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S08.E18: The Ties that Bind

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^^^Ooh I could see Jace taking UBT on for sure when he's older IF things were to get violent between David and Jenelle. 

I could more see it happening, tho, if Jenelle had won custody of Jace (which she didn't, thank god) bc then Jace would be stuck living with them. B/c Babs won, the only way Jace could end up living w/Jenelle and David is if he decides he wants to, at some point, when he's older, like in his teens or whatever. But if he doesn't, I think that, in a few years, Jace probably won't see nearly as much of David and Jenelle as he does now, b/c he'll be wanting to spend his weekends with his friends, instead of going to see them. 

With regards to Babs saying Jace is afraid of David/doesn't like him (and I fully believe he said that), I'm not sure what it is that David does b/c Babs has never said. Babs did say, "He tells me what you do," to David, but didn't specify. I hope Dr. Drew asks Babs that at the reunion.

B/c it could go 2 ways: either David does things to Jace that are violent or extremely harsh in some way OR Jace simply does not like male authority figures b/c he is not used to them. That happens quite often. 

My cousin, he's in his early 20's now, but he was raised only by his mother up until he was about 5 or 6, until my uncle won full custody. My uncle is no saint, but he was in no way abusive or negligent towards my cousin, but he and my cousin CLASHED like crazy and my cousin has, overall, never really had much use for male authority. Like whenever he'd come on vacation with our family, I noticed he always strongly preferred to be around me, my sister and my mom, he tolerated my Dad but he overall does not like being told what to do by males. And a LOT of men who are raised by single mothers are like that, they have trouble with male authority b/c they are not used to it and men tend to have a different approach, in terms of discipline, it's just how it is. not always, of course, but many times, women are not as good at disciplining, we're just not. And I think that's why so many males who are raised by single mothers have trouble later on in life, b/c they grown up being able to get away with breaking the rules and pushing boundaries...and when they get older that translates to breaking LAWS, getting kicked out of school, getting girls pregnant as a teen and then not sticking around b/c they've never had to be fully accountable for what they do and never had a father figure, so they don't know WHAT to do, theyve never seen anyone play that role in their house before.  And we're seeing it already w/Jace - he bit Babs, punched her, he was having trouble in school and fighting with kids, etc. 

This, of course, is not Babs fault, and I do think she's the better fit for Jace than David/Jenelle. I just sometimes get the feeling that Jace RESENTS the men in Jenelle's life, dislikes them and them telling him what to do, partially bc he may feel she picks them over him and they take up his time with her/he can't spend time alone with her and partially bc he is simply not used to being told what to do my a man. 

And god forgive me for saying this, but I see violence, repeated law breaking and jail in Jace's future. I do. 

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On 11/10/2017 at 1:22 AM, KittyKat133 said:

Just to point out, I'm not sure if you know this, but Brittany and Briana have two different fathers. Roxanne lied to Brittany her whole life pretending the girls had the same dad. Roxanne kept Brittany from her  real dad and dads family. Her real dad ended up dying when she was an infant so it wasn't that he didn't want to be around, he tragically was murdered I believe. Roxanne refused to let his family be a part of Brittany's life. You can see this all on family therapy. So maybe this is part if what devoid meant when he made that comment. It's in the covens pattern to alienate the baby daddies and their families. I don't think it was a cruel jab I think he was trying to point out that it's a pattern with the coven women.  Who knows though devoid is a "slug" as someone else put it (which I loved by the way). Devoid is also the only one who pointed out that they shouldn't be talking shit about him or acting crazy in front of his daughter. It's disrespectful and I think he had enough of it! I don't blame him for his outburst, he was instigated and pushed. Even a slug like him still deserves Some resided as novas father deasbeat or not. No one deserves that kind of emotional and almost physical  abuse. I just wanted to put this info out there so it's known what garbage mother coven is. 

Pretended they had the same Dad? Damn, how does that work? Like did Briana's father go along with this story of being both their fathers? I can see how it'd be kind of a weird position to be put in, to tell your child her real father was murdered. I certainly wouldn't wanna tell that to a little girl. And then, as they get older, it's like, they've been lead to believe one thing all their lives, it might be awkward to just tell them, like there's no real good time to have that conversation, I suppose. Maybe Roxanne figured what she doesn't know won't hurt. 

But regardless, that is something Brittany has a right to know and I see why she would be pissed off about it, I would be. 

