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S12.E14: Live Results 1

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Belo Nock is undoubtedly exciting. But he was the main headliner for Ringing Bros circus for many years. And I know there are not many true "amateurs" on this show, but his level of success is ridiculous compared to other contestants. Just check out his Wikipedia page. 

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Isn't AGT suppose to be about the acts we see, and the ones that STEP IT UP each round, not on what someone has done in the past. IMO, Bello deserved to go through. Instead, we get the sister/brother that Simon was all verklempt about after they didn't win BGT. Bello's Ringling experience is more honest than the skater's Simon connection. Simon, who owns this franchise. Plus Bello didn't get a sob story before he went on like the skaters did. We all know America loves sob stories. And Fake Trump taking over the stage and away from Tyra to promote his Vegas show was pretty rich. I wondered if Nick would have let that happen. So Fake Trump is in Vegas, competing with the bro/sis skater's skating family's Vegas show!

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Gee I wonder if on the semi final show the incestuous skaters will spin real fast while her long hair makes it appear dangerous while the guy ogles his half naked sister? What a joke America. So ticked we don't get to vote from Canada. Bello was worlds better and more exciting then the BGT rejects. Ditto for the Korean dancers over Yolo or whatever the hell her name is. 

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Every group who was sent home from the Sing Off first is better than In the Stairwell. But military, so they'll survive like cockroaches.

Somebody finally got Grace to stop doing that weird, affected accent. She sounded like a real performer. I still think her career will be measured in single digits so I hope she's socking away everything she can for college.

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Ameriker resorted to its mean.  Singers with sob stories.  Ugh.  Simon knows what he knows.

I wanted to be wrong that the Koreans would be rejected.

It is almost farce that after years of really good comedians, one of the worst evuh gets through.  I'd bet anything there were at least three who were much better in the audition shows and pre-auditions.

This was as weak a grouping at this point in the season as I have ever seen.  It may be the worst voting overall that I have seen on AGT, as well.

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5 hours ago, lor said:

how can they pick the brother-sister act over bello. its crazy

It was not a choice between the two. Nor was it a choice between any of the other announcement pairings. This is just something the show does, pair somewhat similar acts for the announcements. Like two kid acts, two magicians etc. The top vote getters go through. Period.

So I wanted to see both Bello and the skaters go through, and Just Jerk as well, because I'm fed up with all the mediocre singers who probably wouldn't even get a chair turn on The Voice. (Since their sob story wouldn't matter).

We could actually end up with tonight's little girl singer and Mini Celine both making the finals. Yuck.

The one good thing is that we won't have to see the kiddie dancing duo again.

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9 hours ago, Laurie14 said:

Is it just me that has a hard time understanding what the comedian says?

I think it depends on what part of the country you are from.   Having taught in a public school in FL, I have no problem understanding him.  There are many accents here.

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I think Bello was given the wild card just so he could be paired with the skeevy skaters, Simon's darlings, so they could win and Bello be sent home. AGAIN. Meanwhile, Grace didn't bug me as much this time. Perhaps she got some professional coaching during the last year, I actually could make out some of her words. And yeah, WTH America, Yolo is better than Just Jerks? This show s/b named "America's Got Singers ... And Some Other People." And LOL at Tyra's Wizard of Oz Munchkin outfit.

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10 hours ago, Laurie14 said:

Is it just me that has a hard time understanding what the comedian says?

Nope.  My husband and I can't understand a word he says.  Seriously.  I didn't get one single joke he told Tuesday night because I couldn't figure out what the hell he was talking about.  The first time he was on, I could understand some of what he said, but I didn't find it particularly funny.  It was more offensive than funny.  Ugh. 

At least Darcy made it through.  That's good.  I also really like In the Stairwell, so yeah for them.  Boo for Yoli over Just Jerk.  How many singers did that make last night?  More than half.  Four singers out of 7 acts plus one ventriloquist (who also sings, but I don't count her among the singers), one skeevy and boring pair of roller skaters who apparently can only skate in a circle, and one unfunny comedian.  < sigh > 

If a kid is going to win it again this year, I am really hoping it's Darcy over one of the singers 

Speaking of singers, we didn't like Grace during her season, and we still don't like her.  :\

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31 minutes ago, LadyMustang65 said:

If a kid is going to win it again this year, I am really hoping it's Darcy over one of the singers 

Speaking of singers, we didn't like Grace during her season, and we still don't like her.  :\

I really believe that Darcy Lynn is the best singer on the show this year. She has great control over her voice, is always on pitch, even on the high notes, and has now sung in two fairly different voices. And of course, is doing all this with her mouth closed. Amazing. I'm not a big fan of ventriloquism, and especially not a fan of child performers, but she's pretty special and I haven't seen anyone else I think is a more worthy winner. (And love her song selections to date. Classic jazz and r&b.)

