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S05.E06: 100 Feet From Catastrophe


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36 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I was watching the stew fold the end of the toilet paper. All I could think of was that I'd have to throw that *decoration* away. The cleaners hands were all over it and gosh knows what she was cleaning before making the pretty little fold. 

Agreed.  Same goes for any public washroom toilet paper - fancy folds or not.  The first 4 squares go directly into the toilet.  Cuz I don't know who touched 'em when they were tearing their sheets off.  Neurotic much? LOL

Captain, re:  the big tip:  "Not bad for people who don't drink."  WTH does that mean?

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Captain, re:  the big tip:  "Not bad for people who don't drink."  WTH does that mean?

I think the implication was drunk people are easier to please because they don't necessarily remember the mistakes. And given than this crew is mostly completely mistake prone, not having the haze of alcohol to mask all their problems could have potentially tanked their tip, but it didn't.

Nice to see Matt focused. He's much more attractive when he's not sloppy drunk.

  • Love 23

I don't understand the ambiguity with the rank issue of the deck crew.  I thought Nico was senior deckhand and EJ was the bosun? I also don't understand why is it so hard to release the lines when setting out? Why don't they just assign each person a line to be responsible for? Also, Nico comes off as a real baby! Suck it up buttercup you just made $1700.00. What does Breeze see in him?

  • Love 12

So far, I like Matt the best of all the chefs. Yeah, he's got a worryingly flat affect and makes a lot of Applebee's food, but he hasn't had a single temper tantrum and seems to get along decently with most everyone, hot mess date with Bri aside. Plus, the way that he melts down makes me root for him (as opposed to Ben, Leon, or Adam). I identify with getting mad at myself over even small mistakes, turning inwards, getting shitfaced, and then getting even further into my quiet shame spiral because of it. 

Even though things feel a little low-key compared to other seasons, I think I'm liking this season more than I have any recent (and all of Med). The storylines are tweaked just enough for my tastes. It doesn't look like we're going to have an overarching "everyone vs. the chief stew" thing for once, and having literally all of the non-leadership crew being green hot-ass messes is kinda amusing, it makes those dramatic "omg but will they anchor???" shots they've always done in every single episode throughout the series actually suspenseful for once. Still got the annoying contrived romance subplot going on, but other than that, it feels just slightly different enough to actually grab my attention back.

Also, since he decided to try and make "cool beans" happen again, I have a 90s church ladyism to bust out, too: EJ is a fucking goober. He took the worst of Eddie's Alex P. Keaton vibes and turned the volume up to eleven. Also, never trust a guy who goes by initials. 

Edited by annewithaneee
  • Love 17

Well EJ, since you're the new boss, it's your responsibility to check everything.  Especially on Day One.  Don't just assume this or that was done.  He's as bad as the rest of them, but thinks he's brilliant.

 Always a good idea for the team to check each other, especially these Einsteins.

Jen continues to whine.  Why can't you call home for a few minutes a day?  You don't seem to stray very far from the main town on the island.  It's only 15 miles from St. Bart's to St Maarten.

CB is going to sleep in the bilge.  Good luck dude.  OK, it's the hold.  I don't know how "airless" it is, but there's lots of privacy. 

Kate was nice to throw him a bone and give him something to do for the casino night.  Looks like he didn't tick off the guests.

Matt is still a mess.  How do you forget to obtain your entree?  Whip up an appetizer or something waiting for the lobsters!

I give him credit for cooking them up so quickly.  Give it to him straight Kate.  No more screwing around.  Well done dinner too!  Now stay away from the Jim Beam.

Dueling bosses never works.  We have to manufacture the drama somehow.  That puts the underlings in a bad spot.  You just knew more deck confusion was coming.  I can barely understand what Baker is saying, but the Closed Captions drive me nuts.

Syphilis?  OK then Niko.  That's a bit off the wall.  What's with the window washing?  It's not hard, but streaks can be hard to see in the wrong light.  Somehow they didn't look "caked" with salt.  I have found newspaper works very well for the final destreaking.

EJ is annoying as hell, but Niko is no real prize here either.  I don't know enough about boats to really know who's right in these silly spats.

So it's OK for Bruno to be a live meat platter for a group of gay men, but taking his shirt off to wring it out is not allowed.  I think if he was shirtless on deck more often, the editors would happily have shown it.  Captain Lee is in a very bad mood.

