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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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3 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think Amy’s biggest problem is that Matt could ever get 4million for that small parcel of Roloff Farms.   That possibility is what nightmares are about for Amy!

She doesn’t care that Zack didn’t get the property any more than she cared when Jeremy didn’t get it!  She didn’t hoot and holler back then  

It’s the money and once again Matt one upping her!


there was a scene between Matt and Amy when she was almost moved out of the farmhouse and it was empty of furniture, Matt told her about Zach planning to make an offer and buy the place…. Amy looked horrified and didn’t think it was a good idea yet now she would have bought it and handed it to him…. What a load of bullshit!

This is Amy rewriting history AGAIN 

If Chris and Amy are so broken up about the farm there’s nothing stopping them from buying it and leaving it to the kids…. They need to put their money where their big mouths are or STFU about Matt and what he does with HIS property.

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27 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Something as simple as a gated fence between the kids and the creek, allowing access only when adults are present, would be a first step.  Of course that assumes the parents will pay attention when they are present.

This was what I wondered when I saw the preview if they might be adding a fence with a gate, but I am confused as to where the “creek” cuts through their property. I’m all for not wrapping kids in bubble wrap and God knows I did enough nonsense when I was a kid, but Lilah’s stumbling/falling and vision problems is worrisome near the water. I get she’s a toddler, but almost every episode has her falling.

Hopefully Zach and Tori take a more proactive approach in safeguarding their home, but Mom’s letting Lilah drive into a tree and Dad’s laughing when she face plants, so I’m not that hopeful.

With that said, Zach grew up on the farm that had its own raggedy hazards as we’ve seen over the years, so I can see why Zach probably thinks it’s no big deal, although that doesn’t explain Tori.  I think they both act like teenagers pretending to play house on the show.  I’m can’t find the right words to explain it, but they don’t seem like people in their 30s.

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1 hour ago, Irate Panda said:

This was what I wondered when I saw the preview if they might be adding a fence with a gate, but I am confused as to where the “creek” cuts through their property. I’m all for not wrapping kids in bubble wrap and God knows I did enough nonsense when I was a kid, but Lilah’s stumbling/falling and vision problems is worrisome near the water. I get she’s a toddler, but almost every episode has her falling.

Hopefully Zach and Tori take a more proactive approach in safeguarding their home, but Mom’s letting Lilah drive into a tree and Dad’s laughing when she face plants, so I’m not that hopeful.

With that said, Zach grew up on the farm that had its own raggedy hazards as we’ve seen over the years, so I can see why Zach probably thinks it’s no big deal, although that doesn’t explain Tori.  I think they both act like teenagers pretending to play house on the show.  I’m can’t find the right words to explain it, but they don’t seem like people in their 30s.

True. That’s exactly what it appears like. It’s as if they are playing the part of parents.  It doesn’t ring true to me.  And the way they talk about their kids on the show…it sounds like a cross between demeaning them and boasting about them at the same time. It’s odd.  I’m not sure what to make of it.  

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5 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I t would be a lot easier for Zach and Jeremy to get off their butts and get jobs to support their young families than for their 60 year old father who has multiple serious physical problems to come up with the money support himself in his retirement. And the proceeds from the sale of the farm will support Matt in his retirement.  I still can't understand why the farm should go to one of the kids. Just suppose that Matt handed over the farm to Zach or Jeremy at a cut rate price. How would the other 3 kids feel about this? Amy keeps talking about the farm going to one of the kids because she sees it as a legacy. A legacy for whom? Not the other three who receive nothing. No child should expect to receive their inheritance while their parents are still alive. And note to Zach, 60 year olds worry about money probably more so than 30 year olds for good reason.  

