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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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I don't know why this show is so desperate to saddle Michael with a kid.  He's already so bland and boring, none of his relationship have ever been fun or sexy, sticking him with a kid isn't going to help matters.

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KT back in the role of Britt had a couple of good line readings in the Floating Rib scenes, but mostly she is coming off as an angry, entitled teenager who's definitely the child of Faison and Obrecht/not in touch with reality. Demanding that her medical license be reinstated, and then mimicking/trash talking her memory of Robin and Patrick's young child, really?!  Britt has been in prison as a result of her own actions. Her hostility toward Anna just makes her look like Obrecht light.

Her line to Finn about picturing Faison and Anna conceiving Heinrich/Peter just made her look like an awful person because she knows quite well that Faison has done whatever he could to torture Anna over the years, including faking Robin's death. I hate being in the position to cheer for Lulu (to me that's like praising Carly), when she poured the pitcher over Britt's head.  Finn had the best line reading, about getting another pitcher. 

The enthusiasm on youtube over the Halloween scene of Jason, Sam, Danny and Jake makes me laugh. Sam references Halloween back when she and Jason lived together before Danny was born, and the look on her face was like oh, huh, that's right there was a time when I wanted to be closer to Jason than several feet away. Rather than thinking, "Oh, what great family time for a holiday," my reaction was "Sam has to show up so that Jason doesn't look like an inept father, and how pathetic that Jason and Sam's great warmth is in smiles when they are at least 6 feet apart, recalling a nice memory that seems to be more than 11 years old (pre-Jason and Elizabeth conceiving Jake)."

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9 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I don't know why this show is so desperate to saddle Michael with a kid.  He's already so bland and boring, none of his relationship have ever been fun or sexy, sticking him with a kid isn't going to help matters.

Duelly doesn't even want it. Way back when Nelle's pregnancy was still in early days, he minced no words in expressing lack of enthusiasm for Michael as the father of a baby.  

Now, I do not think producers/writers should make his opinion the ultimate factor. He has to play what's written. But I think he's right in this case. I have no illusions that this is even about him. It's about Sonny and Carly getting another win, something else that's "theirs." The big payoff when the baby switch gets sorted will probably be Carly showing up at the prison with the baby in tow so she can rub it in Nelle's face that Carly will be raising him. Then for rest of the time the show is on the air, we'll just hear about how Jonah is sleeping upstairs, or Bobbie is taking care of him, or "Avery loves her little [nephew?] so much."  

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What sucks is that there was potential there for this to be a good story, but it's not.  Because you're right, it's not about Michael, it's definitely not about Lucas (who?), it's about Carly.  And, I mean, isn't she in enough stories?

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12 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I don't know why this show is so desperate to saddle Michael with a kid.  He's already so bland and boring, none of his relationship have ever been fun or sexy, sticking him with a kid isn't going to help matters.

Seriously. Michael is blander than mayonnaise on white bread. He has absolutely no edge whatsoever, and it doesn't help that Chad Duell never looks comfortable with romantic scenes. 

3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

What sucks is that there was potential there for this to be a good story, but it's not.  Because you're right, it's not about Michael, it's definitely not about Lucas (who?), it's about Carly.  And, I mean, isn't she in enough stories?

Carly is definitely in enough stories, but I don't think there was much potential for this to be a good story. In the abstract, it's pretty soapy, but since it's tied to Michael, the dullest dullard who ever dulled, I can't think of anything that would make me interested in him having a kid at 25. 

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Michael doesn't need a baby because he isn't even a real character at this point; he's a prop in Carly's and Sonny's stories. For that role,Duellis perfect.

20 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

KT back in the role of Britt had a couple of good line readings in the Floating Rib scenes, but mostly she is coming off as an angry, entitled teenager who's definitely the child of Faison and Obrecht/not in touch with reality. Demanding that her medical license be reinstated, and then mimicking/trash talking her memory of Robin and Patrick's young child, really?!  Britt has been in prison as a result of her own actions. Her hostility toward Anna just makes her look like Obrecht light.

Carly was in Ferncliffe as a result of her own actions and we're supposed to feel sorry for her. At least Britt is paying for what she did wrong, unlike Sonny, Carly, Jason, Spinelli, Valentin and even Luke.

In real life, because Britt's crime wasn't malpractice, she could get her license back. Sometimes even those who were convicted of ma;practice get their licenses back. I thought tat the unrealistic  part is Anna being able to get a convicted and sentenced prisoner out.

Edited by statsgirl
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13 hours ago, statsgirl said:

In real life, because Britt's crime wasn't malpractice, she could get her license back. Sometimes even those who were convicted of ma;practice get their licenses back. I thought tat the unrealistic  part is Anna being able to get a convicted and sentenced prisoner out.

I am concerned the writers don't remember that Britt wasn't in jail for the Ben/Rocco stuff, she was in jail for that stupid scheme with Spencer.

