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I just think that IF ZACH truly got his symptoms checked out, they should have told that.  I might feel differently, if he said, I saw an experienced neurologist who specifically tested the shunt and CONFIRMED that it is working properly and that there are no bulges, gaps, tumors, leaks, malfunctions etc. that could be producing my current symptoms. AND now that we have ruled that out, we're moving on to rule out other causes.  Zach's general explanation just seemed inadequate.  Jer came out, told Auj it was shunt symptoms, but the Primary doctor says no.  Just stress.  Hmmm.......I hope the doctor is right and that a shunt problem could NOT be intermittent.  I suppose time will tell.  


Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 5

Can someone please tell me why Jer always looks miserable?  Not just this episode, but in the majority of the episodes he looks either bored, stoned or on the verge of tears.  Can someone please enlighten me on what he has to be depressed about?  $15K an episode, doesn't have a real job and TLC pays for his vacations....sign me up!

  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, Phoebe70 said:

Can someone please tell me why Jer always looks miserable?  Not just this episode, but in the majority of the episodes he looks either bored, stoned or on the verge of tears.  Can someone please enlighten me on what he has to be depressed about?  $15K an episode, doesn't have a real job and TLC pays for his vacations....sign me up!

I think he is trying to look serious and mature.  His role is now to be a father and hopefully heir to the farm and this is how he plays it.

  • Love 5

So I am giving Audrey a couple of passes on things. I don't think she and Tory are besties at all. I can understand why enforced time together is not her idea of a good time. Even thoughthe show likes to present them as "we married twin boys so now we're sisters!" - the reality is that they're not required to be more than cordial to each other. I also think, based on her writing and other examples of her speaking, that Audrey doesn't really think things thru before she speaks so the comment about Zach being sick in the car? Gets a pass. She's also not required to love Zach like a brother. She was cordial. I do find the waiting in the car odd for a few reasons. First, it seemed like a cold day and I can't imagine Zach got in and out in under an hour. Second, Portland isn't such a safe city that sitting in a car on the side of the street for an hour seems like a less risky proposition than joining your husband and brother in law in the waiting room. And why is Jer so miserable looking? A guess? Several guesses actually. He's starting to realize that no one gives a shit that he is on a reality tv show. People are starting to ask tougher questions about him because he's not an 18 year old boy but a 27 year old married man. Perhaps he's starting to internalize that the baby is going to change things and he's no longer able to do as he pleases, that people will be asking why he's not doing x, y and z. Having a baby means he has to grow up.

  • Love 13

All good theories about Jer being down by ZolofBlob above.  Plus, he may be trying to play his role on the show.  If his role is that he's under the pressure to get his family moved into a new house, complete renovations, navigate a new pregnancy, get ready for new baby, etc. it might look odd if he seemed to be too upbeat.  Wasn't he upbeat when Zach came to visit he and Auj in CA? 

Also, maybe, married life is not all he had envisioned.  Plus, sometimes, people are depressed for no reason.  Sometimes, it's just an illness. (chemical imbalance)  If that's what it is, I hope he's getting treatment. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3
5 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

OMG!  I forgot about the 'chicken salad- cooked chicken' comment!   I thought it was Odd who asked, but not sure.    Do you think whoever asked meant to ask if it was 'organic' vs. cooked? Or is "Chicken Salad Tartare" a hip new thing in the Portland foodie scene?  Poultry sushi anyone?

I'm rewatching the episode and it was definitely Tori who asked if it was cooked chicken. I think she was asking because pregnant women aren't supposed to eat lunch meat/deli meat unless it's been thoroughly heated in order to kill off any potential listeria bacteria. Listeria can be life-threatening to the fetus. So even though the odds of deli meat being in a chicken salad aren't very high, she was probably just making sure. 

  • Love 9

I'm thinking Audrey didn't go into the doctors office when Zach was sick because there are all sick people in there and she is pregnant.  Protecting her baby.  Makes sense to me.

Bringing two young women onto the show with no acting experience has to be hard for all of them.  Remember the boys grew up on camera along with their other brother and sister.  They are at home there. 

For the girls this is new and going through a courtship, showers, weddings and now a new babies has to be a bit taxing.

Honestly I can't believe Tori is going to give birth LIVE on tv. 

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Jeanne222 said:

I'm thinking Audrey didn't go into the doctors office when Zach was sick because there are all sick people in there and she is pregnant.  Protecting her baby.  Makes sense to me.

