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S02.E06: Chapter Nineteen: Death Proof

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Wow. I really enjoyed the fake out with Toni and Jughead, it was cliche but they got me for real. I alsO love that Toni likes girls better.. so she’s going to be paired with cheyl right?!!! That’s my wishful hope! I also like that she holds herself higher than being a rebound girl. That’s actually quite different for a teen show, most of the time the new girl has no problem being a rebound as long as she gets the guy. 

Poor Cheryl. Penelope is the worst mom ever.  Blaming the girl who happens to be her daughter.

Also the parents being parents, kind of? Also I don’t get what shutting down Southside High is going to do except bring the Southsiders to Riverdale High? Those kids still have to go to school somewhere. 

I appreciate Archie saving Jughead from the police raiding the school and him not getting into trouble. And I also liked that he said “not all serpents “ during the parent meeting about nick and the drugs.



Okay ugh on that scene with Kevin, Veronica, and Betty. Obviously this is all so that when the truth is revealed everyone will realize how awful they were to Betty but it’s getting to be a lot. And I guess Kevin is now mad about this but still mad because Betty outed his woods hooking up and now he can be on Veronica’s side? He knows about the letter Betty got, he’s becoming a fickle friend this season and he kind of sucks. If this is the powers that be giving Kevin more to

Do, he can leave the show actually.  It seems like he is still mad about Betty telling on him with his dad, he got over that when he found out she got a letter from the Black Hood and now because of her outburst he can be angry at her again. But seriously Kevin.. you’ve known Betty for years, and he already knew about the one letter, maybe wake up. Kevin is annoying this season.  

Also Black Hood, no one likes Nick. He’s a sexual assaulter. Why couldn’t you have just killed him? Ugh. Love Betty “how am I supposed to find the Sugar Man? I’m a high school newspaper reporter!”

And seriously what is Riverdales weather?!?! Betty was wearing a sweater but Cheryl was sitting out by her pool in a bathing suit? 

Aw Fred still cares about Jughead, sort of I guess. I get that he doesn’t want Archie to be tangled up in bad stuff but still.

Is The Sugarman a thing from the comics? It seems like it could be: probably a lighter thing and not a drug dealer thing but it sounds like a comic thing.

Are we supposed to think Sherrif Keller is good at his job? Because he’s not.

Also yay Betty and Veronica are besties again! My favorite thing about this scene was that this was when they randomly shot that thing with Melissa from Supergirl and everybody was like “omg a crossover!” And it’s like “uh, probably not”.

And Archie and Jughead are friends again? I think. And yay F.P! Seriously Jughead should have gone to his dad before being all “I’m going to Join the gang for peace” but had no way of knowing how to do that. 

The Gouhlies are a bad drug dealing gang and the Seperets are a good drug dealing gang? Okay. Makes sense. Not really but okay.

Mama  Blossom should be nicer to Cheryl considering she’s a fire starter and all, I would be terrified to make her mad.

Veronica putting on her nice outfit to pick up drugs is hilarious. And I love the core four all meeting up in some sleezy drug den for various different reasons. My favorite “these are your birches” and Veronica’s “I beg your pardon?!!!”

Also putting up the bar and the trailer park.. huh? Bad idea but whatever. There needs to be stakes but seriously, the other members of the gang are going to HATE Jughead.

Ugh. Okay had a real reaction to the scene with Cheryl and Nick. For some reason that scene affected me a lot more than I would think. 

The fixing cars scene was okay. Not enough Bughead.

Aw Cheryl. Okay if they do more things like the scene with Cheryl and her mother, this show still has me. 

Archie has a plan for the drag race.  Um.. sure. I never trust an Archie plan.

So Hiram Lodge probably set a hit out on Nick and/or The ST clairs after finding out about the almost assault with his daughter right?

Cheryl doing her inner Greae Cha Cha is my everything! And my gif for life! 

So archies plan was informing the police of the drag race and therefore having them catch The Goulies? I guess that’s a plan? But yeah neither of the gangs are going to be happy with that, Archie.

Cheryl gave her mom the check when all her mom told her was that The Sugarman was real. And was a man. I mean yes I guess she gave her a name when Cheryl asked but Cheryl handed over that check real fast. 

Also I’m sad that Toni and Cheryl didn’t really interact except for her passing by her and starting the race. 

Also betty.. The Sugarman is clearly not a good person and is a drug dealer and once you guys solve the Black good mystery, I bet a new serial killer is going to appear a week later. 

But hey at least Betty finally stood up for herself and told the blackhood was was up. Good. Finally. 

Also I never thought the teacher would be The Sugarman. That was surprising. 

Knew that Hiram probably did something to The ST Clair’s. Surprised Veronica didn’t care.

So Bughead is back together but we don’t even get a reunion scene? I’m happy they’re back together but would have liked to see it.

Eta: glad there’s no new episode next week, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is busy and rushed and I can’t watch tv.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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I LOVE Kevin and Veronica scenes.  It always comes off like a slightly older brother that isn't annoyed/actually enjoys spending time with his self-centered little sister.  They have been my favorite friendship since Season 1.  Kevin being PO'ed that Veronica didn't tell anyone that Nick tried to get forceful with her was sweet.

I had a STRONG fondness for Regi/Veronica in the comics so on one hand I'm sorry to see him paired off with someone else, but on the other, he is a complete re-imagination of the character so ce sera.  I'm also more convinced then ever that when things sour with Archie (likely in some way that humiliates Veronica) she is going to be hell in heels to the rest of Riverdale and I'm looking forward to it.  Her last scene with her parents foreshadow an eventual turn to villainy.  The Lodges seem to be very clinical in their bad deeds and I guess that's one of the things that makes them so effective.

We haven't seen what they are really up to but I loved the smirks on Hiram and Hermione's faces when the South Side Serpents became the poster culprits for the Jingle Jangle craze.  But the smooth malevolence was nicely countered by their outrage at the thought of anyone harming Veronica.  Apparently Veronica's well-being comes before even their ambition and underhanded schemes.  

Nick St. Claire's verbal viciousness was something else.  The horrific lashing he gave Cheryl was relentlessly callous.  I had seen the actor on TGW and was underwhelmed, he's played his Riverdale role very well.  