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The new promo is a joke:

That Willow and Sasha - two characters we barely know - are in this promo speaks for itself  I mean, I'd love to give them props for a promo without Sonny/Carly/Jason, but...

Edited by TeeVee329
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The wacky caper music cracks me up. I think we're supposed to be all "oh, nos! Sasha is trying to come between Lauren and Griffin!" and instead, with that music, I feel like Sasha should be hiding a pie she's going to shove into Griffin's face.

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We've just met Willow and Sasha, and we barely know Chase. This is absolutely Must See TV.  Maybe they should have done it in the summer when the teens were watching.

3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I am concerned the writers don't remember that Britt wasn't in jail for the Ben/Rocco stuff, she was in jail for that stupid scheme with Spencer.

I'd forgotten.  However did she get five years in jail because she didn't tell a 10 year olds father where he was? That should have been a probationary offense.

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5 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I'd forgotten.  However did she get five years in jail because she didn't tell a 10 year olds father where he was? That should have been a probationary offense.

I dunno.  While the scheme was beyond stupid and Spencer runs away all the time - under Laura's care, he's managed to travel unaccompanied internationally multiple times! -  I could see how it would warrant some jail time.  Plus, add in some time for fleeing the jurisdiction with a wanted criminal like Faison.

Edited by TeeVee329
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To me, it seems like a promo aimed -- with high hopes -- at new viewers. I'll pretend I don't watch General Hospital and don't know the tenures of the actors, or the histories of the characters. I'd see a young guy, by implication a police officer ("I could arrest you for that") flirting with a pretty girl. Then I'd see sexy hijinks with two girls and a guy, with the guy the one showing off his toned bod. Then there are some older attractive actors, both of whom manage to show some charm in a line apiece, having some kind of encounter in an office ("Are you ready for me?" "Ready and waiting!").  

This hypothetical version of me might tune in expecting a dramatic, sexy show with some lighthearted moments, apparently with law-enforcement characters and professional types.   

Then Laura Wright would be on shrieking four days a week, and Kelly Monaco would be doing her Lyme disease TV-movie acting, and Jason would be offering to shoot some woman in the head if Sonny gives the order, and it may all end very quickly. But the promo might work as a lure.  

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9 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I'd see a young guy, by implication a police officer ("I could arrest you for that") flirting with a pretty girl.

That scene could be read as a police officer (ab)using his badge to get a date, which is problematic at best. But of course GH never thinks through stuff like this.

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Now that I've seen the episode, I see that the promo wizards bypassed the mopey stylings of Duelly opposite the same actress in the same episode, even though he's nominally the show's young "core family" leading man and would have provided a stronger visual contrast with Griffin, who's in the Kiki/Sasha scene.  

I approve, promo wizards.  Michael has become so boring that he doesn't have five enticing seconds in him.  

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2 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I approve, promo wizards.  Michael has become so boring that he doesn't have five enticing seconds in him.  

LOL. And even when they show him saying something mildly interesting, it's always a misdirect.

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7 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Michael has become so boring that he doesn't have five enticing seconds in him.  

With his low energy level and resting sad face, I get the feeling Chad is as bored as we are. What we need is a scene between Michael and Sam. Their combined zero-energy states might create a black hole large enough to suck the two of them, and maybe a few associated loved ones, into oblivion. 

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Sonny tells margeux about her mom. She doesn’t believe it. They go see her mom...sonny is wired and margeux waits in the car while sonny speaks with her. She’s about to destroy her love letters from sculls when Margeuz bursts in

From Soap Opera Digest.

This is straight up trash.  GH continues to push this sleaze ball, his brain dead enforcer,  the brain dead enforcer's dumb lap dog and slagbeast. Every storyline is infested with their smug presence and they are always the heroes, always.

Elizabeth Hendrickson is constantly harping on social media about how much she is learning. Really? Really?

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5 minutes ago, Hater said:

Elizabeth Hendrickson is constantly harping on social media about how much she is learning. Really? Really?

She's toeing the party line. Everyone learns from Mo, don't you know and comes out of this a much better actor. Our Mo is the Meryl Streep of soap operas. That's really not saying how much of an a**hole Mo is to newbies where he refuses to speak to them or whatever crap that has been going on for years because good sir is a big fish in a tiny pond and has bought his own hype.

Also, she's a petite brunette which means we may not be long for a rompfest between Margaux and Sonny. 

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49 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Wait, I thought Sonny thought wearing a wire was, like, the dirtiest, evilest thing you could do?

Not if he does it, instead of someone doing it to him. That makes it totally different, see? Just like car bombs, or keeping kids away from their parents.

Edited by Melgaypet
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In other news, I'm pretty sure Kelly Thiebaud said she was only doing five episodes this go-around and today was number four.  But the story seems like it's only ramping up, they just put her in the mousetrap for Dr. O as bait.  So I have theories on how she'll pivot out:

1) Dr. O shows up to see the "sick" Britt.  Kidnaps/forces Britt to come along with her or maybe Britt goes of her own freewill, we find out that Dr. O's working for whoever that was with Cassandra and the Cassadine ring we saw a while ago that the writers forgot about.  Maybe Nikolas is there dead or slightly dead, given Britt mentioned her love for him today.

