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S09.E00: One-on-One With Luann de Lesseps

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8 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Luann never raised her voice nor did she swear at anyone in Morocco. Did she use the Countess voice, Yes she did but she didn't rant or rage at any of them. Oh, and they all talk trash about each other in their THs. 

Just my opinion but you don't have to raise your voice or curse to be a nasty piece of work.

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9 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Tom, is coming off as some wanna be Hugh Hefner.  I question why these former girlfriends want to speak to him.  He isn't particularly witty, nor is he wildly rich, he has shown he is totally insincere and untruthful-why are they jumping on the Tom train?  They are either wanna be RH or are really thirsty for publicity.  The publicity they garner is not the good kind.  Even if they don't respect Luann or loathe her, they should at least respect the fact there was a marriage.  Who meets a married, ex boyfriend at midnight?  Was Tom perhaps saying Luann would be with him?  I totally get that Tom is the one who took the vows but have some pride ladies-don't be complicit in the dolt's idiocy.  

These are all questions that Luann should of answered too before the marriage and actually that first night when she left with him and they dumped his date.

   She also just shrugged her shoulders in an I don't care way when she was told she was fooling around with a married man on that trip. Doesn't speak well of her or her own lack of respect for others marriages.

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22 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

These are all questions that Luann should of answered too before the marriage and actually that first night when she left with him and they dumped his date.

   She also just shrugged her shoulders in an I don't care way when she was told she was fooling around with a married man on that trip. Doesn't speak well of her or her own lack of respect for others marriages.

I agree with this. The same question as to why other women would be interested in him is the same question that should be asked of Luann. They are no more blind or dumb than was Luann. The writing was all there. All in red letters on the wall. How is it possible that so many people on this forum and others saw it straight away, and yet she herself did not? It was all there from the beginning. When she met him while he was on a date with another woman and she thought nothing of going home with him anyway. The way I remember her telling that story was that she seemed proud. Acted like she had won a big prize because he left someone else for her. Most people I know would give a guy like that the side-eye. Would be concerned that this would at some time be their fate. Wouldn't feel very good about another woman being tossed aside and humiliated. Maybe the other gals he is with feel the same way Luann did. Like he couldn't stay away from them and was willing to walk away from Luann for someone better. And they are OK with that, just as Luann was. They are all pathetic and Luann looks like their Queen. 

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Or Luann  being called "masculine" or "manly" --

...or ragging on Ramona's sanpaku eyes, or the follicly challenged men, or those with a healthy sexual appetite...everybody can find something to get personally bent about if they try hard enough.

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10 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Okay, finally watching the special now via OnDemand---and once again I'm left mainly wondering what is it that these chicks see in that old bald horndog Tom?! I don't care how many upscale properties he supposedly owns and how much money/clout he supposedly has, the dude looks skeevy and acts even skeevier. He was disrespectful as Hell to Lu onscreen and made her look like a pathetic buffoon. 

Are Upper East Side broads seriously this desperate for dick?! Ugh...beyond a fat wallet and maybe some insanely special oral talents, I cannot fathom what makes that Uncle Fester-looking creep so hot to trot with the over-40 monied Manhattan matrons.

And although I do appreciate how Luann is keeping it classy and refuses to slam Tom onscreen, I wish she'd nut up and be real with Andy and the viewing audience already. Why can't she just say that she had no business marrying a commitment-phobic womanizer? Why can't she warn other women about his creepy ways??

She fell in love with the glamorous love story she built up for herself in her head. She charmed a middle-aged bachelor enough for him to toss her a hasty marriage proposal and a big wedding. She lost a game she'd smugly thought she'd won. 

On the flipside, I think Lu looked just fabulous on this special---slim, sleek and composed. Truly a classy dame all around. Hope she finally finds the right guy who treats her with the love, respect and commitment she deserves---try as I may, I just can't quit The Countess.

I can't ever imagine anything that Tom could possibly bring to the table.

His only positive point imo is that he "dates" within his age group. 

I also don't care to hear more about Tom. He can go back to his mama and his business. Bye.

