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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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I tried listening to Rob's podcast a few times last season but just gave up at one point. As others have said, Rob doesn't really seem to get what goes on in the BB house and, since he doesn't watch the feeds (that seems to be his 'co-host', Brian Lynch's job) he does tend to misinterpret what is going in. I mean last year with all the blatant racism and Aaryn and the others he hardly got any of it right and would go off on weird and pointless rants. He even felt sorry for Aaryn for the way she was treated by TPTB and Julie on her eviction (I think she got off real easy).


I know you have to keep the show moving but again he would go into these big, long 'monologues' in Gina Marie's voice that were truly like a million nails on a blackboard and to try and sit through those until he finally stopped because he would have to catch his breath as he would dissolve into uncontrollable giggling at his own 'humor'.  Barf.  Also, Brian seems like a nice enough guy but, oh my god, when he would talk about the feeds and what was going on it was sooooooo slooowwwly that the podcast would just grind to a halt. Their 'energies' are polar opposites and just don't work together.  I haven't bothered to even take a chance and listen again this season.

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I didn't see a media thread so I will put this here.  Jeff''s interview with Donny.  A must watch even though Jeff is a terrible interviewer!  Jeff could easily have pushed Donny to divulge who he would have put up  had he won that HOH!  He was on the verge of saying and Jeff backed off. 



Edited by wings707

I don't see where else to put this but Brendan and Rachel/Jeff and Jordan are going to be at the New York State Fair tonight. If I weren't already sitting at a different venue right now waiting for Phillip Phillips at 8 I would go see the BB people!

To be honest I have no idea what they are doing here because the stage where they will be is used for musical acts and talent showcases.

So if anyone is in Syracuse it's 10 bucks to get in if you don't already have a ticket.


So true, the one with Amber, who was actually ON this season, was excrutiating to listen to. Loved to hear Shelly, Eric Stein, Andy, etc.

Completley agree. I was not fans of Shelly, Eric or Andy during their respective seasons, but they all know the game and as a fan of the show I enjoy listening to it. The only ones I did not like were Amber and Spencer. Spencer kept contradicting himself in one sentence he said he was most like Zach and the later in the podcast he said he was not anything like Zach. I'm not a fan of Spencer, but  I don't think he really gets the game.

Elissa Slater also did one (and she did it while in a yoga pose, feet up, which is impressive). And she nominated Alison Grodner, which is double the fun.

Grodner doesn't need an Ice Bucket challenge. She needs a bucket filled with Dog Poop.

Here's an interview with Donny from The Hollywood Reporter:



I know Donny is not some secret genius or anything, but nevertheless I do think he's well aware of how "Down Home" plays on TV and milks it.

My alarm bells go off when someone says something like this about themselves:



Yes, I am. I am a humble guy and never would have imagined that a soap opera would want someone as common and average as me. 

"Average" isn't that bad a thing to cal yourself.  But "humble"?  Say it ain't so Donny.  Nothing good EVER comes from labeling yourself humble.  Either other people say it ABOUT you or it doesn't get mentioned. NEVER say it about yourself.  Ever.  It's a form of boasting to highlight your own alleged lack of ego.

Edited by Kromm
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"Average" isn't that bad a thing to cal yourself.  But "humble"?  Say it ain't so Donny.  Nothing good EVER comes from labeling yourself humble.  Either other people say it ABOUT you or it doesn't get mentioned. NEVER say it about yourself.  Ever.  It's a form of boasting to highlight your own alleged lack of ego.

I think you're misinterpreting what Donny is saying.

I understand what you are saying. You're looking at the word "humble" as meaning "not proud", and by that meaning you would be correct; by definition, anybody who applies the term to himself/herself pretty much disqualifies themselves from its application. Reminds me of Weird Al's line in Amish Paradise when he sings, "I am a thousand times more humble than thou art." :)

I don't believe this is the definition Donny has in mind, however; it doesn't fit the context of the sentence very well at all, and (like you said) would pretty much be an oxymoron. I think when Donny says "humble" in reference to himself, he has an alternate meaning in mind - that of being insignificant, or low-ranking (similar to the phrase "A man born of humble origins"). This meaning makes much more sense (to me, anyway) in the context of the original quote.

I suspect the difference in interpretation might be be a regional dialect thing as well.

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Oh, man. "A lot of people look at me and see a petite little girl who can't do anything." Yep. Pretty much. 


I liked how Jeff honed in on "Do you like to be the center of attention?" 


This might be my favorite part:

Jeff: Would you rather win BB and be hated by America, or lose BB and be loved? 

Victoria: Lose and be loved.

Jeff: Really? So what are you doing here? 


I laughed all over again typing this. 



Wil's new video.  This is his best so far.  Love Nicole!


His Victoria is also good. He has the tilts of the head and neck she does. 

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Oh, man. "A lot of people look at me and see a petite little girl who can't do anything." Yep. Pretty much. 


I liked how Jeff honed in on "Do you like to be the center of attention?" 


This might be my favorite part:

Jeff: Would you rather win BB and be hated by America, or lose BB and be loved? 

Victoria: Lose and be loved.

Jeff: Really? So what are you doing here? 


I laughed all over again typing this. 




His Victoria is also good. He has the tilts of the head and neck she does. 



My favorite part was stressing that her photography business was hers,  She said it twice and even pointed to herself.  She said her parents were keeping watch over her business and the employees.  It is so clear she was lying.  The only mention of this business is her FB page.  Nothing else comes up in a google search. 

