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Relative Success With Tabatha - General Discussion

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18 hours ago, dosodog said:

This is her first forum? Ive looked for Takeover but didn't find it. Is it under a different name? 

I believe this is her first forum.  Her last series, "Tabatha Takes Over" ended in the spring of 2013 and it looks like PTV didn't really get going until early 2014. 


18 hours ago, dosodog said:

I am just in awe of her.  

Me too!

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10 hours ago, ExplainItAgain said:

Ah, we're breaking the 4th wall now with the producer talk.

I think Tabatha did something to her lips.

Not as good as Tabatha's other shows, I might catch future episodes on demand.

I agree that it's not as good as her other shows. I just watched a bunch of repeats of her old stuff and was hoping this would be more similar. I guess I liked the increased drama of the takeover shows, even though it seemed fake a lot of the time. I'm fickle! 

I'll watch again next week, though. Sometimes it takes a few episodes for a show to find its footing.

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This felt very fast? Maybe because it almost wholly focused on the family's personal drama. I would like to see more of what she does to actually help fix their businesses. In this one, the graphic designer was the only real concrete thing and he didn't do much except collect their ideas. They didn't even show us (I don't think) the final logo he came up with. Meh.

I too thought she looked different. There was one shot of her in the car where it was very clear how much makeup they'd slathered on her face because they didn't blend it with her neck. 

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Well, I, for one loved this new show, because, Tabatha totally rules!  Personally, I think the Dad should have taken the 6 million dollar deal, but hey, that's just me. Tabatha did a good job working with that pizza family.   Oh, and yes, Tabatha has had some kind of botox or filler put above her lip, her upper lip is puffed out, you can spot it every time. Why do women do that to themselves? But her hair is still fabulous, as always. I adore her signature "do".

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I know I was probably supposed to come away from that hating the more opinionated of the daughters, but...I didn't?  Mostly because despite what Tabatha described as her aggressive passive aggression, a lot of her ideas were better than anything anyone else was coming up with.

She and her husband had a cute little bungalow, too.

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This was so dull compared to Tabatha's other show. I like her so I'll keep watching in the hopes that it gets better.

For the life of me, though, I couldn't do the kind of math where keeping the restaurants and probably working his butt off and hearing his children complain and disrespect his perfectly nice wife for 10 more years = $8 million and being fairly carefree.

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Yeah, I didn't get how this helped the dad out at all.  The kids had no money to buy him out and it said they ended up getting a "silent investor" at the end anyway--they should have gone with the investor they had.  He seemed like he really cared about the brand and I'll bet he would have been willing to work with them to make a deal.  It looks like they didn't even try to negotiate with him.

I thought it looked like Tabatha had her eyes done too.  Maybe it was just Botox.  

Glad she's back!  She's fun to watch!

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I love Tabatha too. I just watched the first episode of Relative Success.......I wasn't feeling the love like I did when she was focused on hair salons which used to be her area if expertise. This show reminds of the series The Profit". Although i seriously cant stand the guy who is "The Profit".

I hope this show is successful for Tabitha!  I'll continue to watch.

During the last season of her previous show, "Tabatha Takes Over", she did makeovers of other businesses besides hair salons.  I enjoyed the format of that show much more than I'm enjoying this new one, at least so far.  I thought the old format gave her a lot more to react to and work with.  It was in the genre of "Bar Rescue", where hidden cameras were installed to snoop on the business operations before Tabatha showed up.  We got all the creepy hygiene issues, code violations, drama-addicted psycho owners, lazy and stealing employees, lousy customer service and the complete lack of systems or procedures, among other things.  Then, Tabatha took away the keys and laid down the law in her own inimitable style (putting Jon Taffer to shame!). 

It looks like this new iteration will be almost exclusively about interfamilial business relationships and not so much about whacked out dysfunctional businesses.  I thought this premier episode was rather boring, the family wasn't even that interesting, and Tabatha didn't have much to do.  She certainly didn't have enough to say.  Her big contribution was the staged video reading of the dad's death statement, "Can't we all get along?"  And that fixed everything?  Seriously?

I want so much better than this for Tabatha, because she's so much better than this.  If the rest of the season unrolls in the same direction, it will be a one-season show, imo.  I'll watch the next few episodes and hope something changes...significantly.

Edited by SnarkyTart
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Christine (the opinionated daughter) had a lot of nerve trying to call out her stepmom about not being their mom and maybe not having a tie to the business. While her own damn husband is sitting next to her trying to be a part of the business.

I liked the show, but I'm also a Tabatha fan and will watch anything she's on. Hopefully we'll get to see her do some salons because that's her wheelhouse.

