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S09.E15: Las Vegas Season Finale

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I know, when they gave it to Najee I knew right then we weren't going to have a finisher. ?

Bummed that Drew went out the way he did, I thought he'd broken his arm or something. Kristine needed to stop pushing him in the interview. She's been much better this season but she still ticked me off there.

It was also obvious that Joe wasn't going to be climbing stage 4 based on the amount of time left in the episode, but he was impressive nonetheless. 

That "music video" in Alyssa Beird's classroom was just weird. 

I'm so bummed we are done for the year. I just love this show, my favorite part is seeing how supportive all of the ninjas are with eachother.

Finally, I think I have a crush on Najee. He is adorable. 

Edited by srpturtle80
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The minute they gave the crazy healthy run of the night on round two I knew it didn't bode well.  Still....damn!!!!!!

Say what you will about the wing nut alley.  It looked like fun.

Does anyone remember fifth grade being anything like that?  Cause if my fifth grade teacher was as cool as Alyssa Beird I might have done better in school.  Is it weird I have a crush on her now?  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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They have got to stop showing backstories in Vegas; they cut way too many runs short to make time for them. Poor Abel Gonzalez- did they feature even one of his runs in its entirety at any point this season?

I was rooting for Najee. He's just so fucking likable. He's cute, he's charismatic, he's a terrific competitor, he's got such a great attitude, etc. Drew was my second choice to win. I was shocked he didn't make it to Stage 3 but he responded to it a lot better than I thought he would. 

Stillings was totally out of energy by the time he got to the wingnuts. I've never seen anyone look so happy to have fallen.

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Another year, another 100 percent failure. It was an interesting time, though. It's never dull, from the ninjas to the obstacles to Matt and Akbar high on adrenaline. Maybe Kristine needs to get high on crank to match their level.

Question for the offseason: is Sean Bryan a fluke? I base this on Team Ninja Warrior. Seven episodes, four teams per episode, two guys per team. That equals 56 ninjas that can be considered that good. Sean only came on the show as a midseason substitute. I'm okay with him (and Daniel) because he's not "God bothering" about his faith. But Najee was expected to make The Leap, Joe is always a favorite for Stage Three. . . but who saw Papal Ninja coming?!? While I'm thinking about it . . .






adjective: papal

relating to a pope or to the papacy.


Yeah, Sean needs a new nickname. However, this is the show where the final stage means conquering "Mount Mount Midori." I won't hold my breath. Worse, Daniel Gil has already claimed "Kingdom Ninja," so that's out.

9 hours ago, srpturtle80 said:

That "music video" in Alyssa Beird's classroom was just weird.

It's the Kidz Bop version of "Hot For Teacher"!! "She's so fit, she's so fit, she's so fit. I like my teacher!!!" Was she at the very bottom in terms of overall progress on Stage Two? That sucks. While I still consider Jessie to be Lady Alpha, Alyssa is definitely in the upper tier.

Four minutes is way too long for Stage Two. Stage One should require speed, Stage Three would be about endurance, so Two should be in the middle. I don't think you should rest on any Stage other than three. On the other hand, Wingnut Alley is a nightmare. The concept was created by a guy that made Stage One, right? The show took it to a more frightening direction in terms of potential failure. That might be the Metal Spin for years to come.

ETA: One good thing about the popularity of ANW is that we won't have to wait long for a taste. After last year, we had two seasons of Team Ninja Warrior (three counting "College Madness"), a skills competition, a global showdown, and a charity event. Those that wiped out long before Vegas can work on redemption early.

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I was so hoping that Joe would go all the way this year because he's been so good for so long and he's a great favorite of mine but, when I noticed there were only about six minutes left when he started Stage 3, I knew he wasn't going to make it.  I would have been happy for Sean and/or Najee too.  I hated that Drew and Daniel Gil didn't make it past Stage 2.  

