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Season 14 Talk

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I liked the pregnant Kylie reveal (spoiler alert!  j/k)

When they were talking about Kourt being always on her phone, they said 'she's talking about Scott and boundaries and Yoones' but I heard "Eunice" and I'm sitting there going, is Scott cheating on Sophia with an eighty-seven year old woman? I literally Googled it.  then I felt really dumb.

Edited by teapot
  • Love 5

Damn this family really knows how to produce girls. It's a 7-3 ratio. Poor Mason, Saint and Reign. Hell, I'm not even sure Dream will get the Kardashian treatment for fear that it may also monetarily benefit Dream's mom as well. 

I don't understand why they were making a big deal about being in San Francisco as though they've never been. If you didn't know your geography, you certainly wouldn't think it's like a 1 hour flight from LA and actually super convenient for them to get to as often as they like by the way they were talking. 

I don't understand the point of Kylie having to be the one to share the gender. Also, Khloe specifically said that when she finds out about the gender, she's not telling anyone until she tells Tristian first yet Kylie knew first, then Kim was there when she took the call, then she told Kourtney and then called her mom and told her the news. Maybe I'm just not up to speed on Kardashian language. 

I didn't even bother to watch Kourtney and Scott's conversation. How many damn times have we seen Kourtney contemplate the boundaries of her relationship with Scott? Literally throughout all the years she's showcased her relationship on the show and now their co-parenting situation. It's always been about her setting boundaries. They've been broken up for a while and it's always some version of or another of her complaining about having to establish boundaries with Scott. This isn't rocket science Kourtney. This situation with Scott isn't new to you and you've had like 10+ years of practice on how to have this conversation. 

I was disappointed with how Khloe handled hearing the gender reveal news. I understand that she may have wanted a boy and she may have convinced herself that her motherly instincts were telling her it was a boy but it was disappointing to see the faces she was making as she was sharing the news with mom and sisters. Why do you need days to convince yourself that having a girl is a great thing and something to be excited for? I'm not a mom so I don't want to judge because I don't what it would feel like, but from stories I've heard where parents were hoping for one gender and got the other, it was often described as a fleeting moment of disappointment that was quickly replaced with excitement because they had a healthy baby to look forward to and knowing the gender meant that they could really be all in invested in getting ready for the baby. 

  • Love 5

I understand that she may have wanted a boy and she may have convinced herself that her motherly instincts were telling her it was a boy but it was disappointing to see the faces she was making as she was sharing the news with mom and sisters.

She tweeted about her daughter being best friends with Chicago and Stormi. I think what she feels is the opposite - I personally feel she's relegated her daughter being - the fat, funny one.

Khloe is quite Amazonian next to her siblings.  Besides lacking the swarthy gene, she is zaftig compared to Kourtney and Kim.

  • Love 4

The gender reveal went through Kylie because she had very little screen time this season due to her “secret pregnancy “....

Kim seems bent out of shape about Khloe getting attention for being pregnant. Guess delegating another woman to have your spawn is not what she thought it would be. 

As soon as Kim walked in to Kris’ house with her surrogate she started shoving food in her mouth without offering anything to her guest. She seemed irritated by how comfortable the surrogate was monopolizing the conversation. When Kim is around she thinks the spotlight should always be on her. 

Did Scott and Kourtney purchase that house together? She does have the right to some privacy, but Scott did live there too, and his kids still do, so it is kind of an unusual situation. No way Kourtney’s new man will EVER be as entertaining as Scott Disick! 

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Damn this family really knows how to produce girls. It's a 7-3 ratio. Poor Mason, Saint and Reign. Hell, I'm not even sure Dream will get the Kardashian treatment for fear that it may also monetarily benefit Dream's mom as well. 

 I understand that she may have wanted a boy and she may have convinced herself that her motherly instincts were telling her it was a boy but it was disappointing to see the faces she was making as she was sharing the news with mom and sisters. Why do you need days to convince yourself that having a girl is a great thing and something to be excited for

Actually, it's 6-3 ratio.  It will be the 4th girl cousin in a row - so I can see where Khloe would have wanted to break the cycle - since the comparisons will be inevitable.  The Disicks are the only ones with the brothers.

