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1 hour ago, eclectcmoi said:

I'm not sure Dorit was cooking as much as she was just stirring up mess in a skillet and anyone can do that.  

I agree.  The passive aggressive digs are getting very old and IMO make LVP look small and petty.


I went on that link that you linked and it led me to google specifically "Real Deal Paul Kemsley". In the wiki for him it states that his wife Dorit is LVP's designer. I don't know what she designs for LVP unless it has to do with her Italian swimwear and resort line of clothes. I just thought that they were all acquaintances perhaps from back in their British days. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
Added a word for better flow.
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I am saying that Erica should get a horse! I hope she goes to the barn with Teddi.... horses do amazing things for people emotionally. 

Or she could get a puss to pat.   ;)  I find cats to be very therapeutic!  

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9 hours ago, Jel said:

And PK chiming in with his conehead story. When I tell an upsetting story I love it when someone relates something similar because it comforts me in a way and makes me feel like they can relate. I will do the same, with the intention of relating and making the teller feel not alone.

Jel, I didn't mean to sound harsh with my post about this subject, it's just that PK tried to relate something fairly benign with his experience to a very serious situation for Teddi & her husband.  He would've come across as sympathetic if his situation had been even close to similar with their experience, but it wasn't.   He could've still been sympathetic by simply saying that although he and Dorit didn't face what Teddi & her husband did, he can certainly empathize as a new parent as to how scared they were to hear that their newborn son was turning blue and had heart issues.  I find that most men are kind of inept in dealing with this kind of situation.  They just don't have in them to convey an emotional and heartfelt response - at least that's been my experience in dealing with men.  YMMV. 

I didn't mean it sound like people don't want others to relate similar stories, but in this case, PK had nothing of interest to add, IMO.     

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9 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

When Teddy’s husband Edwin was explaining what he does for a living, it looked like he stuck his hand in his pocket to pull out a fat stack of business cards, but Bravo edited it! 

Confused re: Kyle renovations- didn’t they end up moving?! 

Dorit and PK are getting a super thirsty edit this season. Dorit bought $ 19,000 worth of dinnerware to serve Moroccan beans and rice, and did not even wash the dishes before use. PK couldn’t have acted less interested in getting to know Teddi and Edwin. 

What a waste of money. Doridiot bought these dishes to show-off. YAWN!!! Her meal looked like CRAP. PK is an ugly, fat d bag with ZERO class.

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10 hours ago, ivygirl said:

On RHOBH I can’t remember, but from what little I’ve seen of NJ, they cook frequently, and I recall Shannon cooking a little for a party she had during her first season.


9 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

LVP brought her Crispy Chicken from V.B. at the ohhhh look at the ponies party. I do recall her cooking a dinner for her family. Jersey cooks and eats. I like that!  


9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

LVP gave Adrienne a cooking lesson in season 1; remember Adrienne washing the chicken with hand soap. And we saw Harry Hamlin cooking and baking last season. Dorinda makes it nice on RHoNY. Sonja loves a toaster oven. We've seen Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador cook on Orange County. Cynthia Bailey is the only Atlanta housewife I ever recall seeing regularly in front of her stove, but Phaedra did make peach preserves for her sip 'n' see. However, NJ is the show where they cook.

And, of course, how can we forget the MOST famous Real Housewife, Bethenny Frankel, who has cooked/prepared food a lot on RHONY?  

Also, I think I recall scenes with Kyle cooking dinner for her family several times (including the best dinner scene` ever, when her dog stole the baked potato!)  :-)

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Regarding plategate, did someone say the $19,000 was for a place setting for 4? Presumably since Dorito and PK have been together since 2012 or so, they have other dishes and didn't need to buy a $19,000 place setting for any other reason than try to impress Teddi and her hubby. Maybe PK is angling to get an in to represent JCM? Because he does such a stellar job with Boy (Who?) George.

I freeze framed the receipt as I thought it might say how many place settings the $19,000 was for. Oddly enough, the original price was $18,797, taxes were $1564.68, but then there was some kind of discount of $1879.70 bringing the total price down to $18481.98. The left hand column on the receipt was blurred, the right hand column with the numbers was not. So why was the left column with the word discount blurred? How strange. 