Well…Amy AND Matt never prepared their sons to work or get jobs. They had silver spoons in their mouths and did whatever they wanted whenever they wanted so that’s on the Amy and Matt. As for the farm…for literally YEARS Matt talked about handing the farm to one or more of the kids…his words not mine. He never said anything about selling any portion of it to any of the kids. Matt is a multi millionaire and can afford a second home in Arizona and still has more than enough to live on in his “retirement”…I could care less if any of his entitled brats were to get a portion of the farm in handshake or a $$$ deal that they sign off on with a cashiers check…but I will not defend Matt in his revisionist history of all this. It’s all on tape…

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Does ZiT really consider that run off creek potentially full of garbage a treasure that they can clean up like when you adopt a section of the highway?  Do they really “own” the section on their property or is owned by the town or something?  Reminds me of the runoff drain on the Kody Brown family property and they were calling it a pond and went swimming in it.  

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33 minutes ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

Matt is a multi millionaire and can afford a second home in Arizona and still has more than enough to live on in his “retirement”

Yeah there is a part of me that feels he wants it both ways. Matt wants to be known as a rich man. He owns million dollar properties, he's got a vacation home, he's blowing 50k on a "granpa cabin" just because he wants it, Matt's happy to simply discard a custom built home and build his dream house (the 12 architects alone that he's hired and fired is likely about 25k that he's pissed away) not because he needs it but because he wants it... but funny the second his possible greed comes up, why suddenly Matt is desperate to fund his retirement. Suddenly he's acting like this is it, if he doesn't sell the 16 acres for as much as he can, he will be houseless and dying on the mean streets of Portland. There's no pumpkin money saved, there's no show money saved, even though every idea Matt has literally shits gold into his bank account, he has nothing for retirement. Except you know, the proceeds from this sale of 16 acres... that he actually plans on spending on building his barbie dream house.

58 minutes ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

Matt is a multi millionaire and can afford a second home in Arizona and still has more than enough to live on in his “retirement”…I could care less if any of his entitled brats were to get a portion of the farm in handshake or a $$$ deal that they sign off on with a cashiers check…but I will not defend Matt in his revisionist history of all this. It’s all on tape…

This. If he's so damn poor his retirement is in danger if he doesn't get top dollar, then why did he blow 975k buying it from Amy last year to begin with? He was moaning about being near death and wanting to retire then too. Dunno about Matt but I know a lot of people who would HAPPILY retire on 975k

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Is Matt actually rolling in dough? Watching the show all these years, I always thought Matt spent a lot of his money building crap on the farm.  I guess I thought he was “house poor” to a certain extent especially after the divorce.  

I know in the beginning they were “struggling/poor”, but as the show went on, I had always thought he spent a lot of his money expanding the farm, so he/they had a big asset, but were always spending.   Mostly Matt, since Amy seemed to balk at the expenditures:  castle, ghost town, train, dinosaur 🦕 statues, etc.

I guess because of this I had always assumed after the split Amy was the wealthier one, because Matt seemed to be the spender and he bought her out.  I also thought she chose a reasonably priced home and now I guess shares expenses with Chris.  No idea if Caryn shares expenses with Matt in the same way, since she still has her own house.  On the show, did they say if he and Caryn own the home in Arizona or is it Matt’s home only?

42 minutes ago, Redrum said:

Yeah there is a part of me that feels he wants it both ways. Matt wants to be known as a rich man. He owns million dollar properties, he's got a vacation home, he's blowing 50k on a "granpa cabin" just because he wants it, Matt's happy to simply discard a custom built home and build his dream house (the 12 architects alone that he's hired and fired is likely about 25k that he's pissed away) not because he needs it but because he wants it... but funny the second his possible greed comes up, why suddenly Matt is desperate to fund his retirement. Suddenly he's acting like this is it, if he doesn't sell the 16 acres for as much as he can, he will be houseless and dying on the mean streets of Portland. There's no pumpkin money saved, there's no show money saved, even though every idea Matt has literally shits gold into his bank account, he has nothing for retirement. Except you know, the proceeds from this sale of 16 acres... that he actually plans on spending on building his barbie dream house.

This. If he's so damn poor his retirement is in danger if he doesn't get top dollar, then why did he blow 975k buying it from Amy last year to begin with? He was moaning about being near death and wanting to retire then too. Dunno about Matt but I know a lot of people who would HAPPILY retire on 975k

I read yesterday he paid her around $675k for her half of the North part.  Maybe that is why she is so mad about $4 million.  

