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S13.E35: One of 5 is Eliminated

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Let the speculation begin on who voted which way.  My top pick for voting "no" is Sam himself.  I think he figured out early on he was in way over his head, didn't want to change the way he presents himself and was getting a little sick and tired of being the "teen idol".  I really like this young man and hope he goes far but in the style he wants to and not in a manufactured teen idol thing the show was trying to make him into.


I think he looked relieved to be voted off.  He really didn't look upset in the slightest.


Not sure on the other person - it's a toss up between Jessica and Jena for me.

Edited by Shades of Red
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Glad that BS twist didn't go the producer's way. Sam already got one save, he didn't need a second one. Kind of a crappy thing to do. Hopefully the kids will see through it and not try and play detective or take what the fans drinking the bitter brew will have to say about why whichever contestant they hate had to be one of the meanies who voted no too much to heart.


Lamest twist ever. Yea, I too thinks manipulation going on.


I agree that it was a lame twist.  However, I don't think TPTB did it to manipulate the votes or to save Sam.  If that was their angle, the rules of the twist would have been different.  I think the chances of the group unanimously voting for everyone to stay were extremely low.  If TPTB really wanted to save Sam, they would have made it a simple "majority rules" scenario.  Then he actually would have stayed.  


It seems to me that the vote-offs have been so utterly predictable this season so the producers threw this twist out there just to keep things interesting.

Edited by me5671
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All I saw was the end of the show and Sam singing.  I'm not surprised since he wasn't going to win.  I wish him all the best at Berklee and hope to see him again in a few years with a CD.  I'd certainly buy it.


I guess Jessica goes next but at this point it really doesn't matter.  I still think Caleb will win, but I don't mind anyone else winning as long as it's not Jena.

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For those wondering, each contestant was given a supposedly anonymous vote. Yes = no one goes home tonight, 2 go home next week  No =  someone goes home tonight, as you would normally expect.  


But, in order for no one to go home tonight, the vote had to be unanimously YES.


There were 2 no's.  Personally, if I thought I'd had a very good night, I like to think I would have voted no. Why risk having a bad week next week and being one of the 2 voted off?

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Please pass the Pepto.... and Patti's pencil.


That whole display was beyond words. I'd have voted no depending on who I was. For example, Jess had to know she wasn't in the bootee spot because had it been her, they would have carried on as usual and she'd have been out. The reason for all the drama and the BS "twist" imo was TPTB didn't like the results. Kudos to the two who voted no. 

I missed just a few moments when they were voting.  Did they say who the bottom 2 were?  I saw the photos of the contestants and it appeared to be Sam and Jena. Did that mean they were the bottom two?  Was this farce just a scheme to avoid putting Gena in the bottom 2? She's too good for that you know.  She's the best one. It would embarrass her to be put in the bottom two, right?  It's so insulting to the viewers.  


If Jena does end up in at the bottom, they will have to declare a malfunction with their voting device.  They have no shame.

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I was quite surprised, actually. If it were me up there, if I had had a shitty night, I'd have voted Yes. I'm sure none of the contestants want to go home and the ones who had a shitty night would get a second chance. My guess is that Caleb and Jena were the ones who voted No, but it could have also been Alex. Anyone who had  a solid night probably voted No, because as someone said, why risk being that person who goes home next week?


I actually think Jessica was the other person in the bottom 2. But maybe it was Jena since many people don't seem to like her as much as we are being told to. But we'll never know I guess.


I too think Sam is probably relieved to be away from the hordes of teen girls. He's going to Berklee in the fall. I think the professors there will help him out a lot. And then in a few years he'll come out with a CD or something. He's got such a great voice, all he needs is some life experience, which I'm sure college can give him. I'd have honestly preferred Jessica to go this week but Sam didn't have a great night last night and he's been due to leave for a long time now.


I don't care much for Keith's singing, but he's such a fantastic guitar player. 

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That was certainly the most interesting thing to happen on Idol in the last several weeks, IMO. Very entertaining. I agree it was more about creating drama, since Sam lasting one more week can't really be that important to TPTB (can it??). Sam went out like a trouper.


The theme for top 4 is some amorphous 'love' theme, can be plain ol' love, lost love, etc.  Or 'loaf', if you're Jena/Gina.

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I agree.  I don't like listening to him because he sounds sharp or something.  But he sure can play that guitar.

I just don't care for his singing because it's put on. He's from Australia but puts on the fake Southern accent because he's a country singer. It just seems fake to me. He's competent though I guess, but guitar is definitely more his strong suit.

