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S06.E06: Move-Ins

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I noticed the 2 pizzas also...

Molly:I don't scrimp on my nails, my hair, my designated parking space and...pizza.

Don't think Jon likes pizza with pineapple..hence his own pizza...which he polished off in one seating... because you gotta feed those muscles...

Shawniece did a good job on Unfiltered last night.

She had her hair, makeup, dress, shoes on point.

She made JO look like a frumpy housewife in a granny shawl ...hunched over in her rocking chair...

Shawniece was poised and was do not say WORD ONE that was anti-Jephte.

She is still hanging in the marriage...until the contract expires.....

Edited by humbleopinion
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2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Her family owns the house and she has a floor to herself. Renting is expensive in Boston. She has her own space and privacy.

And she’s saving up to start a business. If she gets along with her family and living there allows her to reach her goal faster, why not?

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:


I think it's the vibe she is giving off of not caring about what Jon wants or needs that is bothering people. And the vibe is that she's out for herself. At this point he's really trying to make her happy. She needs to get out of her own head and give a damn about her "husbands" happiness, too. 

Jep sleeping on the floor. Grow up, you manchild. Not picturing this guy as a teacher at all. And clean up after yourself! 

Jackie was not ready to sign up for this show. In retrospect she probably realizes it was a bad idea and she is still greiving. You have to feel a little bit sorry for Ryan. He didn't ask for this. I don't think it was fair of the coaches to not tell him before the wedding what was going on with Jackie's life. That's a huge amount of baggage and a big deal and not to tell him was cruel.  

Also, what kind of behind the scenes vetting does this stupid show do? You think they may want to ask in the interviews if the applicants are allergic or have a fear of dogs or cats or if they prefer to be matched with someone without pets? Having to find other accommodations for the cat was also cruel in my opinion. 

I have finally come to the conclusion, with a few others, that these six people were picked SPECIFICALLY because they all have issues.  Jacklyn .. Still grieving, Ryan .. Blabber mouth & hyper, Shawnice .. Needy and desperate for a husband .. Jep .. Immature, Molly .. Self centered .. Jon .. No job.  All these traits cause DRAMA, and that's what this show is about.  Sad, but true.

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4 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I have finally come to the conclusion, with a few others, that these six people were picked SPECIFICALLY because they all have issues.  Jacklyn .. Still grieving, Ryan .. Blabber mouth & hyper, Shawnice .. Needy and desperate for a husband .. Jep .. Immature, Molly .. Self centered .. Jon .. No job.  All these traits cause DRAMA, and that's what this show is about.  Sad, but true.

Jon had a job when they first chose him.

Interesting tidbit from a podcast interview with Cortney & Jason: she said participants sign the contracts to agree to get married when they start the screening process. 

Edited by Gobears
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34 minutes ago, princelina said:


I think Jaclyn and Ryan are evenly matched, looks-wise.  ...

Me, too.  

The least attractive couple of the three, and the least attractive person of each sex.  jmho

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20 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I have finally come to the conclusion, with a few others, that these six people were picked SPECIFICALLY because they all have issues.

They have to have issues otherwise who would watch?

Perfect people who fall in love and live happily ever after? Nah- not good TV

I dislike all the men and find Jepthe such a baby. What on earth did he expect??

18 hours ago, NoJustNo said:

Leave me alone" Jep says to Shawnice as she kisses him good night on the floor.

Either still a Virgin or maybe gay? Does he not have any attraction to her I wonder ?

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Interesting tidbit from a podcast interview with Cortney & Jason: she said participants sign the contracts to agree to get married when they start the screening process. 

That is interesting.  I guess they want to use the threat of a lawsuit to keep someone from backing out of the marriage at the last minute, and causing production delays (i.e. having to recast, reschedule the venue and filming, etc.)  


I dislike all the men and find Jepthe such a baby. What on earth did he expect??


