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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Why does Laura have to be thrown into the Jason nonsense!? So she's going to visit Samtrick, who she barely even KNOWS, and witness what? Screwing on the couch? There's NO reason why she can't spill the secret. Another character made to look like a dumbass...

Everyone must be ruined. EVERYONE. Did you not get the memo ABC sent out? ;)

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Say what you like but if this garbage is true, They are trying to destroy the show. B H has been on this show a long time I hope they are not going to do this to her. She is a beautiful women, and a competent actress. She deserves better than this. She certainly deserves better than Jason the killer for hire. Judging from the way he ran in to save Sonny, no gun and destroyed three guys Jason is back. Jason Morgan the borg.. I am not a fan of this show any more never mind Liz or Sam. I think they are both to good for Jason Give him to Carly . the other mobs can shoot all the kids they have between them.

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Came across these...


**Sabrina will tell Michael she's pregnant and wants him out of the mob (ahaha)

**Morgan wants a place in the organization too

**Now that the wedding didn't happen, where is baby Avery ending up? 

**Dillon and Maxie get into their movie roles...and he spills his feelings

**Franco and Kiki hug it out

**Valerie and Dillon tell each other their love woes

**Laura's back (Oct. 2nd)

**Sabrina confides her fears about Michael's involvement with crime to Felix

**Nathan thinks Valerie might be PG

**Hayden hears something that makes her think twice

**Paul ponders the idea of framing Anna for Sloane's murder

**Ava has all her chips in one place now, ready for a Carly-Showdown! 

**Sam and Jake become a bit closer after a close encounter

**We may be getting some back-story on Nina 

Anna and Sam are PIs together

When Spinelli comes back word is it's for awhile

Jake is dazed/confused as some memories flood in

Paul has other surprises up his sleeve

Michael promises Carly he won't run things but he can't keep that promise

Nina and Franco make a pact

Will Julian get sucked back into the mob again?

Nikolas has a warning for Ava 

Paul and Lomax...business to discuss and Tracy's jealous 

After Sonny visits with Jake, he's confused but Liz assures him that wasn't Jason

Sam remembers her anniversary with Jason but has to decide what to say to Patrick (I think it's yes!) 

Carly and Sonny get hitched in GH 

Julian is touched by Alexis' loyalty

Maxie decides to do some background work so she can act better in Dillon's movie

Ava confronts Carly over Avery

Sonny will take a while to rehab...and Michael will have to step up

Look for Carlos Clues

Sloane is killed 

As Liz and Jake's wedding gets closer, so does the danger of the truth being known. 

Valerie is pregnant

So is Sabrina

Morgan gets angry and out of control

Spinelli's back for a visit

Dante feels trapped

Bobbie notices what Valerie is trying to hide (wink)

More talk about Morgan's bipolar issues

Will Nikolas make good on his agreement?

Jake's memories come flooding back, Liz tries to deny, Sam encourages

Meanwhile, Hayden's memories are also on the move

Julian is NOT behind the mob attacks

Spinelli is back for a visit..how brief this time?

Dante thinks he should confess to Lulu but..nope.

The movie continues to serge ahead... will Lulu be jealous of Maxie's leading role?

Do bodies ever stay buried?

Dr. O tries to win back Franco's friendship

Sabrina and Michael make a move-in 

Lulu and Dillon start to blur movie and reality 

Hayden and Nikolas can't keep their hormones bottled for long! 

Anna's in deep danger and she doesn't even realize it

Anna's back in Port Charles ...has she shed her Carlos' ghosting?

Can Morgan be suffering from bipolar disorder like his father? 

Morgan's behavior becomes more erratic

Brad runs into his adoptive mother

RUMOR Has it Patrick proposes to Sam-TRUE! 

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**Franco and Kiki hug it out


Please kill me now.



**We may be getting some back-story on Nina


You mean the endless talk about her before she even stepped foot in town wasn't enough?


Most of these are hideous, and some hilarious. Of course Morgan wants a seat at the table, the only problem is that a) he belongs at the infant's table, and b) the last time he was in the mob he practically wet his pants he was so scared.

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As someone else pointed out, how shitty is Sonny's organization that his son has to step up?  This big bad mob moss who has power on the eastern seaboard has no second in the command?  He only has one minion at a time?  (i.e., Jason, Shawn, Duke).


Christ this story sucks on so many levels.

