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S14.E07: Academy Week #3

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The Academy comes to an end after a challenging callbacks round that featured tough choreography and incredible performances from dancers who gave it their all. Find out which finalists are one step closer to making it into the Top 10 to compete in the live shows.

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Jenna seems a bit ... horny.  She bugs even more than when she was on the show.  Not my cup of tea.

Why did we get so much time on her, and not see Fik-Shun's dancers at all?  I hate this editing.

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You can easily see who they are going to pick.  

10 minutes ago, BryroseA said:

Sooo...Jenna want to bone Kevin, is what I got from this episode. 

Seriously.   I really want to see a tapper and a male ballroom dancer on the show too.  

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Normally I'm about as anti-woooooo as you can get but at this point I am so sick of hearing the All Stars randomly yell, "HEY!" during every dance that I would gladly welcome some WOOOOOOOOOOO (but not the ear piercing Mary Murphy kind).

Unfortunately for most of this year's crop of contestants, dancing one on one with the All Stars is just highlighting the contestants' weaknesses and drawing attention to what a gap there is in both technique and performance between the two groups.

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18 minutes ago, BryroseA said:

Sooo...Jenna want to bone Kevin, is what I got from this episode. 

Maybe, but she's dating Val Chmerkovskiy so I think it's mostly an act.  In general though, Jenna is the type of dancer that is all sex all the time.  Which is fine (go women owning their sexuality), but that is sort of her go to on the dance floor when left to her own devices.  It would be nice to see more shades to her performances.

Edited by spanana
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 That's why it was so strange last season  when she was dancing with a tiny little boy! That pairing Just did not work at all.   

Why does Alison seem so different?   I get that it's been many years since she started on the show, she looks and acts completely unrecognizable. 

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Um, lol, why did the All Stars go SO NUTS during that Krump performance?  Was it worthy of that ?  LOL.  I was laughing HYSTERICALLY at their reactions.  They looked shell-shocked.  Cyrus and Robert and Fictions' faces.  They were just : | : | : | so funny

Alison has gotten a lot of work done.  Every season I see this person I have no idea who she is until the announcer tells us.  Different face every season.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I really enjoyed watching the last two team members dance with the AS.  I wish we'd seen more of that.  I really wanted to see more of Jasmyn and her dancers.  I also enjoyed hearing what the other Allstars had to say to each dancing AS about their partnerships.

Jenna was downright creepy with the kid last season.  She does not seem capable of turning the horny tap off.

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Really, a dancer "left the competition" by having to go to the hospital to get stitches??? That didn't sit right with me, since I'm sure it was something the medic told her she needed to do. That seriously sucks for her.

So annoyed by all the montaging. 

Jenna still bugs.

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I don't get why they don't make the unedited versions available on Hulu or YouTube... I get if Fox only gave them a limited amount of episodes... but this is a montage show disguised as a regular competition.

The Voice and X-Factor formula is a tried and true method that works if you actually use it... but all you did was show highlights and gut it beyond recognition.

You could save your show if you would just commit to the changes instead of fake them.

Still looking forward to the live shows... but no wonder you keep bleeding ratings.

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I ended up forwarding towards the end.  It is so fake and edit it's not even worth watching.  The All Stars banter, facial expressions, and discussions are so fake they are cringeworthy.  I'm almost embarrassed for them.  If these All Stars  are so great (and most of them are),  they should be out doing gigs and not on this crap fest.  It's not like any of them are old and can't get professional dancing jobs anymore.   

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8 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:

I ended up forwarding towards the end.  It is so fake and edit it's not even worth watching.  The All Stars banter, facial expressions, and discussions are so fake they are cringeworthy.  I'm almost embarrassed for them.  If these All Stars  are so great (and most of them are),  they should be out doing gigs and not on this crap fest.  It's not like any of them are old and can't get professional dancing jobs anymore.   

Unfortunately, being a professional dancer is not very lucrative so they are probably getting paid more to be on this crapfest than they would booking other dance jobs. The other thing is that being on this show boosts their celebrity which means that they can get paid more to teach at conventions.

