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Season 1 - 3 Discussion

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I don't think Christina is pregnant. Or if she is it isn't Jamie's. I think she is using it as protection because she knows what was said in the interview. I don't think Jamie is that stupid. He said he didn't want kids because they could turn out like Beth. I hate Christina now! I hope she is taken to the train station next!

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On 8/22/2019 at 1:21 AM, missbonnie said:

My theory with regard to Tate is that Jenkins is responsible for Tates disappearance. I'm basing this purely off of the dream Rainwater had in the first episode of this season. 

At least this would make Jenkins interesting because his character has taken a turn for the dumb. He starts out as a somewhat savvy businessman and has deteriorated to some sad shell of that, now.

20 hours ago, Ohwell said:

The thing is, I don't think anyone in town was shocked to see her beat up face.  No one looked concerned either.  They probably thought she had it coming.

She said as much to Monica at the bar, didn't she?

The scene with Monica at the store didn't quite go the way I anticipated. They lead with the snooty woman thinking Monica was a student, and the way Monica was looking at the clothing and jewelry, I thought there would be a confrontation based on cultural appropriation. When it took a turn, I wasn't really surprised but it definitely wasn't the way I thought it would go.

As for Monica "consenting" to the search, what many people who haven't had the pleasure of dealing with certain elements of the police force don't realise, once you're at the station you are stuck. You can't just leave. Sure, you may think you have the right to leave (or you might actually HAVE the right to leave) but you physically cannot. The police can apologise afterwards, you can try and take them to court, etc... But in the moment, you are stuck. No one in their right mind wants to go to the station. Certainly no member of a marginalised community willingly chooses to be questioned at the police station. No. One.

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38 minutes ago, mledawn said:
21 hours ago, Ohwell said:

The thing is, I don't think anyone in town was shocked to see her beat up face.  No one looked concerned either.  They probably thought she had it coming.

She said as much to Monica at the bar, didn't she?

I didn't hear all of the conversation because I was folding laundry in another room. 

7 hours ago, Raja said:

If Cowboy wasn't a Beck spy who snatched the boy what was the point of casting the role? I don't get the point why some random ranch hand would choose to murder for Jimmy and accept the brand. Even if, the bunkhouse got the story of how grandfather died.

Black hats gonna do what black hats do.  I would like the backstory as to when he would have been approached to conspire with the Becks.  Those dudes could not possibly have invested effort towards such when Cowboy first arrived.  They had good reason to believe JD would have been an ally in their fight against Rainwater.  

I can see how a given man who was desperate to hang on as a cowboy/ranch hand would choose to go all in with Dutton.  There just aren't all that many opportunities, especially for those with the assumed past of that guy.  He also would have been impressed with how Rip and Kayce were all about doing a solid for the least of their hands, Jimmy.  

As I was ruminating (I know...a dumb thing for Ol' Lonesome to do) about the Beth convo with Monica, I came to a realization that perhaps it was more in service to Beth gaining full control when JD passed.  She has no problems with Jaime, at least for now.  Kayce and Tate were absolutely going to get the ranch.  If Beth could turn Kayce permanently against having anything to do with Yellowstone, Beth would get it by default.

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It's nice that Jenkins' security guy finally became useful.

Countdown to when Jamie's trying use his alleged new Dutton scion as his get out of jail free card with John. Especially if the grandchild position opens up.

This show is the last place I'd have expected to see a Pretty Woman reference. Pretty Woman meets SWNA (shopping while....), anyway.

I'm liking this budding friendship between Monica and Beth. They complement each other's strengths and weaknesses.

And the mysterious Cowboy disappeared again. He must've smelled trouble coming. What a strangely underutilized role for such strong character actor.

If poor Tate is dead, Kayce will kill the Becks so hard they'll die from it.


Also , I don't know if that's how people in Montana dress, but I thought the stuff in that store was ugly.

That stuff is for the tourists and sunbirds. None of the locals would wear it because they'd be laughingstocks.


I don't get the point why some random ranch hand would choose to murder for Jimmy and accept the brand.

I was wondering if he's working undercover. Not sure who for though, and getting branded would seem above and beyond the call of duty regardless. (Can those brands be "removed" with plastic surgery?)

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Well then why was Monica looking at that crap? 