Were he and Roxanne together and was Brittany's real father interested in being a father at the time he was murdered? Do we even know? Do we know how he was murdered? What were the circumstances? 

EDIT: ok i just watched the clip from it, apparently he was shot from the back. which means he was either running from someone OR somebody was too much of a coward to look him in the face. 

i saw a picture of him that Brittany's aunt shared, where he's holding her as a baby, he was cute. 

Apparently, Roxanne met Briana's father when Brittany was about a year old. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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15 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I'm kind of curious.  Don't know why but who works and supports the 'coven' other than TLC?  Do any of the three women work and if yes..where?

Is Javi really getting mixed up with this bunch?  You can surely bet there will be another big belly by next season.  Bet on it!

Brianna has said on Twitter that she works for a timeshare company.  The exact nature of her job I don't know.   Brittany and Mother Witch Roxanne both work but if it has been said where or what, I didn't catch it.

Brianna has a nasty habit of rolling her tongue around in her mouth and using it to scrape food from the sides of her mouth and above and below her front teeth.  Every episode they show her eating and it really grosses me out to see her doing that.

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21 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I wonder if now that she can possibly trap Javi, if she regrets even getting involved with Luis!

Javi is Capt. Save A. Ho, USAF.

He looked so heartbroken watching Kail with Lux. Not for missing Kail but for missing fatherhood.  Briana now has a fatherless baby — that’s a siren call for Javi.  He cannot resist it. Javi is attracted to Briana at this moment because of her baby. He wants a replacement family. 

32 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

has said on Twitter that she works for a timeshare company.  The exact nature of her job I don't know.   Brittany and Mother Witch Roxanne both work but if it has been said where or what, I didn't catch it.

Do people still buy timeshares?!  Ack. That’s scary. 

I can’t imagine her working once TM cash becomes permanent — or when she moves to be with Javi. 

Edited by CofCinci
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21 minutes ago, starfire said:

I wonder if they ever caught the person who murdered Brittany's dad and if Roxanne was ever a suspect.

With how scary and out of control she is, I would not put murder past her.

The way she revealed the truth to Brittany (told the truth on one of those family therapy shows) was disgusting. 

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On 11/7/2017 at 7:28 AM, Scarlett45 said:

From what little I know of life, one of the reasons Brianna never “put Devion on child support”(god I hate that phrase) was because he didn’t have steady employement (especially as an employee where his wages could just be garnished) so even with an order there was no reason for her to believe she would see anything. (This is one of the reasons not the only one)

Devion has probably been living off of his parents and “hustling “(either legally or illegally) for a good bit of time, and NOW he has actual employment. If he’s receiving steady pay in Briana’s mind why has Nova not seen a piece of it on a regular basis?!!

Again Briana is awful but she isn’t wrong about every single thing, she’s incredibly emotionally immature. 

Ok so I think Devoin is probably an asshat who is planning to spend the rest of his life living off of other people....but as far as I can tell he’s totally upfront with Brianna and she keeps moving the goal posts! When she wanted him to pay for school he said fine and showed up with a credit card. When they needed cash to pay he handed over $60, which is more cash then I have on me. When Brianna needed information for child support he gave it to her, then she never mailed it. Even at lunch he told her he got a second job (it sounded new or unofficial or something to me) and she flipped out. The same thing has happened with Luis. She asks for something, he says ok, she immediately changes the ask. I think both Luis and Devoin are shit, but I flat out DO NOT believe Brianna anymore about what they are or aren’t doing. I think she lies her enormous fake ass off to make herself seem better. Both idiots seem more then willing for official support and custody arrangements to be filed. Brianna doesn’t seem to want that for whatever reasons. I have my theories, but whatever the reason is I think it has way more to do with the Coven being afraid of what the court will say then with either of her loser baby daddies being scared. I’m starting to hate her in the way other people hate Kalie.

Did anyone else think Janelles wedding looked underpopulated? Like they planned for 100, but only 50 showed up? It just seemed like the reception was full of empty space.

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1 hour ago, FozzyBear said:

Did anyone else think Janelles wedding looked underpopulated? Like they planned for 100, but only 50 showed up? It just seemed like the reception was full of empty space.

It was packed, standing room only.  A lot of her friends cannot be photographed by human cameras.  They have no reflection in mirrors, either.  

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1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

@FozzyBear Jenelle mentioned in the New York episode they had invited 150 people. Whether that is true or not, that is another story. 

