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Jeopardy! Season 34 (2017-2018)

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I was interrupted by a phone call a short bit into DJ, so I missed almost half the game.  From what I did see:

I know I complain about this every time, but answers like that for the factoid clue irritate me – the clue sought the suffix Mailer added to fact, so the correct response is, “What is –oid?” not “What is factoid?”  I know stuff like that is always accepted, but it also always bugs me.

I like that the Show Runners category wound up being about TV characters who run, not executive producers.  I didn’t know The Runners existed, but two actors + Boston made it easy to guess Affleck and Damon.  And, yes, on one hand, on the Seinfeld clue, the contestant should have received a BMS prompt as to which marathon; it didn't say "this kind of race," it said "this race," and he was competing in the NYC Marathon.  However, I don't think when conceiving the clue they were going for that level of specificity, so what really should have happened was them writing it better.

I love wordplay categories like “Put a Lid On It,” and a category devoted to mayonnaise is right up my alley; if it was healthier, I’d eat it by the spoonful.  I was on my way to a great game, and then had to take a call from one of my mom's doctors (the spinal fracture is actually the least of her recent problems; she's in treatment for metastatic cancer, and a recently-doubled dose of one drug turns out to be kicking her ass on multiple fronts, so we have a real balancing act to decide on now).  This is supposed to be my half-hour nightly break to lose myself in other thoughts!

I checked the archive, but it's not yet updated, so I decided to go ahead and read tonight's posts.  I did first look up the FJ clue, and got it; it was one of the first films that popped into my head, and seemed to make sense, so that's what I went with.

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Thank you, and I don't mean to derail the thread; when we have a better handle on things, I can post in Small Talk (hopefully with a good update!).  I just know you all relate to being interrupted during J!, even when for a good cause.  You have your mind clicking away, a nice little nightly exercise for it, and then - ring.  And I really wanted more mayonnaise clues.

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The date in FJ threw me off. It said the city had been liberated two weeks before Thanksgiving, which made me think “Well Thanksgiving is around the 25th so minus two weeks would be Nov 11, aha end of WW1!” and I got stuck trying to think what city that would have been. 

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Yeah! He's a doody-head and ucky. 

LOL! May I quote you on that? LOL!

I don't want to jinx him, either, but...oh, wait, I know how I can kill 2 birds with one stone...love that expression ever since I read DuMaurier's The Birds, which, except for Jackson's The Lottery, is the scariest story ever written, but I digress. [Don't] GO JOSH!

Category is Bronte (shoot, I can't make those little dots over the e).

I'm talking Jane Eyre and Heathcliff.

Jeopardy! shows a picture of the freaking moors.


Except for me yelling, "The moors, you numbnuts, the moors!"

I got Casablanca. Same as Secnarf, I remembered the city was under Nazi/Vichy occupation, like Paris ("We'll always have Paris" *sniff*).

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Josh is a machine!

Agree that Melissa should have gotten a BMS for marathon, and that her Emancipation Proclamation DD was too easy. 

TS I got were Matt Damon & Ben Affleck (actors + Boston = them), Paulie Walnuts, moors (Josh's missed DD), Emerson, Lake, & Palmer, tarter sauce (how did the 2 Southerners not get that? We put it on everything), remoulade sauce. No clue for FJ - we were thinking WWI due to Armistice Day on 11/11 also. 

@Bastet - best to your mom

10 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Yes to both! (TM Toothbrush) And Sonic currently has half-price shakes, floats and ice-cream slushes after 8 p.m. Not that I know anything about that.

My first TM! Squee! I really want a Chips Ahoy cookie jar shake, but am participating in a Biggest Loser contest at work until Memorial Day. Sucks

6 hours ago, lb60 said:

I refuse to jinx Josh by saying that I really like him.  


I don't like him.  At all.  Not even a little bit.  Get off my screen!!

 I hate him. I don't want to see him after the Teachers' Tournament, and most definitely not in the ToC. 

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I also double dip - don't tell my kids!

Hah! If you don't count the two cats, I live alone, so that's not a problem for me. I had been eating a Granny Smith apple smeared with PB, but I ran out of apple & just continued on with the PB.

I had NO idea for FJ. I don't think I've ever seen Casablanca all the way through. I never understood the fascination with Bogart. Bergman, I get. Bogart, I don't.

