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Season 4 Discussion

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On ‎24‎.‎01‎.‎2018 at 10:00 AM, enoughcats said:

LaSalle should have been keeping contact enough with his family to know his brother's condition. 

Why should he have been? He obviously had a strained relationship with his father, and probably with his whole family, so I see no reason why he should have.


Yay, another show who let their character have an argument with a family member before the family member passed away. How very original.

Other than that, I thought it was one of the best balanced episodes in a while. Although, that Felix' partner was involved was so very predictable. The moment that Josi said that he was practically family I saw that coming.

As far as the bar opening is concerned, I don't think that it was the same night. There is no way that Josi would have been able to sing that night after all the smoke she inhaled.

I could be not remembering correctly, but I though in one of the season one episodes or possibly season two that Lasalle mentioned having a sister. I do not remember what episode it was in. All I can find online is that he has an unnamed sister. It looks like the writers forgot that detail or do not care.

Good to Samantha Marie Ware as Josie who played Peggy in Hamilton one of the many times I have seen it.

On 1/24/2018 at 7:44 PM, mythoughtis said:

Dad knew he was sick and Christopher didn't want the business. He should have sold it while he was alive. He visited Christopher  months ago. He had time to arrange a sale.   He was just manipulating Christopher from the grave. Christopher should appoint the lawyer as CEO and her her sell it. 

Yeah, this was freakin' ridiculous. If Dad knew he was on death's door, maybe he could have taken time out of arranging the flowers for his funeral and sold off the business. Or at least sold off a controlling stake to someone who would run it and let Widow LaSalle live off the profits. I would have had to punch my TV if Chris left NCIS to mismanage his family business into the ground.

"But it's faaaaamily!" Sorry, Daddy LaSalle was an asshole first. He doesn't get to dictate Chris's life and slack off on his responsibility to his workers and then expect Chris to give up everything. If Daddy cared about family in the first place, he would have taken care of his shit before he died.

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Maybe it was just me, but I figured out pretty quickly that the Not-Taylor (Butler?) mayoral candidate's people had something to do with the 'terrorist' plot (although they didn't make it clear as to whether or not the candidate knew about it).  

I don't know if it was bad editing or I missed something, but how did they know where to go to catch the bad guys?  There was a scene where Sebastian said he would continue to examine the electronics salvaged from the blast (the radio-control parts, maybe?) to see if he could figure out where they came from.  Then, the next scene showed them getting out of the car at the suspects' house.  

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, JackONeill said:

Judging by the rapidness of the responses, this show wasn’t exactly a new dawn.

Does anyone know if it’s been renewed or not?

It hasn't been announced yet (unless they're early renewals CBS usually doesn't start announcing before March) but the TV websites all seem pretty confident that it will be renewed.

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On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 12:55 PM, BooksRule said:

I don't know if it was bad editing or I missed something, but how did they know where to go to catch the bad guys?  There was a scene where Sebastian said he would continue to examine the electronics salvaged from the blast (the radio-control parts, maybe?) to see if he could figure out where they came from.  Then, the next scene showed them getting out of the car at the suspects' house.  

It was delivered via a LaSalle voice-over as they were running up to the house with guns drawn. Honestly, I totally missed the "how" but figured it was probably lame.

On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 11:12 AM, threebluestars said:

And can we stop having mayoral stuff on this show? No more mayors!

I agree!!!  Too much mayor talk.  Also, I am really annoyed with the plot line that law enforcement tells someone that his/her life is in danger, the target gets all self-righteous and "brave" saying they won't back down, but then puts innocent people in danger because of their "braveness."  I mean, if they hadn't shot the boat, it would have taken out more than the mayor.  And, then when she decided to go to the refugee camp, she put everyone's lives in danger there, including Loretta.  I can't stand that!

  • Love 4
38 minutes ago, TheGreenWave said:

if they hadn't shot the boat, it would have taken out more than the mayor.

Only in NCIS-world.