Oh I totally believe they invited 150 people. I think the two of them are delusional enough that the invite list might have included the Kardashians. How many of those people actually showed up, that’s another story.

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2 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I don't think Jenelle cared if people showed up. Sending out the invite was more about receiving gifts. 

@Mkay or @druzy did either one of you ever find Jenelle's registry? 

Please say you did! Snooping other peoples registries is one of my favorite activities. I would love to see the super klassy Janelle registry!

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11 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Javi is Capt. Save A. Ho, USAF.

He looked so heartbroken watching Kail with Lux. Not for missing Kail but for missing fatherhood.  Briana now has a fatherless baby — that’s a siren call for Javi.  He cannot resist it. Javi is attracted to Briana at this moment because of her baby. He wants a replacement family. 

Do people still buy timeshares?!  Ack. That’s scary. 

I can’t imagine her working once TM cash becomes permanent — or when she moves to be with Javi. 

you may be right about Javi, but to be fair, we haven't even seen what the 2 are like together yet. even if that is what drew him to Briana, I personally see potential between the 2. I'd be willing to bet they are a much better match than Kail/Javi together! 

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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I don't think Jenelle cared if people showed up. Sending out the invite was more about receiving gifts. 

@Mkay or @druzy did either one of you ever find Jenelle's registry? 

I get distracted easy and forgot to even looked.  It could probably still be found online. 

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On 11/8/2017 at 2:12 AM, nikita said:

Addie is sooooo uncouth eating margarine from the tub!


It should've been butter :D

I always knew Leah was stupid as hell but after she said that nasty shit was butter, I knew she was an idiot. Country Crap is not even close to being butter. It's nothing but disgusting chemicals. 

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On 11/11/2017 at 3:26 AM, SheTalksShit said:

^^^Ooh I could see Jace taking UBT on for sure when he's older IF things were to get violent between David and Jenelle. 

I could more see it happening, tho, if Jenelle had won custody of Jace (which she didn't, thank god) bc then Jace would be stuck living with them. B/c Babs won, the only way Jace could end up living w/Jenelle and David is if he decides he wants to, at some point, when he's older, like in his teens or whatever. But if he doesn't, I think that, in a few years, Jace probably won't see nearly as much of David and Jenelle as he does now, b/c he'll be wanting to spend his weekends with his friends, instead of going to see them. 

With regards to Babs saying Jace is afraid of David/doesn't like him (and I fully believe he said that), I'm not sure what it is that David does b/c Babs has never said. Babs did say, "He tells me what you do," to David, but didn't specify. I hope Dr. Drew asks Babs that at the reunion.

B/c it could go 2 ways: either David does things to Jace that are violent or extremely harsh in some way OR Jace simply does not like male authority figures b/c he is not used to them. That happens quite often. 

My cousin, he's in his early 20's now, but he was raised only by his mother up until he was about 5 or 6, until my uncle won full custody. My uncle is no saint, but he was in no way abusive or negligent towards my cousin, but he and my cousin CLASHED like crazy and my cousin has, overall, never really had much use for male authority. Like whenever he'd come on vacation with our family, I noticed he always strongly preferred to be around me, my sister and my mom, he tolerated my Dad but he overall does not like being told what to do by males. And a LOT of men who are raised by single mothers are like that, they have trouble with male authority b/c they are not used to it and men tend to have a different approach, in terms of discipline, it's just how it is. not always, of course, but many times, women are not as good at disciplining, we're just not. And I think that's why so many males who are raised by single mothers have trouble later on in life, b/c they grown up being able to get away with breaking the rules and pushing boundaries...and when they get older that translates to breaking LAWS, getting kicked out of school, getting girls pregnant as a teen and then not sticking around b/c they've never had to be fully accountable for what they do and never had a father figure, so they don't know WHAT to do, theyve never seen anyone play that role in their house before.  And we're seeing it already w/Jace - he bit Babs, punched her, he was having trouble in school and fighting with kids, etc. 

This, of course, is not Babs fault, and I do think she's the better fit for Jace than David/Jenelle. I just sometimes get the feeling that Jace RESENTS the men in Jenelle's life, dislikes them and them telling him what to do, partially bc he may feel she picks them over him and they take up his time with her/he can't spend time alone with her and partially bc he is simply not used to being told what to do my a man. 

