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S06.E09: Irreconcilable Differences

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm a little confused about this situation - when WD and his daughter showed up at his apartment at the end, she didn't have any suitcases with her, so I thought maybe it was just a visitation thing. But then Rene mentioned the sunflowers and wanting her to feel like this was home (which could just be because she's going to come back and live with him again at some point), but then she asked if she was going to have to leave again, which indicates that she's back with Rene permanently? 

He hasn't testified yet - did Watson just give him his kid back before he did the thing he was supposed to do to get her?

Watson’s probably holding it over his head that she can have Zoe taken away from him whenever. 

Which I don’t think an FBI agent should actually be able to do, but whatever. 

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm a little confused about this situation - when WD and his daughter showed up at his apartment at the end, she didn't have any suitcases with her, so I thought maybe it was just a visitation thing. But then Rene mentioned the sunflowers and wanting her to feel like this was home (which could just be because she's going to come back and live with him again at some point), but then she asked if she was going to have to leave again, which indicates that she's back with Rene permanently? 

He hasn't testified yet - did Watson just give him his kid back before he did the thing he was supposed to do to get her?

I assume he's agreed and Watson would have the preliminary testimony already recorded.  Cause yeah, it seemed Zoe was permanently home.  I really hope Oliver fires his ass so he no longer is gainfully employed.  

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm a little confused about this situation - when WD and his daughter showed up at his apartment at the end, she didn't have any suitcases with her, so I thought maybe it was just a visitation thing. But then Rene mentioned the sunflowers and wanting her to feel like this was home (which could just be because she's going to come back and live with him again at some point), but then she asked if she was going to have to leave again, which indicates that she's back with Rene permanently? 

He hasn't testified yet - did Watson just give him his kid back before he did the thing he was supposed to do to get her?

I’m confused too but I took the deal as “we don’t out you as WD, you get immunity for your crimes so you don’t end up in jail and can see your daughter again if you testify against Oliver.” This is the only way it makes sense to me. The only thing they can threaten him with is his crimes and because of them they (well not the FBI, lol, the judge) could take his daughter away from him permanently but until the trail, since they don’t want to arrest him, I don’t think they can do anything.

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37 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I assume he's agreed and Watson would have the preliminary testimony already recorded.  Cause yeah, it seemed Zoe was permanently home.  I really hope Oliver fires his ass so he no longer is gainfully employed.  

Yeah, Watson likely would have already recorded some sort of preliminary testimony to ensure his cooperation, and then she gave Zoe back as some sort of "reward" and to keep him compliant. Which, you know, it does suck for Rene. I disliked how he handled things in the second half of this episode, but he got manipulated by FBI Lady pretty hard. I highly doubt they had enough evidence against Oliver if they need Rene's testimony. Too bad Rene didn't have an attorney smart enough to let him know this. Also, as much as I disliked how Rene never fought for his daughter until Oliver convinced him to, I can see why he did what he did. 

He really should have talked to Oliver first, though. He knows Oliver could have found a way to help him out. 

I liked the episode. It was not the best midseason finale they've done, and I couldn't care less about Nope Team Arrow (I'd rather Original Teen Arrow of Roy, Thea, and Sin), but there were some fairly decent moments. I loved the wedding reception. It's so rare to see everyone hanging out and happy. It was nice to have a nice, happy, bright set for once. Now, after reading all of @quarks's posts, I don't think I was paying attention enough to see if it's an old set being reused, but I was too engrossed in the Olicity happiness to pay attention.

I did question why Noah was there, but it was nice to see him and Donna be there for their daughter's wedding reception. Plus, I loved Donna's "son" comment toward Oliver. Donna in small doses is perfect for me. 

Curtis needs to shut it about his divorce. I've whined as much as he has about it, but he caused his marriage to fail. He didn't fight for Paul. He lied to Paul. He decided to choose crime fighting over his marriage. And then he was stupid enough to think that Paul was going to want to get back together instead of handing him divorce papers, despite Curtis doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO WIN PAUL BACK. He acted like Paul wronged HIM. So, shut up, Curtis. His departure from the team brought cheers and holiday joy. 