I keep returning to this question with Jephte.  At every step they've taken on this show after the wedding, Jephte has acted surprised and gets upset over very basic couple stuff, like having a honeymoon and living together.  I can buy that some of this is just his not wanting to be with Shawniece, but he seems honestly surprised by pretty mundane things. 

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Yes I don't get what is appealing about Molly either. She is attractive but that's all she really has going for her. Not a fan of her personality at all. If they work out in the end, is Jon supposed to just get rid of his cat permanently?

They should have not picked Jaclyn for this show as she is still clearly grieving over her boyfriend that passed... and going through boxes is something I would think she should have done before she signed up for this show.

I don't understand how Shawniece just hasn't walked out by now, unless she is under contract that she has to stay the full 8 weeks. Jephte treats her like crap.

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At the risk of being too snarky, Jepthe is a big baby and a pussy.  I actually wouldn't blame Shawneice for saying he wasn't "manly" enough (shades of last season).  I totally agree with @Neurochick that he's disrespecting her big time.  He had enough time to at least throw his bedroom mess into the closet before he even met her!  How invested in this process and in being married could he be if he didn't even think that might not been respectful to show to his new wife?  He couldn't have been reacting to her because he hadn't even MET her yet!  I have to hand it to her for taking the high road and keeping optimistic about him and their relationship.  She is a class act if she can pull that off despite the constant rejection.  As a woman, I know exactly how that would feel and it's crushing!

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Jaclyn's reaction to seeing her late boyfriend's stuff in the basement was totally understandable and could have been exactly the same if it had taken place years later.  Some reminders bring you right back into that head space for a time and it doesn't mean you're "not ready" or you "haven't moved on enough" for a new relationship.  Ryan is too young and self centered to understand that.  Get over yourself, dude, and have some empathy for her!  What a douche!  Concentrate on being a decent husband and maybe she'll get even more over the late BF!!

Molly's personality is as exciting as a block of wood but I know that type of woman somehow appeals to a certain type of man, although I do think Jon can do better in the personality department.  Jon may be taking the humor over the line a bit but that wouldn't faze me in the least.  I see it as his attempt to conquer nerves and insecurity.  I would tell him I'd like to see his serious side a little more, though, instead of hitting him over the head with it like she did last week.  I'm not sure what that says about her level of social sensitivity.  Jon actually seems to have more of it than she does.  I don't blame Molly for wanting a parking space.  I know Boston and street parking is so scarce in some neighborhoods that you need a resident parking permit to park overnight!  They will both make enough money for her to easily afford having her nails done, so that was in my opinion a total non-issue.

1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

I noticed the 2 pizzas also...

Molly:I don't scrimp on my nails, my hair, my designated parking space and...pizza.

Actually, as far as Boston pizza goes, theirs looked awful!

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I agree Jephte is a big baby. Seems to me he was looking for his version of a hottie with maid service who could pad his finances a bit. Dude's still an adolescent himself teaching kids... yikes.  Shawniece has sacrificed enough of her dignity in this venture; I hope she doesn't end up sacrificing her dream of opening her own salon thanks to her 'huzzband's' inability to properly adult.

The convo with Shawniece & her mom was butchered. I wanted to hear much more of that. Her mom started to say "I told you when you started this whole process..."  but that was it. Then mom was crying with her, then she wasn't. Maybe mom wasn't fully on board to begin with & was working on an 'I warned you...' speech we weren't privy to.

Jacklyn's grieving story line continues to offend. The 'boxes of emotional pain' should've been handled before signing on, or at the very least OFF camera. Ryan is not suited to handle this situation, & I agree with others he shouldn't be expected to - plus he's an insensitive putz, so there's that.

Jon, giving up your kitty for Molly was a mistake. As abrasive as Dawn's personality may be, she's still infinitely more interesting than your wife.

