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Season 1 - 3 Discussion

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I, for one, am really getting tired of how they treat Jamie. He has always done what his father told him to, until John took away his chance to get what he eally wanted, to be elected. Just because he wasn't there when RIP called him? Beth is far more toxic to the family, but I don't see John and any of her brothers tell her to kill herself. I don't understand why there is so much hatred for him. 

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3 minutes ago, BravoAddict72 said:

I, for one, am really getting tired of how they treat Jamie. He has always done what his father told him to, until John took away his chance to get what he eally wanted, to be elected. Just because he wasn't there when RIP called him? Beth is far more toxic to the family, but I don't see John and any of her brothers tell her to kill herself. I don't understand why there is so much hatred for him. 

I hope sometime this season we find out why Beth hates Jamie so much. 

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2 hours ago, rcc said:

I hope sometime this season we find out why Beth hates Jamie so much. 

I started to rewatch season 1 and the thought popped into my head that (and forgive me if someone else posted this as well) 


Jaime isn't a Dutton.  He is the only dark, dark haired one (even Lee's hair was dark blonde/brown).  It's because he is a reminder that John's perfect wife and Beth's perfect mom wasn't at all perfect.  

Just my spider sense tingling.  

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6 hours ago, BravoAddict72 said:

I, for one, am really getting tired of how they treat Jamie.  I don't understand why there is so much hatred for him. 

He is obviously the Fredo.  His dangerous tryst with the reporter was a great example.  He murdered her and the family's interests were placed in great jeopardy.  (Another major plot arc which was disappeared.  The New York Times would give up on one of its own being murdered under those conditions???)

He would never have become an operator in Helena except for his blood relationship to John.  Then he betrayed his patron and father directly, out of personal ambition.  

It is very easy for me to project that he has been a narcissistic sociopath.  In that family, how do you not become such a thing?!?  I fully grant his prior sins have not been spelled out, though.  

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I enjoyed John and Monica having a little heart-to-heart in the hallway, and just when you think John might add a little something extra-moving at the end, he just has to tell her where the stairs are.

I loved her sweater in that scene.

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I'm both surprised and disappointed that Yellowstone doesn't have its own forum with multiple threads and a bazillion members posting about each episode and character.    I love this show!



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I am pleased to see someone has done a bit of research about actual Montana law...regarding the access to fishing in the streams.  He could walk down the stream but not cross posted land. Correct.

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On 6/23/2020 at 5:20 AM, Lonesome Rhodes said:

He is obviously the Fredo. 

It is very easy for me to project that he has been a narcissistic sociopath.  In that family, how do you not become such a thing?!?  I fully grant his prior sins have not been spelled out, though.  

Yeah while Beth might be an alcoholic and a bully (which if she was male might not even have registered) and it might be caused by the guilt she feels over her mother's death and/or whatever went down with Jamie in the past, Jamie seems to have something leaning more towards sociopathy/personal disorder. I got some serious gay vibes off him during the first season as well but it could've just been his (abnormal) asocial behavior? I figure being gay in that culture might not be the easiest so I explained his oddity with that and even sympathised with him. But just seeing the interaction he had with Beth, mostly from Beth actually, made me think of him differently. (I'm sorry if I'm not making sense, English isn't my first language and I'm using words I'm not used to) 

I am however a big fan of Beth so I might be judging Jamie too harshly. Beth makes me cringe so many times but that's partly why I love her character. She's written like a male character in how she acts and talks and it's so refreshing to me. Then add she's hotter than hell and don't mind flaunting or using her sexuality to get what she wants just makes me admire her more. She's totally crazy though and so so dysfunctional but makes it works some how. 