And god forgive me for saying this, but I see violence, repeated law breaking and jail in Jace's future. I do. 

I think this is an uncomfortable to read post but I think you are right as well. I think this might play a part in what’s going on with jace but given what we know of David’s prior violence towards others and the way he speaks to and bout kaiser and jace on camera that jace’s unhappiness/scared goes beyond this. Although frankly Janelle is just so horrible he could also be putting additional emphasis on David cause he doesn’t outright want to say it’s Janelle he doesn’t want to see. 

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I always think of Jace sitting in the backseat of the car when Janelle is driving.  He says he doesn't want her to marry David. 

I think that was Jace's true feeling but as soon as she questioned him he said he was just kidding and that made Janelle smile big.

I do think that was Jace true feeling but he tried to be a people pleaser telling Janelle he was just kidding.

I don't think he was kidding.  I think he was speaking his heart.  Poor little guy.

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On 11/11/2017 at 1:44 AM, SheTalksShit said:

I just don't see how she's different from Chelsea, Randi, Babs, etc. I mean no, it's not ideal for Parent A to bash Parent B in front of their kid, but I mean, we're all human. If anything, at some point, I think it's good to give a kid realistic expectations about their deadbeat parent so they don't keep getting their hopes up. 

Chelsea used to be horrible about this. She's quit. She only films scenes talking about Adumb with her dad or one of her friends. Never Aubree (unless asking how her weekend was) or even Cole. She has grown and matured. Barb could work a bit harder at this, but she HAS improved. And Jenelle's issue isn't that she doesn't come around or pay child support. She lights fires everywhere she goes. So she's a lot harder to deal with than these deadbeats. 

But Nova is starting school and Briana is STILL acting like she did when she was first born. None of them have learned to calm their asses down. I don't recall seeing Grandma Lois stand up in a restaurant booth and get all up in Adumb's face. Nothing that Chelsea has ever said has even been close to the level of drama Briana and her family bring. Plus, it's never one on one. That's the thing. As much fault as I can find in Devoid, I don't think anyone deserves to constantly be ganged up on. 

They just really don't think about what they say in front of Nova. Briana whines about how expensive she is, with the kid sitting right there! Next thing you know, Nova will stop eating as much because she'll be worried about the burden she's placing on her family. The three of them are always more worried about being right and proving their point than providing a calm, stable environment for that child. 

At least Brittany took Nova out of the restaurant when things started to get heated. She might be the only one with a SMIDGEN of sense. 

19 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

Oh I totally believe they invited 150 people. I think the two of them are delusional enough that the invite list might have included the Kardashians. How many of those people actually showed up, that’s another story.

I guarantee she invited Kesha. 

Edited by ghoulina
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On 11/11/2017 at 6:00 AM, AirQuotes said:

Brianna has said on Twitter that she works for a timeshare company.  The exact nature of her job I don't know.   Brittany and Mother Witch Roxanne both work but if it has been said where or what, I didn't catch it.

Brianna has a nasty habit of rolling her tongue around in her mouth and using it to scrape food from the sides of her mouth and above and below her front teeth.  Every episode they show her eating and it really grosses me out to see her doing that.

Shes so fucking disgusting...that even her breathing makes me cringe!!! 

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56 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Chelsea used to be horrible about this. She's quit. She only films scenes talking about Adumb with her dad or one of her friends. Never Aubree (unless asking how her weekend was) or even Cole. She has grown and matured. Barb could work a bit harder at this, but she HAS improved. And Jenelle's issue isn't that she doesn't come around or pay child support. She lights fires everywhere she goes. So she's a lot harder to deal with than these deadbeats. 

But Nova is starting school and Briana is STILL acting like she did when she was first born. None of them have learned to calm their asses down. I don't recall seeing Grandma Lois stand up in a restaurant booth and get all up in Adumb's face. Nothing that Chelsea has ever said has even been close to the level of drama Briana and her family bring. Plus, it's never one on one. That's the thing. As much fault as I can find in Devoid, I don't think anyone deserves to constantly be ganged up on. 

They just really don't think about what they say in front of Nova. Briana whines about how expensive she is, with the kid sitting right there! Next thing you know, Nova will stop eating as much because she'll be worried about the burden she's placing on her family. The three of them are always more worried about being right and proving their point than providing a calm, stable environment for that child. 

At least Brittany took Nova out of the restaurant when things started to get heated. She might be the only one with a SMIDGEN of sense. 