Edited by twilightzone

When Khloe was talking about how uncomfortable her progesterone suppositories make her, Kim had to pipe in some gross details of her own, and added some creative storytelling about how she had to have sex first, then insert the progesterone but couldn’t have sex in the morning. ( an unstable 1st trimester pregnancy would likely mean abstaining from sex, and anyway, I seriously doubt Kim even likes sex ). Kim has been receiving a pretty thirsty edit this season ! 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, twilightzone said:

Actually, it's 9-3 ratio.  It will be the 4th girl cousin in a row - so I can see where Khloe would have wanted to break the cycle - since the comparisons will be inevitable.  The Disicks are the only ones with the brothers.

I can't keep track of who has kids. I don't remember how I got 7 girls and now you're telling me there are 9, lol.

4 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

When Khloe was talking about how uncomfortable her progesterone suppositories make her, Kim had to pipe in some gross details of her own, and added some creative storytelling about how she had to have sex first, then insert the progesterone but couldn’t have sex in the morning. ( an unstable 1st trimester pregnancy would likely mean abstaining from sex, and anyway, I seriously doubt Kim even likes sex ). Kim has been receiving a pretty thirsty edit this season ! 

We’ve seen the video. She doesn’t. Even when faking it, her “put it in me “  isn’t convincing.

I cant believe Kanye watched it repeatedly and thought she was such a sexy piece of ass. I guess his ideal is the fake sexy,  droopy tit look from cheap porno magazines and movies. 

  • Love 5

Kourtney has become so unlikabke lately.    Such a self centered person.   She really must think she’s hot shit lately with her body, her young boyfriend, etc.     Kim, also a vapid self centered ‘waste’, at least is direct with her no nonsense tough love stance on every else’s behavior.   Khloe, while also awful, at least throws out a funny line now and then.    I can’t think of anything redeeming about kourtneys personality.  Not a damn thing.   Passive, apathetic, low energy, monotone, concerned with only herself.   

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, wallofsound said:

Kourtney has become so unlikabke lately.    Such a self centered person.   She really must think she’s hot shit lately with her body, her young boyfriend, etc.     Kim, also a vapid self centered ‘waste’, at least is direct with her no nonsense tough love stance on every else’s behavior.   Khloe, while also awful, at least throws out a funny line now and then.    I can’t think of anything redeeming about kourtneys personality.  Not a damn thing.   Passive, apathetic, low energy, monotone, concerned with only herself.   

Well said. I've been saying for a while now that she's quickly becoming the most unlikable out of all of them. That's why I'm puzzled when she gets a pass for the same exact things that Kim does gets slammed for. Tbh I've thought she was a huge bitch ever since she was so horribly cold when Scott was clearly struggling with losing both his parents in a short time. At one point she was practically rolling her eyes telling him to get over it.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Well said. I've been saying for a while now that she's quickly becoming the most unlikable out of all of them. That's why I'm puzzled when she gets a pass for the same exact things that Kim does gets slammed for. Tbh I've thought she was a huge bitch ever since she was so horribly cold when Scott was clearly struggling with losing both his parents in a short time. At one point she was practically rolling her eyes telling him to get over it.

This is exactly when Kourtney lost me. Scott was completely bereft after he lost both parents in quick succession, but Kourtney didn't offer him any sympathy or support. Instead she got pregnant again without so much as discussing it with Scott and that seemed to tip him over the edge because he started drinking heavily and spiraling out of control. It was incredibly sad because he'd been doing so well for a few years. Thankfully, he seems to have finally turned the corner and appears to be doing better. I truly believe he's better off without Kourtney and their dysfunctional relationship where she seemed to call all the shots. In the last few eps, Scott hasn't looked miserable and dazed and he was able to carry on mature conversations with Kourtney about co-parenting. I think he's in a good place now and I really hope for his sake, and most importantly his kids', that he stays there. I don't know why I root for Scott, but I do. I want him to stay on the wagon and be happy. And I hope he NEVER leaves this show because he's one of the consistently entertaining things about it!