Dinah has not been a good character for me all season. She has lied at least three times in the past nine episodes (keeping Quentin's secret, keeping Diggle's secret, keeping her own secrets), so her being butthurt about Oliver keeping tabs on her? Girl, you've proven no loyalty to the team as a whole. Sit down and shut your mouth. So her departure from the team brought a smile to my face, as if I got my present early. Plus, she might be being used by Vigilante as he's on Team Big Bad so I'm going to laugh if he betrays her even more than he has. 

Rene's slightly more complicated, because he's been fairly good all season. Compared to last season, when I hated seeing him on screen, he was really back in my good graces. And you know what? For the first half of the episode, I sympathized with him. Often, when characters are blackmailed, they tend to keep it to themselves, which frustrates me, but I've gotten used to it. And yeah, besides Rene not doing anything to get back his daughter until late last season, I understood why he would allow himself to be blackmailed all for his daughter. 

However, right around the time of Nope Team Arrow meeting up for lunch and onward, I remembered what got me to hate Rene. He's not a team player. He's too headstrong, stubborn, and thinks he's right. Which, sure, Oliver can be as well, but we don't need two people like that on the team, especially if it means that there's a divide when out on missions. When it starts to affect missions, like when Rene wandered off and decided he was pissed at Oliver, that creates a pretty big problem. And then his attitude toward Oliver at the end was annoying. The funny thing is that none of Nope Team Arrow realized that they didn't gain the trust of Oliver, or even Diggle/Felicity, as neither stood up for the newbs. I mean, Curtis discovering that he wasn't really on Team Arrow like he thought for the last two years is hilarious in itself. Just because he's been there longer than Rene/Dinah and has been partnered with Felicity more often than not, it doesn't mean he automatically is on their level. 

Also, they've done nothing to make me care for NTA over OTA. NTA may have some valid points, which I can totally objectively say that they have the right to walk off if they really don't feel respected, but I'm still on OTA's side. They've done it longer, and I subjectively like them more. 

As for Black Siren, I'm going to pretend they're not going for a redemption arc, but going the Malcolm route, which is BS only caring about Quentin to not do bad things ALL the time. That's the only small amount of redemption I can allow for myself. I prefer her as a villain way more. Katie does a better job, anyway. 

Not the worst ending either, but I don't care about NTA leaving the team, as OTA survived just fine without them before season 5, and Team Big Bad has only a couple of villains that I find interesting (Cayden and Anatoly). 

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2 hours ago, tangerine95 said:

I seriously thought for a moment BS was about to kiss Lance when she leaned in to tell him to run.That was so weirdly shot and acted,I was creeped out lol

I feel like she's playing him because they seem to be doing the same thing with Dinah and Vigilante.I also think if that was supposed to be some kind of prep for a redemption than it's unbelievably lame.I mean okay her dad died,that's sad but how does that explain her enjoyment of killing people even when she doesn't have to?I don't think that sob story is even close to enough to make someone who is shown to be that cruel,seem redeemable.Like nice she can't kill one guy who looks like her dead father but she still didn't have an issue and enjoyed killing like 10 people since she showed up.So I hope they don't even try with that.

IF this was meant to be any part of redemption, I would think this is just to show that there is still some sort of humanity left in her and that would be something that they can use to start guiding her out of the darkness. There obviously has to be more to who she is and how she turned into who we see today if they plan on making her redeemable. This was just the first thing to start her down a different path from our Laurel. We know that Laurel was more of a daddys girl while I believe Sara took more after Dinah so not having Quentin in her life, Oliver dying (if her story is true from 5x10) and lord knows what else...it makes for a compelling story if told right. Which means it probably wont be.