Bringing two young women onto the show with no acting experience has to be hard for all of them.  Remember the boys grew up on camera along with their other brother and sister.  They are at home there. 

For the girls this is new and going through a courtship, showers, weddings and now a new babies has to be a bit taxing.

Honestly I can't believe Tori is going to give birth LIVE on tv. 

it is a scheduled C-section, not that I'd want that shown on tv, maybe that was a selling point for her...not to mention the $$$ 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Phoebe70 said:

Yes, but he's looked miserable way before Auj got pregnant.....

And why can't Jer take off his outer coat & hat when he is indoors? Drives me nuts.  Is this supposed to be a hipster look? It seems he does this at every house he is in.  It looks like he's ready to roll at any minute. Maybe that's what he is going for. I just think he looked stupid sitting around &eating at the family dinner at Amy's with his coat on. Grow up, Jer.

  • Love 5

Tory's not giving birth live on tv at all. A live presentation means showing events as they happen. News can be live, tv shows can be live. But Tory had her baby a few weeks ago which means if it was filmed (and I didn't really get the impression from the previews that they were angling the camera down her vag) then its not LIVE. I personally hope we don't get a huge amount of in hospital stuff


I'm thinking Audrey didn't go into the doctors office when Zach was sick because there are all sick people in there and she is pregnant.  Protecting her baby.  Makes sense to me.

Sorry, I still think it's odd to sit in a cold car for an hour. And frankly, if it's about "protecting the baby" then why was she even in the car, when Zach openly stated he was sick before they even began driving around. I mean, what kind of monster sits in a car, not protecting her baby, with someone who says they are sick and appears to be ill?

I'm ribbing ya Jeanne, but only a little, because I think mothers and pregnant women sometimes get a little crazy. Really, she can't be in a waiting room because she's pregnant and there's sick people? How does she go to her check ups, then?


Also, maybe, married life is not all he had envisioned.

I've wondered this as well, because it's not like he can complain, since that's not *fighting for his marriage*. I've wondered if displaying one's marriage as an example might be a little tiresome when you're always on display and you're constantly joined at the hip.

I also wonder, frankly, if these two might not be totally happy with their decision to "accidently" have a child right after Zach and Tori announce. They're not getting the same amount of attention, and its basically creating a lot of dramatic changes in their life - I really don't think they wanted to move. I also really don't think Jeremy is happy about the child being a girl - he's now "behind" Zach and can never catch up, Zach will always have the first son. But mostly I think he's clued in that the attention will be on the baby and not him and the baby is a responsibility that can't be handed back when he gets bored and wants to have fun.

  • Love 10
8 minutes ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Sorry, I still think it's odd to sit in a cold car for an hour. And frankly, if it's about "protecting the baby" then why was she even in the car, when Zach openly stated he was sick before they even began driving around. I mean, what kind of monster sits in a car, not protecting her baby, with someone who says they are sick and appears to be ill?

I'm ribbing ya Jeanne, but only a little, because I think mothers and pregnant women sometimes get a little crazy. Really, she can't be in a waiting room because she's pregnant and there's sick people? How does she go to her check ups, then?


I agree about it being weird to sit in a car for an hour by herself.

I'm pregnant and not only do I have my regular doctor visits but I've had to go to the hospital on multiple occasions to get my ultrasound.  I work in an office so surrounded by germs there as well.  My husband even had the flu this year and I have luckily managed to stay healthy throughout.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Barb23 said:

And why can't Jer take off his outer coat & hat when he is indoors? Drives me nuts.  Is this supposed to be a hipster look? It seems he does this at every house he is in.  It looks like he's ready to roll at any minute. Maybe that's what he is going for. I just think he looked stupid sitting around &eating at the family dinner at Amy's with his coat on. Grow up, Jer.

I think that is exactly why he doesn't remove them. Subconsciously, he's portraying a "I can leave at any moment." vibe. He doesn't have any reason to stay any longer than he absolutely has to. Perhaps Amy is like my Mom and is an extender. Even when I'm fully packed and ready to leave, she takes an extra 15 minutes of conversations and "what about this?" stuff. It's even longer if I have to find my coat or my sunglasses. It would also keep a barrier with Amy as well. If she knows he can bolt at any second, it may make her less likely to bring up anything he might dislike talking about.

  • Love 5

MegD - I get you on "extenders"  - my mom s like that as well, but the hat wearing and jacket wearing occurs pretty much everywhere Jeremy goes. I accept different strokes for different folks - jacket wearing inside the house would be frowned on by my parents because it implies, if you're visiting someone, that you're cold and the home is inhospitable. And it implies you want to leave, which is rude per my mom.