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Hey Asshole writers it's great Bughead is back together BUT WE WANTED TO SEE BETTY TELL HIM WITH REUNION SEXY TIMES!!! It's ridiculous that Varchie can get their freak on but God Forbid Bughead does! They bring the hawtness in the season finale why can't they bring it in tonight's episode. I swear to god it's like they want to save Betty for Archie which is fucking Gross. 

Also I love that Toni is no rebound girl and stated she prefers women. Writers bring on Cheroni! Cheryl looking extra yummy tonight more thoughts later....

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So, I guess the show decided to backtrack on the Toni/Jughead this episode, maybe because they finally figured out how bad it would be for ratings if they kept Toni/Jughead an item; plus, the actress would be bombarded with nasty tweets and they seem to want to keep her around. Too bad they didn't figure it out before the season started so they could have not done it. 

I did love Betty telling Veronica, and off screen Jughead, the truth. It was nice that they didn't drag it out for many episodes. I loved the females teaming up. I also liked some of what Josie was given, though she better be getting a bigger role at some point. I like her thing with Reggie, much like I like Reggie/Veronica's scenes. 

Betty's last scene scaring Black Hood was awesome. 

Nick is a nasty person. I mean, he did have what was coming to him, though I'm glad Hiram didn't just kill him off. I do like his and Hermione's love for their daughter. 

So, with Fred, are they going down a drug addiction route with that brief scene with popping the pills and Archie asking if he's alright? 

Sugarman is Jughead's teacher? Damn. And Black Hood got into the prison to shoot him? Maybe? I mean, Black Hood is still only one for four, so he's falling behind on his serial killer title. 

We really should have gotten an onscreen Bughead reunion scene. I do hope this is the end of their troubles this season. It's only episode 6 and it feels like they've gone through hell. 

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So... why was Archie in the car again? How did the one on one car race become: "Oh, and we're also bringing the north side vigilante with us, even though he's not even a gang member?" Shouldn't somebody somewhere have not been cool with that?

Edited by CletusMusashi
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27 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I alsO love that Toni likes girls better.. so she’s going to be paired with cheyl right?!!! That’s my wishful hope!

Madelaine and Vanessa are super-close friends in real life, so I'm sure that would be amusing for them.


Are we supposed to think Sherrif Keller is good at his job?

Not particularly, I don't think.  If Keller was good at his job, Riverdale wouldn't need Betty on the case.  Keller is a good dad, but a bad cop.

A bit more of Josie this week, but Josie's mom still feels like a more vital part of the show than she does (speaking of which, what a boss slow-mo walk; she makes authoritarianism look cool).

Ah, Cheryl, your life is so messed up; even childhood tales turn out to be weird coded references to your father's criminal business associates.  That's the kind of weird/silly details I want from this show. And there was some good character material to come along with it (Petsch is so great in this role).

I would have preferred if we actually got to see Hiram's goons beating up Nick at the end.  More satisfying, since his last onscreen appearance (to date, I guess) is him bullying Cheryl into silence.

Edited by SeanC
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Josie spoke!!!… In the beginning i thought they were trolling us when she wasn’t talking during the impromptu northside meeting… Looks like chuck is back next episode.. And harrassing Josie… Hope thats not all for the lone blk teenage boy around

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Well, a round of non-snarky applause! This one really hit the fun dark bullseye without going so pitch black as to make you want to say your goodbyes and head out on the ice floe like last week.

Where to begin? First, Betty taking control of her dark side and harnessing it for her own power was terrific--finally figuring out that if the Dark Hood needs her to do his legwork that badly he cannot be the omnipotent force he tries to convince her of. And everything up to the apparently deleted makeup scene between her and Juggie was terrific--he's bewildered, angry and as par for the course in Riverdale, trying to handle an amount of responsibility way above his age and maturity level so of course he's not going to fall at her feet right away, and her fixing up his car was a very cute/appropriate way of having them begin to talk. Now, if we could have seen an actual KISS, WRITERS, it would have been perfect! These two have chemistry so thick you could pour it over pancakes; quit wasting it!

Still don't get why Toni macked on Jug in the first place but dropping that whole angle without making a HUGE THING of it was the best way to go. If she and Cheryl really start dating I will be thrilled!

And Cheryl! They finally gave her something big to do this season and she hit every mark perfectly. I especially liked her calling out Veronica on expecting her to go through reporting Nick when Ronnie herself (although as she rightly pointed out, she couldn't prove anything) wasn't saying a word. Between that, her fifties pinup garb at the race, and challenging her crazy mom, to quote Ronnie, Cherry Bombshell for the win! (Although judging from the fact that she is apparently an ambulatory glass of milk she must have been wearing SPF 5000 out by the pool--what the hell time of year is it, again?)

Archie was quite a bit less lunkheaded than usual and it was a relief. The cops at the race was really not a bad idea as far as it went--it hit a reset button at the very least and with the Sugarman thing gone for the moment one assumes the Ghoulies won't be rallying any too soon. Jug may have been mad but really, it was the best of bad options (and also, Jug? WALK AWAY FROM THIS. Stop digging through the horseshit; there is no pony here! The Serpents may not deal drugs per se, but they WERE muscle for the Blossom drug empire! That's one hand washing the other in the dirty business business!) 

Really good bits: 

The town/home meeting at the Coopers where Hiram told Alice to button it (hee!) and FINALLY pointed out that her Serpent past isn't a secret.

Cheryl's reaction to Nick at the diner: very well played by both actors and depressingly realistic.

The firm of H&H arranging a little car wreck as a pointed stick towards the St. Claires. If you are going to be evil be productive at it.

Archie and Veronica snuggled up when he says "I have a plan" and she gets that "Oh, no, no, Archie, all your plans are terrible" look.

The reveal of The Sugarman: excellently well done! Not a total rando but still a surprise and one that worked in the setup of Southside High!



Poor Cheryl. Penelope is the worst mom ever.  Blaming the girl who happens to be her daughter.


Every time I marvel at Cheryl's fucked-uppedness I remind myself how she got this way.

Okay, so how does this drug thing work, again?