I suppose NBC couldn't justify paying Kacy to be there seeing as she's officially quit the show but they just had to get some footage of her in there anyway.  Gah. 

I wonder what the producers have against Nicholas Coolridge.  They haven't shown an entire run of his this whole season.  

When does Team NW start?

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1.  After all the discussion about Alyssa Beird's constantly pulling at her shorts, I'm surprised no one has mentioned how weird it was to see her jumping up on a desk in front of a bunch of kids - male and female.  That struck me as odd.

2.  Add me to the Najee fan club.  He seems to be an awesome young man.

3.  I know this show loves its sad back stories - but did we really need to feature Kacy and Brett having their dog put to sleep?  

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They have got to stop showing backstories in Vegas; they cut way too many runs short to make time for them.

It would be one thing if they did backstories for people who hadn't gotten backstories earlier, but no, the same lump of people were grouped in the "while we were away" montage while we got segments from the same 10 ninjas for the umpteenth time. It was tedious.

That "music video" in Alyssa Beird's classroom was just weird.

They really upped their production budget. The kids running up and down the halls and playing with chalk was fun, but the opening segment with the red lighting and the suggestive glances... I'm not sure they landed on the tone they intended.

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Can we please please please please ! dump the backstories b the time we get to the finale??? So sick of this season with the refusal to air runs at the expense of the back stories that they run every time, some multiple times.  No one cares by the finale, only the diehard fans are watching a finale of any freaking show. I would have much preferred to see ALL of the runs last night without the huge amount of fluff ANW has added. Yes Kristine, that means you too.  She was not going to shut up until she got Drew's voice to crack.  "Now Drew, I know you and I know BLAHBLAHBLAH!" Shut up! There is really no point to watch next season until the Stage One begins because they rehashed so much during the last three shows anyway. And the Amanda video was strange and a completely unnecessary waste of competition time.  And while I'm sure she was wearing shorts under her skirt for the desk jump, why have her in a skirt for that when she leaping above the heads of her kids making people wonder.   

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YES to everyone mentioning backstories. SO sick of them (I feel for those going through hard times, but this isn't the showcase for it)

Had they not done the teacher video, the dog video, etc., etc., guess what there would have been time for? Anyone? That's right.


Would be lovely if anyone from ANW actually saw these posts........................

Sad Drew fell and the Weatherman didn't make it. Would have loved either of them (or Najee who is also awesome!) to have made it all the way.

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11 hours ago, slf said:

They have got to stop showing backstories in Vegas; they cut way too many runs short to make time for them.

I am shocked and appalled that they cut some runs that were better and significantly longer than the runs they showed.

9 hours ago, AZChristian said:

 I know this show loves its sad back stories - but did we really need to feature Kacy and Brett having their dog put to sleep?

Children, American Ninja Warriors exists so we can tape it, start watching 30 minutes in and exercise our fast forward button finger.  And you thought that Kacy's farewell last week would be her last.  Silly people.  They probably have twenty more minutes of film ready for her comeback.

47 minutes ago, illini1959 said:

Had they not done the teacher video, the dog video, etc., etc., guess what there would have been time for? Anyone? That's right.


Are they trying to discourage certain competitors?  Do those competitors not have Tshirted fans to photograph?  Or are their backstories inconsequential?  

Mr. ecats, being a Catholic from an overimersion in his youth (until he hit a nun after she knocked him to the floor for coloring grass red because he's colorblind), nonetheless got ticked off at papal ninja (barf) using the coat of arme of the Papacy on his shirt.  The praying Fathers were a bit much. 

All this said, I really like the show, the competitors, and the idea behind it.  I think the film of the eliminated competitors watching Drew Dreschel should be shown to every grade school class in the country.  

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I believe Kacy is done with ANW. However, I don't think Brian Arnold is also retiring. Otherwise, we would've heard about that.

I liked Brett and Kacy's dog. Yes, the show needs reasons to show her crying, but dogs should be exempt, especially if they are that cute. Fifteen years is a good run.