But I allow that might be cultural.

On the other hand, wearing a hat indoors has been rude across the board for a good long time, and it tells me that Jeremy isn't called on his manners very often.

  • Love 13
10 hours ago, Diane M said:

I don't understand all the animosity towards Audrey.  It seems like everything she does or says is picked apart on this forum.  

I can only speak for myself. I'm critical of Audrey because she's a 24-year-old who's insufferably arrogant and smug ... who thinks she's in a position (as someone who's been married TWO WHOLE YEARS) to counsel others on how to safeguard their marriages ... who's critical of her mother-in-law because her mother-in-law "failed" her marriage (while her equally smug and arrogant father-in-law gets a pass, although the divorce was his doing) ... who misses no opportunity to promote her "brand" ... I think that covers it. 

9 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

I don't like Oddity but I did not see anything negative from her in this episode either.  

Re-watch the scene where Zach gets back from the doctor and falls asleep on the couch, and Amy comes in and comforts him and tries to talk him into eating. Definite smirk from Audrey.

  • Love 18
On 6/18/2017 at 0:27 PM, woodscommaelle said:

Oh my god Jeremy. Please stop talking.

Right? He speaks the same monotone, vocal fry as so many millenial women, like nails on a blackboard! Maybe I notice it because I'm not a millenial, maybe not!

And he's always saying, "and whatnot" as filler. And what's with that flat affect....does he ever get excited on camera? It comes across as so phony and supercilious.

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, Literata said:

Re-watch the scene where Zach gets back from the doctor and falls asleep on the couch, and Amy comes in and comforts him and tries to talk him into eating. Definite smirk from Audrey.

I noticed that too. She got it in check pretty fast but it was an auto-response. I don't think that she cares for her husbands family...that they are déclassé or below her (in her mind). 

I think the closest that Jer and Aud came to enthusiasm was when they saw all the old cameras at the home stuff store. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
Remembered and added
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

I have had migraines just like Zach.  I really think that is what he has wrong because a failure of the shunt means the symptoms do not abate.  At all...until surgery.  Zach is able to function between episodes.

I was thinking migraines too with Zach's symptoms, and they can definitely be brought on by stress.  I do think some of the episode in the car was re-created.  He seemed to be smiling a bit at various times that didn't make sense.

  • Love 5

My take--

can you imagine how disappointed Jer and Auj were that they were trying to show off their house and Zach was "ruining" it by being sick? Ha! You could see Auj was disappointed because it was supposed to be a bragging trip. And I found it strange that Amy said she had no idea what the house was like--hadn't seen it. At the very least, wouldn't you maybe email her the listing that has pictures? Kind of strange. I mean you go through finding the house, offers, inspections---weeks go by and you never show your mother in law?


also--I found it weird when Jer walked into the barn to see his dad and his dad reached out for a hug and Jer kept his hands in his jacket pockets and leaned his torso down for a "hug". 


And yes yes it was Tori commenting on the cooked chicken. Odd comment for sure. Clearly chicken salad has cooked chicken. Has she never had it? Lol!


and I've said this before--the affect on Jeremy and Audrey is off. Watching their affect not matching the words coming out of their mouth is strange. Totally flat and makes their comments seem that much more insincere.

  • Love 11

I have the re-runs on in the background while I do other stuff, and I just noticed Matt's little Matt-sized rolly chair in his workshop [when he's on the phone with Zach talking about his sickness, S12:E5, if anyone cares]. It looks like something he put together for himself, and it's actually pretty awesome. 

Also, I don't think the scenes with Zach being sick in the recent episode were faked. Jeremy seemed truly concerned. I was impressed with his level of empathy. I thought Audrey had sucked all the good out of him!

There, I said something nice about two of the three worst Roloffs. Make sure Santa puts that on his list because next time it's back to snark. 

  • Love 9

I thought Zach was really sick too--if he wasn't he's a darn good actor!


And yes yes it was Tori commenting on the cooked chicken. Odd comment for sure. Clearly chicken salad has cooked chicken. Has she never had it? Lol!

I just wondered how Tori handled chicken.  When I was pregnant, I couldn't stand the sight of raw chicken, and ended up not being able to eat chicken the entire time I was pregnant.

  • Love 3

Does anyone know what Jer's mysterious medical issue is?  Auj has mentioned it in passing on the show and on FB but doesn't explain.  Is it depression?  Man-bun-it is?  Fear of becoming a father?  Or is this merely a way for him to compete with Zach's real medical issues?