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9 hours ago, secnarf said:

FJ was an instaget. As a main plot point in the movie was that the city was under Nazi/Vichy occupation, it was really no different than Paris in that respect. I think I actually did know that fact about the NY opening as well.

Was surprised none of them got it - I would have thought at least one of them would.

See, it's the "easy if you know it" effect. I knew that Leodegrance was Guinivere's father (and that he gave them the Round Table), so that one was an instaget for me. This one, I knew it had to be WWII, but I just couldn't think of anythng that fit.

I got bat, Paulie Walnuts, pallid, and Emerson Lake and Palmer. That last one was a head-scratch. I mean, they gave them Lake for gosh sakes.

Josh really knew his Brontes! Too bad he blanked on moors. He's so strong across so many categories. But in the interest of not jinxing him, I agree, he's terrible and annoying (wink wink).

Edited by Kathira
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26 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

Alex gave a clue during Snatch Game on RuPaul.  It was a video insert.

Well, she was a video insert on Jeopardy, so it worked out. I was sad that he wasn't a judge, and that they didn't do Drag Jeopardy. But I guess the Snatch Game is the closest they get to a game show. And he gave Ru an "Amen" at the end, which was fun. She said he was a fan of the show. You go, Alex. Good for you.

Edited by Kathira
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I've never actually seen Casablanca but I got the answer right at the end. 

That's a movie I should go back and watch though.  I did watch The African Queen recently, with Bogart.  I try to watch one or two classics a month

Josh is good.  Plus he is a big better on the DDs, which pays off most of the time

The Simpsons clue.........LA?  Really?  As Gob Bluth would say, "COME ON!!"  Or Comic Book Store Guy, "Worst. Answer.  Ever!"

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I couldn't come up with Casablanca in the allotted time.  But once Alex said it was one of the top 20 movies (I'd say it's more like in the top 5), I said, "Casablanca."  Casablanca, Citizen Kane, The Godfather, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and Shawshank Redemption tend to be near or in the top 5 of most "Greatest movies" lists.

It probably goes without saying that I got Juneteenth before Alex even finished reading the question.  Lay the Galveston trivia on me, bud!  I got it covered!  :) 

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Thought of "Casablanca", but it took almost the entire 30 seconds. I never would have had time to write it down, had I been on the show. But was still proud of myself for coming up with it; even Josh didn't, and he seems kinda smart!

The Emancipation Proclamation clue was so embarrassingly easy I figured I was wrong and tried to come up with another answer. No one knew Emerson, Lake and Palmer? Boo hiss.

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman said:

The Simpsons clue.........LA?  Really?  As Gob Bluth would say, "COME ON!!"  Or Comic Book Store Guy, "Worst. Answer.  Ever!"

I had forgotten about that one. LA was a gobsmack moment. I was waiting for Trebek to ask for "Yes, but what state?" after Springfield was answered.

48 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:

But once Alex said it was one of the top 20 movies

If he had said that when the clue was revealed, it would have helped me. Still, I think Letters From Iwo Jima was a good (if wrong) answer.

3 hours ago, Kathira said:

See, it's the "easy if you know it" effect.

We need an acronym for this because it's so true. Everything is easy when one knows it. Maybe Josh has never seen a picture of a moor. It did kinda look like the Flint Hills in Kansas, if anyone has been there.

8 hours ago, Mystery Author said:

Category is Bronte (shoot, I can't make those little dots over the e).

I can help! Hold down the option key and type a u. Then type the e: Brontë

1 minute ago, Prevailing Wind said:

If you didn't know either of those characters were Simpsons' characters, there's no way you could've answered that correctly. Not everyone watches or has watched or will watch or wants to watch The Simpsons.

Yes, a perfect example of EIYKI* *See above.

11 hours ago, Bastet said:

I don't mean to derail the thread

You did not derail anything. We digress on a daily basis here. It's kinda how we all learn things that are not EIYKI. Please keep us updated.

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21 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

I eat pb straight from the jar too. And Nutella. I also double dip - don't tell my kids!

Shame on you! Says this germ obsessed person. But not so germ obsessed that I won't eat out of my daughter's Nutella jar - carefully avoiding pathways her spoon has taken.

20 hours ago, saber5055 said:

I had never heard of the Mameluke (Mamluk) army. But it made me think of Marmaduke, which illustrates where my brain is.