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Unfortunately, being a professional dancer is not very lucrative so they are probably getting paid more to be on this crapfest than they would booking other dance jobs. The other thing is that being on this show boosts their celebrity which means that they can get paid more to teach at conventions.

Good point but does the show at this point boost their celebrity?  I mean I guess it wouldn't still be on if the ratings weren't there but I personally don't know anyone who watches it and many people I know never even heard of the show.  Which I guess is hard to believe since it's been on for 12 years.  

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3 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:

Good point but does the show at this point boost their celebrity?  I mean I guess it wouldn't still be on if the ratings weren't there but I personally don't know anyone who watches it and many people I know never even heard of the show.  Which I guess is hard to believe since it's been on for 12 years.  

Dancers who attend conventions watch the show and they are the ones whose parents pay for them to attend conventions. If you see the ads for these conventions, they always have photos of the guest teachers and sometimes there are less well known dancers who have a description underneath their names ("Broadway dancer") but for dancers like Allison, Travis, etc. who got major exposure from SYTYCD, they don't require a descriptor (some of the less well known SYTYCD contestants who teach at these conventions have "SYTYCD contestant" underneath their names).

I know lots of people who still watch the show (some are former dancers, some are still dancers now, and some were never dancers but love watching dance) so I guess it just depends on your circle of friends. I know teenagers who watch the show as well as adults in their 60s who watch the show and  every age in between (although the bulk of people I know who watch the show are in their late 20s through early 40s).

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Why does Alison seem so different?   I get that it's been many years since she started on the show, she looks and acts completely unrecognizable. 

I remember her as being earnest, artistic, and having a mop of  tiny ringlets.  The Alison on this show looks like she's on Real Housewives of SYTYCD.

There's nooo way Lex Ishimoto's not getting picked. Also that Kiki/Kevin thing is bull too.  Jenna picked Kiki because he knows/is related to her boyfriend.  Kiki screwed up big and she still picked him.  Now Kiki has gotten national exposure, she will pick Kevin who follows the show !Untrained! Dancer storyline they like to push at us. I like to say the name "Kiki."

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Yes I guess it's all who you know.  I love dance and so does my family but most people I know don't nor do they know how to judge who is talented (singing, dancing, or acting). Drives me nuts when someone would sing off key and they couldn't hear it.

I wish they showed more of Allison dancing. While fake as can be personality wise,  I still think she is one of the best dancers out there.  (Although I didn't love her ballroom from what I watched on DWTS).  Why do much focus on Jenna?  Some above mentioned her owning her sexuality but I look it at more as it coming off as desperation.  If you are confident at how good you are, you don't have to make everything sexual.  That being said,  maybe she is coached to dance that way.

Do you think any of the All Stars are going to pick a partner of the same sex?

Edited by Laurie4H
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3 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Twitch got Magic Mike XXL and SYTYCD probably was the major factor in him getting that role, right?

Twitch is on Ellen totally due to his stints on SYTYCD

Nigel has turned this show into a one all about the All-Stars.  Jasmine said it when she said she was looking for someone who had chemistry with her.  is Gabby going to make Lex do tap every week?   I hate the idea that really good dancers are going home because they don't matchy matchy with an All-Stars skills.  That defeats the whole idea of showcasing versatility

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Dancers who attend conventions watch the show and they are the ones whose parents pay for them to attend conventions. If you see the ads for these conventions, they always have photos of the guest teachers and sometimes there are less well known dancers who have a description underneath their names ("Broadway dancer") but for dancers like Allison, Travis, etc. who got major exposure from SYTYCD, they don't require a descriptor (some of the less well known SYTYCD contestants who teach at these conventions have "SYTYCD contestant" underneath their names).

