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"The View": Week Of 7/24/17

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Just now, Haleth said:

I don't think a 10 minute segment is enough for someone to learn all the nuances. I'm frankly confused by some of the terms too.  (Pan vs bi?). 

I don't either, and I'm confused also. It sounded like (from the one who identified herself as Pan--horrible make-up and bull nose ring), that when one is Pan, they see the person they're having sex with in one way--sexually; not romantically; whereas if you're bisexual, regardless of the sex of your partner, you see them in both lights? sexually and romantically? If that's not the case, then I don't know what it means.

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They instantly jumped on Sunny when she called the person a "she" rather than a "he." I thought it was unfair, being that the person was clearly a female biologically. It does take some practice to adjust your pronouns accordingly when your amongst the LGBTQ community.

This morning i was watching Dave Chapelle on netflix. He had a joke about this and followed it with. "I'm black. But if i feel white inside and put on an argyle sweater, can I go to the bank and insist that everyone call me white?"

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The segment with the wounded vet and the house was very sweet. I admit to shedding a few tears. Did he really name the dog Lebron with Steph Curry there?  Awkward!

I think the ladies missed the point of the transgender ban. Trump doesn't want the govt footing the bill for the surgery.  (At least that's my understanding.). The question is how this affects people who are already serving and who have completed their surgery.  But they are right that it's an ominous first step. How can the ban be constitutional?

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3 minutes ago, Haleth said:

The segment with the wounded vet and the house was very sweet. I admit to shedding a few tears. Did he really name the dog Lebron with Steph Curry there?  Awkward!

I think the ladies missed the point of the transgender ban. Trump doesn't want the govt footing the bill for the surgery.  (At least that's my understanding.). The question is how this affects people who are already serving and who have completed their surgery.  But they are right that it's an ominous first step. How can the ban be constitutional?

I thought that was a bit weird also, but maybe LeBron is his second favourite!!??

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I had to watch the segment when Nico was at the table twice and still don't understand "they" but luckily I can look it up on my phone. 

Sorry Jed I saw enough of dance mom stuffing her face and heard the whimpering about the bathroom that I  have no desire to see more. Who cares? 

I forgot to hit send on the above yesterday but am thinking back to when I was a young mother and a volunteer at a VETS hospital for 6 years that there was a male vet picking up hormones in full female garments and this was in the early early 70's.  So obviously they were covering hormones at that time.   I could see where it would get tricky if people thought they would join in order to have surgery paid for. 

The  Veterns house  was so sweet a real feel good segment. Nice. 

Anyone have I put on how great Jed's interview was?  

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All of these sexuality terms and pronouns refer to whatever the person who calls themselves that want them to mean.  They mean different things to different people who use the same terms.

Didn't Sara say there was a full two hour long discussion of the subject online?  I'm sure that went into more depth than what they had time for on the show.

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Oh my gosh! Tears! That family was so inspiring. The mom was cute to the nth degree. I had to rewind several times to see the look on the brother's face when Steph stepped out of the bathroom. It was priceless.  

And i agree about the dog's name. Like whoopi likes to say, "What the hell?!"

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OMG THAT was so awesome! I don't have words.  It just touched my heart so deeply...I am so happy for Tim and his family..    the house is GORG!

Steph Curry was a crackup, he's such a great guy too.  I hope he wasn't in earshot when Lebron was named  haaha.   I think this was the best View ep I have ever seen.  I just wept and wept.  Clothes are soaked, wads of tissues all over the place, and my sinuses are so blocked from crying I can't smell, eyes swollen shut.  I'm a mess, I tell ya!  But I would watch it all again, it was that sweet and touching. 

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Oh my gosh, that segment was awesome!   Loved everyone and everything, Tim, his mom, his bro, the dog, Steph Curry and that house!  I had to laugh between tears (my favorite emotion, as per Dolly in Steel Magnolias) when Tim's mom, after checking out the new kitchen turns to her son and says "Tim can wash dishes!"  Best mom ever!

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Dear DoctorSunny'sHusband- driving and texting is the height of assholery.  Especially if you just left the house.  Finish the text before putting the car in gear.  As a surgeon, I'd think you'd have more sense.

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 I think we can all agree that Sunny, in addition to hopping up early to put on her baby doll eyelashes and makeup before her husband that sees the horror that is her natural face,, is now sleeping in a teddy with no underwear so she is available for her husband to poke during the night. Sunny straight up creeps me the fuck out. I would bet my bottom dollar that her husband is creeping. 

Oh, FFS. Why is this white supremacist ex police chief conducting his "I'm Not a Racist Tour"on The goddamned View? My main takeaway here is that is that he is just real sorry we all had to see Michael Brown lay in the street for four hours. He really wishes we had not seen that. If only there had been some way we would not have seen it, it would all just be okay.

No, Dickface, poverty is not the problem. Police brutality and racism is the problem. 