As for Kourtney, ugh. I can't with this new Eurotrash younger boyfriend of hers. I actually recoiled when he showed up at her party in the last ep, wearing a shirt that was unbuttoned way too low and a gold chain. I think she's making a fool of herself with him and I keep wondering where this party girl who goes to clubs, travels all over the world, dresses like she's 18 instead of 38, and French kisses her SO in public was during her decade with Scott. She was Mother Earth back then and wouldn't even leave the house to go out to dinner with Scott. <shakes head>

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, BrainyBlonde said:

This is exactly when Kourtney lost me. Scott was completely bereft after he lost both parents in quick succession, but Kourtney didn't offer him any sympathy or support. Instead she got pregnant again without so much as discussing it with Scott and that seemed to tip him over the edge because he started drinking heavily and spiraling out of control. It was incredibly sad because he'd been doing so well for a few years. Thankfully, he seems to have finally turned the corner and appears to be doing better. I truly believe he's better off without Kourtney and their dysfunctional relationship where she seemed to call all the shots. In the last few eps, Scott hasn't looked miserable and dazed and he was able to carry on mature conversations with Kourtney about co-parenting. I think he's in a good place now and I really hope for his sake, and most importantly his kids', that he stays there. I don't know why I root for Scott, but I do. I want him to stay on the wagon and be happy. And I hope he NEVER leaves this show because he's one of the consistently entertaining things about it!

As for Kourtney, ugh. I can't with this new Eurotrash younger boyfriend of hers. I actually recoiled when he showed up at her party in the last ep, wearing a shirt that was unbuttoned way too low and a gold chain. I think she's making a fool of herself with him and I keep wondering where this party girl who goes to clubs, travels all over the world, dresses like she's 18 instead of 38, and French kisses her SO in public was during her decade with Scott. She was Mother Earth back then and wouldn't even leave the house to go out to dinner with Scott. <shakes head>

I can’t agree that Scott is now in a “good place” when he is running around with the teenage daughter of a wealthy celebrity. He is a 30-something-year-old father of three. What could he possibly have in common with this young girl? I believe that Scott sold his soul long ago to reality TV and the Kardashians, and continues to do so. As with many of us who have lost a parent, I can emphasize and sympathize with Scott that both of his parents died within a short time of each other. That would have been brutal. But it was his choice to allow this tragic and personal time in his life to become just another storyline for KUWTK. Would his parents have wanted that?

As for Kourtney, I have always considered her to be a dull, cold, robotic person. In my opinion, she, Kim and Kendall are asexual, despite their sexy poses. Who knows?  Maybe – possibly -- Khloe and Kylie are passionate women despite their questionable choices in men. I also believe that Kourtney has gotten a pass in her behavior because Scott was popular and so very different from the “type” of man the other females in this family have chosen. Had Scott not been appealing to some, especially the female demographic, and less representative of the usual “type” of Kardashian partner, he would have been excoriated because of his addictions and behaviors.  I hope he gets himself together. I hope all their guys do. Just keepin’ it real here, folks.

  • Love 4

#Khloe stole a blanket#

Anyone else notice that on their ferry boat ride to Alcatraz there was a big stack of blankets available to stay warm with? Fast forward to Khloe’s hotel room later or the next day, and there on the bed was a ferry boat blanket! < gross> . 

At one point when Khloe made mention of her plans to have her baby in Cleveland, Tristan mumbled something about the fact that he is flying Khloe’s physician to Cleveland !! 

2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Just read an interesting piece of gossip /speculation- Khloe may be faking her pregnancy...... It is weird she has never shown her bare belly- usually they love showing skin. Not sure if it’s true but her but in retrospect her baby bump does look odd. No idea why she would do it though other than publicity. 

She showed it when she officially announced her pregnancy. Tristan's hands were on her belly.

18 hours ago, carolinagirl81 said:

She showed it when she officially announced her pregnancy. Tristan's hands were on her belly.

