Meredith Quill March 13, 2018 Share March 13, 2018 Episode Synopsis: In the series premiere, Stephan has been cheating on Kayla again. Lexi and her pregnant belly must face the crowd at the first football game of the season. Jade learns drugs are the reason her father was fired. Ashley and Bar get into a fight. Brianna and Danae have plans. Link to comment
druzy March 13, 2018 Share March 13, 2018 (edited) 10 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said: In the first episode (S1/E1 "Eyes on Me") we meet five young soon-to-be moms and their significant others: Brianna, 17, and Danae: Brianna and Danae had been dating for three years. They broke up due to Danae cheting on Brianna, and during their time apart Brianna got pregnant with another man who does not want to be involved in his child's life. Danae, a transgender man, stepped up and he and Brianna reunited. Brianna's baby has been diagnosed in utero as missing an arm. Jade, 21, and Shawn: Family issues abound! Both of Jade's parents are drug abusers, and have been in and out of jail and rehab. Shawn works all day and plays video games all night. Does Jade have a reliable support system to raise this baby? Ashley, 20, and Bar: Living in Las Vegas and dating since 2016, once Ashley became pregnant the couple moved to California to live with Ashley's mom. Ashley's mom likes Bar, but Bar's mother doesn't get along with Ashley. Bar finds himself in the middle of the crumbling relationship between Ashley and his mom. Kayla, 18, and Stephan: Together for three years, Stephan is a cheater - even cheating on Kayla while she's pregnant! They agree to work on their relationship and not see other people, but can Stephan stick with their agreement? Lexi, 17, and Kylar: Lexi and Kylar broke up before Lexi discovered she was pregnant. Still in high school, Lexi struggles with the negative attitudes of her peers regarding her pregnancy. She hopes to rekindle her relationship with Kyler, but he sends mixed signals. @TwirlyGirly I brought your great post over here! Edited March 14, 2018 by druzy 7 Link to comment
TwirlyGirly March 13, 2018 Share March 13, 2018 Thank you, @druzy! 2 Link to comment
druzy March 13, 2018 Share March 13, 2018 1 minute ago, TwirlyGirly said: Thank you, @druzy! Anytime @TwirlyGirly! I didn't finish watching the first episode but I'll be back to discuss. 1 Link to comment
BXD March 13, 2018 Share March 13, 2018 I hate myself for watching this show....I already know I am completely sucked in 17 Link to comment
BXD March 13, 2018 Share March 13, 2018 (edited) A few starting thoughts: Brianna: Briana and Danae have absolutely no idea how challenging it is going to be for the two of them. They have the vision of the perfect little family in their minds but reality is going to hit them HARD. Raising a child that is not your own is going to take a huge emotional toll, and I fully expect to see a lot of resentment between these two. Jade: Did I miss what she does for a living? I think she said they have their own apartment so she must be making some sort of income. I hope she sets expectations and boundaries with her parents RIGHT NOW because it sounds like they are a mess. Ashley: Just do yourself a favor and get yourself out of that relationship ASAP. If he's not gonna stick up for you now he is never going to respect your wishes. Kayla: Also do yourself a favor and ditch this dude. This relationship is going nowhere FAST. Lexi: I don't buy that everyone was "looking at her and whispering". I think she just expects that to be the case and is very self conscious. This show is already such a train wreck and I can't bring myself to look away Edit to add: They really seemed to just skim over the fact that Brianna's baby was missing an arm...the baby having a disability is going to make their relationship even more of a challenge Edited March 13, 2018 by BXD 19 Link to comment
MaggieG March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 First thoughts: Brianna looks so young, she looks like she is 12. Jade does seem to have a good head on her shoulders, I agree she should set boundaries with her parents. Kayla needs to dump Stephan immediately and I loved her friend laying some harsh truths on her. Bar's mom is..... interesting 13 Link to comment
jumper sage March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 5 hours ago, BXD said: I hate myself for watching this show....I already know I am completely sucked in I won't! I just can't get involved in another show. We have been into Teen Mom for almost 9 years. Brianna/transgender/baby with 1 arm? DAMN IT! 13 Link to comment
Luciano March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 Lexi looks like a dark-haired version of Ellen Muth from Dead Like Me and that was all I could focus on during her segments. She looks like someone else too but I can't figure it out and it's annoying me. Maybe Kylie Jenner's original face? I think my eyes bugged out when I saw Shen. She looks like an early 90s parody. Also, she's going nuts on FB: 5 Link to comment
JasminePhyllisia March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 Yikes. And posting their phone numbers too. She's in the show, at least the first episode. You'd think there would be contracts signed that they wouldn't do crazy stuff like this. 6 Link to comment
