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S19.E11: Live Eviction #3; Head of Household #4


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3 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Remember those of us out west appreciate it when you are chatty, we have 2 hours to go! 

Josh is a lying liar who lies who fucked up a pool game and when Mark called him out on it Josh lied some more and Mark threw hot sauce in his face (which admittedly is uncool) and Josh threw ketchup and mayo on Mark and then their mommies said they should lay down for nappy time.

  • Love 21

 Julie looks like she's headed to the boardwalk after the show.

 I kinda like Mark.   He didn't didn't get angry when Josh dumped the ketchup on him and even apologized to Josh after he calmed down.  Josh OTOH is a petulant little bitch that has no business passing judgement on who's a real man.

 Is it just me, or without makeup does Raven look like Marcia Brady in the Oh My Nose! episode?

 I love how Big Brother has finally wised up.   Their epic twists always fizzles after the first 3 weeks so this year they gave it a real expiration date rather than just forgetting it about like someone flashed Production with a Men in Black pen.

 I keep going back and forth on Alex.  I like that she's here to play but she's a moron to throw in with Paul and she runs and tells everything to the 'majority alliance' like she's part of them.  Uh no, these are the people who were trying to get you out and are only hanging out and chatting with you because you're HOH.  I'm surprised she turned into a classic, cliquey mean girl so quickly.

 Did Ramses DOR?  I forgot he was still in the game until he was called into the Den.

 Has Cameron been in solitary for 4 weeks?

 Cody has more personality here than he ever did in the house.  Does the pressure of the house create CodyBot?  Or has Production drugged him?

 Cameron had better hope the Battle Back doesn't involve stripper poles.

 This was basically a boring, cocktease episode.  Landslide vote.  No HOH.  No details on what the Battle Back is.  No idea what the consequence is.  

  • Love 14

First and foremost, can we talk about how cute Julie's outfit was?

Secondly, the game is clearly not rigged for Paul because Jessica getting the Halting Hex right before Cody might return is the worst thing that could have happened to his game. (There is absolutely no way in Hell that America voted to give Jessica that Temptation. America likes her better than Alex or Kevin or literally anybody else in that house? Riiiiiight.)

What's the deal with no HOH? It's bad enough with the To Be Continued comps but now we don't even get that.

** Is there a separate live chat thread for people who want to post while the show is airing so it doesn't clutter up the episode thread? 

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 7

So, that was...yeah. Mark and Josh both acted like big babies during that fight. Josh was wrong and was insistent he wasn't (and I truly believe that he believed he didn't scratch), but Mark throwing the pickle juice and hot sauce into Josh's face as he was speaking was pretty childish, and then he smirked about it so....yeah, neither boy came out looking good.

Heh, Dominique got evicted in a landslide, and Jess won the temptation. That was a nice surprise. 

Cody showed some expressions when he saw Dom. I notice that she was whispering to him, probably confirming his thoughts about Paul. I'm not sure who I want in the house. The issue with Cody back in is Jessica with the temptation and I don't want either to backslide into week 1/2. Also, I'm sick of showmances on this season. But Dominique is just going to go back into that house right back to where she started. I'm not quite sure she can salvage those relationships because they're still fresh. Jillian wants to team up with Elena or Raven which...no. I don't think she'll fare any better. Cameron is the wild card because we never got to see him play, so I would not mind him going in. He's a fresh face to everyone still and I don't think he'd just be automatically targeted, especially with the tension in the house. But he'd probably just coddle to Paul so unless he's warned by Cody and Dom, then it might not be a good thing for Cameron.

So, we basically get no information. The consequence is being released next Thursday, so it's probably a Double Eviction that night. Battle Back is tomorrow and it sounds like it'll be just one competition that all four compete in (unless they're doing it all tonight). 

I think I'd rather Cody got back into the house because now that he got info from Dom (the best thing that could have happened), him and Jessica could go after Paul. I wish they did announce that his safety was up, though. 


  • Love 7

Has anyone seen that "snake" dress on any of the women?  When they showed Paul stripping it off after POV, he was stomping all over it with his shoes on. If production provided this dress to him I will be pissed. But not surprised.  I just don't believe even Paul would have the balls to treat anyone's personal clothing in that manner. 

  • Love 3

I still can't believe Jillian was surprised to be evicted.  

Nice live shot of Josh scratching his junk when talking to Paul, SO glad I happened to be looking at the TV.

Not cool to have the third week in a row without the conclusion of the HoH on Thursday, show.

I still like Paul, but why is he constantly running around in his underwear?  Mark too, during the fight he was wearing what appeared to be undies, then went in and changed and somehow managed to find something even smaller.

Shut your face, Jess.  You joined in on Mark and Josh's fight and then got all butt hurt when Josh snapped back.

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I just don't believe even Paul would have the balls to treat anyone's personal clothing in that manner. 

Paul doesn't care about anyone but himself, so I can easily see it.

1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Stop an eviction that week, cause a double eviction next week. But then it would have an actual cause and effect that made sense, so Big Brother would never do that. Slop for everyone?

Watch it be super lame like the toad thing lol.

If it was that once it was used it triggered a DE I think Julie just would have told us that tonight. Why hold it until next week?

1 minute ago, mojoween said:

Not cool to have the third week in a row without the conclusion of the HoH on Thursday, show.

It's because they don't have BotB or Roadkill to fill the Sunday eps. I'd rather they just keep on not showing HOHs live then bring either of those back!

