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2 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

I never heard anything about him selling his house or ever saw his house on the show...did I miss an episode or two?

Nope - it just happens these episodes were filmed about this time LAST YEAR and  its been reported on line that Chris sold his home in December 2020


4 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

I didn't think Amy spit insults at him...was she defensive? Yes...but she didn't spit an insult at him. 

Agree. They were obviously having an argument but this wasn't Amy spewing vicious vitriol at him. Nor did he seem overly upset.

I think a storage unit is a great idea... a waste of money to a point, but they aren't poor.

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1 hour ago, BrownBear2012 said:

I never heard anything about him selling his house or ever saw his house on the show...did I miss an episode or two? Didn't think I had....Look...I get what he's trying to do but you have to pick your battles. She's come a long way on keeping things organized in her new home and if it makes her feel better to put some stuff in storage and then revisit the storage unit in a year and purge it, then that seems reasonable for both parties. Marriage is about compromise...they both have to make adjustments in their thinking in order to make their relationship work. I didn't think Amy spit insults at him...was she defensive? Yes...but she didn't spit an insult at him. 


1 hour ago, BrownBear2012 said:

It wasn’t on the show but people looked up his house online (Dustbunny posted pics) and then when it was listed for sale people looked up the listing and it included pics inside the house.

JMO but I thought it was an insult to Chris when she kept saying “this feels like the farm” in other words Chris is acting like Matt.... then she was snippy and said something like “let’s see how you do” referring to Chris doing better than she did with her move.

she hates Matt and is now comparing him to Chris.... If I was Chris I would find that insulting!

If Amy keeps dragging her marriage with Matt into her marriage with Chris every time they have an argument it’s a recipe for failure.... how would Amy feel if Chris had an ex that he can’t stand and considers to be a bitch and every time they have a problem Chris compares Amy to her.... I’m pretty sure Amy would be pissed and feel insulted.

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We have two bathrooms in our house and from the get go, my husband uses the other bathroom as completely his. Decorated more masculine; the whole nine yards. It works out great for me due to the fact that I have a lot of lady stuff in the bathroom that guys just don't use and exclusive time in it. We're not wasting space. Chris should have his own bathroom....while he's at it, his own bedroom too! They can "visit" one another when it strikes their fancy. 

Amy will only bring more stuff in that house as time goes by and begin to "find space" for her crap. I believe Chris is hesitant to believe that the house will stay clutter-free. As stated here somewhere, the rooms/spaces they don't show on the show are filled with her junk. Not a good start for them, IMO.

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I really don't see any indication that Matt wants Amy to be happy. Sorry, Matt's been a little too gleeful and way too quick to run to the cameras to tell us how he loved the farm the most and how Amy didn't for me to think "Huh, Matt's really let everything go and just wants Amy happy." Frankly they both seem devoted to picking at each other. 

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2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

JMO but I thought it was an insult to Chris when she kept saying “this feels like the farm” in other words Chris is acting like Matt.... then she was snippy and said something like “let’s see how you do” referring to Chris doing better than she did with her move.

she hates Matt and is now comparing him to Chris.... If I was Chris I would find that insulting!

If Amy keeps dragging her marriage with Matt into her marriage with Chris every time they have an argument it’s a recipe for failure.... how would Amy feel if Chris had an ex that he can’t stand and considers to be a bitch and every time they have a problem Chris compares Amy to her.... I’m pretty sure Amy would be pissed and feel insulted.

I agree and I also thought it was an insult to Chris.

Amy views Matt as a horrible person, bossy, insensitive, nasty and a cheater!

Chris should be able to disagree with her without being slapped in the face with "You're acting like Matt!!"

Amy used to fawn all over Chris and he could do no wrong but ever since they got engaged the real Amy has been showing up more and more in their conversations, she told Chris to "Shut up" in one exchange now she's telling him that he's acting like Matt.... he may be able to ignore it for now but eventually that kind of stuff will wear him down and he'll tire of being compared to Matt.

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7 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:


It wasn’t on the show but people looked up his house online (Dustbunny posted pics) and then when it was listed for sale people looked up the listing and it included pics inside the house.

JMO but I thought it was an insult to Chris when she kept saying “this feels like the farm” in other words Chris is acting like Matt.... then she was snippy and said something like “let’s see how you do” referring to Chris doing better than she did with her move.

she hates Matt and is now comparing him to Chris.... If I was Chris I would find that insulting!

