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S09.E08: The Truth Comes Out

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35 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Meri: "I want to get close. I want to get to know him."

Kody: "I don't give a shit."

Honey, he's totally checked out. It's over.

But aren't their marriages (even their spiritual marriages) suppose to be forever? 

Would they just get that girl the surgery she needs instead of going to some clown that gives them false hope?

  • Love 9
15 minutes ago, greekmom said:

But aren't their marriages (even their spiritual marriages) suppose to be forever? 

According to them, yes, they are supposed to be forever.

But what I hear Kody saying is "Do what you want, Meri, be independent, but don't expect to have a romantic relationship with me". And it seems to me that Meri wants that romantic connection back. I don't think she's going to get it. He's over it, he's done with her, he's not interested in even trying, IMO.

It sounds to me like he's offering her a sad little consolation prize - a platonic friendship - and it seems that's not really what she wants.

If it were me, I'd take that as a hint that it's never going to be a "marriage" again and get the hell out.

  • Love 22
2 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

When Meri and Kodi were discussing buying the house with Utah's newly enacted anti-bigamy laws and possible confiscation of property:

Meri: Can I even buy a house or a business?

Kodi: You can if I am not sleeping with you in that bed in that place

Islandgal to her tv: Meri, you ain't got nothing to worry about because Kody ain't sleeping with you in LV nor at your answer to Mormon Tara because Frankly Scarlett Meri, he don't give a damn.

Mormon Tara!!!  HAHAHAAAAA

  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

On a shallow note, Maddie's voice bugs me.

I'll be shallow too...it's her very bored expression when anyone else is the center of attention and the way she fixes her toothy grin when someone is addressing her and locks their eyes looking for their approval.  No doubt the end result of 1/18th of a father.

  • Love 15
Just now, Sandy W said:

I'll be shallow too...it's her very bored expression when anyone else is the center of attention and the way she fixes her toothy grin when someone is addressing her and locks their eyes looking for their approval.  No doubt the end result of 1/18th of a father.

Add me to the mean superficial train. She used to be so cute.  Now it looks like she takes no care for her appearance. 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, spacefly said:

I have a friend with a similar if not worse curvature and she has two metal rods supporting her spine. It's not pretty, after seeing what my friend has gone through I might try something else before surgery. She is officially disabled at 29 and was on a ton of Fentynal but now takes extremely expensive medical marijuana. She has little hope of getting much better. I really feel for Ysabel, that's a tough road she has ahead of her.

I agree. My brother in law had the surgery the doctor talked about but he tried several physical therapies and other treatments first. I don’t blame the Browns from exploring their options. 

1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

What in the WORLD does Meri EXPECT?    I'm sorry - but I am totally on Kody's side here.  I think he is the voice of reason.    I honestly think Meri expects the family to sell all of the kids' toys and belongings on Ebay, maybe put a few kids up for adoption so that they can save on the cost of raising them,  two of the wives can sell their houses and move in with the third wife and they can ALL give ALL of their money and assets to Meri.  Because she wants it and expects it.


Because... otherwise I am just not "getting" where Meri expects the funds for the B&B to come from.  OBVIOUSLY she obtained the funds - but at this point in the show I want to know what she was EXPECTING!


1 hour ago, KateHearts said:

Meri: "I want to get close. I want to get to know him."

Kody: "I don't give a shit."

Honey, he's totally checked out. It's over.

I was surprised at Kody’s candor this episode in regards to Meri. Even during the catfish stuff he said the “party line” about it not being “real love” yadayada and, in my opinion, came across foolish and naive to what Meri was doing. This episode he straight out said he was done with Meri and was not interested in a deep relationship with her, which I think is fair given the circumstances. 

As as we know, Meri hates getting called out on anything and that’s basically what happened at the therapy session so of course she pulls the pity card (I don’t want to do everything by myself) and gets defensive (says Kody checked out long before she did). Doesn’t she see that she’s reaping what she sowed? She pulled away and wanted to do things outside the family (school, friends, the catfish). Now that she sees how lonely it can be with all the important people in your life alienated, she wants back in with a snap of her fingers. Life doesn’t work that way. 