Probably to see where it claims to have been made and what it's selling for. Even if it's authentic and not from China or somewhere, the Native Americans who produced it may have been vastly underpaid. That's an issue Monica may have on her radar.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Must be in her contract to have her chest on display.

Agreed. I've hated this about Beth's character since the first episode. I can't figure out if the actor is making these choices, or the director. Or Costner. It's egregious. Beth could easily fit in on a Housewives reunion couch with that cleavage.

When Monica wandered into the store I thought "Oh brother, not a Pretty Woman reference." Then they had to take the degradation further by forcing the saleswoman into her skivvies. C'mon, surely the supposedly brilliant Beth could have come up with a better way to torment the saleswoman than resorting to high school body-shaming.

I laugh at viewers thinking the store's wares are ugly (not snark). In the 80s there was a famous cartoon poster called Santa Fe Style. It showed a blonde woman decked out in every possible western fashion cliche. She was prostrate on the floor because the weight of too much Indian jewelry knocked her over.

Monica's character drives me nuts. I work with a lot of Indian women, including in MT, WY, CO and NM, and they are nothing like Monica.

Question for the riders: does that slide move damage the horses' joints, muscles, tendons over time?

Also, they are heavily promoting the new cowboy show. Are some of those people appearing in some of the Yellowstone scenes?

Regarding fake Indian jewelry: that kind of thing is more heavily regulated now and one cannot claim something is native-made unless it really is. I don't see the junk any longer in upscale stores. The cheap tourist shops sell imitations but are careful not to promote it as authentic native jewelry. Even QVC has gotten careful about its claims for native jewelry.

Edited by pasdetrois
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19 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Black hats gonna do what black hats do.  I would like the backstory as to when he would have been approached to conspire with the Becks.  Those dudes could not possibly have invested effort towards such when Cowboy first arrived.  They had good reason to believe JD would have been an ally in their fight against Rainwater.  

I can see how a given man who was desperate to hang on as a cowboy/ranch hand would choose to go all in with Dutton.  There just aren't all that many opportunities, especially for those with the assumed past of that guy.  He also would have been impressed with how Rip and Kayce were all about doing a solid for the least of their hands, Jimmy.  

I think the Beck's have always played the long game and emerged when the Dutton fight with Monica's nation went hot. Dropping spies off in every camp would be part of the long game. They tried the carrot with all three sides of the land war and then brought out the stick. Environmental terrorism and rape murders,  I am guessing the Beck's have their own version of "branded men" and Cowboy is one of them.

I got the symbolism with the ranch hand, it just rang out as fake. With Jimmie or an ex con recruit as John suggested I can see someone at bottom taking the bunkhouse and the occasional strip club visit as his life. Only Rip chose a cowboy version of Charles Dutton instead of a hard criminal. The true ex con who can tell why he went up and might get a second chance from society.

Edited by Raja
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On 8/19/2019 at 9:58 PM, missbonnie said:

I think that many times people expect too much from television. I'm not referring to you specifically, it's just that I've found that many times they are unwilling to let go of reality when it comes to television. Not every show NEEDS to make perfect sense, have character development to the 9th degree etc etc. I watch this show to be entertained period. I honestly don't have the slightest interest if this show is 100% accurate or politically correct or whatever. I mean I didn't sit through many years of Grey's Anatomy, ER, Dallas, LA Law, Boston Legal or Dynasty because I honestly thought that was how it really was. Sometimes I find that I enjoy a show much more if I am willing to watch it for what it is and not worrying what it's "doing wrong" so to speak.

Except for ER and LA Law, I did not care for any of the shows you mentioned.  Now I know why!  I can accept and love well written fantasies, such as Game of Thrones, because they are presented as fantasies, where magic can happen. But I do require some degree of credibility in the programs I enjoy which are supposedly set in the real world.    

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On 8/23/2019 at 10:22 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

That stuff is for the tourists and sunbirds. None of the locals would wear it because they'd be laughingstocks.

So true.  And those items look like Southwestern stuff, anyway, so not even locally made, if genuine.  Are they supposed to be in Bozeman?  At some point they say something about her being at the "teacher's college."  Montana State University, at Bozeman, is an engineering and agricultural school and is the largest university in the state.