2) Dr. O shows up to see the "sick" Britt.  Reveals what she knows about Nelle's baby not being stillborn.  Somehow blackmails Britt - help me escape again or I'll blow up your bestie's spot.  Britt takes the fall, goes back to the slammer.

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I have long loved the idea of Britt being the one to discover Nikolas alive or undead or whatever and Mary Bishop-ing him, perfect karma for what the Prince of Douchey Tides did with Sam, Liz, Jake(son), and Rebecca Budig.

*small voice* But maybe with a recast Nik.  Tyler Christopher is not all that and a bag of chips, as he's currently proving on Days. *small voice*

Edited by TeeVee329
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2 hours ago, jsbt said:

Fuck Britt!

And you mean 'was proving', as Tyler Christopher recently departed DAYS unexpectedly by allegedly less than voluntary means

Yeah, but Days tapes 1,000 years in advance, so I think he is still onscreen. (Okay, it tapes 6 months out, but it feels like 1,000 years from when any casting news surfaces versus when it actually happens.)

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8 hours ago, jsbt said:

Fuck Britt!

And you mean 'was proving', as Tyler Christopher recently departed DAYS unexpectedly by allegedly less than voluntary means


And what allegedly happened re: his departure aside, he was doing his usual bored, sleepwalking thing from the jump over on Days.

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GENERAL HOSPITAL - "Toys for Tots" returns to Port Charles for its sixth consecutive year with a very special episode to support the "Marine Toys for Tots Foundation." With the whole town in the holiday spirit, the in-story celebration includes a reading from "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" and a surprise visit from Santa and his helpers passing out gifts to the children at General Hospital. Meanwhile, Michael and Willow continue to grow closer; Cameron looks to make amends when his good deed goes horribly wrong; and Anna gets a SECOND CHANCE to make new holiday memories. 


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2 hours ago, Neptune said:


GENERAL HOSPITAL - "Toys for Tots" returns to Port Charles for its sixth consecutive year with a very special episode to support the "Marine Toys for Tots Foundation." With the whole town in the holiday spirit, the in-story celebration includes a reading from "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" and a surprise visit from Santa and his helpers passing out gifts to the children at General Hospital. Meanwhile, Michael and Willow continue to grow closer; Cameron looks to make amends when his good deed goes horribly wrong; and Anna gets a SECOND CHANCE to make new holiday memories. 


I'd rather have Dr. Hardy reading the Christmas story.

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And what allegedly happened re: his departure aside, he was doing his usual bored, sleepwalking thing from the jump over on Days.


He allegedly has checked into drug/alcohol rehabilitation.

Also #teambritt

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6 minutes ago, Hater said:

It's nice to know that even in an alternate universe, Sam is still a mob ass kisser.  Time to leap off a bridge! She can't even be saved in a "dream" sequence. 

Hey, Dante dresses in big boy clothes (although of course he probably picked up his suit at gap kids) and probably doesn't tell her not to wait up while he drives Kiki back to her apartment. Apples and oranges. :p

Edited by ulkis
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22 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oh gawd, so is the moral of this "what if?" going to be that Saint Sonny being in the mob stopped the EVUL Jeromes from ruling Port Charles?

Probably.  Or that no matter what the MOB would have gotten to him.  Look at his SON!  Mob is good. Mob is good.  Violence is good. blah blah blah.

I see Maurice is trying to do his best Robert De Niro impression from A Bronx Tale, all disappointed over his son's choice to be a thug.

Edit: Calogero was such a dick in this movie.  

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5 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

So who do we think Carly is fucking in this alternate reality?  I bet it's Jason, but he's still Jason Quartermaine and she's all bored because he's not violent and stuff.

I think that's exactly what it is, at least with Jason running ELQ and married to slagbeast.

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4 hours ago, ulkis said:

Someone said Sam and Dante are a couple of Monday's episode. See what you've done, @HeatLifer ?!

Hee. This is only happening bc KMc isn’t available. You know TPTB wouldn’t be able to resist Robin as a mob wife who ultimately got killed so Sonny’s “choice” was saving her future.

Edited by HeatLifer
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6 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I'd rather have Dr. Hardy reading the Christmas story.

Or Dr. Hardy's granddaughter, who is a CURRENT CAST MEMBER on this fakakta show, not that the shit-flinging monkeys in charge give a rats ass...

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3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

So who do we think Carly is fucking in this alternate reality?  I bet it's Jason, but he's still Jason Quartermaine and she's all bored because he's not violent and stuff.


3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

LWB/FS, of course.

Oh gawd, you're right.  Ewwwwwwwww.

Edited by TeeVee329
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