1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

I realize I am the odd man out, but I feel pity for Meri.  Not that the new house demand isn't crazy, but still...she's lonely.  She THINKS Kody is who she wants but I think she just wants to be loved...with a man completely her own.  I don't understand why she can't see that she should leave.  He already divorced her!!!   Meri, read the tea leaves and do better for yourself.  I wish I could shake her!!!!!      

I feel 1% bad for Meri but 99% don’t because of my comments above. I actually am surprised she’s staying with Kody because he basically said he’s done with her and seemed like he’d be fine if she left the family. I don’t think any of the kids or other wives would miss her. 

43 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

According to them, yes, they are supposed to be forever.

But what I hear Kody saying is "Do what you want, Meri, be independent, but don't expect to have a romantic relationship with me". And it seems to me that Meri wants that romantic connection back. I don't think she's going to get it. He's over it, he's done with her, he's not interested in even trying, IMO.

It sounds to me like he's offering her a sad little consolation prize - a platonic friendship - and it seems that's not really what she wants.

If it were me, I'd take that as a hint that it's never going to be a "marriage" again and get the hell out.


36 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

I'll be shallow too...it's her very bored expression when anyone else is the center of attention and the way she fixes her toothy grin when someone is addressing her and locks their eyes looking for their approval.  No doubt the end result of 1/18th of a father.

I think Maddi is really pretty, especially when her hair color is more natural. However, I noticed the smiling/approval thing with Caleb last episode and made me feel bad for her. Like she was being subservient to him, waiting for him to speak first. Ugh. 

Edited by mamey2422
  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Ok maybe  I missed  something, but I do not  remember  them saying  they would  not have the surgery . I thought  the Dr, said they would  not do the surgery  till the curvature  was 50% and she was not at that. They were doing  the alternative  treatment  to see how it works . 

You didn’t miss anything. That’s what they’re doing - trying physical therapy before surgery at 50%. 

  • Love 15
3 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Ok maybe  I missed  something, but I do not  remember  them saying  they would  not have the surgery . I thought  the Dr, said they would  not do the surgery  till the curvature  was 50% and she was not at that. They were doing  the alternative  treatment  to see how it works . 

This is pretty much what I heard too....however, I think the discussion is a bit heated here, because people have some personal experiences with scoliosis and surgery...some good, some bad. 

I guess my personal take on it is, I know little to nothing about scoliosis and I like hearing about other posters experiences with it. If not for you guys standing up and saying something (even if not everyone agrees), I would only get the Browns' view on what's best. Just my 2 cents...I like hearing what everyone has to say.

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

Please excuse me if this has been posted about already.   My pure RAGE at these assholes has caused me to hit pause just to post.

Speaking as someone diagnosed with a slight bit of scoliosis as a teen whose parents decided I would be able to “fix it”  in unorthodox ways such as physical therapy and correcting my own posture,  I had FOUR spinal surgeries before the age of 40 because my parents didn’t want to “put me through surgery” at such a young age.    GET YSABEL SOME REAL MEDICAL ATTENTION!!!!!!    As a result, my young son and husband had to watch me go through years of pain and suffering only to then watch me have surgery after surgery.  

My nephew by marriage had scoliosis and his mother (my sister in law) made him have the surgery.  He is a fully functioning adult with no pain.   THAT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO AS A FUCKING PARENT!! 

I still deal with pain every single day and I will never be 100%  and  I tell myself that my parents didn’t know any better, but this episode has me furious.   



I'm so sorry for the horrible experiences you've had to deal with and the pain. What a living nightmare! As someone who lives with a serious chronic illness, and all that comes with it, I can feel your pain, albeit on a smaller scale in a sense. 