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4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think Amy’s biggest problem is that Matt could ever get 4million for that small parcel of Roloff Farms.   That possibility is what nightmares are about for Amy!

She doesn’t care that Zack didn’t get the property any more than she cared when Jeremy didn’t get it!  She didn’t hoot and holler back then  

It’s the money and once again Matt one upping her!

Her problem is she apparently thought she could cash out and still have 100% access to the house and whole property forever and ever. 

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3 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I read yesterday he paid her around $675k for her half of the North part.  Maybe that is why she is so mad about $4 million.  

Naw, she got 667k for the wedding barn side and 975k for the big house side. 

She can cry but even if she pushed for full market value at the time, its not significantly more.... and frankly I think Matt's 4 million is over priced. 

9 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

Is Matt actually rolling in dough? Watching the show all these years, I always thought Matt spent a lot of his money building crap on the farm.  I guess I thought he was “house poor” to a certain extent especially after the divorce.  

Hey all I know is that he's throwing down the "its my retirement" card over selling the 16 acres when he literally bought it less than a year ago all while he was spending 50k plus for his fun granpa cabin AND dropping anywhere between 1-5k to each architect (there's been 12) that does a plan for the new place. Why wasn't he thinking about his retirement then?

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1 hour ago, Endora said:

Does ZiT really consider that run off creek potentially full of garbage a treasure that they can clean up like when you adopt a section of the highway?  Do they really “own” the section on their property or is owned by the town or something?  Reminds me of the runoff drain on the Kody Brown family property and they were calling it a pond and went swimming in it.  

They should have an environmental evaluation done of that property. The runoff that they call a “creek” could be loaded with toxins, heavy metals and other stuff that could be extremely harmful to the kids, poor Murphy and even Tori and Zach. They should have had that done prior to the final sale.

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Whether or not Matt has enough money for retirement and/or needs to sell the property at top dollar to fund his retirement topic is becoming a bit of a dead horse.  Let's put down that riding crop UNLESS you have not already made your point.  If you have made your point, it is time to move on.  Someone disagreeing with you is not a signal to make the same point again. 

Questions?  PM @PrincessPurrsALot.  As always, we do not discuss or debate moderator directives in the forums. 

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4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think Amy’s biggest problem is that Matt could ever get 4million for that small parcel of Roloff Farms.   That possibility is what nightmares are about for Amy!

She doesn’t care that Zack didn’t get the property any more than she cared when Jeremy didn’t get it!  She didn’t hoot and holler back then  

It’s the money and once again Matt one upping her!

No…Amy got played by Matt…bigly!

25 minutes ago, Redrum said:

Naw, she got 667k for the wedding barn side and 975k for the big house side. 

She can cry but even if she pushed for full market value at the time, its not significantly more.... and frankly I think Matt's 4 million is over priced. 

Yeah he won’t get that so maybe there hasn’t been much appreciation over what he paid her.

I am ready for this season to be done.  It just feels uncomfortable and is difficult to watch.

  • ZiT spent the entire season angry at Matt and Caryn 
  • Amy spent the entire season trying to put aside her dislike and mistrust of Matt and Caryn to film with them
  • Chris spent the entire season trying to deepen his friendship with Matt and move the plot line forward
  • Matt and Caryn spent the entire season in denial that that their relationship with ZiT may be irreparably damaged because Zach expected a family discount
  • Jackson missed Matt, ChaCha, Teeter and the farm
  • Lilah was largely ignored
  • Everyone spent the entire season believing they are the misunderstood victims

We don't need to see baby Si Si as he is all over the internet.

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1 minute ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

He’ll always have his hand in the part of the farm he’s setting up his “dream house” that apparently he will be designing and building himself since he’s gone thru 25 architects so far…is that really true?

In last night's episode he said he had already consulted with 12.  They don't do plans for free. 