The Blossoms were the shippers of jingle jangle, using their maple syrup business as a cover. The Sugarman was a series of men, all of whom took a turn being top dealer that the street dealers/Ghoulies got their stuff from. So why were the Serpents working for the Blossoms as well? It seems unnecessarily risky and complex to have two rival gangs working for you; wouldn't either of them happily rat you out if they got wind of the other? 

Where were the Blossoms getting the drugs from in the first place? Were they making them? If so, with what supplies? If not, who's the big boss? Especially now with Blossom Sr. dead? Clearly the distributing and profits went on without a hitch--who's making the money off the sales now? How much money can you make off dealing in a town like Riverdale before the entire place becomes a swamp of addiction rather than a dirty secret and the ATF just takes over?

ETA:  almost forgot, Josie appeared! And spoke! Can it be that the writers are actually realizing they can't just prop up the minority characters in the background?

Edited by Snookums
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So, for those with better TVs and younger eyes than I:

 What were the books being read this episode? Cheryl is reading by the pool, Veronica in Pops and Betty in the last scene with Jughead. I couldn't make out any titles but am always intrigued/bothered when a character is reading and I can't see the title.

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It's strange, I feel like the show is telling me I should think the Veronica/Archie relationship is more hot and spicy, sexual chemistry and all that, with Betty/Jug being more emotional and less overtly sexual.  But it's funny because for me it's coming across exactly the opposite, I don't know if it's because the show is pushing the Veronica/Archie sexytimes so much that it starts to feel forced imo or if it's just that I see so much more chemistry with Betty/Jug. 

Like others I wish we had seen the actual reunion convo between Betty and Jug but at least it's progress, they still have issues and that's ok.  I am one who does not ever want to see a Betty/Veronica/Archie triangle, funny enough I only started watching cause it was on Netflix and my friend promised there was little to no triangle in the first season.  It would be interesting though to see Betty and Jug try to navigate their relationship and how Archie fits into that as both their friend and Jug getting past or trying to get past his insecurities about Archie when it comes to his relationship with Betty.  

I'm confused why they even had the Toni/Jug kiss since she said she didn't want to be the rebound and how Jug wasn't over Betty, like no kidding it's only been hours did she really think he would be?  I'm sure that will come up again and I just hope they don't go the Friends route. 

Also glad Betty turned the tables on her stalker/caller/BH but it would have been nice to get more of a reaction from her friends who were so recently trashing her, like I get Veronica and Jug's anger but Betty was trying to protect them however misguided her choices may have been, the last episode she was just emotionally devastated.


7 minutes ago, Snookums said:

So, for those with better TVs and younger eyes than I:

 What were the books being read this episode? Cheryl is reading by the pool, Veronica in Pops and Betty in the last scene with Jughead. I couldn't make out any titles but am always intrigued/bothered when a character is reading and I can't see the title.

Betty was reading Silence of the Lambs, don't know what Cheryl was reading.

50 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

I didn't get the impression they were fully back together? It seems like they still have some issues. Jughead being a serpent bothers Betty, as it should. And despite her best intentions and eventually telling him the truth about why she "broke up" with him, he still lost emotional trust in her. Archie being the messenger in her dumping, even if it was false, made it all worse. I don't see him letting it go easily, just as I don't see her letting the Serpent thing go easily.


As to if they are fully back together or not I would say yes they are but there are going to be issues to work through as I expected.

Edited by Thundercatmary
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6 hours ago, Sonoma said:

I didn't get the impression they were fully back together? It seems like they still have some issues. Jughead being a serpent bothers Betty, as it should. And despite her best intentions and eventually telling him the truth about why she "broke up" with him, he still lost emotional trust in her. Archie being the messenger in her dumping, even if it was false, made it all worse. I don't see him letting it go easily, just as I don't see her letting the Serpent thing go easily.

So despite it being clear they still love each other, I think it's going to take a while for them to get back to where they were. Which I find a much better narrative than them just fully lovey-doveying each other right away because there are still significant issues between them.

The show has made it pretty clear that Archie and Veronica are more of a physical couple and Jughead and Betty are more of an emotional couple. So I expect to see those hawt moments between Archie and Veronica more often than Jughead and Betty. And really, I found that scene in the auto shop completely adorable and more intimate than them making out.

I think the show is going to make it an epic deal when these two finally have sex so I'm not expecting it any time soon. I'm sure there's going to be this big emotional buildup. Just as I'm sure there's going to be another WTF when she finds out he hooked up with Toni, regardless if it was just a PG-13 groping session. You know that plot point is going to come back.

Yes, I'm fully aware these are 16/17 your olds we're talking about regarding love and emotions but this is a television show and this is Riverdale. And thank goodness for that because I love this ship and I love how Cole and Lili are playing the Bughead story.

I do agree that their may and possibly still are issues with Bughead they have to work through I also don't think they should wait too long for a Bughead sex scene though i do love what you mentioned in this episode. And I definitely see the PG 13 groping session coming back. It's just i don't trust these writers to not be gross and have Betty Fuck Archie before her and Jug ever do . 

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Hooray for having Betty be the one who could soup up Jughead's engine (not a sex thing)

Also,  Boo for Betty souping up Jughead's engine NOT being a sex thing. (Come on, show!)


I'm a little torn over the Cheryl developments. I'm glad she's becoming more one of the gang-- but I cringe a little when the mean/bad girl becomes nicer after a sexual assault. Soapy shows seem to do this -- often, and it bugs.

Edited by sacrebleu
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Yeah I loved Bughead being together again but obviously she’s going to find out about tye Toni kiss and react, probably badly. 

Also.. I still think they plan on doing the whole Betty Archie Veronica triangle. And yes I’m another who thinks it’s noT told that Bughead has no sexy times, it’s funny how much that couple doesn’t, and yet Varchie always is. It has to be intentional. Intentional for what, I’m not sure. But it’s definitely apparent. 

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 Look at Josie speaking and flirting with Reggie (and vice versa). Not enough of her actual having dialogue or being more integral to the story since her mother is with the adult portion of it but I'm less angry about it than I was with last weeks' mess regarding the North Side Black women. Anywho, Reggie and Josie are hot together. More please!

I am still liking Toni and I like that she & Jughead have formed a solid friendship. She's level headed, which balances well when he's faced with Archie and Co's messy attempts to fight back.

Good on Betty for turning the tables but I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop cause I can't see it being that easy for her to get at the Black Hood despite her investigative skills.

