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Unspoiled Spec: "$40k, someone long dead is resurrected."

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I can't imagine Helena won't pop up at least once before TG leaves, given that she's is one of the pivotal women in Luke's life. Maybe this will finally be Helena's swan song, too. She hasn't done anything worthy since she offed Cassandra in front of Ethan. As much as I love Constance Towers, it's time for Helena to be gone for good. 

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Because this is Ron we're talking about, and he went through the trouble of making Dante's affair be with a Spencer, I'm going with the following speculation:


- Valerie gets pregnant.

- There will be many lies and cover ups about the pregnancy.

- Rocco gets sick and needs blood transfusion, bone narrow, etc. Take your pick.

- Lulu remains clueless while remarking on the great coincidence that Val is a near perfect match.

- Lulu will attempt to bond with her new bff Valerie, while Valerie makes pained faces.

- Ron will plan a public reveal, intended to inflict the greatest humiliation possible on Dante, at the christening of the baby that will be held on the Haunted Star.   Lulu will insist on hosting it.


- Ron will be replaced as head writer before said public reveal.  He'll tweet the outline instead.

  • Love 6

If there's a new head writer, I predict that AJ Quartermaine will return, Roger Howarth will be a different character, and there will be recasts. Ron will also lose his shit, which will be awesome. But with the new hot Billy Miller /KeMo couple irl, I think he will stay. He stayed way too long at Y&R for Jessica Collins.

  • Love 2
- Valerie gets pregnant.

- There will be many lies and cover ups about the pregnancy.

- Rocco gets sick and needs blood transfusion, bone narrow, etc. Take your pick.

- Lulu remains clueless while remarking on the great coincidence that Val is a near perfect match.



I'm going to go with "Rocco needs stem cells and Val's baby is, naturally, a perfect match." 

  • Love 3

Everyone in town will know Jake is Jason except Jason, Sam, Monica, Michael and Carly. When they find out, there will be no comeuppance because none of them will have the endurance to beat the entire town's collective asses.

It's seriously hilarious to me that out of everyone, Robin was the only one who truly cared about Sam. Robin. They shared maybe 4.5 scenes.

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I have one more fearless prediction. I predict that, despite the grand Tony Geary send off and parade of characters from Luke Spencer's past, the 18-49 demo will, for the first time in this show's history, fall below 500,000.  


Because no matter how many 35+ somethings they bring back this summer to see Laura, Lucky, et. al., it will not counterbalance the Summer of Suck™ that will be these featured storylines:


A)  Nina and Franco aping in front of the camera;


B)  12 weeks of Ava masquerading as Denise until someone finally snatches that damn wig off her head (I didn't watch any of the exposition -- did they actually show her dying her hair and synthetic-sizing it to make it look like it does?); and


C)   12 more weeks of near Jason reveals.


I predict a very bleak summer ahead.


Damn, did I underestimate just how bad the ratings would get this summer.

I seem to remember it being January when he announced his last contract renewal on Twitter.  Maybe that's when this one runs out?


Can't he (please!) have a clause in the contract that says he can be dumped if ratings slide consistently past a certain point into the sewer?  I'm not sure I can hold out until January.

I don't know about that bet per se, but I am curious about your timing.

I dunno.  I debated between October and January, once I decided that it was ok to think that it would happen at all (that was the hardest point to arrive at).   It all comes down to:


1) Jan was when he started on GH, I thought. And they're cheap enough to ride out the contract rather than paying 2 head writers.


2) It always takes longer than one thinks it should.  And it's to the point where it should be happening now.


3) I think that they may be slowly turning the reins over to Passanante (I know, I know).


4) If it's this fall, I'll be pleasantly surprised.


Look, I know we'll likely get someone just as bad -- on screen.  But there is no way, possible, that we'll get someone as egotistical and condescending as he is to the fans on twitter. Provoked, sometimes (even often), or not. So, it'll still be a good day.

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Jean Passanante would be worse IMO, and far more boring.


