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S06.E06: See You Next Tuesday

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Ugh, I hear all y'all about Brittany and how she gets what she deserves, but to me, it looks like a classic case of being in an emotionally abusive and manipulative relationship.  Smart strong women end up in those types of relationships ALL THE TIME and it's really not fair to blame the victim.  The way Jax is turning this whole situation around on HER and blaming HER... ugh, he's so disgusting!  And the fact that Brittany's mom isn't trying to save her from this disaster of a relationship???  I feel bad for Brittany because he obviously is controlling her to some extent.  I mean, think of all the times he's mentioned how he pays for everything and that she has everything she has because of him.  She probably feels trapped!  Watching this play out on TV and knowing they are still together makes me sick to my stomach...

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I am so over Brittany. I do not see how someone could put up with the crap Jax keeps doling out. I can see forgiving cheating itself. Things happen. It's not okay, but some choose to work past it. But to learn that your bf was talking shit about you right after he cheated? Oh hell no. I'd be running for the hills. 

Jax is so skeevy. What makes her love him so much? I'm seriously confused. And he just gaslights her at every turn. All of this is HER fault, because they agreed to keep their problems to just them. Well, you also (ostensibly) agreed to keep your dick between just you two, but that didn't really work out, did it? 

Jax is literally giving her NOTHING, no real concessions or promises. But she keeps taking his crap. Someone get that girl some help. 


I did love the shot of James RUNNING down the hall after Brittany went off on him. This show gives me so many LOL moments....

....Like Sandoval expressing his feelings via the trumpet. The fucking trumpet. I died. 


But wow, things have gotten tense with him and Ariana. Fighting in front of others is so awkward. Calm that shit down. I really think things are so tense with them because they're not having sex. I don't think people should have sex when they don't want to, but I'll tell you this - I can tell the difference in my marriage when we don't have sex for awhile. I think something happens physically between a couple, hormones or some shit, that bond you. I always feel closer to my hubby when we're more regular. 


Scheana's changing the story now, huh? First Rob would NEVER kiss another girl, he doesn't even LIKE kissing. Now it's - "he saw an ex, and picked her up and twirled her, and kissed her on the cheek, and maybe it went to the lips". What? Keep deluding yourself sweetheart. 


Patrick is back. Yay. I can't stand that dude. He thinks he's so awesome. "You can't control the rain". Oooooh, that's original. 

Schwartz knows what "mea cupla" means, but Sandoval doesn't know "obtuse". I was a bit shocked. 

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10 hours ago, bosawks said:

Tom’s panicked face totally looked like his inner monologue was, “Does obtuse mean fat!?!?!”

BAH!!! He totally wanted to know what it meant, but was too scared to ask. 


9 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Seriously.. what is Faiths endgame here? I’m.. confused about what she wants at the end of all this. 

I think Lala paid her off with some of her married man's money. 


6 hours ago, Brooke0707 said:

I thought Jax looked really disappointed when Britney told him she was giving him another chance. Like there could be a thought bubble over his head: “just what do I need to do to this girl to get her to leave??!”

1000% Stassi said it, either in this episode or a preview for next week, Jax NEVER breaks up with a girl. He's such a scumbag, but they have to be the one to finally call it quits. 

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What the hell, Britney?

Have we ever seen this amazing charm Jax is alleged to posses, at any time, on any episode, ever? If so, I must have missed that one. All I ever see is him treating his girlfriend like crap --  constantly talking about how it's his house and his money and how he pays for everything. Oh, and him telling her she's fat and sits around on the sofa and doesn't do anything, like make him a sandwich.  He is emotionally abusive I think. The blaming her for making a scene (and expecting an apology no less!) about the tape was classic -- there'd be no scene to make if he hadn't cheated.

Interesting that Stassi said he never breaks up with anyone -- his plan is just to be a dick so the woman will dump him.  How low is Britney's self esteem that she just takes that day after day. Their whole relationship is depressing.

My advice to Britney -- dump his sorry ass tout de suite. This, the name calling, critical, cheating Jax that he is today is the best he's ever going to be. It's only going to get worse. I doubt therapy, if he even gets any, is going to help much.