Edited by gonecrackers
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Did Jepthe think he was applying for a dating show? He seems to be surprised that a married man is supposed to do things like share a room and a bed with his wife, discuss finances, and be affectionate. I felt really bad for Shawniece last night-she is trying maybe too hard and he is not trying at all. I don't know what he could even offer her as a husband. I can't imagine him wanting to go out to dinner or explore the city with her. I didn't get too worked up about his apartment,lots  of single  guys live like that-it seemed to be mostly clothes not actual garbage.

Jon seems like a really nice guy and I think he is handsome. Molly  is pretty but seems, I don't know brittle or something.I'm guessing Jon just gave his cat away temporarily while they see how this plays out. No issue with her having money for hair and nails, that is important to many women, including me. I wish she would  just try to  get know Jon without constantly measuring his worthiness.

I don't care for Ryan, but I have to admit his looks and personality are just not my type, he hasn't really done anything wrong. Jackie seems nice and I think she is trying but is having all kinds of feelings coming up  and she needs therapy (and not by the sex obsessed therapists on the show). 

Edited by Madding crowd
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18 hours ago, Jassie99 said:

I know no spoilers but just from the unfiltered I do think Jephte and Shawniece are still together. Only because when you watch unfiltered tonight Shawniece was very protective of Jephte. She was making excuses for him. Maybe that's just her as I felt he wasn't the same towards her on the Unfiltered last week. My question is why?

She also said something along the lines that even if things weren't going well, she wouldn't bash him publicly, because he was her husband.   For some women, it's a respect thing.   I'm not sure if they are together or not, but I do think if Jephte let down his guard they actually could be a good match.    I did wonder if some of the tension is editing.  Like when he told her to get off of him, it almost seems like he may have been joking.  The scene ended kind of abruptly after that.  He is being overly cautious, but it also seems like they both are jokers and are capable of having good times together.  

4 hours ago, SecretSK said:

Unless you've grieved a loss that big, there's really no way to do more that support and empathize. You can't fix it. He doesn't understand. He "has no baggage" (eff you for this one, especially). He's so self centered, he took it personally. Then basically told her she needs to move on. I wanted to reach through the TV and shake him.


The baggage line rubbed me the wrong way.    For one, any person his age, who's dated at all has some form of dating baggage.  Not sure what virgin princess he was expecting to meet on this show.  Although she is obviously still grieving, I don't necessarily see her treating him poorly or being overly guarded because of it.   He's just insecure that he can't live up to ghost boyfriend.  

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38 minutes ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

I don't know, I'm not getting the same "Narcissistic Ryan" thing that everyone else is.  What I get is a guy who was kind of taken aback by the fact that he has to compete with a ghost.  No one told him about this.  Here's the reality about grief:  You're not over it in a year and a half.  You're really NEVER over it.  But NO ONE KNOWS THIS who hasn't been through it.  I was very hard on my mother after she was widowed.  She'd been miserably unhappy in her marriage to her second husband (who was a PRINCE of a fellow who ADORED her, but Mom didn't feel worthy of love so she spend 24 years trying to push him away) but after he died she defined herself solely by her grief.  I expected her to "get over it" because she'd been unhappy.  So fast forward, and then MY husband dies (Mom died a year earlier).  I've been determined to be Not Like Mom, and done much better at rebuilding a life than she did.  But what I came to understand is that there is a bond that transcends the unhappy times. 

Now we don't know what stage Jaclyn's relationship with her deceased boyfriend was, but my sense is that there was cohabitation, so it was pretty committed.  I'm sure she was lonely.  To be bereaved when any age is awful.  To have it happen when you're young is horrific.  I've known a number of young widows, and they just want the pain to go away.  I'm not surprised that Jaclyn did this.  She at this point wants the pain to go away and to go on, but she hasn't worked through the grief yet.  Maybe she thought she had, and has found with Ryan that she keeps thinking of him as Not The Other Guy.  It seemed like an easy answer without having to do the dating thing.