I loved her interaction with Roarke but Beth + Rip is my endgame so they better not go there. Although I wouldn't mind seeing a Rip/Roarke showdown 😏 

I'm not so sure Jamie isn't John's son but we'll see I guess. Something's coming up for sure but I'm leaning more towards something sinister with Beth. IMDB has 'Young Jamie' listed in episode 5, hoping they'll update more cast lists soon as 'Young Beth' wasn't in there earlier but we did see her in a quick glimpse from upcoming scenes this season. (btw took me ages to recognize her as the big sister in Home Before Dark, probably the lack of the (in)famous bang that forced me to turn to IMDB to find out where I recognized her from lol) 

Good start of the season. John/Tate interaction was sweet. Monica didn't bug me as much, even with that lecture to her students as it seems fitting for many issues in the current world. I love the bunk boys but I can't wait to see the ladies come in and cause havoc 🤠 I so wish I could binge this show but I just can't wait ten+ weeks to do so 🤓 

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Does anyone know which brother was with Beth and her mother when she died?   If it was Jamie, that could have something to do with Beth's attitude toward him.  IMHO Jamie is just not a likeable character.    I'm sure some will disagree but  I'm not a Monica fan either.  

Edited by AnnA
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The Corleone Cowboys are back.  This episode apparently is taking place almost immediately after the massacre, as Beth is still bruised up.  You gotta love Dutton going in to the governor (will he be boning her again this season?) and saying "It was all my fault.  I will resign the Livestock Commisioner position as long as you agree not to investigate what we did."  And then, in a second breath, "I am nominating my own son to be the Livestock Commissioner."  The newspapers in Montana would have to be pretty dense not to make a connection there.

I hope there's more spine in the resort company's back.  I would like to see a bit more competition for the Duttons, as everyone else in the Rockies seems to bend right over for them. What was the cease and desist order for the tribe about?  What were they doing?  And, to be honest, that crowd of people that trespassed had to be a bit dumb to not know exactly where the property lines were.  You don't buy property without knowing what you got.

If I were a student in Monica's class, that "You're just wasting my fucking time" remark would be on social media before the end of class.  Let her explain that one to the dean.

18 hours ago, luckylou said:

He could walk down the stream but not cross posted land. Correct.

True, but a 10 mile round trip hike in running water is pushing the limits of belief to me.

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1 hour ago, MorbidPet said:

Swoon 🥰 this sorta sums up why I see Beth & Rip as endgame

(spoilers for Sunday's episode, don't click if you don't want spoilers) 

Howling Beth 


4 hours ago, suomi said:

Evelyn was riding with Beth and Kayce. 

Thanks.   I saw the scene but didn't know it was Kayce.

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Had to re-watch to let it all sink in..

Favorite scene was at the end between John and Tate. Just a very well written well acted scene  between a grandfather and a grandchild. The actor that plays Tate is very good because he stands up well next to Kevin who is a powerhouse.

second favorite: Beth with the store clerk. Kelly Reilly is Beth. I cant imagine another person playing this character. Every scene she is in she steals the light. Her chemistry with Cole/rip is  off the charts.

Kaycie  is a cowboy! I love his scenes even with Monica...but Monica just irksome. She is so sanctimonious. Always. 

Jaime I just don't understand. I hope more is revealed this season. Is he just that oddball sibling who just doesn't fit or is there more to the story. 

My prediction is that Bob and Beth will be at odds at some point this season. We will soon see who has bigger balls.

Josh Holloway who I love but wasn't overly thrilled with his introduction. The whole scene came off stagey to me.


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On 6/24/2020 at 5:11 PM, Dowel Jones said:

What was the cease and desist order for the tribe about?  What were they doing?  And, to be honest, that crowd of people that trespassed had to be a bit dumb to not know exactly where the property lines were.  You don't buy property without knowing what you got.

True, but a 10 mile round trip hike in running water is pushing the limits of belief to me.

I think the new corporation is building the resort and the original plans had Rainwater's approval.  There may have been a non-compete clause.  In any event, this is Yellowstone.  Legal niceties are evaporated in the scenic wonder.

A 20-mile hike in that country, stream or no stream, would be something.  Why would he have gone to such elaborate length to hide an ATV?  How did he know ol' Beth would come across that bridge?  I appreciate the attempts at a meet cute.  Suspension of disbelief should not be this hard, though.