AmandaUnbidden March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 That Shen woman is a real piece of work, and that's putting it kindly. How old is this woman? Ashley is twenty so at least she has the excuse of being young and dumb but this woman Shen is older than me or at least looks it. I feel sorry for Ashley. If I was her, I would not allow that woman to see my child at all. She is not stable, and I would not be able to trust her with my baby. I do kind of feel sorry for Bar. It seems like he tried to do the right thing by Ashley by explaining to his mom that they weren't naming the baby after her, and that she could not just still call the baby that. If only he could just see that his baby mama had a right to be angry at her. I can't imagine what kind of guilt trip his mother has done on him though. It must be a hard position to be in. I do feel for him. The best case scenario for these two would be for Bar to realize what a psycho his mom is and cut her off and then he, Ashley, and the baby should move far away from her and not look back. That'll never happen though cause that's his mom so I understand. It's just a big freaking mess! I feel sorry for that baby. Dont have much to say about the other couples yet. I did notice something though. The Lexi girl that is a cheerleader? She seems perfectly normal and like she's gonna be the "good" mom right? But don't be so fast to think that. I noticed she had tons of pics of Marylin Monroe on her bedroom wall! ?I don't remember who in the teen moms forum first noticed this pattern of all the crazy moms being obsessed with Marylin Monroe but if the pattern continues, we'll need to watch out for her! ? 17 Link to comment
eskimo March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 I liked this format. I thought it would be more like 16 and pregnant where they featured a different mom every week. I also like that there are diverse circumstances. We've got a high schooler, a vo-tech student, a girl who doesn't work or go to school, and one who lives on her own with her boyfriend (I know this doesn't cover everyone, but I'm still trying to remember who's who). The ages are varied and that's good, too. I hope that Danae doesn't bounce in and out. It's not his responsibility to raise this child and I don't think anybody would fault him if he decides this early on, but if you take on the role long enough for the child to think you're his dad, then you'd better be his dad. The hardest part of watching these young girls is watching them take so much shit! Ladies, 'future you' already wants to kick some of your asses! Stephan (?) was so dismissive of Kayla, and she's just happy he's talking to her. Bar seemed level-headed and mature when he was talking to his mom, but then.... That chick is effing crazy, like restraining order crazy. It also pisses me off to no end when these girls are judged harshly by their peers when they become pregnant. Unless all of those girls are celibate, they are NOT IMMUNE to getting knocked up themselves. They have no room to talk, even if they are not pregnant. But teenage girls in groups are brutal. That's all I got. I did like it more than expected and as someone else said, the TM OG/2 girls should prepare, because if this show becomes popular, these girls WILL replace them. Even if it doesn't become popular I really think it's past run it's course and I'll be surprised if we get more than two more seasons out of them. And I bet MTV will handle these girls very differently early on as to avoid the shit they deal with now. Like a parent who spoiled the first little brat rotten, and knows what NOT to do with the next one! We shall see! 16 Link to comment
eskimo March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 I forgot to add that Stephan looks like Andre 3000. 1 Link to comment
Popular Post bethster2000 March 14, 2018 Popular Post Share March 14, 2018 I feel like I dropped 50 IQ points while trying to read Shenandoah's contributions above. 32 Link to comment
Pepper Mostly March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 Well folks, looks like we have a winner. Of all the trashy, loudmouth, skanky, classless, vulgar, gauche folks we've seen on MTV shows of this ilk, Shen has to be the trashiest, loudest, skankiest, most classless, vulgarest, and gauchest. Holy moly. I feel bad for Bar, it can't be easy for him to deal with his crazy, always-on-11 mother, who he presumably loves, because she's his mother, even though he recognizes that she is insane. I don't blame Ashley one bit. Shen sucks all the air out of the room and seems to be a swirling vortex of crazy loud trashy drama wherever she goes. I wouldn't want my baby within a mile of her. 4 hours ago, eskimo said: The hardest part of watching these young girls is watching them take so much shit! Ladies, 'future you' already wants to kick some of your asses! Stephan (?) was so dismissive of Kayla, and she's just happy he's talking to her. Yes, this, 100%. These girls are such doormats! I know they're young and stupid, but sad to see it. Lexi. Honey. I am quite sure you aren't the first girl in your small town to get pregnant in high school. Get over yourself. 15 Link to comment