How do you jump in a boat and cut loose without the keys?  Very high on the stupid scale.  I give Niko credit for admitting his failures.  Most people find somebody else to blame.

Don't go away mad CB, just go away.  St. Bart's is a really expensive place for him to get dropped off.  That $2000 tip isn't going to go very far there.

Jen whining at the crew drunk, surprise, surprise surprise.   Bitter is just one word for it.  "Somebody help this girl"  Funny Niko.  Did Matt order water at first?  It looked like he had a beer later.

Did Niko, Bri and Bruno try to get away from Jen and EJ going to that other bar and were followed?  Maybe the producers make them all stay together unless there is sex involved.

Niko doesn't bring up his girlfriend because he knows you don't want to hear about it Bri.  Get over yourself.

The drunken douchbro battle was the inevitable climax to the evening's festivities.  Niko is going to lose this war.

  • Love 4

Nico is a brat. His bratty responses are the precise reason he's not the bosun. EJ is kind of a douche and a doofus, but he could have swaggered in there being a colossal dick and throwing his weight around. He didn't. EJ could have insisted that his way was the only way. He hasn't. He's tried to negotiate things with Nico because he knows how uncomfortable and awkward it must be for Nico. EJ has screwed up (leaving the brake on wasn't great, but jumping on the wet deck while wearing shoes was colossally dangerous). However, Nico's failures are many fold. He's not doing his job all that well and the team he's been working with day and night for weeks are still pretty bad at their jobs. Even something as simple as window washing, Nico's solution was to have Bruno wash them twice instead of teaching Bruno a better way to wash them.

This deck crew is a mess that I lay squarely at the feet of Captain Lee. They were too green to function. Nico wasn't equipped to train them. And when Lee finally brought EJ on board, he didn't make it clear to the crew how the deck crew would run with a bosun. Of course Nico is being petulant and insubordinate.

Jen is terrible. She does nothing, but complain. She's so busy complaining that she can't do her job.

It's good of Matt to rally, but he's not great at planning and doesn't seem to do much provisioning.

10 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

Also, never trust a guy who goes by initials. 

That's not fair. He didn't get to choose his name. His parents did. Perhaps they gave him some name he hated or a name that's almost unpronounceable by Americans or Canadians. My family is from Nigeria. Three of my brothers have names Americans butcher constantly. They go by their initials too. I wish I could go by my initials. I'm sick and tired of hearing my name mangled 20 times a day.

The Maltese Falcon is no joke. It's also $400K/week to charter.


Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 12

Matt said he knew the lobster had been in the fridge and it had disappeared.   I wonder if production "relocated" the lobster and that is why Matt could not find it.  Maybe some of the crew had a midnight snack?  In any case I was impressed that Matt did not panic or throw a tantrum.  He calmly went into problem solving mode and asked the Captain to send Nico out to get fresh lobster.  Can you imagine the hissy fit Ben would have had?  The situation could have turned into a Captain Queeg and the stolen strawberries scenario, which would have been kind of awesome.  Imagine the crew quarters being searched for "evidence" and Matt and the captain finding a bunch of old lobster shells in Creepy Chris Brown's bunk.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, annewithaneee said:

Also, since he decided to try and make "cool beans" happen again, I have a 90s church ladyism to bust out, too: EJ is a fucking goober. He took the worst of Eddie's Alex P. Keaton vibes and turned the volume up to eleven. Also, never trust a guy who goes by initials. 

Lol those are the exact same words I used to describe him this episode. Also, the guy is exhausting. I found Chris more tolerable than him this episode which is a pretty embarrassing feat.

  • Love 8

Jen's probably right, Kate is just being mean by not wanting foam pouring out of the washing machines.  Poor Jenderella.  Maybe if she didn't take so long to do everything there would be more time for evil stepsister Kate to let her take breaks and call her daughter. 

EJ is totally a goober and he seems almost as bad at his job as everyone else.  I really hope the ship doesn't sink this season.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 18

Jen managed to check her hair in a mirror while she was doing the fake quavery sad voice while speaking to her daughter.

I also think production stole Matt's lobster. Good for him for rallying and doing well. I also give him credit for not flipping out when Kate told him he had to pull it together and deliver a stellar meal. The other chefs we've seen would have thrown cleavers around and stomped off to sulk.

So we were led to believe the two yachts would collide, but it was actually the tender that came close to but did not hit the Maltese Falcon?