I think Ryan is doing his best to be supportive, but he's freaked out at having to compete with a ghost.  I don't blame him.  Of course he's awkward about it.  EVERYONE is awkward around someone who's lost the most important person in his/her life.  My own oldest friend said to me two weeks after my husband died, "You're such an awesome person, I know you're going to meet someone else" -- as if all I had to do was go to the Husband Shelter and pick out the one with the saddest eyes and the waggliest tail.   I think he's doing fine.  He wants to keep the communication with her open, but he's also feeling insecure about whether she is really ready for this.  It's all normal, as far as I'm concerned.

I think they were planning to marry? I get the sense that he was The Guy.

23 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Did Jepthe think he was applying for a dating show? He seems to be surprised that a married man is supposed to do things like share a room and a bed with his wife, discuss finances, and be affectionate. I felt really bad for Shawniece last night-she is trying maybe too hard and he is not trying at all. I don't know what he could even offer her as a husband. I can't imagine him wanting to go out to dinner or explore the city with her. I didn't get too worked up about his apartment,lots  of single  guys live like that-it seemed to be mostly clothes not actual garbage.

Jon seems like a really nice guy and I think he is handsome. Molly  is pretty but seems, I don't know brittle or something.I'm guessing Jon just gave his cat away temporarily while they see how this plays out. No issue with her having money for hair and nails, that is important to many women, including me. I wish she would  just try to  get know Jon without constantly measuring his worthiness.

I don't care for Ryan, but I have to admit his looks and personality are just not my type, he hasn't really done anything wrong. Jackie seems nice and I think she is trying but is having all kinds of feelings coming up  and she needs therapy (and not by the sex obsessed therapists on the show). 

He said exactly this, that the cat was staying with a friend until they figured out if they were going to stay together. I guess he'll re-home the cat if they decide to stay married? 

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1 minute ago, TattooFan said:

I was Team John until he sent Dawn to stay with a friend, supposedly temporarily.  ?

He gave the cat away and there was no mention of it from Molly as she was very busy packing her clothes up.  Cold hearted much?  I get upset just taking my cat to the vet.

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16 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

He gave the cat away and there was no mention of it from Molly as she was very busy packing her clothes up.  Cold hearted much?  I get upset just taking my cat to the vet.

I get "cold hearted witch" when I look at Molly.  I think Dawn would be better company than that woman.

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15 hours ago, izabella said:


I don't understand why Shawnice is so crushed by Jepthe.  They've known each other a week or so; she shouldn't have so much of her self-esteem riding on whether he is affectionate or not.  I could see her being frustrated or disappointed or angry at how he is with her, but when did she become so invested in his opinion of her that she's sobbing?  I mean, does she even like him as a person?   They haven't shown them to enjoy each other's company much, so I'd expect her to be more "whatever" about him.


She is not so much crushed by HIM as by the disaster her experience on this shit show have turned out to be. I am sure she had very high hopes and is giving it her all and she got stuck with a total and complete DUD. Now she is being rejected by the guy in her head that she was matched with by "experts" She is more upset that she is being rejected by the fantasy of it all, the chance that she could have a happy marriage. Then she is being plain rejected by the man they matched her up with, even if he is an ass, it hurts to be rejected. 

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It went from "maybe the cat can sleep in another room" to she's gone without even a thank you.  Molly's so boring.  Great body, average face - she's not hot enough to get me to give up a bad habit, certainly not my beloved pet. 

Sleeping on the floor, Jeff?  I stand by my earlier guess that Jeff has another woman.  Even if you're repulsed by her, just build a pillow wall and get some sleep.

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In defense for Molly, you could say "well, she's quiet and reserved and shy.  But when you think about it, she's not quiet and shy to request doing something about the cat situation, have her parking spot, getting hair & nails done, having lots of closet space or else she will freak out and take it out on him.  Also, she said he can figure out the financials.  I could see her being spoiled growing up and getting her way.  I haven't heard him expressing his wants and needs.  It's nice that she wants the $21OO dollar apartment when her contribution is $700.  I'm hoping Jon gets a job soon .. MAYBE then she'll have sex with him.

