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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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17 minutes ago, Shmoopaloop said:

I liked when Caryn asked Matt about diaper changes. You could tell he thinks of that as a woman's job and maybe changed one diaper when the kids were little. It's just plain sad when a dad won't clean up his own baby. 

I hope that's not true, although you guys probably now better.  Considering they had twins, I hope he helped out Amy as much as he could.


With my pregnancy I've been trying to read up as much as possible.  I haven't ready any books per se, but I've been researching via the internet and reputable sites.  I remember at my first OB visit to confirm the pregnancy my OB mentioned that I was very knowledgeable, maybe a little too knowledgeable.

  • Love 3

Some women don't want to know anything; someone actually told me she didn't want to know what was going to happen or what could happen. She wasn't too afraid though, at least not at all like Tori. For me, I prefer to know everything I can, as I feel more secure that way. It does give more to worry about but in general I prefer knowing what's going to happen & as much about what could happen to be as prepared as possible, & that keeps me calmer. I don't know if that would've helped Tori or not though.

  • Love 3

Is Matt really that clueless about babies?  Giving a newborn a heavy, metal Tonka truck and a juice box?  I'm not a Caryn fan, but I'm glad she was there to  educate him and to decorate the nursery at Matt's.  It looks awesome (although I did find the large giraffe wall hanging to be a little scary-looking).

Auj is going to milk this pregnancy as much as possible.  Sitting on the chair watching everybody move stuff.  She's pregnant, she's not dying.  It's going to be a long last trimester for all of us!

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Phoebe70 said:

This is petty, but it's really bugging me:  Is Chris missing a front tooth?  I keep looking and can't tell.  He doesn't smile much with his mouth open, but occasionally when he does it looks like he's either missing a tooth, or it's badly chipped.  Anyone?

I think he just has a bit of a snaggle tooth situation going on up front. 

1 hour ago, Phoebe70 said:

Is Matt really that clueless about babies?  Giving a newborn a heavy, metal Tonka truck and a juice box?  I'm not a Caryn fan, but I'm glad she was there to  educate him and to decorate the nursery at Matt's.  It looks awesome (although I did find the large giraffe wall hanging to be a little scary-looking).

Auj is going to milk this pregnancy as much as possible.  Sitting on the chair watching everybody move stuff.  She's pregnant, she's not dying.  It's going to be a long last trimester for all of us!

Remember when Tori painted the nursery,  nah we won't see Auj do this.  

  • Love 4
23 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

They do not plop the intestines out lol...too much risk for infection.

Well, they often lift intestines out of the body for abdominal surgery. I'm sure in some instances it's true for a c-section. There isn't any risk of infection moving them around- what's inside your intestines is not going to spill out near the baby unless the bowel is torn or perforated.  I work in surgery and it always amazes me when general/trauma surgeons explore the abdomen and  lift out the small intestine, look it over inch by inch for any problems, then literally just pile it all back in. Somehow everything manages to settle in the correct configuration!

  • Love 5

My full thoughts:

So why was the cat still with Jeremy if he's packing the house in Bend? Auh was living with her parents. They could scoop the litterbox if needed. There's no reason that cat should be wandering the cab of the U-Haul. It's dangerous. Also, it surprised me that Jeremy didn't rent a bigger truck instead of renting the truck and trailer. But then again, since there was still stuff in the garage when he "left" Bend (the motorcycle was still in there and a few boxes), it was probably staged. I've driven the truck a size up from Birmingham to Mobile in Alabama. It's not that hard.

Matt never touched a diaper. Congrats on calling him on it Caryn.  He also clearly has hoarding issues. There was even a whole second big mattress in there.

Auj's hair kept changing during the "move in" from ratty curls to absolutely straight. It just bugs. Also, I'm really tired of watching them rub on each other.