I guarantee she invited Kesha

Agree a million times with your entire post!! I think chelsea is THE only one in the entire TM franchise that has learned from her mistake (ADUMB). I think shes always been a great mom to aubree weather adumb was there or not. Yes, her family has helped her a lot...but i think shes used that to her advantage and has been always showed gratittude for it. To me, its no surprise she's found happiness. 


Lmfao!! At the kesha invite!! Did anyone notice if dustin was there? Lol 

Edited by JuliesMommy
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14 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I always knew Leah was stupid as hell but after she said that nasty shit was butter, I knew she was an idiot. Country Crap is not even close to being butter. It's nothing but disgusting chemicals. 

At least it's trans fat free.  Rome wasn't built in a day.


I decided to look up the ingredients in Country Crock.  From the website:

purified water

soybean oil

palm kernel and palm oil



natural flavors

vitamin A palmitate

beta carotene (color)


Actually not that terrible, as these things go.  But who am I to judge?  If she'd been chewing on a stick of salted butter, I would have thought, "Now there's a girl who knows what's what."  And at least Addie doesn't seem to have a tendency to obesity. 

I don't think Leah's particularly intelligent, but I do think she's quite ignorant, and probably doesn't realize it.  And diet and nutrition are a field of land mines, best negotiated by someone willing to really dig into everything, which most people aren't.  They're either disinclined to or just don't have the smarts to parse everything like it should be. Jello is a fat free food, so it's healthy, right?  Juice comes from fruit, so load up on it.  Sweet potatoes are a vegetable and vegetables are good for me , so I'll have some more of this sweet potato casserole with marshmallows on top.  Trans fat free = good for me. 

Maybe it's just that Leah has so many other failings as a parent (that makeup application before going to elementary school really bothered me), but if Addie has a taste for hillbilly butter, I can't hate her for it.  Now, teeth-rotting Mountain Dew?  At least make them brush their teeth after they drink it.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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On 11/11/2017 at 2:44 AM, SheTalksShit said:


I completely disagree. Briana didn't abandon her child! Briana's been there and raised her! You're comparing that to a dude whose barely come around since his kid was born? I don't see the comparison at all. 


Yeah, this-- as flawed as Briana's family is, Devoin is essentially not a dad. Even if we all agreed that Briana was a terrible mom (and I don't think she's "terrible," very flawed and immature and annoying as fuck, and it's awful that she talks about all that stuff in front of Nova, but "terrible" is strong imo), she's still a parent. Devoin is not one at all. The person who has raised Stella from birth while getting essentially no support from the father is not 'equally bad' in my mind to the people who go overboard in insulting him. One is a bad parenting choice deserving of critique, the other is straight up abandonment.

At the same time, I see the argument that she can't really complain because she hasn't gotten a court-ordered agreement. He, too, though, could fight for custody if he wanted it. He hasn't done so.

Edited by Lm2162
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Maybe I'm just not as nice as some other people because if I ever procreated with someone like Devoin, I would definitely not be sweet and understanding at all at this point, or grateful for anything he did. I would hate his guts and think he was worthless,

I think if anyone procreated with someone like Devoin or Luis, they should be mad at themselves for not using birth control, for not being more careful, and for not choosing abortion or adoption. I really resent people who make bad choices and decide to inflict their venom at others especially after six years. That shit is old. 

As for being nice, it has nothing to do with anyone being nice. It is about knowing how harmful this shit is to Nova and eventually, Stella. After six years, if you are still complaining about some dude and how he hasn't come up to your expectations, it is time to stop expecting and start doing something different.  If you want different results, handle things differently. Briana needs to get that support order completed and Devoin needs a visitation order. There is no gray area. It is what it is. Briana chose that guy to have sex with and kept that baby. She must now deal with the consequences. 

I think a few people have pointed it out very clear - Briana continuously alters the rules or parameters of the situation in such a way as to suit her needs or objectives, making it more difficult for Devoin to succeed in her eyes. As far as I can tell, when Briana asked for his information for the child support, he gladly wrote it down for her. When he acquired a second job, the bruhas went all ballistic on him. If he was being shady, why would he mention the second job? Why not withhold that information and keep the money, if he is receiving cash? 

Edited by GreatKazu
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14 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I think if anyone procreated with someone like Devoin or Luis, they should be mad at themselves for not using birthing control, for not being more careful, and for not choosing abortion or adoption. I really resent people who make bad choices and decide to inflict their venom at others. 