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If Molly wasn't skinny and pretty she'd never get the attention and respect she gets  now.  Her personality is a big dud, and over time it's made her less and less pretty.

I feel terrible for Shawniece now.  Jephte doesn't deserve an ounce of her efforts.  She should be just as hands-off and cold as he is and see what happens. At least she could preserve her dignity.

I think Jaclyn and Ryan are evenly matched looks-wise.  There's something about her face that is cute but not pretty. Ryan is decent looking but not handsome. And I feel for Ryan for having to deal with her dead boyfriend.  What is he supposed to say when she's crying? He expected to marry with a clean slate, with both parties 100% ready to commit. It's not his fault her boyfriend died.

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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:


I think it's the vibe she is giving off of not caring about what Jon wants or needs that is bothering people. And the vibe is that she's out for herself. At this point he's really trying to make her happy. She needs to get out of her own head and give a damn about her "husbands" happiness, too. 

Jep sleeping on the floor. Grow up, you manchild. Not picturing this guy as a teacher at all. And clean up after yourself! 

Jackie was not ready to sign up for this show. In retrospect she probably realizes it was a bad idea and she is still greiving. You have to feel a little bit sorry for Ryan. He didn't ask for this. I don't think it was fair of the coaches to not tell him before the wedding what was going on with Jackie's life. That's a huge amount of baggage and a big deal and not to tell him was cruel.  

Also, what kind of behind the scenes vetting does this stupid show do? You think they may want to ask in the interviews if the applicants are allergic or have a fear of dogs or cats or if they prefer to be matched with someone without pets? Having to find other accommodations for the cat was also cruel in my opinion. 

All of this convinced me that the whole conceit of this show is some serious garbage. If you’re really trying to match people up for long-term success, you don’t match a cat lover with a spouse who is allergic.  You don’t match a woman who needs affirmation with a man who is withholding.  And you certainly don’t cast a woman who is grieving the recent death of the person she considered to be the love of her life. 

Now, if the real point is to create maximum drama to get ratings, on the other hand ...

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4 hours ago, Yeah No said:

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Jaclyn's reaction to seeing her late boyfriend's stuff in the basement was totally understandable and could have been exactly the same if it had taken place years later.  Some reminders bring you right back into that head space for a time and it doesn't mean you're "not ready" or you "haven't moved on enough" for a new relationship.  

To me the fact that she has all of his stuff in her basement says she's not ready.  Does she think she will get married, have kids, and every time they move cart a dozen boxes of dead boyfriend stuff to the new place?  (For the record, I dated a guy with a dead wife once - won't do it again :(


45 minutes ago, Jazzhands said:

All of this convinced me that the whole conceit of this show is some serious garbage. If you’re really trying to match people up for long-term success, you don’t match a cat lover with a spouse who is allergic.  You don’t match a woman who needs affirmation with a man who is withholding.  And you certainly don’t cast a woman who is grieving the recent death of the person she considered to be the love of her life. 

Now, if the real point is to create maximum drama to get ratings, on the other hand ...

Well in season one they matched Jamie and Doug because he had a close family and she wanted one; they matched Cortney and Jason for similar reasons plus they both enjoyed dramatic hobbies;  Monet and Vaughn both SAID they wanted traditional marriage roles, although that turned out not to be true - and I enjoyed that season AND 2 of the couples are still together.  I wish the experts could do a little better.  (After all, they will still be Brave singles who have tried Everything to find love, marrying Strangers, when typical couples Know Each Other before the wedding and Have Sex on their wedding nights . . . etc. etc. etc.)

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3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

What does this mean anyway?  Who isn't a little "off?"  I think anybody who'd be on a reality show could be a bit "off" too.

They are probably all a little off. But from what I have seen, she doesn't appear to be able to read the most obvious signals and connect the dots. She also got very emotional about someone after a week. This type of behavior makes me think that she must have some serious self-esteem issues to keep trying with him. Yes he is her "husband" but this is kind of a gameshow marriage. 