Yes she did post that photo of A pregnant belly ( no faces shown). Khloe has battled her weight all her life, yet looks very thin except for her big belly ( face is thin, boobs aren’t bigger). Kim and Kourtney both gained weight when they were pregnant. Khloe wears skin tight clothing with big duster style over coats. Not to mention she flew to Japan during her eighth month. Here is a photo comparing Khloe and Tia Mowry ( notice the area above the belly). Those silicone prosthetic pregnant bellies are very realistic looking, but often look strange where they connect to the body. 


  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Yes she did post that photo of A pregnant belly ( no faces shown). Khloe has battled her weight all her life, yet looks very thin except for her big belly ( face is thin, boobs aren’t bigger). Kim and Kourtney both gained weight when they were pregnant. Khloe wears skin tight clothing with big duster style over coats. Not to mention she flew to Japan during her eighth month. Here is a photo comparing Khloe and Tia Mowry ( notice the area above the belly). Those silicone prosthetic pregnant bellies are very realistic looking, but often look strange where they connect to the body. 


*Kanye shrug* Khloe is also taller than Tia and her sisters. I suspect that the reason she's been wearing the coats out is because most of her pregnancy weight has gone to her new butt. Also pregnancy affects women's bodies differently. I don't believe that Khloe would be faking her pregnancy, what would be the reasons to fake it? 

  • Love 3

Khloe has had had fertility issues and I think she may not be able to get pregnant or maybe stay pregnant. I doubt she would be self conscious about a growing booty seeing as hers has been surgically altered to be huge. There is also the publicity angle- 3 of the sisters having babies around the same time and all the supposed secrecy. 

Yes, every woman carries differently, however so many things don’t add up. Including Khloe jetting off to Japan during her 8th month of a high risk pregnancy, eating sushi, etc. 

in the above photo if you look between her boobs and where her bump begins there is a a visible line that looks like a prosthetic baby bump (Moon Bump) 

  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Khloe has had had fertility issues and I think she may not be able to get pregnant or maybe stay pregnant. I doubt she would be self conscious about a growing booty seeing as hers has been surgically altered to be huge. There is also the publicity angle- 3 of the sisters having babies around the same time and all the supposed secrecy. 

Yes, every woman carries differently, however so many things don’t add up. Including Khloe jetting off to Japan during her 8th month of a high risk pregnancy, eating sushi, etc. 

in the above photo if you look between her boobs and where her bump begins there is a a visible line that looks like a prosthetic baby bump (Moon Bump) 

But what would be her reasons to fake being pregnant? And why would Tristan go along with something like that? I wouldn't put anything past PimpMomma Kris but faking a pregnancy is pretty sketchy even for her.

  • Love 2

I agree. I do think PimpMom would fake her own pregnancy before I would believe Khloe would fake hers. 

I do think both she and Kim have  greatly exaggerated their supposed fertility issues. Kim to avoid having to “suffer” thru a third pregnancy and the weight gain and bloat that go along with it, Khloe as a way to get her share of the sympathetic attention Kim received from Mom and others. 

Seeing Khloe react to the news about the baby being a girl was kind of shocking. I don’t think she wanted anything but a boy. 

  • Love 3

I think Khloe pretended to have fertility issues with Lamar because she was trying to toe the line of “wanting babies is the thing to do in society” but she also knew deep down that having a kid with Lamar would be a terrible idea. Now she kind of has to pretend this is a miracle. 

As much as this family is capable of all kinds of lies and stunts, I just don’t get the feeling she’s faking this. No evidence, just my hunch. 


ETA: Japanese women eat sushi while pregnant. Most cultures don’t bat an eye at a little wine, coffee, or soft cheese, either. Our culture is a bit over the top with the hysterics around pregnancy. 

Edited by JocelynCavanaugh
  • Love 13
6 hours ago, carolinagirl81 said:

*Kanye shrug* Khloe is also taller than Tia and her sisters. I suspect that the reason she's been wearing the coats out is because most of her pregnancy weight has gone to her new butt. Also pregnancy affects women's bodies differently. I don't believe that Khloe would be faking her pregnancy, what would be the reasons to fake it? 