I couldn't agree with you more about them getting their heads out of the assess and scheduling the surgery. Since surgery can't 'correct' the curve, just halt it, I'd have her at the hospital on the first available date after she hits 50*. My aunt is 68 and didn't have surgery as a young adult, she did the exercises. Well, at 68, it was so severe that surgery couldn't be avoided any longer. She was at risk of losing her already limited mobility. She was in for a 14 hour surgery time frame but died on the table 6 hours in. They had to revive her, wrap it up, and put her on ice for 7 days, in a medically induced coma, in ICU before going back under the knife to complete the surgery. She was in HELL for about 3 months. Thank God she is all healed and gained back an inch of height as a bonus LOL

You know you are dumb ass parents when my 15 year old daughter, who was on social media while this played in the background, said 'they can't be serious. Didn't they hear what the doctor said? She doesn't need to risk it getting much worse playing games with exercises. Yes, the surgery won't be fun but neither will the rest of her life if they don't treat it soon. If it's nearly inevitable, suck it up and get it done.' Out of the mouth of babes, for real! 

Edited by HahYallDoin
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, TVFAN said:

You are not the odd man out with me!  Every time Kody says "the family, " I hear "I" or "me."  

If she is supposed to be his 'spiritual wife,' mending their relationship should be a top priority.  They are either married or they are not.  He could care less about meeting her needs because he has three other women to meet his.  I've never seen someone so cold and uncaring.

I can’t like this enough. Polygamy is a disgusting, misogynistic practice specifically designed to empower men and marginalize women; HOWEVER, in theory the man is supposed to be responsible for the well-being of his wives, physical, emotional, and spiritual. In theory, what women get out of this paradigm is support, caretaking, and leadership from their headship. Of course, in practice, you get Kody Brown, a shallow, insecure, ego-driven narcissistic who is only in the game for what these people, his wives and children, can do for him, how good they can make him feel, how thoroughly they can stroke his ego. If and when Meri finally reads the writing on the wall and gets out, I’ll be rooting for her, just like I’m rooting for all the wives and kids to get away from that megalomaniac. Well, Robyn can stay. 


1 hour ago, greekmom said:

$5 million and final editing rights.

I actually had an unmedicated bathtub birth (the room was clean though!) and so if final editing rights are on the table, I’d do it for the balance of my student loans. [Kanye shrug]


33 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

When you're talking about this kind of thing, the important thing is the person's health and well being...talking about scars? That just seems so superficial to me. 

I can’t help but suspect there’s underlying commentary here about where a girl’s value is. I sometimes get lulled into feeling like these people are sweet, mainly because [most of] their kids seem like good people, and then things like this happen and I remember how fucked up they are. 

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Ok maybe  I missed  something, but I do not  remember  them saying  they would  not have the surgery . I thought  the Dr, said they would  not do the surgery  till the curvature  was 50% and she was not at that. They were doing  the alternative  treatment  to see how it works . 

Speaking for myself, possibly others think similarly, it was the manner in which Kody and Christine almost 'demonized' the surgery that led me to believe that even if she'd gotten a 51* result from their local Ortho, they'd have *still* wanted to try the alternative therapy. 

It was all about the ugly scars, how the long rods are placed and screwed in, how serious the surgery is, what hell it would be for her to go under the knife, how she'd still have restricted movement...the certain negatives associated with the procedure. For sure, it's a lot to digest. But it works in stopping the curveture in real time. It works and alternative therapy may or may not work. I got the impression they weren't trying to make peace with the best option and their fears associated with it and instead sought out something less involved, with no guarantees. 

Just my two cents LOL 

  • Love 8

I think Meri really downplays or might possibly be in denial regarding her role in the whole "cat fishing" thing and the consequences of how her entire family was going to receive her after it all came into the light.  She HAS to know that Kody's huge ego wasn't going to take it well, considering no one was twisting her arm to start communicating/flirting with "Sam" to begin with.  I also think her preoccupation with having her wants validated by requiring everyone be gung ho with her B&B dream is also a part of that denial.  If I was Therapist Nancy that's what I'd be having Kody & Meri discuss in their couples session, but that's probably why I'm not a therapist!!!