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12 hours ago, Lily247 said:

Jackie so should have done this off camera, before she got herself married again, and maybe not with her CURRENT husband ...

I dont care for Ryan and I think Jackie seems like a cool girl but who clearly had no buisness doing this. 

So much this. Jackie is my favorite this season. She has a great personality and is easygoing without being naive. She notices things about Ryan but when keeps an open mind and pays attention to the red flags . I would totally hang out with her and Shawneiece. But she shouldn't be on this show. Dating in general must be tough for her. 

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7 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I have finally come to the conclusion, with a few others, that these six people were picked SPECIFICALLY because they all have issues.  Jacklyn .. Still grieving, Ryan .. Blabber mouth & hyper, Shawnice .. Needy and desperate for a husband .. Jep .. Immature, Molly .. Self centered .. Jon .. No job.  All these traits cause DRAMA, and that's what this show is about.  Sad, but true.

I'm not seeing Jon's issue. He lost his job  because of this choice to be on  this show. Not like he's chronically unemployed or unemployable - that would be an issue. Not saying he doesn't have any but I'm not seeing anything that looks like an issue. 

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I am positive it was Jon's Best Wo(man) who would do anything for Jon...taking his grumpy cat into her home means Jon will call her regularly... asking how Dawn is doing...

*sob*why doesn't he love me...Dawn...tell me why *sob*

Ow...Ow...Ow...Dawn, you scratched my face.....

Edited by humbleopinion
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13 hours ago, NoJustNo said:

It's just easier to refer to him that way. If you did go off on someone for referring to him incorrectly you'd look like a total trainwreck.  It'd be like "NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!"


Wrong... I refer back to the example I used of if my husband died. Would it be ok for my new husband (or anyone) to continuously say, "sorry about the death of your ex-husband". Uh, no! He's my husband who's now passed, my LATE husband. Try going up to a widow and asking her something about her ex-husband. Cuz, you know, he's not her husband anymore.... therefore must be an ex. 

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5 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

She is not so much crushed by HIM as by the disaster her experience on this shit show have turnedI out to be. I am sure she had very high hopes and is giving it her all and she got stuck with a total and complete DUD. Now she is being rejected by the guy in her head that she was matched with by "experts" She is more upset that she is being rejected by the fantasy of it all, the chance that she could have a happy marriage. Then she is being plain rejected by the man they matched her up with, even if he is an ass, it hurts to be rejected. 

That makes a lot of sense.  It's hard facing disappointing reality when it's nothing like what you imagined it could be.  I wish we could have heard more of that conversation with her mom.  We'd have more insight, but the editors wouldn't let us.   I'm guessing her mom warned her not to get her hopes up too high for a tv insta-husband. 

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9 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I have finally come to the conclusion, with a few others, that these six people were picked SPECIFICALLY because they all have issues.  Jacklyn .. Still grieving, Ryan .. Blabber mouth & hyper, Shawnice .. Needy and desperate for a husband .. Jep .. Immature, Molly .. Self centered .. Jon .. No job.  All these traits cause DRAMA, and that's what this show is about.  Sad, but true.

You're probably right about why they were chosen, but pretty much everyone has issues of some kind or another that can be exaggerated and made a big deal out of for drama purposes.  Jon's no job is a case in point.  The guy has degrees and is obviously a hot catch for any company, so I think it's a non-issue being made to look like one.