Looks like mine is in the same neighborhood.

18 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Yes to both! (TM Toothbrush) And Sonic currently has half-price shakes, floats and ice-cream slushes after 8 p.m. Not that I know anything about that.

Our Sonic tried and failed with the roller skates. Apparently not enough kids around here could do it w/o endangering themselves and others. So they just walk.

14 hours ago, ABay said:

I didn't know Casablanca had been liberated. That's a word I only associate with Paris and the concentration camps.

I thought of Paris and the camps too, but ended up with Casablanca just in time. It might have helped that my husband changed channels and happened on the last 40 minutes of it last week, and we watched, waiting for all the famous lines.

Edited by Clanstarling
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27 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

But not so germ obsessed that I won't eat out of my daughter's Nutella jar

Your daughter has her own Nutella jar? You ARE germ obsessed!

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55 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

If you didn't know either of those characters were Simpsons' characters, there's no way you could've answered that correctly. Not everyone watches or has watched or will watch or wants to watch The Simpsons.

True, you may not know if you aren't a fan of the show, but then I am not sure why she rang in and answered. 

You either know it and ring in or do not know it and just remain silent. 

I am not sure what in the question would make someone not sure ring in with LA as an answer.

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1 hour ago, Prevailing Wind said:

If you didn't know either of those characters were Simpsons' characters, there's no way you could've answered that correctly. Not everyone watches or has watched or will watch or wants to watch The Simpsons.

There's also this: One might never watch some television show yet still know characters from it through pop culture knowledge and "water cooler" talk. For instance, I've never seen RuPaul's Drag Race, yet I know who he is and the name of the show so could (probably) answer a J question about it. I know about many cable shows even though I only have over-the-airwaves antenna tv.

I guess it's what you are interested in. Speaking of:

13 hours ago, Bastet said:

And I really wanted more mayonnaise clues.

Heinz is coming out with a mayo/catsup mix. This could be a J clue! While not a huge mayo person, I have done an independent study on best mayo anywhere since there are so many regional ones that people defend as the best.

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13 hours ago, Bastet said:

And I really wanted more mayonnaise clues.

Can we all agree that no one in the history of the world has ever said that sentence?


8 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Hah! If you don't count the two cats, I live alone, so that's not a problem for me. I had been eating a Granny Smith apple smeared with PB, but I ran out of apple & just continued on with the PB.

And then... "Aaron Burr!"

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Your daughter has her own Nutella jar? You ARE germ obsessed!

Naw, she's grown, buys her own, and allows me access.

22 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Heinz is coming out with a mayo/catsup mix. This could be a J clue! While not a huge mayo person, I have done an independent study on best mayo anywhere since there are so many regional ones that people defend as the best.

I love mayo. I have been known to have a mayo sandwich when no other ingredients were available (I also like fine dining - I'm a person with a broad spectrum of tastes). One of these days I intend to try to make it from scratch.

I know what I think is the best ever (there's a clue there). But catsup and mayo - that's just the beginning of a bargain basement thousand island dressing to me. OTH, sounds like it would be good with fries. I always thought mayo with fries was weird - until I was on a business trip in Europe. Then, oh my.

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Mayo with fries is a must have for me.  I blanked on moors (moops?) because I thought it was too obvious.   Plus I hate Wuthering Heights.  No Brontes, no Austen pour moi.

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7 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

I blanked on moors (moops?)

I thought of Moops too, after the fact, and it made me happy.

27 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I know what I think is the best ever

Let me guess: You live west of the Rockies. I'm hoping some day to acquire Blue Plate and Dukes for my own testing. Mayo is ridiculously easy to make, although not as easy as unscrewing a jar lid.

Edited by saber5055
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4 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

Mayo with fries is a must have for me.  I blanked on moors (moops?) because I thought it was too obvious.   Plus I hate Wuthering Heights.  No Brontes, no Austen pour moi.

I remember reading Wuthering Heights and not being too impressed (not a romance fan - Gothic or otherwise). I said moors, but I did think they wanted something more.

I also read Jane Eyre - but I can't ever remember who did what when it comes to the Brontes.

1 minute ago, saber5055 said:

I thought of Moops too, after the fact, and it made me happy.

Let me guess: You live west of the Rockies. I'm hoping some day to acquire Blue Plate and Dukes for my own testing.