2 minutes ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

I think Matt fancies himself some kind of Renaissance man that builds, designs, creates, employs, oversees and makes business deals like a mogul. If those dilapidated play shacks that the kids would use to pelt each other and their friends with apples is something Matt considers one of his finer projects i can’t wait to see what his design for his dream home looks like🤣😂 

Oh agreed and go look at the floor plan of the big house and their tour of the place. Its got a lot of awkward design moments. Or better yet head back to season 4, 5 and 6 and see the chaos of the build. 

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1 hour ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

No…Amy got played by Matt…bigly!

well if Amy got played "bigly" by Matt then she's a bigger moron that I thought she was plus she had her trusted sidekick realtor extraordinaire Chris by her side throughout the negotiations so he must be a big old dummy too!  DOH!

If that's true I think it's hilarious, Matt was able to pull the wool over both their eyes and Amy is just realizing it now.

I'm not sure which couple is dumber,, Amy & Chris or Zach and Tori  😂

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13 minutes ago, Redrum said:

Pretty sure Chris never made an appearance during the negotiations between Amy and Matt. It was even commented on at the time, that it was odd that Amy wasn't involving Chris. 

He may not have been in the room physically, but my guess is that Chris advised Amy behind closed doors.  She has a mind of her own, of course, but she would have been a fool not to consider any input he had to offer.  

Edited by tinderbox
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19 minutes ago, tinderbox said:

He may not have been in the room physically, but my guess is that Chris advised Amy behind closed doors.  She has a mind of her own, of course, but she would have been a fool not to consider any input he had to offer.  

Exactly they were a couple, sleeping together and planning to marry there’s no way she didn’t talk about it with Chris throughout the negotiation.

no wonder no one in that family uses him as their realtor or gives them their listing he’s obviously an idiot if he let his fiancé get snookered that badly by her ex-husband.

sounds like a piece of cake for Matt, he didn’t even break a sweat… like taking candy from a baby…. No wonder Chris sucks up to Matt and wants his advice on playing the market.  

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1 hour ago, Dustbunny said:

well if Amy got played "bigly" by Matt then she's a bigger moron that I thought she was plus she had her trusted sidekick realtor extraordinaire Chris by her side throughout the negotiations so he must be a big old dummy too!  DOH!

If that's true I think it's hilarious, Matt was able to pull the wool over both their eyes and Amy is just realizing it now.

I'm not sure which couple is dumber,, Amy & Chris or Zach and Tori  😂

Or Matt...he put the farm up for sale too late...by the time he finally did it the market was slowing down and and the sellers market was no more. Being the "shrewd businessman" that he is, he blew it. As of July 7th no bids and no sale. 

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1 hour ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

Or Matt...he put the farm up for sale too late...by the time he finally did it the market was slowing down and and the sellers market was no more. Being the "shrewd businessman" that he is, he blew it. As of July 7th no bids and no sale. 

Matt’s not the one who’s complaining, I think he put it at 4 million thinking IF I can get that much great, if not I’ll keep it

Amy is the one whining like a baby and wishing she’d held out for more 😂

Edited by Joan of Argh
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You may ask yourself, "have I already stated my opinion on the value of the big house?"  You may ask yourself, "have I listed the value, amounts paid, and/or the perceived value?"  You may ask yourself, "why not post it again?"  You may say to yourself, "that would be a good idea!"  You would be wrong.   

As always, if you have stated your opinion there is no need to repeat it. 

Posts have been removed. 

Questions?  PM @PrincessPurrsALot

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I was surprised to see the farmhouse when Matt and Caryn walked through it.   He was so insistent for Amy to make her decision, and then to get moved out because it was critical that he attend to the dire shape of the home.   Then we heard the employee was leasing the home for a while.   Doesn't seem Matt actually did much of anything to the home before the employee moved in, or before filming the walkthrough with Caryn. 

I did expect a kitchen reno, possibly bathrooms, to bring things to standard height for selling purposes.   Instead he's choosing to asphalt a driveway it sounds like Amy had suggested for many years.   IDK the actual situation, but just on the bare bones of what was presented I'm surprised.  