stacyasp March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 So hard to watch this and I love me some teen mom drama...the guys on this show are so awful and if they are this bad ON camera I can only imagine what goes on off camera! As usual teenage girls think they can “fix” these jerks and aren’t listening to what the guys are really telling them.....I only want you when I’m horny, and then see ya! The only one I think will be ok is Jade, as it sounds as though she’s had to be a parent (to her own parents) long before she had a baby...the rest of the girls ...delusional 6 Link to comment
BXD March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said: Lexi. Honey. I am quite sure you aren't the first girl in your small town to get pregnant in high school. Get over yourself. Agree 100%. I was afraid it would sound mean if I said that so I'm glad someone else feels the same haha! 3 Link to comment
teapot March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 12 hours ago, Luciano said: Lexi looks like a dark-haired version of Ellen Muth from Dead Like Me and that was all I could focus on during her segments. She looks like someone else too but I can't figure it out and it's annoying me. Maybe Kylie Jenner's original face? I think my eyes bugged out when I saw Shen. She looks like an early 90s parody. Also, she's going nuts on FB: Lexi sounds like Alexis Bledel when she speaks. I liked how Brianna corrected her friend about the pronouns. No offense or judgment, just matter-of-fact. OMFG a mom, I've always tried to conduct myself very appropriately in matters concerning my son. Apparently that is why I'm working a 9-5 and no one is interested in watching my daily reality. 6 Link to comment
TwirlyGirly March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 1 hour ago, stacyasp said: <snip> [T]he guys on this show are so awful and if they are this bad ON camera I can only imagine what goes on off camera! As usual teenage girls think they can “fix” these jerks and aren’t listening to what the guys are really telling them.....I only want you when I’m horny, and then see ya! <snip> If we could take up a collection to send each of them a copy of "He's Just Not That Into You" - audio book, if necessary! Still love that Maya Angelou quote: "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Such a difficult life-lesson to learn, but how much grief could ALL of us avoided if we'd only followed that simple maxim? They all seem to fail to acknowledge you cannot control other people - only yourself. When faced with an unplanned pregnancy at the age of 37, I made the decision to continue the pregnancy completely based on my OWN ability to have, care for, and raise my daughter completely alone - because at 37, I knew I could only control myself, not anyone else. Making such an important decision based upon what other people should/could/would contribute would have put my daughter's well-being in the hands of people (family/friends/biological father) over whom I had no control - and I was not willing to risk that. You can "should" people all day long: "He should pay child support! That's the law!" "Mom should stop drinking/using drugs so she can babysit her grandchild so I can finish school!" Uh huh. Your child's father can skip town, get a job that pays under the table, and never pay a cent of child support. Mom is an addict, who may never stop using, leaving you with having to make a choice between finishing school and paying for daycare (if you can afford it) OR leaving your dream of a decent education/good career behind and caring for your child full-time. That's the reality of life. 13 Link to comment
Pepper Mostly March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 1 hour ago, BXD said: Agree 100%. I was afraid it would sound mean if I said that so I'm glad someone else feels the same haha! Hahaha, I'm not a very nice person. I've made my peace with it. ;-) 4 Link to comment
poeticlicensed March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 4 hours ago, BXD said: 4 hours ago, BXD said: 8 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said: Lexi. Honey. I am quite sure you aren't the first girl in your small town to get pregnant in high school. Get over yourself. Agree 100%. I was afraid it would sound mean if I said that so I'm glad someone else feels the same haha! It may also have something to do with the MTV cameras. Girl, if you are so self conscious about what others are saying, why apply to be on a TV show? 7 Link to comment
Scorpiosunshine March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 (edited) 14 hours ago, eskimo said: I forgot to add that Stephan looks like Andre 3000. Yes! It's the angular features and how he sets his mouth at times. It was bugging me because I couldn't place the resemblance, but that's it! I am not a violent person, but if Stephan got up in my face the way the previews show him doing to Kayla's mom...pffftttttttt. He'd never do it again, one way or another. That's unacceptable, disgusting, and I hope she called the police on him. At the very least, he should be removed. (Shades of Lexi's boyfriend Shayden the Shithead from "Unexpected".) He'd never step foot in my house again, that's for sure. That punk prick forgot whose house he was in. Nothing says - "I'm a grown man" - like threatening your child's grandmother. If he'll do that to her mom, surely Kayla isn't off limits. These kids are so immature. Even the 20-year-old "adults" are so childish. Edited March 14, 2018 by Scorpiosunshine 12 Link to comment