Hell yes. Though east has the same thing with a different name. ;)

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44 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

Hell yes. Though east has the same thing with a different name. ;

"Hell yes." Too (Hellmanns) funny. I can locate people by mayo preference. I really did do a study!

Edited by saber5055
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4 hours ago, DrSpaceman said:

The Simpsons clue.........LA?  Really?  As Gob Bluth would say, "COME ON!!"  Or Comic Book Store Guy, "Worst. Answer.  Ever!"

I don't think she thought The Simpsons is set in L.A., or thought the clue referred to a show that is set in L.A.  I think, because that was the first clue in the category, she still had the traditional definition of show runner (executive producer) in her head, didn't really pay attention to the clue before ringing in, and wound up guessing Los Angeles since that's where most shows are produced. 

2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

If you didn't know either of those characters were Simpsons' characters, there's no way you could've answered that correctly. Not everyone watches or has watched or will watch or wants to watch The Simpsons.

I've only seen the episode Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny did in the '90s, and barely remember it, but the show has been ubiquitous enough in pop culture over the 173 years it has been on the air that I recognized one of the characters as being from The Simpsons and knew it was set in Springfield. 

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I have to root for Josh, since I lived in North Little Rock for a time. I'm really impressed with him. He certainly has the buzzer figured out. I noticed that the contestant next to him (I'm so bad with names!) was trying so hard to ring in and he was just a steamroller. I remember Ken Jennings saying something about that. I mean, you can't get on Jeopardy without being smart (all FJ answers this week to the contrary). You have to decide pretty quickly if there is a good chance you know the answer and then have that buzzer rhythm nailed down. I've been surprised by how much money Josh ends up with. He doesn't seem as dominant as he should be for the amount of money he ends up with. But I think that's because while he is a steamroller, he's a slow steamroller. It isn't BAM! Question! BAM! Pick a clue! BAM! Question! BAM! Pick a clue! (Like the College Tournament Champion was). Hahaha. It fits with him being a marathoner and not a sprinter. Slow and steady wins the race for Josh!

FJ for me really was a question: Is it Casablanca??? I didn't quite believe it, but as someone said, it's one of the few wartime movies with the name of a place in the title. 

For some reason the bodies of water category really threw me off. I got Joan Rivers right, but without thinking of the category. For all the others, I could not connect the category to the answer. Was the category Lakes and Rivers? It should have been easy but the category was done before the lightbulb went off in my head.

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16 minutes ago, tallykat said:

Was the category Lakes and Rivers? It should have been easy but the category was done before the lightbulb went off in my head.

Yes, and I think it was all people named some variation of Lake or Rivers. Hence, Emerson,Lake and Palmer. Another example of why, even if you're going to skip around looking for the DDs, it's smart to a least do the first question in a category to get a feel for what the topic really is. Too many category jumpers get caught by this - they pick a harder, big money question and then miss because they don't understand what the category is.

Edited by Kathira
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With regard to Casablanca. Louis tossing the bottle of Vichy water and kicking the trash, not to mention shooting Strasser, are clear in my mind (it's all about Claude Rains for me). I know the Germans were there but I figured they withdrew because the war ended as opposed to Allies liberating it.

I came to Casablanca for the waters.

What waters? We're in the desert.

I was misinformed.

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All they had to do for FJ was come up with "Who was the author of Around the World in 80 Days"?!!  In the old days, they would have had to at least come up with Phileas (not Phineas) Fogg or even come up with "Passepartout" (whose first name is apparently Jean, according to wikipedia)!!!!  The most notable TS I remember getting  is "Just One More Thing"

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Hey, I actually got an FJ!  It's been a couple of days, and this one was an instaget.  Seems like I can either get them immediately, or sit here and puzzle for days and still not be able to come up with anything. 

I was rooting for middle girl -- we Biologists have to stick together, even though she studies insects, which have way too many legs.  I wasn't a fan of end girl's cutesy intro, and I've never been a fan of Josh's intros.  But he is a force, and otherwise plays well, so I'm okay with him winning again.

TS I got were chin, plumber, cross-eyed, and lead.  I just noticed we had plumber and lead (plumbum) in the same game. 

I can't remember -- is the Teacher's Tournament one week or two?