I agree with this.  Most of these people can book professional dance jobs and do, but only this sort of television exposure boosts their celebrity and their celebrity allows them to have fans, who in turn support their other endeavors.  As above, boosted prices to teach at conventions/classes, maybe featured performances in touring dance shows (anyone who has ever been on DWTS can get spots headlining on various ballroom touring stage shows), some sell clothing and other athletic gear in the name of their brand (Twitch/Allison), some try to sell themselves as lifestyle gurus and have wellness blogs that rely on hits from fans.  Sometimes it's as simple as the money they make hawking various products on their instagram/social media pages to their followers.  You can get paid to hawk everything from flat tummy teas to cleanses to vitamins. There are even apps where some low level celebs/dancers charge fans to chat with them or fans pay for videos and etc.  I think for most the ultimate goal is bigger than that...they want to act or sing or be in movies or get to that next stage, but I think it's the longer they can make their celebrity last, the better living they can make.

In terms of who watches SYTYCD, I'd argue that I'm not sure they bring in much in the way of new eyes at this point.  Dancers watch it (hence conventions/classes) and those that have always watched SYTYCD watch it, but the audience is so small that it's not exactly going to boost someone to great heights on its own.  DWTS has its own issues but I think that is far greater exposure for professional dancers trying to build a brand.  But of course SYTYCD is better than no tv exposure.

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I do not approve of Gaby and Jenna acting like they have no idea who Lex and Kiki are. I'll blame the writers/producers/whomever, but it is dishonest to the extreme. I understand, as others have said, it's a small world and lots of them know each other. But there's no way Gaby and Lex could be in the same company, or Kiki the best friend of Jenna's finance (or whatever the relationship is) and not already know some of the inane things they're saying. Of course, for the presumably vast majority who don't know, it probably sounds normal. But it's a level of deception that isn't needed. 

Sorry I don't have exact quotes to offer.

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A lot of the dancers who make the top 20 or 10 or etc....are already known by the choreographers and that is why I never thought the actual additions for this or Idol were legit.  Most I think are hand picked ahead of time.

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Like others have said, this academy bit and the selection process looks very contrived.  It is a TV show after all and I can't imagine that the show runners would let the All-stars do the casting.  The phony suspense about Lex is hilarious. He did star in the national tour of Billy Elliot when he was 11 years old and he appears to have some stature in the American dance community.  The comments by the All-stars among themselves are inane.  The top 10 dancing with the all-stars in rotation is OK but I still miss the pre-All-stars days when the kids all danced with each other.   The ratings for the this season so far in the key 19-49 demographic group have not been good and the viewership numbers have slipped every week.  You have to wonder how many more chances is FOX going to give the show beyond this season.

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Isn't the big lesson we've learned from social media is that businesses need to be authentic and transparent?!  It is only a matter of time before the same will be expected from reality TV that purports to be real (as opposed to unscripted.) There were lots of ways for Gaby and Jenna to express concern or doubts about people they already knew, that would be plausible. Jenna saying something like I understand you're pretty big in the world of ballroom is inane on so many levels: if nothing else, doesn't she keep up? Gaby worrying that she won't feel a connection with someone she's already been dancing with is borderline dishonest, i.e. has she been faking it all this time? Better to say, I'm concerned about your lack of versatility and unwillingness to smile, respectively.  

In a nutshell, that the narrative is poorly written. And naturally there has to be one. But if you're not going to follow what develops on its own, TPTB, then hire a better writer for your talking points and a novelist as your showrunner. This is a big reason why you're losing your audience: what you're offering doesn't feel true. We want to see dancing, start to finish. We want see how the All-Stars are going to mentor the contestants, based on a realistic assessment of what needs working on (shyness, bad attitudes, lousy feet., whatever.) And it would be truly lovely to see how the contestants get their mentors to up their game. There's plenty of drama already there without  you needing to create it.   

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Last season, when the kids danced with their All-Star, they did their own genre and the genre of their All-Star.  It worked out because the kids' genres matched their All-Star.   This season, I hope Lex doesn't have to do tap all the time when he dances with Gaby.  While he can do it, I want to see him do other styles too and luckily, Gaby can do those styles.  It was ridiculous for the show to make it look like Lex can't tap.  Somebody can't do a tap routine without previously doing it.