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10 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Seriously.. what is Faiths endgame here? I’m.. confused about what she wants at the end of all this. 

Fame and fortune in Hollywood?

8 hours ago, rho said:

I zoned out during all of that phone recording nonsense because I couldn't get past that rat tail on Lala's neck. Please explain

Lala has a rattail b/c Lala thinks she's a bad ass.

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Jax can screw Brittney's mom on Mee Maw's front porch and Brittney will still say "I'm a good Christian girl and must forgive".  Blech!

Edited by mytmo
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I would have never guessed that James and Lala would become my faves on this show! 

James was actually trying to protect Brittney ( swearing like a sailor doesn’t look great on her) but the girls were way too drunk to understand . 

Tom told Patrick he looked so New York and Patrick answered “ I am”......douchebag. Stassi looked mortified at that dinner. 

Ariana and Tom better have some makeup sex soon~ 

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I enjoyed James playing charades with LVP: rocking back and forth, holding his head. And Lisa asks, "What? He was doing sit-ups?"

It's a nice change that Stassi is being sympathetic and supportive with regard to Brittany's relationship with Jax, and not a sarcastic, smug bitch.

So Lisa and Ken have all these restaurants. Some posters here have mentioned dining at one or two of them, and have found the food to be average. Why are Lisa and Ken succeeding with these mediocre restaurants?

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10 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

Anyone who is not a famewhore would have shown Jax the door at the first instance regarding cheating.  He's a known serial cheater.  He lies as easily as he breathes.  The little conversation where he tries to blame Brittney for yelling at him?  Please, bye.  His shit would've been on the street.  I would've had all his shit packed the next time he left, and changed the locks.  When he came around drunk, banging on the door, which you know he would have done, called the police.  But no, Brittany thinks he is her ticket to fame, so she's not leaving him (yet).

Scheana is delusional.  She's making this guy into such a perfect person, when no, he's not.  He's clearly not that into her either.  What does she talk about - other than herself?  Oh, maybe smack talk about other cast members.  

I will just bet that Brittany's mom - you know the Christian lady, FOUR times married, who wears the teen-aged pink frosted lispstick (gagh), bee hive teased hairdo, and oversized gold drop earrings, .....I will just bet that she prods, coaches, pushes Brit, to hang in there with Jax and try and "turn" him into a good Christian man.  I suspect that Mama thinks Jax is Brit's ticket to fame and $$ and staying on the show. She thinks he is the star of the show. 

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I semi agree with what everyone is saying about Britt not wanting to give up that $$ and her place on the show, but I think they could keep Britt without being Jax's gf and she still do alright.  Better yet - give her her own show.  Maybe a dating show or something.  I think she is a beautiful girl and seems very well liked by everyone in the group.

I'm sure she does love Jax.  My friends and I have a saying down here - "when she get's her belly full, that'll be the end of that".  I just hope it doesn't take another hurtful cheating scandal to get there (and it probably will take at least one more if not more unfortunately).

Oh and I can't post without saying - I love Tom Sandoval - trumpet and all!! lol

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30 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

After those sterling imitations of Brit and Jax, James should have the permanent job of describing the previous night's party to Lisa.

His Jax was so spot on. Lisa was confused, "was he doing sit ups?" That is REALLY what Jax looks like when he gets pissed!!! 


11 minutes ago, metalchik said:

Oh and I can't post without saying - I love Tom Sandoval - trumpet and all!! lol

Same. If Sandoval left the show I don't know if I could go on. 

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6 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Same. If Sandoval left the show I don't know if I could go on.

Amen Sista!  I'd love a show with him as the main guy.  I don't care how he plays the trumpet or fixes his hair or what he wears....I think he is good hearted not to mention gorgeous!

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Scheana really seems to want to make this season about her relationship and the kissing rumor, but no one cares. I do hope this doesn't turn into the Jax and Brittany show, their relationship is depressing.  This show is supposed to be fun.

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36 minutes ago, Wicked said:

Scheana really seems to want to make this season about her relationship and the kissing rumor, but no one cares.