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I watched that part of the episode again and Watson’s plan worked only because WD was naive (if you want to be polite, or dumb might be another term to describe him, lol) to believe her when she told him (he said told, not even showed him her case?) that she had proof he is WD and can use them against him to keep his daughter away from him and that she has a solid case against Oliver, that she was going to arrest him anyway. Did he think she was offering him to testify and get out of this mess out of the goodness of her heart? Obviously she needs him to testify or she would have arrested and charged them both. He should start hanging out with William-I’ll go away with this nice stranger with one arm that told me he is a friend of my mom-Clayton.

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I assume he's agreed and Watson would have the preliminary testimony already recorded.  Cause yeah, it seemed Zoe was permanently home.  I really hope Oliver fires his ass so he no longer is gainfully employed.  

I was only thinking about it because I wondered how exactly they're going to get out of this - if Rene is going to back out somehow (since yes a normal FBI agent would cover her ass, but I don't know about Watson since she hasn't conducted her investigation against Oliver in a normal, common-sense way), or if he's going to wind up testifying and getting discredited somehow. I'm assuming that they're not actually going to put Oliver in jail - but maybe they will!

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1 hour ago, Hiveminder said:

Watson’s probably holding it over his head that she can have Zoe taken away from him whenever. 

This is what I'm thinking. Which makes me think that she could easily tell him later on, "okay, you need to testify against the entire team or I'll take Zoe away," so really, I have no idea why anyone is trusting Rene right now. We don't know everything about the deal Rene made with Watson or what kind of lawyer he has or anything. 

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38 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I would bet actual money that he doesn't have one.

Well according to Legal and Justice Scholar Oliver Queen having a lawyer makes you look guilty. 

Edited by leopardprint
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I seriously have to wonder how we are meant to view Rene. My opinion of him is that he’s generally a good person, but weak and not particularly smart. I’m not sure if that’s the character the writers intended to write. 

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2 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

I seriously have to wonder how we are meant to view Rene. My opinion of him is that he’s generally a good person, but weak and not particularly smart. I’m not sure if that’s the character the writers intended to write. 

I think he's a good person but, he's impulsive and, doesn't want to listen.  He's not a team player.   I don't think he's an idiot or dumb, he just doesn't look at the big picture.

I think Rene's story/departure was the best of the 3. I may not like or agree with what he did but, I understand why he did it and, it makes sense.

Dinah and Curtis' stories were much worse. Dinah's was bad because she was hypocritical. Hello! Dinah you were keeping big secrets!

Curtis' was the worst because not only was he a hypocrite (you spied on me? I feel violated! ...let's just forget that time I snuck nanites into your pancakes to track you.

It also made no freaking sense!... It's your fault Paul left me and I'm jealous and lonely and, why do you get to have a HEA when I have to be alone?!    Seriously did he just totally forget that Oliver and Felicity didn't want him on the team - field wise (in the first place) and that he chose to lie to Paul on his own and, that he chose being a Vigilante over his husband!   I didn't.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I think Dinah keeping Quentin and Diggles secrets pretty much proved that she was a team player and cared about these people so I can understand her being upset, especially after they helped her out of her rut. Oliver was so gung ho on her being the one to betray them and even Diggle didnt come to her defense. So as far she went with her beef, I felt she was justified in her anger for the most part. 

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15 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I think he's a good person but, he's impulsive and, doesn't want to listen.  He's not a team player.   I don't think he's an idiot or dumb, he just doesn't look at the big picture.

I think Rene's story/departure was the best of the 3. I may not like or agree with what he did but, I understand why he did it and, it makes sense.

Dinah and Curtis' stories were much worse. Dinah's was bad because she was hypocritical. Hello! Dinah you were keeping big secrets!

Curtis' was the worst because not only was he a hypocrite (you spied on me? I feel violated! ...let's just forget that time I snuck nanites into your pancakes to track you.