Havoc was fantastic when he danced with Cyrus.  Unfortunately, he's like him because he's not versatile enough.  While Kaylee was good with her duet with Cyrus, she didn't look as comfortable as when she does her fusion contemporary style.  I think it would be a disadvantage to her if she always has to do Cyrus' genre but then he can't do other styles well.  At least, he couldn't during his season and I don't know how much he's improved.

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I hope someday the story behind why the girl dropped out of Robert's team is told in full. Because that was beyond weirdly edited. Part of me wants to believe she simply saw the writing on the wall (that Robert never really had eyes for anyone other than Taylor Sieve) and just decided to bounce. I feel like the dancers had to be able to "read the temperature of the room" in how the All Stars were reacting to each of their members, and we aren't exactly getting a true reflection of that in how it's being shown to us. That's why Ramita surpised me with her emotion. You'd think she could've seen her cut from Ballroom Paul coming from a thousand miles away...

There's just so little drama with most of the team's final two they really didn't need to drag this out (although I will give a tiny bit of credit to the editing of how they showed Gaby's team cutting back and forth between her routines with Evan and Lex. I guess they did that with a few others, but her's seemed a little more fleshed out and I liked how you got to see Evan and Lex approach the same choreography spots with slightly different techniques and emphases).

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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I feel a lot of shows also dip in ratings because of it isn't fresh anymore.  How many female dancers in small dance shorts doing developpe's can we watch?  Same with singing competitions.  After a while all divas and rockers etc....start to sound the same.  There just aren't as many stand outs either.

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4 hours ago, cali1981 said:

The ratings for the this season so far in the key 19-49 demographic group have not been good and the viewership numbers have slipped every week.  You have to wonder how many more chances is FOX going to give the show beyond this season.

This doesn't surprise me in the least.  Last night's show was torturous, and I almost turned it off myself.  I have watched this show since season 2 (except the kiddies last season) and the all-stars are not why I am here.  And I am really not here for the Jenna show, so if last night is any indication of how the season is going to go, I'm out.  Why did we get every second of both of her routines (minus, of course, the shots of the AH-MAZED faces of the other all-stars), while we barely got glimpses of others?


2 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

There's just so little drama with most of the team's final two they really didn't need to drag this out (although I will give a tiny bit of credit to the editing of how they showed Gaby's team cutting back and forth between her routines with Evan and Lex. I guess they did that with a few others, but her's seemed a little more fleshed out and I liked how you got to see Evan and Lex approach the same choreography spots with slightly different techniques and emphases).

Agreed.  The way they cut both of Gabby's routines together was the one entertaining point in the entire show for me.

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I was never a fan of Gabby but I feel like she is even more annoying now than ever before.

 Konkrete is way hot and Kiki didn't look that great doing his own style with Jenna so I hope Konkrete gets picked.

I just can't watch anyone else when Cyrus is on screen.  Sorry Havoc and Kaylee (sp.)

I know less than nothing about the two boys who danced with Jasmine.  

I hate this whole format though.

Edited by mojoween
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14 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

Yes I guess it's all who you know.  I love dance and so does my family but most people I know don't nor do they know how to judge who is talented (singing, dancing, or acting). Drives me nuts when someone would sing off key and they couldn't hear it.

I wish they showed more of Allison dancing. While fake as can be personality wise,  I still think she is one of the best dancers out there.  (Although I didn't love her ballroom from what I watched on DWTS).  Why do much focus on Jenna?  Some above mentioned her owning her sexuality but I look it at more as it coming off as desperation.  If you are confident at how good you are, you don't have to make everything sexual.  That being said,  maybe she is coached to dance that way.

Do you think any of the All Stars are going to pick a partner of the same sex?

Maybe Cryrus will pick a partner of the same sex.  Fixshun (spelling) I believe will pick the girl.  I think she is a better dancer and he has  a history of having great chemistry with his past female partner.   it brings out the flirty, cute humorous playful side that he usually has in his dances.