Yes, Luann might be a bit of a shallow individual however she is also super pragmatic and is able to survive situations where most people would be crumbling.

her house is absolutely stunning.  I applaud her for staying on message with Andy.

she came to the interview to brand herself, and brand she did.

meh, I hope she finally saw the light and will find someone who will bring her more than a penthouse.

She blew it with Jacques. He was a sweatie and as a bonus was a friend to her kids. Oh well.

one thing that is admirable about Luann imo is her resistance at becoming bitter, at least in public. 

Most would have been spilling teas for days and some not so favorable details about Tom.

How does she do it????

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Yes, Luann might be a bit of a shallow individual however she is also super pragmatic and is able to survive situations where most people would be crumbling

She's been divorced twice so far, it wasn't like she was kidnapped and held for ransom in Afghanistan or something for years on end. It wasn't like her spine was broken in 3 different places and doctors said she would never walk again let alone feel any sensation below her neck but dammit she came back from that and is walking now.

Millions and millions of women have survived divorces and car crashes, Luann doesn't exactly deserve some sort of medal for what she "survived".


How does she do it????

Because that is the brand she has chosen for herself, the image she wants to project the world. The calm, cool, serene, above-it-all (former) Countess facade.

Edited by BBHN
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10 minutes ago, BBHN said:

She's been divorced twice so far, it wasn't like she was kidnapped and held for ransom in Afghanistan or something for years on end. It wasn't like her spine was broken in 3 different places and doctors said she would never walk again let alone feel any sensation below her neck but dammit she came back from that and is walking now.

Millions and millions of women have survived divorces and car crashes, Luann doesn't exactly deserve some sort of medal for what she "survived".

Ha ha. I love this. She divorced a cad that everyone and their brother told her was a cad. A dude she knew for about 5 minutes. She isn't a struggling single mother with few resources who has to find a way to pick herself up and start over, wondering how she would ever do it all. She has resources, her health, friends, her kids are financially OK if for no other reason than their father, has a job that pays her well and a nifty pad in The Hamptons (I do love that house). There is no custody battle, and no one trying to get all of her money. I don't get what it is that she survived. Public humiliation brought on by her own actions? She got a divorce, like about 50% or so of other women. 

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Yes, Luann might be a bit of a shallow individual however she is also super pragmatic and is able to survive situations where most people would be crumbling  

But, but, but...she's never had fibroids, or been held captive in a dungeon by her ex! #thisisntacrisis

Edited by jaync
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3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Andy interviewed Luann about three weeks ago and she really hasn't abandoned her no bashing Tom stance.  When reads the statement all she really did is say they had been enjoying an evening together and he decided to go out.  It was in a day or so following she found out who he was with.  All the People story added was essentially they had been dining together.  Luann has given us the bones of the argument.  I don't get why it is a big deal.  

Didn't Luann tell Andy that she was away when Tom went out with his ex without her knowing? And she found out about it from media reports? And that was the last straw?

That is a very different story from the one she told People ... about their lovely day flitting around events in the Hamptons, a dinner party that evening at home entertaining guests who were staying the night. Then just as people were about to go to bed Tom announces he is going to hit the town, walking out on a stunned Luann and leaving her home with their guests.  He proceeded to be caught with an ex girlfriend by the press and when confronted by Luann, he  told her he wasn't ever gonna ever change ... and Luann feebly saying "okay."

That's a very different scenario then the one she suggested to Andy. She comes across as a much more pathetic doormat in the People story. And Tom seems like an even bigger asshole. 

Which story do you think Andy Cohen would have preferred Luann to tell during her interview? Because I am pretty sure he would have greatly preferred she told version 2. Or is it version 3 or 4 at this point? I've lost track.


3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Bravo likes it when then RH get publicity in People or any of the news shows.  They are always identified as RH.  Many of the TV shows run clips from the show when they do stories about them.  Bravo doesn't have an exclusive on the RH-they are merely talent, not employees of Bravo.   