Veronica and Archie are still boring together.

Can't say I feel badly for Nick. 

Mrs. Blossom is a piece of work. Ugh. I am meh on Cheryl but her attention seeking vain ways make sense in relation to how her mother has treated her. 

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11 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

I used to enjoy his scenes with Veronica until they became a couple. I'm sure the show could find a way to pair them up with characters/screen partners who would be a better match.

Yes! I thought there was chem is S1, especially with the flirting in the early eps but ever since they got together, I just yawn watching them. I enjoy Veronica and Archie's scenes with other characters much more than their scenes together. Not sure what happened but they're just ZZZZZZZzzzz together. It's not anti-chemistry, it's just bland. I think it's time for them to find other partners, though I think the show will resist even though IMO the show should call it a day on this pairing. Personally, I've always thought Veronica has more sapphic chemistry on the show than she ever had with Archie or any of the guys. 


15 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

Their break-up wouldn't create the outrage and threats to stop watching that the one episode breakup of Bughead did. THAT was crazy! 

I thought that outrage was melodramatic, TBH. Riverdale is a soap. Couples can't stay together forever - especially teens - and it can hurt the writing if showrunners are more concerned with keeping or getting a ship together than actual story. I always think of the old ABC Family show "Twisted" as the perfect example of showrunners caring about ships over story. I don't want Riverdale to go that route.   (And there's the flip-side of ship baiting like with the many "Sleepy Hollow" showrunners, but that's for another thread :P) 

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Hmm. I'm not too keen on any of the couples actually. Breaking any of them up isn't a deal breaker for me. Aren't  these guys sophmores in high school? Maybe dial back on the sexy times for ALL of them? I'm no prude but tv shows like this make it seem like sexy times is no big and considering their target audience...not sure what I'm trying to say here that doesn't sound prudish actually. I know I was not mentally or emotionally ready for that in high school and I'm not sure how I would have felt about watching tv shows that we're basically telling me I should be cuz that's what the cool kids on tv do.  I mean we had 90210 and Brenda struggled with her decision to sleep with Dylan. See what I did there? Hi Fred.  Shoot. Maybe I'm just too old for this show. 

Ok off my soap box and back to the show....so Hiram calling out Alice for her teenage antics at the parent meeting was pretty hilarious. Loved that moment.

Edited by MissL
Because I keep repeating myself
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The reason I was upset about The Bughead breakup was that I think that couple has gotten real bad treatment this season and also Lili and Cole work best together in my opinion. I don’t see any romantic pairing with Archie and Betty but I feel like the show is pushing that there. They want the Archie Betty Veronica triangle. They do. And I don’t know. I just was annoyed with how they handled the Bughead breakup to begin with, we didn’t even get a scene.

That said, I don’t expect them to be forever, they are teens. I get it. But I still think that couple is getting an odd treatment compared to the other couple.

The sexy times doesn’t bug me, yes they are young but almost all of the shows I watched at that age were doing sexy times, in my pre teen years Buffy, Dawson’s Creek etc, and by the time I was an actual High schooler, The OC. 

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I thought from Toni and Jughead's conversation the night after she stayed over clearly inferred that Jug (and probably Betty) are virgins. It was "a PG makeout session" on the couch and I assumed she stayed in FP's room in the trailer. 

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1 hour ago, Chick2Chic said:

Yes! I thought there was chem is S1, especially with the flirting in the early eps but ever since they got together, I just yawn watching them. I enjoy Veronica and Archie's scenes with other characters much more than their scenes together. Not sure what happened but they're just ZZZZZZZzzzz together. It's not anti-chemistry, it's just bland. I think it's time for them to find other partners, though I think the show will resist even though IMO the show should call it a day on this pairing. Personally, I've always thought Veronica has more sapphic chemistry on the show than she ever had with Archie or any of the guys.

It's a shame the show didn't make Veronica gay, because she has insane chemistry with almost every girl she shares scenes with.

Josie, Cheryl, Betty, Ethel, she shares sparks with them all.

Any one of those ships would be way more believable than V/A imo.

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5 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

I'm a little torn over the Cheryl developments. I'm glad she's becoming more one of the gang-- but I cringe a little when the mean/bad girl becomes nicer after a sexual assault. Soapy shows seem to do this -- often, and it bugs.

I normally dislike that trope as well, but Cheryl has been kind of friends with the gang since the first season on and off, and she has always had nicer moments here and there, so none of this seems out of characters or a reaction to what happened. Cheryl hasn't had a lot to do this season, so I am glad she got more of a plot this week, even though I am always wary of writing these kinds of stories if it feels like "we need something for this female character to do. Lets throw in sexual assault! Thats something that happens to women, right?" but this seems to be alright so far. 

This was a really fun episode, I am just super glad that Betty finally told the truth about the Black Hood, and she made up with everyone and turned the tables on her phone stalker! Finally, we can move on from that and get to finding the actual killer. Its obviously up to Betty and the gang to find him, its not like the cops are going to figure it out! 

I laughed at the parents all freaking out about the kids getting busted for drugs, and then the kids being all pouty while doing community service. It actually looked like a somewhat normal parent reaction, and not just letting the teens run around getting into all kinds of crazy shit without any consequences or parental interest! Also, it was good on Reggie to admit that he was the one to supply the drugs, even though he mom wasn't definitely not thrilled. "You have a dealer?!?!" You have to hand it to the Mayor, she leads her authoritarian crackdowns personally! Kids doing drugs in broad daylight in the south side? It happens. Her daughter and her friends party for a night? ITS ON!

You know, the Seapants might not be the main drug dealers, but they arent exactly innocent bystanders here. They do engage in drug deals, and worked as muscle for the Blossoms drug dealing, even helping Mr. Blossom murder his son and cover it up. I get that Jug has a personal connection with them, but its hard to feel so bad for them when they are totally into criminal activity. Not that arresting people just for being in a gang, without any proof of law breaking, isn't morally questionable (especially when they're teenagers), but still. You know, maybe South side High would be a nicer place if someone just TURNED ON A DAMN LIGHT! 

