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S08.E03: Low Key

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Stupid question time. We all saw (and loved ) Vee calling Karl out on her decisions. I am guessing these people watch the episodes along with us. Is there any fear that Karl will seeing what Vee said and be offended? I get we are on a 6ish month delay, but elephants never forget, so Karl could exact revenge. Also, I truly believe that if Janelle had said to Barbara "Mom we are running late can we meet someplace closer for us?" Barbara would have agreed. UbT is truly frightening.

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Stupid question time. We all saw (and loved ) Vee calling Karl out on her decisions. I am guessing these people watch the episodes along with us. Is there any fear that Karl will seeing what Vee said and be offended? I get we are on a 6ish month delay, but elephants never forget, so Karl could exact revenge

I don't know, I think she already would have done so. Vee already called Karl out on the last reunion for her selfish, hosebeasting ways, and Karl was PISSED. I have noticed that while we used to get scenes of Karl & Vee in the same place at the same time, it has been a while since that has happened. She probably reinstated her "nobody else at drop offs" rule....because she's the worst (well, Jenelle will always be the worst to me, but Karl is really vying for that spot). 

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Yes I agree Vee said what everyone else is thinking. I cannot stand Kailyn. She always comes off as a B*tch .

I can only hope that Jenelle doesn't treat her daughter as a burden like she does with Kaiser. And David is such a creeper.

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36 minutes ago, jacksgirl said:

Stupid question time. We all saw (and loved ) Vee calling Karl out on her decisions. I am guessing these people watch the episodes along with us. Is there any fear that Karl will seeing what Vee said and be offended? I get we are on a 6ish month delay, but elephants never forget, so Karl could exact revenge. Also, I truly believe that if Janelle had said to Barbara "Mom we are running late can we meet someplace closer for us?" Barbara would have agreed. UbT is truly frightening.

Vee addressed it on Twitter. She said she only wants to see Kail succeed, spoke to Kail about what was said on camera and that Kail was not offended by it.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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20 hours ago, qtpi17 said:

I believe it was taken from the convo Chelsea had with producers last season about her pregnancy. She didn't want to divulge too much because it would take away from his experience. 

Did Chelsea say this? That would make me feel a lot better about the situation for Aubree's sake. But if MTV is THAT low, wow. I'd quit their fucking show. 

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Vee addressed it on Twitter. She said she only wants to see Kail succeed, spoke to Kail about what was said on camera and that Kail was not offended by it.

I'm having visions of Vee sitting at her laptop while Karl has her in a headlock..."keep typing bitch, or I'll squeeze harder!!!". 

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2 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Stupid question time. We all saw (and loved ) Vee calling Karl out on her decisions. I am guessing these people watch the episodes along with us. Is there any fear that Karl will seeing what Vee said and be offended? I get we are on a 6ish month delay, but elephants never forget, so Karl could exact revenge. Also, I truly believe that if Janelle had said to Barbara "Mom we are running late can we meet someplace closer for us?" Barbara would have agreed. UbT is truly frightening.

This made me squirt water onto my keyboard and my coworker gave me a "is she crazy" look, thanks!!

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On ‎8‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 0:11 PM, heatherchandler said:

I know you are just using this as an example, but I am 100% SURE that Chelsea has not discussed poop with Cole.  She does not seem like the type to be able to discuss it, and he seems like he would be happy to not know about any of that.  

Also, it is usually the other way around, after having a baby, inability to poop.  Just in case there are questions about that!  :)  



HA!  And I know it is a shallow observation... but did anyone else notice how white her scalp is compared to her orange face??  I was like, does she see this in the mirror?  Holy bronzer!

I just have to chime in and say, omg after I had my C-section with my daughter I was so damn constipated I was in tears.  When I was FINALLY able to poop I ran out and yelled downstairs "I POOOOOOOOPED!!" like I was a toddler being potty trained.

Post birth poop issues are the WORST.

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23 hours ago, Mkay said:

I dunno, she didn't really seem high to me?  I think people are looking for stuff now.  Her speech was clear, she seemed alert and when her eyes looked "half shut" she was looking down at the baby.  Of course her eyes are going to look half closed.   I'm not one to stick up for Jenelle, but come on.  We've SEEN her high.  This one is a stretch.

