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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Aside from Bobbi, are there any other women Carly likes?

It's too bad Carly doesn't have a cousin who really needed to bond with someone so she wouldn't feel so lost - and end up on the first peen she saw. Oh, wait...

Edited by Oracle42
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I can't get over anyone wasting money on buying Carly a wedding gift. Seriously isn't this like her 10th wedding/would be wedding?

It's another reason Michael being there is annoying. People should be rolling their eyes at Carly and Sonny's song and dance. Especially the kids they semi raised.

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Aside from Bobbi, are there any other women Carly likes?

It's too bad Carly doesn't have a cousin who really needed to bond with someone so she wouldn't feel so lost - and end up on the first peen she saw. Oh, wait...

Lulu, Olivia, Kiki, and sometimes Sam, depending on the situation.  When they were alive, she liked Courtney and Emily, as well.

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Are Olivia and Carly on good terms at the moment? Liv has been gone for so long that I don't remember.


But I agree that for a fourth/fifth wedding to the same man, presents are unnecessary. Just toss them a card.

Even a card is too much. Maybe a fistbump.

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...so Carly bought a bunch of gifts for herself?


Exactly what I thought when I read that.  "Oh, Carly, you shouldn't have!"  "Oh, you remembered those earrings I liked in the store the other day!" 

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from soaptown


Trixie 8/28


Sonny gets shot at the wedding. TJ is kidnapped. The demands are that Sonny go to the warehouse. Sonny is shot as Jason and Sam are walking by and they hear the gun shot. It sparks a memory in Jason of when Faison shot him. Trixie still says the reveal won’t come until November.


Ric did not kill Silas. The police wire Ric, and he gets Madeline to confess. Trixie says this is how the story ends and she hopes DM is gone for good.

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No. Monica never gave up on Jason—she always slobbered over him when he deigned to come to the house or they crossed paths somewhere—and Jason eventually decided he could visit her without him bursting into flames. It was a very unequal relationship, and very aggravating for that reason. Monica had to be happy with the crumbs Jason threw her. 

I think I hated Jason Morgan mostly because of his shoddy treatment of Alan and Monica.

The Qs did note abuse him in any way as a child or as an adult and yet he treated them as though they had locked him in a closet and beat him with a wire hanger.

No. Monica never gave up on Jason—she always slobbered over him when he deigned to come to the house or they crossed paths somewhere—and Jason eventually decided he could visit her without him bursting into flames. It was a very unequal relationship, and very aggravating for that reason. Monica had to be happy with the crumbs Jason threw her. 

I think I hated Jason Morgan mostly because of his shoddy treatment of Alan and Monica.

The Qs did note abuse him in any way as a child or as an adult and yet he treated them as though they had locked him in a closet and beat him with a wire hanger.

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Sonny gets shot at the wedding. TJ is kidnapped. The demands are that Sonny go to the warehouse. Sonny is shot as Jason and Sam are walking by and they hear the gun shot. It sparks a memory in Jason of when Faison shot him. Trixie still says the reveal won’t come until November.


Yes, this will keep viewers on pins and needles.

Edited by dubbel zout
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from soaptown


Trixie 8/28


Sonny gets shot at the wedding. TJ is kidnapped..

I can't wait to see how they blame this on that angry, finger-waving, neck-rolling, lemonade drinking, fried chicken eating black woman and not on the mobster he chose to live with. Oh wait, yes I can.

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I can't wait to see how they blame this on that angry, finger-waving, neck-rolling, lemonade drinking, fried chicken eating black woman and not on the mobster he chose to live with. Oh wait, yes I can.

Too easy, drill sergeant, too easy!

TJ wouldn't have been in danger if Jordan didn't LIE, put Shawn in jail, and put her job ahead of him! Although he may have attended the wedding, no one would have kidnapped him because they wouldn't think he was special to Sonny. The only reason he's kidnapped is because he's living with Sonny and, thus, IMPORTANT enough to be kidnapped. If he was living with Jordan or Shawn, the kidnappers would have chosen another target. God, Jordan sucks so much!

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If Sonny getting shot motivates Michael to ignore Sabrina's advice and take back custody of AJ then I don't care if Sonny dies or not. Of course that won't be what happens but still...