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I imagine this is going to be the last season of Yellowstone but if not, I think they need to get rid of the Monica character, or recast her with a Native actress. IMO, the title of this episode is not ironic with Kelsey Asbille in the frame.*

Looks like we just met Beth's eventual new boyfriend. That is unless he doesn't swing her way, in which case maybe he'll be Jamie's. Josh Holloway looks good if a bit thin. I haven't seen him since Colony was cancelled.

Wow, Rainwater has a real powerful enemy this season. Should be interesting if he and the Duttons throw in together to fight the hedge fund guy.

That was a sweet scene between John and Tate. Do Tate's parents not have him in therapy or are they just expecting him to forget what happened as he gets older?

*ETA, so they're already renewed for season four. My point still stands. Monica as currently cast is cultural appropriation and that is definitely not flying now. Also, was it just my eyes or did the actress seem a little tanner now? Wonder if she and Sheridan have seen the criticism (people on reddit have also commented about her not being Native) and this is their attempt to deal with it. Oh please.

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It's Sunday!   

Yellowstone is on tonight!

After watching the preview I'm really looking forward to tonight.   I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who could do without Monica.   I'm not sure if it's the character or the actress (probably both) but she's insufferable.

Edited by AnnA
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5 hours ago, rcc said:

To me Monica fails as a character and the actress is just not good. 

I agree.    Considering that every other cast member is perfect for their role, I'll give them a good grade on casting but it also makes this one failure more obvious. 

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I was thoroughly enjoying this ep until the perp road trip.  Those guys didn't have sense enough to just stay as close to the bottom of the trailer as possible after the first hit?  

I'll be darned if I can figure out how Beth figured out the breadth of the plans with the data she had.  I am very interested to learn how Rainwater's land is involved.  DOI/BIA would never mess with him.  Then again...if Rainwater can build a casino and a city springs up around him, that's a good thing, right?

Roarke has the makings of a great villain.  I don't understand why he was so open with Beth, though.

Loved all the horsemanship and "cowboying" depicted.  

Wolves are magnificent animals, eh?  



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At breakfast, Beth looked like she has never ever had someone treat her nicely the morning after.

I have a feeling she is going to let down Rip.

"Mind the flowers when you leave!". And Beth runs over them. Only a matter of time until those two are in bed.

If Rip didn't show up, Jake would have given Monica the wild horse and should have had another trip to the hospital.  Damn you Rip!

Dutton and Rip have a conversation about new hires and in no time Rip has people already lined up for auditions?! That's some human resourcing!

Not sure why Dutton said the girl has to be mean and ugly. Avery (the girl from last season) is pretty and had no problems in the bunkhouse.

Ms. Teeter looks like she will give Monica a run for the title of "Ms. Annoyance of Yellowstone".

Is that Spanish? No. It's Texan! No. It's gibberish!

Damn coyote should have torn up Kayce/Monica! They probably didn't put on a good show while he/she watched.

No response from Dutton to "I love you" from Kayce.

Jaime is already in office? Quick transition.

Agent Hendon is a fool. Some way to send a message! Nice first day or week on the job for Jaime with this mess.


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52 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

I can do without the gratuitous intimate scenes with Kayce and Monica. I absolutely love (when she’s sober) Beth letting her walls fall down with Rip. 

I wouldn't mind intimate scenes with Kayce if he was with someone other than Monica.  She has zero screen presence.

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On 6/22/2020 at 6:10 PM, JenMcSnark said:

I started to rewatch season 1 and the thought popped into my head that (and forgive me if someone else posted this as well) 

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Jaime isn't a Dutton.  He is the only dark, dark haired one (even Lee's hair was dark blonde/brown).  It's because he is a reminder that John's perfect wife and Beth's perfect mom wasn't at all perfect.  

Just my spider sense tingling.  

That very well could be!  Plus he's so weak and needy.  That doesn't help, but they do seem to hate him.  Not sure why he would even associate with them when he's treated like that.

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Why is he such an SOB with his kids? 

I think Kayce is secure enough where he doesn't need him to say it.  He accepts John for what he is.  They have a deep mutual respect even when they disagree.

