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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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Oh my Chris got a real view of the real Amy. He better buckle up because the honeymoon is about over for her!  He looked a bit shocked that Amy would talk to him like that and challenge him. 

When Amy moved her things into the new house it took her nine months into an empty house with four bedrooms, big garage and basement!  She challenges Chris to move into nothing in 30 days!  Really Amy!

Could her mouth and nastiness  spell the end of this little romance?

Surely Chris see’s what’s to come.   Doesn’t he???

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For some reason I always thought Amy had a brother. I’m kind of surprised he never flies into help her out. 

I’m kind of thinking he’s normal size and would have been a great help to Amy in her move. 

Then again maybe they don’t get along either. 

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Or maybe he has his own family (he does) to take care of. They're all older adults. I have no expectation that a sibling with their own family drop everything to help me move. Particularly if it involves the expense of flying out and taking time off of work.

He also may look physically strong but have underlying health issues. We're talking about a man in his fifties.


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Most brother’s would fly out in an instant to help their dwarf sister. He is maybe 50 but how old is Amy?

I’m pretty sure TLC would have paid for everything if he would have appeared. 

Now I’m wondering if any family members will come to the maybe wedding?


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16 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

 Chris was getting real with Amy about how long it has been taking her to complete the move and how much "stuff" she has etc.  She then says she feels like she is back on the farm.  Well Amy, if two different people are calling you on the same BS, maybe it's you and not them.  


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3 minutes ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

She was so rude to Chris in that scene. She sees it as a huge bother to have to make space for her future husband. I think Amy likes the idea of being married more than anything else.

I think she's looking forward to getting a fancy dress and being the bride/center of attention.  Weddings and marriages are different things.

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11 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I think she's looking forward to getting a fancy dress and being the bride/center of attention.  Weddings and marriages are different things.

Very different. 

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Amy is 58-59 and her brother was three grades behind her in school so mid fifties.  Its an unrealistic expectation to think her brother, who lives in the Midwest and has a family of his own is obligated to fly out at the drop of a hat to help her move simply because she's  a dwarf. I don't see this expectation in play for others. Matt has an able bodied sister and no one has ever suggested she must not like him since she doesn't show up to do chores for him since they're related and he's a dwarf.

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Now I’m wondering if any family members will come to the maybe wedding?


Any of her family attend the boys or Molly's wedding?  I don't remember.

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20 minutes ago, stoppro said:

chris is not going to do it.

Is the wedding supposed to be in this season or the next one?  I know they film and it's a while until it airs. 

Seems like most of these shows including others are so far behind.

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She is almost 60. and has four grand kids. She will look foolish in a big fancy gown I think? More so being that she is so heavy and short. She will waddle down the aisle. Chris said she isn't ready for him to move in since she isn't making space for him, and he is right. She is a hoarder. She is going to rent space to put her extra stuff in..no thought about actually getting rid of stuff she hasn't looked at or used in 30 years I guess?

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19 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It really is interesting to see different perspectives.  I never met anyone who disliked Matt until I came here, lol. 

It is interesting .  I previously I mentioned that I went back to the start of this forum and opinions of Matt were quite different seeing him for what he is.  No painting him  as a hero or brilliant businessman and doting father.  I don’t know anyone who knows Matt so I’m at a disadvantage there. How he’s portrayed over these years is enough for me to dislike him. 
 I’m quite shocked that Zach is going into business with his father because he always sided with his mom because his fathers goings on. Perhaps  his career options are limited  Jeremy was always Matt’s sidekick in his big ideas and projects  but I think he wants to keep writing his wisdom on marriage and life. 
The signing of what ever she was signing in his office was for drama wasn’t It ? 
A notary has to witness it. 


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1 hour ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Amy is 58-59 and her brother was three grades behind her in school so mid fifties.  Its an unrealistic expectation to think her brother, who lives in the Midwest and has a family of his own is obligated to fly out at the drop of a hat

IMO, Amy is LOADED, LOADED and LOADED with $$$$ for NOW and the rest of her life. 

If she needs anything that requires physical labor (or any other task that she cannot perform herself) it would be much more advisable to hire a skilled, able-bodied and experienced professional(s) to do it.  When I think of middle-aged family members engaging in any type of physical labor all I see is a possible opportunity for accident and/or injury!! 