I will say I heard these same ideas when she came back to OLTL - people thought she would replace him and edge him out, but no, she didn't, she was just his second, in her usual role. (Brian Frons did, OTOH, allegedly try to replace him with Gary Tomlin after the writer's strike.)


It could happen here, because this is a very different situation, but I think she's mostly here to do what she's done before with Ron, and because Y&R cast her out. She simply went back to where she was wanted and needed. Whether she replaces him if he is dismissed is another story altogether, IMO. I hope it's almost anyone else, or that it's a co-head, but it still shouldn't be her.

Edited by jsbt
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Jean Passanante would be worse IMO, and far more boring.


I will say I heard these same ideas when she came back to OLTL - people thought she would replace him and edge him out, but no, she didn't, she was just his second, in her usual role. (Brian Frons did, OTOH, allegedly try to replace him with Gary Tomlin after the writer's strike.)


It could happen here, because this is a very different situation, but I think she's mostly here to do what she's done before with Ron, and because Y&R cast her out. She simply went back to where she was wanted and needed. Whether she replaces him if he is dismissed is another story altogether, IMO. I hope it's almost anyone else, or that it's a co-head, but it still shouldn't be her.

Well, I may have to go buy a game of Monopoly and pony up, then.


Committing to speculation like this, or that Fluke is Bill Eckert, or that Sloane is the one who really killed Duke, is about the only investment I can have in this show. Lord knows I'm not tuning in on a daily basis to find out whether Julian is eating carbs.  I gotta make it a little exciting.

Edited by Francie
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The rumor of the moment is that

fuckin' Sloane worked on behalf of Nikolas to mastermind the entire Lucky kidnapping/Frank Smith caper in order to bring Jake back to Elizabeth,

so there's that!

If that rumor is true ... Yes, by all means, let's make these now related stories even more convoluted and ridiculous.

The Jakeson and Luke's exit stories are like that old horror movie the Blob. They just keep swallowing up characters in a slimy mass. Now apparently the Jakeson blob has swallowed the Luke blob. I assume the slimy mass of Franco, Nina, and Ric will also get subsumed at some point ...

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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In terms of Ron and Frank creations I think Franco, Nina, Ava, Silas, Kiki, Obrecht, Madeline, Valerie, Julian, and maybe Nathan are all in jeopardy. I have no real issue with any of them going at this point. I also worry about Anna, Laura, etc.'s futures. I think Sabrina could easily hit the dust without Ron, though I like the Michael/Sabrina romance - it wouldn't change the world if it ended, though.


I'd also cut Jordan, and some others.

Edited by jsbt

I think you got to clear out the major players in the Francs and Neens Variety Hour - Franco, Nina, Donna Mills, Ric (sorry Rick Hearst, but I'd send Mr. Lansing out of town to return another day), AvaDenise, Silas, Kiki, and (oh it pains the last bit of me that loves her) Obrecht.  Not that I love Bryan Craig or anything, but Morgan will probably live to see another story.


Because they're all isolated pretty much in that one story, it'd be easy enough to clear them out - deaths, psych wards, jail, moving away.

Oh, also?  Sloane.  Sloane HAS to be history.  He's already gone missing, leave him on the side of the milk carton.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

Oh yeah, the murder mystery stuff.  That could definitely be Ric, or someone else in this story.


I'd say Sabrina and Nathan are safe for the moment, at least until new options appear for Maxie (no Spinelli!) and Michael.  


I'd say Felix is dunzo.  Lucas and Brad, a big question mark.

Edited by TeeVee329

Oh yeah, the murder mystery stuff.  That could definitely be Ric, or someone else in this story.


I'd say Sabrina and Nathan are safe for the moment, at least until new options appear for Maxie (no Spinelli!) and Michael.  


I'd say Felix is dunzo.  Lucas and Brad, a big question mark.


I think with Nathan they will probably keep him, but his future will depend on how he pulls it off if they actually give him a story that requires a bit more drama than what he's done so far.

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