49 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

Don't forget that we also get to snark on how Oddery  decorates the new "palace".

Oh lord, I'm guessing it will be very hipster-chic with a lot of "Always More" crap scattered throughout.  Did you notice above their bed they have a lighted sign that reads "Always More?"  Puke.

  • Love 4
On 6/21/2017 at 9:00 AM, Phoebe70 said:


2.  Did anyone else hear someone (Tori's mom?) ask Amy, "Is the chicken (in the chicken salad) cooked?"  Did I hear that wrong?  What kind of a question is that?! 

It was Tori and I'm sure she probably didn't mean if it was cooked... but maybe she did out of exhaustion... but pregnant women have to be careful about what kind of meat they eat.  Like they aren't suppose to eat deli meat.... So I think that's probably where she was going with it.....  I'm wondering if she meant to ask if it was an actual cooked chicken breast vs canned chickened.

On 6/21/2017 at 9:42 AM, Lukeysboat said:

I don't think it's weird. She's pregnant and likely doesn't want to sit in a waiting room full of germs. It's not like she needs to be in the exam room with him. 

I don't think it was weird either.  Zach had Jeremy, he didn't need or probably want both of them to be in there. 

19 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Sorry, I still think it's odd to sit in a cold car for an hour. And frankly, if it's about "protecting the baby" then why was she even in the car, when Zach openly stated he was sick before they even began driving around. I mean, what kind of monster sits in a car, not protecting her baby, with someone who says they are sick and appears to be ill?

But why does the car have to be cold.........?  It was probably more comfortable than sitting in a waiting room chair for an hour. 


But I kept wanting to scream at the tv "I know you're pregnant but get in the freaking back seat and let the sick person sit up front just in case they have to puke suddenly!!!!!!" 


I think Zach just has really bad migraines.  I know some people who get them and they have similar symptoms and it knocks them out for multiple days. 

I'm glad when I get one I'm maybe only out for part of a day. 

  • Love 3

Aside from the vague instastory, that generated Auj some sympathy, there's been utterly no mention of what Jer's medical problem is and why it would necessitate surgery. I didn't see the original post, so frankly I thought she was referring to Zach and fans got confused. Because I'm not actually an asshole, I hope he's not sick. I also hope they clarify what they're talking about.

  • Love 2
47 minutes ago, Phoebe70 said:

Oh lord, I'm guessing it will be very hipster-chic with a lot of "Always More" crap scattered throughout.  Did you notice above their bed they have a lighted sign that reads "Always More?"  Puke.

There is something about that phrase that bugs me.  "Always More" .... it just sort of implies that nothing is ever enough for Audrey.  

I am sure she intends the phrase to have some kind of spiritual interpretation, of course.  But when I hear it, I just think "always more" ... attention, more gratification, more satisfaction.  It just feels self-centered and entitled.  

  • Love 12
17 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I noticed that too. She got it in check pretty fast but it was an auto-response. I don't think that she cares for her husbands family...that they are déclassé or below her (in her mind). 

I think the closest that Jer and Aud came to enthusiasm was when they saw all the old cameras at the home stuff store. 

I'm curious.  Does Audrey come from money?

  • Love 1
On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 1:51 PM, Phoebe70 said:

Yes, but he's looked miserable way before Auj got pregnant.....

He has resting bitch face!

On another note. Why all of this positioning to move into and/or take over the farm. Isn't the families primary source of income the show? If the show fails then the farm would be a disaster.  Jer and Auj require a fairly good income to underwrite all of their traveling. I don't see how they could do it as the two of them on screen do not provide riveting television. But people watch that snoozefest about the Duggars so who knows.

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

I thought Zach was really sick too--if he wasn't he's a darn good actor!

I just wondered how Tori handled chicken.  When I was pregnant, I couldn't stand the sight of raw chicken, and ended up not being able to eat chicken the entire time I was pregnant.

That's SO FUNNY!!  I thought I was the ONLY ONE who could not tolerate CHICKEN when I was pregnant!  

  • Love 2

Can someone please tell me why Jer always looks miserable?  Not just this episode, but in the majority of the episodes he looks either bored, stoned or on the verge of tears.  Can someone please enlighten me on what he has to be depressed about?  $15K an episode, doesn't have a real job and TLC pays for his vacations....sign me up!

Maybe he thinks it makes him look deep-moody and pensive.  

I liked him when he was a kid but as a man... not so much.