The explosives wouldn't have gone boom with just gunshots and the gas tanks couldn't be shot from head on through the amount of fiberglass etc. And gasoline (or diesel) can't be ignited by gunshots.  The most common use of those explosives is in quarries (sparks don't do it there, it takes blasting caps).

To stop that boat, drive a car straight at it to deflect it or hit it from the side by another boat.

  • Love 4
On 2/7/2018 at 10:10 PM, Linderhill said:

Is there any way we can get rid of Ferlito?  the woman is so irritating .  Every time she says a line I want FF.  

She wasn't as annoying for awhile but the past few episodes have made her irritating again for me. The whole show is an even bigger caricature than it was when it first started. I got to watch the first season on TNT when they started airing the show recently. While it could be unrealistic at times, it seems totally unrealistic now. 

I know I've said this previously but it reminds me of the first few seasons of Charmed before Brad Kern pushed the creator of the show to give up what control she had left.  Once Brad took over a lot of realism that was part of the show which grounded it got phased out. So he could up the T&A factor to his liking while the storylines got really stupid and vapid. 

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I liked this episode pretty well. lots of action.  Who was the person who attacked the hijackers, resulting in whatshername getting shot?

I like Isler, but now they are sending him back to Washington.

I suppose that far-off, glassy eyed look from Sonya after Isler told her she'd work well at the FBI was our clue (anvil) that she'll be going off to join the FBI/

  • Love 3

Yeah, I didn't know Shalita Grant was leaving until after this episode, because that comment had me worried, so I came here to read the media thread lol. I'm really disappointed, she's my favourite character. But what else can I expect from this show? They turfed McLellan when the cast was gelled and good and it ruined the show, IMO.

Aside from LaSalle and Loretta, there aren't any likeable characters on this show anymore. It's been a lesson in tanking a series, that's for sure.

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The only part I liked was when Percy stood up for herself with Isler insisting that he go along undercover after he had gotten his CI shot because, give me a break, he does look like a cop.  I suppose that they were working on a back story because he needed to believe it...not that he would actually say those words to the guys who hired them...right??

  • Love 2

It turned out better than I thought it would be.  I just thought it would be another one of those "Super secret!  Don't tell anyone!  Totally like off the books!  SHHHHHHH!" style mission.  While the FBI apparently was kept out of the loop, at least (apparently) some at NCIS did know about it.   And Isler was back, so I'll give bonus points for that as well.

And unless I missed it also, I didn't see what happened to that person who attacked the hijackers during that shootout with Country Mouse and Miss Annoying. 

Too bad Isler is going back to DC.  Was hoping he would stick around.  Maybe have a FBI district office he could head up in New Orleans?  But regardless -- I would hope he would get his job back.  Especially after all the times Pride went off the rails and has kept his job.

I shall definitely miss Percy.  Just hope they don't kill her off now.

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I at first thought the "Concerned Citizen"(IMDB and CBS Press Express, don't give a name,)was the Charlie that was the head of the robberies. He would come like a concerned citizen and shoot a few times to make it look good and then Hicks and Hal Cranston would take off with the drugs and leave their new hired muscle in the lurch. But maybe he figured he could scare the robbers from hurting anyone or stealing more? Or maybe he called 911 and was hoping to slow down the baddies? Also with the cry for teachers and such to have weapons to protect others, maybe he decided he could protect them? But we find out that a former FBI Agent Rodney Driscoll was the Charlie. He definitely could drive that Caddy backwards at a good speed. But I guess they had high speed pursuit training. I was a bit confused on the explanation by Driscoll on the reason he was stealing the opioids. He said he was doing it to show that the use of them are a big problem and to get them to act on them? But his team was stealing small amounts at a time to not make it set off the local PDs and the FBI? At-least according to Patton and Sebastian after their research. Also with the story Raymond Isler(aliases Ray Jones and Alton Weber) told about his "addiction" I almost figured he was a user in the past too.

I at first thought that Donny Bellanger had it rough, his wound and then being hand cuffed to that building. Also wonder who had those old cars stored there? But going back to Donny, at-least he's still alive. Cyrus was also wounded, Hicks, Driscoll and Cranston are dead.