Bravo may not hold exclusive rights to every story about a Real Housewife, but I think the network would always prefer to be the one who gets to break dramatic scoops about their stars to the world.  And Luann passed up the chance to score serious points with Bravo by holding back. I hope it ends up costing her her job.

The Countless is not only a snob and a bore, she's shown herself to be needy little phony who will stab another woman in the back just to be with a man then turn around and let that same man walk all over her ..  lying to the world the whole time about how fabulous her relationship is while she knows she is being cheated on .... until his cheating makes the tabloids, then suddenly it matters. Spare me.  Luann is not at all the powerful, confident woman she's been billed out to be and I don't want to sit through another season watching her empty, self-absorbed, pretentious, completely fake life.  

I hope they send her packing!

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29 minutes ago, gundysgirl said:

Ha ha. I love this. She divorced a cad that everyone and their brother told her was a cad. A dude she knew for about 5 minutes. She isn't a struggling single mother with few resources who has to find a way to pick herself up and start over, wondering how she would ever do it all. She has resources, her health, friends, her kids are financially OK if for no other reason than their father, has a job that pays her well and a nifty pad in The Hamptons (I do love that house). There is no custody battle, and no one trying to get all of her money. I don't get what it is that she survived. Public humiliation brought on by her own actions? She got a divorce, like about 50% or so of other women. 

Perhaps, but the public humiliation would do most people in.

She went on and on, bragging about how she was getting married, blah, blah, blah. and then not even a year later boom. Divorce.

so many L especially at over fifty when you are supposed to know better. It is on a Kimmie level.

who lasted longer Kim K or Luann?

 I think that Lulu managed to be gracious under the circumstances.

also, it would have been nice of Andy to dress up, a tiny bit for the interview. Did he just roll out of bed and stumbled toward Lulu's house? 

16 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Didn't Luann tell Andy that she was away when Tom went out with his ex without her knowing? And she found out about it from media reports? And that was the last straw?

That is a very different story from the one she told People ... about their lovely day flitting around events in the Hamptons, a dinner party that evening at home entertaining guests who were staying the night. Then just as people were about to go to bed Tom announces he is going to hit the town, walking out on a stunned Luann and leaving her home with their guests.  He proceeded to be caught with an ex girlfriend by the press and when confronted by Luann, he  told her he wasn't ever gonna ever change ... and Luann feebly saying "okay."

That's a very different scenario then the one she suggested to Andy. She comes across as a much more pathetic doormat in the People story. And Tom seems like an even bigger asshole. 

Which story do you think Andy Cohen would have preferred Luann to tell during her interview? Because I am pretty sure he would have greatly preferred she told version 2. Or is it version 3 or 4 at this point? I've lost track.


Bravo may not hold exclusive rights to every story about a Real Housewife, but I think the network would always prefer to be the one who gets to break dramatic scoops about their stars to the world.  And Luann passed up the chance to score serious points with Bravo by holding back. I hope it ends up costing her her job.

The Countless is not only a snob and a bore, she's shown herself to be needy little phony who will stab another woman in the back just to be with a man then turn around and let that same man walk all over her ..  lying to the world the whole time about how fabulous her relationship is while she knows she is being cheated on .... until his cheating makes the tabloids, then suddenly it matters. Spare me.  Luann is not at all the powerful, confident woman she's been billed out to be and I don't want to sit through another season watching her empty, self-absorbed, pretentious, completely fake life.  

I hope they send her packing!

It is going to be a season for I told you so and the comtesse back on the stroll. I hope that she won't attempt  to shill her ware and it is a no from me for a new song. 

A part of me, feels like the marriage was fake, but who knows?

Edited by LIMOM
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32 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Didn't Luann tell Andy that she was away when Tom went out with his ex without her knowing? And she found out about it from media reports? And that was the last straw?

That is a very different story from the one she told People ... about their lovely day flitting around events in the Hamptons, a dinner party that evening at home entertaining guests who were staying the night. Then just as people were about to go to bed Tom announces he is going to hit the town, walking out on a stunned Luann and leaving her home with their guests.  He proceeded to be caught with an ex girlfriend by the press and when confronted by Luann, he  told her he wasn't ever gonna ever change ... and Luann feebly saying "okay."