I was really proud of Zach standing up to his dad. Matt was definitely pissed that he didn't cave to Matt's wants. Good for Zach and Tori for gently, non-pretentiously setting boundaries and guidelines. He didn't outright say no, but made it clear that, despite Matt's expectations, Zach and Tori were going to be in charge of access to the baby. I don't think they would cut any grandparent out, but I can see them wanting to keep the baby to a schedule and a routine, which is probably going to require at least Tori around. What was with the blueprints behind him. Was that the home he wanted Amy to help pay for to start the family compound?

Matt's crib of pain and suffering is really not a crib. That was an early pack and play from when I was little in the early 80s. Plus, there's no way in hell that Matt could ever pull a kid out of that thing. Also, Matt, the kid's more than just a penis or an LP farmer, you know. Just saying.

I think Tori may be of the squeamish sort that decided to either not pay attention to anything about the delivery and birth or just skipped over those parts because they made her nauseous. I have several friends who are incredibly smart and who have families in the medical field who can and do gloss over such topics. If the sight of blood makes her want to faint or throw up, I can see her just not wanting to have details. She also may have only latched onto the horror stories she was hearing which may not have been accurate. At one point, I was very ill and had a presumptive cancer diagnosis (later turned out to be a genetic issue, not cancer). However, my grandmother, who didn't know, spent several hours telling me all about her friends who were "eaten up with the cancers". By the time I was sent for the test to determine if it was cancer or something else, I needed anxiety medication to calm down. I was raised in a medical household. Logically, I knew that the test could show that there was or wasn't cancer. I knew I didn't have the right symptoms for cancer, but I was still climbing the walls because of what my grandmother had said. It happens. Add to that the fact that Tori's been relatively healthy. She's never stayed in a hospital or had surgery before so she doesn't know what to expect in a hospital stay and it could build up anxiety.

Auj was completely over Tori's delivery day. She had absolute boredom on her face for the whole time at Amy's house. Amy really didn't seem to get that there wouldn't be a cellphone in the OR. I hope for Tori's sake, it was relatively late in the morning before he sent out texts. Matt, I will pay money to see you kicked by a donkey. Just saying....

Jackson is adorable. He's all kinds of perfect. Matt's plan to constantly entertain the kid so he never yawns does not bode well. That may be why Tori and Zach want those 3 months. Matt's "baby room" is really not for a baby or even a toddler really. There's far too much that is age inappropriate or too dangerous. We have that farm playset he had on a low shelf. It's got really small pieces and it's got some really sharp corners.

Jer keeps reminding me of a creepy cult leader. He needs to quit hanging out with Kody Brown from Sisterwives. The looks of adoration Auj gives him don't help. It's so weird.

It was really sweet of Matt and Amy to get along well enough to redo the front of the house for Tori and Zach and depart before they got there. It really does show that they care about their kids and can still do little surprises for them. I do love that Zach is a hands on dad.. Tori's there for help but she's letting him do it on his own. Somehow I don't see Jer even trying. He didn't even seem to want to touch Jackson.

  • Love 6

I was really proud of Zach standing up to his dad. Matt was definitely pissed that he didn't cave to Matt's wants. Good for Zach and Tori for gently, non-pretentiously setting boundaries and guidelines. He didn't outright say no, but made it clear that, despite Matt's expectations, Zach and Tori were going to be in charge of access to the baby. I don't think they would cut any grandparent out, but I can see them wanting to keep the baby to a schedule and a routine, which is probably going to require at least Tori around.

I'm going to be the asshole here, and be un-pc. I wonder if Zach and Tory are uncomfortable with the idea of leaving Jackson with Matt if Matt has no one in the house to actually tend the baby. Caryn doesn't live there, and Matt is barely mobile and I have to be honest, I question whether he's physically capable of lifting the baby up, holding the baby for any length of time or... taking a step with the baby in his arms.


Matt never touched a diaper.

And remember, Amy DID NOTHING AND EARNED NOTHING AND DESERVES NOTHING.  All the Matt fans who moan how mean Amy is taking what she doesn't deserve really need to remember that Matt as a man left all the shitty chores to his wife. Since the kids didn't die of neglect, I think it's fair to say Amy did something.