I feel terrible for Ysabel~especially the fact that her mother is so tore up over the "ugly scar" she will get from surgery.  Christine really is shallow, or an asshole, or both.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, greekmom said:

But aren't their marriages (even their spiritual marriages) suppose to be forever? 

Would they just get that girl the surgery she needs instead of going to some clown that gives them false hope?

Officially the most boring episode yet!!! I barely made it through, I really need some loyalty points for this one...lol

  • Love 2

For all Kody kept saying he was "done," he also kept saying Meri (alone) had to decide what she wants to do/how to handle this. Does he expect her to move out of that house? Maybe he's hoping she will go buy and live in that B&B? I know they're actually already divorced, but he's awfully placid about this situation where he's got this person he doesn't like or trust living in a house he's presumably cosigned for... It's just so weird to me. SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT, people. I know filming the show probably requires her to stay on, but what a mess. Maybe he's just waiting for the show to be cancelled and then he'll never really deal with Meri again? I don't get living this way at all. 

  • Love 14

I think mary & kody actually helped me tonight. I snark alot about them but i actually related to them on this episode. Marriage has it's ups and downs and sometimes it's just better to say we are not meant for each other romantically, but hopefully we can be friends with all of our history....well...that's were I am at tonight...

Edited by RoxieRambles
  • Love 10

I recently signed up to join in on the snark....long time lurker. I liked all of your comments because they all are truly valid points! I must say tho....snarking on the Brown's has made me feel a little better about my own pathetic marriage. Who am I to judge what works and what doesnt... I wish you  all the best. Tonight I have realized after 21 years, my marriage is over....its been a pleasure :)

  • Love 18
4 minutes ago, RoxieRambles said:

Tonight I have realized after 21 years, my marriage is over....its been a pleasure :)

I'm so sorry to hear that. Although I do have to admit, when I realized my marriage was over, it was scary, yes, but also very freeing. There were some tough things to get through, but I've never regretted my choice to get out of my marriage. Not once.

I wish you the very best!

  • Love 18
5 hours ago, Chicklet said:

God I'm yelling at my TV. Kody and Meri wouldn't have survived 10 years alone because plural marriage distracted them from their issues or prevented them from noticing or dealing with them. When you only have every 3rd day to deal with it, ugh.


ETA- some days I can spell but its hard to throw things at the TV and type.

Oh yeah, that was quite a statement from Kody. Wow. It's been said a few times that they were having problems long before the show even started.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

Please excuse me if this has been posted about already.   My pure RAGE at these assholes has caused me to hit pause just to post.

Speaking as someone diagnosed with a slight bit of scoliosis as a teen whose parents decided I would be able to “fix it”  in unorthodox ways such as physical therapy and correcting my own posture,  I had FOUR spinal surgeries before the age of 40 because my parents didn’t want to “put me through surgery” at such a young age.    GET YSABEL SOME REAL MEDICAL ATTENTION!!!!!!    As a result, my young son and husband had to watch me go through years of pain and suffering only to then watch me have surgery after surgery.  

My nephew by marriage had scoliosis and his mother (my sister in law) made him have the surgery.  He is a fully functioning adult with no pain.   THAT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO AS A FUCKING PARENT!! 

I still deal with pain every single day and I will never be 100%  and  I tell myself that my parents didn’t know any better, but this episode has me furious.   


Ysabel is under a doctor's care. They said that they are trying the physical therapy to see if it will help, but she will get the surgery if necessary. The doctor said that they don't perform the surgery until the curve is at 50, right now on the show it's at 40-45. They have a bit of time before surgery is necessary, so they are trying this other therapy.

2 hours ago, Ravenna said:

Maybe instead of spending $ for fancy weddings with 4000 tacos or a road killl cake, how ‘bout saving up money for your child(ren) to get proper Medical care!!   STUPID IDIOTS!  