Monica is a beautiful, well dressed Native American  woman who looks as though she has money.  I do not doubt they would watch her every move in the store, not because they think she is a student, but because they see she is native. But as far as calling the cops... again, the whole scene is over the top.  Nothing subtle about this show!

Edited by luckylou
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I still don't think, in the end, anything will happen to Tate. They're getting as close as they can to that point but to kill the kid would be too dark, even for this show. Especially if its due to the tampered plane crashing with Tate inside. I mean, how horrific can they get? Kayce's son dies in the plane he rigged to crash? No. It gets to the point where the shock and dysfunctional tragedy becomes too much to stomach. I do wonder if there's going to be a season 4 Dexter-esque twist where Kayce thinks all is settled only to find Monica metaphorically (but also literally) dead in the bathtub. Aka, killed by the Becks. 

I was theorizing since last season that Walker was undercover or recruited to go undercover for the government. And then this season that compounded with the new day rancher who comes in and out. Maybe he's another agent sent there to check in and see how Walkers doing. But now I don't know. Walker can't just be dropped off at the "train station," alive and that is that. And now Cowboy is leaving too. Hmm... Imagine a season finale where it ends with Feds storming the ranch and John being whisked off in cuffs.

Monica collapsing at the end got to me. As much as I can't stand her character 99% of the time, this episode is when I found her most bearable and realistic and when she crumbled for Tate, I felt it. I think Beth is right, she's just too nice and too good. You'd think she'd be harder and tougher given how she grew up but its not in her nature, so I don't see how she continues on in this dynamic unless something happens to seriously harden her and at the same time commit her to the Duttons. 

WHY WOULD JOHN SEND TATE OUT ALONE?! HELLO?! Don't give me the BS about the place full of ranchers to watch at all times. We've never seen John have that kind of mafia like security commitment. The ranch has always been comically lax with security for all that's happened. I mean how many places can good ole Rip be at one time? It was late and there's two psycho brothers out for Dutton blood. Did he already forget what they did to Beth? Good grief. Then there's Monica upstairs moping, as per usual. Kayce out getting violent vengeance, as per usual. Poor Tate. He better be ok! 

I don't think we're getting the full Jamie and Beth history/story until next season. Just as well. There's enough going on. 

Edited by CharethCutestory
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17 hours ago, CharethCutestory said:

I still don't think, in the end, anything will happen to Tate. They're getting as close as they can to that point but to kill the kid would be too dark, even for this show. Especially if its due to the tampered plane crashing with Tate inside. I mean, how horrific can they get? Kayce's son dies in the plane he rigged to crash? No. It gets to the point where the shock and dysfunctional tragedy becomes too much to stomach. I do wonder if there's going to be a season 4 Dexter-esque twist where Kayce thinks all is settled only  

WHY WOULD JOHN SEND TATE OUT ALONE?! HELLO?! Don't give me the BS about the place full of ranchers to watch at all times. We've never seen John have that kind of mafia like security commitment. The ranch has always been comically lax with security for all that's happened. 

On a NORMAL ranch, no one would think anything of sending the boy out to feed the horse.  They would leave the keys in the cars and trucks.  

But.There is nothing normal about this place.

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On ‎8‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 1:53 PM, rcc said:

Beth is so evil the whole town is afraid of her.

The actress that plays Beth is from Surrey, UK and has a pretty strong British accent.

I knew Jimmy was going to get his buckle back. I don't know why he had to linger in the trailer so long, he about got himself or somebody else shot.

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2 hours ago, luckylou said:

On a NORMAL ranch, no one would think anything of sending the boy out to feed the horse.  They would leave the keys in the cars and trucks.  

But.There is nothing normal about this place.

Are you sure?  I wouldn't send a young child out alone, especially at night.  What about animals?    I have no idea what animals live in that part of the country.    I was born in New York City and now I live on Long Island.   We have deer and raccoons but I'm guessing there are at least coyotes and bears around the ranch.  

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3 hours ago, AnnA said:

Are you sure?  I wouldn't send a young child out alone, especially at night.  What about animals?    I have no idea what animals live in that part of the country.    I was born in New York City and now I live on Long Island.   We have deer and raccoons but I'm guessing there are at least coyotes and bears around the ranch.  

Kids on farms have chores they are responsible for, and the chores could be in the wee hours of the morning or after dinner/sundown. Starting when they are young, kids Tate's age would be trusted to go out on the relative confines of the property around the barn/house.