  • Love 8

Jen is the worst. She is one of those people with extreme tunnel vision. She lives in her own little world where she's the trod upon servant and everyone else on the yacht is apparently lazing around. She is CONSTANTLY complaining about how rough she has it, how much work she does - yet that work is rarely done right. She's still overflowing washers. So she's got Kate cleaning up behind her and Bri taking up the slack. But it's all about her. Ugh. 

And I hated that she took the ten minutes she was given to call her daughter and instead of asking the kid about her day, Jen starts CRYING and unloading all her grievances on a grade schooler! 

I'm glad to see Matt has redeemed himself. He was making me nervous during that lobster lunch. The guests were getting very restless. He should have started serving apps and salads and whatever until he could get his hands on that lobster. But he did seem to hit it out of the park. AND with the tasting dinner. If you can impress the dry "foodies" that well, he's got to be doing something right. 

I also noticed that he ordered water when they all went out. Good for him. I think (hope) he's really starting to take stock of his life and get his shit together. 

I do not know enough about boats to understand who is at fault with all these different mishaps, but damn....there are just too many. I think letting Chris Brown go was the right move. He's just too DGAF. I didn't like his sour grapes exit either. Yes, the other deckhands are incompetent as well, but they are TRYING. He just wants to drink and nap. 

Nico is acting like an immature brat, but EJ is such a smarmy douche. I can't pick a side. I kind of just want Cap to throw them both overboard. 

  • Love 15
9 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Well EJ, since you're the new boss, it's your responsibility to check everything.  Especially on Day One.  Don't just assume this or that was done.  He's as bad as the rest of them, but thinks he's brilliant.

See, this is what I tend to think. Again, I don't know enough about boats....but if often seems like EJ is pretty clueless too. I think he likes being bosun because he thinks she can shift the blame downward when something goes wrong. 


28 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

So we were led to believe the two yachts would collide, but it was actually the tender that came close to but did not hit the Maltese Falcon?

Yea, I call BS on those previews. 

  • Love 5

WTF Nico? How old are you? EJ is the Bosun NOT YOU. What is so hard to understand? You had a chance. You failed. A person who had proven himself to the Cap was brought in. You right Nico. Shut up and go back to polishing rails. Sowing discontent and confusion is not how you lead! Nico should have been shown the door and not let the door hit him in his entitled ass on the way out.

Ok I'm officially over Cinderfella down there in the laundry. Who cries to their kid about how "mean" their boss is? What a horrible woman. You're not doing more work more anyone else so shut up. If anything you're MAKING more work. I really dislike people who can't just shut up and do there job. Believe me I have washed dishes in restaurants just to have a job and I sure as hell didn't bitch about it. And I sure wasn't getting paid what they are! I'll wash clothes all day for that kind of cash! 

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Nico is a brat. His bratty responses are the precise reason he's not the bosun. EJ is kind of a douche and a doofus, but he could have swaggered in there being a colossal dick and throwing his weight around. He didn't. EJ could have insisted that his way was only way. He hasn't. He's tried to negotiate things with Nico because he knows how uncomfortable and awkward it must be for Nico. EJ has screwed up (leaving the brake on wasn't great, but jumping on the wet deck while wearing shoes was colossally dangerous). However, Nico's failures are many fold. He's not doing his job all that well and the team he's been working with day and night for weeks are still pretty bad at their jobs. Even something as simple as window washing, Nico's solution was to have Bruno wash them twice instead of teaching Bruno a better way to wash them.

This deck crew is a mess that I lay squarely at the feet of Captain Lee. They were too green to function. Nico wasn't equipped to train them. And when Lee finally brought EJ on board, he didn't make it clear to crew how the deck crew would run with a bosun. Of course Nico is being petulant and insubordinate.

Jen is terrible. She does nothing, but complain. She's so busy complaining that she can't do her job.

It's good of Matt to rally, but he's not great at planning and doesn't seem to do much provisioning.

That's not fair. He didn't get to choose his name. His parents did. Perhaps they gave him some name he hated or a name that's almost unpronounceable by Americans or Canadians. My family is from Nigeria. Three of my brothers have names Americans butcher constantly. They go by their initials too. I wish I could go by my initials. I'm sick and tired of hearing my name mangled 20 times a day.

The Maltese Falcon is no joke. It's also $400K/week to charter.



I loved that one bathroom sink that was made out of a sunfish or sailfish. Pretty inventive of the designer. Alas, this type of yacht is too good for our messy crew on BD. 