It also made no freaking sense!... It's your fault Paul left me and I'm jealous and lonely and, why do you get to have a HEA when I have to be alone?!    Seriously did he just totally forget that Oliver and Felicity didn't want him on the team - field wise (in the first place) and that he chose to lie to Paul on his own and, that he chose being a Vigilante over his husband!   I didn't.

I understand why Rene flipped on Oliver, even though I think he was an idiot for not going to the team straight away with what Watson was trying to do.  I had every sympathy for him up until he acted like a jagoff in the field.  Even after that, he's still my 'favorite' of the newbies.  Dinah was just a straight hypocrite this episode, and I'm not sure if I'm angrier that she was texting and meeting with Vigilante, got all huffy when called out on it, and then spouted that bullshit about not believing in Oliver anymore, or if I'm angrier that the writers have once again taken a character who could be an empowering example of female strength and made her fairly disappointing.  They need to stop giving their canaries relationship drama, because they can't handle it correctly.

I think I've made my feelings about Curtis pretty clear.  Complaining about how Oliver and Felicity got their happy ending and that's all Oliver cares about.  Oliver and Felicity worked for their happy ending, and they'll work to keep it.  Neither one of them is going to throw away their marriage to do something they're completely unqualified for and which everyone around them doesn't want them to do, and then whine about how their unhappiness is other people's fault.

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10 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I know Rene's toast was set up for the sudden but inevitable betrayal but I would have preferred it to have been given by Diggle.

You and me both. But I did love how Oliver signaled Diggle and Diggle signaled Rene to end Curtis's rambling. Hee!  As for Rene's toast itself, wow. It was heartfelt and I believe that he was totally sincere. But how do you stand up at a dude's wedding and talk about the love he shares with his bride knowing that their happiness is about to be shot to hell because you sold him out?  How do you look out in the crowd and see his son, who's about to grow up without his father, all to ensure that you you get to be with your daughter, whom you were perfectly content to let grow up in foster care, until Oliver and Quentin prodded you to reconnect with her? That's just ice cold and I honestly don't know how Oliver could trust Rene again, knowing he will always put his own self-interests first.

10 hours ago, tv echo said:

And Thea - I thought that she was acting kinda out of character in being so forgiving toward Rene, whose testimony could put her brother in prison for life. I expected her to be more protective of Oliver (like Moira) and against someone who would betray him.

My god, can you imagine how Moira would have reacted if she'd found out what Rene did? I miss her and her ruthlessness so, so much.

6 hours ago, bijoux said:

Also, Jack Moore has been praised as being more relaxed in his scenes with EBR, but William shimmying with Thea was the best

I've rewatched that over and over again. It's the cutest!

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Yeah that's true,I didn't even think about how Rene gave that speech knowing he would send Oliver to jail and their happiness won't last long.Like that's horrible.I doubt they thought that one through tbh but wow.

Honestly a lot of the newbies are coming off as just kinda pissed that they're not taken seriously enough or something.Reminds me of Laurel and her scenes claiming Oliver doesn't trust her and see her as an equal while yelling about being BC and him being GA in a public hospital hallway lol 

Especially with Curtis and Dinah.Curtis legit has no reason to be mad.His reasoning seems to come down to being pissed he didn't get his happy ending and the team he threw his marriage away for isn't as fun as he expected.Dinah is just being hypocritical and instead of admitting any fault she immediately went on the defensive.And they're both completely ignoring anything wrong Rene did and how that affected Oliver and are just siding with him with no issues at all.They seem to have very little loyalty to Oliver.

Edited by tangerine95
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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I think he's a good person but, he's impulsive and, doesn't want to listen.  He's not a team player.   I don't think he's an idiot or dumb, he just doesn't look at the big picture.

I think Rene's story/departure was the best of the 3. I may not like or agree with what he did but, I understand why he did it and, it makes sense.

Dinah and Curtis' stories were much worse. Dinah's was bad because she was hypocritical. Hello! Dinah you were keeping big secrets!

Curtis' was the worst because not only was he a hypocrite (you spied on me? I feel violated! ...let's just forget that time I snuck nanites into your pancakes to track you.