According to comments from TVLine, people said they heard Caleb say "We should all vote yes" and then Alex said "I don't know." Also that when Ryan said the first "no" that Jessica shook her head, although there is confusion if she shook her head in a "I can't believe you guys" way or that she herself had also voted no. So it could have been Jena and Alex who voted no, maybe. 

The overhead photos were the same ones that have been there the whole time, in the same order. 


Keith's singing is boring, and now that we're all accustomed to the short songs that the contestants sing, it seemed to go on forever. I don't care for the singing style of any of the three judges, in all honesty.


I was hoping for the drama of a shock boot, ala Daughtry looking like Jack Ruby just shot him. Dang.

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I don't know who voted "no," but I saw the two people who wouldn't let him go after his last performance (Caleb and Jena) and am taking a wild guess....


I actually don't fault someone for saying "no" to the twist.  In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if it Sam and Jess were the ones to say no because they were tired of this bottom two stuff.  I could also believe this because neither Caleb nor Jena had the best show last night, and they may not want to take a chance on their being safe.

One of the no votes was most certainly Alex.  He had as strong a night as he can have.  He was living in Ft. Knox, baby.  Of all the personalities left who would be unwilling to roll ice generally?  Alex.  No question.


Fox audio was crap again.  How do you mix things so Urban's voice is drowned out by back-ups?  Unless done at KU's request, it is stupefying.


TPTB figured out they'd win whichever way the vote came.  If delayed, their pet Sam lives.  If not, they get a bump in buzz and they create hard feelings amongst the survivors.  Harmony is not good for them, y'all.  Of course, the jidges were not forced to give their opinions on any of this.  Me?  I'd have had Sprinkles poll them just prior to revealing the actual votes.  


I can totally see the conspiracy to keep from revealing Jena as B2, but I am pretty well convinced that it was Jess.  

Have the big wigs at AI given up or what? I guess tonight's show confirms that the producers admitted on live television that Survivor is beating AI in the ratings. So why not copy the most familiar part of their show? Have the contests cast an anonymous vote, how original! I'm surprised TPTB didn't have Ryan extinguish the torch of the lowest vote getter on stage.


They shouldn't stop at Survivor. Next week, steal from Project Runway and have Ryan European kiss the lowest vote getter and saying auf wiedersehen on the way out. 


Yay, to Slapout coming back to torture Mr. Kidman and JLOad next week. Boo to another week of tushy kissing of JEEEEEENA when she sings nursery rhymes in Farsi.

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I wonder if Caleb will be given credit by those who believe him to be "arrogant" or otherwise not cool for voting to stave off an elimination?


Conversely, I wonder if voters will turn against either Alex or $$$JEEEEEENA$$$ for selfishly voting their relative strength?


Me?  I've never seen Caleb be anything other than kind and aware of others on stage.  I applaud the two no votes, too.  


I want an all-male finale this year.  The guys are demonstrably better than the gals.


I wonder if Caleb will be given credit by those who believe him to be "arrogant" or otherwise not cool for voting to stave off an elimination?

Conversely, I wonder if voters will turn against either Alex or $$$JEEEEEENA$$$ for selfishly voting their relative strength?

I think most fans are pretty jaded about the whole thing and aren't going to hold it against anybody. I'm sure the hard core Caleb haters would insist he's so over-confident that he thinks he won't be in any danger either way ;).

Stupid and shitty about sums it up IMO. Actually, that's pretty much Idol in a nutshell. Right up there with making someone join the group they think they belong in on elimination night.

Pointlessly mean spirited. I'd say it was a jump the shark moment, but I think that shark passed through several seasons ago.

Edited by Joystickenvy
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Why don't they just give it to JENA#$7Q now if that's what they want so we can all get on with our lives. Is there any way to vote without giving TPTB access to my Facebook friends and email roster of others' addys? I don't mind giving MY email address, but I don't want them "in" it and getting other peoples' addys without their permission, if that makes any sense. (Or perhaps I'm crazy and karma is slapping me for making fun of "old" people who were not really old, but were afraid of the microwave in the 80s.)  :) 

My point in mentioning that was to say this. So they beg folks to "vote for your favorite," but if they don't like the result they pull this stunt out of their ass. Do they charge for submitting votes? Because if so, that's a whole 'nother beef.


Random, but I do wonder what Ryan is smoking.


I also agree that Sam looked relieved. I know this is a shocker, but I was hoping it was JENA#$7Q! leaving -- especially since they said that next week's theme is LOAF. Oh, Dear God, help us all.


I loathe the scripted Algonquin Round Table dinner starring JENA#$7Q! and some other people. Did Jessica even get to utter one word on camera?  

Hahahaha. TPTB were probably hoping for a different result. I don't know who voted no but good for them! I watched this show in record time, less than 5 minutes. Guess what Jena$%§? My honds were opp for the twist that didn't twist.