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I loved *loved* this episode. Rip was the *bleep* *bleep* MVP of this episode. His scenes with Beth - my gawd that breakfast scene was so cute and awkward and they are just adorable together -, and even with Monica, with Teeter/Lloyd and then with John. Sorry Mr Costner but this episode was ruled by someone else. (Cowboy)hat off to you Cole Hauser 🥰 

I'm going to watch this episode again straight away as I probably forgot half of it just being absorb with all the Rip/Beth awesomeness. 

I'm not a Monica fan but one can't love all characters and I'm just used to ignoring the ones I don't like as much as I can. There's just no use putting negative energy on someone you don't like when you can go all in with the ones you like/love instead. I don't hate the actress either. I'm sure the casting agent did his research and had the rest of the developing crew behind him when he chose not to cast a indigenous person in the role. They probably regret the decision now but I'm not a fan of re-casting characters so I'll roll with her/it as long as she's onboard. The show itself seems to have great respect for human kind as well as animals so I got no beef with them. No pun intended. I am however perplexed they casted someone who couldn't ride, this show demands that you can ride imo. 

And I love Teeter. I hope she stays craycray. They probably won't have time to give her some big storyline and the bunk "boys" always cracks me up. 

Oh Jamie. Dunno what to say about you. I do pity you at the same time as I loathe you. I liked that his guy ended up in jail. Don't care what those guys did, that was a horrific ride they were taken on. Makes for good drama though. 

Can Beth handle her booze or is she an alcoholic? I can't make up my mind. I do like her drunk though 😅 And I just love that Rip doesn't try to change her, that he's just there accepting her quirks. They have to be endgame. Pls lord (Taylor!) make them endgame. I loved what he said about them in the BTS (will post the link below) 

I liked that Jenkins got a mention. I miss the geezer. 

"We're fucking on the dirt, aren't we?" I'll die happy if I ever get to use that line 😆

If you haven't seen the bts for this episode I highly recommend it BTS Freight Trains and Monsters

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1 hour ago, cloudy71 said:

The story john tells of his wife’s death.  Completely different than her actual death on the accident with the horse.  Why???

If memory serves, he was just recounting his last words to her.  Then he left early, was gone all day and the horse incident happened during the day, was my take on it.

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5 hours ago, MorbidPet said:

I loved *loved* this episode. Rip was the *bleep* *bleep* MVP of this episode. His scenes with Beth - my gawd that breakfast scene was so cute and awkward and they are just adorable together -, and even with Monica, with Teeter/Lloyd and then with John. Sorry Mr Costner but this episode was ruled by someone else. (Cowboy)hat off to you Cole Hauser 🥰 

I'm going to watch this episode again straight away as I probably forgot half of it just being absorb with all the Rip/Beth awesomeness. 

I'm not a Monica fan but one can't love all characters and I'm just used to ignoring the ones I don't like as much as I can. There's just no use putting negative energy on someone you don't like when you can go all in with the ones you like/love instead. I don't hate the actress either. I'm sure the casting agent did his research and had the rest of the developing crew behind him when he chose not to cast a indigenous person in the role. They probably regret the decision now but I'm not a fan of re-casting characters so I'll roll with her/it as long as she's onboard. The show itself seems to have great respect for human kind as well as animals so I got no beef with them. No pun intended. I am however perplexed they casted someone who couldn't ride, this show demands that you can ride imo. 

And I love Teeter. I hope she stays craycray. They probably won't have time to give her some big storyline and the bunk "boys" always cracks me up. 

Oh Jamie. Dunno what to say about you. I do pity you at the same time as I loathe you. I liked that his guy ended up in jail. Don't care what those guys did, that was a horrific ride they were taken on. Makes for good drama though. 

Can Beth handle her booze or is she an alcoholic? I can't make up my mind. I do like her drunk though 😅 And I just love that Rip doesn't try to change her, that he's just there accepting her quirks. They have to be endgame. Pls lord (Taylor!) make them endgame. I loved what he said about them in the BTS (will post the link below) 

I liked that Jenkins got a mention. I miss the geezer. 