As for being nice, it has nothing to do with anyone being nice. It is about knowing how harmful this shit is to Nova and eventually, Stella. After six years, if you are still complaining about some dude and how he hasn't come up to your expectations, it is time to stop expecting and start doing something different.  If you want different results, handle things differently. Briana needs to get that support order completed and Devoin needs a visitation order. There is no gray area. It is what it is. Briana chose that guy to have sex with and kept that baby. She must now deal with the consequences. 

I think a few people have pointed it out very clear - Briana continuously alters the rules or parameters of the situation in such a way as to suit her needs or objectives, making it more difficult for Devoin to succeed in her eyes. As far as I can tell, when Briana asked for his information for the child support, he gladly wrote it down for her. When he acquired a second job, the bruhas went all ballistic on him. If he was being shady, why would he mention the second job? Why not withhold that information and keep the money, if he is receiving cash? 

I agree that she should be mad at herself, too...but no matter how a child is conceived, it's both parents' duties to be parents. Luis and Devoin probably shouldn't have procreated with someone as trashy as Briana, but if she basically refused to do anything for her child, I wouldn't blame them for hating her, either, and I would think that Briana was more guilty than they were, if she was the neglectful parent and didn't come around while they spent every day with her. Gary probably shouldn't have procreated with Amber, because she was clearly immature and emotionally unstable from the get-go, but I certainly think that it's her fault, not both of theirs, that she is neglectful. Gary has had the right response by taking more control of the custody agreement, and Briana hasn't, but he did initially make a bad choice by procreating with her, and not using protection, etc. Everything that's happened since then, though, has been her fault, not his.

I agree that she should go the hell to court and I don't know why the hell she doesn't. It drives me crazy. I don't agree that she or her family caused Devoin in particular to be neglectful by being bitchy, or that they are all equally culpable for Nova's situation. There is the legal duty, which Briana should absolutely enforce and she is ridiculous for not doing so, and then there is the moral duty of being an equal parent to your child. Regardless of what the other person does, how they act, what they say they want from the other parent, or what kinds of agreements they should enforce, it is his moral duty to do 50% of the parenting IMO. I judge him for that separately from the coven's actions.

Edited by Lm2162
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Devoin is Devoin regardless of what the bruhas do. My point is, when Briana has set goals, she then ups and changes the rules and then takes her shit out on the guy, RIGHT IN FRONT OF NOVA. Nova asks to have her dad with her for lunch. Roxanne takes the liberty to use that time to interrogate him. He says something and all hell breaks loose. At this point, these bruhas are more damaging to Nova. Briana can say what she wants about the guy, she can point her witchy fingers at him, I don't care. I don't like that all of this is happening in front of Nova. Nova is and has been my concern all along. Let Devoin fuck up and let that child decide how she will treat he father. Briana and Brittany have already been poisoned to believe that the majority of males are losers. In that case, Briana should just get those tubes tied and stop making babies with losers. 

I saw plenty of losers back in the day when I worked in family law. Males and females. It isn't about being nice. It is about pointing out the facts, and the facts are that all of this drama that has been playing out in front of Nova, including the new drama with Luis, is not at all for her benefit. Both parents (Briana, Devoin, and Luis) need to push out Brittany and Roxanne from the issues at hand and they need to put in 100 percent for the sake of those girls. If someone falters, at least there will be a visitation and child support order in effect and the rest should be handled in a civil manner. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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On 11/12/2017 at 4:59 PM, Lm2162 said:

I agree that she should be mad at herself, too...but no matter how a child is conceived, it's both parents' duties to be parents. Luis and Devoin probably shouldn't have procreated with someone as trashy as Briana, but if she basically refused to do anything for her child, I wouldn't blame them for hating her, either, and I would think that Briana was more guilty than they were, if she was the neglectful parent and didn't come around while they spent every day with her. Gary probably shouldn't have procreated with Amber, because she was clearly immature and emotionally unstable from the get-go, but I certainly think that it's her fault, not both of theirs, that she is neglectful. Gary has had the right response by taking more control of the custody agreement, and Briana hasn't, but he did initially make a bad choice by procreating with her, and not using protection, etc. Everything that's happened since then, though, has been her fault, not his.