Hee. And I hope you were showing everyone your underarms and doing fist pumps in the air while screaming, "Hair way GAH!"


(Here we go.)


I liked Keith's song. Catchy hook.



Edited by ari333
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I felt fairly sure that the five were told about the "twist" and had it explained in detail before the show because none of them looked surprised.


 I agree, as mentioned, super lame that they weaseled out of naming the bottom 2. That speaks volumes imo. I hope they get backlash for that crap.


JENA's#$7Q! fake "worried" pout is gag-worthy. That expression also does double duty as her fake (imo) "sad" pout which I swear looked like to me that she was holding back a grin when she photo bombed Sam's final camera shot with her face in the frame.


I wish Keith wouldn't sing the person's singoff song and beebop around. Even if Sam were relieved to go, it had to be a sad moment for his family and friends and those who lurve him.  (Did I just say "beebop?")

Edited by ari333

I hate that not all the contestants get a play-off video. 


I also hated the twist and was sure it was a set-up for JENA%# not to be voted off. I wonder what they planned to do to fill that time if all the contestants had voted Yes. No doubt we would have had Ryan ask the judges, yet again, who they thought should go home and we would have had to listen to five minutes of Jennifer gushing over how wonderful JENA$^*&@ is.  Another reason to hate the twist.

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One reason I'm not a Caleb fan is because I see him as quite the camera mugger. Poor Alex couldn't get near Sam at the end because Caleb and JENA were all over Sam. And from previous shows, it appeared Sam and Alex were the close friends. I see Caleb as "Look at Me" person. And yes, the twist was stupid and shitty. Alex for the win!

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I loathe the scripted Algonquin Round Table dinner starring JENA#$7Q! and some other people. Did Jessica even get to utter one word on camera?


I really enjoyed nearly everybody during the round table last night except for the anointed JENA!NOTGINA!!*&$^? I particularly enjoyed Sam's semi-snarky response as she was asking him about missing his step and he gave her a snappy DUH-infused answer. Was it just my hopefulness or did the other contestants seem to respond to her with disdain? Like they are not buying into her fake-ass Disney-Channel shtick? 


Does anybody think the whole voting thing was just a ploy? LIke maybe it was scripted and it didn't matter if the contestants wrote "EIEIO" on the papers? And did it come off as mean spirited? 


And last night I finally realized who JENA!NOTGINA-"why-did-you-spell-it-that-way-MOOOOMMMMMM" reminds me of. . . . Anybody remember Rebecca Black of "Friday" fame (you can You tube it if you don't but I am not responsible for the invasion of any earworms from that song)

I too thought Sam was very relieved it was over!!!  I am sure he has better things waiting for him and he looked so much more natural but after all the posts last show about his teeth and bite he sure needs to address something there or about his jaw line...my jaw stiffens up as he appears clenched all the time.  Glad he can go home to his doggie!!


So now we are down to the 2 J'girls and 2 extreme opposite males, wow.  I guess a lot depends on how old the voting audience is....are they looking for another so called "pop" star like Jena, a country rock like Jessica, a rock star who looks like a rock star want to be (he is just too baby looking to cut it for me) or another Jason type in Alex.  


JLO back to the thunderthigh look with that dress that at least didn't reveal all of them but enough not to be flattering and what is up with those vampire eyes?!

An absolutely horrible look and she kept looking down so you could get a good look, yikes!  I just love Harry and he made a nice speech at the beginning to the contestants, not sure why, but it was sweet.  I can imagine he is a very sweet father but definitely sets boundaries for them.  Loved Keith's performance and yes the contestants could pick up a thing or two about how to handle performing with a guitar and when to focus on that or you and make them 2 separate parts of your body yet they are blended if that makes sense.  


Randy Randy Randy....exactly what are you offering or giving anyone on this show...some of his comments are outright laughable and I have nothing to quote right now because I really don't care.    

Randy pissed me off so much when he was hugging Sam at the end and wouldn't let go or shut up so other people could get to him. And it sounded like he was just saying "You're ready! He's ready! You're ready! He's ready!' over and over again.


I forgot about that stupid scene in the car where JENA$#& asks her mother why she spelled it that way. Really? That question has never come up before? You waited 17 years until you were both on camera to ask it? Ugh.

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At the round table eat off did Jena€&$ have food in her mouth as she talked & talked or was that just her marble mouth?

Yep, caught that too.  Girl acts like she is at Willy Wonka's Palace, no self awareness.  Also caught the saliva strings in Caleb's mouth when he was singing the night before.  I realize he can' t do much about that though in a way.   Who ever is in charge of the camera should not do close ups of his mouth if he is like that.  Instant yuk.

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