He also clearly has hoarding issues. There was even a whole second big mattress in there.

Yup. Every time someone dredges up how Amy drove him out of the house with the clutter, including Matt himself doing his classic "pity me, woe is me" face, I will be pointing out that Matt had that house to himself and managed to turn it into a shit sty hoard all by his little sad self. Amy may be a pig but she's not the only damn pig - the room was crammed with crap and Matt did that all by himself so enough with the narrative of "Poor little Matt is so neat in his house without evil Amy crudding it up". Matt's a pig who lives in shit, just like the rest of his family.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, ZoloftBlob said:

I'm going to be the asshole here, and be un-pc. I wonder if Zach and Tory are uncomfortable with the idea of leaving Jackson with Matt if Matt has no one in the house to actually tend the baby. Caryn doesn't live there, and Matt is barely mobile and I have to be honest, I question whether he's physically capable of lifting the baby up, holding the baby for any length of time or... taking a step with the baby in his arms.


Matt never touched a diaper.

And remember, Amy DID NOTHING AND EARNED NOTHING AND DESERVES NOTHING.  All the Matt fans who moan how mean Amy is taking what she doesn't deserve really need to remember that Matt as a man left all the shitty chores to his wife. Since the kids didn't die of neglect, I think it's fair to say Amy did something.

I have to wonder if Zach remembers some of this from when Jacob was a baby. He was around 7 when Jacob was born so he may remember that Matt didn't pick up Jacob or had mobility problems even back then, it must be so much worse today, 20 years later. Perhaps that's what's motivating the hands off with Matt. While they seemed to be fine with Amy picking up the baby from the stroller, it seems like Matt only touches the baby if he is already seated. Even in the photos we've seen. They even seemed to move him to a seat in his office before they handed him Jackson. I think Tori said "Are you ready to hold him?" and motioned towards a chair.

  • Love 5

Auj was completely over Tori's delivery day. She had absolute boredom on her face for the whole time at Amy's house

Well, never let it be said I can't be fair.

I don't think Auj and Tori are particularly close.  Speaking as someone who isn't terribly into children, there's nothing more boring than waiting for someone else to crap out a child, especially  if its someone you're not terribly close to. Even worse if you're stuck waiting at your mother in law's house, who you don't particularly care for and have little in common with.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Auj was completely over Tori's delivery day. She had absolute boredom on her face for the whole time at Amy's house

Well, never let it be said I can't be fair.

I don't think Auj and Tori are particularly close.  Speaking as someone who isn't terribly into children, there's nothing more boring than waiting for someone else to crap out a child, especially  if its someone you're not terribly close to. Even worse if you're stuck waiting at your mother in law's house, who you don't particularly care for and have little in common with.

My point was more that she's on a show that is all about how "close" they all are. It was very obvious she wasn't happy not being the center of the universe. No one was talking about her pregnancy. Part of me thinks that's why so many pictures were taken (with her phone I think) of her and Tori and the baby. "See how sweet she is, going to see her sister-in-law after giving birth. And look how much better Auj looks pregnant than Tori does after giving birth." I know entirely too many girls just like her. They're exhausting. But if she's going to continue to get paid for the show, she needs to get better at faking interest.

  • Love 8

Oh I get you, MegD. I was just trying to be fair. Such an event would bore me to tears for similar reasons - no attention for me and I don't especially care for the company and blech.

Audrey does need to hide her open disdain a little better. Because you're right - she's on a show that insists they all love each other. And she's not as good of an actress as she thinks she is.

As much as I'd like to see Matt and Amy sit Jer and Auj down and school the two idiots on how fucking rude they are being with their open public disdain and disrespect for their parents choosing to divorce, it will never happen on camera because Jeremy's ego is always seen to and tended and the Golden Boy is never called on his shit. Although I do wonder if they're getting tired of his nonsense.