It would be one thing if Amy was on the lower end of the economic spectrum; however, in her financial circumstances she should not hesitate to avoid risk of injury to her or her family/friends.  Chris is in a different category than the other family members as he seems "hale and hearty" physically and he's living with her and will presumably marry her so if he's ready, willing and able to help her, so be it.  

Personally, I thought Amy had a great idea getting a storage unit and hiring some strong professionals to move all her c---- in there.  Whether she ever looked at the stuff again (as Chris pointed out) or not, wouldn't even enter my mind!  Who cares!!  I would even say she should rent MULTIPLE storage units for any other areas of the new house that would clear space up for Chris to move in all his belongings and have the feeling of SPACE and COMFORT!

There are many things that money CANNOT buy; for those with the means I always believe that's what their money is for....making life easier and more comfortable.

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I heard Any say she was getting a storage unit but I never heard her say she'd pay to have it moved!

I wonder if she'll expect Chris to be her moving man.

I agree money should bring comforts in older years!

You sure can't take it with you!

Speaking of that I wonder who Amy will leave her money to?

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Is the wedding supposed to be in this season or the next one?  I know they film and it's a while until it airs. 


During one of Amy's instagram commercials for fudge or whatever she was showing the wedding planning book she made, when she held it up she covered the date on the bottom with her hand.  She then put it down on the table and if I saw it correctly the date was August 28.  Don't know when or if it will be part of the show in the future. 

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1 hour ago, athousandclowns said:

 I’m quite shocked that Zach is going into business with his father because he always sided with his mom because his fathers goings on. Perhaps  his career options are limited  Jeremy was always Matt’s sidekick in his big ideas and projects  but I think he wants to keep writing his wisdom on marriage and life. 
The signing of what ever she was signing in his office was for drama wasn’t It ? 
A notary has to witness it. 


Jeremy and Audrey WANT the farm.  It's the whole reason they moved back to the area (nevermind that Audrey's parents are next door neighbors to the farm too).  J&A have even taken a social media hiatus with the show premiering again, they must've had a heads up that the new plot on the show is about Zach and Tori moving to the farm. J&A must be ticked.

How much of Amy's things are actually things that might be from the kids childhood?  Jacob would be in no place to take his things.  Maybe Jeremy, Zach and Molly have left their things too and she feels like she can't get rid of them without their permission? She's possibly essentially packed up and moved 5 people's things.  I guess I wonder why she and Chris can't sit in the garage one afternoon and go through the boxes together?  He'd learn more about her, she could chat about her stuff.  What's to lose?  Drawing lines over things that are in the house is silly.  Perhaps he doesn't know how to share.

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3 hours ago, LucyEth said:

 Chris was getting real with Amy about how long it has been taking her to complete the move and how much "stuff" she has etc.  She then says she feels like she is back on the farm.  Well Amy, if two different people are calling you on the same BS, maybe it's you and not them.  


She’s such a nasty little snot... yanking the mushroom pan around while making faces and challenging Chris to do better... ugh!

I don’t understand what he sees in her, she’s bitter, cranky, sarcastic, messy and usually looks like she needs to shower and brush her teeth! 🤢

I hope the money is worth it because he’s hitching his wagon to an old nag.


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On Matt's recent podcast interview, he made a point of saying he would prefer to see the farm passed down to ALL of the kids as owners in some capacity. But there's still the question of who will actually live on the farm and manage day-to-day operations. All of this seems pretty far off, because I don't think Matt will sell it anytime soon.

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I'm shocked at Amy's attitude towards Chris. She used to fall all over him and kiss his ass, so much has changed with their dynamic. Amy is sending clear signals that she's not ready to make Chris a full time part of her life and it doesn't seem Chris is ready for that, either, or it would have happened.

There is no reason why they need to get married. Just keep dating, keep your own places, continue to go on your motorcycle day trips and nice dinners and there will be no problems. I don't understand why when you are older and have your own financial independance you think you have to get married again (or in Chris' situation for the first time). 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Matt also said he would NOT be making a decision, that the kids would have to decide how the farm was managed or divided.