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Watch it be super lame like the toad thing lol.

If it was that once it was used it triggered a DE I think Julie just would have told us that tonight. Why hold it until next week?


I mean, this show was just jam-packed with excitement and forward momentum in the game. There was... I mean, there was that moment when... ooh, or how about when... um...

Yeah, I got nothin'. 

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 12

Holy crap, Jillian. Just because you're back to a weight you were when younger doesn't mean you should dress like you're eight again. That woman is so utterly clueless and is the only one I'm rooting "against" to return. I think Julie said something about 3 battle-back competitions; my guess is perhaps a series in which all play and one is eliminated each time?

  • Love 4

Are those Target dollar spot cat ears surgerically attached to Alex's skull? 

I wonder if she knows they are only a jokey cringe cliche for Instagram/YouTube makeup tutorials done by teenagers. 

Raven needs to wear makeup that matches her skin. 

Paul's mugging and nodding while Dominique was so vain and douchechill. His fur vest, constant talking or dancing, and voting coatume of a leopard print halter dress with knee socks all I think is: 


  • Love 22

I think the consequence and/or "twist" to the battle back is that now it's going to be vets battling the four and if one of them wins they go back in instead. (btw totally unspoiled and just guess based on how shady Julie was being) So whoever mentioned Frankie NOT being back may have to hold their breath.

Josh is pathological and will never be accused of being 'Well spoken'. Way to come classy with the hurling condiments on someone who disagrees with you. Are you like 4??

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Wandering Snark said:

I think the consequence and/or "twist" to the battle back is that now it's going to be vets battling the four and if one of them wins they go back in instead. (btw totally unspoiled and just guess based on how shady Julie was being) So whoever mentioned Frankie NOT being back may have to hold their breath.

Are you trying to make me cry? And dry heave into a bucket at the same time? 

  • Love 16

I Kinda want to give Mark a hug. Guy seems like a giant teddy bear.

Dom is cray and Paul is still an obnoxious asshat.

Mixed feelings on Jess getting the hex. She's proven to be a mean girl when she has a taste of power.

Oh and Matt's little sarcastic thanks to America for not rewarding him the hex?  You gotta do something to earn it buddy besides eat cereal in the background.

Ramses' little dance is his best moment of the season thus far. 

  • Love 8

My bad, that looked like someone's orange drink?? Didn't realize that's what it was. That was uncalled for then... but Mark is also 4 so there you go...

1 minute ago, vb68 said:

Ramses' little dance is his best moment of the season thus far. 

There's not exactly hours of tape up for consideration. I kinda forgot he was still in. Bye Victoria!

  • Love 1

Dominique kind of blew up her own game. I don't watch the feeds, so I don't know if the alliance she was in was working against her or not, but all of her ranting about people being against her only served to convince her former allies to evict her. What happened to Mark? I thought she and he were tight. Are they all such sheep that when Paul suggests someone they just fall in line?  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, urusai said:

Wow Jess got the temptation.

The fix was in ..... cough, cough, Grodner interruptus

1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

Final Den of Temptation.  Jessica wins it.  Can stop 1 eviction over next 4 weeks.

The consequence will be revealed later.

She doesn't know whether to use it now or not.  Must be invoked before voting begins.

Is it just me that the Den of Temptation results always occurring .... later ..... makes the shot of the Hamsters gathered around watching the TV an incredible wast of time, and basically padding.  The previouslies are almost 5 minutes long now.

And can't they figure who got the temptation based on how long that person spends in the temptation den ?  I'd be timing everyone.

  • Love 4

Honestly does anyone want to see duds like Jillian or Cameron wasting space in the Big Brother house? We already have that with Matt, Raven and Ramses.

I don't believe that Jess really won the vote...especially as no proof is ever offered...her winning fits the narrative as they are likely planning the Battle Back so it favors Cody. If they get Cody back in then they can pick up the Cody/Jess story and keep it prolonged by giving Jess the power to save her or Cody whenevr they might find themselves on the block seperatly or together.

The best case scenario would have been Jess using it tonight. That would reset the board. Jess stays, Dom stays and the producers manipulate Cody back into the house as he will likely would handily beat Cameron and Jillian.  Then we'd have a pretty much a do over for the season and this time Paul would NOT be safe (until Alison whips out some new shenanigan to save him) but no....I'm sure in the DR they were pressuing her not to use it.

Josh is the most over grown baby I've seen on a reality show since Luke of Margie/Luke on the AMAZING RACE.

Alex HOH is ending and it wasn't really even hers....it was all Paul. Why is he so threatened by Dom?

And of course the final cut away with all the cameras in the house has to focus on Paul starting to Puppet master against Jess. I do hope Cody comes back just to rally against Paul.

Mark not even giving a pity vote or showing any emotion when voting out Dom was dissapointing....I always thought there was more going on there them him looking at her as a sister as he claimed.

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

I don't believe that Jess really won the vote...especially as no proof is ever offered...her winning fits the narrative as they are likely planning the Battle Back so it favors Cody.

Her fitting the narrative, though, is likely why she DID win the vote, since the narrative had been supporting her and Cody the last week or so. 

38 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It's because they don't have BotB or Roadkill to fill the Sunday eps. I'd rather they just keep on not showing HOHs live then bring either of those back!

Oh, hells yes. 

  • Love 3

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