Wasn't it a hoot how she kept going around to different folks saying "everyone keeps talking about this rumor about Rob" and NOBODY was talking about it except for her lol  She's a mess and really comes off as desperate for ANY type of of relationship.  And I don't remember verbatim what Jen Bush said but it was pretty much "yeah the kiss was more inappropriate than what you would want your boyfriend doing".  That should say enough right there.

Scheana seems very shallow and doesn't come across as sincere at all.  

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I thought this was a very entertaining episode. I also think that what we are seeing this year from Ariana explains a lot about her to me, and makes me like her much better. She comes off as a smart (the smartest, right?), confident, savvy person, but really she's a big ball of insecurity. I always thought her anger and hatred of Kristin was a little much - she did cheat with the guy, and she won - but, I think she was intimidated/threatened by Kristin's confidence and over the top behavior. Now we are seeing that she questions her own behavior a lot, has these body issues, etc.

Also, Scheana, good grief. She's flummoxed by the fact that someone is spreading an untrue (in her view) opinion about Rob. She's always been on the spreading end of the rumor, not the getting end, lol!

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44 minutes ago, metalchik said:

Amen Sista!  I'd love a show with him as the main guy.  I don't care how he plays the trumpet or fixes his hair or what he wears....I think he is good hearted not to mention gorgeous!

I want a show with just the guys. I guess you could leave Jax out, since he's a disgusting sociopath, BUT.....James mocking Jax is too hilarious. The girls aren't always wrong or bad, they're just....boring. The dudes, and their interactions with each other, crack me up. Jax and James drinking absinthe. Schwartz painting Sandoval as an angry elf. It's all good. 

Here's an idea - put the dudes in a house and film them. Contingency, they can't leave. SO they can't fuck around and cheat on people and ruin people's lives, but we get to watch them be funny. 

45 minutes ago, Wicked said:

Scheana really seems to want to make this season about her relationship and the kissing rumor, but no one cares. I do hope this doesn't turn into the Jax and Brittany show, their relationship is depressing.  This show is supposed to be fun.

Actually, I think she just wanted to make it about her new relationship. I don't think she was expecting this kissing thing to come up and she's trying REALLY hard to do damage control. 

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

1000% Stassi said it, either in this episode or a preview for next week, Jax NEVER breaks up with a girl. He's such a scumbag, but they have to be the one to finally call it quits. 

Except that we've seen him break up with people. It's sort of weasely and passive. He acts like he's doing the woman a favor. He broke up with Laura Leigh after her AA meeting by saying she needed to focus on her sobriety. He broke up with Carmen by saying she was too good for him; she was. He said she needed to focus on school.

1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

So Lisa and Ken have all these restaurants. Some posters here have mentioned dining at one or two of them, and have found the food to be average. Why are Lisa and Ken succeeding with these mediocre restaurants?

Because they are theme parks/zoos/tourist attractions. People go to Villa Blanca hoping to catch a glimpse of one of the BH housewives. People go to SUR and Pump hoping to see the chucklefucks. And considering that some super famous celebrities are fans of both shows and sometimes show up to gawk just like the rest of us, LVP has 2 things bringing people to her restaurants--the chucklefucks and actual celebrities. This gives LVP no incentive to improve the food.

This is Jennifer Lawrence at SUR recreating the intro.


Here is a selfie of Scheana and Gerard Butler.

This selfie must kill Brandi. Gerard fucked Brandi and couldn't remember her name, but he asks Scheana for a selfie. Ha!


Edited by HunterHunted
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22 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I want a show with just the guys. I guess you could leave Jax out, since he's a disgusting sociopath, BUT.....James mocking Jax is too hilarious. The girls aren't always wrong or bad, they're just....boring. The dudes, and their interactions with each other, crack me up. Jax and James drinking absinthe. Schwartz painting Sandoval as an angry elf. It's all good. 

Here's an idea - put the dudes in a house and film them. Contingency, they can't leave. SO they can't fuck around and cheat on people and ruin people's lives, but we get to watch them be funny. 

Yes please!!!  Please LVP make this happen! :-) 

Actually, I think there are several spin-offs that LVP could make money with.  