"We're fucking on the dirt, aren't we?" I'll die happy if I ever get to use that line 😆

If you haven't seen the bts for this episode I highly recommend it BTS Freight Trains and Monsters

Who can't ride?   I must have missed it because I think they can all ride. 

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11 hours ago, MorbidPet said:

I'm not a Monica fan but one can't love all characters and I'm just used to ignoring the ones I don't like as much as I can. There's just no use putting negative energy on someone you don't like when you can go all in with the ones you like/love instead. I don't hate the actress either. I'm sure the casting agent did his research and had the rest of the developing crew behind him when he chose not to cast a indigenous person in the role. They probably regret the decision now but I'm not a fan of re-casting characters so I'll roll with her/it as long as she's onboard. The show itself seems to have great respect for human kind as well as animals so I got no beef with them. No pun intended. I am however perplexed they casted someone who couldn't ride, this show demands that you can ride imo. 


Unfortunately, I do feel like her casting was a mistake.  I seems that she (and/or her agent) claimed she was part Cherokee in order to win Native American roles like Wind River.  I don't mind the actress herself and actually really liked her in Wind River, especially.  But that's just a bit too much cultural appropriation for me.  She also dropped her surname "Chow" in 2017 just before her Wind River casting.  


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Maybe the Native American actors looked at her character and said "Nope, not playing that one.  That's insulting."

Loved  Dutton moving the camp just far enough to get out of cell range.

The wolf was looking at Kayce and Monica thinking "Humans are so gross.  Get up and do it right."

That idiot deputy is just about as culpable as Livestock Agent Henson, telling him not once, but twice, to make an example out of the two accused thieves.  Nothing like vigilantism to shine a light on your department.  Not to mention that the Livestock Commission is probably going to have to buy that trailer, because it's pretty much useless to the two women now.  If Teeter doesn't work out at the ranch, maybe Jaime can hire her to replace Henson.

So the Cross Creek Ranch doesn't even have a gate?  Beth just rolls in like it's her own driveway.  I don't quite see Holloway as any more of a villain than Beth is.  Both of them are trying to corner the market on the valley for their own reasons.  His plan of putting a metro airport in there is a bit farfetched, though.  I think you have to get permission from the FAA to build a commercial airport of that size, as it impacts flight routes all over.  Maybe he's playing a long game with her.  And he was wrong about Big Sky Resort failing, too.  It's still going strong, so somebody's driving to it. Reading up on the resort, they bought out two other neighboring resorts to become the largest ski resort in the country.  That might even be the mountain in the background of some of the exterior shots.

12 hours ago, MorbidPet said:

"We're fucking on the dirt, aren't we?"

Note to Beth, wearing one of her nice dresses:  You do know what horses do while they're in corrals, right?


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8 hours ago, AnnA said:

Who can't ride?   I must have missed it because I think they can all ride. 

Kelsey, it's in the BTS clip. She seemed to have been a natural though once she was up but sorta odd that wasn't a must-know at casting imo. Seems they've done a few slip ups while casting her which brings me to... 

2 hours ago, JenMcSnark said:

Unfortunately, I do feel like her casting was a mistake.  I seems that she (and/or her agent) claimed she was part Cherokee in order to win Native American roles like Wind River.  I don't mind the actress herself and actually really liked her in Wind River, especially.  But that's just a bit too much cultural appropriation for me.  She also dropped her surname "Chow" in 2017 just before her Wind River casting.  


Thanks for the link. I've only read the short mention of it under Trivia at IMDB (my bible btw). Still not a fan of re-casting roles so maybe they just should've opted her out when they had the chance during the first season. If they knew by then of course. If she lied to get the role in Wind River then I can't see how Taylor is pleased with having her onboard this project as well. I think we just all have to do better going forward, just be more fair - it really isn't so hard. 