Speaking of strange, did Kyle and Mauricio put in those horrible black and white tile floors and leave the rest of the floors in the house as is? The floors they showed being ripped out on the episode were the dark brown hardwood, which can be seen throughout the house in the pictures from the link posted in this thread. And a lighter hardwood in an office, presumably a room that didn't get renovated previously. I personally hate black and white tile, good thing I don't have the interest (or money - lol) to buy the house. 

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14 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

did someone say the $19,000 was for a place setting for 4?

I believe they meant a place setting was $900,though they mispoke and said plate which is consistent with Hermes prices, so she brought a service for 20 with a few accessories.

Edited by biakbiak
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On 1/2/2018 at 7:19 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Yes and no. The USEF rule defines a professional as any rider who accepts renumeration for services, could be riding for other people could be teaching and or coaching students also. If you get paid to teach ride coach or show you’re a pro. You can be a pro and never ride for others you’re a pro because you just coach or teach and accept $for it. 

Remuneration:  something that remunerates : recompense, pay.  Sorry Alonza, couldn't resist the correction.  My boss used to make the same mistake in pronunciation.

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On 02/01/2018 at 7:51 PM, Martinigirl said:

Pretty sure the wine glasses are for red wine Dorito. #dumbassfaker

I use the same glasses for white and red. But I do use fluted glasses for bubbly( even cheap bubbly) lol..

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18 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

Just curious - but was this the first time you met your mom? On that Christmas? This was the case with Erika. Her father had never acknowledged her before, then at 25 years old invited her for Thanksgiving - which could be an exciting/emotional deal for a someone. Then went on to introduce Erika to his young daughter and tell her that she was his first/only child (something like that). I wasn't there, but it doesn't sound like a jokey thing that parents sometimes say to their kids, but a slip of the tongue by a dude who never really considered his daughter before. Erika was hearing in real-time the kind of thing he said to others. Casually telling the story of meeting his new wife and having a child with things like "well, neither of us had children yet". It would just hurt to know. 

The first time I met my mom was when I popped out of her.  She simply meant she didn't have any children living in her house and said it in a way that could have been offensive if I took it literally instead of laughing at her gaffe.  I wouldn't be surprised at all to learn that Erika's dad meant it in basically the same way, he'd never had kids in his house, and she jumped to take offense.  We've seen her over the top offense at innocuous statements before, so it isn't like it would be out of character.  I'm just not taking her poor me story without a grain of salt.  Some people do pretty well at convincing themselves that they had worse childhoods than they did - another thing we've seen Erika do (poor me, I had to cash a check).  My sister will tell anyone that will listen that she never had a home cooked meal or a birthday party.  One of my chores was to cook dinner, so I know she had a hot cooked meal almost nightly and I was at every single birthday party she had and know those happened yearly and were usually pretty good.


16 hours ago, renatae said:

I really dislike Erika, but it was like an arrow went through my heart when she quoted them, "Please don't send any more pictures of Erika." How cruel and heartless. Her mother really shouldn't have told her about that. She also was tact less to suggest Erika include pics of her dad in her book.

It's a third or fourth hand statement.  Not only that, but it is a statement that trickled through a family that seems like it might have had interesting dynamics and we don't know everyone's motivations.  I still feel badly for her because she is obviously upset over it.  I'm just not ready to write her dad's whole family off as cruel heartless assholes.  


13 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

LVP brought her Crispy Chicken from V.B. at the ohhhh look at the ponies party. I do recall her cooking a dinner for her family. Jersey cooks and eats. I like that!  

I was thinking of some luncheon where LVP was telling Roscio which dressing went on what, but I don't know if she made the food or had it brought in from one of her restaurants.  


10 hours ago, candle96 said:

I like Teddi, but I'm also over her discussion of money. She lives in what looks like a fairly nice house in BH, where even a "normal" house costs a fortune. Is it as lavish as the Vanderpumps? No, but she's still well outside the norm. And chose to live in BH.  I'm confused as to where her money comes from, if she really doesn't have a trust fund from her father. I suspect she's gotten some of his money in some capacity.


Not Beverly Hills and I think someone posted in another thread that the purchase price was only $1.8M, which isn't a ton for LA.  It was purchased a few years back when the market was lower, but that still would have just been a decent house in a decent area, not a BH mansion or anything.  I couldn't afford it, but I'm not mesmerized by their wealth. 