A drag race! Now this is the shit I signed up for! "Alright kids, I want you all to dress up in your best 1950s outfits!" Its funny, when I saw Cheryl in the trailer starting the race, I was like "yeah, Cheryl was made for this" and, as it turns out, Cheryl totally agrees with me! I can imagine she has had that outfit for years, and has been waiting for this for years. 

Looks like Archie and Betty both made up with Jughead (in different ways, presumably) after one whole episode of estrangement. Twitter and Tumblr couldn't handle Bughead not being a thing for any longer than a week or there could have been riots in lobby of the CW building. However, it seemed weird that they were just together now. Show us a reunion damn it! I do think Archie had a decent plan and didn't act like a bonehead, so there was that. Archie is having a pretty good season overall, actually. 

Nick really was a piece of garbage, and I knew as soon as he came back to cackle at Cheryl, he was toast, be it toasted by Cheryl or the Lodges. Honestly, I was convinced that Hiram was actually going to have him beheaded and leave his head in his parents bed after he found out Nick went after Veronica. Loved the whole Lodge family smirking over Nick getting into an "accident" and needing months of help. Say what you will about the Lodges, they do at least care about their daughter. 

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I liked how Hiram was ready to burn down the St. Claires entire lives, just as Veronica had feared, and Hermione stepped in and said "we promise that we won't take a penny of their money." reassuring V that they aren't actually going to go around killing people. Later, the news of the accident was an "ahh, perfect amount of revenge" bonding time for the three of them. Not exactly Hallmark Precious Moments, but every happy family is happy in its own way.

Edited by Snookums
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2 hours ago, Sonoma said:

I'm a huge fan of the pairing but even I was cringing at some of the reactions. 


I am fine with Bughead, I just don't think they're the end all and be all so threatening the network or threatening the actress that plays Toni just made me side-eye. IMO, no one should be that invested where death threats and vandalism is the response. And I don't want the writers to keep Bughead together if it means sacrificing good story in order to not break them up. Them getting back together so quickly, even if a bit ambiguously, seems unearned by the writing. I hate lazy writing.


1 hour ago, Dee said:

It's a shame the show didn't make Veronica gay, because she has insane chemistry with almost every girl she shares scenes with.

Josie, Cheryl, Betty, Ethel, she shares sparks with them all.

Any one of those ships would be way more believable than V/A imo.

I had hoped Veronica would be bisexual because it seemed like a waste of strong chemistry she has with all the girls on the show, especially when you compare it to the tepid chemistry she has with the guys.  I still hope that Riverdale will consider it in the near future. As someone remarked in the last episode thread, Veronica has a tendency to be the one initiating intimacy with Archie while he just insipidly accepts her advances. It comes off very one-sided on top of the bland chemistry they have together. It's a disservice to the character of Veronica.

I don't want Veronica near Reggie romantically any time soon, though. I want Josie to get some first with Reggie... story-wise, screentime-wise and in general... and then Veronica can play spoiler (though in their interaction in this ep, I didn't see even a whiff of sexual/romantic chemistry between Veronica and Reggie. Veronica had more spark with Chuck back in the day.)

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Is it me the only one that thinks that is Sheriff Keller? I mean, he has information about pretty much everyone. He talks in the same way the person that calls Betty (for example the "only one question" seen on the episode 6) Also when he shoots the sugar man while he is in prison (he´s got access to get in with a gun), and also because he knows the drama between Betty and her friends (because of Kevin). I think it all makes sense, but I cant wait to know who he actually is.

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2 minutes ago, Lara said:

Is it me the only one that thinks that is Sheriff Keller? I mean, he has information about pretty much everyone. He talks in the same way the person that calls Betty (for example the "only one question" seen on the episode 6) Also when he shoots the sugar man while he is in prison (he´s got access to get in with a gun), and also because he knows the drama between Betty and her friends (because of Kevin). I think it all makes sense, but I cant wait to know who he actually is.

No. I’m thinking he might be too. In this episode he was so cagey with Betty in Pops his whole “I’m off the clock” business and not talking about the case really.

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Amazing episode as always! I really was expecting something much worse but this was way better than I expected!

Again with the fast pacing! I should stop mentioning this every episode but with the pacing I am having a hard time figuring out what the hell is going to happen for the rest of the season but maybe that's the whole point??

I love that Cheryl finally got some attention! I really felt sympathy for her! And Toni and Cheryl finally met!!!

Jarchie! It was nice seeing the brothers from different mothers together again! Archie partially redeemed himself by helping (or at least trying to) Jughead and Betty. What he did at the drag race, calling the cops, he did what was best (according to him) to help out the Serpents + Jug but I don't know, good intentions that might have bad repercussions. One thing that I didn't get was why the Serpents weren't trying to kick his ass when he showed up at the drag race (or at the Ghoulies' lair) when he was the one that had pulled out the gun against one of their own only 2-3 days ago... And now with what happened at the race, i'm pretty sure he's even more popular. I totally understand Jug for getting pissed at him, I mean, now he has his best friend to look after, yet more pressure on his shoulders...

The lodges -- My, my, they really are showing their true colors aren't they? And right now, I'm thinking Veronica has a bit of evil in her and i'm wondering whether she's siding with her dad? That look on Mama Lodge when she comments on nick's accident...

Must say I loved the way the four core managed to find one another at the Ghoulies' evil lair lol!!! They work best when they're together.

And bughead -- AFter that lame ass break-up last episode, I was expecting something worse to happen this episode but seeing as the squabble between Kevin and Betty was totally ok the day after, their semi-reconciliation was so anti-climatic, especially when it is happening BTS!!! I'm relieved they've patched things up -for now - but they are far from the woods yet! Jughead is getting into deeper crap for every episode, who knows how long she'll stand by ... On one side, jug's being a bit too damn pissy towards Betty when he's not been better himself!

And the whole thing with Toni, I doubt they actually slept together but they might have done other things... I wonder in  that talk BTS between bughead what jug might or might not have reveal about toni. It might create  repercussions in the future... Tbh, betty should have seen that coming after seeing toni + jug together at the diner and I hope she'll have it in her heart to forget but it might as well be another stake on the coffin before the dreaded triangle....  I'm glad toni set things out right away but I think they've established a good friendship.

They are so heading for a triangle/Barchie they are not even trying to be subtle about it, really annoying!!!