Also, has anyone else noticed that Jeremy is a total fucking mooch? Let's not kid ourselves here. He's on a reality show where he's able to not work any paying job except the reality show. He's buying a 465k house. He owns several cars and motorcycles. Why exactly does he need to have high school kids volunteer to move his shit? It's called "hire some movers" - its not THAT expensive. Likewise moving in with Auj's parents for the reno. It's called "a short term rental" and Jeremy isn't broke. I'd understand a few days but they bought the house in May and six weeks later, they are still living with Auj's parents.

  • Love 6

I hardly ever watch the show any more (snark is more fun and takes up less than the show).  I don't always agree with how some of my fellow posters see things when I do watch.  But this time I really did want to see Jackson's birth episode and the other stuff being described.

Wow.  Audrey really doesn't like being around Amy, does she?  She could barely stay awake while sitting in the kitchen, because it wasn't about her.  Same with the pictures in the hospital.  Everyone else is talking amongst themselves, and all Jer and Auj can do is snap picture after picture of AUDREY (oh, yeah, and the baby and the baby's mother).  I honestly hope and pray that their baby is healthy and doesn't have something like colic . . . because these two will be (1) uninterested and (2) unable to seek out assistance in making the baby's life better.  I could honestly see them hiring a nanny so they can still frolic in fields of daisies (after sleeping through the night).

  • Love 3
On 6/30/2017 at 5:26 PM, ZoloftBlob said:

I'm going to be the asshole here, and be un-pc. I wonder if Zach and Tory are uncomfortable with the idea of leaving Jackson with Matt if Matt has no one in the house to actually tend the baby. Caryn doesn't live there, and Matt is barely mobile and I have to be honest, I question whether he's physically capable of lifting the baby up, holding the baby for any length of time or... taking a step with the baby in his arms.

I don't think that is being assholey or un-pc at all.  I think it is totally legitimate to be concerned about Matt's ability to handle a baby (or to wrangle a toddler later down the road).  That's just the reality of the situation. 

Surely Matt must have some awareness of his own limitations.  Even HE could not be that full of himself. Could he?  (I haven't seen the episode yet).  Does he really think that he is in any shape to be left alone with a baby?  A baby he obviously can't lift or carry?  Plus I thought he was about to drop dead any second, lol (my cousins were once left with a babysitter who dropped dead and they almost burned the house down trying to fry potatoes for dinner when they "couldn't wake her up," no lie).  Of course Matt is not nearly as close to death as he claims, but even so ... he has enough health problems and limitations (and that alleged drinking thing) that I would never leave him in charge of an infant. 

Sorry, hurt feelings or not, no parent is under and obligation to leave their child in the care of a person whose abilities they doubt. They would be negligent if they did.  Matt is just going to have to suck it up. 

It must burn him that Amy is being viewed as a suitable babysitter (eventually) but he is not.  Oh, well, Matt, you should have thought about things like that when you flushed your marriage down the shitter so you could live your independent man-cave life.  Turns out you are not nearly as independent as you thought you were. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 13

Matt was showing Zach the room he fixed up for the grandchildren. Matt specifically said it was for when the families visited, and pointed out there would be privacy for Tori in there (to change diapers no less, but that's Matt). He wasn't talking about babysitting, at least that's the way I took it. But Zach turned it in to that, and Matt looked confused.

Amy and the way she acted about Chris meeting Matt was strange. Chris had a good point, that it made sense since he's there on what is Matt's property too. Amy acting that way made it seem like she was doing something wrong and hiding it. And Chris didn't seem to like the fact that Matt had asked Amy a couple of times about meeting him, and she decided that was not going to happen. 

  • Love 3

What I found interesting about the room that Matt and Caryn set up is that it ended up being pretty masculine. I understand the farm theme and animals but the toys were mostly things a boy would play with. I actually loved all the tractors and equipment that was on top of the shelving unit (that part I know Caryn must have done and nicely I might add). No tea sets or dolls but I may need to catch the episode when it comes on again and look at it more closely. 