This off the books investigation was at-least better because it wasn't just Isler and Pride, or Gregorio. Percy got to shine and the rest were support roles. But if she is moving to the FBI then like mentioned above, she needs a story to lead her there. I to wish that Isler would stay in "Norleans".  But maybe he can come back, and also liked the stories they have had with NOPD Captain Estes.  Also crossovers with Gibbs and Hetty's teams work too.  Percy missed a bunch of episodes anyways. But maybe why they didn't develop her character more or have her and LaSalle expand their relationship showed she wouldn't be here long?

Edited by webruce
Spell check, and missing words.
  • Love 1

Damn that ending! You see, I had just gotten home from visiting my mom in the long-term care facility we put her in a couple of months ago. Before that, I was caregiver. Singing is the thing that connects us. I used to go up to visit for the music events but trying to sing with her just broke me. So did that ending - I'm crying right now.

I actually really liked the premise of this one, the hit man who develops empathy. They never say it, but I'm wondering if seeing Molly using the crutch was what broke through to him. It was a solid episode. I haven't seen any since the beginning of the year so has episodes like this been the norm since we got rid of the stupid mayor story?

  • Love 6

Oh, Marina, consider yourself cyber  hugged.  Listening to something like that will never be easy, but with years it gets a bit easier.  Leaving them after visits always hurts.

I agree it was an interesting premise.  The problem is I found myself really liking the hit man for his overwhelming competence at his job.  When they sent the two women to the cabin, my husband had to remind me that they were just as strong as any male agents would have been in NCIS universe. (Ziva could have tied them both up while letting the nailpolish dry on her less used hand.)  I thought the showrunner was about to replace two characters.  Silly me.

  • Love 4

Thanks for the cyberhugs, @Trey and @enoughcats. My mom went through a period last fall where she didn't know us but since she's been in the facility and become more active, we haven't had any more of those moments, thankfully. Bakula did a great job of giving us that moment, kudos to him.

Speaking of him, I caught him in a Matlock rerun and for the first time I got why people thought he was hot stuff.

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I watched this episode a bit ago and was glad it was one that seemed more down to earth instead of the over the top eye rolling stuff. 

The end made me sad. It also made me miss my Mom who died a couple of years ago. We used to sing in the car and at the TV sometimes when PBS would show those Bee Gees specials or the Michael McDonald Motown ones.  It was nice to get a tender moment like that out of this show.

That assassin guy was fun to watch because he was so good at his job and because he was so nice to look at in general. I kinda caught myself thinking that I wished the NCIS people could be that efficient.

If there had been a drinking game going on for each time they said the name "Molly" we'd all be in the ICU with acute alcohol poisoning. I was so sick of hearing her name by the end of the episode. Apologies to any members here named Molly.  

I was scared the show was going to have LaSalle mess up the case somehow due to distraction. I guess that still could be ahead though at some point before the season ends.

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I wasn't going to say anything about it, but yeah...I also got sick of hearing "Molly" being mentioned so many times as well.   It was almost like they needed some filler dialog.  "Quick, our episode is several minutes too short.  How can we add some more material?  I know, have each character say 'We got to find Molly!' over and over again.  That should work!"  <a bunch of high 5's go up in the writer's lounge>

Assassin guy was amazing.  Almost as good as Ziva was.  ;)   I did find it funny that this guy who could take out so many trained agents, that he would just be restrained by handcuffs.  Both in NCIS headquarters and in that transport van.  I would at least put in leg irons and perhaps even a straitjacket.  :)

And one more plus to the episode, Gregorio didn't annoy me as much.  So there's that. 

If you go on google maps, earth, and search for "The Rigolets"  look to the west still along bayous and you'll see Ft. McComb just as it appeared on the show to night.  The shape of the fort was to have artillary that faced east to the Rigolets (a very deep channel, one of the few in the coast) that would be otherwise hard to protect.  

Sadly, the Fleur looked as if it were an art school project for a Mardi Gras Crewe king, one of the tackier ones.