 The Gaby shouldn't pick the tapper contestant.  The Lex  is incredible as a dancer, as a mover, and as a personality and I think the tapper contestant is good but nothing that Special. 

This season has the greatest diversitof any season.   There are so many great dancers of Asian background and I hope they're willing to offer places on the shell to all of them because they're really really talented and great personalities. Usually shows the limit "types".  I think Marco's best dancer is his Asian contestant.  I know they (producers) used to avoid putting two black people together so I don't know if they'll have an avoidance of putting two Asians together.  I hope the show has gotten over some of its old hangups.

 I'm less sure about the outcome of Jenna choice. The Kiki story could bring in a lot more ballroom lovers and it is her style. She knows exactly how to sign as the sexy ballroom dancer.   If she goes the way of Kevin she can learn to express herself in another style and incorporate other movement and of course there is the untrained dancer story that they always use. Really not sure how that one is going to end up. Because Kevin I think that's his name (maybe it is Koncrete) really does have a flexibility issue, I'm not sure if she's got the chorographic chops to make the best use of him.  Kiki is the better choice?  

But that brings up another question are they having some of the traditional choreographers to do more than the intro dance at the beginning? Will they always be dancing in the All-Star's style or the contestants style or will they be assigned a style?

 I wasn't interested in watching the auditions so I caught up with the Academy and went back and watched the final audition. I don't really have a favorite why yes I do.  Since I have problems with names and I just started watching I'm not sure of his name. I think it's Lex Ishimoto(spelling) and he would be working with the tapper.  I pick him as the winner.

Edited by Kira53
Went back and got some names, spelling
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12 hours ago, Mason said:

We want see how the All-Stars are going to mentor the contestants, based on a realistic assessment of what needs working on (shyness, bad attitudes, lousy feet., whatever.) And it would be truly lovely to see how the contestants get their mentors to up their game. There's plenty of drama already there without  you needing to create it.   

But if TPTB do this, will they be able to control who will win?

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This season is painful because of the emphasis on the All Stars. They just aren't charming or personable enough. The Voice coaches work because they are funny and have big personalities. I cringe at whatever Robert says and Jenna is just too much all the time.

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I really don't like this format at all, and it was just highlighted by this episode. All that ridiculous agonizing and dramatic pausing. The moaning, "This is the toughest decision OF. MY. LIFE." Like we'e on the Bachelor suddenly. I've always enjoyed this show for discovering new talent and the watching couples grow and bond. And now it's about a bunch of people who already had their shot at this and aren't really interesting enough to headline this sort of thing. Robert and Jasmin? Beautiful dancers. Not interesting. 

I had an irrational dislike for Jenna on her year. I don't watch DWTS anymore, so I was unable to form a new opinion as a result of that. I was hoping I was wrong about her being annoying. I wasn't.

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It takes an awful lot for me to tune out of an episode of a dance show. (I mean, I've stuck with World of Dance to the bitter end, despite its manifold failings). But I tuned out from this episode just over half-way through - it was just becoming too painful. It was obvious who was going to get cut (I mean, the gender thing, apart from anything else. Except for the hip-hop allstars, if you were picked for the "team" - aka brutal mini-elimination round - of an allstar of your own gender, just go pack your bags right away). And the mixture of fakey fakey acting and genuine disappointment every 5 minutes was making me depressed, as was the very low dance-to-nonsense ratio.  I went and watched cheerfully silly but muscled people do impossible things on a cheerfully silly obstacle course (American Ninja Warrior) instead.

Give me a show where I can watch a set of well-crafted dance routines, decently filmed, one after the other, with a minimum of babble (and since you must have it, place that babble predictably before commercial breaks so I can mute and go do something else in the breaks).  That's all I ask. It's not so much, really.

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At this point, if SYTYCD gets another season, I wish they would dispense with all the auditioning episodes and go straight to competition between the 20 top dancers in the country. We all know that TPTB choose who they want in their final anyway.  Just show us a brief montage (we know they know how to edit those) of the auditioning process, then go straight to competition.  And no "All-Stars"  </eyeroll> until the top 10.