Betty rocked this episode, turning the tables around and using her dark betty powers for good and vowing to find out who BH is!! You go girl!

And the Sugarman! I knew the damn teacher had something to do with all of this!

And Varchie, I do agree with most of the comments mentioned before, about the lack of excitement towards them. Its bland, its ok, they're sexy yes, we know that but they don't have much more than that...

Does riverdale exist in a world where climate change actually does exist and the weather can actually go from having snow + frozen river to having a heatwave and summer weather in the space of 2-3 weeks?!?! Hmmmm.... Not cool man, not cool at all...

Oh yes Reggie --- I haven't commented om him yet as I am still missing the original Reggie but he's growing on me, he is a douche, but not as sleezy as I'd imagine to be. He seemed so bully-ish in the first season but now he seems like your sleezy friend just trying to have a good time... The way he fessed up when being interrogated, the way he just lends his car to some race. He's a loyal friend.

all in all a great episode, damn these American holidays making the rest of the world wait 2 weeks until the next ep... lol (it was a joke, absolutely no insult intended).

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3 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:

Veronica had more spark with Chuck back in the day.)

Too bad the show decided to make chuck a bit of a scumbag... But hes coming back so which knows.. And now that everyone has experienced a true dirtbag with nick(who veronica knew was skeevee but hung out with anyway) maybe we can get s redemption

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20 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

And seriously what is Riverdales weather?!?! Betty was wearing a sweater but Cheryl was sitting out by her pool in a bathing suit? 

Aw Fred still cares about Jughead, sort of I guess. I get that he doesn’t want Archie to be tangled up in bad stuff but still.


Hahaha! Seriously in regards to the weather! Also loved Fred asking about Jughead and caring about him. 

20 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, with Fred, are they going down a drug addiction route with that brief scene with popping the pills and Archie asking if he's alright? 

Seemed like definite foreshadowing to me...Fred Andrews is pulling a Kevin Pearson on us. (Fist pump! Just married my two favourite shows!)

17 hours ago, Snookums said:

Where to begin? First, Betty taking control of her dark side and harnessing it for her own power was terrific--finally figuring out that if the Dark Hood needs her to do his legwork that badly he cannot be the omnipotent force he tries to convince her of. And everything up to the apparently deleted makeup scene between her and Juggie was terrific--he's bewildered, angry and as par for the course in Riverdale, trying to handle an amount of responsibility way above his age and maturity level so of course he's not going to fall at her feet right away, and her fixing up his car was a very cute/appropriate way of having them begin to talk. Now, if we could have seen an actual KISS, WRITERS, it would have been perfect! These two have chemistry so thick you could pour it over pancakes; quit wasting it!

Still don't get why Toni macked on Jug in the first place but dropping that whole angle without making a HUGE THING of it was the best way to go. If she and Cheryl really start dating I will be thrilled!


Yeah, I'm rather upset we didn't see the scene where Betty told Jughead about the Black Hood. I hope we get to see it at some point, maybe as a flashback. I loved their scenes this episode, especially the car fixing scene. It was awkward and tense, but it was real. And YAAAAS to the chemistry. 

I think maybe Toni was trying to offer Jughead some comfort? In any case, I'm glad they didn't do more than kiss and PG-13 groping. I really, really like their friendship. And I hope we get to see it grow more. Jughead needs all the allies he can get with all of this Serpent/Southside shit going down. And I like Toni as a character.

16 hours ago, Sonoma said:

I didn't get the impression they were fully back together? It seems like they still have some issues. Jughead being a serpent bothers Betty, as it should. And despite her best intentions and eventually telling him the truth about why she "broke up" with him, he still lost emotional trust in her. Archie being the messenger in her dumping, even if it was false, made it all worse. I don't see him letting it go easily, just as I don't see her letting the Serpent thing go easily.

So despite it being clear they still love each other, I think it's going to take a while for them to get back to where they were. Which I find a much better narrative than them just fully lovey-doveying each other right away because there are still significant issues between them.

The show has made it pretty clear that Archie and Veronica are more of a physical couple and Jughead and Betty are more of an emotional couple. So I expect to see those hawt moments between Archie and Veronica more often than Jughead and Betty. And really, I found that scene in the auto shop completely adorable and more intimate than them making out.

I think the show is going to make it an epic deal when these two finally have sex so I'm not expecting it any time soon. I'm sure there's going to be this big emotional buildup. Just as I'm sure there's going to be another WTF when she finds out he hooked up with Toni, regardless if it was just a PG-13 groping session. You know that plot point is going to come back.

Yes, I'm fully aware these are 16/17 year olds we're talking about regarding love and emotions but this is a television show and this is Riverdale. And thank goodness for that because I love this ship and I love how Cole and Lili are playing the Bughead story.

This is such a great post! They can't just move past their issues. They need to work through it, and these are the kinds of Bughead scenes I love. That being said, I really hope that when/if the Toni kiss comes up, that Betty does not get too upset over it. Jughead had just had his heart broken and been through a severe ass-kicking. He was vulnerable and sad. He thought that he and Betty were over.  honestly, I'll be a little upset if Betty gets really upset about it. (Could I say the word upset anymore?)


1 hour ago, PeekaBoo said:

Jarchie! It was nice seeing the brothers from different mothers together again! Archie partially redeemed himself by helping (or at least trying to) Jughead and Betty. What he did at the drag race, calling the cops, he did what was best (according to him) to help out the Serpents + Jug but I don't know, good intentions that might have bad repercussions. One thing that I didn't get was why the Serpents weren't trying to kick his ass when he showed up at the drag race (or at the Ghoulies' lair) when he was the one that had pulled out the gun against one of their own only 2-3 days ago... And now with what happened at the race, i'm pretty sure he's even more popular. I totally understand Jug for getting pissed at him, I mean, now he has his best friend to look after, yet more pressure on his shoulders...

And the whole thing with Toni, I doubt they actually slept together but they might have done other things... I wonder in  that talk BTS between bughead what jug might or might not have reveal about toni. It might create  repercussions in the future... Tbh, betty should have seen that coming after seeing toni + jug together at the diner and I hope she'll have it in her heart to forget but it might as well be another stake on the coffin before the dreaded triangle....  I'm glad toni set things out right away but I think they've established a good friendship.