23 hours ago, Mkay said:

They are saying she is flagged in their hospitals so she wasn't prescribed opiates. I was watching her eyes. Granted, I've never been around high people but they have the look Leah had when she was high. Kinda drooping slow movement. They glanced at the camera to make sure they were capturing those fake looks of love.  

I've been around a LOT of high people.   She did not cross me as high in that scene, at all.  In fact, I remember thinking to myself that she looked and sounded great for just having had a baby with a toddler in tow.

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44 minutes ago, poopchute said:

Ugh I can't watch right now. Does she explain why her doctor told her she couldn't wear a seatbelt?

She claims she's high risk because Isaac was early ?and some other problems. Whatever Kail. 

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1 hour ago, Mkay said:

She claims she's high risk because Isaac was early ?and some other problems. Whatever Kail. 

Whatever is right. It is just more bullshit. More lies. Kail lies with such ease. The girl doesn't live in reality. 

Lincoln: "You are terrible!! as he is pointing at Kail. Lincoln for the win!

Edited by GreatKazu
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When Jenelle was on the phone with Barb whining about the logistics of dropping off/picking up their herd of children, I really wanted Barb to tell her that it wasn't her fault that Jenelle decided to move an hour away and has all these kids to shuffle around. Then tell her that from now on, she could pick Jace up at her house and UBT had to wait in the car, take it or leave it. I wonder what the visitation agreement says about drop offs and pick ups? I hope Jenelle has to pick him up at Barb's and bring him home every other weekend. Jenelle chose to buy swampland so far away. She can make the commute so Barb can rest.

Edited by lovesnark
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9 hours ago, lezlers said:

I just have to chime in and say, omg after I had my C-section with my daughter I was so damn constipated I was in tears.  When I was FINALLY able to poop I ran out and yelled downstairs "I POOOOOOOOPED!!" like I was a toddler being potty trained.

Post birth poop issues are the WORST.

My husband would occasionally stand outside the bathroom door and do little cheers for me. You really DO feel accomplished when it comes, don't you?

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13 hours ago, lezlers said:

I dunno, she didn't really seem high to me?  I think people are looking for stuff now.  Her speech was clear, she seemed alert and when her eyes looked "half shut" she was looking down at the baby.  Of course her eyes are going to look half closed.   I'm not one to stick up for Jenelle, but come on.  We've SEEN her high.  This one is a stretch.

I've been around a LOT of high people.   She did not cross me as high in that scene, at all.  In fact, I remember thinking to myself that she looked and sounded great for just having had a baby with a toddler in tow.

I agree.

I hate the girl as much as the next snarker but I think we're trying too hard to notice something to the point our eyes start to imagine shit. Lol.

If her/his eyes seemed heavy, couldn't it be because they're up all night with late night feedings and have a toddler that likes to be up when the roosters crow? 

When I had my third baby, my toddler was up each morning at 6am wanting his breakfast and his 30 minutes of cartoons and I could barely keep my eyes open since his sister kept me up every two hours for a feeding or needing to be held.

Maybe David is high (always wearing sunglasses) but I'll give *gasp* Jenelle the benefit of the doubt because I've seen this girl high countless times and what I see in the clip is a tired girl that is in Ah of her new baby, even if she's gonna eventually get bored of Endtable, she's still "new" and worth some Instagram pictures for their "brand".

I need to wash my hands for having to defend the likes of Jenelle. Damn you stupid clip!!! I feel gross now. Bye.

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4 hours ago, mamadrama said:

My husband would occasionally stand outside the bathroom door and do little cheers for me. You really DO feel accomplished when it comes, don't you?

That's when you know that you married your best friend and the marriage will last.

I didn't have a c-section with my three babies but I got "cut" down there and I'm sure you know what I mean when I say two holes became one black hole.

With the pain from all of the stitches I was afraid to push on fear of the stitches ripping or rubbing against the cut - so I held it in from fear.

I got so constipated that my husband was getting worried so he helped comfort me into getting things going. I don't need to give details but this is when I knew I married for keeps.

When you have a husband that cares so much about you that he is happy when you're eh-hem relieved, you know the marriage will last and that he's going to be a great partner during the embarrassing elderly years. ????

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7 hours ago, Calm81 said:

That's when you know that you married your best friend and the marriage will last.