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2 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I believe Kacy is done with ANW. However, I don't think Brian Arnold is also retiring. Otherwise, we would've heard about that.

I liked Brett and Kacy's dog. Yes, the show needs reasons to show her crying, but dogs should be exempt, especially if they are that cute. Fifteen years is a good run.

I forgot to mention in my earlier post that I bawled my eyes out watching them talk about their dog. I'm a huge animal lover and pretty much anything involving sick/dying/injured/neglected animals makes me cry instantly. So yeah, there were no hope for me on that one. 

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6 hours ago, absnow54 said:

It would be one thing if they did backstories for people who hadn't gotten backstories earlier, but no, the same lump of people were grouped in the "while we were away" montage while we got segments from the same 10 ninjas for the umpteenth time. It was tedious.

This exactly. The backstories are the same people again and again. The WWWA are the same people again and again. I don't mind backstories and I realize the reality of not being to show everyone. But did we EVER see Nick Cooleridge run? or Thomas Stallings?  I guess they realized early on that since certain people failed at the finals it wouldn't be worth it to show them through the qualifying either. Very disappointing.


And TPTB, please stop trying to make Alyssa Beird "happen" like you tried with Kacy. Just let Alyssa be awesome in her own right as a ninja. We don't need the attempt at a "sexy music video" for her. Ugh....

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The Allyssa Beird music video was waaaaaay over the top. I mean holy shit. My eyes rolled so hard they hurt. (Side note: my husband called her Wedgie Woman during stage 1 and so whenever I watch her I hear the song "Witchy Woman" with new lyrics in my head. "Ooohooo, wedgie woman / see how high she flies.") Great athlete, but yeesh with the overproduced music video thing.

So sad about Drew Dreschel. That guy is amazing. Those goddamn wing nuts are a MENACE. Whoever is designing these courses needs to consider the entire flow of the course, because as it stands they are basically just sticking obstacles wherever and shrugging their shoulders.

I've figured it out: stage 1 = parkour, stage 2 = gymnastics, stage 3 = rock climbing. With a few mix-ins among the genres. Of course, this year all the rock climbers got knocked out before stage 3. Sad trombone.

Totally agree with everyone who pointed out how repetitive the intro packages are. The same thing every stage, every time, often the same footage reused for the same people, meanwhile uber-hottie Nicholas Coolridge gets montaged week after week. BOOOOOOOO-URNS.

I did LOL when Matt and Akbar were like "Jamie Rahn is looking subdued tonight, he is all business!" I said, "yeah, he's real subdued, in his bright green hair and spangled bicycle pants!" Love Jamie Rahn but that guy is flashy AF and that's alright!

ETA I don't hate Sean Bryan but every time his Papal Ninja shit starts up I yell at my TV, "you are NOT the fucking Pope, dude! My mother is more involved with the Catholic church than you, and she ain't papal no-how!"

Edited by ClareWalks
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I enjoyed last night's finale, but by mid-show I was REALLY disappointed by the WWAs. It's like I know all these people so want to see them succeed. Ian Dory going first was depressing since that means he was doomed. I felt terrible for Flip and Jamie and so many others. I especially felt bad for me not getting to see, yes, the Uber-Hottie Nick Coolridge. my tv boyfriend since his first time on ANW. Too bad I've never gotten to see him since, he's lucky to even get a WWA. (Translation: Show, you SUCK.) All I could think during the Teacher Music Video was those boys are looking right up her skirt, and don't tell me they weren't. Whether they saw anything or not doesn't matter, the fact is, they are MALES, and that was creepy to the max. Meanwhile, I wish The Weatherman had made it. Joe is a long-time favorite. Heck, I wish ANYONE had made it. But it's like this show makes it impossible for anyone to win since Geoff and Isaac both beat Stage 4 in the same year. Geesh, show, it's time for another ANW winner. Throw us a crumb or something.