gunderda March 14, 2018 Share March 14, 2018 The girl with the trans boyfriend and one-armed child - MTV struck gold with that one! Makes you wonder if MTV randomly came across them or someone had a good inkling they'd be chosen for a show. I kinda like these girls.... they're dumb... but don't seem as dumb as the UK ones. Someone asked what the one girl did- the one who has drug addict parents. Unless it was stated, I'm going to assume she's a hair stylist because she knew what she was doing when she cut her boyfriend's hair. And she keeps her own hair pretty stylish. 13 Link to comment
ava111 March 15, 2018 Share March 15, 2018 Who the eff is in charge of the graphics inbetween the girls? When they went to Colorado they showed the map and right top corner of the Colorado had Nevada as neighboring state. Way to make already plenty of dumb kids that watch the show dumber. Although it's killing your brain cells even without that mistake. 5 Link to comment
suzeecat March 15, 2018 Share March 15, 2018 Did Bar have one of those tear tattoos under his eye? Isn't that a gang "thing" to indicate they killed someone? This new crop of "young and pregnant" are just messed up enough to have to make the Teen Mom girls feeling some job insecurity. 5 Link to comment
LegallyRed2 March 15, 2018 Share March 15, 2018 I am 99.9 percent sure that Lexi's baby is a trap baby, which is hilarious because the dude she's trying to trap looks like every fat bully from a 1980's movie. 22 Link to comment
Birdee March 15, 2018 Share March 15, 2018 The Ashley/Shen drama seems to be going strong. And what is with these MTV people and their C&D letters? 1 Link to comment
MaggieG March 15, 2018 Share March 15, 2018 Goodness, Bar's mother is whack. It's only been one episode and we're getting crazy drama from her 8 Link to comment
Bridget March 16, 2018 Share March 16, 2018 I'm waiting for Chelsea & Cole to show up in person for some type of intervention because of all of these loser sperm donors and the girls who are convinced they can with fix them! I noticed a lot of the couples struggled to really communicate and express real thoughts and feelings. I personally think it's because teens don't talk to each other in person anymore, so any conversation is going to be "awkward" or "unsettled" because conversation is a dying art form. I can't believe the disparity in Bar's personality! He seemed like a decent guy in the park with his crazy mom, speaking to her calmly while defending Ashley & the reason behind the name choice. Next thing I know, he's arguing in the car (not that Ashley is innocent) and speaking to Ashley the way he did, and calling her a bitch? Oh. Hell. No. Chelsea can have a 1:1 with each of the moms, tell all of these ladies to move the fuck on and make them watch her episodes when she was dealing with Adumb. And then stopped to get gas one day. I'd like for Cole to show up and tell these train wreck baby daddies to jump off of a cliff. I just don't understand what these young ladies are thinking by putting up with these assholes. I was glad Brianna explained how she got pregnant, obviously, because I truly do wonder HOW teens/young people get pregnant in this day and age. Between going to Planned Parenthood, local free clinics, buying condoms online and knowing how to make sure birth control is supposed to be used for total efficiency, I don't understand why it keeps happening (other than trap babies, girls who want a baby instead of puppy and girls who didn't go back for another Depo shot). I don't mean to come across as blaming the moms, but the sad reality is that pills, IUDs and other options for females (that are meant to work in addition with a condom) are readily available in most areas. I'm still waiting for scientists to create versions of the pill and other "female" birth control methods for males, I promise! 9 Link to comment
stacyasp March 16, 2018 Share March 16, 2018 13 hours ago, Bridget said: I'm waiting for Chelsea & Cole to show up in person for some type of intervention because of all of these loser sperm donors and the girls who are convinced they can with fix them! I noticed a lot of the couples struggled to really communicate and express real thoughts and feelings. I personally think it's because teens don't talk to each other in person anymore, so any conversation is going to be "awkward" or "unsettled" because conversation is a dying art form. I can't believe the disparity in Bar's personality! He seemed like a decent guy in the park with his crazy mom, speaking to her calmly while defending Ashley & the reason behind the name choice. Next thing I know, he's arguing in the car (not that Ashley is innocent) and speaking to Ashley the way he did, and calling her a bitch? Oh. Hell. No. Chelsea can have a 1:1 with each of the moms, tell all of these ladies to move the fuck on and make them watch her episodes when she was dealing with Adumb. And then stopped to get gas one day. I'd like for Cole to show up and tell these train wreck baby daddies to jump off of a cliff. I just don't understand what these young ladies are thinking by putting up with these assholes. I was glad Brianna explained how she got pregnant, obviously, because I truly do