For the money these people get in tips alone there should not be one complaint from ANYONE!  Not one person that we are seeing is overworked, in my opinion. And by the way, Jen, don't leave " the love of your life" to find your own dreams when she is still a minor and then bitch about it when you don't get to talk to her enough. Nico has not proven to anyone that he is capable of even doing the job let alone leading and teaching others. EJ actually doesn't seem much better; he seems more worried about keeping the windows clean than working the anchor correctly or showing anyone else how to do it. Looks like Matt's bad date was a learning experience for him - I like him so much better sober.  I felt bad for Chris but he really never made any attempts to get better at his job and didn't seem upset to be leaving - hopefully, he didn't spend all 4 charters worth of tips on going out drinking.  I'm trying to decide whether Bri had set her sights on Nico all along or the other guys are just so goony that she was drawn to him. At any rate, I feel bad for Nico's girlfriend watching this.  I'm quickly losing respect for Captain Lee for not being more of a micromanager- that's a pretty expensive piece of equipment to be letting a bunch of untrained buffoons try to run.

  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, Belowdeckchatter said:

I am not a Jen fan but when you watch the show Kate is standing around doing nothing an awful lot. I think it is easy to see why Jen thinks that she is the only stew working.

Kate is acting like a haughty bitch this season. It is not a good look on her.

But Kate is chief stew. She's earned her place. She busted her butt as a stewardess and now her role is more about managing and delegating. I still think she likely works very hard, but in a different way. 

I also don't think Jen's comments were so much about Kate, but mainly about Bri. She seems to think Bri gets special treatment and does less work than her - when, in reality, Bri is likely a more efficient worker and gets done quickly. But I think she's also picking up a lot of Jen's slack and Jen is too self-involved to notice. 

2 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

EJ actually doesn't seem much better; he seems more worried about keeping the windows clean than working the anchor correctly or showing anyone else how to do it.

Thank you. I noticed that last night. He is micro-managing the hell out of everyone and it seems a bit ridiculous. He and Nico were arguing over the windows and EJ said something (in his TH, maybe?) along the lines of - "You better just listen to me because I was brought in for a reason". Well, yea, but it wasn't because the windows were too salty! 

There was that one moment when EJ had Baker cleaning a non-guest area and Nico seemed to want to prioritize cleaning the parts of the deck that get more traffic first. Nico handles himself all wrong, but I actually think he has some good points about EJ. 

  • Love 11
13 hours ago, ryebread said:

Agreed.  Same goes for any public washroom toilet paper - fancy folds or not.  The first 4 squares go directly into the toilet.  Cuz I don't know who touched 'em when they were tearing their sheets off.  Neurotic much? LOL

Captain, re:  the big tip:  "Not bad for people who don't drink."  WTH does that mean?

Naw lol.  I see your neuroses and raise you:   Matt tasted the tuna he was preparing for Caribbean dinner night and then stirred it with that same fork.  




All the nos in all the land.    I'm gonna have to start using airquotes to refer to him as a chef.   You don't put your taster utensil back in the food you're serving to other people. 

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Jen is the worst. She is one of those people with extreme tunnel vision. She lives in her own little world where she's the trod upon servant and everyone else on the yacht is apparently lazing around. She is CONSTANTLY complaining about how rough she has it, how much work she does - yet that work is rarely done right. She's still overflowing washers. So she's got Kate cleaning up behind her and Bri taking up the slack. But it's all about her. Ugh. 

And I hated that she took the ten minutes she was given to call her daughter and instead of asking the kid about her day, Jen starts CRYING and unloading all her grievances on a grade schooler!

What in the everloving oceanliner is your 7? 8? year old supposed to do about your hard day?   I think I'dve had more patience if she'd gotten it together for the phone call and then heard that teeny weeny voice say mommy I miss you and then unraveled.   But dude your baby ain't here to fix your life, the hell?