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48 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

But it's like this show makes it impossible for anyone to win since Geoff and Isaac both beat Stage 4 in the same year. Geesh, show, it's time for another ANW winner. Throw us a crumb or something.

I guess now's not a good time to mention that the Japanese version went something like 14 tournaments between it's first and second winners?

I think I forgot about the 3rd stage last year, or maybe I didn't see the episode, but I was surprised that the Cliffhanger just. kept. going. after that first leap across.  It was comically overboard, as was the Body Prop's upward climb. Just a horizontal orientation made that a challenge in the past.

My dark horse for future tournaments is Tyler Yamaguchi, the guy who's only 1 inch taller than Kacy. He makes up for lack of height through sheer explosiveness, and in the third stage his small stature may help him in not having as much mass to support, if he can get there.



I've figured it out: stage 1 = parkour, stage 2 = gymnastics, stage 3 = rock climbing. With a few mix-ins among the genres. Of course, this year all the rock climbers got knocked out before stage 3. Sad trombone.

Pretty much the formula from the start, though Stage 2 is the most variable. Stage 1 is usually about balance, footwork, precision, and movement with a few grip obstacles thrown in. Stage 3 has always been an upper body endurance test. Stage 2 is a mishmash. Swinging, wall lifting, a jump and hang obstacle or two. What have you. This was the original home of the Spider Walk before the jumping part was added to that.  And this was where the Salmon Ladder was introduced. Currently, the Japanese version has a swimming obstacle which the US version has yet to use. You swim a corridor while jets of water pushes you backwards. It's quite a mindfuck when the entire show is about trying not to get wet.

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

I enjoyed last night's finale, but by mid-show I was REALLY disappointed by the WWAs. It's like I know all these people so want to see them succeed. Ian Dory going first was depressing since that means he was doomed. I felt terrible for Flip and Jamie and so many others. I especially felt bad for me not getting to see, yes, the Uber-Hottie Nick Coolridge. my tv boyfriend since his first time on ANW. Too bad I've never gotten to see him since, he's lucky to even get a WWA. (Translation: Show, you SUCK.) All I could think during the Teacher Music Video was those boys are looking right up her skirt, and don't tell me they weren't. Whether they saw anything or not doesn't matter, the fact is, they are MALES, and that was creepy to the max. Meanwhile, I wish The Weatherman had made it. Joe is a long-time favorite. Heck, I wish ANYONE had made it. But it's like this show makes it impossible for anyone to win since Geoff and Isaac both beat Stage 4 in the same year. Geesh, show, it's time for another ANW winner. Throw us a crumb or something.

Every time this happens I get annoyed that they didn't give Geoff some sort of consolation prize. He made it, only one other person did in 9 seasons, he ought to get something.

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2 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

. Those goddamn wing nuts are a MENACE. Whoever is designing these courses needs to consider the entire flow of the course, because as it stands they are basically just sticking obstacles wherever and shrugging their shoulders.

I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but the reason the wing nuts were so hard is because it is a new obstacle. Now everyone will build one in his own gym. If they use if again next year, it won't take out nearly as many people because they will have had a year to practice it.

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16 hours ago, mlp said:

I suppose NBC couldn't justify paying Kacy to be there seeing as she's officially quit the show but they just had to get some footage of her in there anyway.  Gah. 

However, a dead dog is really scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as being interesting goes.

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I bawled my eyes out during the old dog story, and it explained why Kacey was wearing that cute dog head shirt last week. Some people only have their dogs, so I don't see that as barrel scraping more than any other back story, sob or not. It was better than the Teacher Lets Her Students Look Up Her Skirt music video. YMMV, of course. I agree w/what eel says about the wing nuts being difficult because no one has trained on them. Next year they will be easy (maybe!). I'm watching old seasons, where Johnny Moseley is hosting with Matt instead of Akbar. Hardly anyone could make it up the warped wall back then, and people were having problems with the Quad Steps ... four GIGANTIC panels, all close together, that they had to step on as the first obstacle. We would laugh at those now.