It also made no freaking sense!... It's your fault Paul left me and I'm jealous and lonely and, why do you get to have a HEA when I have to be alone?!    Seriously did he just totally forget that Oliver and Felicity didn't want him on the team - field wise (in the first place) and that he chose to lie to Paul on his own and, that he chose being a Vigilante over his husband!   I didn't.


I guess I can't see why Rene would do it.  Yes, there's the "do anything for your kid" trope but I don't get why Rene thought to betray the people that helped him put his life back together - everything from giving him an outlet for his anger, training him, watching his back, employing him and giving him a mentor in Quentin and actively helping him get his daughter back, I don't get why none of that mattered or counted. 

Rene showed he had no faith in the team even though it's always stood by him.   And I don't see how he could think he didn't have any alternatives.  He more than any of the others should have had the most faith in the team since the team had done the most for him.  So I think that's why I'm judging his choice just as harshly even before he got all pissy and defensive immediately after completely betraying everyone.  And I do see it as a betray of everyone.  

The FBI's goal is not to lock up Oliver, it's to squash all the vigilantes.  Flipping on Oliver is just the beginning of the end. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Rene's betrayal made sense to me as he's always been set up as the weak willed individual who would sell the team out. When tortured last season he gave up the team, was the first to squeal to Oliver about Diggle so imo it makes perfect sense that he, not being particularly bright, went and sold Oliver for his own benefit, completely disregarding that these were the people who helped him pull his life together as Bkwurm1 mentioned.

I've never liked him but it is in character for him to behave this way. I've never found him to be particularly honourable character and this is further proof that he is a self serving little toad.

Curtis's writing completely baffles me! He leaves the team that he forced himself on like he's been doing them a favour all this time but he's going to stay in business with Felicity? And the bitter rant about Olicity when he was their biggest fan last season. Being jealous of Oliver's happiness! Seriously the man spent 5 years in hell, dealt the the undertaking, had his mum skewered in front of him, had to trade his life to save his sister, got dragged back from Ivy Town with his dream girl to deal with more GA stuff, locked up and tortured by Prometheus and you begrudge him being happy with the love of his life, you heartless whining little sh@t!!!!!!!! As much as Curtis annoyed me for stepping on Felicity's role I always thought his friendship with Felicity was genuine but the petty jealous ranting this episode makes him like one of those awful frenemies. 

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I actually really liked this one. The reception was beautiful. That music playing while Oliver was giving Felicity heart eyes was wonderful, and then that dance to "At Last." Guh. I thought this was Dinah's best acting yet and even though I generally want the newbies gone, I enjoyed watching them break up and thought Rene and Curtis made some good points. They convinced me that there was a weight to them leaving. I also kind of liked seeing them hanging out getting Big Belly Burger without OTA. Like if we find out in a few eps that they've got their own vigilante team working separately, I'd be fine with that. Loved Thea trying to protect Lance and saying she'd never date a DJ again and being the cool aunt who gives one sip of champagne. And, damn, Diggle was working that shirt and leather jacket. 

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5 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

And the bitter rant about Olicity when he was their biggest fan last season. 

Hell, he said he was their biggest fan 5 episodes ago, when Felicity told him that she'd left her date with Oliver to come to the bunker. Maybe he only shipped them when they weren't actually together, making him feel bad for not having anyone?

His bitter jealousy is even more of a shame, considering that sometimes he and Felicity can be really adorable, such as when they celebrated during the Mission Impossible op in this episode.

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I don`t care about NTA remotely enough, as individuals or together, that I was sad about them leaving. Back on Angel the Series when he fired his team, that hurt because I cared for all the characters. 

Curtis whining over his own choices and implying that somehow Oliver and Felicity just have it so easy that happiness just fell into their lap? Are you kidding me. No wonder Paul dumbed his self-involved ass. Dinah is deeply hypocritical and Rene is deeply ungrateful. How long did he feel remorse before the entitlement set back in? 5 minutes? And it was a massive betrayal. 

