justice.


I would have been good with a bit longer than what we got. I can't ask for too much more than that right now. His relationship with them, OTOH, should never be the same. I also would have had him make them sit down with them and talk about A.J., and why they took him away from his father, before he did anything else. They have never had to be honest about it.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

I wanted Michael to keep AJ/Avery away from Sonny for the same amount of time that Sonny kept Michael away from AJ (not that the show has nearly that much life left in it, of course).  That would have been true poetic justice.


Michael turning his back on Sonny and Carly was one of the few things Ron actually got right, so although it's inevitable, it sucks that it's disintegrating so quickly.

What's worse is that there was no build-up. I exaggerate a lot, but with this it was truly undoing months of story and simultaneously throwing away years of potential story, in about five minutes flat.

  • Love 9

If the show survived years of the Drab Four, Guza's obsession with SBu, SWSNBN, and McTavish - Ron's utterly forgettable bullshit does not get to be the nail in the coffin of my soap.


No, Sonny Corinthos will be the final nail in the coffin of this once-great show.  That vile character large and in charge means one thing and thing only - the cancer has metastasized, the patient is beyond saving.

  • Love 7
Michael turning his back on Sonny and Carly was one of the few things Ron actually got right, so although it's inevitable, it sucks that it's disintegrating so quickly.


This sucks. There are so many interesting stories that could evolve if they just kept up Michael's Sonny hatred. But no. Everyone has to kiss Sonny's ass, even the son of the man he murdered. 

  • Love 6

I also would have had him make them sit down with them and talk about A.J., and why they took him away from his father, before he did anything else. They have never had to be honest about it.


They certainly not going to do that while in the midst of doing it again.  AJ was apparently just a sperm donor, like Ava was an incubator, and those children are Carly and Sonny's property.

I think attending the wedding and having nice little chats about stuff with Sonny and Carly is way too soon. It hasn't even been a year since he learned what they did.


Apparently he talked to THEM about the AJ clinic last week?  With them smilingly looking on like the perfect parents as he talked about the clinic he was opening in the name of the man they murdered?  Fucking.  Gross.

  • Love 5


Fucking.  Gross.


And that's why I can't watch the show anymore and have to leave the room if someone else has it on.  Soaps can be boring, long-winded, ridiculous, and even good sometimes.  But, it can't be gross.  I can't see Sonny on my screen with his neverending bullshit knowing he killed AJ and that's just okay now.  There were so many chances to turn the Sonny character around and the TPTB never took advantage of them.  I truly thought shooting Dante was the bottom, but he rose, somehow again to sicken me.  What helped there was I didn't really watch that story carefully or ever give a shit about Dante.  But, AJ?  I have always loved him back to Gerald? Hopkins playing the role.  And having to sit through everything the holy trinity of suck through the lovely writers put him through.  I'm fucking done, except for this fantastic site.  


P.S. And what makes it worse is I always hated Carly, and truly believe she was the beginning of the end of the Sonny character.  I really hope these ratings sink into oblivion.  And to think, the one thing Ron did right, having Michael turn his back on these toxic assholes, what a waste.  

Edited by sunflower
  • Love 8

I can't see Sonny on my screen with his neverending bullshit knowing he killed AJ and that's just okay now.  


Ron really shouldn't have been so arrogant to think he could take Sonny that low and then walk him back like nothing happened.  You think he would have learned his lesson after the rapemance on OLTL, but noooooooooooo. 

  • Love 7
Apparently he talked to THEM about the AJ clinic last week?  With them smilingly looking on like the perfect parents as he talked about the clinic he was opening in the name of the man they murdered?


Not exactly. Yes, Michael told them the clinic was up and running again. Carly was the only one smiling, and that's because she's desperate to stay on good terms with Michael. Sonny weakly told Michael that he was happy for him because Sonny knew the clinic was important to Michael. It was appropriate and in character for both, I thought.


I don't like it that Michael is doing more than telling his parents he's fine, thanks for asking, moving on, but I don't think that particular exchange was so outrageous.

  • Love 2

Ron really shouldn't have been so arrogant to think he could take Sonny that low and then walk him back like nothing happened.  You think he would have learned his lesson after the rapemance on OLTL, but noooooooooooo. 


Ron never believed anything was wrong with the rapemance, either because the audience 'didn't get it' or because he 'didn't get to take it all the way as planned,' or both. And nobody ever challenged him on it enough, so he kept doing shit like it.

  • Love 4

As disgusted as I am, I don't really want the show to be cancelled, because I don't think the cast and crew deserve to be jobless. I think the people responsible for the crap storytelling and quality deserve to be canned. But not everyone else.

I kind of wish they'd re-name it and acknowledge it's a completely different show now. Then re-name all the characters I once loved that they've ruined, and I can safely ignore the whole mess ...

It's dumb, I know, but I've followed the show in one form or another since I was a kid, and the ruination of this little fictional universe is tough to take.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 5

Why I think Valerie might still be pregnant:




Her looking right at them while she holds a baby. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.


If they are going to do it, they need to rip off those "I didn't know I was pregnant" shows.


"Dante . . . I went to the bathroom . . . and all of a sudden, a baby came out!"

  • Love 2

I took that picture as more of an anvil heralding the reveal.  "Look how happy Lulu and Dante are!  Maybe they'll talk about using that other embryo and having a little girl!  But uh oh, here comes the news about Dante's ONS with Valerie!".


At least Lulu and Dante seem to have realized that a mobster's wedding is no place for their child.

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