Miserable unfulfilled couple

  • Love 8
On June 21, 2017 at 5:55 AM, Katydid said:

Glad I'm not the only one who sensed she was irritated with Zach being sick in the car.  I think I heard her ask Jer if Zach had "thrown up yet", as if she was impatient that he do so already.  I think Zach mentioned that he had been to the doctor about his symptoms before this, but they hadn't been able to figure out what was going on.  So, if that's the case, I assume they had already run whatever tests they needed to do to determine his shunt was not the cause?  If not, it does seem crazy that the doctor seemed so nonchalant about it.  He must have been under a hell of a lot of stress to be that sick. 

I also thought Tori seemed less than thrilled about the pedicure ambush party, but she was gracious about it.  It was interesting that she seemed surprised when her mom was talking about how difficult her birth had been, particularly that she was delivered early due to a collapsed lung.  You'd think that would be a story she'd heard before.  So, now we know she had a C-section to deliver Jackson, yet I don't recall her ever saying a word about recovery from it.  Can you imagine that drama that will commence if Oddj ends up with one? 

I thought the same thing about not knowing the family history. When my daughter-in -law was pregnant she asked me extensive questions about my pregnancies . It was a form the her doctors office. It actually brought up a lot of history that is alarming ( and I thankfully mentally filed away) and I hoped it didn't frighten her as an older first time mother. 

What a bafoon Jer is with the narration of his neighborhood. That's a nice lead into the neighborhood , that needs landscaping.  Must be so proud to have worked so hard for this house. It was touch and go there for awhile. 

  • Love 5

Just watched the show and was flabbergasted by Zach calling Amy to bring food.  Then Amy rushes over with her bag of food to find Jer and Auj sitting on the sofa watching Zach sleeping.  Do they not have any food in the house?  Are Jer and Auj incapable of feeding themselves?  Is Amy's only role on this show to feed everyone?

  • Love 12
21 minutes ago, marionette said:

Just watched the show and was flabbergasted by Zach calling Amy to bring food.  Then Amy rushes over with her bag of food to find Jer and Auj sitting on the sofa watching Zach sleeping.  Do they not have any food in the house?  Are Jer and Auj incapable of feeding themselves?  Is Amy's only role on this show to feed everyone?

Well, they COULDN'T POSSIBLY make canned soup for Zach because, well, there are all the challenges inherent in figuring out how to get the soup OUT of the can.  And they didn't have their laptop with them, so they wouldn't even have been able to BLOG about it . . . because typing more than a tweet on the smart phone attached to Aud's hand is SOOOOOOO hard.  Given all those challenges, the logical thing to do was call someone else to do what they should have been able to do on their own, but . . . SNOWFLAKES.


  • Love 7
26 minutes ago, marionette said:

Just watched the show and was flabbergasted by Zach calling Amy to bring food.  Then Amy rushes over with her bag of food to find Jer and Auj sitting on the sofa watching Zach sleeping.  Do they not have any food in the house?  Are Jer and Auj incapable of feeding themselves?  Is Amy's only role on this show to feed everyone?

This didn't bother me so much because I know that when I'm truly ill, I want my Mom to take care of me. Usually, I'm completely capable of feeding myself (and my cooking is better than my Mom's any day of the week), but if I'm not well, I want Mom's cooking. Even if it's canned soup, crackers, and Powerade.


4 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Well, they COULDN'T POSSIBLY make canned soup for Zach because, well, there are all the challenges inherent in figuring out how to get the soup OUT of the can.  And they didn't have their laptop with them, so they wouldn't even have been able to BLOG about it . . . because typing more than a tweet on the smart phone attached to Aud's hand is SOOOOOOO hard.  Given all those challenges, the logical thing to do was call someone else to do what they should have been able to do on their own, but . . . SNOWFLAKES.


This is probably a good reason why not to ask Odd or ManBun. Or perhaps that's what their stupid #AlwaysMore means. You're always needing more from them. Attention, Food, Milk of Human Kindness, Medication, etc. because they are too busy blogging about how hard their lives are. I wish my life was half as exhausting.