3 hours ago, princelina said:

To me the fact that she has all of his stuff in her basement says she's not ready.  Does she think she will get married, have kids, and every time they move cart a dozen boxes of dead boyfriend stuff to the new place?  (For the record, I dated a guy with a dead wife once - won't do it again :(

People deal with grief and bereavement differently.  Some people want to get rid of every trace of the person so as not to be reminded.  Others throw all the reminders in the basement and try not to think about them but if they do that it doesn't necessarily mean they aren't ready to move on.  Plus as others have noted, people don't ever really get over a death like that.   They move on with life while in various stages of dealing with a big loss like that and there's nothing wrong with that in my opinion.  Jackie is a young woman.  I don't expect her to wear all black and wait seven years.  Didn't I hear the guy's been dead a year and a half?  That's a long time to be out of circulation for a young woman in the prime of life looking to move ahead in her life.   I read that studies have shown that most widows and widowers start dating again after an average of 1.5 years.  I do think it's a lot to ask of a stranger to put up with the extra insecurity it might cause and  the added empathy it might ask of them.  They didn't sign on for that.  But seeing how Ryan reacted made me think less of him.

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10 hours ago, High Pitch Erik 12 said:

I'd have to respectfully disagree with you on Jaclyn and Ryan, she is way too attractive for him.  Like I stated in my previous post, her boyfriend died 18 months before the show started, I'd imagine she was grieving for awhile and didn't even really try dating, she could do A LOT better with a combination of traditional and online dating.

I agree with you that Jaclyn is more attractive than Ryan but even so something about her face bugs me.  I know I know I'm being shallow but I can't help but find her chipmunk cheeks and strangely thin upper lip in comparison to a rather full lower lip and huge teeth annoying.  And to make matters worse she tends to roll her upper lip up even thinner and her hairstyle only exaggerates her cheeks!

While I'm being shallow I might as well confess that while I think Molly is attractive, I find her way too tall and lanky and straight figured.  Even her face is extremely long and thin.  I caught a look at her rear end and it was really tiny for a woman.  Plus her shoulders are very broad and she's all arms and legs.  Not really my idea of the ideal shape, although I realize in our culture tall thin and blonde is always prized as ideal no matter what.  I personally think Shawniece and Jacklyn have far more beautiful figures.

Edited by Yeah No
Because it's "too" not "to".
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Definitely an eye of the beholder thing.  

Jackie and Ryan.  Two 4's.  He's a creepy little show boat termite, like Jiminy Cricket, and she's got mousy hair, giant cheeks, no lips, garage door teeth and a strange body.  

I think Molly is pretty although she gets hammered here for her eyelashes and bad skin.  I like that she never looks like an unmade bed.  Like, too, that she's tall and thin.  He's not scary looking either.  

I think Jephte is nice looking.  Shawniece has countless looks, some better than others.


Granted Ryan may not have signed on to be a grief counselor but he was acting like a douche canoe long before he knew of her story.  

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17 hours ago, SecretSK said:

They CAN work if he doesn't push her to stop talking about it, to just move on already, etc. Consider me doubtful.


As her husband, I don't feel he is obligated to listen to her grieving about her late boyfriend more than a little bit. If I were him, I would give her a hug, listen empathetically to her grief, then shake her hand and wish her the best of luck in her dating future. It's really not fair to him to have to console her for the loss of "the love of her life."

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5 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I agree with you that Jaclyn is more attractive than Ryan but even so something about her face bugs me.  I know I know I'm being shallow but I can't help but find her chipmunk cheeks and strangely thin upper lip in comparison to a rather full lower lip and huge teeth annoying.  And to make matters worse she tends to roll her upper lip up even thinner and her hairstyle only exaggerates her cheeks!

While I'm being shallow I might as well confess that while I think Molly is attractive, I find her way too tall and lanky and straight figured.  Even her face is extremely long and thin.  I caught a look at her rear end and it was really tiny for a woman.  Plus her shoulders are very broad and she's all arms and legs.  Not really my idea of the ideal shape, although I realize in our culture tall thin and blonde is always prized as ideal no matter what.  I personally think Shawniece and Jacklyn have far more beautiful figures.

I would describe Jackie as cute, not pretty. I think Shawniece is the prettiest. Blonde and thin will take you really far in America so I'd guess Molly gets a lot of attention but she has what my grandmother would have called a "boyish shape," which wouldn't do much for me if I liked women. :) She's probably really tiny - that saying about the camera adding ten pounds is true. 