9 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Rats are not uncommon anywhere there are palm trees as well as lots of foliage.  I had a friend who lived in Palos Verdes in a very expensive home and there were rat issues that needed to be continuously dealt with.  I am not sure why they don't have regular pest control.  Where I live there were several homes that had them (we live near a creek and have loads of palm trees and hedges) but we never did.  Having 4 cats may have helped.  I have heard rats screaming in the night when a critter outside has found one to munch on.  I don't get skeeved out she had them, I get skeeved that it got to the point the rat/mouse felt really comfortable running around the stove.

I also live near a creek (a trickle in a cement lined channel because it's LA and that's how we do) in a neighborhood with a lot of palm and citrus trees.  My dogs just ran outside because they heard squeaking.  We keep traps and bait stations out year round.  Ugh.    

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Am I the first to think this? This is probably wrong, but just maybe Erika’s mom had an affair. It happened a lot back then. Maybe Dad didn’t think she was his. My bio dad thought that about me, but genetically I was his, no dna then, but no mistaking it, body wise.  No acknowledgment, no support, same stuff as her. Didn’t really meet him until I was 30. Thankfully, I had a great stepdad who raised me well. 

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8 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Remuneration:  something that remunerates : recompense, pay.  Sorry Alonza, couldn't resist the correction.  My boss used to make the same mistake in pronunciation.

My apologies to you MC for this correction  but this person's name is Alonzo

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8 hours ago, NeverLate said:

I use the same glasses for white and red. But I do use fluted glasses for bubbly( even cheap bubbly) lol..

I'll drink wine from whatever is around--coffee mug, Star Wars pint glass, what do I care? Wine glasses, much less ones specifically allocated for color, don't last long in our place. And, yes, that unfortunately includes the  so-called unbreakable ones. 

Did Dorit say something about not having nice dishes before? I'm confused about the speculation that she had no plates before these wildly expensive ones. Maybe she has 65 sets already but just wanted more for whatever dumb reason?

Edited by TattleTeeny
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20 hours ago, candle96 said:

I think their whole house is weird and cold. Has it been confirmed if they own it or it's rented? The whole thing just seems too empty and neutral. Methinks their fortune is a house of cards.


Apparently they own it, although someone said it is jointly owned with someone else. Not sure about that. It is on the market, and has been since the end of July, which is close to where we are in filming at this point in the show.  Kyle and family were in Croatia through the end of July. Mauricio is the listing agent. Originally listed for around $12 Million, it has been reduced to the $10 million dollar range. I wonder if this will be part of their storyline - the selling of the house? I am assuming not since they would have already started the process of deciding to sell and putting it on the market at the point we are at in the season now. 

Edited by gundysgirl
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Just now, film noire said:

Ha!  -- these dames should just use a straw ; )

I use a straw for canned beer, not that I drink it too often (because I have clearly already established myself as elegant, damn it!)--and not that these ladies would ever, haha! And you know those washable plastic cups that come with their own straw and screw-on lid? Well, I use them for any cocktail that's colorful and/or sticky! 

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33 minutes ago, sarivon said:

Wow. This kind of petty just drags the board down.

That wasn't put there to be petty. I did it so there wouldn't become a war of words and corrections between the two posters. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not petty and/or mean. I'm sorry that you took it the wrong way. 

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Same with what she verbalized about Kim. So when she throws out there that there’s coke being used by Dorit and her husband? I mostly believe it.

That's how I feel, when Kim said something about Rinnas husband, did he cheat, I think he did. Others have said rape.

Edited by NeverLate
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14 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

That wasn't put there to be petty. I did it so there wouldn't become a war of words and corrections between the two posters. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not petty and/or mean. 

You're not at all mean or petty.

Also (for what it's worth) everybody's right to some degree here, because although scholars (mostly) agree "renumerate" is a variant (by error) of "remunerate", the word was used in the past re: payment (as cited in the Oxford ED:"To number or enumerate again. In quot. 1656: to pay (money)again." (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/renumerate) ) so the word has a history of that usage. Don't know why they haven't just added it to the lexicon,  given how common the usage is, and given that other words -- like miniscule for minuscule -- have evolved over time).

IVs for everyone! 

Edited by film noire
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21 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

This is such a pretty image of LVP! She looks radiant. That's the perfect shade of pink on her. The dress is not bad. Her hair does not look dry.

I agree, hoodooznoodooz -- I think it's because she's relaxed, not posing and not trying to "be" La DivaPump.