Animals like bears and coyotes would not come near the ranch unless in extreme circumstances (drought, fire, sickness, etc), as they would know the ranch = humans, humans = bad.

Edited by mledawn
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51 minutes ago, mledawn said:

Kids on farms have chores they are responsible for, and the chores could be in the wee hours of the morning or after dinner/sundown. Starting when they are young, kids Tate's age would be trusted to go out on the relative confines of the property around the barn/house.

Animals like bears and coyotes would not come near the ranch unless in extreme circumstances (drought, fire, sickness, etc), as they would know the ranch = humans, humans = bad.

Thanks for the response.   Your points are valid.   However, I don't really understand. Kids should have chores but they're not ranch hands.   I would never send  my child out in the dark unsupervised on that ranch.   There's just too much violence. 

Have you seen the many videos online showing bears entering cars, homes, stores, etc.?  Just last week I saw one with a bear having a grand old time in someone's backyard pool.  It was funny to watch but if that was my yard, I wouldn't be laughing. 

Edited by AnnA
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4 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Thanks for the response.   Your points are valid.   However, I don't really understand. Kids should have chores but they're not ranch hands.   I would never send  my child out in the dark unsupervised on that ranch.   There's just too much violence. 

Have you seen the many videos online showing bears entering cars, homes, stores, etc.?  Just last week I saw one with a bear having a grand old time in someone's backyard pool.  It was funny to watch but if that was my yard, I wouldn't be laughing. 

Tate wasn't doing ranch work, he was feeding his horse. A city kid might have responsibility to feed a cat.

I've seen videos of shark attacks, but I still swim in the ocean - because it's not typical. Bears that are desensitized to humans are dangerous to humans, but that's simply not the norm.

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I am so excited for the finale. I really hope Tate will be okay. I love to hate the Becks brothers so I sorta wish they could stick around for the next season but I don't think the Duttons will let 'em "stick around". I hope Beth will be the one that gets to put the dagger in Malcolm if he does go. 

I also watch the Behind the story videos after each episode, I love any extra material I can get my hands on with shows/movies I love. At times the actor has told the story differently than I interpreted it. So it can be helpful at times to watch them videos. 

My favourite character is by far Beth. I love how bitchy she is. I cringe at times tho, like with Jamie as we don't really have their backstory and her hate just seems to come out of nothing for us viewers. I agree with someone upthread tho that we will probably not get their backstory until next season. But I love that I can get a female character that gets to be batshit cray, it weighs up a ltl all the male characters that acts like that with no one raising even an eyebrow. Go Beth! Thankfully YouTubers loves her 🙂 And you guys would hate my bangs just saying lol Episode 7 tore me to pieces. Kelly said the episode was emotional to shoot. It was emotional to watch. Rip & Beth = endgame (promo photo of them two in the finale makes my heart skip a beat awww) 

Bring on the finale! And season 3 (and 4,5...) 

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Going back a couple episodes to Beth's assault.  Anyone who's ever watched a soap opera has seen the horrible, misogynistic and cliched trope of the bad-girl-redeemed-by-sexual-assault.  But, interestingly, I don't think this was that.  Most obviously because Beth remains a raging pain in the ass and still "bad". 

Rather those scenes seemed like the perfect application of her horrid attitude and showed that Beth is actually strong as opposed to just "tough".  She was appropriately horrified at Jason's senseless killing but she didn't give an inch to her potential rapists and wasn't going down without one hell of a fight.  Those scenes were very, very hard to watch but, surprisingly, advanced her character development without altering it.

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

She's still a raging bitch.

Yeah but that's what makes her interesting.   I'd much rather watch Beth raging than Monica moping. 

I'm worried about tonight's episode.   If they don't find Tate alive and rescue him, I'll be totally bummed out.   And God forbid we have to wait until next summer to find out what happened.   If they leave us with that cliff hanger, I'll be really pissed off.

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6 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Yeah but that's what makes her interesting.   I'd much rather watch Beth raging than Monica moping. 

That's a tough choice, lol.

Beth would be more interesting to me if she was a raging bitch with other people, but I'm just sick and tired of her relationship with Jamie and I wish they'd get to the bottom of the dysfunctional relationship.