If Amy keeps dragging her marriage with Matt into her marriage with Chris every time they have an argument it’s a recipe for failure.... how would Amy feel if Chris had an ex that he can’t stand and considers to be a bitch and every time they have a problem Chris compares Amy to her.... I’m pretty sure Amy would be pissed and feel insulted.

She could probably benefit from some therapy. 

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3 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I totally agree... 

I think Amy has a lot of resentment, anger and feelings of betrayal where Matt is concerned and working through those feelings and moving on from them would do her a lot of good.


That and her family/ childhood issues. There’s a lot to unpack there.

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On 5/26/2021 at 5:58 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

Still, people who have dealt with hoarders know that it can become a serious problem.  As they age these people often need interventions for safety reasons.  Maybe, Amy is not that bad yet, but she sure is stubborn about it.  I wonder just what all that stuff is.  Old mugs, children’s crafts, travel souvenirs, etc.  It’s difficult for me to imagine.  The older I get, the more I want to downsize, scale down, declutter, etc.   

Oh FFS ... yes, she has some boxes in the garage, but you people are acting like she belongs on Hoarders! I think her house looks pretty good overall, much better than the farmhouse did. What about all of Matt's buildings full of stuff? But, OMG, Amy has a few boxes in her garage and she belongs on Hoarders! Lmmfao

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1 hour ago, PlygPigs said:

Oh FFS ... yes, she has some boxes in the garage, but you people are acting like she belongs on Hoarders! I think her house looks pretty good overall, much better than the farmhouse did. What about all of Matt's buildings full of stuff? But, OMG, Amy has a few boxes in her garage and she belongs on Hoarders! Lmmfao

I’m no expert, so have no opinion on the state of Amy’s condition.  Generally, they look at how the thing affects your life. Is it causing a disruption in your relationships, creating discord with family and friends, making you worry or causing health issues, etc?   We see discord on the show, but that could be contrived.  I wish her the best.  People who are are hardwired to hang on to stuff generally have strong feelings about their possessions.  And generally, telling them to get rid of stuff doesn’t address the real issue.

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I think she is more like an organized hoarder.  She has a bunch of stuff packed away in a boxes.  Lots of boxes.   Probably all things she will never use and does not need.  During her last live she went on about how she had these special legos that you can't get anymore or something like that, so she had to save them.  Lisa just sort of nodded her head.  


What are the 5 levels of hoarding?

A level 1 hoarder has only small amounts of clutter, while a level 2 hoarder's home has noticeable odors and waste. A level 3 hoarder has visible clutter outside the home, but a level 4 hoarder may have poor hygiene and bathing habits.

Not sure if she fits into any of these categories.  

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1 hour ago, PlygPigs said:

Oh FFS ... yes, she has some boxes in the garage, but you people are acting like she belongs on Hoarders! I think her house looks pretty good overall, much better than the farmhouse did. What about all of Matt's buildings full of stuff? But, OMG, Amy has a few boxes in her garage and she belongs on Hoarders! Lmmfao

Yeah, I watch Hoarders and Amy's place is frankly neater than my place and FYI I'm not a hoarder. I mean, even in the old farm house, there were messy cluttered rooms but there were never rooms crammed up to the ceiling with piles of junk the way we see on Hoarders so I don't see why there's this "the rooms we don't see must be completely hoarded up" expection of Amy's new place. Frankly the only time we've seen a room totally crammed and used for junk storage was Matt's extra bedroom in the doublewide.

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When I first started watching LPBW a few years ago I couldn’t believe the mess as the cameras followed her from the kitchen to the upstairs bedrooms to get the kids up or something.  There was stuff strewn everywhere and her laundry room was chucked full.  The kids were old enough to put their stuff away but were never taught I guess.  I am sure Tori had her hands full with Zach as I am sure Caryn does with Matt.  Chris will too with Amy.  He has been in control of his surroundings for a VERY long time with no one to answer to and will have a hard time adjusting to her mess.  

I agree as I get older I want less clutter and the pandemic has given me no excuses for “I have no time!” LOL  

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I mean, I completely agree that when the kids lived in the home, the house was a pigsty... but when the kids moved out and when Matt moved out, are we saying there were still mountains of clothes sitting in piles around the living room? Because the place generally looked pretty nice once the kids were gone. And Amy's new place is bland and boring and... generally neat.