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Am I the only one who can't stand Dorit?  I mean, first she denies ever calling Rinna schitzophrenic on the ferris wheel, then proceeds to say it AGAIN at dinner with Teddy?  WTF?  Then she goes along with Rinna saying it's going to be a fresh start, Rinna has been nothing but nice to her and she STILL spends much of the dinner party with Teddy talking shit about her, going so far as to act like Rinna insisted on making a toast and her bday dinner just to be tacky when we all saw that Lisa V practically dragged her up there to do it?  Give me a fucking break.  Her and her nasty husband are working my last nerve this season.  She also needs to dial it back about 20 notches when she greets her kids.  Why is she acting like she hasn't seen them in months every single time they enter a room? 

Edited by lezlers
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On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 10:35 PM, Pop Tart said:

I like Teddi too. She seems to actually be showing her authentic self. I believe that she can spend $35,000 for her kids’ school because she thinks it’s important and still be someone who’s frugal about things she has no interest in, expensive wine, gambling, diamond bracelets, etc. That isn’t a disconnect to my mind. Even in terms of the horse riding, she’s following this theme. It is very expensive to own a horse that is nerver going to win a thing, it’s HUGELY expensive to own one of the type she was riding. So instead of owning all that expense she’s riding someone else’s horses. Still costly, but not nearly as much as owning. 

Regarding LVP’S age? No way on earth is she only 57. No possible way. 67 maybe.

And I know I’m in the very small minority, but Lisa R. doesn’t bother me. She does go nasty at times, no question, but I feel like there’s generally a basis for truth in what she says. When she started that whole munchhausen thing about Yolanda she may have got the terminology wrong, but as a general idea (that Yolanda amped up the seriousness of her illnesses, and her family’s illnesses), she wasn’t far from the truth. Same with what she verbalized about Kim. So when she throws out there that there’s coke being used by Dorit and her husband? I mostly believe it.

I totally agree with everything you said, especially Rinna.  I've always liked her, despite not agreeing with everything she says/does.  I think she's a lot of fun.  I'd much rather watch her (although I can't stand her spoiled kids) than Dorit's constant putting on of airs.

On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 0:31 AM, MsTree said:

I, for one, enjoyed hearing about Erika's past with her father. I don't think she was whining at all. She is writing a book with the help of (forgot his name), and he was actually ASKING her questions about her father.

Also, because Erika is a private person, she may not have talked about her father to anyone outside her own family. I think it's good that she's opening up. Previously, folks (or previously folks) were saying she's "closed off" and "difficult to understand". Well, now she's talking about things that affected her and who she is/became.  Kudos to you Erika for sharing your painful past with us.

I agree.  Erika is damned if she does/damned if she doesn't.  If she doesn't talk about her past she's too closed off and not authentic.  But when she does she's boring.  She can't win with some people.  I can't imagine sitting down with my father and him saying he never had kids.  WTF?  Or hearing that he sent back pictures of her growing up because he didn't want to see them.  That kind of shit affects a child and changes the person they become.  I think it explains a lot about her.

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13 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The first time I met my mom was when I popped out of her.  She simply meant she didn't have any children living in her house and said it in a way that could have been offensive if I took it literally instead of laughing at her gaffe.  I wouldn't be surprised at all to learn that Erika's dad meant it in basically the same way, he'd never had kids in his house, and she jumped to take offense.

This analogy still doesn't really work for me. Because your mother ostensibly didn't have kids in her house because they were grown. If Erika's dad said it that way, he didn't have previous kids in his house because he ran out on her. Big difference. I really do believe he likely said it an offhand way, because he'd spend so many years ignoring her presence. I don't think he intentionally meant to hurt her, but hurtful it was. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

That wasn't put there to be petty. I did it so there wouldn't become a war of words and corrections between the two posters. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not petty and/or mean. I'm sorry that you took it the wrong way. 

^THIS. You did NOTHING wrong!!!

1 hour ago, lezlers said:

Am I the only one who can't stand Dorit?  I mean, first she denies ever calling Rinna schitzophrenic on the ferris wheel, then proceeds to say it AGAIN at dinner with Teddy?  WTF?  Then she goes along with Rinna saying it's going to be a fresh start, Rinna has been nothing but nice to her and she STILL spends much of the dinner party with Teddy talking shit about her, going so far as to act like Rinna insisted on making a toast and her bday dinner just to be tacky when we all saw that Lisa V practically dragged her up there to do it?  Give me a fucking break.  Her and her nasty husband are working my last nerve this season.  She also needs to dial it back about 20 notches when she greets her kids.  Why is she acting like she hasn't seen them in months every single time they enter a room? 