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So I just found this little tease(r) 

Beth/Jamie feud hint

Let me know if you like a transcript of it, I made an account on the site just to be able to read it lol I'm that desperate, quite easy to make an account tho. Article doesn't really say what's going on tho but I'm wondering if it has anything to do with an abortion or something. Women usually take (imo) an unwarranted load of crap when that subject comes up. Might be cause I come from a liberal sort of country were the pro-lifers doesn't have such strong voices!? If Kelly worries about people hating her/Beth that's the only subject that really pops in to my mind. 

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I think that breakfast scene was the first time I've seen Beth sit through a meal at a table. Loved all of the Beth & Rip scenes this episode, really well done. Monica&Kaycee I just don't see the same depth or feelings.

Did Jamie forget he has a baby on the way?



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2 hours ago, Artsda said:

I think that breakfast scene was the first time I've seen Beth sit through a meal at a table. Loved all of the Beth & Rip scenes this episode, really well done. Monica&Kaycee I just don't see the same depth or feelings.

Did Jamie forget he has a baby on the way?



Beth and Rip are played by much better actors. After Kevin Cole is my favorite actor in this series.

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That's an awfully big house Rip has for just one person.

For a minute I didn't remember BLM also stands for Bureau of Land Management. Yeah, I  don't imagine there's much of a presence of the other BLM in Montana.

Right, a wolf is just going to sit peacefully and watch two humans having sex. Humans that are encroaching on his territory. Sure.

Later the wolf was like, "Dude, I just wanted to see you and that other thing doing it again. Chill out." Guess we can start calling Kayce Dr. Doolittle now.

The best skiing in North America is in Montona? Um, Colorado is pointing and laughing at you, Roarke. You're delusional.

Yep, Beth and Roarke are so going to be hate screwing soon. Sorry, Rip. (But please Show, no who's the daddy situation with Rip, Beth, and Roarke.)

Ugh, that new bunk house woman is the worst kind of stereotype. The weird speech thing isn't entirely ridiculous though. In my experience there are some deep woods parts of TX where people almost speak in different dialects.

That sheriff would have to have been driving pretty fast for those guys to get tossed around enough to kill them. Not believable to me. (However, on reddit it's been posited that this plot point is in reference to Freddie Gray.)

And right off the bat Jamie has a impending scandal on  his hands. He truly is the Fredo of the Dutton family. I bet that guy is somehow going to end up looking like he hung himself in jail.


I'm sure the casting agent did his research and had the rest of the developing crew behind him when he chose not to cast a indigenous person in the role.

No, more like the actress is personal friends with Taylor Sheridan, having worked with him before on a movie where he also let her play a Native woman even though at the time she was presenting herself as Asian. Ugh, what suprises me most is that Costner has gone along with this nonsense.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

No, more like the actress is personal friends with Taylor Sheridan, having worked with him before on a movie where he also let her play a Native woman even though at the time she was presenting herself as Asian. Ugh, what suprises me most is that Costner has gone along with this nonsense.

If you read the article linked to above though you'll see she lied to get her part on Wind River so I really don't think Taylor knew. This was news to me when I wrote my original post, before I had only figured the powers to be made a choice to cast her even though she wasn't a native woman. Wheater or not that was a smart move or not I dunno. With the BLM movement and ppl wising up now I'm sure it was not the smart choice. But anywho it seems they didn't make the decision - it was Asbille who apparently lied. To me Taylor seems like a too straight up guy so I can't see him being happy about this. It's sad when politics/scandals takes some glory away from a show but it is at the same time warranted imo, so that change can come. Even in a fictional world most of us viewers wants reality (if we're not watching sci-fi that is) 

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9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ugh, that new bunk house woman is the worst kind of stereotype. The weird speech thing isn't entirely ridiculous though. In my experience there are some deep woods parts of TX where people almost speak in different dialects.

She sounds like what Calamity Jane sounded like in Deadwood.

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I  jumped into this show this season cuz I am a fan of Josh Holloway, so I have only seen two episodes. Can someone tell me is Beth bipolar? That is how she comes off to me, with the chronic drinking and the wild behavior. 

I'm liking the show, but the wolf watching the sexing was wholly cringe-worthy. 

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