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Sometimes I wonder if Matt and Caryn are already married but just haven’t announced it yet. Seems like something they would do and wait until after Amy’s wedding to tell. 

Either the last episode or the one before that Caryn slipped and referred to Matt as this guy I married. 

Both then looked like the cat that swallowed  the canary. 

Edited by Jeanne222
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Still not seeing any advantage. If they're married now and are waiting to announce until after Chris and Amy's actual wedding happens - and Chris and Amy won't be married this season which means waiting even longer.... so they can then do what? Have their own endless wedding plans? Or just say "haha we've been married for years now!". I can see both pissing off the audience.

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Some older couples don’t want all the pomp and circumstance of shouting from the roof tops they’re getting married!

They get married with their family and friends and that’s it!

I’m guessing Amy and Chris are doing this horse and pony show for the money. Amy does anything for a buck and Chris is also padding his bank account. 

Last I read Amy was still in negotiations with TLC over showing her wedding on the show!  Enough TLC money will guarantee that for sure. 

Matt and Caryn are more mature in their relationship and don’t grovel with the network for $$$ all the time. 

Amy is always chasing the buck!

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Sometimes I wonder if Matt and Caryn are already married but just haven’t announced it yet. Seems like something they would do and wait until after Amy’s wedding to tell. 

Either the last episode or the one before that Caryn slipped and referred to Matt as this guy I married. 

Both then looked like the cat that swallowed  the canary. 

I wondered about that too

Just the way Caryn said "I'm married to a guy with a pumpkin patch" then there was an awkward pause and she said "Did I say MARRIED?.. I'm not married!" and Matt sat there grinning and nodded that "Yes you said Married"

I have no idea why they would do that but on the other hand they've also said they'd just elope and no big wedding... So who knows?

I really wonder if Matt will ever remarry it would just complicate his life and his finances and I think he likes being single and not having to answer to anyone

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3 minutes ago, Dustbunny said:

I wondered about that too

Just the way Caryn said "I'm married to a guy with a pumpkin patch" then there was an awkward pause and she said "Did I say MARRIED?.. I'm not married!" and Matt sat there grinning and nodded that "Yes you said Married"

I have no idea why they would do that but on the other hand they've also said they'd just elope and no big wedding... So who knows?

I really wonder if Matt will ever remarry it would just complicate his life and his finances and I think he likes being single and not having to answer to anyone

I thought that too. Why marry at that age. But when she said it they just both looked so happy and  playful. 

Maybe he got a great prenup and married his sweetheart!

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Again, why would it need to be kept secret? Nothing wrong with not wanting a fuss, but the whole "we've secretly married, tee hee hee" thing sounds more than a little immature. 

For the record, they're still choosing to display themselves on a reality show for money, but under this theory, they're lying to the public about not being married... not seeing how this is mature or how it benefits them in any way.

Edited by EllaWycliffe
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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Sometimes I wonder if Matt and Caryn are already married but just haven’t announced it yet. Seems like something they would do and wait until after Amy’s wedding to tell. 

Either the last episode or the one before that Caryn slipped and referred to Matt as this guy I married. 

Both then looked like the cat that swallowed  the canary. 

They've been together for how many years now? I'm thinking it's more likely they just refer to each other as husband and wife in their social circle and she slipped. My nephew and his wife got married, in secret, before Christmas. He'll be 26 tomorrow and she's 24. They've been together for like 11 years. She's referred to him as her hubby for a couple of years now and sure it's easy to chalk it up to her age, but plenty of long term couples do it. 

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Amy's wedding is 8/28 of this year.  During the live she made it sound like they just finished filming, so was that filming for the next season or the season we are still in right now?  Are they airing episodes while still filming?  Will they be filming again in August for a future season?  Maybe the wedding will be a "special" episode.  I don't remember how they handled the kids weddings.

Screen Shot 2021-05-28 at 8.22.21 PM.png

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2 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

If Matt was already married then he would be crowing like a rooster about it . If it is true that he is married then The Losers Channel might have a gag order if they filmed it. 