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1 hour ago, Fukui San said:

stage 2 = gymnastics

This is something I've been arguing with myself.  There's gymnastics for men and there's gymnastics for women.  And n'er the body types shall meet.

Women gymnasts are petite. Compact.  Long and lean need not apply with only a few exceptions.  When Simone Biles (4foot 8 inches) was talking just after Rio about what she wanted to do next I wanted to hug her and tell her that she's perfect the way she is and the way she is ,,,,,is too short for a lot of other sports.   Now, after a year off, she's gone back to gymnastics.  I doubt she could do some of the reaching that ANW requires.

Then look at Najee.  Also a gymnast.  Who's long and lean and flies.  And who instinctively applies his gymnastics to ANW.  The comment ?last episode that a tumble is the way you reduce momentum on a movement.  He knows that instinctively now from his training. 

I don't  think there's any way to equalize the physical differences, darn it.  

So this isn't all that different from most other sports.  

Let's hear it for archery, curling and sumo wrestling. 

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7 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

So sad about Drew Dreschel. That guy is amazing. Those goddamn wing nuts are a MENACE. Whoever is designing these courses needs to consider the entire flow of the course, because as it stands they are basically just sticking obstacles wherever and shrugging their shoulders.

I think we saw the downside of being good enough to go later in the competition with Drew.  The first to go don't get to see anyone try the new obstacles ahead of them to figure out how to do it.  But if enough strong competitors come back and give advice after wiping out, its possible to over compensate and smack into the wingnut so hard your arm no longer works.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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I feel so letdown that there wasn't a winner.  I think they make the obstacles too hard on purpose.   Really,  after nine seasons, only two people finished.   That's not right.

I LOVE this show.  My son in Japan thinks I'm nuts.

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This finale was one big ball of disappointment. I love my pets, so I didn't mind Brett and Kacy's dog. Better than some segments I've seen. I kept wishing that Jessie Graff could be up there instead of Allyssa. 

Any obstacle (Wing Nuts Alley) that can take out Drew Dreschel, Daniel Gil, and Jamie Rahn  must be killer. I had a feeling that nerves got to these guys and they made strategic errors that they don't normally make. 

Love how Isaac Caldieri got a shout-out as previous winner (they hardly ever mention him anymore), but poor Geoff Britten only got a mention by Jessie Graff (his quote about Drew Dreschel). Boy, when you get on the ANW producers' bad side, you never get back on the right side!

Also confused about Nicholas Coolridge. I couldn't ever find him attractive because, well, dumpster diving. But he seemed like a super nice guy and I liked the effortless way he breezed through the obstacles. Not sure what's up with his lack of camera time, but it's super obvious. 

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I think this course was designed specifically to produce a winner and I'm sure the designers are as surprised as everyone that Drew blew it.


Stage 3 was tailor made for him. They even removed the obstacle he failed on last year to make sure lol. He's going to be kicking himself for the rest of his life about this season if he never goes on to win it.

Edited by derriere
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I think I forgot about the 3rd stage last year, or maybe I didn't see the episode, but I was surprised that the Cliffhanger just. kept. going. after that first leap across. It was comically overboard

You need to check out the Japanese version of the Cliffhanger. There are moving parts and bright flashing lights. It looks insane.

Stage 3 was tailor made for him. They even removed the obstacle he failed on last year to make sure lol. He's going to be kicking himself for the rest of his life about this season if he never goes on to win it.

I don't know, the part where he failed last time was on the rock wall because he didn't use his feet to carry some of his weight. The new obstacle made it even harder to distribute weight, as seen by the way Joe Moravsky was wrapped like a pretzel around those pegs.

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should've been three hours instead of two, way too many WWWAs

why are they still doing backstories? I fast forwarded through all of them 

POM wonderful award clearly spoiling no one finishes Stage 2

acting as if all these runs go on for weeks, the jig has been up, we know they are taped in two nights. You did not go to Alyssa Beird's school in between her Stage 1 and Stage 2 run to film.