1 hour ago, Caseysgirl said:

For the money these people get in tips alone there should not be one complaint from ANYONE!  Not one person that we are seeing is overworked, in my opinion. And by the way, Jen, don't leave " the love of your life" to find your own dreams when she is still a minor and then bitch about it when you don't get to talk to her enough. Nico has not proven to anyone that he is capable of even doing the job let alone leading and teaching others. EJ actually doesn't seem much better; he seems more worried about keeping the windows clean than working the anchor correctly or showing anyone else how to do it. Looks like Matt's bad date was a learning experience for him - I like him so much better sober.  I felt bad for Chris but he really never made any attempts to get better at his job and didn't seem upset to be leaving - hopefully, he didn't spend all 4 charters worth of tips on going out drinking.  I'm trying to decide whether Bri had set her sights on Nico all along or the other guys are just so goony that she was drawn to him. At any rate, I feel bad for Nico's girlfriend watching this.  I'm quickly losing respect for Captain Lee for not being more of a micromanager- that's a pretty expensive piece of equipment to be letting a bunch of untrained buffoons try to run.

I missed her backstory, why must she work on a boat for weeks at a time?  Did she have trouble finding work at home or...?  What else is qualified to do btw?  She's got a baby and doesn't know how much laundry detergent to use in a mini washer?

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

But Kate is chief stew. She's earned her place. She busted her butt as a stewardess and now her role is more about managing and delegating. I still think she likely works very hard, but in a different way. 

I also don't think Jen's comments were so much about Kate, but mainly about Bri. She seems to think Bri gets special treatment and does less work than her - when, in reality, Bri is likely a more efficient worker and gets done quickly. But I think she's also picking up a lot of Jen's slack and Jen is too self-involved to notice. 

Thank you. I noticed that last night. He is micro-managing the hell out of everyone and it seems a bit ridiculous. He and Nico were arguing over the windows and EJ said something (in his TH, maybe?) along the lines of - "You better just listen to me because I was brought in for a reason". Well, yea, but it wasn't because the windows were too salty! 

There was that one moment when EJ had Baker cleaning a non-guest area and Nico seemed to want to prioritize cleaning the parts of the deck that get more traffic first. Nico handles himself all wrong, but I actually think he has some good points about EJ. 

This.  I actually think her job is harder.   She the liaison between the guests and their services.  It doesn't really matter what sort of fuckery is going on behind the scenes, her job is to make sure it all works out to be a stellar experience for them. 

  • Love 13
58 minutes ago, Belowdeckchatter said:

I am not a Jen fan but when you watch the show Kate is standing around doing nothing an awful lot. I think it is easy to see why Jen thinks that she is the only stew working.

Kate is acting like a haughty bitch this season. It is not a good look on her.

I think Kate is a hard worker but I also think she's a haughty bitch. 

She likes to embarrass and harass.  Tying Sierra's walkie talkie to her wrist, when Sierra said it was hurting her (and I don't doubt it - they're heavy), and then following closely on her heels to make sure she didn't take it off.  Creepy

Then bugging Jen to wear the afro wig when it was clearly uncomfortable on her head. Kate said, "The minute Jen starts bringing more to the table, I won't make her wear a wig." Even Bri said Kate was doing that to Jen to "put her in her place and show her who's boss."  

Kate clearly doesn't like Jen but allows her to cuddle up to her on the tender on the way back to the Valor last night. Jen is dumb and insecure and wants Kate's acceptance.  Kate can't stand her but will reel her in with a random kindness, only to go on to embarrass her and bag on her in TH and in public.  Kate gives me the creeps.  Reminds me of an abusive boyfriend.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

This.  I actually think her job is harder. 

I agree. The peons are told "go do the laundry" and then their only responsibility is doing the dang laundry (correctly). Or go make up the beds. Or make some cocktails. Or deliver some food. Kate has got to have her mind on everything that's going on and thinking, is there time later to do the bed turn down, or does it need to be now? How long till dinner and do I need to find snacks/activity/change of scenery for the guests or can they stay where they are? etc. etc. 

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

This.  I actually think her job is harder.   She the liaison between the guests and their services.  It doesn't really matter what sort of fuckery is going on behind the scenes, her job is to make sure it all works out to be a stellar experience for them. 

I agree.  Her job is difficult.  I think it would be easier if she learned how to be a better boss, though.

Jen should stay onboard when the others go to the bar and call her daughter.  Take all the time you need, darlin'. 

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, ryebread said:

I think Kate is a hard worker but I also think she's a haughty bitch. 

She likes to embarrass and harass.  Tying Sierra's walkie talkie to her wrist, when Sierra said it was hurting her (and I don't doubt it - they're heavy), and then following closely on her heels to make sure she didn't take it off.  Creepy

Kate is one mean bitch to work for. She gets nastier every season.  I suspect that she may be an alcoholic.  She has had 3 or 4 alcohol related arrests in recent years.  Also she looks pretty haggard for someone in their early 30's.  Alcoholism and addiction does a number on a woman's looks.    