The Bad Guy team-up only has two characters I am interested in: Evil!Finch (sorry, Michael Emerson, you will never not be Finch to me and he is a computer guy too, here so)  and Anatoly (who makes me sad because I loved his bromance with Oliver). Well, if Slade could come back, maybe Anatoly can. Black Siren gets some depth but there still isn`t much beyond strutting evilly and killing people. After how many episodes with the character now, that is a poor showing. 

I liked the reception cuteness. They made for a striking couple. My favourite moment was possibly when Donna body-slammed Felicity out of the way to go in on Oliver. The looks of Ollie and Felicity. I know it`s cheap humour but hahahaha. And Lance giving Oliver the watch was sweet and showed what an awesome character journey those two had in regards to each other.   

I will be very grumpy if this is set-up to make Oliver/OTA grovel to team Noobs. 

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7 hours ago, bettername2come said:

I actually really liked this one. The reception was beautiful. That music playing while Oliver was giving Felicity heart eyes was wonderful, and then that dance to "At Last." Guh. I thought this was Dinah's best acting yet and even though I generally want the newbies gone, I enjoyed watching them break up and thought Rene and Curtis made some good points. They convinced me that there was a weight to them leaving. I also kind of liked seeing them hanging out getting Big Belly Burger without OTA. Like if we find out in a few eps that they've got their own vigilante team working separately, I'd be fine with that. Loved Thea trying to protect Lance and saying she'd never date a DJ again and being the cool aunt who gives one sip of champagne. And, damn, Diggle was working that shirt and leather jacket. 

I'd only be fine with them being a seperate team if they screw up alot and OTA gets to clean up the mess.
If they are somehow effective with their team and actually clean some of OTA's mess up i'd be really annoyed. Or that they are so effective that OTA has nothing to do...

And tbh i think this is how it will turn out...

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I think Dinah will find herself in trouble because of Vigilante and that might make them all join forces again..or the team of villains will make it necessary for them to fight together because they can’t face them alone..also I really hope WD won’t end up testifying because if he goes through with it for me there’s no going back. It’s already a betrayal but if he sends Oliver to jail (or if Oliver avoids jail for another reason even if he testifies) to save his own ass what kind of hero is he? And who on the team would be able to trust him? At that point I’d understand giving up illegal activities to be a dad. Oh and find a new job because with what courage do you keep the job the guy you betrayed gave you?

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This is something I should know, but my roommate walked in the door at this point in the episode, so I'm not clear on it. Was BS's letting Lance go actually part of Caden James's evil plan? When all the bad guys were lined up around their evil leader it seemed like the point was "Bwahaha, it's all going exactly as I intended" and not "Why didn't you kill Lance when I told you to?" 

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3 minutes ago, bethy said:

This is something I should know, but my roommate walked in the door at this point in the episode, so I'm not clear on it. Was BS's letting Lance go actually part of Caden James's evil plan? When all the bad guys were lined up around their evil leader it seemed like the point was "Bwahaha, it's all going exactly as I intended" and not "Why didn't you kill Lance when I told you to?" 

No one knows for sure because they never said anything. I'm of the opinion that BS letting Lance go was part of James' master plan.

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3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

No one knows for sure because they never said anything. I'm of the opinion that BS letting Lance go was part of James' master plan.

Ah - thanks. So I didn't actually miss anything; it wasn't specifically stated. That makes me feel better.

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This has been bugging me. Why didn't we get to see a kiss? Did they kiss and the camera fail to capture it or one of them had a cold so they didn't kiss but pretended to kiss hence the weird angle?

Cuz going by the brick wall kiss in 604 I don't think SA and EBR have issues with kissing.