When Matt and Chris hit it off so well and Chris went into the house to talk to Amy, she said "Well, it's okay to get along, but it's not like there's ever going to be a double-date with Matt, Caryn, you and me."  But I think if Amy weren't there, Chris would like hanging out with Matt.  Maybe they can go on a double date with Chris and his next girlfriend.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

I think Matt and Chris would get along. Chris is a real estate broker, agent, whatever, lol. If I were Chris, I would be hurt that Amy was trying to keep them from officially meeting.

Saw on Matt's Facebook that he went to Arizona to "investigate" retirement communities. 

?? I find that strange as he has gone on and on re: having the farm redone so the grandkids could spend copious amounts of time there and develop the "good" memories that his children did. OR  Could it be a ploy to get something? Threatening to leave if he doesn't get his way about something (like the house he wants built as we see the plans front and center the last episode of filming)? 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

I think Matt and Chris would get along. Chris is a real estate broker, agent, whatever, lol. If I were Chris, I would be hurt that Amy was trying to keep them from officially meeting.

Saw on Matt's Facebook that he went to Arizona to "investigate" retirement communities. 

Oh no.  I would be pissed if my s/o wanted to meet my EX.  EX is in the past.  

Stay there.  LOL.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Saw on Matt's Facebook that he went to Arizona to "investigate" retirement communities. 

A large percentage of people in our retirement communities are snowbirds.  They fly down here when it's snowing at home, and fly back home when it melts.  He could still keep the farm and be a snowbird.

  • Love 3

Oh no.  I would be pissed if my s/o wanted to meet my EX.  EX is in the past.  

I'm sorta six of one, half dozen of another on this.

I can see why Chris would feel increasingly awkward with visiting Amy at the farm or attending events with Amy's family but to have not formally been introduced to Amy's ever present ex husband. The man lives what, one hundred feet away from Amy? It's awkward to NOT be able to say hello, especially since Amy and Matt are relatively amicable.

On the other hand, I get why Amy is awkward because Matt is a manipulator and she has probably seen it play out before. She has a friend, like say... Caryn, who she enjoys and has an ally... and then Matt is introduced and Matt is charming and look, look what happens. She worries that Matt will be charming and Chris will be sucked into the circle of "Matt's friends" and Matt is very controlling of his friends.

  • Love 3

IMO, Caryn was never Amy's friend. She was always Matts'  ally. I remember scenes of her during pumpkin season for two or three years in a row.  She brushed aside any ideas from Amy and the kids, and always carried out Matts wishes/ good or bad. I felt she and Matt had a closer relationship than appropriate back then. 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 6

Well, Svenghoulie had on another damn Abbot and Costello "horror" movie last night, so I decided to watch this episode which I had on the DVR instead. I figured the Roloffs would be horrifying enough, and they did not disappoint. Two hours was almost more than I could take! 

The look on Zach's face when Matt was talking about having the baby spend any time in that junk-filled room was too much, lol.  He seemed like he was trying to hold back laughter. He knows the chances of Matt ever make that space habitable any time soon.  And Matt's excitement about the kid playing with those heavy, sharp edged metal trucks and things was just silly.  Has this guy ever met a baby before?  I know four were raised in his proximity, but his entire mindset about infants shows he has no concept of how to care for one, and also says something about how involved he was with his own children when they were small.  He just has no clue.

The guy needs to go buy some of those bright colored plastic donuts that stack on a little pole and some plastic keys on a ring, maybe one of those blankies that have a mobile that attaches over it so the baby can lay on his back and be entertained.  Save the heavy duty metal toys for three or four years from now.  Stop thinking of what HE would like to play with and think about what the BABY would want to play with.  But Matt can't see any issue in terms of how it relates to another human being's wants or needs - it's always about him and what he wants.  

One thing he obviously wants is for his house to be the center of family activities.  He is just trying soooo hard to compete with Amy for time - he even said as much.  He is going to be a FUN! Grandpa!  Because it is always about being the center of attention, having it be all about him.  I was glad to see Zach was not going to let it happen. 