My opinion? Matt wants to see them fight and has no plans to give it up. I think he gets off on making them fight over it while he dangles it out of reach. 

Point - all four of them "owning" will never work.

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I wonder if Chris called off the wedding and told Amy they need time to figure out where they are going and what they want to do with this relationship then maybe Amy would get off her butt and start becoming serious about Chris moving in and sharing ALL of their lives together. That just might be the kick in the ass Amy needs.  

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5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm shocked at Amy's attitude towards Chris. She used to fall all over him and kiss his ass, so much has changed with their dynamic. There is no reason why they need to get married. Just keep dating, keep your own places, continue to go on your motorcycle day trips and nice dinners and there will be no problems. I don't understand why when you are older and have your own financial independance you think you have to get married again (or in Chris' situation for the first time).

I agree she used to kiss his ass and act all sweet but as soon as Chris put a ❤️ ring on it she's been acting more and more like the REAL Amy and no more Little Miss Sunshine.

He keeps saying he wants a simple, casual wedding and how at their age they shouldn't have a big formal wedding but Amy just shoots him down and rolls her eyes at all of his suggestions.

Amy was always dead set against people living together outside of marriage but then Chris came along and she was okay with it... hypocrite... just like she was against selling your wedding to TLC and spoke out against the Kardashians.... until Jer was getting married.. then it was okay... hypocrite.

Chris will need the patience of Job to live with her for any length of time.

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2 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

Jeremy and Audrey WANT the farm.  It's the whole reason they moved back to the area (nevermind that Audrey's parents are next door neighbors to the farm too).  J&A have even taken a social media hiatus with the show premiering again, they must've had a heads up that the new plot on the show is about Zach and Tori moving to the farm. J&A must be ticked.

But... a couple seasons ago, Matt pointedly asked Jeremy when and if he and Audrey were going to come back to the farm and take things over because Matt wanted to do things... Jeremy was all "its going to be a few years". 

I do think Jeremy and Auj are ticked off, I just don't think they have any right to be. They were asked and their answer was basically "not now". They don't want to do the show and thats a major part of Matt's income. What they want is for Matt to hand them the keys and fuck off to Arizona and only come back when he's expressly invited.... and I don't think Matt will ever give up having a 51% managing authority in the property. Zach and Tory are being more accommodating. Jer and Auj thought the farm would be held in waiting until they were good and ready. They're basically toddlers mad that they aren't getting their way. 

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I watched this episode - haven't watched any in a long time. 

My jaw dropped when Chris said he wanted a casual wedding with Hawaiian shirts and jeans because at their age, "the fancy, formal wedding doesn't make much sense."  Oh no, he's not allowed to have an opinion counter to hers.  SHE has decided that he needs to have a formal wedding with tuxes because it's going to be HIS first wedding.

The way she's acting, it wouldn't be a surprise if this ends up to not be his last wedding.  Better luck next time, Chris.

I thought it was nice that everyone on the farm seemed to be smiling and having fun interacting with each other.  Had Matt bought all those logs and started a log cabin "before," he would never have heard the end of it from Amy.  Caryn just acknowledges that Matt loves having projects to work on, and starts on her own project with the chicken coop. 

I found it interesting that when asked who his favorites are he said, "Dada, Mama and ChaCha."  Caryn was so comfortable with him, and he with her.  That says a lot to me.

So Matt is relaxed and happy now that he and Amy are divorced.  Amy is pushy and ignores the feelings of others, just like she was when she and Matt were married.  So who has "moved on"???    

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16 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Had Matt bought all those logs and started a log cabin "before," he would never have heard the end of it from Amy.  Caryn just acknowledges that Matt loves having projects to work on, and starts on her own project with the chicken coop. 

Caryn isn't married to him so he can rightly point out where the door is if she doesn't like how he spends his money. Girlfriends don't get a say cause there's no ring on her finger so she needs to mind her tongue and keep Matt sweet. 

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If Amy wants her house the way she likes it, she should just continue to date, as suggested upthread.  She earned the right to have her stuff the way she wants it. I don’t view it as a moral issue.  She and Chris can just each keep their own spaces.  