They are so heading for a triangle/Barchie they are not even trying to be subtle about it, really annoying!!!


I loved all of the Jughead/Archie scenes in this episode! Archie did redeem himself...he's shown himself to get mad in the heat of the moment, so it makes sense that we went off on Jughead last episode when he saw that he was becoming a Serpent. But then, as he has done in the past, he had time to cool down and come to his senses. And see WHY Jughead joined the Serpents. Good point about the race and why the Serpents weren't trying to kick his ass! I guess maybe they could see that Archie was on their side now? 

They do seem to be heading towards Barchie...but I hope it's just a red herring. I want to give this show more credit that going down the obvious route. I have faith in these writers. Please don't make it misplaced, writing team! 

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I doubt there will be a Barchie (yes, I know it's part of the comics). To me it seems that Riverdale Betty has lost her girlhood crush on Archie but still sees him as a brother. She's certainly much more worried that Jughead will be harmed than if any danger comes to Archie. Archie is fully able to get into danger from his own foolish decisions.

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They sure are making the audience wait for Bughead lovin' aren't they? Obviously that's on purpose. At this point, I don't think the characters would wait that much longer (especially since they already almost did it), so maybe it'll happen in the Christmas episode or something.

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I have to disagree with Jughead on one thing: I for one think every kind of bad news would be better if it was delivered by Archie!  Death in a family.  Missing pets.  Internet down.  Election news.  Finding out that one of your favorite actors is a creep (yeah, way too much of that is going on now.)  Just have Archie stroll up, deliver the news in his typical blunt and goofy way, and then stomp off in a huff!  In fact, I vote for Archie to appear on other shows and deliver dramatically bad news to characters!

First brawls in the street and now drag racing.  Riverdale really is just a 1950s town set in 2016/2017, I see!  I really have no idea why you apparently need two people in each car, but I guess it was needed in order to have Archie prevent Jughead from getting arrested.  I definitely think this is only a temporary solution to the Southside problem, but I still love the big ginger lug.  He's trying, dammit!

The entire thing with Nick and both Veronica and Cheryl's concerns about coming out really feels topical, to say the least.  Of course, since this is Riverdale, it all ends with Veronica telling Hiram and Heromine about it and they.... "deal" with it.  They should just go ahead and licensed the Godfather theme anytime those two appear on screen.

Glad Cheryl got more to do this in this episode.  Penelope really is a piece of work though.

Glad Betty finally came clean with both Veronica and Jughead, and they all seem to be on better terms again.  I still think the reason that Betty/Jughead are so sexless compared to Archie/Veronica is because someone behind the scenes wants Cole Sprouse and Lila Reinhart to be the "innocent, family-friendly" stars, while K.J. Apa and Camila Mendes are the "hot eye-candy" of the show.

Totally knew that the Black Hood would still get to the "Sugarman" in the end.  Since he is apparently able to get to the holding cell, I guess he has influence in the police department.  Could it actually be Keller?

For a second I actually thought Josie would get some significant screen time over her and her mom clashing due to the Jingle Jangle Party, but that sadly was misguided.  At least her banter with Reggie was fun.  Reggie continues to slowly become one of my favorite things about this season.

Overall, I enjoyed it and especially enjoyed seeing more of Archie/Jughead and Betty/Veronica, but I hope we see more of all four of them together.  Them bumping into the Southside lair was hilarious.


And seriously what is Riverdales weather?!?! Betty was wearing a sweater but Cheryl was sitting out by her pool in a bathing suit? 

It seems to depend on the character.  It's always winter for Betty and Jughead, but it is apparently summer or spring for Cheryl and Veronica.  Meanwhile, Archie seems to get cold outside, but when he's in a house, it's shirtless or T-shirt time for him!  Maybe Fred cranks up the heat too much in the house.

Edited by thuganomics85
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It's funny to me that people say that Veronica and Archie aren't of substance. I think that this season they are being more and more solidified. In the premiere they had the purely physical shower scene...but that was immediately followed by him breaking down in front of her. She never had to be there for someone as she has for Archie and it's entirely new ground for her. 


Also I find Cole's acting to be so over the top a lot of the time. He's the weakest of the guys imo. 

Edited by wingster55
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The weather in Riverdale is actually run by whatever outfit Cheryl decides to wear. She feels like a jacket and cute matching hat and gloves? Its winter. She feels like wearing short short or sunbathing? Its magically summer! 

45 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

irst brawls in the street and now drag racing.  Riverdale really is just a 1950s town set in 2016/2017, I see! 

You could have totally taken a still from that drag racing scene and set it to 50s music, and made it an updated Rebel Without a Cause, with the racing and everyone's 50s style outfits and everything. I love it. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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I really appreciate how everybody got into their best Grease Cosplay for the drag race. But I love that said race came about through FP's dated Fast and Furious dad-joke (he would be a fan of that cornball franchise), pitched with a straight face and a ludicrous air of criminal cunning. What a dork. When he was talking about how the Serpents have been through worse with other rival gangs, I thought, yeah those sprained fingers must have been rough after the prolonged snap-battle with the Sharks. I've seen less sanitized gang leaders in shoujo manga featuring yakuza sons courting hapless schoolgirls. 

Does the end of this Sugarman nonsense mean we're going to stop seeing kids getting their wacky sugar-(literal)highs from Pixie Stix copyright infringements? God, I hope not. This show can't shake the cheese of its digest roots, and I'm not even mad at it. 

Edited by thefreeair
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So... what is a sugarman again? Is he the guy who actually makes jingle jangle? Because if he is, why have there been many sugarmen in the past, even though the actual product only recently manifested? And, also, if people from New York know what JJ is, maybe The Source of All Evil Drugs is not southern Riverdale. If a sugarman is just a guy who picks up the latest shipment from Des Moines, then that's probably a commom nickname. And perhaps the street dealers need to stop shitting their pants and running away in a ridiculously guilty fashion every time they encounter somebody who can occasionally employ a streetwise slang term. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I'm supposed to care so much about jangle. I mean, I assume there are still kids doing crack and crank and coke and smack and X (Yes, I include XTC as a Really Bad Drug, but really only because of how fucking annoying it makes people who are on it,) but I haven't actually seen anything to make me think J is The New Bad Thing. We've seen people use it, but they don't seem to be addicted. Veronica was high, but she was still pretty much in control of herself, as Nick learned to his dismay. And as far as ODs... last time I checked, the leading cause of death in Riverdale wasn't even drugs at all. It was murder.