I can totally understand Amy not wanting Chris to have anything to do with Matt.  I agree that it would seem that as divorced people who live on the same farm the way they do, meeting the other person's significant other would obviously need to happen.  But this is Matt Roloff, narcissist extraordinaire we are talking about.  The guy who can be so charming but also who can't wait to stick a shiv in Amy every chance he gets.  That's a dangerous combination. And that is exactly what he did the SPLIT SECOND he met Chris.  Made some comment about how they were meeting even though Amy didn't want them to "for some reason," smile laugh.  Sounds so innocent, Matt was just making a little joke, right.  But he WASN'T.  He was totally undermining Amy with that comment.  Suggesting Amy had prevented them from meeting suggests she is needlessly controlling.  Beware!  And saying "for some reason" implies that whatever reason Amy had for not wanting them to meet a stupid, fucked up reason.  She is dumb and/or nuts and does inexplicable things all the time, Chris, just so you know. That's just who she is! 

And then the little shit had the sheer GALL to say that he "appreciated having the help around for her."  Think about the underlying messages in that - first, Matt is transparently attempting to male bond with Chris in a way that is completely unnecessary.  These guys aren't coworkers, colleagues, or teammates.  Chris isn't with Amy to help Matt.  Where does he get off thanking Chris that way?  

He was also implying Amy needs some kind of help - that she is not strong, independent or self-sufficient.  Be wary Chris!  You are going to end up having to take care of her!  It also suggests that Matt himself has been burdened to provide some kind of help for Amy even though they are divorced.  Poor Matt, so put upon by needy Amy.  But he is a *great guy* who has been selflessly handling her problems and meeting her pathetic needs for her even though he is no longer her husband.  See, he's not the bad guy Amy says he is at all!  

And I want to know exactly what kind of "help" Matt was referring to.  What is Chris doing for Amy?  Is he paying her bills?  Is he keeping her safe at night the way big brave Matt did?  Getting jars of of high shelves that she can't reach herself?  Dealing with her mental instability?  What?   

The whole meeting was so offensive.  Amy was right to want to avoid it.  I just hope Chris saw Matt for what he was trying to do. 

  • Love 12

First, thank god I am not the only one tired of fucking Abbot and Costello movies on Svenghoulie!

Second, to give Chris some credit - it's been eight months, he's clearly not *pressing* Amy on the point of meeting Matt. And I got the impression based on the joking about inviting Matt and Caryn over for pinochle that... No, Chris really isn't needing to spend any more time with Matt.

I really got the impression Chris was just trying to be polite because of the living situation.

  • Love 6

 I actually loved all the tractors and equipment that was on top of the shelving unit

I hope those shelves are anchored to the walls, because you know toddlers are going to try to climb up to those toys.


Saw on Matt's Facebook that he went to Arizona to "investigate" retirement communities. 

I'm going to be doing that exact thing later this year.  Living near Matt would be a nightmare for me.

  • Love 2
On 6/30/2017 at 9:07 AM, MoodyGirl said:

I agree with everyone talking about Tori's lack of knowledge about pregnancy/birth. It baffled me how she didn't know her own birth story, what placenta previa was (especially since her own mom had it), plus c section basics, etc. I know as soon as I knew I was pregnant I was reading up on pregnancy. The things she didn't know were quite basic. In fact, she really didn't seem to enjoy pregnancy at all--and that's ok--so I wonder if she will have more. I'm thinking they will try to have at least one more. 

with my first child I was sick as a dog, nothing agreed with me, threw up morning, noon & night. My granny told me "if your sick with the first one you won't be sick with the next" well for once granny was wrong. I found out I was pregnant with our second just before my oldest one's second birthday, already had an idea, morning sickness all day :/ I didn't really enjoy either one of my pregnancy's so 2 is all we have lol.  Zach has said he wants three so we'll see. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

with my first child I was sick as a dog, nothing agreed with me, threw up morning, noon & night. My granny told me "if your sick with the first one you won't be sick with the next" well for once granny was wrong. I found out I was pregnant with our second just before my oldest one's second birthday, already had an idea, morning sickness all day :/ I didn't really enjoy either one of my pregnancy's so 2 is all we have lol.  Zach has said he wants three so we'll see. 