I agree that she should go the hell to court and I don't know why the hell she doesn't. It drives me crazy. I don't agree that she or her family caused Devoin in particular to be neglectful by being bitchy, or that they are all equally culpable for Nova's situation. There is the legal duty, which Briana should absolutely enforce and she is ridiculous for not doing so, and then there is the moral duty of being an equal parent to your child. Regardless of what the other person does, how they act, what they say they want from the other parent, or what kinds of agreements they should enforce, it is his moral duty to do 50% of the parenting IMO. I judge him for that separately from the coven's actions.

I totally agree that both parents are equally responsible for all aspects of caring for their child, but I kind of suspect that Briana has agreed to less than 50% participation with her baby daddies, then later complained that they were deadbeats for not doing more. For my personal standards, any parent should be willing to do whatever s/he needs to do for their child, 100%, but I can understand, under certain circumstances, if there is an agreement between the parents that one will do less. For example, I could understand if a woman who got pregnant by a club hookup told him that she only asked/expected X, Y, and Z from him and she would handle all other parental obligations herself and if he (assessing her as a responsible, capable parent) agreed to that arrangement (preferably formalized in a legal agreement).

I think that Briana agreed to take cash payments from Devoin and Luis in lieu of court-ordered child support (possibly because she knew they were selling drugs). I can believe that one/both have flaked on agreed-upon/customary payments at some point(s), but I can also believe that Briana wasn't very specific about how much she wanted or needed from them on a weekly/monthly basis and that, at times, they gave her more than she expected (because they had it) and, at times, they gave her less (because they didn't have it or they didn't feel like it). I also suspect that when she had the money she needed she'd be less insistent on getting money from them, then be super insistent if she she couldn't cover her bills. Basically, I think she's probably no more financially stable/consistent than they are. I'm sure that Roxanne and Brittany have covered A LOT of expenses for Briana and her kid(s), but they blame that all on the baby daddies, not Briana.

Similarly, I don't think Briana ever wanted/asked her baby daddies to take care of their kids 50% (or even less) of the time. Her desire/expectation is that they only see their kids at her house, under the supervision of her and her family, and that she has complete control of all decisions in the kids' lives. Yet, she'd like them to pay 50% or more of the kids' expenses. She's never asked Devoin to take Nova overnight or "step up" as a parent in other ways that would give him any control. What she primarily wants from him is money. If he gave her however much she wants and showed up once or twice a month to hang out with Nova for an hour in her living room, I think she'd be fine with that. She's never set up a regular visitation (or child support) schedule with him, so it's hard to fault him for failing to follow through with that (non-existent) schedule. She complains that he's not doing "enough," but how is he supposed to know what "enough" is?

All of that to say, I don't think Devoin and Luis are awesome dads, but I feel like Briana/the Coven don't really want them to be and have, in many ways, agreed to them not being "100% dads," while reserving the right to paint them as assholes for never living up to the Coven's (unspecified) expectations. 

Edited by TheRealT
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On 11/7/2017 at 9:14 AM, SuzyLee said:

Either Jo is a complete psychopath and I have lost my ability to see through people or he has really grown up and turned into one hell of a guy.  Watching him walk into Hulk's house with actual covered dishes and presents for the baby (after all of the crap she has put him through!) impressed me to no end.  He is clearly the adult of that shitshow.

Agreed! I think he has come a long way and in my eyes, he is a real stand up guy!! 

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19 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

I totally agree that both parents are equally responsible for all aspects of caring for their child, but I kind of suspect that Briana has agreed to less than 50% participation with her baby daddies, then later complained that they were deadbeats for not doing more. For my personal standards, any parent should be willing to do whatever s/he needs to do for their child, 100%, but I can understand, under certain circumstances, if there is an agreement between the parents that one will do less. For example, I could understand if a woman who got pregnant by a club hookup told him that she only asked/expected X, Y, and Z from him and she would handle all other parental obligations herself and if he (assessing her as a responsible, capable parent) agreed to that arrangement (preferably formalized in a legal agreement).

I think that Briana agreed to take cash payments from Devoin and Luis in lieu of court-ordered child support (possibly because she knew they were selling drugs). I can believe that one/both have flaked on agreed-upon/customary payments at some point(s), but I can also believe that Briana wasn't very specific about how much she wanted or needed from them on a weekly/monthly basis and that, at times, they gave her more than she expected (because they had it) and, at times, they gave her less (because they didn't have it or they didn't feel like it). I also suspect that when she had the money she needed she'd be less insistent on getting money from them, then be super insistent if she she couldn't cover her bills. Basically, I think she's probably no more financially stable/consistent than they are. I'm sure that Roxanne and Brittany have covered A LOT of expenses for Briana and her kid(s), but they blame that all on the baby daddies, not Briana.