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I can't believe I'm using a forum on VR to discuss the current women's movement, but here we are. First off, Jax is a POS. That being said, none of the behavior expressed by the women on this episode was helpful or healthy. Just because a group of women band together doesn't mean what they're doing is empowering. 


Brittany needs to leave Jax, focus on herself, find what makes her happy, then find a healthy relationship with a man where both parties are strong individuals. NONE of that was conveyed in this episode. Lisa told her she was pretty and should get revenge, the other girls thought yelling and screaming and listening to a hurtful message in public (while drunk) was what was best for Brittany, and Stassi implied that Brittany will only feel better when the NEXT guy starts treating her right. 


Making Jax suffer isn't going to make Brittany happy. "Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die." Revenge isn't the answer. Shaming isn't the answer. Fighting isn't the answer. Her leaving this toxic relationship (and possibly the group) is the only thing that can begin to make her life better. Ultimately, Brittany is the only person capable of making herself happy. Until she realizes this she'll be angry that other people don't provide her with what she needs. 


Oh, and nobody "deserves" anything. There are no guarentees in life. You make the best with what you have. Crying over unrealized expectations does nothing productive. It's amazing how all this people think they're helping her when really they're enabling her dysfunctional relationship. She needs to live her life realizing Jax may never suffer, feel bad, or regret his actions. 

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I only asked what faith expects tO get from this because this story isn’t a good one. Also remember Shay and his big story being that he’s addicted to pills? Which Schena admitted to putting out on camera because she caught him text cheating and wanted to hurt him like he hurt her? Good job faith. 

Anyways.. yeah.. I feel for Brittany but I don’t know what she expected. He’s never been a decent boyfriend to her, even if he wasn’t cheating before this incident(which is kind of a side eye from me), he’s always been an ass to her a lot of the time. Remember Ariranas birthday when they all went in the camper and at the restaurant and he started screaming at her and everyone at the table, including both the Toms were like “Jax you’re being a jerk”.  He’s never been great to her.

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Brittany’s dad must be ready to rescue her by now - she seems to have Stockholm syndrome, which is sadly common for the partners of personality disordered people - and to say Jax is disordered is being polite imo.

Edited by nexxie
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26 minutes ago, nexxie said:

But doesn’t Lala call everyone dude?

(Perhaps it’s becoming gender neutral.)

Yea, I think that's how she meant it. It's one of those things where you say something, then immediately think "shit,that didn't sound right...." But it's too late. 

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brittany doesn't want to go back to the farm,  so she decides to stay with the pig.  jax is getting old and puffy and greasy.  

people in their 30s don't (shouldn't) decorate by putting stickers on the wall.  

i thought ariana was cool and above all of this....now she's whiny and drunk and stupid like the rest.  i don't really want to hear about her body issues,  have a couple of kids...then maybe i'll give a little sympathy.  on second thought, nobody on this show should procreate.

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39 minutes ago, blondmommy said:

brittany doesn't want to go back to the farm,  so she decides to stay with the pig.  jax is getting old and puffy and greasy.  

people in their 30s don't (shouldn't) decorate by putting stickers on the wall.  

i thought ariana was cool and above all of this....now she's whiny and drunk and stupid like the rest.  i don't really want to hear about her body issues,  have a couple of kids...then maybe i'll give a little sympathy.  on second thought, nobody on this show should procreate.

So true - nobody on this show is even close to parenting material.

Brittany could get a compatible roomie and stay in Cali - so sad that Jax still has a hold on her heart and mind.

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8 minutes ago, blondmommy said:

she has lost her sparkle again. 

That sparkle is probably the reason Jax latched onto her in the first place - but he might be the kind of creep who gets off on destroying the sparkle/spirit in others.

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16 hours ago, bosawks said:

Tom’s panicked face totally looked like his inner monologue was, “Does obtuse mean fat!?!?!”

Add Jax's confused face when Lisa said mea culpa

Jax thought bubble: Is that something you spread on a sandwich?

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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

But doesn’t Lala call everyone dude?

(Perhaps it’s becoming gender neutral.)

I feel like "dude" has been gender neutral for awhile. I guess it depends on your experiences, but I know so many people who say that to everyone. Lala calls everyone "dude".