Edited by GiveMeSpace
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I'm so glad Sunny was in charge of the interview with the officer, since I knew it was going to be tense.

And thank you Sunny for bringing up that viagra statistic during the discussion of transgender soldiers' healthcare costs. And, since I didn't comment yesterday, thanks to Joy for bringing up Trump's audacity at deciding who is worthy of being a soldier when he's a draft dodger on yesterday's show. Too bad Caitlyn Jenner wasn't here this week just so her excuses would've sounded even more disgusting and exposed.

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Okay, now I'll have to watch today's episode....but yesterday, the story of the vet who received the wonderful free house, I cried like a big ole baby.....or maybe onions grew on my computer, but I must say it warmed the cockles of my fed up with humanity heart. Good going! Do more people! And and and did anybody mention that Drumpt did not consult with "his personal generals" about HIS new policy against men and women who serve FOR US. You can not declare a national policy via tweet dick head!

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Oh, FFS. Why is this white supremacist ex police chief conducting his "I'm Not a Racist Tour"on The goddamned View? My main takeaway here is that is that he is just real sorry we all had to see Michael Brown lay in the street for four hours. He really wishes we had not seen that. If only there had been some way we would not have seen it, it would all just be okay.

No, Dickface, poverty is not the problem. Police brutality and racism is the problem. 


He was a real piece of shit apologist for everything wrong with police and the community today.

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I'm glad Sonny's husband allowed that photo to be taken and shown. There are plenty of times when running a smartphone in the car is a good idea,* but texting while driving isn't one of them. It was a very powerful image. It could have so easily been a person instead of a lamp post.

* Why disabling cell phone use when the car is in motion is a bad idea: GPS (hopefully on the dashboard), ability to use Bluetooth, ability to call 911, ability of 911 to call you back, passenger who needs to make phone call or find directions.

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People using hands-free devices have a false sense of security. My son teaches safety at a large trucking firm and their number one rule is "its not what your hands are doing, its what your mind is doing." 

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I am tired of the Democrats treating Hillary like she is the plague.  She won the popular vote that counts in my book. 

Sunny was great with Jed, but, her being unrealistic about sex when it comes to teenagers. While it would be ideal for most teens to wait to have sex, that is just not the world we live in. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:


They were talking about Hillary and Sunny wouldn't let Jed pull out her tired old talking points. Two quotes from Sunny:

"Emails, emails, emails."  (With huge eye roll)

"You're NOT going to bring up Benghazi again."  (With huge eye roll)

It was glorious  Too bad she followed this up with her naive opinion that she can shield her son from becoming sexually active as a teen.  I know every family is different and maybe she can instill a desire for abstinence in her boy, but it's going to be a battle.

So now Jed was not only a teacher but a guidance counselor too?

The Trump impersonator was really good.

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47 minutes ago, Haleth said:

They were talking about Hillary and Sunny wouldn't let Jed pull out her tired old talking points. Two quotes from Sunny:

"Emails, emails, emails."  (With huge eye roll)

"You're NOT going to bring up Benghazi again."  (With huge eye roll)

It was glorious  Too bad she followed this up with her naive opinion that she can shield her son from becoming sexually active as a teen.  I know every family is different and maybe she can instill a desire for abstinence in her boy, but it's going to be a battle.

So now Jed was not only a teacher but a guidance counselor too?

The Trump impersonator was really good.

Sunny's contempt for Tara was palpable, she called her  out on her double standards when it comes to family values. If a woman forgives her cheating husband, that is her business. Women do it all the time for a variety of reasons. I shudder to think how the right would have responded if Hillary had been the one to cheat in the oval office. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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35 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

If a woman forgives her cheating husband, that is her business. Women do it all the time for a variety of reasons.

It's entirely their business how they handle that.  I think Hillary & Bill really care for each other - even though he's a hound dog.  He's probably calmed down at his age anyway.

1 hour ago, Apprentice79 said:

I am tired of the Democrats treating Hillary like she is the plague.  She won the popular vote that counts in my book. 

I don't really care for her that much, but for pete's sake she has loads of experience & she would certainly show better judgement than whatever is in office now.  Personally, I would like to see younger people running for office.  #45 is 71, & losing it mentally.

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I hope this Sotomayer woman never shows up on The View again. She gave Jedilyingliarwholies a run for her money to be the most unbearable woman at the table. I just had to laugh at her dismissing misogyny outright and then in the next breath going on a misogynist rampage about Hillary’s evil, terrifying, blood-curdling, insatiable lust for power. Yeah, that’s not coded misogyny at all, is it? How dare a woman—a woman, the audacity—want power of all things? She might as well have been talking about the Evil Queen from 'Snow White with the way she went on. No, I have no interest in another woman who hates women being on The View.