Similarly, I don't think Briana ever wanted/asked her baby daddies to take care of their kids 50% (or even less) of the time. Her desire/expectation is that they only see their kids at her house, under the supervision of her and her family, and that she has complete control of all decisions in the kids' lives. Yet, she'd like them to pay 50% or more of the kids' expenses. She's never asked Devoin to take Nova overnight or "step up" as a parent in other ways that would give him any control. What she primarily wants from him is money. If he gave her however much she wants and showed up once or twice a month to hang out with Nova for an hour in her living room, I think she'd be fine with that. She's never set up a regular visitation (or child support) schedule with him, so it's hard to fault him for failing to follow through with that (non-existent) schedule. She complains that he's not doing "enough," but how is he supposed to know what "enough" is?

All of that to say, I don't think Devoin and Luis are awesome dads, but I feel like Briana/the Coven don't really want them to be and have, in many ways, agreed to them not being "100% dads," while reserving the right to paint them as assholes for never living up to the Coven's (unspecified) expectations. 


If I may add, Roxanne and Brittany are also on Briana's ass all of the time. They are influencing Briana's decisions. Roxanne and Brittany have to be in control. 

Right now, according to Briana, she is receiving $1000k a month from Luis. She hasn't mentioned having a court order for that amount so, I assume it is straight out cash or cash along with buying items for the baby. Everyone in that cave might be content with that right now, but when something comes up - and something usually does - Roxanne will then badger Briana about it not being sufficient or she will bring up Devoin and demand he do the same. Briana in turn will start to nag Luis and Devoin about their support not being enough or that they are not stepping up. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Catching a rerun of this episode today : WHO IS THIS SUPPOSED “FRIEND” of BABS ????!!!!! ‘DONNA’.... with a friend like that , poor Babs doesn’t need enemies! Nothing the woman said made sense regarding Juhnelle & Lurch. She said not a single thing in support of Babs, and when Babs perfectly described the dysfunction of Juhnelles life and how awful she’s been to Babs - this azzhole defends them .  GET RID of her Babs. Donna is NOT a friend.  A true friend will be honest and help you see the light when needed.  Donna the faux friend was WRONG on every point.  I was so angry watching her . Just “get over it” and go kiss ass . I’m glad Babs told her no f^cking way. 

Babs should detach herself from Juhnelle completely. Have social workers do pick up n drop off and get J & Lurch out of her life and just raise Jace as best she can. Juhnelle should watch some reruns and realize her mother saved Jace from foster care. 

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Does Briana expect the first baby daddy to just visit the daughter at the coven apartment ? He’s supposed to pay child support but can’t take her for the day or night/weekend?  That’s BS if he’s a responsible person or his family wants to be involved in her life   Javi is crazy getting involved with that trio of witches ☠️

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
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10 minutes ago, DNR said:

Does Briana expect the first baby daddy to just visit the daughter at the coven apartment ? He’s supposed to pay child support but can’t take her for the day or night/weekend?  That’s BS if he’s a responsible person or his family wants to be involved in her life   Javi is crazy getting involved with that trio of witches ☠️


The fuckery of it is Devoid could go to court and get ordered visitation.  But then that means he would have to give up his fun single man weekends and be responsible.  Much better to let Briana and the coven scream like banshees about him being a deadbeat. Devoin like Ryan could care less about actually seeing the kid. 

And if Briana does go to court she knows she loses that control over Devoin and Nova. If she cant bitch at him about not helping, she's got nothing.

God forbid Roxanne learns Nova loves her other grandma. Can't have that either.

Edited by Brooklynista
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Ok, so why did Jenelle have such a bargain bin wedding?  She supposedly has earned over half a million dollars from this show.   I guess maybe the money is going towards other recreational activities?

As soon as I saw the picture of the veil, I'm like these idiots do not know how it's supposed to be attached/worn.   It wasn't a traditional veil, my ass.  

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25 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

As soon as I saw the picture of the veil, I'm like these idiots do not know how it's supposed to be attached/worn.   It wasn't a traditional veil, my ass.  

It wasn't traditional. She said the idea was, "out of the box."

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