I actually do like this weird crazy mutant show. but what it's good at is the surprising character turns. I'm not entirely impressed with whatever passes for the infrastructure behind all that. And, hell, maybe that's how it's intended to be. Maybe the setting isn't supposed to make sense. Maybe the foreground is supposed to be "Veronica Mars" but the background is more like "Axe Cop." I'm OK with that. But I'm not sure the writers are. Sometimes if the writing makes no sense, it's because batshit insane writers are capable of some brilliantly trangressive shit. But usually it just means they were sloppy.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I loved that V and B made up and their little adventure trying to find Sugar Man.

Ghoulie who's name I don't remember: "These are your bitches?"

Veronica: "I beg your misogynistic pardon?" Only Veronica can sell that line

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1 hour ago, Sonoma said:

For me personally, it's not that I think the pairing has no substance. It's that I don't think the actors/characters are selling it for whatever reason. And I'm a big fan of both actors and characters. I really enjoy their other scenes but the romance, not so much. I thought they sparked more when they were friends who had a slight thing for each other.

Veronica is a perfect example for me. I have enjoyed her scenes with her parents, Betty, Cheryl, etc. this season. LOVE her, especially this episode. There is fire, there is wit, there is Veronica. And then when she's with Archie, I just feel meh. The only difference I see between Archie/Veronica, Archie/Jughead, and Veronica/Betty scenes is that Archie and Veronica make out and have sex with each other. I don't see the factor in their relationship that makes it more special and emotionally intimate than their other relationships.

(Oof, and as always I have to make this disclaimer. I know these are teenagers we're talking about, but this is a show and this is Riverdale! I'm not analyzing romance and intimacy based on normal teenagers. I'm basing it watching these beautiful twentysomethings on my screen.)

I think the Archie/Veronica pairing would benefit from them breaking up, still staying friends who may or may not have a thing for each other, and then revisiting in another season or two. I really like KJ and Camila, and I think they'd be able to shine more without trying to make this pairing into something it's not. As always, mileage varies and all that.

I agree that Cole/Jughead can be over the top at times. I think his charisma and Lili's more nuanced skills are what save him in some of their scenes. I know some Bughead shippers see Cole/Jughead as the selling point but I really think it's Lili/Betty who is steering that ship.

I see it as both Cole and Lili who sell it for me. I think they work really well together. 

I also enjoy Cole with KJ though. I think for me KJ is the weakest of the teens.

I think Camilla/Veronica  is fine, although I just don’t give a damn about the Lodges story right now. Not when it seems like their mystery has nothing to do with the real mystery so their scenes are boring to me. And I liked Veronica and Archie A season ago but to me it seems like the writers shoving their sexy times all the time thing is throwing me off, if they constantly have to show it to us, is it really coming off that way? 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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I'd much rather see Josie and Reggie stay giving it a go. They look pretty together and spark off one another very well. If the show is not going to stay true to the comics regarding its main theme of the B-A-V triangle and asexual Jughead then IMO there's no need to pair off Reggie and Veronica. Plus I've not seen a whiff of chemistry between the two either. 

47 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

I see potential with him being the stabilizer to Josie's rebellious side. They'd also make a very beautiful pairing and I'd love to see a strong black teen couple on a mainstream show. 

I don't see Josie as rebellious at all. She's driven and focused. Other than the rare night out, I don't see any real rebellion in her. She's not making trouble or causing real drama. Mayor McCoy has a very firm grip on her daughter. When I think rebellious in Riverdale, I think Cheryl, and Veronica or Teen Alice. Maybe Toni, though I see her as less rebelling against anything and just being nonconformist. Plus putting Josie with someone with even less screentime and dialogue than she already gets is a bad move for her character. If it's about Black love, then why not Trevor and Melody?  Then again, I also like when Black women on shows are appreciated by all the male characters as a viable partner and it's not just about "put the black people together because..." as I grew up with watching many soaps do that regardless of if the characters had any actual chemistry. 

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Another flaw to Archie's brilliant plan occurs to me. If there are two cars, maybe they can arrest you both for drag racing, and maybe in Riverdale that has a mandatory thirty day sentence or something, maybe. But if all they have is one car speeding... then wouldn't the driver just get a speeding ticket? That's... probably not enough to derail the entire business empire of jingle jangle.

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On 11/17/2017 at 0:49 PM, CletusMusashi said:

The only reason I support Archie/Veronica is that she seems to keep his mind off of singing. I will support any pairing that does that.

To be honest, I'm really surprised Archie hasn't sung any really sad songs about his feelings on his dad's near murder.

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I'm actually happy that 'Bughead' didn't completely makeup with a kiss in this episode. What Betty did was kind of shitty, even though she was being manipulated by the Black Hood - Jughead doesn't need to accept her back and seal it with a kiss right away!!

Also, was it said/featured in last season that she knows how to work on cars? Was I supposed to just assume that normal, pastel-sweater-wearing Betty cooper could also fix and maneuver a normal car into a street racer?? 

While it sucks completely for Cheryl, I liked that they put in the storyline of her mom not believing her and taking the hush money. I feel like it portrays how we don't believe (or at least used to not believe) so many rape victims and their own testimonies. I mean think of all the Hollywood stuff that's coming out currently! Nice to see a family sort of 'break down' to solve these problems. 

I also was so happy when Betty told Veronica everything, and then they joined together to find the Sugar Man - thank god we can have a strong, female friendship on this show again!!

On 11/15/2017 at 9:00 PM, WhosThatGirl said:

Ugh. Love Betty “how am I supposed to find the Sugar Man? I’m a high school newspaper reporter!”

I loved that line too! Maybe, just maybe, the black hood expected her to find the Sugar Man because he knew who he was already, but he wanted Betty to find out herself? Considering the Sugar Man was the director/teacher leading the other high school newspaper... seems like quite the coincidence to me! But then again, that wouldn't explain why he would be upset when she didn't just tell him and instead posted it in the Blue and Gold. Maybe something to think about though!

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