I'm not attracted to any of the guys. Jon is not my type, though I appreciate that he takes care of himself and I certainly understand why other people would find him attractive. Ryan is average-looking. And it's becoming harder for me to separate Jephte's behavior from his looks - he's not a nice guy, and that makes him less attractive. I didn't find him particularly attractive at first anyway, and it's only declined.

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4 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

I would describe Jackie as cute, not pretty. I think Shawniece is the prettiest. Blonde and thin will take you really far in America so I'd guess Molly gets a lot of attention but she has what my grandmother would have called a "boyish shape," which wouldn't do much for me if I liked women. :) She's probably really tiny - that saying about the camera adding ten pounds is true. 

I'm not attracted to any of the guys. Jon is not my type, though I appreciate that he takes care of himself and I certainly understand why other people would find him attractive. Ryan is average-looking. And it's becoming harder for me to separate Jephte's behavior from his looks - he's not a nice guy, and that makes him less attractive. I didn't find him particularly attractive at first anyway, and it's only declined.

If Jephte was even a little bit interested in Shawnice, he would be acting like a whole different person.  I have notices when he is not around her, he can be pretty chill an laid back.  He is a quiet sort, but can be charming.  For example the way he acted around the guys compared to Shawnice in his Honeymoon.

I can not blame him for disliking his match, but I can blame him for acting like a jerk to her...he can at least be civil.  He knew what he signed up for and at this point he is probably just showing up for the pay check and because he has contractual obligations, otherwise he would be gone.

I feel bad for Shawnice...she seemed to really believe in the process.  She was very protective of him during unfiltered, so who knows, maybe these two crazy kids work out.

For some reason, I get the feeling that Molly is really not feeling Jon.  It's funny, Jon has really grown on me, but I really do not know what about him is making her a bit sour.  She seemed to have no issue with him being temporarily unemployed, so I really do not know what he did, besides joke around too much on his Honeymoon.

Ryan reminds me of a guy I dated.  This guy was all about making grand gestures and saying lines straight out of a bad romantic comedy, but when it came down to actually knowing me, he seemed to have a short attention span.  It like he had memorized the superficial qualities of romance, but did not really know how to connect with a woman.

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3 hours ago, Kareem said:

Definitely an eye of the beholder thing.  

Jackie and Ryan.  Two 4's.  He's a creepy little show boat termite, like Jiminy Cricket, and she's got mousy hair, giant cheeks, no lips, garage door teeth and a strange body.  

I think Molly is pretty although she gets hammered here for her eyelashes and bad skin.  I like that she never looks like an unmade bed.  Like, too, that she's tall and thin.  He's not scary looking either.  

I think Jephte is nice looking.  Shawniece has countless looks, some better than others.


Granted Ryan may not have signed on to be a grief counselor but he was acting like a douche canoe long before he knew of her story.  

I’m envious of her ability to transform herself into so many different looks.  I think she’s really beautiful, and a bit of a chameleon.  If Tyra taught me anything, it’s to appreciate one’s ability to change it up like that.  Smize, Shawniece, and while you’re at it, consider switching gears with Jephte.  Consider just backing off from Jephte and carrying on to get as much you can for yourself from this Radical Social Experiment without trying to get blood from the Jephte turnip.  I agree with the poster who opined that Jephte would be quicker to respond if Shawniece stopped trying so hard. Shawniece seems intelligent, has a good sense of humor, and has a lot to offer.  Jephte might realize this if he’s no longer busy trying to fend off her attempts to get closer. And if he doesn’t come around, well, c’est la vie, and there are many fish in the sea.

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The season's tease clips has  Shawniece exclaiming to her friends and family that she and Jephte did have sex...

Hopefully that means full contact sex and not some self love of herself in one room and his self love of himself next door simultaneously, involving an intricate coordinated effort and shouting directions...

 Long story short... she listened to him and waited for his baby steps to toddle over and finally come knocking on her bedroom door...thanks, producers/editors for killing the suspense

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