What a contrast between Darcy and Grace Van der Wail, who never met a melody she could stay with for more than 4 bars. I think she's literally the worst singer I've ever heard, at least among people who get on national television. I I actually think she was worse than last year. as she seems more convinced that she's an "artist" and above such trivia as singing in key or maintaining a consistent beat. It's all about stringing together as many affected vocal mannerisms as she can. I'm not a fan of the affected type of female singer, but I can listen to Duffy or Corrine Bailey Rae, because they are technically decent singers. Listening to Grace makes we want to slam my head against the wall.

Edited by bluepiano
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Is it just me that has a hard time understanding what the comedian says?

Not just you.  He needs to SLOOOOOOW down.  He just talks too fast.  I wonder how long it would take him to train himself to talk more slowly.

I miss Last Comic Standing, which used to be a favorite summer show.

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With the first elimination I was sure that the singing soldiers would win out over the young dancing kids and I had hoped that some of them would have had enough empathy to console a couple of young kids who were eliminated but they just celebrated among themselves and those kids walked off alone without being consoled.  I now know who I hope gets eliminated in the next round.

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I couldn't say for certain but it looked like the kids walked off the stage really quickly while the soldiers were celebrating.  Maybe the kids were gone by the time the soldiers wanted to console them. 

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11 minutes ago, Superclam said:

I got the feeling the kids were rushed off so we didn't see them crying/upset. I wasn't able to see what happened very clearly, but I did note that they were gone almost immediately. (Unlike Singing Trump.) 

Yes, you put it better than I did.  That's the impression I got too.

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8 hours ago, CelticBlackCat said:

I think Just Jerk should have won over Yoli.

Hopefully the judges will bring them back as a Wild Card just like they brought back The Passing Zone as a Wild Card after they were eliminated from the live shows last season. Probably will not happen, but wishful thinking on my part.

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...we see this kind of stuff in doubles ice skating, the whipping around and whatnot. Granted there's no beard pulling in ice skating though.

Not *yet*, anyway.  (And it would be hard to do ice skating on this show; acts that have a lot of overhead rarely get support.)

I'll give a lot of acts a small pass for how they react in the moment they get news--it's classy to be kind and gracious in victory, but awareness happens for people at different rates.  For the judges, though, they know who the top 12 are for at LEAST a day, and that's plenty of time to come up with a ranked list (and nearly an hour for which are the three you might have to vote on).  It's hard to stare someone in the face and say you're their second choice, but it's not a decision you have to make at the last minute.

This would be a much better show if it were half an hour (though my DVR lets me do just that, and for people who enjoy Howie's pranks and the other filler, they can still enjoy that.)  

I wonder if Tyra wearing yellow twice was a statement.  If it was, I missed it.

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What bugs me is the people who stare down or look they are about to go to the guillotine during the eliminations. I give Bello a ton of credit for realizing the camera was on him and giving a big, bright, glowing smile. I mean, it's your last chance on this show so why look like you are a guest at the Red Wedding. Let the audience be sorry they voted happy people off! I did appreciate the losers being shooed off the stage post haste, however, like the Honey Boo Boo dance duo. 'Bye. Hope I never see you again.

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The thing with the skaters is that they were skating on a lifting platform, anyway I don't think they will be in the finals, 

though I don't like that the air force dudes went through but not Bello. :/

Darci is really impressive.

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I believe In the Stairwell (air force dudes) will not be the top winners.  As good or great as they may be, even with the military thing going for them, and even with Mel B drooling over boys half her age, I don't think an a cappella group is going to be the million dollar winner.  Hopefully Simon won't cinch a deal with bro-sis skating he brought over from BGT and they be the winners.  I wouldn't mind if Darci won!

2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

What bugs me is the people who stare down or look they are about to go to the guillotine during the eliminations. I give Bello a ton of credit for realizing the camera was on him and giving a big, bright, glowing smile. I mean, it's your last chance on this show so why look like you are a guest at the Red Wedding. Let the audience be sorry they voted happy people off! I did appreciate the losers being shooed off the stage post haste, however, like the Honey Boo Boo dance duo. 'Bye. Hope I never see you again.

Bello is a real pro when it comes to being judged.  He risked his life in every stunt performance; even though he's a seasoned Ringling Bros. performer, you've gotta give him props for that.  He seems like a real good sport.

Bolded above:  This!

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Concurring with others' comments:  The comedian talks too fast and I dont understand most of what he says,  Darci is a marvel(I generally dont like kid performers, but she's a gem,), brother/sister skaters are skeevy, Bello was terrific, sorry to see him go, Air Force guys are cute, but do they really have time to be in a Vegas show what with school & military service?  Just Jerk were fun to watch, I'm disappointed they didnt make the cut. And I miss Nick Cannon as Host!  He was fun, witty, had a great way with kids, always knew the right thing to say with the Judges.  