Still, people who have dealt with hoarders know that it can become a serious problem.  As they age these people often need interventions for safety reasons.  Maybe, Amy is not that bad yet, but she sure is stubborn about it.  I wonder just what all that stuff is.  Old mugs, children’s crafts, travel souvenirs, etc.  It’s difficult for me to imagine.  The older I get, the more I want to downsize, scale down, declutter, etc.   

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5 hours ago, winsomeone said:

She is almost 60. and has four grand kids. She will look foolish in a big fancy gown I think? More so being that she is so heavy and short. She will waddle down the aisle. Chris said she isn't ready for him to move in since she isn't making space for him, and he is right. She is a hoarder. She is going to rent space to put her extra stuff in..no thought about actually getting rid of stuff she hasn't looked at or used in 30 years I guess?

Amy had better start to just get rid of things that she never uses or hasn't even seen in years, because what happens if something suddenly happens to her, then it's the kids who are left with dealing with the mess.. My Mom suddenly passed away last Mother's Day. We were expecting my Dad to go first, since he is 9 years older and has been in the hospital with heart issues, but it was Mom who suddenly had a massive heart attack and before we could all even get to the hospital, she was gone. She had a huge commercial seamstress business in their basement, with all kinds of computerized machines, and tons of fabrics, leather, spools of sewing and serger threads, etc., she designed and sewed bridal gowns and accessories, took in donated bridal gowns to sew tiny dresses for women who had lost their babies, made leather handbags, you name it and she could make it.  Plus all of the clothes, shoes, handbags, etc. that she collected, besides the rest of the house full of things from living there for the 61 years they were married. My Dad could not even use the stairs to go down to see what was in her sewing room, so it was up to their kids to dispose of her many items. After a year, her sewing rooms are pretty much cleared out but I have to go down soon and see what else needs to be gathered and sold. It's not an easy job, especially hard when I am still grieving. Just because Amy seems to be healthy and still young doesn't mean that something terrible couldn't suddenly happen to her. She best start downsizing all of her possessions while she is still here and able to, and not leave the mess for her family to clean up. My Mom was only 74, she looked 10 years younger, and was never sick a day in her life. You just never know what tomorrow will bring. Amy should be cleaning up all of her junk before starting a new life with Chris, especially if she is a hoarder. The kids will only want a few things to remember her by, they sure will not be wanting everything she has accumulated!

Edited by mittsigirl
spelling matters
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4 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

Jeremy and Audrey WANT the farm.  It's the whole reason they moved back to the area (nevermind that Audrey's parents are next door neighbors to the farm too).  J&A have even taken a social media hiatus with the show premiering again, they must've had a heads up that the new plot on the show is about Zach and Tori moving to the farm. J&A must be ticked.

How much of Amy's things are actually things that might be from the kids childhood?  Jacob would be in no place to take his things.  Maybe Jeremy, Zach and Molly have left their things too and she feels like she can't get rid of them without their permission? She's possibly essentially packed up and moved 5 people's things.  I guess I wonder why she and Chris can't sit in the garage one afternoon and go through the boxes together?  He'd learn more about her, she could chat about her stuff.  What's to lose?  Drawing lines over things that are in the house is silly.  Perhaps he doesn't know how to share.

When me and my 5 siblings all moved out and got married, Mom had us all take whatever family photos and little childhood memories that we wanted, home with us, to put in our own houses. She kept what she wanted, but the majority we took to our own homes. When she passed away last Mother's Day, we were looking through her Hope Chest and found that she had kept every single card from every holiday and birthday that the 6 of us had mailed to her. Amy just needs to learn how to downsize, now!

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11 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I hear ya, Mittisgirl, I had to do that with my mom's sewing room, and she had the contents of a craft store in there. 

So sorry you had to do the same as me. Saying 'craft store' is more real than 'sewing room'! I bet they would have been great friends, had they known each other:)

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The thing is that with hoarders it’s a mental disorder.  It normally takes counseling and professional assistance dealing with it. It’s like an addiction in that it’s resistant to change.  Have you ever watched the show Hoarding: Buried Alive?   It’s intense.  

Recently, I read an obit about an Emmy nominated stylist who was missing for weeks before they found her underneath a pile of junk in her house!  Her family was devastated. 