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Matt and Amy’s philosophy about their tv marriage reminds me of that joke Clooney tells in the trailer of his new movie.  Sort of like he and Amy as they spend time together for children’s event.  Husband says about the marriage : It was the most traumatic 15 years of my life!  Wife: But, we were only married 5 years!  Husband: I’m including the recovery time.  Lol.   I wonder how long there will be hard feelings with Matt and Amy.    Probably, for as long as they live.  The previews look pretty intense…..good for ratings though.  

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16 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The previews look pretty intense…..good for ratings though.  

Finally! I've been waiting all season for the old Matt and Amy to show up. No more buddies lets spend time and vacations together. Sorry, Chris. Your love affair with Matt is just about done. 

Damn, Amy is back to being good ole' bitter Amy. If I hear "this is sad" one more time from her. She's more upset about the sale of the land then her kids are. Get. Over. It. 

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I think it's important for people to understand that all of these reality shows are scripted. I have a friend that worked on a reality show a few years back and he said that seasons are scripted and fleshed beore the new season with all participants. In the quest to goose up ratings they almost always end the season with some kind of huge fight or conflict to pique interest for the next season. At any time post filming participants can opt out of filming for the next season. Of course negotiations for salaries and other stuff is always on the table prior to filming the next season...but scripting and fake stuff is just par for the course. 

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2 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

t any time post filming participants can opt out of filming for the next season. Of course negotiations for salaries and other stuff is always on the table prior to filming the next season...but scripting and fake stuff is just par for the course. 

None of these people are going to willingly opt out of filming for next season. This is their bread and butter. What else are they going to do?

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I do feel a lot of what we see is scripted, I mean I highly doubt Amy and Matt would be hanging out as much as they do, but I don’t feel sorry for either one of them since they readily accept the paycheck for these cringeworthy events.  I definitely don’t think the AZ breakfast/Jeep tour would have taken place without the TLC money.

I think Z&T will ride this show until the wheels fall off. Based on what I’ve seen on the show, Zach doesn’t have a ton of discernible skills to me except possibly little league coaching or whatever he did.  I’m not sure if he was good at it, but I think he seemed to show some interest in it and I think it was a real job at some point.  Tori could go back to teaching, but that probably wouldn’t be able to keep upgrading homes at the same rate.  Since Zach is cheap is most other ways, I’d imagine he’s invested some of his money all these years, but again I think he’s use to being on tv, and we know he doesn’t really like to get out of his comfort zone. I mean he’s been in this show for 15-20 years, but I still get secondhand embarrassment when he tries doing almost anything.  I’m still not buying he built that sandbox by himself. 

If Jeremy were single or Audrey wasn’t making good money, I think he’d still be in the show building things that have to be redone by somebody else.

Molly and Jacob always seemed to be half-forgotten especially Jacob, both on the show and off, so I can see why they didn’t stay. I remember Amy lamenting about being an empty nester and I was you have a whole child still at home.  The only one I saw really paying Jacob attention was the farm worker guy, I forget his name.  It seemed like most of the earlier episodes focused more on the twins or Matt and Amy anyway.

Edited by Irate Panda
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Poor Jacob was treated as an afterthought most of the time.  It isn't surprising he resented the show.

I'm sure without the show Amy and Chris wouldn't be there walking and talking about the farm.  They'd be able to move on so much more easily.  

The farm tour all I could say was SO MUCH junk.  Matt has covered that property in stuff.  I didn't get the waiting to pave the driveway and plant trees until selling the property.  ::smh::  

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43 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

possibly little league coaching or whatever he did

I think it was part time soccer coaching and was minimum wage.

14 minutes ago, Absolom said:

It isn't surprising he resented the show.

And of course he was abused by a producer so the show indirectly caused that to take place. 

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Based on what we’ve seen on the show, it seems all the family members  can make it financially, but without the show…..hmmmmm

Jacob is not making it. He was living in his van and traveling around with his wife, then they moved back to live with Amy. They have a baby now so I'm curious as to what they are doing. 