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Oh for god's sake. The finale was so poorly written (when will I ever figure out the housing situation?) that even my love for Cole Hauser and Kevin Costner wasn't going to keep me watching and then I had to see the "new cast members" coming and 


there was Josh Holloway. 

Now I'm stuck. 

Edited by I-Kare
I'm so mad that I'm now unable to type.
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6 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Cole Hauser is Rip? He is damn unrecognizable. Why is that? The hair color and beard? I am shocked.

Probably the hair color, but he also looks like he put weight on for the part. He's the reason I even found the show (I fell in love when I saw in him School Ties and made my friends stay for the credits to see who he was). 

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Loved everything about it except I am kind of lost as to why they kept saying they were going to lose the ranch. They left Malcolm alive which was more than I would have done. 

ETA I just ran across this article about Beth and Jamie. 


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They left Malcolm alive which was more than I would have done. 

Did they leave him alive? I know John said he'd get his chopper, but I couldn't quite understand what Malcolm said. I thought I heard him saying he wanted to die alone. Also, why was he at that house anyway? Wouldn't he be getting out of dodge on the plane that, I dunno, they rigged with a bomb? I was confused by that scene. 

Was not expecting Dan Jenkins to die, but I guess they need to make way for next season's characters. 

When they were saying they were going to lose the ranch, I was like, "Umm...why?" A little, "We're going to lose this ranch now because doing X is going to cause Y". I guess we'll find out more next season.

Rip and Beth's scene warmed up my heart a tiny bit and the writers have done a good job at making Beth halfway rootable. Only halfway though.

I'll be back next season if there's nothing else on. Which means I'll probably be back.

Edited by Sharper2002
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A weird season finale and season. I can't figure what this season was about.

What was the point of Kayce and the other guy putting the bomb (?) on the plane last week? That never came to play this week.

Well I guess they had a body count quota to meet. This should have been done to the Becks a long time ago.

For the season, It's odd the Becks chose to put a hit on Beth and Jenkins. But never tried to kill John or Rainwater.

I'm no gun expert, did Jenkins shoot his revolver like it was an automatic?

See ya Jenkins. At least you used your shooting lessons well. With your money, you could have hired more body guards.

In that town, the sherrif can keep it quiet for months. A day is easy!  

Is it written in the warrant for the sherrif to just leave? Can't say that it was in poor taste to shoot the Beck brother on the toilet. 

Rip just rides in on a horse and doesn't get shot? That's some serious spiritual protection the man gave the horse.

See ya Malcolm! Chose the wrong people to provide protection. You were a dumb man!

LS Agent to Kayce: What's he doing?
Kayce: He's monologuing his ass off.

I'm sure Kayce and Jamie would be happy to know John thinks he doesn't have enough sons.

Next season, I hope they are not leaning to Tate going crazy or joining some militia.

Edited by mxc90
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Besides Rip becoming an heir I think was the point of the season  but they crashed and burned on the finale.

All the shit the Becks were pulling  and a militia which had been child raping and murdering on call and their security is a couple deputies sitting in a car on the front gate. 

Rip's forlorn hope of a charge with thermal and night vision equipped militia didn't seem to do anything that I can determine. The specialist that Monica's people sent seemed no more special than the tribal police 

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The Lord of the Rings was more real than this.  Not saying it wasn't enjoyable.

The Becks' murders, both theirs and the ones they perpetrated would be the story of the decade in the USA.  

Of all the pure nonsense in the finale, the piece that sticks the most is the death of the sheriffs who murdered Jenkins.  Once that became known within the department, and that would have been super quick, there would have been no holding back within.  Good and bad would have faced off.  Good would likely have brought in the Feds, going over the tool Sheriff's head.  I'm pretty sure the one who demanded Kayce show the warrant was a bad.  This being the case, it would have been an all out battle with Kayce or those bads would have joined forces with Kayce on the spot as a way of seeking some measure of redemption or getting back in the good graces.   The Sheriff would have been faxed the warrant by JD straight away, ensuring full departmental cooperation amongst the goods.

Am I wrong to have snickered when Monica told Kayce to kill the Becks?

The one bit of reality at the end was most welcome.  There is no saving the ranch as a going concern under Dutton control.  Not with the lack of capital and the alltime/ultimate forces of the law and media coming after them.  They'd all be damn lucky to not be spending serious time under Federal lock and key.