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I now understand why all of the girls love Brittany. The Jax/Brittany fights make their own men look less douchey.

Jax treated Brittney like garbage from the jump. He openly lied to Lala when Brittany was on her way from Kentucky and didn't claim Brittany as his girlfriend.

Brittany is under the impression that she needs to stay with Jax to stay on this show. She does see dollar signs when she looks at Jax, because of him they got a spin off. Even if it was a one season wonder - she still got paid for it.

I do see another season of them "together" with an extra helping of Jax cheating and Brittany staying with him no matter what (didn't Stassi do it for 3 seasons)

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26 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I feel like "dude" has been gender neutral for awhile. I guess it depends on your experiences, but I know so many people who say that to everyone. Lala calls everyone "dude".

Seems pretty common among hipsters on either coast.

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6 hours ago, Jel said:

What the hell, Britney?

Have we ever seen this amazing charm Jax is alleged to posses, at any time, on any episode, ever? If so, I must have missed that one. All I ever see is him treating his girlfriend like crap --  constantly talking about how it's his house and his money and how he pays for everything. Oh, and him telling her she's fat and sits around on the sofa and doesn't do anything, like make him a sandwich.  He is emotionally abusive I think. The blaming her for making a scene (and expecting an apology no less!) about the tape was classic -- there'd be no scene to make if he hadn't cheated.

Interesting that Stassi said he never breaks up with anyone -- his plan is just to be a dick so the woman will dump him.  How low is Britney's self esteem that she just takes that day after day. Their whole relationship is depressing.

My advice to Britney -- dump his sorry ass tout de suite. This, the name calling, critical, cheating Jax that he is today is the best he's ever going to be. It's only going to get worse. I doubt therapy, if he even gets any, is going to help much.

Yeah, well, Jax's usual M.O. to get a chick to dump him ain't gonna work this time.  I keep sayin' it, but it's so true -- Brit ain't goin' nowhere.  If she splits from Jax, why would they keep her on the show?  Oh, I guess they could keep her around, but she'd get no cam time & she'd be even nore irrelevant than Kristen or Stassi.

Nope, this one, he's gonna have to dump.  And btw, Stassi is wrong about this.  Remember Laura Leigh?  Maybe Brit will do sign language when she gets dumped, just like Laura Leigh so strangely did.

God, I'm so utterly sick of Brit & her screeching by now.  Aw, c'mon, Jax, dump her already!  Should be entertaining.  Then he could go cuddle with the Toms, like he really wants to do.

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Too. Much. Jax. Every. Season.  I mean, he's the only cast member to have his (fake) name in the title.  More than twice, in season 3.


Out of the 40 odd minutes, I watched less than 10, because it had too much Jax.  I know I'm not missing out on anything by not watching those parts.  I can always come here to get people's responses, anyway. 


Sandoval is expressing himself with his trumpet?  You don't even need to play the trumpet to know that what he did was disgracefully laughable.  They used the word obtuse in Shawshank Redemption.  Ariana may have gotten it from there.  And Jax not knowing what mea culpa means?  Obviously NOBODY is surprised.


No pity for Brittany, it's all her fault now.  I can't stand people who keep taking shitheads back and then crying victim.  My mother did the same thing with my father, not with cheating, but with abuse, and I had to be there to witness that shitstorm Every Single Time.  Then she would pick some bullshit to blame ME for it.  Nope, not buying it.


I actually don't buy that Jax's mother is as nice as she has seen to be.  I mean, Jax had people convinced that he's a good guy in season 1, so maybe she's the same.  She clearly failed miserably to raise a son with ANY form of decency.  Bitch, you raised a freaking sociopath.  If my son laughed about having stolen from his work and other times, I would be mortified.  I would be so ashamed of myself and I would do something spectacular to him to make sure he NEVER does that shit again.  Of course, in Jax's case, it's too late and there's no redeeming him.