I don’t know why she would do it.. but that bump looks fake as fuck.

I can understand Khloe's disappointment the baby isn't a boy.  With 4 sisters and an overbearing mother she's probably had her fill of girl stuff. Also, she was always very close to Rob and Caitlyn before her transition. Boys also dote on and have a special bond with their mammas and she's kinda tomboyish so she might have envisioned a lot of fun activities and milestones. It's ok she felt this way IMHO it doesn't mean she appreciates or loves her girl less. 

Even though she looks much less like her sisters I've always though she had a more softly pretty face. I've never thought she was fat or the "ugly" one. 

  • Love 6

Just like most things Kardashian, the reason they are faking a pregnancy is for publicity. 

These chicks love flaunting themselves half naked, yet Khloe doesn’t go anywhere without a bulky duster type jacket ! In many of her photos Khloe’s prosthetic belly is obvious. Whether they are adopting or using a surrogate, they should have just been honest about it. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, nexxie said:

Maybe Khloe has been wearing “Spanx Power Mama Maternity Shaper” under those clingy dresses - yes, that’s a thing!


Without looking up her dress (ugh) I would say that's exactly what she's wearing. That would even account for any lines at the top of her belly.

Anyone else wonder why none of the K/Js ever do Spanx promotion? It's not like it's a secret that they wear it & they'll do anything for money. Khloe should have pictures of her wearing this all over her IG.

  • Love 3

In the episode Khloe and Kourtney were goofing around and fake swatting at each other and Khloe told her that she can’t hit her in her vagina and Kourtney answered “ yes I can, there is no baby in there”. It seemed passive aggressive which is Kourtney’s style. 

Khloe flying to Japan in her 8th month is crazy if she really is pregnant. I don’t think she would risk it. 

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, GaT said:

 Without looking up her dress (ugh) I would say that's exactly what she's wearing. That would even account for any lines at the top of her belly.

Anyone else wonder why none of the K/Js ever do Spanx promotion? It's not like it's a secret that they wear it & they'll do anything for money. Khloe should have pictures of her wearing this all over her IG.

Khloe’s got her own line to promote...

  • Love 1

Every photo of Khloe’s bare belly is either blurry or dark, or with no face. I really hope I am wrong about her faking the pregnancy, but my intuition tells me I’m right.  Her back looks odd in the above photo, and there is a tiny ridge on her butt that looks like where the back of her prosthetic belly would end. The Kardashian’s love to flaunt skin, yet Khloe is suddenly modest ?! 

5 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

In the episode Khloe and Kourtney were goofing around and fake swatting at each other and Khloe told her that she can’t hit her in her vagina and Kourtney answered “ yes I can, there is no baby in there”. It seemed passive aggressive which is Kourtney’s style. 

Khloe flying to Japan in her 8th month is crazy if she really is pregnant. I don’t think she would risk it. 

I didn't see this interaction so I could be way off here, but maybe Kourtney meant it as in "there's no baby in your vagina because you're not currently giving birth. It's in your uterus."? 

  • Love 1

Khloe and Kourtney are very close, but Kourtney is the worst actress/bad liar- kind of explains her lackadaisical attitude about Khloe’s “pregnancy “. At the baby shower none of the Kardashian’s looked joyful at all. Kourtney’s instagram only has one or two pics of Khloe with a belly, and one of them of Khloe in a pink dress and big weird bump  from Japan is captioned “Baby Moon”........aka Moon Bump. 

The whole discussion about Khloe being heavy, craving food, blah blah, and the recent fitness, and workout obsession is setting up the storyline for Khloe’s Revenge Body <postpartum> show. 

Kourtney and Kim both posed semi nude during their pregnancies and all of them love flaunting skin. Pretty telling that Khloe has only been shown wearing tight uncomfortable clothing except for the 3 pics of her belly which are all dark, blurry, and photoshopped. 

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