That's a very different scenario then the one she suggested to Andy. She comes across as a much more pathetic doormat in the People story. And Tom seems like an even bigger asshole. 

Which story do you think Andy Cohen would have preferred Luann to tell during her interview? Because I am pretty sure he would have greatly preferred she told version 2. Or is it version 3 or 4 at this point? I've lost track.


Bravo may not hold exclusive rights to every story about a Real Housewife, but I think the network would always prefer to be the one who gets to break dramatic scoops about their stars to the world.  And Luann passed up the chance to score serious points with Bravo by holding back. I hope it ends up costing her her job.

The Countless is not only a snob and a bore, she's shown herself to be needy little phony who will stab another woman in the back just to be with a man then turn around and let that same man walk all over her ..  lying to the world the whole time about how fabulous her relationship is while she knows she is being cheated on .... until his cheating makes the tabloids, then suddenly it matters. Spare me.  Luann is not at all the powerful, confident woman she's been billed out to be and I don't want to sit through another season watching her empty, self-absorbed, pretentious, completely fake life.  

I hope they send her packing!

I want her back as a FOH, I enjoy snarking about Luann.

I'm also curious as fuck to see the new digs she will allegedly purchase in the City. Sneak Peek KFB exclusive photo..The Douchesse lives on 12 - dare we say Penthouse?


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57 minutes ago, jaync said:

Yes, Luann might be a bit of a shallow individual however she is also super pragmatic and is able to survive situations where most people would be crumbling  

Yep, that group of Italian friends always come to her rescue. Or, she was too drunk to even remember.

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^Not my post quoted.


also, it would have been nice of Andy to dress up, a tiny bit for the interview.

I'd rather see him looking casual like that than wearing a suit with dress shoes and no socks, which just looks stupid.

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5 hours ago, Cherrio said:

Luann told Alex to crawl back into the closet or cupboard she came from too during the argument.

At least it wasn't her 99% of the time passive aggressive self who has been present since day one.

I also remember her "This is Morocco !!!"  statement at the dinner, like they were dining in the Oval Office.

Bethenny has had her number since day one, so did Cat from RHofDC.   She took her down on WWHL.   

This whole Tom debacle just cements what a dolt she is.

Let's look at where Alex is vs. Luann in 2017.


Alex and Simon appear to still be together, living in Australia..he is in law school and she's working as well.

Luann is finishing up a sham marriage that everyone knew was a sham except maybe her.

Karma really d oesnt mess around and it appears that karma has served Luann with the perfect punishment...being humiliated on a Bravo reality show.

I think Alex being fired after season 4 was a blessing in disguise.

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19 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Countess Luann de Lesseps and Anna Rothschild attends Socialite Anna Rothschild's Annual Christmas Party at Velour Lounge on December 14, 2010 in New York City.

Luann looks pretty much the same today.  Anna Rothschild?  Not so much.  (there's a photo on Page 5).

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5 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

I agree with this. The same question as to why other women would be interested in him is the same question that should be asked of Luann. They are no more blind or dumb than was Luann. The writing was all there. All in red letters on the wall. How is it possible that so many people on this forum and others saw it straight away, and yet she herself did not? It was all there from the beginning. When she met him while he was on a date with another woman and she thought nothing of going home with him anyway. The way I remember her telling that story was that she seemed proud. Acted like she had won a big prize because he left someone else for her. Most people I know would give a guy like that the side-eye. Would be concerned that this would at some time be their fate. Wouldn't feel very good about another woman being tossed aside and humiliated. Maybe the other gals he is with feel the same way Luann did. Like he couldn't stay away from them and was willing to walk away from Luann for someone better. And they are OK with that, just as Luann was. They are all pathetic and Luann looks like their Queen. 


This told me all I needed to know about the "real" Luann.