I’m glad Sunny brought up the FBI director breaking the law a week before the election to decide the outcome and an entire foreign power being mobilized against the same candidate as being possible reasons for Hillary’s loss by a hair’s length. I agree with Sara's thoughts that she wasn’t a perfect candidate, but she was a decent one and still easily the better choice.

Loved the Trump impersonator. He was on The View several times before Election Day and I thought he was perfect. People should go check out his appearance on Joy's birthday last year. I was laughing my ass off when he went on a tangent about "black" (chocolate) cakes.

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Every week solidifies my hate of that troll Jedi. For all this so called female empowerment she swears she is a fan of, she stays riding Hilary's ass like she stole something from her. Stays defending Orange Moron but Hilary sneezes and it is off with her head.

People clearly liked her as a candidate. She won her nomination and got more votes than the idiot. None of them are perfect yet here we are.

Also shut the fuck up about why Hilary is with Billy. That is their business.

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I missed the name of the show/benefit Joy announced she and Rosie are going to be performing in.

Good on Mario. By happenstance (uncanny resemblance to Mooch) he gets a break. Might not be a long term gig, but should be lucrative and notable while it lasts. 

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6 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I hope this Sotomayer woman never shows up on The View again.

No, no, no, @TheGreenKnight! it's Setmayer! No o's!!!! And now I remembered another reason why I don't like her totally. 

And like @Haleth said, Jedifoxbot now also taught sixth and seventh graders? Was a student AND guidance counselor? And just earlier this week, or was it last, she said she taught high school students. Which was it?

Jedifoxbot should just put up what she HASN'T done.????

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Jed is insufferable.  We get it, you hate Hillary.   She wrote a book about the election, and you want to ARGUE about what is in the book you  haven't read?   Jed would only be happy if Hillary's book said "my fault, I suck."   She rattles off all the "mistakes"  Hillary made campaigning, not dong enough appearances in this state or that state.   Yeah - Monday morning quarterbacking is what they call it. 

And then -  When Jed was done, and Sunny was giving her view, Jed does that rude thing she always does.   Shakes her head, talks over Sunny, saying, "No,  no, uh uh," then picks up her mug and drinks, making it clear she is NOT listening.     And then when Sara talks, Jed does the same thing, shaking her head.  As soon as Sara takes a breath, Jed jumps in and starts on her anti-Hillary rant.  

How the HELL can she and Tara insist that Hillary was such a terrible candidate, when SHE WON THE POPULAR VOTE?????

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Teens having sex in the home?   

I've raised two sons, and no, I never allowed then to have people in the house when I wasn't there, and they did not have overnight dates in my home.   Even as young adults, coming home after college, they did not have girlfriends sleeping over in my house.  I talked to them about responsibility and boundaries.   Even though I knew they were sexually active,  there is something about sex IN MY HOUSE that bothered me.  It's not about thinking sex without marriage is immoral, it's about family boundaries and roles.  

(besides that, there's the fear that if they could do whatever they want in my house, where's the motivation to move out?)  

Jed is an idiot on this topic as well.  Teacher, student advisor, guidance counselor, so she knows everything. give me a break.   Yes, SOME kids are having sex in junior high.  But most of them are not, and there's been research to back that up.  

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5 hours ago, backformore said:

And then -  When Jed was done, and Sunny was giving her view, Jed does that rude thing she always does.   Shakes her head, talks over Sunny, saying, "No,  no, uh uh," then picks up her mug and drinks, making it clear she is NOT listening.     And then when Sara talks, Jed does the same thing, shaking her head.  As soon as Sara takes a breath, Jed jumps in and starts on her anti-Hillary rant.  

She especially does this when Sunny's talking and it's one of the reasons I find her to be the vilest person they've ever had on this show and hope she gets fired sometime down the line.

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8 hours ago, backformore said:

And then -  When Jed was done, and Sunny was giving her view, Jed does that rude thing she always does.   Shakes her head, talks over Sunny, saying, "No,  no, uh uh," then picks up her mug and drinks, making it clear she is NOT listening.  

Yeah, she has that smug smirk while she shakes her head, very dismissive.  I don't get the point of rehashing the Clinton campaign ad nauseum.  Yes, we all agree the Dems made some terrible mistakes that cost them the election, but every time Jed gets all superior about it I'd like to remind her that we ended up with "the new guy" as a result.  There's no reason to be giddy about how poorly the Dems performed in certain states when we are all treading water on the Titanic.

Edited by Haleth
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I thought Jed said last year that she'd ALSO been a principal/headmistress??  I remember being slightly (& very briefly) impressed that such a young woman was a former school leader, but now realize it was probably her mom's acting school!

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On 7/28/2017 at 4:10 PM, merriebreeze said:

I missed the name of the show/benefit Joy announced she and Rosie are going to be performing in.

Good on Mario. By happenstance (uncanny resemblance to Mooch) he gets a break. Might not be a long term gig, but should be lucrative and notable while it lasts. 

Poor Mario may be out of a job already.  He just can't get a break. 

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