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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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19 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Based on what I've read about Raven's mom I figure she's quite proud of Raven's display there.

Except that TMZ was clearly making it known that she was bullying someone which would make people less likely to donate to her gofundme page

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The good news is that the TMZ clips might very well lead to CBS airing what happened on Thursday's show

Maybe but probably not in the sense that TMZ has forced CBS' hand. There's a longstanding pattern of CBS and TMZ working together on stuff like this, with CBS using TMZ to do their dirty work. If TMZ has already aired the controversial video then CBS doesn't take the heat for doing it themselves later. TMZ is real chummy with Les Moonves and Julie Chen.

I also find it interesting that TMZ is now propping Cody despite the bigoted things he's said on the live feed. I'm not sure he can win (unless Paul leaves the house first) but CBS seems to be helping him clean up his image on the broadcast show. That'll likely work for the part of the audience that doesn't watch the feeds or follow online forum discussions like this one.

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24 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Curious if anyone else caught the TMZ report of Jessica putting her finger in people's buttholes/vaginas?

Could be Jessica is simply a rabid-ass fan of the Meat Puppets, and is simply taking the band's name too seriously....  :D

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The Jess singling out seems a bit calculated like it's coming from someone's PR.  Hamsterwatch went on a rant showing receipts of everyone practically doing it too, Matt to her, Paul to someone etc.. yet people are only caring about Jess?  Not to mention them in the house are only talking about Jess doing it because they detest her and hate her over everything she does while talking about her 24/7. 

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16 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I really don't know where to ask this question.  I hope it is okay to put it here.

Is there any media info on how many people subscribe to the live feeds? 

Is the number of people watching this season up or down from previous seasons?

Here's some ratings info. 

I don't think there's ever been numbers on the live feed subscribers. It's rolled into CBS All Access, not its own subscription. I'm sure they have internal numbers but I don't think they've ever said "amount of people subscribed for the BB19 feeds". 

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Here's some ratings info. 

I don't think there's ever been numbers on the live feed subscribers. It's rolled into CBS All Access, not its own subscription. I'm sure they have internal numbers but I don't think they've ever said "amount of people subscribed for the BB19 feeds". 

I'm sure CBS treats those numbers as proprietary marketing info and, as such, not for public consumption.

That way CBS can claim in their advertising such facts as "More subscribers to the CBS All Access feeds than ever before!!!" without anybody fact-checking and revealing it's the difference between 14,000 viewers vs. 14,002.

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10 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Here is a very good article from The Washington Post: "why returning players are a bad idea"

Excellent article, something I've been thinking for a long time about this season.  Unfortunately, in my opinion, Paul has won this season with the sheeple and adorers in the house.  I told the same thing to my husband last week.  Helen Keller could see it.

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On 8/18/2017 at 11:18 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Slate went in on Big Brother 19:

The New Big Brother Is Showing Exactly How Reality TV Hides Its Most Political Material

And by "most political material" they mainly mean bigotry.

They've definitely kept Jessica and Cody's bigoted statements under wraps in order to promote their crap showmance and Jessica's ability as a player/push her for all stars. No matter how folks try to defend it, her calling the only Asian and Black women by the names of previous Asian and Black woman competitors was lowkey racist. Did she call any of the white players by their "counterparts" names? No. 

Cody won't get to come back, no one wants him, and I hope when they bring Baldica back, she gets a quick boot by the rest of the returnees.

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So I'm binge watching Shark Tank on Netflix when I suddenly see a familiar face. Christmas. Some company, who had made a deal with Kevin O'Leary, had hired her as their spokesmodel. Season 8 episode 20.

Edited by looksee
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3 hours ago, mojoween said:

The cast of "The Revengers":

And TBH I'm still a little fuzzy on what this even IS.

I dunno, but I can't fucking wait for Gene Simmons to come in and beat the everlovin' shit outta FmfG for stealing his boots.

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LOL at the shade.




Given how many physical ailments you suffer from, was it safe for you to be away from your doctors all summer?
Raven: Yes, it was safe. I've dealt with disease my whole life, I know how to take care of myself. I had my medicines. If I get sick, there's nothing else they can do except say "take your medicine." This disease makes me who I am and I'm glad I got to share it with the world and spread the word at gastroparesis.

When Paul asked you your GPA this season, you responded "dance." Do you stand by that answer?
Raven: Oh yeah, 100 percent. Dance is my outlet. When I dance, I feel no pain, I feel normal. I love spreading the joy of dance. It will always be my outlet. I am a dancer with a stomach pacemaker! It may be a struggle at times, but it's worth it.