I can't stand Doridiot or her slime ball husband.

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12 hours ago, AntAnn said:


That fiasco in Dubai?

I was sarcastically referencing all of the fantasias that Erika peddled in Hong Kong (the nonsensical fiction that Dorit and PK were somehow maligning her as a "whore" to Tom's professional milieu; the nutty meltdown over something Eileen very demonstrably did not do) because her account of her childhood and relationship with her biological father is not couched in a record of reliable narration. She has made up bizarre and illogical yarns regarding her relationships with the other women on the show in order to portray herself as a victim. 

Then there were the horrific examples she provided to illustrate how her mother's single parenting required her to grow up earlier than she should have: how did she ever recover from being tasked as a child with cashing a check or buying groceries? 

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5 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

Apparently they own it, although someone said it is jointly owned with someone else. Not sure about that. It is on the market, and has been since the end of July, which is close to where we are in filming at this point in the show.  Kyle and family were in Croatia through the end of July. Mauricio is the listing agent. Originally listed for around $12 Million, it has been reduced to the $10 million dollar range. I wonder if this will be part of their storyline - the selling of the house? I am assuming not since they would have already started the process of deciding to sell and putting it on the market at the point we are at in the season now. 

PK has an invesrment stake in the house which is owned by another sleaze ball coke head. 

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23 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

PK has an invesrment stake in the house which is owned by another sleaze ball coke head. 

Tell us more! Please! I'll make and drink a special Martini in your honor. 

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

This analogy still doesn't really work for me. Because your mother ostensibly didn't have kids in her house because they were grown. If Erika's dad said it that way, he didn't have previous kids in his house because he ran out on her. Big difference. I really do believe he likely said it an offhand way, because he'd spend so many years ignoring her presence. I don't think he intentionally meant to hurt her, but hurtful it was. 

Thanks. I didn't get it either, but this often happens to me.

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6 minutes ago, gundysgirl said:

Tell us more! Please! I'll make and drink a special Martini in your honor. 

Thanks. I didn't get it either, but this often happens to me.

:) I hope it's Grey Goose :)

An entity tied to Nazarian purchased the Italianate Villa home at 1404 Dawnridge Drive in September 2016 for $6.5 million, and listed it last week for $12.7 million. Kemsley — who sold many of his holdings after hitting bankruptcy in 2009 — invested an unknown amount in the estate, and is now selling it in a JV with Nazarian. (Nazarian is an admitted coke head)

KungFuBnny posted the rest of the story above ^^^^

Edited by Martinigirl
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12 minutes ago, tvfanatic13 said:

I never minded Dorit... until she started talking smack about Rinna right after calling a truce. And I am not a fan of Rinna. 

BUT....."She  is going to be the nicest fuc#ing Lisa Rinna you've ever seen!"

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On 1/3/2018 at 6:46 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

I read some of the earlier comments before I actually watched the episode, so laughed at Dorito's reaction to Jagger showing up at her birthday party. The comparison of Lassie rescuing Timmy from the well was spot on. I really think Dorito's reactions to seeing her children are so OTT because they are trotted out for filming, and other than that, the nannies see them way more than she or PK do. 

When Dorito returns the $19,000 china they need to invest in some table manner lessons for PK. He was eating his salad while Dorito was still dishing up the main course. Then while eating the main course he was shoveling it in his mouth with the fork in his right hand, then switched to shoveling it in with his left hand while loading the fork with his knife, all the while dropping bits of it back onto his plate when he missed his mouth. Had I been sitting opposite PK, I would have lost my appetite. Speaking of losing my appetite, the dish Dorito made looks like the dog food we are feeding our friend's dog that we are pet sitting. Even he won't eat it unless we add some chicken to made it more palatable. 

Love that Teddy gives instructions to wear closed toed shoes and LVP (who should know better) and Dorito (who knows nothing) show up in sandals. And yes, while I thought LVP looked fine in Vegas compared to Dorito and Erika (while shopping) the pink and black outfit was horrendous. Not to mention she was wearing a belt on pants with no loops, so when she was sitting it rode up her backside. I am three years older than LVP and she looks a good decade older than I do. 