The Good Stuff:

Loved both of Joe's runs, he's been so consistent. I knew there wasn't enough tim for him to beat Stage 3 but I was still hoping somehow he pulled it off. I found his stage 3 run very compelling and a great way to end the season.

Really impressed by Chris Bryan, did he run last year? Seriously, where did the guy come from! 

Even though Jamie Rahn, Daniel Gil, and Adam Rayl all failed that last transition, I thought they were awesome. I don't know what to say about Drew. It seems like every year he says the same thing, he doesn't trust himself. Would've loved to see him on stage 3 without the rick climbing wall.

Really would've liked to see the two Jesses on stage 2. Props to Alyssa ir making it but I was disappointed she couldn't make it passed the salmon ladder.

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There was something about Alyssa's body language that said "not going to make it far this time".  It's like when someone has had a rough time on an obstacle, you know that the next one is going to dunk them, just because their bodies are saying enough is enough.  

I wonder if Alyssa was simply content to have made it this far this year?

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I think the women who compete on this show are pretty well aware that it is physically impossible for a woman to win this show, and even to complete stage 3. The very best rock climbing lady in ANW (probably Meagan Martin) MIGHT be able to do stage 3, but not after doing the other stages in the days/hours before. They probably all temper their expectations, since it is arguably harder for a woman to finish stage 2 than it is for a woman to finish a City Finals course (which only Kacy has done, and that was a VERY EASY finals course).

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They probably all temper their expectations, since it is arguably harder for a woman to finish stage 2 than it is for a woman to finish a City Finals course (which only Kacy has done, and that was a VERY EASY finals course).

Jessie Graff finished stage 2 during last year's US vs the World, so it's not impossible

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7 hours ago, absnow54 said:

I don't know, the part where he failed last time was on the rock wall because he didn't use his feet to carry some of his weight. The new obstacle made it even harder to distribute weight, as seen by the way Joe Moravsky was wrapped like a pretzel around those pegs.

Even without a timer, maybe everyone would run out of gas when they reach time bomb it was hard. Last year Drew, made a mistake on stage 3. 

That wingnut was really a killer, most of them were already exhausted to do a dismount. I felt bad for Drew, they have to remove that wingnut next year lol.

In All Stars vs the world or something for next year, do they use the same course? Can they practice? Drew finished stage 3 last June., he will finish that stage 2 for sure. :D

Edited by piequinn35
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5 hours ago, piequinn35 said:


In All Stars vs the world or something for next year, do they use the same course? Can they practice? Drew finished stage 3 last June., he will finish that stage 2 for sure. :D

Edited 5 hours ago by piequinn35.

They film USA vs. the World right after they film the Vegas finals. So it's all within a few days, same course, they just don't air USA vs. the World for months. 

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@saber5055 Thanks.  Can't take much credit for it.  I was just searching for paradoxes to rotate because I was bored one day:) 

17 hours ago, derriere said:

I think this course was designed specifically to produce a winner and I'm sure the designers are as surprised as everyone that Drew blew it.

Do winners of the million dollars have the ability to continue compete year after year?  If not, I'd wonder if the show considers that as they design the stages.   They probably have enough popular ninjas that it doesn't influence things too much.


8 hours ago, absnow54 said:

Jessie Graff finished stage 2 during last year's US vs the World, so it's not impossible

I noticed that during an interview with Byrd that Kristine completely ignored this.  She told Byrd she'd be first to complete stage 2 and I didn't hear a qualifier of in the US competition on that statement.

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I thought Joe's performance on the Wingnut and especially his landing on the platform at the end was a clear indication that his athleticism is way ahead of most of the other competitors.  He seems to have that finely tuned sense of the position of his body in space in relation to other objects around him that only the best athletes have.  He doesn't have as much upper body and grip strength as some of the climbers, though.  I was disappointed when he didn't complete Stage 3 but not surprised.  Maybe next year.