Bonus points if Michael takes a live by the bullet, die by the bullet attitude towards Sonny after this too, finally cutting him and Carly out of his life for good.

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If Sonny getting shot motivates Michael to ignore Sabrina's advice and take back custody of AJ then I don't care if Sonny dies or not. Of course that won't be what happens but still...


Bonus points if Michael takes a live by the bullet, die by the bullet attitude towards Sonny after this too, finally cutting him and Carly out of his life for good.


Sadly, I suspect that what will happen is this will be what fully reunites Michael with Sonny.  Even money we hear Michael weeping as he tells comatose Sonny "I've already lost one father, I can't lose another."  And TVs all across the country will die as shoes, lamps, vases, and empty tequila bottles are flung at them. 

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Sadly, I suspect that what will happen is this will be what fully reunites Michael with Sonny.  Even money we hear Michael weeping as he tells comatose Sonny "I've already lost one father, I can't lose another."  And TVs all across the country will die as shoes, lamps, vases, and empty tequila bottles are flung at them.

Yuuuuup. And I fully expect an apology from Michael for daring to take AJ away from Sonny's dangerous lifestyle to live with him at the Qs.

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Yup. and Michael will look the fool because he told no lies when it came to Sonny and nothing will have changed and yet he'll be crying over the d-bag that put himself in that position. Michael might as well go back to Corinthos because he'll be pissing on the Q name.

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Even a card is too much. Maybe a fistbump.

The only kind of card that has any place in a Sonny and Carly wedding is frequent guest punch card.  You've been to 4 of their weddings already? The fifth one should be free.

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The only kind of card that has any place in a Sonny and Carly wedding is frequent guest punch card.  You've been to 4 of their weddings already? The fifth one should be free.

I read this as "free guest punch card"; IOW, everyone gets a freebie punch to Sonny, Carly or both. I'd choose the face for Carly and the nads for Sonny (natch).

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At this point, there are three ways they could pull that off.  The first is that Sarah has basically been Jake - she was in some kind of accident, lost her memory, and had extensive plastic surgery so no one would recognize her.  Second, she's had the extensive plastic surgery, but her memory is intact and she had no problem screwing with her sister (and Ric may or may not have known she was Liz's sister).  Third, is doing what they did with the OLTL actors - write out Hayden and write in Sarah with no one in town really commenting on the physical similarities.  


None of that is remotely appealing.  (Which does not exclude it from being on the table, sadly.) 

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I'd love it if Liz and Sarah didn't recognize each other because they'd been apart for so long. If Show is going to foist Rebecca Budig on us as Sarah, let's at least have a tiny bit of fun with it. What won't be fun is watching Sarah and Liz fight over Nik. You know that will happen. Ugh and gross.

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5 years isn't that long of time, as is what the show says it was the last time Liz saw Sarah. I know that Elizabeth is pretty self involved, but it's established that her and Sarah had made amends off screen and she went to stay with her for a few months (to accommodate RH's actual pregnancy). If Liz's sister has been missing long enough to get into a car accident and get extensive plastic surgery and then show up in Port Charles and be in a coma for months, wouldn't Liz mention that she hadn't heard from Sarah for a while, especially in the age of internet and social media, or will that take place off screen like everything else interesting? I have an uncle and some aunts that still live in India, but my parents hear for them regularly enough.


Here is my feeling if they do that story again: RC is reluctant to bring back characters if he can't get a percentage for creating them, so he creates these brand new "characters"  but does precious little to give any them any actual character, so they fall flat. When we heard the rumors of Rebecca Budig, a lot of us that she would be a good recast for Sarah Webber and someone that would finally break the curse that character was under and now they are considering what was obvious to the rest of us from the get go as a form of rent seeking. The could have included one of the more positive aspects of Hayden's character, like a forwardness and sexuality and merged in with the possibility of Sarah being a doctor. I wouldn't mind if Hayden went away, and RB just returned as Sarah a la Roger Hogworth as Franco and briefly comment that there was someone else that looked exactly like Sarah in town.