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I googled and this did not come up for me!  Thanks. 


Her pictures don't look all that good, to me.  Not bad but I would hope for more if I were to hire a professional.

Most of her composition doesn't show a great deal of imagination, true - but some of her portrait work was very good. At the very least she's acquired decent equipment and taken the time to learn how to use it to good effect, which a depressing number of what currently passes for "photographers" these days don't take the trouble to do. And she has a good eye for lighting.

(Yeah, photography's one of my things - has been since college. And yeah, I can be a snob about it. :) )

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Most of her composition doesn't show a great deal of imagination, true - but some of her portrait work was very good. At the very least she's acquired decent equipment and taken the time to learn how to use it to good effect, which a depressing number of what currently passes for "photographers" these days don't take the trouble to do. And she has a good eye for lighting.

(Yeah, photography's one of my things - has been since college. And yeah, I can be a snob about it. :) )



My ex husband is an excellent photographer.  It is a  hobby and his pictures are superior to Victoria's.  He has that keen eye and skill.  I agree her composition is lacking and her posing in the family pictures is not that creative.  

Caught Derrick and Frankie's appearance on The Talk. Derrick said basically what he's already said about what he's going to do with the money and why he hid that he had been an undercover cop. Co-host Sara Gilbert did question Frankie re his comments in the house about lesbians choosing to be gay. I think he was expecting it and seemed to have his reply well-rehearsed. I'm not going to try to repeat what he said but he seems to have realized that his half-assed theories didn't come off well (even though they were only seen on the live feeds) and that he needed to fix it. IMO, what he said made sense but was perhaps an outdated perspective.

No one mentioned the rapey jokes he made about Victoria though and I can only hope that he apologized to her and her parents after the finale.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I saw it too and he said something to the effect of "I studied human sexuality and gender in college and that was a direct quote from a research article I read". Which I call bullshit..... and it seems like Sarah Gilbert wasn't buying it either.

So then he backtracked and said what he meant was that many people/women don't embrace their sexuality because of fear of public opinion. And that it's not until much later in life that women "choose" to face public scrutiny and come out of the closet. That the "choice" part was about standing up for who you are.

Of course then Julie let him off the hook and was like ohhhh so that's what you meant. But I still don't think Sarah was buying his revisionist history much like (Aaryn last year) amd neither was I.

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I dunno, I thought it made sense (and I was strongly inclined to be critical of whatever he said because he's such a self-aggrandizing b.s. artist). However, it seemed to be the sort of theories that maybe were commonplace in academia a few decades ago but are generally now considered passé.


I really think Frankie was mostly talking about older lesbians. Kids nowadays are much less likely to feel constricted by societal pressures to conform to "acceptable" expectations about their sexuality. The biggest exceptions would probably be those kids who grow up in very conservative families and parts of the country.


The main problem I saw is that the crap Frankie said in the house (which Sara only repeated parts of) was much narrower and more ignorant than what he said on the show today. Often what people say in casual, unguarded moments reflects their truest beliefs but who knows with him since he was in performance mode. Maybe he is trying to talk about of both sides of his mouth but knows it could hurt him PR-wise. Whatever, at least he admitted on The Talk that he's probably the last person who should lecturing about lesbianism.

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Louis Virtel on HitFix recapped each of the houseguests.


Of Zach he said "Zach is the one player this season whose problems would be over if he was given a juice box or a nap."


Of Frankie:

"If Rupert Murdoch would sound ridiculous calling himself a mogul, maybe you sound ridiculous calling yourself a mogul." and

"Opening your eyes really wide is not the same thing as having a personality."



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Frankie's response to criticism about the rape joke: "One of my strategies was to be one of the guys of the house, to bro it out. In that moment, they were finding me extremely funny. Obviously, I’m a very colorful and effervescent person, so I take things a little too far. Of course, there was no malintent. You know how much I love Victoria. She’s a wonderful person, so if I did offend anyone, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. It was not my intention."


Caleb's response to a tweet that said "Are you gonna call Obama a monkey?" (as he did pre-show): "Not at all. He was my commander and chief when I was in the army. That's my past and heated convo. I do apologize for my faults."


When Caleb can make a better apology than you you know you're an awful person.


My main takeaway from the post-show media: I wonder if Derrick will ever stop lying?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Everyone needs to check out the post-game Final 3 interviews over at RHAP. Victoria really and truly believes she would have beaten Cody (8-1, she says) AND Derrick (5-4, she says). A stunned and flabbergasted Rob got to the point in the interview where he was just egging her on and trolling the shit out of her (she had no idea, of course). Very entertaining.

Edited by Bob Sambob
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Caught Derrick and Frankie's appearance on The Talk. Derrick said basically what he's already said about what he's going to do with the money and why he hid that he had been an undercover cop. Co-host Sara Gilbert did question Frankie re his comments in the house about lesbians choosing to be gay. I think he was expecting it and seemed to have his reply well-rehearsed. I'm not going to try to repeat what he said but he seems to have realized that his half-assed theories didn't come off well (even though they were only seen on the live feeds) and that he needed to fix it. IMO, what he said made sense but was perhaps an outdated perspective.

No one mentioned the rapey jokes he made about Victoria though and I can only hope that he apologized to her and her parents after the finale.

It sucks that someone who came... what was it... fourth, or was it fifth (I stopped paying attention)... is front and center next to the winner in media interviews.  Because he's the biggest famewhore and related to a big star... yeah, we know...

Edited by Kromm
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