I didn't have a c-section with my three babies but I got "cut" down there and I'm sure you know what I mean when I say two holes became one black hole.

With the pain from all of the stitches I was afraid to push on fear of the stitches ripping or rubbing against the cut - so I held it in from fear.

I got so constipated that my husband was getting worried so he helped comfort me into getting things going. I don't need to give details but this is when I knew I married for keeps.

When you have a husband that cares so much about you that he is happy when you're eh-hem relieved, you know the marriage will last and that he's going to be a great partner during the embarrassing elderly years. ????

Totally. It is still possible to keep an air of mystery while being comfortable and supportive of one another. My husband still thinks I'm the hottest thing he's ever seen and he grabs my butt in public-yet he hears me pass gas in my sleep. That is love.

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13 hours ago, mamadrama said:

My husband would occasionally stand outside the bathroom door and do little cheers for me. You really DO feel accomplished when it comes, don't you?

LOL!  The worst part is after I did my victory lap and that first rush of relief washed over me it was immediately followed by a feeling of dread as I realized there was more to follow.



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Chelsea and her bunch all wearing Carhartt hats and jackets *inside* the house must be an endorsement deal.  It was the one time and everybody was wearing something with the Carhartt logo prominently displayed.

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On August 2, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Tillshee said:

Watching Janelle and Barb somewhat getting along on the phone made me think that things between she and UBT have hit an all time low.  Then UBT listens in on the next phone call, growls, and removes all doubt.  Jenelle has a pattern of being disrespectful and down right bitchy to Barb.  However, when she is in trouble (homeless, physically abused) with a guy she seeks out her mother and tends to be much nicer.  She knows Barb will have her back in the situation regardless of how Janelle treats her.  

I think that is why UBT insisted she have another baby and to win her over, he proposed.  All of this is his way of tightening his grip on her and making sure she is further isolated from her mother (who would come through for Janelle in a pinch if she decided to leave him).


I agree but I also think Taylor McKinney (Maci's husband) upped the bar for how many trap babies are needed or a TM franchise engagement. Gone are the days when one trap baby will seal the deal. TM girls have to have two trap babies or agree to two trap babies (especially if the first trap baby is a girl) to get that ring. UBT was just following the the new standard and want for his own boy (since he can't see his bio son and Kaiser is Nathan's).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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On 8/1/2017 at 4:06 AM, fetching said:

Also I wish MTV would have paid the kids instead of the parents for being on the show. A trust fund for when they are ready to go to college. The parents should not have received anything that rewarded them for getting knocked up as teens. 

I've always said this! I know that it's easier said than done, but surely there's some way that they could've put into the contracts that all or most of the TM money had to go into a trust or something for the kids. Honestly though, I wonder how many of them would've still been interested in the show if it were that way. My guess is very few, if any.

For me it's not about rewarding them for getting pregnant, though, it's the claim that they want to show what being a teen parent is like. That's a load of crap and they all know it. The first season was so different. That's the last time that TM showed real life teen parenting. They claim to be showing how difficult it is to be a teen parent, but not a single one of them lives the life of a real parent at all, let alone a real teen parent!

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1 hour ago, Cynthia8036 said:

They claim to be showing how difficult it is to be a teen parent, but not a single one of them lives the life of a real parent at all, let alone a real teen parent!

They really don't. Chelsea lucked out by having a rich dad, but the other three would be on welfare if it weren't for MTV. They wouldn't have the luxury of quitting school and jobs at the drop of a hat or spending 90% of their time fiddling on their iPhones. 

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Instead of paying the moms six figures, MTV could've capped them off at 20 or 30 thousand per season or year. That way there is incentive for them to do the show but they wouldn't necessarily be living on Easy St. They might actually be forced to have a job and live modestly. The kids would get a separate income from the show towards college funds. 

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Being that they are independent contractors, not MTV employees, they are not given the same perks. MTV also gets away with child labor laws which would normally ensure the minors get paid.

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On ‎2017‎-‎08‎-‎03 at 2:48 PM, lezlers said:

I just have to chime in and say, omg after I had my C-section with my daughter I was so damn constipated I was in tears.  When I was FINALLY able to poop I ran out and yelled downstairs "I POOOOOOOOPED!!" like I was a toddler being potty trained.