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Josh, my man!  Oh, wait...NO!  (for the jinx fairies only)

I got chin, plumber, "Just one more thing..." , Italy, and lead.

FJ was an instaget.  One of my favorite books.

Teachers Tournament - blech!  I wonder if it will be incredibly dumbed down again?

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1 hour ago, illdoc said:

All they had to do for FJ was come up with "Who was the author of Around the World in 80 Days"?!! 

This made me laugh because no, first one had to know who the heck is Passepartout, THEN come up with the author. All I could think was Passepartout was French for Tinkerbell, then couldn't come up with Peter Pan's author. (I since looked it up.) So again, this FJ was another EIYKI.

Why does Josh play all the first clues in every category instead of moving down the one same category to the bigger money?

As a former bike racer, I easily got velodrome.

I knew Mystic is in Connecticut as I've seen Mystic Pizza several times. (More than a few!)

I easily got the DD of Titan since I've read all of Vonnegut's books.

I know those weren't TSs but I was pleased for knowing things in a convoluted way. And YES! I've seen the original Around The World In 80 Days movie, with Cantinflas as Passepartout. I was just single digits old though. Maybe if I had seen the remake with Jackie Chan, FJ would have been a different outcome for me. I remember Cantinflas to this day, just not the character.

I've never watched Columbo, but still knew "Just one more thing ..."

I can't stand Josh, he's a horrible player. *wink wink*

Will we see Teebax on Teacher's Tourney?

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1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

.....I've never been a fan of Josh's intros.  

Normally, I would find his intros annoying, but I find Josh kinda adorable, so I think his little waves are adorable.  I still want him off my screen in two weeks, though.  <wink, wink>


27 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

This made me laugh because no, first one had to know who the heck is Passepartout, THEN come up with the author. All I could think was Passepartout was French for Tinkerbell, then couldn't come up with Peter Pan's author. (I since looked it up.) So again, this FJ was another EIYKI.


This made me laugh.  I got as far as, I think Passepartout is French, then nothing.  I actually had a horrible game.  


28 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I can't stand Josh, he's a horrible player. *wink wink*

Ditto.  ;-)

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31 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

This made me laugh because no, first one had to know who the heck is Passepartout, THEN come up with the author. All I could think was Passepartout was French for Tinkerbell, then couldn't come up with Peter Pan's author. (I since looked it up.) So again, this FJ was another EIYKI.

Why does Josh play all the first clues in every category instead of moving down the one same category to the bigger money?

As a former bike racer, I easily got velodrome.

I knew Mystic is in Connecticut as I've seen Mystic Pizza several times. (More than a few!)

I easily got the DD of Titan since I've read all of Vonnegut's books.

I know those weren't TSs but I was pleased for knowing things in a convoluted way. And YES! I've seen the original Around The World In 80 Days movie, with Cantinflas as Passepartout. I was just single digits old though. Maybe if I had seen the remake with Jackie Chan, FJ would have been a different outcome for me. I remember Cantinflas to this day, just not the character.

I've never watched Columbo, but still knew "Just one more thing ..."

I can't stand Josh, he's a horrible player. *wink wink*

Will we see Teebax on Teacher's Tourney?

EIYKI (easy of you know it) definitely needs to happen. And this one was for me. I also got chin, Moses, lead, cross-eyed and "just one more thing..." 

I've also seen the original Around the World in 80 Days, although it was on tv. 

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I've never read (or seen) Around the World in 80 Days (I know!), but the clue made it obvious that was the book, so it was easy, but I had a moment of, "Crap!  Who wrote that?!" before it came to me.

That was the worst English accent I have ever heard on the Beckham clue.  It sounded more like Ahnold, so it was funny for Schwarzenegger to pop up in a later clue in that category – it’s like Alex forgot which one he was reading when he decided to do the accent on the Beckham clue, because he can do better than that.

I liked the Quick Fix category, and cannot believe plumber was a TS.  I know I’m handier than the average person, but come on. 

I got one of the regular biblical clues, and the DD in that category, which means both were way too easy.

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I got chin, Moses, and Just One More Thing. I LOVED Columbo. And Peter Falk.

I blew it on FJ. The only author I could think of was HG Wells, but I was pretty sure that was wrong. I knew the book was Around the World in 80 Days, but I couldn't remember Verne.

I was surprised at the number of wrong guesses Josh had.