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Sadly, I suspect that what will happen is this will be what fully reunites Michael with Sonny.  Even money we hear Michael weeping as he tells comatose Sonny "I've already lost one father, I can't lose another."  And TVs all across the country will die as shoes, lamps, vases, and empty tequila bottles are flung at them. 



Lets us know what happens so my television will be spared.

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That actually could work.  Hayden could stay long enough to expose the whole Jake thing, and then take her leave.  Then, Rebecca could come back at least a month or two later as Sarah.  Easy, easy.

Its not like it uncommon for soaps to do such things. It is a much better idea than Roger Howarth as Franco.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Exactly what I thought when I read that.  "Oh, Carly, you shouldn't have!"  "Oh, you remembered those earrings I liked in the store the other day!" 


I just love you, because you understand, despite the internet, that when you hear, "You shouldn't've," that means, "You shouldn't have," not, "You shouldn't of." 

Gag gag gag. Seriously

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Sadly, I suspect that what will happen is this will be what fully reunites Michael with Sonny.  Even money we hear Michael weeping as he tells comatose Sonny "I've already lost one father, I can't lose another."  And TVs all across the country will die as shoes, lamps, vases, and empty tequila bottles are flung at them. 


Not my TV.  I won't be watching.  And hopefully ratings will hit an all-time low when/if that happens.

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I just love you, because you understand, despite the internet, that when you hear, "You shouldn't've," that means, "You shouldn't have," not, "You shouldn't of." 

Gag gag gag. Seriously


Don't get me started. I have a whole list of such grammar pet peeves, but as this is the GH thread, I'll refrain!

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I'm sorry. I've opted out for the Undisclosed podcast over GH. You mean to tell me that Madeline may have killed Silas McBain? And Sonny, bloody Sonny, getting fucking shot will be the motherclucking trigger to set Jason Jacob Jake John Jinglehimer Morgan Quarter Schmidt's memory brain? And it will be Dock and Roll? All the bullets in Jason .... and Faison's is memorable? And Sonny, the greasy pumpkin who banged his sister, was responsible for his pseudo son getting prison raped, murdered his brother, strangled his grandfather, pimped his first love out, shot his first true love in her house, and led him from doctor to thug... HIS shooting triggers Whatever's memory?

Ok. So um. Well, I'm going to stick with the free Adnan movement for now.

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If it's not okay for RoHo and KA to come back and play multiple characters, it's not okay for RBu to come back just to prop Liz. There should be a policy immediately in place that once an actor is gone, they either come back as the original character someday, or not at all.



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I forgot how much I actually hate Sonny and Carly when they try to sell them this way:


GH twitter
Sonny and Carly are so in love. Can anything stand in their way? See what's coming this week on #GH


Then there's a promo




Did the show forgot that this round of Sonny and Carly basically began with Sonny having sex with Carly basically to prove that he can get her to drop her pants whenever and wherever he wants it? And I actually thought that was interesting. Carly naively blathering about how this time it's going to last forever is not.

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Ew, Sonny looked like he was trying to devour Carly during that kiss in the promo.


Do they really think this is going to lure people back in?  "Look, Sonny!  And Carly!  Sonny and Carly!  Aren't they just so awesome and romantic?  Don't you wish they were your parents?  And whoa, a gun, sexay!"

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And from what I've seen, the Sonny/Carly collective fanbase is not that enthused over the pairing. There are lots of Sonny fans, and lots of Carly fans, but neither seem all too thrilled at Sonny and Carly hooking back up long-term. (I am speaking about in general, of course. I'm sure there are lots of people who are happy Sonny and Carly got back together.)

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And from what I've seen, the Sonny/Carly collective fanbase is not that enthused over the pairing. There are lots of Sonny fans, and lots of Carly fans, but neither seem all too thrilled at Sonny and Carly hooking back up long-term. (I am speaking about in general, of course. I'm sure there are lots of people who are happy Sonny and Carly got back together.)

Even the most brain-dead of fan can see when a story well has run dry.

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Yeah, this show burned through Sonny/Carly as a couple long ago (which is why Jax got stuck with Carly for a while.  Poor Jax!).


And in Carly's case, she's been reduced to just Sonny's love interest and mother to his children.  When's the last time we saw her at the MetroCourt?

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