Post birth poop issues are the WORST.

Imagine then 21 years on morphine!

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On ‎8‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 1:10 PM, BitterApple said:

They really don't. Chelsea lucked out by having a rich dad, but the other three would be on welfare if it weren't for MTV. They wouldn't have the luxury of quitting school and jobs at the drop of a hat or spending 90% of their time fiddling on their iPhones. 

I feel like Kailyn is too proud for that & she would've done something with herself if she absolutely had to.

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She wasn't too proud to take help from an organization for abused women and children to secure her first apartment.  She wasn't too proud after she wrecked her free car and didn't want to pay towing and storage fees.  She was only too proud to be embarrassed by her daddy's padlocked freezer.  That's the only time I've seen her too proud.  Other than that, she's totally on the entitled train of what other people should be doing for her.  Like she can put her hands on grown ass men and then run to the courthouse screaming she's scared she's going to get abused.  Mileage may vary on that.

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I thought the initial organization was just for teen moms and kids, I didn't know it had to do with abuse. I didn't see anything wrong with that as she really didn't have somewhere to go with her alcoholic mom (regardless of fault, Jo's house was not a viable continued option), and there's no shame in getting government help imo if you need it. My point is that I think she's changed a lot. Out of all the girls, it really seems like the show has made her the most entitled. She was a hard worker at first and dealing with a traumatic family situation, unlike Jenelle for example who was claiming trauma that didn't exist or Chelsea and Leah who lacked any and all motivation. She and Chelsea have totally reversed and now I truly hate Kail and respect Chelsea, who has used the show to gain some insight, mature somewhat from a party girl obsessed with Adam to an actual adult unlike the others, and get financially stable instead of showy materialism. The Kail of the first season is totally unrecognizable. She was majorly flawed but she did have some redeemable traits, namely a work ethic. She is insufferable and narcissistic now and the show has gone to her head and stalled any kind of emotional development she might have otherwise had. 

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10 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Am I wrong or did Kail actually work as some kind of dental technician for a while?

I think she was going to school for that in the beginning.  Leah did work at the office her mom works at for a little bit when the twins were babies.  That didn't last long, though.

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7 hours ago, MissMel said:

She wasn't too proud to take help from an organization for abused women and children to secure her first apartment.  She wasn't too proud after she wrecked her free car and didn't want to pay towing and storage fees.  She was only too proud to be embarrassed by her daddy's padlocked freezer.  That's the only time I've seen her too proud.  Other than that, she's totally on the entitled train of what other people should be doing for her.  Like she can put her hands on grown ass men and then run to the courthouse screaming she's scared she's going to get abused.  Mileage may vary on that.

Kail actually took residence at a homeless shelter for two nights so she could qualify for assistance in getting her own apartment. This was after she Jo's family's home because she couldn't bother to follow the rules set forth. Kail didn't want MTV to know this information because she didn't want people to know she went that route for help. It is so beneath her, I guess, to have sought out government assistance. 

ETA: here is her comment: 

"I arranged for Isaac to stay at Jo's, but I kept everyone in the dark as to where I was going," she pens. "Nobody knew what I was doing, not even MTV producers, and I hoped it would remain that way because I felt like utter sh*t."

Yeah, you are utter shit, Kail. You know, she did have a roof over her head. She wasn't a homeless person because she lost her job or couldn't pay her rent. She just didn't want to follow the rules at the place where she resided RENT FREE. Sorry, but if you are allowed to live rent free anywhere, you need to follow the rules of the people who let you live there for free. 

I clearly remember Kail not wanting to meet up with the financial aid officer at the dental school because she had to ask for financial aid. Her mom couldn't take her to that appointment because she had to work. Kail was upset because she wanted her mom to pay for the school. That is what she told Jo who was driving her to that appointment. She was acting as if it was beneath her to have to ask for aid. Jo tried to tell her there was nothing wrong with it and it was there for students who needed it. She was scamming Jo at that point. That is the money he ended up loaning to her -  $600 - that he later demanded back when she was leaving the Rivera home. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 hour ago, MissMel said:

I think she was going to school for that in the beginning.  Leah did work at the office her mom works at for a little bit when the twins were babies.  That didn't last long, though.