Oh, and if I hadn't already drunk enuf, I would have taken a drink when Alex said, "I don't know why you got away from this category."

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Just now, Bastet said:

I liked the Quick Fix category, and cannot believe plumber was a TS.  I know I’m handier than the average person, but come on.

The fact that it was ridiculously easy could very well be why it was a TS.  I kept wondering if that was a trick clue--what other trades would deal with a spout and a valve?  (I think those were the two components, but maybe not.)  And then I just said plumber, because that's all I could come up with.  I'm fairly sure they were overthinking it, too.

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9 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

Oh, and if I hadn't already drunk enuf, I would have taken a drink when Alex said, "I don't know why you got away from this category."

Oh, I know. So irritating. That and all the "Good for yous" this week. I'm too tired to care any more, so thanks for cranking about it so I don't have to, Peeaye.

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I play this slot game that leads to points that can be redeemed for various things in Vegas (and some other places). The game that I always play is "Around the World in 80 Plays" and has characters from Around the World in 80 Days as the icons on the slot machine. That is how I got FJ :P I did remember the author of the book, but unsure I would have been able to identify the book if I hadn't been able to make that connection with the character.

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32 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

The fact that it was ridiculously easy could very well be why it was a TS.  I kept wondering if that was a trick clue--what other trades would deal with a spout and a valve?  (I think those were the two components, but maybe not.)  And then I just said plumber, because that's all I could come up with.  I'm fairly sure they were overthinking it, too.

I don't think so, because all the clues in that category were pretty much on that same level of easy, and the plumber one was later in the category, so they were used to it.

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It was the highest-value clue in the category, so thinking it might be harder than it turned out to be wasn't unreasonable, IMO.  You expect the clues to get harder as they get more valuable--you don't expect them to stay at the same level of difficulty.  (The parts were a plug and a valve, not a spout, as I misremembered.)

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It's a good thing they're clearing the board in first J!, because for 2 days in a row, the DD has been the last clue.

"Rack your ___" ?  Shouldn't that be "Wrack"?  Shame on you, J! writers and all the folks who have to OK all the clues.

<wink>I can't stand Josh & his eyelashed "O", either. </wink>

My HVAC guy could/would do all that stuff they want a plumber to do, but I have an exceptional HVAC guy. I used to work for a slumlord, and this guy was the go-to HVAC repairman. He couldn't stand the slumlord, either, but a job is a job. I kept him in my circle & let the slumlord go.

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12 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Teachers Tournament - blech!  I wonder if it will be incredibly dumbed down again?

Or as I said to the mister "at least I'll get more answers."

10 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

The fact that it was ridiculously easy could very well be why it was a TS.  I kept wondering if that was a trick clue--what other trades would deal with a spout and a valve?  (I think those were the two components, but maybe not.)  And then I just said plumber, because that's all I could come up with.  I'm fairly sure they were overthinking it, too.

We just had a plumber over (major leak we'll be dealing with for weeks), and did not get it. That's what we pay the experts for. :)

I got velodrome because of the book Sarah's Key where I found out about the Paris Velodrome's WWII history, where it was used as a place to hold the Jews they rounded up for "deportation"

Didn't get 80 Days because I never read it and the character's name means nothing to me. But a fun fact that could be used as a clue is that Nellie Bly (journalist) was inspired by the book and  made her own journey in 1890 - taking 72 days to accomplish the task.

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Your daughter has her own Nutella jar? You ARE germ obsessed!

Aren't there individual packets with Nutella and pretzels (to dip)? Asking for a friend.


Why does Josh play all the first clues in every category instead of moving down the one same category to the bigger money?

Because he wants to get a "feel" for the category's clues? Better than starting at the bottom, yes?

I love your posts Saber5055. You have a definite "voice" and I know it's you, even if I don't see the name.

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12 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Oh, I know. So irritating. That and all the "Good for yous" this week. I'm too tired to care any more, so thanks for cranking about it so I don't have to, Peeaye.

Hey, anytime!

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30 minutes ago, Mystery Author said:

Aren't there individual packets with Nutella and pretzels (to dip)? Asking for a friend.

Yes, they do. I get them for stocking stuffers. However, unlike peanut butter, they don't taste as good as the stuff from the jar, in my experience. I'm not sure why. But I can take or leave the packets - the jar, on the other hand - is a danger zone.

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