I don't recall them saying they don't have money for medical care. In fact, Christine said that the therapy they are trying will be very expensive. 

5 hours ago, greekmom said:

Would they just get that girl the surgery she needs instead of going to some clown that gives them false hope?

The doctor said they don't do surgery until the curve is at 50. She's not there yet.

5 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

Dear Christine,

If dumbarse Derrick Dillard from Counting On, can get 3!, count them 3, gofundme's to send him and his ridiculous wife to Central America twice to attempt to be untrained and unlicensed missionaries and then again for his $10,000 minimum for his new church schooling - you can get Ysabel's surgery covered.  She's a sweet young girl who will end up with a  lifetime of pain and hardship down the road if you don't.  GET HER THE BLOODY SURGERY!!!!!  And all of the adults get real jobs to PAY FOR HER SURGERY!

Where did they say that they can't afford the surgery? I didn't hear them say that at all.

  • Love 13

I question why the scoliosis was not picked up until now.  It is really too bad, because early intervention is the best medicine for scoliosis.  As a person who had my sllight scoliosis picked up by a school nurse in KINDERGARTEN, exercise was part of the effort to straighten and strengthen while growing.  But I just read a few things online and most kids start scoliosis before puberty during frequent growth spurts.  Although my situation ended happily and I realize not all do.....sadly Ysobel's curvature is so severe at this point, It is hard to believe exercise will right this ship enough to avoid surgery.  She needs the surgery and I wish they would just act before  this gets any worse.

Edited by Mardo2044
  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

IWhen you're talking about this kind of thing, the important thing is the person's health and well being...talking about scars? That just seems so superficial to me. 

I agree.  I would be more concerned about reduced mobility, potential lifelong pain, surgical complications...  what terrible messaging for her daughter worrying about cosmetics.  Also Ysabel Her saying she wanted to get to 20% when he is already at 45% is completely sad....her parents are feeding her false hope.  do I think exercise could help?  sure, but to what degree? 5%? yeah, maybe, but 25% change is a pipe dream this late in the game.

  • Love 6

"If we start this rehabilitation before your child's curve measures 25 degrees, you'll likely never have to discuss surgery with a doctor. That's our goal." from the ScoliSmart bootcamp website.  Which just confirms my understanding that exercise as form of treatment works when caught early and working over longterm.  This is NOT Ysabel's case.  :(

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, 80sBaby said:

Meri is delusional and very selfish. 

Meri strikes me as someone who is going to wear everyone down until she gets her way.  I don't see how the family buying the house for her mother to live there helps the family financially or helps them try to grow together as a family post catfish.  (t seems to be Meri's exit strategy and she wants the family to pay for it.  She is already divorced, she should just move out and do it on her own if that is what she wants.

5 hours ago, 80sBaby said:

Meri: "I know I totally distanced myself from the family, and told Kody I wanted to be left alone. Oh, I also had the whole Catfishing thing and live a separate life from you all. I show up for filming looking like I'd rather be walking over hot coals...but I want the family to pay for this B&B/house for my mother!! Also Kody I want to get back in rotation for sexy time." Really....


This!!!  Sing it!

  • Love 14
10 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

Fuck you Christine and fuck your talk about the Ugly Scar. After two back surgeries, I have "ugly scars" that I wear proudly. They will only be ugly to her if YOU make them ugly. 

Good Lord, then saying poor Ysabel's scars will show with her wedding dress. WTH is she talking about? You don't need to show your back in a wedding dress. Effin' drama queen! That should be the least of her worries right now with Yzzy and I hope the poor kid doesn't have to see that clip of her mother crying over all the wrong things. 

Meri- Kody is just not in to you. Give it up. If you stay, you will see him walking past your house to get to one of the other wives. That's as far as you're gonna get. I have to admit (and this really hurts), I'm proud of Kody. He really didn't buy one bit of Meri's BS poor me I was catfished excuses. I originally thought he was going to sweep the whole thing under the carpet and believe her. Far from it. 

  • Love 17

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