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12 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

I do feel a lot of what we see is scripted, I mean I highly doubt Amy and Matt would be hanging out as much as they do, but I don’t feel sorry for either one of them since they readily accept the paycheck for these cringeworthy events.  I definitely don’t think the AZ breakfast/Jeep tour would have taken place without the TLC money.

Particularly given that the roots of this show lie in the family unit it would take a drastic pivot to continue the show without any interaction between the different factions.   When the divorce occurred Matt and Amy could largely be filmed separately with separate storylines, only coming together for big events and especially petty backbiting and arguments for drama because Zach and Jeremy and families were still onboard as connective tissue.  

Jeremy and family stepped out and eventually we began to see lots of Zach's family at the farm to drive most of the family story, occasionally pulling Amy and Chris into the mix as well.   The bitter drumbeat of Matt and Amy played on throughout, featuring the push to get Amy to make a decision, Amy decides to sell, Amy searches for a new home and finally moves on, culminating with a (storyline convenient) Covid-driven necessity for the farm to be the wedding venue.

Now we are told there's a fracture between Matt and Zach so there's a necessity for some type of reasoning to occasionally have those two factions interact and also a necessity for the M&C and A&C show to resume with things like the new AZ angle and Chris suddenly feeling the need to head for the farm to scope out how much Amy still has stored there. 

Absent family I wonder what storylines producers could come up with that doesn't result in 3 separate storylines altogether, all of which seem very short on potential plotlines -- at least until Zach's children are quite a bit older to function like independent characters capable of driving story and narrative within their household on their own.     

12 minutes ago, DonnaMae said:

They live with Amy and Chris?

When Amy was still in the big house they lived with her. 

I think he’s growing marijuana now. 

He’s also writing the most interesting messages on I G.  Not!   I hope everyone gets to read and learn from them. Lol

Edited by Jeanne222
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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Based on what we’ve seen on the show, it seems all the family members  can make it financially, but without the show…..hmmmmm…I’d wonder what route Z and T would take. 

They could downsize the house to a modest one or apartment and live on Tori’s kindergarten teacher salary.  Zach is pretty useless so maybe he would be a stay-at-home dad.

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18 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

They were living with her at the big house before she moved and married Chris. I don't know what they are doing now. I'm assuming he's still a loser. 

Is he still working in the marijuana business?  Perhaps he's making enough to rent an apartment and they're getting WIC or some other aid?  Jacob's finances have always been a msytery.

On 7/13/2022 at 9:48 PM, Redrum said:

Hey all I know is that he's throwing down the "its my retirement" card over selling the 16 acres when he literally bought it less than a year ago all while he was spending 50k plus for his fun granpa cabin AND dropping anywhere between 1-5k to each architect (there's been 12) that does a plan for the new place. Why wasn't he thinking about his retirement then?

It doesn't make sense to me that he planning on building a new huge monstrosity of a house for himself while he's talking about retirement. So he will still be living on the farm. Don't most people want to downsize when retiring? He talks alot of crap.

31 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Is he still working in the marijuana business?  Perhaps he's making enough to rent an apartment and they're getting WIC or some other aid?  Jacob's finances have always been a msytery.

I remember a while back he was on the outs with both Amy and Matt because he said they squandered all of his portion of the TLC money when they were supposed to have it in a trust for him. This was before the molestation allegations. Now we don't hear a word about his money. Amy and Matt must have made it right and given him the money to shut him up because he was making a big stink at the time. 

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Do we know for sure Matt is planning to build "a huge monstrosity of a house"? 

We know there's going to be a large barn, because it's already there, but we also know it's going to house a collection of vintage cars and whatever else he stores.

For all we know, he's including a suite for the former van-dwelling branch of the family. since the farm appears to be their only viable means of making a living...

Once Matt passes, I seriously doubt Caryn would wish to continue living there (she has her own townhouse which she'll no doubt rent out if and when she moves in), so I would guess - if the new house IS large - it's so one of the kids could move in.

Also, I happen to know an architect, and it's not unusual for him to waste a bunch of time drawing up designs and then have the potential client decide to go with another.

I seriously doubt if Matt has hired/fired 12 professionals.

Edited by Dibs
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