Edited to add - I didn't think Erika's correction of Teddy's husband was all that odd. Especially since his father in law really is a singer, so to me Erika was deferring to the fact that she really is a performer, not a singer. (Though having seen Mellencamp in concert, he is a pretty amazing performer as well). 

Oh, and one final thing. Just because I have a uterus Teddy, doesn't mean one of my jobs is to have children. I chose what my jobs are, and that isn't/wasn't one of them. 

ITA! I like the fact that Erika sort of lets us in on the joke. She doesn't pretend to be something she's not. I also enjoy seeing what she's going to come up with, outfit wise. Her concert goers must love it! Dressed down and dressed OTT plays to both of her audiences. Smart lady.

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2 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

I never minded Dorit... until she started talking smack about Rinna right after calling a truce. And I am not a fan of Rinna. 

I thought it was dumb too. Rinna is so fundamentally messy and hateful that she'll hang herself. All Dorit has to do is wait. Just wait because Rinna will fuck up eventually. She can't help but be messy. Teddi will be too trusting of Rinna and reveal something like her feelings about Erika. Rinna will play runteldat. Feud with Erika and Teddi.

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On 1/4/2018 at 2:57 AM, renatae said:

On the first episode, I wanted to barf every time Teddi mentioned money (and it seemed to me she was bragging that she had it) and I lost count how many times she said her father was Mellencamp. Little by little, she seems to find something else to boast about so I may wind up liking her.

I don't mind her too much but I think she's pretty good at the humble-brag ("I'm sooo not into keeping up with the Joneses - one Cartier bracelet is enough for me"  - I am paraphrasing because I myself am not so good at it :). I thought her husband was kind of strange looking last week, but he seems nice and so his looks are growing on me.


On 1/4/2018 at 11:00 AM, gundysgirl said:

I think this could be right. That she wanted to show up for the moment and make it nice. I guess the surprising part is that someone who apparently has this much money (PK telling her to not spend more than one million in Vegas) had to go and buy some nice china for a small dinner party. You would have thought that a person so interested in appearances, and who entertains as much as they do, would have already had something very nice for the occasion. That if it was important to her, that it would have been important before? But it could also just be that there is something about her/them that doesn't ring true to me and I am fishing. I have been known to do this! 

Remember her first dinner party last year - she explained to us at length about how she is a stickler for every single detail, and this was the exact opposite of someone like that.  Casual dinner for 4 friends on a patio should be with her casual/patio china, and informal, low floral centerpiece with some votives around it, etc.  Instead we get super-expensive brand new china that doesn't fit the event, and as others have pointed out, absolutely no effort at all to make a lovely table setting out of it.  That to me is what screams "I'm just showing off" - and IMO she got it as wrong as her outfit at the horse show.  I'm glad it was delicious.

As far as Jagger goes - he is darling, but I'd be pissed if someone ruined my adult birthday dinner by showing up with a toddler - even my own :). Where he belonged was singing Happy Birthday to mommy with his dad and his sister in front of the little cake - that is what he would have enjoyed more too, I'd bet.  But I guess he was getting his rest before cocktail hour.

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4 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

:) I hope it's Grey Goose :)

An entity tied to Nazarian purchased the Italianate Villa home at 1404 Dawnridge Drive in September 2016 for $6.5 million, and listed it last week for $12.7 million. Kemsley — who sold many of his holdings after hitting bankruptcy in 2009 — invested an unknown amount in the estate, and is now selling it in a JV with Nazarian. (Nazarian is an admitted coke head)

KungFuBnny posted the rest of the story above ^^^^

This is very interesting. I remember when Dorito and PK first joined the show, they were in a couple of different magazines and the house was definitely described as a rental. That makes perfect sense, since last season would have been filmed in spring/summer of 2016, airing December 2016 to April 2017. So PK's partner (or someone) bought the house near or after filming of season 7 concluded, in September of 2016. He then (for some strange reason) spent a few months renovating, thereby necessitating Dorito and PK to move to Florida while it was being carried out. Seems like the (actual) owner may have bought it to flip since he is asking almost double what he paid 15 months ago. In any case Dorito and PK return to the house for filming of this season, where Dorito talks about all the renovations "they" did to the house. I guess in future episodes we can hear how "they"have  decided to put the place up for sale, where in reality the house is pretty much owned by someone else. Not a surprise. I wonder if the real owner also bought the china - lol. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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