Edited by SunnyBeBe
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15 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The thing is that with hoarders it’s a mental disorder.  It normally takes counseling and professional assistance dealing with it. It’s like an addiction in that it’s resistant to change.  Have you ever watched the show Hoarding: Buried Alive?   It’s intense.  

Recently, I read an obit about an Emmy nominated stylist who was missing for weeks before they found her underneath a pile of junk in her house!  Her family was devastated. 


OMG! That is so sad! What a terrible way to die, I just can't believe how horrible of a death this had to be for her. And her poor sister having to find her this way, my heart breaks for her. I have watched every episode of that show. I wonder what the percentage is of people who were helped and then backslid again? Addictions are terrible and so hard to break and get healthy again.

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1 hour ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Caryn isn't married to him so he can rightly point out where the door is if she doesn't like how he spends his money. Girlfriends don't get a say cause there's no ring on her finger so she needs to mind her tongue and keep Matt sweet. 

Yeah,  when two people are just dating, money (usually) isn’t a major argument. Get married, though, and the dynamics can change— not for the better, necessarily.

Years ago, a former coworker of mine was going through a divorce and was talking about the disagreements she and her estranged husband were having over raising the kids, selling the house, etc. Her husband said to her that this was why he was divorcing her— because they always fought— and that he and his new girlfriend didn’t. My coworker said, “Of course they never fight— it’s all fun and games— there’s no mortgage, housework, children, to fight about!”

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Still, people who have dealt with hoarders know that it can become a serious problem.  As they age these people often need interventions for safety reasons.  Maybe, Amy is not that bad yet, but she sure is stubborn about it.  

One of the things we see often on Hoarders is a scene where the psychologist gets the hoarder to recognize that they are surrounding themselves with "stuff" to keep anyone from getting close to them.

Her "stuff" is already getting between her and Chris.  She wants HIM to accept her "stuff" but she doesn't even seem willing to make room in case he wants to bring in some of his.  That speaks volumes.

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31 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

One of the things we see often on Hoarders is a scene where the psychologist gets the hoarder to recognize that they are surrounding themselves with "stuff" to keep anyone from getting close to them.

Her "stuff" is already getting between her and Chris.  She wants HIM to accept her "stuff" but she doesn't even seem willing to make room in case he wants to bring in some of his.  That speaks volumes.

I clean out every spring and fall!  If I haven’t used it the previous season off it goes to charity!

I love clean, new and sparse!

My home is my warm and wonderful oasis!

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41 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I clean out every spring and fall!  If I haven’t used it the previous season off it goes to charity!

I love clean, new and sparse!

My home is my warm and wonderful oasis!

I’m inspired!  Plan to clean and organize closets this weekend.  😀

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11 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I clean out every spring and fall!  If I haven’t used it the previous season off it goes to charity!

I love clean, new and sparse!

My home is my warm and wonderful oasis!

We do an intentional annual clear-out.  We touch everything we own, and it has to "earn" the right to stay.  If it doesn't serve a purpose, it's gone.

Even at our age, we love to make things tidier and better organized.  We've just bought two new cabinets for our laundry room to replace the former storage shelves.  The new cabinets have DOORS so there's no open storage.  Happy me!!!!

Whenever I walk into a room, I look to see if everything is in its place.  If there's something out of place (like an empty glass on the end table), it gets put where it belongs.  It's a lot easier to keep things tidy if it starts out tidy.

Chaos is not a calm thing.  Tidy and organized makes me calm and happy.

Even when we have moved, the rule is "By the end of the first day, there can be NO moving boxes in the living room."  That's our oasis.

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I just can't imagine accumulating all that junk then taking nine months to decide what junk to keep and what junk to toss!

Then it looked like she left all the junk she didn't want, a dirty house a cracked pool and a house that needed painting.Th

I'm betting Amy would have been quite content to sit there forever if Matt would have cleaned and repaired on his dime!

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5 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I'm betting Amy would have been quite content to sit there forever if Matt would have cleaned and repaired on his dime!

Matt did try to have professionals clean and organize before the divorce.  Amy went ballistic.

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31 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Matt did try to have professionals clean and organize before the divorce.  Amy went ballistic.