I am starting to wonder if Zach's problem isn't actually migraines that no one's gotten him on the right medications for. I know I've had very similar illness patterns (nausea, headaches, photo sensitivity, wanting to curl into a ball and die) when my migraines were the most severe. Even when I wasn't bad, I still felt off all the time, but I had just accepted that I was supposed to feel awful all the time. I walked around in a distracted fog but that was "normal" for me. It took several MRIs and finally having a doctor witness an episode (ended up with a migraine shot in the butt and passing out in the doctor's office in the dark of one of his patient rooms for 3 hours) before I got diagnosed. Until then, they just didn't think it was as bad as I was saying.) After all of it, it turned out that I was actually sensitive to some really common foods (wheat, onions, garlic, white rice, and mushrooms) which were my triggers along with stress. Figuring that out took some food logging to find common patterns along with daily preventative migraine medication. I've gotten to the point now that within 4 hours, I can tell you if something had one of my triggers in it because while my daily meds help, I still get low level migraines if I have the triggers in my system. I hope Zach can find someone who takes the time to figure out what's going on for him.

  • Love 7

AZChristian - apparently even when they have their smart phones available for blogging, they still can't be bothered to clear out the beer cans from the car they are blogging from.

Evagirl - Tory works as a kindergarten teacher in the Beaverton school district.

Zach coaches soccer and works at the indoor soccer facility that he's been employed at for years. I assume that is part time.

Auj works as a barre3 instructor in some sort of part time fashion, or at least she did in Bend. She also manages her two blogs. The aujpoj blog has an article once a month at best. The marriage website has an article approximately every three weeks and she posts instragram posts fairly frequently.

Jeremy theoretically writes some of the blog articles (which means he maybe has to write a 500 word essay once a month) He has no other discernable job.

Except the show. All four have the show. But I *really* hope they're saving some of the show money.

  • Love 4

There are lots of foods that trigger migraines. Also red wine (may be the sulfates) and common things like cheddar cheese ( lot of aged cheeses especially), nitrates, MSG, the sugar substitute aspartame, caffeine and vinegars to name some. You almost have to begin with a very bland diet and introduce foods (avoiding common triggers) slowly to see what eggs it on. They may cook a lot of canned or boxed foods where it's almost impossible to control the ingredients (and eliminate the chemicals). Especially as Tori is late in her pregnancy and probably doesn't feel like cooking much. They could also be doing a lot of fast food which isn't overly nutritious and had lots of additives  

I feel bad for Z but I fail to understand why Jer didn't trot out to the store and get his brother some foods that he knew that he likes (comfort foods). He and Aud seemed pretty useless just sitting there watching him sleep. That was nice of Amy to show up with food in hand, especially since Tori was in school and had no idea of what was going on. There are no substitutes for a Moms love and caring when you feel yucky. 

  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I feel bad for Z but I fail to understand why Jer didn't trot out to the store and get his brother some foods that he knew that he likes (comfort foods). He and Aud seemed pretty useless just sitting there watching him sleep.

That presumes Jer knows what foods his brother likes. Jer and Auj are both pretty self-absorbed. They strike me as the type of people who 1) have no clue about others' personal preferences and 2) wouldn't know where to go to the store (or at least will claim not to) as it's not the area where they live. My brother's a bit like that. I love him to bits, but he can't seem to remember from time to time that I don't eat eggs if I can see them, hate milk, and can't stand cereal. I haven't touched any of those things since I was right out of preschool, much less remember the new food triggers (which have been around for 4 years now) and we are both in our mid to late 30s. Meanwhile, I can tell you he'll only touch mayonnaise if it's in something and really not prevalent a taste (and I can name and make the 2 recipes he'll eat it in), he prefers brauts over hot dogs and hamburgers, likes his meat medium rare, lives for Cheese Its, loves Cadbury eggs, and wants his birthday cakes and cupcakes to be yellow cake with chocolate icing. He's also really clueless about where things are unless they are places he frequents, even if he drives past them all the time. He's just not observant unless it's something that affects him. We're just very different personalities. Jer and Auj remind me of him like that.

  • Love 2

@MegD You sound like a great sister and I too know all of my brothers likes and dislikes. I just thought as Zach's twin that he would have a clue. He could always have erred on the side of more (a few different kinds of soup for instance). I'm getting that Jer and Auj are very self absorbed. I wonder how loved their child will feel as she grows up with them for parents. 

  • Love 2

Honestly, if Jer and Auj aren't at a task that's about them or even not about them but mildly pleasurable, they just look miserable. But I will again, throw them a small bone. Assuming they don't know how to cook and don't know Zach's neighborhood well, what are they supposed to do at Zach's house while he is sick and they are being filmed?

They can't watch tv (my go to). . They can't really chat Zach up, he's sick, and they can't really chitchat with each other. They can't read a book or look at their cell phones or tablets since they are being filmed... And it's not their house so they probably don't want to have sex (their go to)

  • Love 3

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