Why though? Point - I could see TLC not being pleased to not get the opportunity to film, but the show is literally a year behind. Amy's wedding won't even air until next year, if it's filmed (I kinda think it will be) I really can't see TLC wanting a gag order - they'd love smug little confessional scenes from Matt and Caryn on how they didn't want a big fuss, unlike some people, and how they thought it would be easier for everyone, unlike someone, and how they didn't want to steal anyone's thunder  by *competing* but here they are, married first! I mean, this is the sort of passive aggressive move Matt loves. I really can't see him resisting making the digs.

Agree that he'd be crowing like a rooster because it would be another smack at Amy - he'd love to show how he's successfully moved on while Amy sucks as always. I still don't see any reason for keeping it a secret. Plus, at last check, aren't they still technically in seperate houses? Seperate bedrooms sure but seperate houses, even part time, is a bit odd for a married couple... but not for people dating.

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6 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I mean, I completely agree that when the kids lived in the home, the house was a pigsty... but when the kids moved out and when Matt moved out, are we saying there were still mountains of clothes sitting in piles around the living room? Because the place generally looked pretty nice once the kids were gone. And Amy's new place is bland and boring and... generally neat.

I think she moved it all to the basement and the garage!!  Lol

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On 5/30/2021 at 10:57 AM, EllaWycliffe said:

Why not? Seems silly to have multiple bathrooms but to insist the two people living in the house share one and leave the others unused.

Once the kids moved out, my husband took over the basement bathroom and I took the one upstairs, and it works very well for us, since I am neat and organized, and he is not. I don't have to nag about his bathroom being a mess and he doesn't have to keep mine as clean as I like it. Why not have our own bathrooms since the kids have all moved out? When we have company over, they use my spotless bathroom and never have to see his downstairs. Works very well for us!

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Discovery+ has the episode up!

Tory and Zach and family hanging around the back yard. Jackson has hives and they don't seem to know what caused it. They're taking him to the leg doctor "tomorrow". Zach is annoyed he can't go to the appointment. They argue a bit over it in a mellow way. Zach feels Tory "diverts" when the kids health are involved. More gentle bitching and complaining.

Matt's still building a sandbox. He's planning to put secret treasures in it. Honestly it seems like a really deep pit to bury time capsules of treasure in. It looked several feet deep.

Amy now has Lisa helping her get rid of stuff and Lisa feels it could be knocked out in a day. Amy thinks late september, early october. Also no date set, no venue. She seems leaning towards the farm. Lisa makes the point that Matt brings the drama and does Amy want to start her new life there?

Back to the very deep sand pit. Matt is filling the plastic tubes with treasure like coins and a bible and survival gear. I like the idea but it seems like a deep pit. They discuss possible surgery for Jackson and queue the montage of Matt as a child getting surgery while Matt goes on about how this is all about him.

Chris and Amy are visiting Zach and Tory and family. More mention of Chris needing room and the kids's health issues.

Chris and Amy in the garage. Its really not that bad. Also interestingly, Chris says he spends most of the week at Amy's. They go back and forth about the house but its mostly pleasant.

More endless talk between Tory and Zach about the kids. Tory and Jackson go... then they call Zach to tell him what happened. Basically Jackson will need surgery but maybe not several. Apparently the doctor said he's too young for the surgery right now. 

Back to the sand pit. The pit looks like several dead bodies could easily fit, I mean seriously, the pit is ridiculously deep for kids to dig up. Matt of course mentions he owns the farm and he might die before they find it and its all about Matt.

Back to Amy's house. Amy is making shelves in the garage. Then they go to the office, which one half is set aside for Chris. Amy's side is very messy. However Chris concedes she has made room for him. Also later, she apologizes to him in the backyard for not being more in tune with his needs. They kiss, the end. 

For the record, one thing I found very sad about this was that Matt kept insisting the buried treasure capsule was for all the grandkids not just Jackson but Ember apparently couldn't be included in the burial or planning. 

Edited by EllaWycliffe
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I dunno - I saw this mentioned on another board and the more I think about it, the more I see their point.

The garage being packed was... a line up of packed boxes on the floor in the middle of the garage floor with ample room in the garage for the boxes to be stacked up along the wall. In fact, thats exactly how this resolved. And hmm... yes Amy's half of the office is a pigsty but.... that other half was completely clear. I have a feeling a lot of "OMG Chris needs room, will Amy choose him or the hoard?" storyline is... just that. The garage was NOT that bad. The office wasn't unworkable (agree much too messy but again, the one side was clearly cleared out.)

I think this is mostly made up storylines. 

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