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6 hours ago, jaync said:

...or ragging on Ramona's sanpaku eyes, or the follicly challenged men, or those with a healthy sexual appetite...

Sure, but imo, all of the things you listed are not alike in impact on a broader scale -- slut shaming and mocking gender have a broader reach than mocking Ramona's eyes (frex). YMMV ; )

Edited by film noire
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What I'm taking away from this thread - 

If you like Luann, you think she was honest and forthright in her interview.

If you don't like Luann, you think she was deceptive and didn't spill enough tea.

I'm curious in general as to why so much animosity is directed toward Luann over the failure of the marriage and not Tom?   While she was pretty diplomatic in saying that it wasn't wholly his fault, she did say he did not want to give up his bachelor lifestyle and we all saw the kissing photo from last February, as well as how he behaved when Lu wasn't around and how he tried to un-mic himself to have conversations.  Lu appeared to be all in on the marriage and there haven't been any whispers or rumors about her running around or being some hideous shrew of a wife . . . so why isn't Tom getting more than a fair share of the biting comments? 

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Personally speaking, I just don't give a shit about Tom.  I haven't watched him on this show for almost a decade and saw him negotiate his life's ups and downs, sometimes cheering him on, other times rooting against him.  I feel no investment in him as a character on the show.  I don't expect anything from him.  I don't care what he does or what happens to him.  Discussing him is just not that interesting to me. 

That being said, I do actually think he has been called out a decent amount in general ... his sleazy manwhorish ways, his questionable finances, his motivation for being with Luann.   But discussion of him could never rise to the level of commentary about Luann because he is just a peripheral figure in her story.  She is the star and the focus of her own storyline and it's her role in it that is the most interesting to talk about, imo.  Tom is just a footnote. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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48 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

What I'm taking away from this thread - 

If you like Luann, you think she was honest and forthright in her interview.

If you don't like Luann, you think she was deceptive and didn't spill enough tea.

I'm curious in general as to why so much animosity is directed toward Luann over the failure of the marriage and not Tom?   While she was pretty diplomatic in saying that it wasn't wholly his fault, she did say he did not want to give up his bachelor lifestyle and we all saw the kissing photo from last February, as well as how he behaved when Lu wasn't around and how he tried to un-mic himself to have conversations.  Lu appeared to be all in on the marriage and there haven't been any whispers or rumors about her running around or being some hideous shrew of a wife . . . so why isn't Tom getting more than a fair share of the biting comments? 

It is hard to comment on Tom as he is not the one who gave an interview.

What can be said that hasn't be said about him?

he has been mocked for his lack of hair, his lack of money, his shortness and on and on.

Besides the fact that he has slept with 3 women out of the cast (4 if we count Missy), there is nothing remarkable about the dude.

It is not like he got a pass, imo.

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25 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

It is hard to comment on Tom as he is not the one who gave an interview.

What can be said that hasn't be said about him?

he has been mocked for his lack of hair, his lack of money, his shortness and on and on.

Besides the fact that he has slept with 3 women out of the cast (4 if we count Missy), there is nothing remarkable about the dude.

It is not like he got a pass, imo.

Agreed. Tom has never been given a pass. Not from the beginning. The acknowledged fact that he is a dick is the very reason some could not understand Luann being so dumb.  His sins have been talked about over and over, with some thinking he wasn't so bad and others cringing at the very idea that she would settle for such a lump of nothing. If he ever sits for a one-on-one with Andy, I hope someone gets a thread going over here so we can dish about his lies and nonsense. For now, we just have Luann's nonsense to discuss. 

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15 hours ago, LIMOM said:

It is hard to comment on Tom as he is not the one who gave an interview.

What can be said that hasn't be said about him?

he has been mocked for his lack of hair, his lack of money, his shortness and on and on.

Besides the fact that he has slept with 3 women out of the cast (4 if we count Missy), there is nothing remarkable about the dude.

It is not like he got a pass, imo.