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14 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

The partial cast for the Celebrity BB version is leaked: partial cast

Huh. Well, I guess they would have had to already start casting before they announced CBB. 

Don't know who Tiffany Pollard is, so I don't really care. Although, reading about how she was already on the UK version, that makes we worried about Ariana Grande's brother. 

The only name I really know is Lance Bass, which I guess is no surprise. Oh, and Dog the Bounty Hunter, though I never watched his show. Of course they go for a Youtuber, who I don't recognize (but judging from his Twitter account, despite him being a fellow asexual, I'm going to hate him; too bad because we asexuals need better representation even just on a stupid reality show). I assume that Big Brother might be trying to get another Youtuber for this season (my guess is maybe Shane Dawson, as he's a big fan of the show). They'll probably rack in a couple of other bigger names to balance out the unknowns.

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I'll say it - New York is in the m*%)$#%^ house! And therefore, so am I, feeds and all. I may even finally cave in and buy a smartphone so I can use the wifi at work to watch the feeds on the sly. Did they say how many people will be in the cast?

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It's possible some or all of those people could end up on the show, but I'll reiterate, that website it not credible. It's just a garbage gossip site. They likely just looked at wish lists and speculation on the internet and then pretended like they had a confirmed cast list.

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So weird to hear Victor gush about Nicole like this. I don't understand it at all, but he really must be smitten if he's looking to move to her tiny, isolated town to be with her.

Edited by atomic
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To be fair, I don't think complaints of level of celebrity will mean much. No real star will "lower" themselves to this, or more importantly, risk damaging their brand with being filmed 24/7 and having some kind of verbal slip that can haunt them forever, even if it wasn't intentional. TMZ has been all over this season, and with rabid BB fans on social media sending clips to every media outlet possible whenever they get outraged, it's just too much of a risk, IMO.

We are going to end up with people with tenuous attachments to fame (youtube, viral videos); disgraced/infamous types; leftover reality stars or people who were once actually famous but now struggling for relevance.

Basically, CBBUS will be populated with the type of people who end up on one (or more) of the save my marriage, celebrity diving, celeb fat camp shows once they've run through the first tier of reality programming and don't want to get a real job because they're too "famous."

Mark Long from Road Rules/Challenges tweeted about wanting to go on, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Johnny Bananas. I'd love to see Tori Spelling, but with my luck, we'd get Dean instead. Just give me some good breakdowns and freakouts as egos clash. 

Would be nice to see actual semi celebrities, but I just don't see it happening.

Edited by neenyah
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14 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

Artsda beat me to it. The Rob Has a Podcast interviews are awesome.

I wonder how he got the final 3 to interview first???  Seems like he did them, then julie and then the rest of the HGs

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I doubt that he did them in that order. He was able to piece them together overnight. I suspect that the live order was very different. There is no pause between the interviews which is why I think that he had the time last night to order them how he wanted them ordered.

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8 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

I doubt that he did them in that order. He was able to piece them together overnight. I suspect that the live order was very different. There is no pause between the interviews which is why I think that he had the time last night to order them how he wanted them ordered.

ohhh ok yea that makes sense! now that i'm further in i can tell they were pieced together. At first they seemed to run together really well lol 

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33 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

So far I see nothing that would make me want to watch .


2 hours ago, backformore said:

Wow.  Lance Bass, and a bunch of assholes and nobodies.

I hope Lance changes his mind on this. 

Again, that site is not credible. It's trash. That list is not official or confirmed in any way and because it's from that site it's almost certainly just based on posts the writer read on the internet.

That being said, some of those people could still end up on the show lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I wouldn't say no to Lance Bass. Can you imagine the TMZ headlines?


Ooh, I can't wait to see which ridiculous "celebrity" has the worst personal hygiene. Who's the closet nose picker? Who's the one that scratches their balls and then reaches into the bag of chips? Who flings chicken juice around the kitchen a la Raven? These are the important questions, damn it!

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I wouldn't say no to Lance Bass. Can you imagine the TMZ headlines?


Ooh, I can't wait to see which ridiculous "celebrity" has the worst personal hygiene. Who's the closet nose picker? Who's the one that scratches their balls and then reaches into the bag of chips? Who flings chicken juice around the kitchen a la Raven? These are the important questions, damn it!

Really?  I watch for other reasons. 

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17 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Really?  I watch for other reasons. 

There... are other reasons to watch than the ones I listed? Really? 

(Kidding. I watch for other reasons, too, but not gonna lie, I'm mostly in it for the mocking and the snark.)

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