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Thinking about it, it only makes sense that BS letting Lance go is part of Cayden’s plan. If she’d killed him, yes, there’s a chance the team could have still split, arguing over what happened in the field, but it’s more likely that they would have banded together after his death to go after BS/Cayden even harder. I don’t know if Cayden would have wanted to take that risk. 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

This has been bugging me. Why didn't we get to see a kiss? Did they kiss and the camera fail to capture it or one of them had a cold so they didn't kiss but pretended to kiss hence the weird angle?

Cuz going by the brick wall kiss in 604 I don't think SA and EBR have issues with kissing.

What do you mean? They did kiss after Oliver saved Felicity from Donna, and then Dig started off the applause. 1:25.

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Just a bad camera angle, maybe? Or yeah, a fake kiss because someone has a cold. 

I totally missed Felicity going "Oliver" while her mother is rambling, LOL! 

It sounds like Felicity didn't really explain what happened if Donna thought they actually eloped. And going by Oliver's confused look, he didn't know what Felicity told her parents either.

I saw video last night where the background music was taken out and you can actually hear EBR talking right before Felicity fed Oliver the cake. And now I can't find the darn thing. 

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2 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Just a bad camera angle, maybe? Or yeah, a fake kiss because someone has a cold. 


I thought it was fake because in 604 on the couch they specifically had EBR lift her hair to show them locking lips before her hair fell again (I watch these things for science! Don't judge!).

But then I am not a huge fan of Laura Belsey's directing so it wouldn't surprise me if it was a botched kiss.

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12 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:


I saw video last night where the background music was taken out and you can actually hear EBR talking right before Felicity fed Oliver the cake. And now I can't find the darn thing. 

It’s about four posts up. 

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14 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

It’s about four posts up. 

LOL! Thanks! I don't know how I missed that.

Can anyone make out what she says? I just hear "OK, this is it ..." but the rest is unintelligible.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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I think Olicity's wedding reception would have made an excellent bottle episode. Olicity sneaks away for a quickie and while they are gone some Team Bad goons hold the reception up in some Die Hard style situation. You could still get Diggle trying to find the leak, BS and Lance, Dinah and Vigilante, Curtis and whining and the added bonus Donna and Noah all in the hostage area. Olicity working outside to save the day.

Edited by Chaser
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2 hours ago, Soulfire said:

Good grief.  Curtis doesn't really catch the bouquet at all, he just rips it out of Donna's hands.  Which anyone could do if they are as tall as a sequoia. 

1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

I thought it was fake because in 604 on the couch they specifically had EBR lift her hair to show them locking lips before her hair fell again (I watch these things for science! Don't judge!).

But then I am not a huge fan of Laura Belsey's directing so it wouldn't surprise me if it was a botched kiss.

I think the director was trying to be clever and do a different angle and it sorta kinda works because the kiss isn't about just them this time but more the reaction of the crowd around them so the audience is both an observer of O/F kissing AND of the crowd WATCHING O/F kiss.  They could have gotten both with a little finesse but this was probably the easier shot.   

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You know, it strikes me that you can really tell that the newbies are, well, new to this whole superhero thing. Because teammates lying to, spying on, and screwing over their friends and teammates (and everyone just getting over it) is a time honored tradition among Arrowverse superheroes. I mean, Team Flash keeping huge, life altering, extremely dangerous secrets from each other, often for stupid reasons, is basically a running gag, and they tend to get over those in about an episode. Legends of Tomorrow was started when Rip Hunter basically kidnapped everyone and lied to and manipulated them to get them to go along with his dangerous mission, and while they didn't exactly trust me for while afterwards, they still moved on pretty quickly (hell, more than a few members of their team have straight up tried to kill each other, and they're over that too!), and even recently, Dig lied to his whole team, including his best friend, and they got over that in about five minutes. Oliver gets it! He was totally fine with giving Rene and Dinah second chances, until Rene ignored his orders, and Dinah stormed off in a huff.  Nobody just stomps off and quits the team, because even when they're pissed at their friends, theres still shit to do! Build a bridge and get over it, newbies! There are bad guys to fight!

Edited by tennisgurl
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