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**Valerie and Dillon tell each other their love woes


Valerie? What love woes? She made a mistake and had a ONS with a married man. That is NOT a love-related woe. Yes it was a big mistake, but the only thing to do is Never.Talk.About.It.Again.

And if you can't do that, then you find yourself a different job and stay the heck away from said man until you permanently exit the premises. 


Of all the stories that are irritating me right now, this one is ticking me off the most. Probably because she's acting like a high schooler about the whole thing.


… I just deleted a lengthy rant that was only going to get longer. I decided my time would be better spent arranging for a jet-pack to get myself to the barge whenever Val is onscreen. 

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A good chunk of those spoilers seem like they're cobbled together from rumors or rephrasing the same couple of plot points, but yeah, terrible.


I'm not even sure what to complain about first.  Felix being back?  Dr.  O having to beg for Franco's friendship?  Both Valerie and Sabrina being pregnant?  Dillon acting in his movie when he's the director?

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Why not all of it? Everything is terrible.


Excuse me, Laura and Anna are back! Sloan's going to die!


Sorry, but sometimes I feel like GH forum Pollyanna. It's not much to cheer about, but more than I've seen in this thread recently. :)

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Excuse me, Laura and Anna are back! Sloan's going to die!


Sorry, but sometimes I feel like GH forum Pollyanna. It's not much to cheer about, but more than I've seen in this thread recently. :)


Girl, Sloane is already dead! Dance!

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I really want the new writers to retcon it so Carlos at least appeared to pull a weapon on Anna. Maybe she was so traumatized that she forgot that little fact when she let Sloane cover it up for her. I dunno - it makes as much sense as anything else on this show.

Just give her a self defense retcon and end this shitty story and partially un-ruin her.

Just throw me this one freakin' bone, Show! You've ruined everything else for me!

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There is a random rumor that apparently Sonny is going to have a what-if fantasy about what would have happened if Jason never died while in his coma. For some strange reason, I find this easy to believe!


Let's see, what wonderful things will happen in this dream:


Duke would be alive. Somehow. 


Shawn would not be in prison


Jake would have been rescued way earlier (the little one)


Luke wouldn't've gone crazy.


Morgan would be an honor student


He and Franco would have opened an orphanage 

Edited by ulkikis
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There is a random rumor that apparently Sonny is going to have a what-if fantasy about what would have happened if Jason never died while in his coma. For some strange reason, I find this easy to believe!


That sounds just horrible enough to be true.

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I'm fully expecting a spoiler to come through anyday that Liz/Nik skate on all this Jason lie stuff and blame AJ because he was fat. If Sonny will have a dream of what could've been, then I'll guess it will also not involve "Love of his life" #356789 Connie.

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I wish I could give myself credit, but someone else listed them. 


ETA: Here are the rest, if anyone is curious


Baby Leo



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I really want the new writers to retcon it so Carlos at least appeared to pull a weapon on Anna.



Don't George Lucas it - Anna shot first. 


Sorry, completely immersed in Star Wars as I prepare for The Force Awakens (yes, I am a geek).

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I don't think Liz's sins are going to be washed away.  Why have her be the heavy in this storyline just to wipe everything away?


Remember, this "story" was conceived and written by Ron "There's No Corner I Can't Write Someone Out Of, And Anybody Who Points Out The Inconsistencies And Illogic Is Just a Hater" Carlivati.

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Weird...Kevin (or NOT!Kevin), but no Lucy.  And no Morgan to counsel re: his bipolar disorder.  Urgh, it's probably something horrible like Nina going to him for therapy to get her life together.

lol yeah its weird lucy in't listed or even morgan can't imagine who hes having scenes with.

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Nina's on the list.  Kevin's probably helping her get her life back on track (wasn't her reclaiming her life a spoiler?). :gag:


He's with Kiki and Julian. Maybe he's gonna help Kiki discover herself!

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I still don't believe he'll actually leave. They'll give him more airtime for his ~original music~ and he'll cave.


Probably. But until the "JT stays!" announcement, I'll continue to be in denial and pray JT gets some balls and says peace out!

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Probably. But until the "JT stays!" announcement, I'll continue to be in denial and pray JT gets some balls and says peace out!

Girl, I feel ya. And someone needs to demand he get a haircut. It was atrocious today.

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I don't want JT to leave.

I think he's a good actor, I like Patrick and I think there's a place for him in PC with or without Robin. He -like everyone else on this fakata show- needs better writing but he does good work when given something even halfway worthwhile and I think he deserves a much better story if he's willing to stay

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