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, ryebread said:

I agree.  Her job is difficult.  I think it would be easier if she learned how to be a better boss, though.

Jen should stay onboard when the others go to the bar and call her daughter.  Take all the time you need, darlin'. 


1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

right?  is this not an option, do you think?

I was thinking the same thing. She got all pissed that Kate "only" gave her 10 minutes, but she asked right when dinner service was about to start!!! Da fuq? She has 2 little brain cells rattling around in that head of hers. 

  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I am really curious how old Jen’s daughter is since she said that she never got to go for her dreams because she had her daughter young but she is 33 and her daughter doesn’t sound that old.

She's 9.

2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

right?  is this not an option, do you think?

Ya never know with Bravo.  I can see production insisting that she attend the dinners.  Who else would fake orgasms at the table? 

Are we really only 6 episodes in??

  • Love 1

"Jen Jen Kate." Kate is a machine.  She is the fembot Jeff Lewis of the high seas. They might have the same lip guy (dr.). Also, Kate is SO SO thin.

I am having a hard time following the tip. Do they make $1700 for just like 3 days? On top of what kind of salary? I have a hard time on the tip reveal figuring out what kind of relative windfall it is. Or isn't.

Good Drama with them almost hitting the Nina Pinta Santa Maria modern super yacht. And the brewing fist fight at the very end. 

Jen is a disaster. But Bri now that she has her choice of suitors is turning into a real alpha Regina George bitch. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I am having a hard time following the tip. Do they make $1700 for just like 3 days? On top of what kind of salary? I have a hard time on the tip reveal figuring out what kind of relative windfall it is. Or isn't.

a most definitive *is*

my halfhearted research suggests an average of 2 charters per week (sound about right you guys?).   Of course the haul depends on crew size but I don't remember a trip or primary who has left them less than $1100 each.  Which is why I wholeheartedly agree with the poster above who said they need to simmer down or quit.  Yeah, they're moving constantly and it doesn't look like there's more than 10 minutes of down time but these kids are making an average 2500 theoretically reportable dollars in gratuities per week.  Stop complaining about laundry.  

If this isn't already true, it's the captain I think should be salaried.  His/her job is in a professional category that you wouldn't expect would be applicable to tips.

  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

"Jen Jen Kate." Kate is a machine.  She is the fembot Jeff Lewis of the high seas.

I agree, however, Jeff would never go out in public with his hair looking like that. 

1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

She has had 3 or 4 alcohol related arrests in recent years. 

I'm not sure how many of those arrests were for alcohol related incidents but I do know her first DUI was when she was 17.


  • Love 2

I blame Captain Lee for the close call with the Maltese Falcon.  He stated in an earlier episode that there was no need for anchor watch in the those waters.  Well clearly the anchor was dragging and it put them in that precarious and embarrassing situation.  Did the deck hands handle it horribly, yes.  In the end Lee put them there.

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Nico is a brat. His bratty responses are the precise reason he's not the bosun. EJ is kind of a douche and a doofus, but he could have swaggered in there being a colossal dick and throwing his weight around. He didn't. EJ could have insisted that his way was the only way. He hasn't. He's tried to negotiate things with Nico because he knows how uncomfortable and awkward it must be for Nico. EJ has screwed up (leaving the brake on wasn't great, but jumping on the wet deck while wearing shoes was colossally dangerous). However, Nico's failures are many fold. He's not doing his job all that well and the team he's been working with day and night for weeks are still pretty bad at their jobs. Even something as simple as window washing, Nico's solution was to have Bruno wash them twice instead of teaching Bruno a better way to wash them.

This deck crew is a mess that I lay squarely at the feet of Captain Lee. They were too green to function. Nico wasn't equipped to train them. And when Lee finally brought EJ on board, he didn't make it clear to the crew how the deck crew would run with a bosun. Of course Nico is being petulant and insubordinate.

Jen is terrible. She does nothing, but complain. She's so busy complaining that she can't do her job.

It's good of Matt to rally, but he's not great at planning and doesn't seem to do much provisioning.

That's not fair. He didn't get to choose his name. His parents did. Perhaps they gave him some name he hated or a name that's almost unpronounceable by Americans or Canadians. My family is from Nigeria. Three of my brothers have names Americans butcher constantly. They go by their initials too. I wish I could go by my initials. I'm sick and tired of hearing my name mangled 20 times a day.