Drew is great, but he said it himself that he trusted other people's opinions about how far the 4th wingnut was from the 3rd over his own depth perception.

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That comment of Drew's was interesting and I don't dislike him or anything but I felt later it would've been more tactful to not place some blame on others who ran before him and tried to help him with advice.  I would blurt out my true feelings in that situation, too, though.  But in the end it was his own miscalculation, whatever inputs he considered.  I felt awful for him.  

I wonder if people will really start developing their oblique strength after that wingnut obstacle.  

I'm sad the season's over and wish there was maybe one money winner each season, whoever made it farthest.  Though I know that's not the game.  

Anyone else wonder if after shooting is done they let some ninjas run it or re-run it just for fun?  I'd love to see that but I guess it probably doesn't occur.  

I only get this show on Hulu and would love to watch prior seasons and all the spin-off type ones to come (US vs. the world?  Team ninja?)  Any advice welcome.  Thanks.

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I realize that they don't have time to show the full runs of every contestant. I understand some will be montage'd or in-progress'd. I realize that in order to appeal to a wide audience, they need a variety of backstory features mixed with amazing athletic feats, epic fails, so-close heartbreaks, and near-disaster triumphs. In order to get a full feature, you need some kind of hook. Dead dogs, divorces, those may not be great hooks, but they are hooks. In order to get a non-feature full run, you need to do something amazingly good or bad, or to go really far over the whole season.

If your whole story is that you're a good athlete who works hard, has fun, and gets far but not super far, that's not much of a hook. It's unfortunate, though, that these ninjas get WWWA'd over and over while we get multiple features about the same not-so-great hooks. Kevin Bull is a good example. His breakout season involved an epic athletic feat, going inverted on the Cannonball. His next two seasons featured his alopecia hook, but that's been played out. Now, he's "just" a good athlete who works hard, has fun, and gets far but not super far, and he's WWWA'd for every run. I would rather cut out the repeats of Maggie's divorce and 17 out of 18 Kacy farewells to get a few more of the good athletes who just plain run. 

I think that's actually the struggle the editors are facing with Jessie Graff and Alyssa Beird. They're basically just good athletes who work hard and have fun and get far but not super far, whose only hook is that they happen to be women. You can't exactly make a feature about having lady bits. So they do the contrived music videos and visits to the circus. And people make fun of it, because really, how dumb.

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I think the Editors have an easier time with Jessie because she is already a stuntwoman in the showbiz already. So they don't go with a sobstory as much for her, but they can go for her real life business and cross promote shows a bit (though getting rights to mention Supergirl may be tricky). Plus, Jessie tends to be one of the 'costumed' types like Jaimie "Captain NBC" Rahne, so she has a distinctive look when she runs too, that helps her stand out from the crowd. 


In general, the other factor too is the older Ninjas who have run multiple seasons, have had their stories played out. Unless something happened between seasons, their background bios would be just "play tape from last year", which the Editors hate. That's probably why we saw so many classic ninjas get  relegated to "WWWA" runs, both to preserve their story for later runs, and because there wasn't much more to say about them background wise.


I understand there might be a bit of Obstacle fatigue risk they run, showing 40-some people run the same set of obstacles, and the bios help break that up a bit. But like many have said, the current ratio is a bit much. Maybe half as much background bios and show more runs and they might be at a good sweet spot. 


Personally, I'm still lamenting the old old days like old school American Gladiators, where the 4 contestants showed up, we'd learn where they were from, where they worked, how old they were, all in a quick 15-20 second bio, and then they would compete; sometimes with some time filling with a bio on a gladiator before the challenge started. :(

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I'm okay with the number of bios they're airing, I just wish they'd stop showing the SAME bios over and over. We really don't need two dozen Kacy Catanzaro segments over the course of a season. We don't need to be reminded that Lance Pekus' wife has MS three different times. They could at least show old favorite ninjas on the course (start on the 4th obstacle, with "Kevin Bull is on the course right now"), with a brief voiceover update from Matt about what they're up to (so-and-so opened his own gym, blah blah).