I always think it's a bit unfair when family members are already suggesting/asking a new mom about having another baby. Give her a damn minute to wrap her head around this whole new life she has! It really irritated me when Zach kept mentioning having 3 kids over and over. He shouldn't bring it up until Jackson's at least a year old, imo. If Tori's all for it and brings it up herself, then cool. I've heard that it's best to give your body a year and a half to recover from pregnancy before trying to conceive again anyway. 

Edited by Shmoopaloop
  • Love 2
On 6/30/2017 at 9:43 PM, MegD said:

it seems like Matt only touches the baby if he is already seated. Even in the photos we've seen. They even seemed to move him to a seat in his office before they handed him Jackson. I think Tori said "Are you ready to hold him?" and motioned towards a chair.

Well, that stands to reason since the man needs crutches to walk. He obviously won't be walking around with the baby in his arms or be able to pick the baby up on his own. 

  • Love 1
On 7/2/2017 at 2:27 PM, Honey said:

I still don't trust Chris and I probably won't until he and Amy marry.  Maybe not even then.  There's just something about him.

Well when you are older like me, and new kids are out of the picture... marriage is not so simple.  I do not want to remarry because it messes up estates, health insurance, etc... unless they can do up a very ironclad prenup, what is the point?  

If Amy and Chris marry, both of them will have to protect their assets.

  • Love 4
On 7/2/2017 at 11:41 AM, mythoughtis said:

IMO, Caryn was never Amy's friend. She was always Matts'  ally. I remember scenes of her during pumpkin season for two or three years in a row.  She brushed aside any ideas from Amy and the kids, and always carried out Matts wishes/ good or bad. I felt she and Matt had a closer relationship than appropriate back then. 

I thought the same thing years ago.  I went a few years without seeing this show but I remember seeing her and Matt on an episode and thinking  they seemed a bit too close.   Now years later they're "dating"


Eta: Actually now thinking back it was my boyfriend, who was irritated I'd make him watch the show that pointed out Matt and Caryn were more than just friends.  Of course, he never did like Matt.  This would have been years ago but does anyone remember an episode where Matt fell in his office and his family (at least Jeremy and Amy, I can't remember if the other kids were there) barely seemed concerned Matt was face down on the ground and not moving?  This was before I knew Matt was a complete jerk, but I remember telling my boyfriend," I get this is probably a reenactment, but shouldn't his family be running over to him?  Shouldn't they be frantic since he looked dead/collapsed? ".   My boyfriend stated, "Matt Roloff is an tyrannical ass.  I'd leave him on the floor too.  He's only two feet tall, how far could've he had fallen?"   After that, I did start noticing how trifling Matt was although I never cared for Amy either.

Edited by Irate Panda
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

I thought the same thing years ago.  I went a few years without seeing this show but I remember seeing her and Matt on an episode and thinking  they seemed a bit too close.   Now years later they're "dating"


Eta: Actually now thinking back it was my boyfriend, who was irritated I'd make him watch the show that pointed out Matt and Caryn were more than just friends.  Of course, he never did like Matt.  This would have been years ago but does anyone remember an episode where Matt fell in his office and his family (at least Jeremy and Amy, I can't remember if the other kids were there) barely seemed concerned Matt was face down on the ground and not moving?  This was before I knew Matt was a complete jerk, but I remember telling my boyfriend," I get this is probably a reenactment, but shouldn't his family be running over to him?  Shouldn't they be frantic since he looked dead/collapsed? ".   My boyfriend stated, "Matt Roloff is an tyrannical ass.  I'd leave him on the floor too.  He's only two feet tall, how far could've he had fallen?"   After that, I did start noticing how trifling Matt was although I never cared for Amy either.

Here's a clip from the fall


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