WTF is this 'adulting' bullshit they're talking about, regarding Patrick??  He has a job.  Umm... yeah, so???  Actually, the only one who's being an actual adult are probably Jen and Jeremy because they have a kid.  Being a parent is what real adulting is, not sporting a disgusting man bun and having a job.  It's 2017.  Anyone can have their own channel and broadcast whatever they want.  Jen is a working mother, and she has better and more important things to worry about than spread false rumours about some dumb, self-absorbed bitch and a temporary guy she's banging.


Sheana's obsession with Rob and herself is irritating af.  It reminded me of Cady from Mean Girls when she said "I was a woman possessed.  I spent 80% of my time talking about Regina and the other 20% of the time, I was praying for someone else to bring her up, so I can talk about her more." - That's exactly what Sheana does.  Or more like 95% of her time talking about herself and the other 5% hoping that someone would talk about her, so she can go all apeshit and talk about herself some more.  URGH.

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1 hour ago, worleybird said:

I guess James picked See (C) You (U) Next Tuesday because RuPaul had Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent copyrighted?

His set is every other Tuesday and and see you next Tuesday is a well enough known replacement for saying cunt that he hoped it would be titillating and draw attention.


12 minutes ago, SarahPrtr said:

WTF is this 'adulting' bullshit they're talking about, regarding Patrick??  He has a job.  Umm... yeah, so???  Actually, the only one who's being an actual adult are probably Jen and Jeremy because they have a kid.  Being a parent is what real adulting is, not sporting a disgusting man bun and having a job.  It's 2017.  Anyone can have their own channel and broadcast whatever they want.  Jen is a working mother, and she has better and more important things to worry about than spread false rumours about some dumb, self-absorbed bitch and a temporary guy she's banging.


Going to have to disagree that having a kid is the only way to be a real adult.  I don't know enough about Patrick to know if he's an adult.  From what I've seen he is a douchebag, but the two aren't mutually exclusive.  I do agree that having a radio show doesn't make you an adult though.  I just do not agree that having a kid magically makes you one.  There are a lot of shitty parents out there that definitely are not adults (no matter the age).

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6 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

So Lisa and Ken have all these restaurants. Some posters here have mentioned dining at one or two of them, and have found the food to be average. Why are Lisa and Ken succeeding with these mediocre restaurants?

What people always forget to mention is that SUR smells awful. To be fair, I haven't been in a few years but part of the allure are these patchouli candles that smell like dirt. I honestly couldn't even taste the food over the earthy stench. Aside from the notoriety and celebrity adjacent element, people mainly go for the drinks which are surprisingly good. I'm pretty sure that's where they make their money because the food isn't great, but it's also not priced as high as nearby restaurants.

6 hours ago, metalchik said:

I semi agree with what everyone is saying about Britt not wanting to give up that $$ and her place on the show, but I think they could keep Britt without being Jax's gf and she still do alright.  Better yet - give her her own show.  Maybe a dating show or something.  I think she is a beautiful girl and seems very well liked by everyone in the group.

I'm sure she does love Jax.  My friends and I have a saying down here - "when she get's her belly full, that'll be the end of that".  I just hope it doesn't take another hurtful cheating scandal to get there (and it probably will take at least one more if not more unfortunately).

Oh and I can't post without saying - I love Tom Sandoval - trumpet and all!! lol

I'm still skeptical of their relationship. I think they started dating because Jax had something she wanted and vice versa. Now they've become complacent and are too lazy to even break up. I also think Britney really believes he is her ticket on this show. Going by the show's track record, all of Jax's ex girlfriends don't last past the breakup, even Stassi was off the show for awhile and she was there from the beginning.

But Britney isn't like the other opportunists. I think she's ingratiated herself into the group and the girls would stick by her. Lisa seems to like her more than she cares for Jax and she actually works shifts at SUR outside of filming. I think she'd still be on the show even if she wasn't "Jax's girlfriend" but she doesn't seem to see that herself.

It probably also doesn't help that she and Jax got a spinoff together. She probably thinks she can't stand on her own two feet because the lifestyle she lives right now is all intertwined with Jax. I mean, I don't know if I'd watch a show specifically about Britney but I do think it would be interesting to see what she's like without him. Or maybe her and Stassi together doing something. It's kind of cute how they seem to get along.

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