The Maltese Falcon is no joke. It's also $400K/week to charter.



I saw that yacht in person a few years ago in San Francisco...it made quite an impression on me, it is stunning.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, ryebread said:

I think Kate is a hard worker but I also think she's a haughty bitch. 

She likes to embarrass and harass.  Tying Sierra's walkie talkie to her wrist, when Sierra said it was hurting her (and I don't doubt it - they're heavy), and then following closely on her heels to make sure she didn't take it off.  Creepy.

Except Sierra was the only stew who was on during that period. Emily was on break. Guests were kept waiting for service because of Sierra. Stupid Sierra kept forgetting her walkie. It was late in the season and Sierra was still forgetting her walkie. Additionally, Kate tied a string, not her walkie, to Sierra's wrist.

3 hours ago, ryebread said:

Then bugging Jen to wear the afro wig when it was clearly uncomfortable on her head. Kate said, "The minute Jen starts bringing more to the table, I won't make her wear a wig." Even Bri said Kate was doing that to Jen to "put her in her place and show her who's boss." 

Jen never once indicated that the afro wig hurt her head. She just didn't want to wear it. Now that we know how much time Jen spends on her hair, even to the detriment of doing her job, Jen's reluctance to wear the wig makes so much sense. Jen's a vainglorious dipshit.

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2 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Kate is one mean bitch to work for. She gets nastier every season.  I suspect that she may be an alcoholic.  She has had 3 or 4 alcohol related arrests in recent years.  Also she looks pretty haggard for someone in their early 30's.  Alcoholism and addiction does a number on a woman's looks.    

As much as I like Kate's work ethic and general story (from reading her book and watching the show), I saw small signs of her abuse of Jen during previous episodes. At one point Jen had a pen in her hand, and when she was moving too slow for Kate, Kate wrenched the pen away and physically pushed Jen toward the next duty she was to do. It was subtle but it was there. Kate is frustrated with Jen's slowness and inability to focus (maybe she has ADD?) but it's still not an appropriate way to handle an employee. I also thought taping the walkie to Sierra was wrong. Funny for the cameras but an improper punishment.

Kate and Lee both deserve to have been given a better crew to film with. Both seem over the whole thing and are still enjoyable but distant while also slightly overdoing their "thing". IMO the producers have messed with this season's storylines too much.

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8 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

WTF Nico? How old are you? EJ is the Bosun NOT YOU. What is so hard to understand? You had a chance. You failed. A person who had proven himself to the Cap was brought in. You right Nico. Shut up and go back to polishing rails. Sowing discontent and confusion is not how you lead! Nico should have been shown the door and not let the door hit him in his entitled ass on the way out.

I agree - Nico should go. I think the deck crew would work better as a team with him gone as he just can't accept not being the boss. He keeps going on about how EJ's ways are wrong - well clearly Nico's ways weren't working otherwise Lee wouldn't have brought EJ in !

4 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Kate is one mean bitch to work for. She gets nastier every season.  I suspect that she may be an alcoholic.  She has had 3 or 4 alcohol related arrests in recent years.  Also she looks pretty haggard for someone in their early 30's.  Alcoholism and addiction does a number on a woman's looks.    

I think she is an alcoholic  - she has that look about her.

2 hours ago, Emmeline said:

I blame Captain Lee for the close call with the Maltese Falcon.  He stated in an earlier episode that there was no need for anchor watch in the those waters.  Well clearly the anchor was dragging and it put them in that precarious and embarrassing situation.  Did the deck hands handle it horribly, yes.  In the end Lee put them there.

That is a good point. He said the waters there were known for their currents.


The Maltese Falcon is old now. The new "Sailing Yacht A" is twice the size of the Falcon !!

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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

Jen never once indicated that the afro wig hurt her head. She just didn't want to wear it. Now that we know how much time Jen spends on her hair, even to the detriment of doing her job, Jen's reluctance to wear the wig makes so much sense. Jen's a vainglorious dipshit.

I'd be finding all kinds of excuses to make her do things that mess up her hair.  I'm mean like that.  At my old job we had a guy that had both his wife and girlfriend working for us.  Totally stupid.  He was working there, started having an affair, and then got his wife a job there.  I guess he thought it'd work out because his wife worked from home.  I was leading a project that both ladies were working on and kept making excuses for them to talk to each other or work together on parts of it just to see him squirm and freak out.

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