I don't want anyone "organizing" my personal belongings, either. It's clear that in this particular forum (and I'm not directing this specifically at you, AZChristian), no matter what Amy would or wouldn't have done, it would have been wrong because she's infinitely worthy of scorn and ridicule.

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Yeah like the pool needing repairs.... it was installed in 2007 but glory be, it needed repairs in 2019 and its entirely because Amy is shitty, and not because in ground  pools age. If Matt had been in complete control, he would have made damn sure about constant maintenance and upkeep.

The way he kept up the tree house that... had to be torn down. The way he kept up the old pirate ship that had to be torn down. The way he kept up the tower that had to be torn down.


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1 hour ago, readheaded said:

I don't want anyone "organizing" my personal belongings, either. It's clear that in this particular forum (and I'm not directing this specifically at you, AZChristian), no matter what Amy would or wouldn't have done, it would have been wrong because she's infinitely worthy of scorn and ridicule.

It was thoughtful of you to make the bolder part clear.  Thanks.

Way back when the show first started, I looked forward to how a dwarf couple ("Little People") adapted to life in a world that is designed for people who are not little ("Big World").  I'm only 1.5" taller than the official designation of "little person" and I do struggle sometimes with shopping, etc., in a world that's "too high" for me.

Over the years, it became obvious to me that Amy was unhappy.  It may have been partially because of her choice of a spouse, or how she was parented as a child (her father comes across as VERY critical).  But it became difficult to watch, and I eventually stopped.

The biggest problem for me was how she seemed to set an example for her kids in a lack of just human respect for Matt.  She badmouthed him to her (and his) kids, and found fault in pretty much everything he did. 

Was/is he perfect?  Absolutely NOT.  I can see where aspects of his personality could be tiresome on a daily basis.  But he has a lot of physical challenges that are more restrictive than his height.  He has to use crutches around the house, or a medical scooter in places like airports.  But he held down a job and worked toward a vision of building a farm for himself and his family.

Amy impeded him pretty much every step of the way.  What I found particularly offensive was when he asked her to keep walkways clear in the house so that he could maneuver with his crutches.  Why should that request even have been necessary?  How many of us have so much crap all over the place that people can't maneuver around it?  It takes a lot of selfishness and nastiness in a person to ignore a request like that, but Amy pretty much did.

Sadly, I see her exhibiting a lot of those same behaviors lately towards Chris.  She appears to be angry at HIM because he's asking her to make room for him in her 4-bedroom house with a double garage.  And heaven forbid she would have a casual wedding (which he wants), rather than the formal affair with gowns and tuxes that she wants.  She even derided him for wanting to be able to change into comfortable clothes for the reception.  Nope . . . he has to stay in the tux all day.  

Her kitchen seems fairly tidy when she does her cooking videos, but that's because the videos are important to her.  What on earth does she have crammed into 3 bedrooms and a garage that is more important to her than making "her man" feel welcome?  

And yet, she turns around and mutters under her breath that she "fells like she is back at the farm" because Chris basically made a request like Matt's:  "Make room for me, please."

It's sad.  

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I do believe all of the repairs to the home and pool before the divorce had to be okd by Amy. Since it would be coming out of her half and his half yet to be divided up I’m pretty sure Amy said no way!

Strange when it was Matt’s he immediately cleaned and fixed on his own dollar with no Amy complaining about money spent. 

I kind of feel sorry for Chris because Amy is not going to change for everybody. But with that said they have been together about four years so...he gets what he deserves!

Yes this forum has both pro and con posters but if you travel to any other forum you can read the same posts about them.   Amy is not a popular person other than one little group of supporters and FB and Instagram where unpopular posts are removed immediately!

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I feel like a lot of the posters here let Matt get away with a lot of crap that they would condemn Amy for.  Matt cheated? Well that's okay, because Amy is a nasty wife and she deserved it!  Matt had a DUI?  Well of course, living with Amy would make anyone want to drink!  Chris is just using Amy for her fame, but Matt and Caryn are true love! 

I don't care that Matt had a rough childhood because he was in the hospital all the time.  My husband was born with spina bifida and he spent most of his childhood in the hospital, too-but he never, ever uses his disability as an excuse to be a jerk.

Just for the record, I don't really like Amy or Matt, but the double standard around makes me laugh some days.

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