15 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

Agreed. Tom has never been given a pass. Not from the beginning. The acknowledged fact that he is a dick is the very reason some could not understand Luann being so dumb.  His sins have been talked about over and over, with some thinking he wasn't so bad and others cringing at the very idea that she would settle for such a lump of nothing. If he ever sits for a one-on-one with Andy, I hope someone gets a thread going over here so we can dish about his lies and nonsense. For now, we just have Luann's nonsense to discuss. 

We can't comment on Tom because Tom hasn't given an interview on the subject?  That certainly hasn't stopped comments about Ramona's marriage - - I don't believe she ever gave an interview about that. 

I'm not saying that Tom was given a pass and he hasn't been.  What I said was that a lot of animosity has been directed at Luann, as if she were the only one in the marriage.  Maybe she was "dumb" for marrying Tom; maybe she was in denial or blind to his faults.   We don't know what he might have said to her privately.  He could have told her he had been a total dog and was a different man with her. We just don't know. 

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28 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:


We can't comment on Tom because Tom hasn't given an interview on the subject?  That certainly hasn't stopped comments about Ramona's marriage - - I don't believe she ever gave an interview about that. 

I'm not saying that Tom was given a pass and he hasn't been.  What I said was that a lot of animosity has been directed at Luann, as if she were the only one in the marriage.  Maybe she was "dumb" for marrying Tom; maybe she was in denial or blind to his faults.   We don't know what he might have said to her privately.  He could have told her he had been a total dog and was a different man with her. We just don't know. 

We all knew more about Mario, starting from season one when he was ogling other women.

I mean I think that those of us who like Luann, feels like she made a mistake. I don't think that she got anymore animosity than usual. I did not get that she was blamed for the demise of this short lived marriage. He was a horny jerk and behaved like one. Nothing more, nothing less, imo.

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Agreed. Tom has never been given a pass. Not from the beginning. The acknowledged fact that he is a dick is the very reason some could not understand Luann being so dumb.  His sins have been talked about over and over, with some thinking he wasn't so bad and others cringing at the very idea that she would settle for such a lump of nothing. If he ever sits for a one-on-one with Andy, I hope someone gets a thread going over here so we can dish about his lies and nonsense. For now, we just have Luann's nonsense to discuss. 

People have been just as rough on Tom as they have on Luann.

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Can't seem to make peace with the reason Tom married Lu.  

So, is the word on the street story is that Tom married Lu because he sincerely loves her, but never intended to stop his playa ways, unbeknownst to Lu, who was OK with his playa ways as long as it was on the down low.

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49 minutes ago, BBHN said:

People have been just as rough on Tom as they have on Luann.

People have been just as rough on Tom, I agree.  Maybe not as many paragraphs have been devoted to him, but percentage wise I think he has been held 50% responsible.

It just doesn't take that many words to sum him up - he's a selfish, dishonest horndog.  His psychology is not that complicated.  And not nearly as interesting as Luann's.  Thus fewer column inches for him. 

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I like Lu but am very disappointed and sad that she did not pay attention to what others told her about Tom, as well as ignoring what behavior she saw that should have been a red flag.

Speaking of Red Flags:

Vicki should have been more attentive with what was going on with Brooks.

Yolanda appeared to ignore the awful treatment by  (King) David. At least while filming. 

I have to include Tom G. and the way he treats Erika. Such a shame, but in this case I think she just doesn't care, which is too bad. I guess she has decided what she is willing to put up with in order to pursue her chosen lifestyle.

I hope that other housewives will learn from this and pay attention the to the same types of red flags>>>Shannon, Meghan, Teresa...so many cringeworthy scenes that shouted...."Get Out!'

Maybe the lifestyle is just the price they are willing to pay.

Ok..adding Heather Dubrow to the list.

Considering that Terry forged her signature in order for her to join RHOC.

At times I do feel badly for the way that Kelly treats Michael as well. She does seem to pick at him alot.

Edited by Happy Camper
Just remembered Heather/Terry situation
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So, is the word on the street story is that Tom married Lu because he sincerely loves her, but never intended to stop his playa ways, unbeknownst to Lu, who was OK with his playa ways as long as it was on the down low.