Edited by StrictTime
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They should just go back to the old format of pairing up contestants until the top 10 and then mixing the partners up from then on (some performances with All Stars, some with fellow contestants). I want to discover new dancers, not rehash the same old All Stars, some of them who didn't even perform that well in their seasons. The last time they had the old format was season 11? The one with Ricky, Zack and Jessica. Yeah that was a good season and we had a lot of memorable routines from that season. 

I never took notice of Gaby in her season but does she always talk in this entitled manner? And it's funny how they are deliberating about Lex. I think as a dancer, he's on par or better than most of the All Stars, including Gaby. 

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8 hours ago, crossover said:

But if TPTB do this, will they be able to control who will win?

That's why I suggested a novelist for a showrunner! Novelists are used to dealing with a variety of plot points :-) 

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16 hours ago, Kira53 said:

............. Since I have problems with names and I just started watching I'm not sure of his name. I think it's Lex Ishimoto(spelling) and he would be working with the tapper.  I pick him as the winner.

I predicted Lex as the winner at the beginning of the academy. I don't have a very good record of picking winners, but I think I would win a bet with Lex. His movement is beyond gorgeous and he has tap in his resume'. How can Gabby not choose him? He will be the winner after all!

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On 7/31/2017 at 10:28 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Normally I'm about as anti-woooooo as you can get but at this point I am so sick of hearing the All Stars randomly yell, "HEY!" during every dance that I would gladly welcome some WOOOOOOOOOOO (but not the ear piercing Mary Murphy kind).

Unfortunately for most of this year's crop of contestants, dancing one on one with the All Stars is just highlighting the contestants' weaknesses and drawing attention to what a gap there is in both technique and performance between the two groups.

There was a major woo or hey during both Marko routines, and it was for a leap that he did, which made me laugh, because he wasn't the one you were supposed to be watching/impressed by, and it did highlight that Marko was better.

Kiki messed up again. There was a missed hand connection that wasn't really a big deal, but it was obvious, and it was his fault, and no one mentioned it. Grr.

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3 hours ago, dcalley said:
On 7/31/2017 at 10:28 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Kiki messed up again. There was a missed hand connection that wasn't really a big deal, but it was obvious, and it was his fault, and no one mentioned it. Grr.


I noticed!  I know less than nothing about ballroom other than if I think it looks pretty and that...did not.  It's why I like the other boy better.  

(Sorry, I'm on my phone and can't get the extraneous quote box out without messing it all up)

Edited by mojoween
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I saw that missed connection too. Kiki impressed me so much during his audition that I still give him a pass and would choose him over the other guy. I don't know how well he would do with Jenna though. I don't think she's a great ballroom partner. She always make it about herself. 

Edited by waving feather
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I also hate this format a lot.  I would much prefer there be a top 20 that would have the 'random' pairings until top 10, when they are 'randomly' paired with an All Star...those were some good seasons.  I actually prefer the old school format and not have the All Stars, but that sure as hell wouldn't happen assuming the show gets another season.  I just hated how we hardly get to see any dancing on a damn dance show.  Maybe we will when we are finished with all the academy bs.

Lex is a gorgeous dancer and my favorite so far, although I did like Kevin, Fikshun's girl partner and some of the others I am too lazy to look up as well.

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All the reactions from the All Stars were totally ridiculous.  You'd think these weren't moves they've seen a thousand times before.  I mean, c'mon, director.  We're not that stupid.  None of those dancers were worthy of even 1/3 the hoots, yeahs, astonished faces and standing ovations.  

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I have laugh at the All Stars acting like they are a celebrity judging panel. Lol, simmer down!

I don't get the oohing and aahing over that last performance of Jenna and hip hop dude. It was so disjointed and sloppy that it's like an intense dance parody. Only Marko's routine looked like an actual dance routine.

Edited by waving feather
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I didn't get it, either.  And I didn't understand why all the others had to dance out of their genre unless they happened to share one with their coach, but the crumper(?) with a  ballroom coach gets a special contempo-crumpy-lite routine just for him?  

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