Not only has she done something to her lips but it looks like she had some work done on her eyes. They are pulled so tight. At one point it was almost like she had a hard time keeping them open. But she still looks good.

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I like Tabitha so I pretty much give anything she is on a chance. That being said, I thought she brought zero value to this family situation. I also think the dad was nuts to turn down that very sweet deal from the investor. The kids should have encouraged him to take the money and retire. They all would have still had their individual shops and it was way past time for all of them to make it, or not, on their own. 

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Really, does the world need more pizza parlors?" Pops", you were crazy to even discuss this with those bitter, unappreciative brats of yours. 6-8 million dollars is a pretty sweet offer and when you're in your late sixties,   and have worked your ass off to support those kids, it's time to take something for yourself! Its unlikely that they'll ever see that kind of money again. I think Tabitha should have been more insistent that the family was just being selfish.

Edited by Caseysgirl
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They made a HUGE deal out of Tabatha working with them for three weeks, but there wasn't a payoff to that.  In her previous series it was one week (with a revisit afterwards).  I felt like the one-week salon takeover shows (followed by her taking over other businesses) were filled with a lot more realistic drama and superior outcomes to this show.  Okay, the dad gave up 6-8 million dollars because his one daughter felt entitled to create her own mini-empire.  Why not help her develop her own recipes and business so that it would not directly challenge/compete with the business that he would then sell to the investor?  Win-win.  Instead, he will have to keep working and financially support the restaurants that the two daughters owned.  And, yes, the one daughter stated that she didn't think it was fair that if he died the step-mother would inherit it all.  You know that there are estate planning lawyers, right?  And a thing call a will.  Yes, in most states the surviving widow gets 50%, but there would still be 3-4 million that could be left to the children.  Better than a business that completely fails as the own loses interest or is no longer able to keep the hours or work ethic that he/she was able to do when younger.

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I love Tabatha and although this may not be my favorite show of hers I’ll watch it because of her. Maybe not the best use of her talents but hey, the girl is back and fierce as always. Why not do a more salon oriented show?  I want to see her tonsorial skills in action.

It would be fun to see her and Kim Gravel of Kim of Queens team up for a show. They both know how to bring the smack down to smart mouth little asses. 

I think the dad should have taken the money so I hope the kids don’t screw it up and make him proud. She totally needs to do a revisit show and see how these businesses are faring. 

14 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

They made a HUGE deal out of Tabatha working with them for three weeks, but there wasn't a payoff to that.  In her previous series it was one week (with a revisit afterwards).  I felt like the one-week salon takeover shows (followed by her taking over other businesses) were filled with a lot more realistic drama and superior outcomes to this show.  Okay, the dad gave up 6-8 million dollars because his one daughter felt entitled to create her own mini-empire.  Why not help her develop her own recipes and business so that it would not directly challenge/compete with the business that he would then sell to the investor?  Win-win.  Instead, he will have to keep working and financially support the restaurants that the two daughters owned.  And, yes, the one daughter stated that she didn't think it was fair that if he died the step-mother would inherit it all.  You know that there are estate planning lawyers, right?  And a thing call a will.  Yes, in most states the surviving widow gets 50%, but there would still be 3-4 million that could be left to the children.  Better than a business that completely fails as the own loses interest or is no longer able to keep the hours or work ethic that he/she was able to do when younger.

But the recipes they use are passed down from her great grandma and the whole deal is they use the old school recipe with ingredients shipped in from Italy.  It's what makes their pizza what it is and they are fairly well known in LA.  If I was her I'd be upset about the prospect of my family recipes and family name being sold off too and wouldn't want to open a joint that would be a cheap imitation.  

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I never thought I would write this about one of Tabatha's show, but the second episode about the jewelers was frustrating and boring.  I kept waiting for Tabatha's smackdown of Michael and his mother (for her very obvious favoritism and coddling of him) and...nothing...  I don't know why Tabatha isn't laying down the law to the business owners like she did on her old show.  It's almost as if she doesn't want to offend the business owners.

I will continue to watch, but I just don't have the joy in watching as I did for her Takeover shows (and yes, I still watch the reruns...)

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I liked this episode (the jewelry business) much MUCH better than the premier episode.  It was more reminiscent of the Tabatha Takes Over show.  Tabatha was given a lot more to do in this one than she was with the pizza people.  Though most of her smackdowns of the enabling mom and her twerpy son were delivered in talking heads rather than delivered TO the offenders, she did get a few confrontational bits in with both of them directly.  I loved that she gave Arthur a makeover, but that she couldn't resist grabbing the blowdryer from the hairdresser and taking over.  I also approved of the way she quickly spotted that Brian was doing the majority of the useful work while being undermined and unappreciated by his stepmom.  I felt that Tabatha's group interactions with the family served to elevate Brian's status in the family business, and that really needed to happen.  I still miss the hidden spy cameras and hope for their return.