That almost sounds like she was willing to recreate her last years being married to the Count, but with Tom...

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4 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

I like Lu but am very disappointed and sad that she did not pay attention to what others told her about Tom, as well as ignoring what behavior she saw that should have been a red flag.

Speaking of Red Flags:

Vicki should have been more attentive with what was going on with Brooks.

Yolanda appeared to ignore the awful treatment by  (King) David. At least while filming. 

I have to include Tom G. and the way he treats Erika. Such a shame, but in this case I think she just doesn't care, which is too bad. I guess she has decided what she is willing to put up with in order to pursue her chosen lifestyle.

I hope that other housewives will learn from this and pay attention the to the same types of red flags>>>Shannon, Meghan, Teresa...so many cringeworthy scenes that shouted...."Get Out!'

Maybe the lifestyle is just the price they are willing to pay.

Ok..adding Heather Dubrow to the list.

Considering that Terry forged her signature in order for her to join RHOC.

At times I do feel badly for the way that Kelly treats Michael as well. She does seem to pick at him alot.

In most of the situations above there was already a commitment in place before we ever met them. In some cases children. They had a history with the person. They knew the person before we knew the person. In Lu's case she picked up a guy in a bar that was on a date with another woman. When she was wildly defending him to others, she knew first hand that he was the type to go out with one woman and leave with another. She was cool with it.  She defended a guy knowing he was capable of doing that. This isn't just a red flag. It is a bull charging at you. That's the whole thing.....it's not just about his shitty character and behavior. It's as much about her shitty character and behavior. 

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24 minutes ago, gundysgirl said:

This isn't just a red flag. It is a bull charging at you. That's the whole thing.....it's not just about his shitty character and behavior. It's as much about her shitty character and behavior. 

Yes !    While some people think Luann is resilient and strong, besides the shitty character I have always seen her as extremely insecure and a total phony.  She writes a book about manners and class and over the years has broken every single rule in her own book.

            In the Tom situation he also knew she was doing exactly what he was doing.  She is in a relationship with Jacques and thinks nothing of screwing the pirate.  So, Tom may of thought, ok, here is someone I can be with.  He get a housekeeper, a woman with a little money and a beach house.

Luann also could of been putting on her countess routine with him too, letting him think she has always lived the worldly European type of life where she is fine looking the other way. (Not generalizing here that all Europeans are like this)

 I watched the interview again and noticed a couple of times when she answered no, her head would shake yes. That according to some body language experts is a sign of lying. She does it when asked if he was cheating.   She first shakes no, then her head shakes yes.

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2 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

In most of the situations above there was already a commitment in place before we ever met them. In some cases children. They had a history with the person. They knew the person before we knew the person. In Lu's case she picked up a guy in a bar that was on a date with another woman. When she was wildly defending him to others, she knew first hand that he was the type to go out with one woman and leave with another. She was cool with it.  She defended a guy knowing he was capable of doing that. This isn't just a red flag. It is a bull charging at you. That's the whole thing.....it's not just about his shitty character and behavior. It's as much about her shitty character and behavior. 

I agree with this, but in Meghan's case there is no way that she did not see Jimmy's character/know his history before actively pursuing parenthood with him. When she cries that she is a "good mom", she is full of shit. A good mom would have never chosen for her child a "dad" who had 2 failed marriages/4 children and a man who treats her like crap.

A good mom would not choose to live in a place away from her husband/family for no other reason than to have a role on a TV show. 

Just irresponsible. Much worse than the choice that  Lu made for herself.

My apologies for bringing this to the New York board, but Lu is not the only dummy.

Edited to add:

Also in Heather's case after Terry signed her name to the contract she gave in and went on to participate on the show. 

Lu may have made some bad choices, but she is certainly not alone. 