Kail was a dental assistant at one point. I think it was between those two seasons where jenelle married and divorced courtland, where they weren't sure if the show would continue. She started out going for dental hygiene, but I guess dropped back to assistant. 

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6 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I thought the initial organization was just for teen moms and kids, I didn't know it had to do with abuse. I didn't see anything wrong with that as she really didn't have somewhere to go with her alcoholic mom (regardless of fault, Jo's house was not a viable continued option), and there's no shame in getting government help imo if you need it. My point is that I think she's changed a lot. Out of all the girls, it really seems like the show has made her the most entitled. She was a hard worker at first and dealing with a traumatic family situation, unlike Jenelle for example who was claiming trauma that didn't exist or Chelsea and Leah who lacked any and all motivation. She and Chelsea have totally reversed and now I truly hate Kail and respect Chelsea, who has used the show to gain some insight, mature somewhat from a party girl obsessed with Adam to an actual adult unlike the others, and get financially stable instead of showy materialism. The Kail of the first season is totally unrecognizable. She was majorly flawed but she did have some redeemable traits, namely a work ethic. She is insufferable and narcissistic now and the show has gone to her head and stalled any kind of emotional development she might have otherwise had. 

I think the MTV money and fame allowed Kailyn to indulge some of her worst traits. The easy money and faux glam lifestyle allowed her to hide behind her insecurities- and put on airs etc. Had the TM2 money never been the golden goose that it was, Kailyn probably would've finished her schooling, she would be working, and she would be a better human being to people because she would've HAD to be. 


I dont blame Kailyn for using the services to get her first apartment. Jo's home wasn't a viable option and neither was Suzy. If you're 18/19years old it's hard to be self supporting even without a child, her lack of a strong "home base" wasn't her fault. The rest of her choices though I side eye. 

1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Yeah, you are utter shit, Kail. You know, she did have a roof over her head. She wasn't a homeless person because she lost her job or couldn't pay her rent. She just didn't want to follow the rules at the place where she resided RENT FREE. Sorry, but if you are allowed to live rent free anywhere, you need to follow the rules of the people who let you live there for free. 

I agree with you there. Kailyn wasn't in any emotional, or physical danger at Jo's. It would've been very different if Jo or his Dad was sexually harassing her or something (I don't think Jo or his Dad would do such a thing but I can see that being a fear of a young girl in Kailyn's situation). She could've stayed put for a few months and just saved her money. 

Again though- the services to receive her apartment were the one choice I could get behind, which wouldn't look awful if she didn't have a pattern of "user behavior". 

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This is what Kail said at the end of season 5, when she was with Javi and had Lincoln: http://www.wetpaint.com/kailyn-lowry-custody-agreement-isaac-824535/

Kailyn clearly has issues with Jo's behavior, and is worried that her relationship with Isaac will ultimately suffer. "It hurts my heart to think that during the holidays or any time special things are going on and I want to take both of my kids, there's a chance that maybe he's going to be at his dad's and I won't be able to take both of them," Kailyn said. "So Isaac will feel left out."

Why does she say such utter crap? Isaac will feel left out when he is with his dad? She said the same thing during the issue of visitation with Jo for Father's Day while she was going to the Bahamas with Javi and Lincoln. She rattled on how Isaac would feel left out when he sees the photos from her vacation. She sure as hell didn't think that when she was showing off her Hawaii photos and videos to Isaac. She clearly has no clue or doesn't want to face the fact that Isaac can feel fulfilled and just as happy with Jo as he does when he is with her. 

When did living with Suzy and later stealing her flat screen television fit in with the timeline of Kail being homeless and acquiring an apartment? 


Not being snarky, just wondering what does Kail having worked at a dental office once for a short time have to do with anything? I see that same comment having been mentioned elsewhere on other topics and I keep wondering what does that have to do with how she behaves and her attitude? It doesn't change the fact she is a  foul bitch and it doesn't change the fact she is not working now. Even Leah worked at a dental office for a short time. Jenelle supposedly worked at one time. Ask Maci and she will tell you she has worked at a check cashing place. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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On 7/31/2017 at 9:50 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

Vee is awesome. Love Vee.  Is she actually from PR? Hubs and I were just talking (arguing, actually) about whether or not Vee and Jo are "average" or "below average" looking.  

Haha. What'd you two decide about Vee and Jo? ?

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