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I actually enjoyed the National Treasure like treasure hunt.  The pirate book/secret box and the scavenger hunt through the cemetery kept me interested.  The cat-and-mouse "is she, isn't she" banter between Sebastian and Gregorio was amusing as well.  I liked it.  It was good to see Christopher call Percy out on her subdued behavior, and it was also good to see Percy tell him she wasn't interested in sharing.  They do need to resolve that arc though, because I think Percy and Christopher are cute together.

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That idiotic NCIS office they inhabit drives me absolutely nuts!!!

They were so worried about protecting that precious pirate book and Sebastian's new friend, and they PROMISED her that she would be safe, but that "secure" government office not only has a door open to the sidewalk outside, but the huge barn door is always left open so anyone walking down the sidewalk could be ten steps inside their sanctum in 2 seconds.

Almost as ridiculous as that boathouse in Los Angeles.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, UncleChuck said:

That idiotic NCIS office they inhabit drives me absolutely nuts!!!

They were so worried about protecting that precious pirate book and Sebastian's new friend, and they PROMISED her that she would be safe, but that "secure" government office not only has a door open to the sidewalk outside, but the huge barn door is always left open so anyone walking down the sidewalk could be ten steps inside their sanctum in 2 seconds.

Almost as ridiculous as that boathouse in Los Angeles.

There's usually an NOPD officer at that door, but I didn't notice him this episode.


The in memoriam at the end was for the real life NCIS agent who the Pride character is based on:


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As much as I HAAAATE that Shalita Grant is leaving, I kind of like how they're handling Percy leaving.

I've been in that type of situation where you just feel pushed out and not a part of things. And no one notices the issues, and you feel like you don't want to bring them up because you know nothing will really change, so you find other opportunities. Then you do leave and everyone is kind of weird about it, because to them, things were fine.

It's just an awkward situation that I've seen play out so many times, so I like that they're not killing her off or anything. And I like that she had issue with Pride and that factors in, because the man was a giant douchecanoe in many episodes.

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10 hours ago, DrScottie said:

This whole episode was designed to introduce former Sergeant Sydney Halliday as a replacement for Sonja. Knowing that Shalita Grant is leaving, it makes sense.  

Yep. I didn't dislike Halliday but I'm not watching this show once Percy exits.

This ep was weird to me and it also further shows why SG chose to bounce with how they've used her this past season and S3. NCISNOLA has wasted her post S2. I wanted more of the scenes with Percy, Loretta, PPP, and LaSalle and a lot less of the case of the week drama so I'm one foot out the door as well. 

16 minutes ago, threebluestars said:

It's just an awkward situation that I've seen play out so many times, so I like that they're not killing her off or anything. And I like that she had issue with Pride and that factors in, because the man was a giant douchecanoe in many episodes.

This is true. I did like that aspect. Still, I feel like LaSalle would have been more attuned to her feelings earlier. Percy is definitely closest to him and Gregorio, but I feel like the show has really been off and uneven this season regarding City Mouse and Country Mouse's relationship/friendship/whatever. 

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I'm going to miss Percy.  I loved her little flirting attraction game with LaSalle.  Did they or didn't they?   I'd like her leaving to partly be because now she feels like she can pursue a relationship with LaSalle, just to be referred to off camera.  And if Shalita Grant has a spare moment, they can show her at the bar joining the gang.  They could even film a bunch of bumper scenes with her to sprinkle around the season.  But I do really like that part of Percy's leaving is her issues with Pride, and his decisions and behavior.  Plus, Shalita's hair looked really nice last night.  I never liked it all scraped back and harsh, but maybe that was symbolic of her initial character, and she's softened over time.

Halliday is OK.  It was a rather heavy handed introduction, but she can sure kick ass.

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I always wondered why Grant was out of so many episodes was it her choice or the shows. I can see that as a reason to leave.

I didn't really warm up to Halliday and really hope that she isn't going to be on the show next year. I'd be fine with the agents we already have we don't need to keep replacing people.

I'm glad this isn't the type of show that kills off characters once the actors move on. 

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