Edited by Happy Camper
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2 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

In most of the situations above there was already a commitment in place before we ever met them. In some cases children. They had a history with the person. They knew the person before we knew the person. In Lu's case she picked up a guy in a bar that was on a date with another woman. When she was wildly defending him to others, she knew first hand that he was the type to go out with one woman and leave with another. She was cool with it.  She defended a guy knowing he was capable of doing that. This isn't just a red flag. It is a bull charging at you. That's the whole thing.....it's not just about his shitty character and behavior. It's as much about her shitty character and behavior. 

Not to bash Luann but she and Tom behaved in exactly the same fashion.  They went into a bar with one person and left with another.  Lost in all this is Tom and Luann were introduced by phone five months earlier and never connected.  Maybe Luann fell for his marriage proposal and Tom's promises he would behave more appropriately.  Luann obviously had certain expectations from Tom and as she has said repeatedly she would leave if he cheated.  I guess cheating wasn't the only thing that was reason enough for Luann to throw in the towel. 

What was kind of lost in all of the Tom drama is a great deal of last season, pre the photo reveal, was spent on how many times dated Ramona, and many times he serviced Sonja.  The back and forths consumed a lot of the season.  By the time the Reunion rolled around (taping) five months later and as the scenes unfolded six months later, the forgive, repair and move on had already occurred.  SO the red flags situation probably had little to do with the other women telling her tales but what she saw first hand.

Part of me believes that Luann was just exhausted by the constant press and having to make one ridiculous explanation and/ordenial after another.  Tom knew the solution-stay out of The regency and quit hanging out with old girlfriends without Luann around.   Luann did she felt foolish when she was on one side of the room extolling the virtues and Tom was on the other side of the room yucking it up about having a ball and chain around him to an old girlfriend who had not gotten over him.  .

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3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Part of me believes that Luann was just exhausted by the constant press and having to make one ridiculous explanation and/ordenial after another.  

I don't doubt it.  Looking bad has always been Luann's biggest concern.  I think if the press and her castmates and the general public hadn't persisted in talking about Tom's behavior, Luann would probably have been willing to look the other way.  It's that everyone knew what was going on and was snickering about it which seems to have become intolerable to her. 

Think about it ... whenever Lu talks about why they broke up, it it never seems to be just about what Tom did... there is always some mention of how word of it leaked out.  I believe she would have put up with his crap just the same way she put up with how the count treated her - for years - if only Tom could have been more discreet.  

It seems to take abject public humiliation or being flat out dumped before Luann will walk away.  

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29 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I don't doubt it.  Looking bad has always been Luann's biggest concern.  I think if the press and her castmates and the general public hadn't persisted in talking about Tom's behavior, Luann would probably have been willing to look the other way.  It's that everyone knew what was going on and was snickering about it which seems to have become intolerable to her. 

Think about it ... whenever Lu talks about why they broke up, it it never seems to be just about what Tom did... there is always some mention of how word of it leaked out.  I believe she would have put up with his crap just the same way she put up with how the count treated her - for years - if only Tom could have been more discreet.  

It seems to take abject public humiliation or being flat out dumped before Luann will walk away.  

I think you hit it, it's about public perception. He went on her show and acted out. That was just dumb, she couldn't really overlook it. 

I don't feel particularly passionate about any of this stuff, but the interview was...it felt like punishment. Andy shows up a her home, she didn't get the glam treatment and great lighting, he asked more intense questions than usual, and it's offered up to us. She probably should have just "broken down" at the reunion. This was a strange coda to what's probably my favorite season of housewives ever. I could've done without it. 

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9 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I don't doubt it.  Looking bad has always been Luann's biggest concern.  I think if the press and her castmates and the general public hadn't persisted in talking about Tom's behavior, Luann would probably have been willing to look the other way.  It's that everyone knew what was going on and was snickering about it which seems to have become intolerable to her. 

Right. What was it she said when B presented the bad news in Miami? It wasn't just about what Tom had done. It was about him doing it publicly. 

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1 hour ago, gundysgirl said:

I did not. What was the statement? 

I'm not sure they said it on bravo's daily dish podcast but I was on the phone and didn't go back to hear what he said. I'll download again tomorrow to find the quote.

Edited by bagger
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