One thing with which I continue to agree, and honor, in Costner's vision:  Some folks do need killing and man's law is sometimes an unfortunate impediment.  

Despite this travesty of a finale, I really did like Rip's reaction to being called, "Son."  Of course, JD wouldn't do it to his face.  

Plane go boom?

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So John considered Rip his son, eh?  How about boning your brother, Beth?  Good way to end the show. 

That was about as predictable as winter, and so weak.  Everyone saying their tender goodbyes, but somehow all the "good" guys make it through.  Why would the militia agree to kidnap and hold Tate?  What's in it for them?  Simply money?  They would have bolted at the first chance.  Speaking of which, yelling "Livestock Agents, drop your weapons" at a bunch of kidnappers is so absurd I just had to laugh.  And then, they all march off to Whitefish to rescue Tate.  Do the writers know how far Whitefish is from Bozeman? ( a shade over 300 miles)  That's one hella big county to have the same sheriffs running around.

Presumably the state will dispose of the Beck estate, and some poor aviator is going to go down in flames in a tragic surprise.  Unless, of course, Kayce fesses up to the Sheriff's Office (a wholly owned subsidiary of John Dutton, Inc.) and they clean it up for him.

1 hour ago, Raja said:

The specialist that Monica's people sent seemed no more special than the tribal police 

I think that was Rainwater's 'fixer', willing to do whatever it takes, although they didn't really give him anything to do except for the blessing of the horse.

Let's hope that Rainwater doesn't decide that Kayce or the rest of the Duttons need killing next season.

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2 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

"Please....please. I don't wanna die on the fuckin' toilet!"

I laughed out loud, and I'm not sorry.

Kayce should have told him: Stop bellyaching! You didn't see Tywin Lannister complain!

Teal Beck must give off the scent of roses. Not once did Kayce hold his nose or comment on the smell. 

When he said "I'm shot to shit", I laughed too. You could take that declaration two ways.

Edited by mxc90
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8 hours ago, mxc90 said:

A weird season finale and season. I can't figure what this season was about.

That pretty sums it up for me too.  Also, it didn't help that I had to keep raising the volume because in some scenes it was extremely difficult to hear the voices.  I had to turn it way up for that scene near the end between Beth and her new brother Rip.  

Speaking of Rip, I guess the price for being the new "son" was to make that death ride on the horse?  I actually thought he would get killed and I was thinking how sad it was that he finally got a house and wouldn't be around to live in it.

I know it's all on me, but I'm not ashamed to say that I didn't know what in the hell was going on most of this season.   I'll probably hang around for next season, but that's only because there's nothing else I like to watch during that time slot.    

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For such a shit show, I really love it.  Am I crazy? It seems like every week, I tell myself "this could be such a great show!" with just the bunkhouse gang and camaraderie between them.  But I do love me some Kaycee, not sure why.  Love Rip and Beth but can't stand Beth otherwise.

I even like watching John Dutton ride around and be in charge.  

It's like the writers (and I've love Sheridan for a long time) just want to find ways to fuck it up and keep the show from being truly enjoyable and great.  

I'm still in though.  

  • Love 6

For a while there I thought I was watching the western Seal Team.

At least the scenery and photography remain beautiful.

When they showed Costner in long shot, as he wept on the front porch, my snark wondered if he was unable to summon tears for a close-up.

And Kelly Reilly was covered in real western clothes that did not detract from her fine acting.

I know some native actors who joke about pandering to non-native production people (who make it so easy). When Mo Brings Plenty was explaining war-painting the horse, I wondered if it was gibberish or real. Mo is Oglala Lakota so perhaps it was real.

  • Love 6
On 8/26/2019 at 3:21 PM, AnnA said:

Are you sure?  I wouldn't send a young child out alone, especially at night.  What about animals?    I have no idea what animals live in that part of the country.    I was born in New York City and now I live on Long Island.   We have deer and raccoons but I'm guessing there are at least coyotes and bears around the ranch.  

I had not thought about how close this ranch apparently is to Yellowstone.  Bears do often come onto porches, etc., looking for food.  Besides black bears, wolves and grizzlies are found in that area.  I guess this all depends on what has been seen in the area recently and how careful the parents are.

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