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I watched both eps back to back.  So, is the theme of this show “Entitlled Brats & the Interloping 2nd Wives They Are Afraid Will Get All Our Daddy’s Love Money”?

The pizza kids were selfish, especially the mouthy “DJ”.  I bet once their new family plan gets up and running, and the stores are run more efficiently, Mouthy and her Rocker hubby will seek out investors.  Only at that point, her  investor will include her in the multi million dollar buy out.  I also wondered where the other 2 daughter’s were.  Joe said he had a son & daughter by his high school sweetheart.  We saw the son briefly.  He had 4 girls with his wife who died, and we saw 3 of them. Also haaaated the manufactured drama of Joe’s recorded “Final Message”.  

I didn't like Aida at the jewelry store.  She was kind of jerky for not letting the sons have some of their dad’s belongings....until cameras were rolling to capture the “emotionally healing” moment. And she will never stop making excuses for the son who thought he was soooo smart and better than the first set of sons. He is a pouty brat.  The older, bald brother made a concise, clean, clear presentation for a business plan.  Mamma’s Boy tried to use the 7 fancy business school phrases he read in Marketing 101 in his flop of a presentation.  Those fluffy run on sentences lifted from your professor’s text book may get you a good grade in school.  But when the rubber meets the road in the real world, your “education” will not fool or impress anyone who has worked in the industry and has acquired skills and experience.

This show doesn’t seem to have the same edge as Tabitha’s Takeover.  Her TH’s have some snarky comments, but she hasn’t been as confrontational with the family as she was with the salon owners.

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Now, episode 2 was definitely the Tabatha we know and love.  I wish she'd had more of a smackdown of the obnoxious stepmom, but I think she handled the mama's boy brother (who I will begrudgingly admit I thought was kind of hot) pretty well.

I may need to start incorporating the term "little fuckweed" into conversations.

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10 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I've used fuckwit for 20 years. I didn't get it from an Aussie; I had no clue they had anything to do with it. *shrug*

It does sound better with the accent, though. Go Tabs! 

Apparently, it is Australian. Although, I, like you, have been using it for decades and not learned from an Australian source.


Though Tabitha called him a fuckweed.

Aida was/is fundamentally terrible on a cellular level. Michael is an entitled spoiled P.O.S.

Edited by HunterHunted
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On 1/27/2018 at 4:16 AM, BusyOctober said:

I watched both eps back to back.  So, is the theme of this show “Entitlled Brats & the Interloping 2nd Wives They Are Afraid Will Get All Our Daddy’s Love Money”?

The pizza kids were selfish, especially the mouthy “DJ”.  I bet once their new family plan gets up and running, and the stores are run more efficiently, Mouthy and her Rocker hubby will seek out investors.  Only at that point, her  investor will include her in the multi million dollar buy out.  I also wondered where the other 2 daughter’s were.  Joe said he had a son & daughter by his high school sweetheart.  We saw the son briefly.  He had 4 girls with his wife who died, and we saw 3 of them. Also haaaated the manufactured drama of Joe’s recorded “Final Message”.  

I didn't like Aida at the jewelry store.  She was kind of jerky for not letting the sons have some of their dad’s belongings....until cameras were rolling to capture the “emotionally healing” moment. And she will never stop making excuses for the son who thought he was soooo smart and better than the first set of sons. He is a pouty brat.  The older, bald brother made a concise, clean, clear presentation for a business plan.  Mamma’s Boy tried to use the 7 fancy business school phrases he read in Marketing 101 in his flop of a presentation.  Those fluffy run on sentences lifted from your professor’s text book may get you a good grade in school.  But when the rubber meets the road in the real world, your “education” will not fool or impress anyone who has worked in the industry and has acquired skills and experience.

This show doesn’t seem to have the same edge as Tabitha’s Takeover.  Her TH’s have some snarky comments, but she hasn’t been as confrontational with the family as she was with the salon owners.

The pizza daughter is actually a successful DJ, not a "DJ".  I don't like EDM and she was kind of an asshole, but that doesn't negate her success.  I think as far as investors go,it said right on the screen at the end of the episode that they were looking for silent investors.  The investor the dad was talking to didn't want that kind of arrangement, he wanted to be involved.  Not sure I'd want to just hand over money and let a family of arguing fuckweasles run the show either.

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