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I'll tell you what....the kids are winning it all this year.  I may be in the minority, but I think Preacher is hilarious. He cracks me up every time.

And the little girl with the ventriloquist dummy is so good. And marketable. She's "Vegas-worthy." As is little Celine (only remember her name because her  sister's name is Dion). That baby can SANG. Can you imagine what she's gonna be like in 5 years? 10? Think Jackie Evancho. She was around that age when she was on AGT and Lord look at her now. Little bit's voice is so PURE, and her range is ridiculous. When she's older, with more training, and (prayerfully) with mommy and daddy keeping the pervs and users away? She's going to be amazeballs.  I think (for real though) that little ventriloquist girl has it. She's amazingly talented. It's gonna be her, Celine, and maybe the young man singer (Chris? That his name) who almost got cut. Is he on the Autism spectrum? It seems as though he might be....That may be why he has nearly no stage presence, but his voice. Good Lord from Zion, his voice is gorgeous.

Please, people...stop voting for the skating incest  siblings. I can't even watch their act anymore it makes me so uncomfortable. When I looked up again for the critiques (which I also don't listen to for the most part. Boring), I noticed that at least he kept this shirt on this time. But seriously. ENOUGH.

And the daredevil acts are one and all a waste of a spot because in order to advance they need to try to kill themselves, again and again, in more creative and dangerous ways. I'll never forget the husband and wife duo. Remember? He tried to shoot something off her head or something blindfolded, and SHOT HER IN THE SHOULDER instead? Enough. Stop putting these acts through. 

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Bye Felicia! to The Singing Trump. It was never funny, but after this past week I thought the whole thing was just in really poor taste and didn't see how anybody could get into it.

Bello and Just Jerk being eliminated in favor of mediocre singers (looking at you, Yoli) is typical fucking AGT. Also, if that's how Yoli reacts when she advances, I'm not looking forward to her elimination meltdown.

On 8/17/2017 at 10:17 PM, saber5055 said:

Was MelB gone from the judge's panel when Fake Trump handed out his M-AGT-GA hats? Looked to me like her chair was empty but the other three were there.

I noticed that too, but then when they cut back to the judges a few seconds later she was back.

Lol maybe she ran when Trump started approaching them. I would too, he looks too much like the real thing.

On 8/18/2017 at 1:42 PM, marketdoctor said:

I'll give a lot of acts a small pass for how they react in the moment they get news--it's classy to be kind and gracious in victory, but awareness happens for people at different rates.  For the judges, though, they know who the top 12 are for at LEAST a day, and that's plenty of time to come up with a ranked list (and nearly an hour for which are the three you might have to vote on).  It's hard to stare someone in the face and say you're their second choice, but it's not a decision you have to make at the last minute.

The judges don't (or at least shouldn't) know the results ahead of time. The votes are counted by an outside vendor.

7 hours ago, hnygrl said:

It's gonna be her, Celine, and maybe the young man singer (Chris? That his name) who almost got cut. Is he on the Autism spectrum? It seems as though he might be....That may be why he has nearly no stage presence, but his voice. Good Lord from Zion, his voice is gorgeous.

His lack of stage presence may be due to his vision problems. I know they were able to restore some of it with gene therapy but I doubt he got it all back. There was a really sweet moment where the lead dancer in Just Jerk helped him find his spot on the stage when they got called up for the Dunkin Save.

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Apparently I'm in the minority here, but I just don't get the whole "skeevy incest" vibe from the brother-sister roller skaters that others are seeing. Many circus or variety performers, especially in Europe, start out as part of a family act.. It's natural that your sibling would be your partner, as that's the person you grew up practicing with.

Also, I've known people who have extremely attractive siblings of the opposite sex, and they seem oblivious to the fact. They don't see what others see. It's just the person they grew up with. So while the sister might be wearing tight little shorts, it doesn't mean that her brother is lusting after her. It's just their performing costume. It's no different more than lots of other performers we've seen over the years who wear tight or revealing costumes in their act.

There's a lot of physical contact in their act but to me it feels like athleticism, and there's nothing sensual or intimate about it.  Which is a vibe you do often get with many of the married  acrobats or contortionist pairs who perform together.  Which has even led the judges to make veiled references to what it must be like when they have sex. Now that's skeevy.

Edited by bluepiano
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On ‎8‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 11:04 AM, saber5055 said:

I think Bello was given the wild card just so he could be paired with the skeevy skaters, Simon's darlings, so they could win and Bello be sent home

The order on stage has nothing to do with the judges picks.  They pick the top 7 and the show decides who is on stage.  They weren't going against each other.  They were going against 19 other performers.

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