wonder HOW teens/young people get pregnant in this day and age. Between going to Planned Parenthood, local free clinics, buying condoms online and knowing how to make sure birth control is supposed to be used for total efficiency, I don't understand why it keeps happening (other than trap babies, girls who want a baby instead of puppy and girls who didn't go back for another Depo shot). I don't mean to come across as blaming the moms, but the sad reality is that pills, IUDs and other options for females (that are meant to work in addition with a condom) are readily available in most areas. I'm still waiting for scientists to create versions of the pill and other "female" birth control methods for males, I promise! I really think that Brianna planned the pregnancy when her and danae(?) were on a “break” so Danae could be a “father” 5 Link to comment
Blissfool March 16, 2018 Share March 16, 2018 20 hours ago, LegallyRed2 said: I am 99.9 percent sure that Lexi's baby is a trap baby, which is hilarious because the dude she's trying to trap looks like every fat bully from a 1980's movie. I had to LIKE this, not because I think it's a trap baby, but because her boyfriend so looks like a fat bully from an 80s movie. Long shaggy hair, baseball cap, and all. 7 Link to comment
GreatKazu March 19, 2018 Share March 19, 2018 On 3/15/2018 at 10:09 AM, suzeecat said: Did Bar have one of those tear tattoos under his eye? Isn't that a gang "thing" to indicate they killed someone? This new crop of "young and pregnant" are just messed up enough to have to make the Teen Mom girls feeling some job insecurity. It can also mean the loss of a loved one. Generally, that is done within the gang community, but it is now become the norm for other people to have these kind of tattoos done to signify a loss regardless if there are no gang ties. 3 Link to comment
vmcd88 March 19, 2018 Share March 19, 2018 Stupid me, when Briana said she was with Danae (a trans woman) I was trying to figure out how she got pregnant, huh what......until Briana explained she was not with her baby's father. I was waiting for Bar's mom to say she was 35. She looks like one of those people who, after you learn her age, you are stunned because she looks so old. She had a neck tattoo. Where does one work with a neck tattoo? Wooo man she is one mean lady. 3 Link to comment
StatisticalOutlier March 19, 2018 Share March 19, 2018 17 hours ago, GreatKazu said: It can also mean the loss of a loved one. Generally, that is done within the gang community, but it is now become the norm for other people to have these kind of tattoos done to signify a loss regardless if there are no gang ties. I'm not sure whoever started this trend really thought it through. 2 Link to comment
Lemur March 20, 2018 Share March 20, 2018 On 3/19/2018 at 1:58 PM, vmcd88 said: I was waiting for Bar's mom to say she was 35. She looks like one of those people who, after you learn her age, you are stunned because she looks so old. She had a neck tattoo. Where does one work with a neck tattoo? Wooo man she is one mean lady. She's batshit insane. Seriously, certifiably batshit. That said, I don't think she's completely wrong about Ashley. Ashley tries to play it wholesome, she's got a wild side. Also, it seems that people who have neck tattoos work in the service industry and the arts. 4 Link to comment
lexsaysso March 21, 2018 Share March 21, 2018 On 3/20/2018 at 2:54 PM, Lemur said: She's batshit insane. Seriously, certifiably batshit. That said, I don't think she's completely wrong about Ashley. Ashley tries to play it wholesome, she's got a wild side. Also, it seems that people who have neck tattoos work in the service industry and the arts. Thank you !!! I’m happy somebody said it Ashley ain’t no damn unicorn. You can just tell she plays an act of this wholesome girl but she’s definitely ghetto ! And if you don’t believe me , look at the way her mom turned up at the baby shower when Ashley LIED and said Bar’s Mom called her a bitch ! Somebody correct me if I’m wrong buttttt did anybody her Shen call her a bitch ? I’m just sayin the apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree . Wasn’t she a stripper in Vegas ? This doesn’t excuse anything about Shen because she’s ultimate TRASH ! 5 Link to comment
Lynnlynnlynn586 March 27, 2018 Share March 27, 2018 On 3/21/2018 at 4:08 PM, lexsaysso said: Thank you !!! I’m happy somebody said it Ashley ain’t no damn unicorn. You can just tell she plays an act of this wholesome girl but she’s definitely ghetto ! And if you don’t believe me , look at the way her mom turned up at the baby shower when Ashley LIED and said Bar’s Mom called her a bitch ! Somebody correct me if I’m wrong buttttt did anybody her Shen call her a bitch ? I’m just sayin the apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree . Wasn’t she a stripper in Vegas ? This doesn’t excuse anything about Shen because she’s ultimate TRASH ! Im not sure either if she called her a bitch or not? Maybe Mtv can go back and see who knows?? Link to comment
MistyMeg April 6, 2018 Share April 6, 2018 I am in Uk behind you all..just seen first far it is far better than Teen Mum Uk...and has the potential to be better than Teen mom 2!!!!! Keeping fingers crossed. X 3 Link to comment
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