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From the odd perspective of having only watched the last two seasons, I felt like I would've liked to have seen Coolridge and Stillings, not necessarily in bio packages but at least a run.  I got the impression last year they were newish to the sport, so I didn't expect they'd be played out for interest already.  I feel like they drummed up interest in me last year and left me hanging.  

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OK, let me make a positive suggestion as to how they can fill time rather than the regurgitation of stock film. 

At the end of each episode, put together a run through the obstacles of either

1) worst wipe out on each obstacle


2) best save on each obstacle

That would take time and it would show how saves were made (or teeth were broken)

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I LOVED the old-school American Gladiators.  They had just the right balance between getting to know the competitors, televising the runs, and sharing bits of information about the gladiators themselves.

I really think that, in the finals at least, they should show as many runs as possible, especially those who finish the course.  I don't need to see endless bio segments.  

Jessie Graff's big hook is, I think, her mother, which is fine and kind of sweet.  We only saw that bio clip once or twice during last season.  I wish they'd just let Alyssa alone and let her run the course, or show her teaching or training or whatever, instead of that music video thing.  She's a great athlete. Leave her alone.  I also found the Flex - Chris thing to be annoying.  Women athletes don't need to be superheroes or cool teachers, or dating male ninjas to be interesting.  They are interesting.  I'm fine if the show has clips that show them training, let them talk about their dietary regimen, show clips from their college competitive days if they have to show something - but I'm really tired of all of the gimmicky BS.  

Edited by SophiaD
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8 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

So no one wins or gets anything because no one finished stage 3? 


that's a stupid way to end a show. 

That's an excellent point. I wish they gave out something, maybe $20,000, to the person who makes it the farthest of the season.

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Winston, I don't know where you are, but in my market reruns of old ANW play on antenna tv, ME-TV, and two hours from 2009 are on Friday nights. ME-TV has been showing reruns from the beginning of time, in order, starting with eps when the show was on G4 channel ... and Jamie Rahn competed as "Captain G4." Matt is the host, but Akbar wasn't on yet, Olympian Johnny Mosely is the other host. It's interesting to see now-famous Ninjas competing their first times, and learning odd bits about them, like James The Beast McGrath has an older brother who also competed back then. And courses were run in the day time, with lots of distractions in the background on that California beach site. Those old reruns are fun, and the courses ... OMGosh, are so easy by today's standard. Hardly anyone could make it up the warped wall back then.

I, too, wish the competitor who makes it the farthest at the finals would win some money. But does ANW pay some of these guys to appear/compete? I sort of think they are compensated somehow.

As for Nick Coolridge, he got a big background package when he first competed, about how he lived in his van (ala Isaac Caldiero style) and dumpster dived to support himself. The next year (and all the years after that) ... WWAs, and he is lucky to even get those. The heck.

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On 9/22/2017 at 10:27 AM, saber5055 said:

Winston, I don't know where you are, but in my market reruns of old ANW play on antenna tv, ME-TV, and two hours from 2009 are on Friday nights. ME-TV has been showing reruns from the beginning of time, in order, starting with eps when the show was on G4 channel

Thanks!  I was really hoping it was available streaming somewhere.  I would consider getting an antenna but in my market ANW isn't even listed as on the lineup on that ME-TV channel.  

Captain G4... ha.  It does sound better than Captain NBC, though.  

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I really would like to see more competitors on stage 3, even if its just 4-5 more.  So they need to make S2 just a little easier.  Most of the people who fell on wingnuts, fell on the first change of direction/3rd nut.  So make the fourth nut a little closer to the landing pad, and you'd probably have at least 3 more people to finish that stage.

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